#I also got 7th forestry. sad to place 7th right before medalling but it was also really crazy bc forestry is lowkey a mess for our team
yisanged · 1 month
scioly states finished..... very long day. our team placed 7th overall out of 40 high schools in the entire state. only top 6 place and get trophies. our school has come in 7th or otherwise top ten not placing every year for the past like decade LOL. except it's not as LOL as it really should be because WE DID SO GOOD THIS YEAR and literally two of our consistently best performing events got trialed meaning the scores for those events didn't count towards our overall because the test proctors made stupid mistakes during the set up. really sad :( especially because they're two events two of our most dedicated seniors work really hard for and this was their last year of scioly ever and we didn't get a trophy because the people running the events messed up. lowkey we also kind of ate shit in a few events like 30th and 25th place and a couple mid ones but otherwise we did good like top 20 and a considerable amount of placing so it's totally possible we could've gotten a trophy if those two events had just gone normally. sad for our seniors. also today was literally our schools prom..... so all the seniors and some juniors literally changed into their suits and dresses after they finished their events and just left to go to prom. crazy. but it's ok. funsies. I like science olympiad. I'm dedicating myself to fossils over the summer I've decided. plus geo it's fun. scioly is fun
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