#I cried at GM1 okay don't just write it off as a mindless kaiju romp
escapaldi · 6 months
I got tagged by @gendervapor14!
Get to know me/other people better:
Last song: Colors by FLOW, because I am a weeb of a certain age but also I do genuinely like quite a few songs by them so there we are I love love love the piano house remix
Favorite color: ORANGE. It's not exactly a color I'd do a lot with, but I absolutely adore that bright, obnoxious, day-glo, road barrel orange. Something that a Dutch national sports team or a deer hunter would wear. I tend to like most colors though, yes even yellow, so any angst I might have otherwise over not being able to use my favorite color is usually rendered fairly moot.
Last tv show/movie: The last movie I watched was Godzilla Minus One, which is a well-acted, beautifully-made, wonderful period piece about war and the scars of soldiers (especially those who "weren't supposed to come back") and calling out the futility of the mindless subservience prevalent Japanese culture during the Pacific War when it is possible to choose life and fighting for actual causes and not thinking lives are as disposable as tissues... but also there's a giant glowing lizard that shoots pewpew lasers out its mouth being the nuke allegory that the Lord intended. I am already angry that this movie will not get the recognition it deserves because it's a fucking Godzilla movie but holy shit I was getting artsy film nerd on this thing you don't understandddd... it's one of the best movies I've seen all year and then some... it's that fucking good. I'm also gonna see The Boy and the Heron later and I'm already gearing up for it to lose Best Animated to something stupid like Wish or something good like Super Mario, which was good but I already know we're talking Miyazaki and there's no way it's better than that (note: we've had a really good year in animation so even if The Boy and the Heron loses there's still legitimate options).
Sweet/spicy/savory: All of them! It just depends on my mood. I do have a massive sweet tooth, but since I drink pop often enough there needs to be something to balance it out (sweets go with hot tea). Savory does well with that, as does spice for me. I've gotten better with spice the past few years, but I've always been better with it than some of the rest of my family.
Relationship status: Happily engaged, though with an end-date already set.
Last thing I googled searched: I think it was hook-and-eye closures, because I wanted to know if there were any mainstream alternative uses than bra clasps. It's mostly bra clasps. I made something up.
Current obsession: One Piece, clearly, but I also live for Witch Watch updates and I will not be over Godzilla Minus One for a long-ass time just a bit lower-key.
I'm not gonna tag anyone, but if anyone would like to join in, go ahead!
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