#I do like Radi so thats why I dedicated this whole thing to her
angeliccynthious · 4 years
more AU stuff, I guess until I run out of things to talk about regarding this AU- This here is mostly centered on Radiance, I’ll prolly do one for PK aswell sometime today. - Radi, as previously stated many times, lives alone in the Resting Grounds where Seer used to live. She’s just decided to sit and stay here because shes got really nothing else to do, sometimes she goes through Spirits Glade. - When Ghost suddenly shows up, she will literally flip out. This is the ultimate god here, and they’re the one who basically killed her! and.. and.. made her basically mortal.. aka.. brought her back to life- but still in her mind this fucker is dangerous. Though in reality they just wanna hang out with her, with Grimmchild in tow. - On the topic of Grimmchild, she calls Radi ‘Big sister’ or something like that because technically they would be siblings. - Radi seems like she doesn’t like anybody, but when people come and visit her (aka mostly Ghost n Grimmchild), deep inside, she does enjoy their company. - Maybe in the future, she decides to move around a bit more and that’s when she stumbles upon Hollow. She’s shocked to see them, in a better shape no less, and wonders if they will attack her. But no, they just stare, long enough for her to get the hell out of there. She’d then probably ask the two travelers about Hollow, sort of.. wondering if they hate her. She doesn’t really want to get attacked out of nowhere either way. - I can say... Hollow does not completely hate her. I guess if they came upon one another earlier, Hollow would have definitely went and attacked her. - Radi isn’t really.. all that sorry for what she’s done to Hollow. She thinks she had reason to do so, because she wanted to desperately break out. But she does think if Hollow were to attack her, she’d let them because she guesses she deserves it. Girl are you guilty or not make up your m i nd- - The gal still retains some of her powers from when she was literally a god, mostly the whole summoning those nails or whatever. - Her and PK do not like each other, and when he learns Ghost n Grimmchild allowed Lil Lady around her he’s uh.. he’s not really happy about it at all. Still he trusts them enough to continue taking her places but not the Resting Grounds, the two.. they-- they don’t listen. They let Lil Lady see her ‘auntie’. -  Andd-- Her opinion on Lil Lady. She finds her incredibly annoying at first, I don’t think she likes children, but eventually she gets used to her, as she did for those two other little shits. She just gives the girl some pats on the head and probably has some tea with her in the way way future. - Oh yeah I guess lastly is the personality I want for her. She’s sort of.. like Yellowfang. Yeah you Warriors people should know what I’m talking about. Grumpy, mean, all that. Yet she has a sorta... grandma vibe. I don’t know how to totally explain it but she gets a bit nicer to those she’s gotten used to. Of course.. aka Ghost, Grimmchild, and Lil Lady.
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