#I KNOW aldis has other stuff going on and that’s fine I’m very happy for him glad he’s getting that superhero movie money
stewystew · 1 year
fucking PLEASE
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peakyxshelby · 7 years
Brummie girl Camden Town
Alfie Solomons x reader
Request: Could I request #3 with Alfie Solomons??
Author’s note: I’m sorry this was so rambly :( I hope you still enjoy and please give me feedback.
Not many people left Small Heath to go pursue education, you only knew of a handful of people that had and only one of which was another women. She pretty much inspired you. You always excelled in class and when it reached the time of finishing school you decided you would apply to university. You applied for the University of London and a month later you were packed up and moving down to London to study Accountancy and English Literature. The whole of Small Heath was buzzing that one of their own was going off to bigger and better things. Luckily for you, your childhood friend John and his brothers were in London quite often so he assured you and your mum that you would be well looked after. You moved into a small apartment on the edge of Camden town.
The next three years flew by and sure enough, the Peaky Blinders were never too far away if you needed them, and as your last term of your last year was finishing up you and your friends had taken it upon yourself to show London how to have a good time. It was the last night of your week bender before you went back to Birmingham. The drinks were well and truly flowing as you rode out your high from the snow your friend had given you. You entered the club and the atmosphere hit you like a ton of bricks. The music, the drinks, the men. Everything about it was lavish. You had been here a couple times before but had been advised by John to stay away. Tonight you didn’t care, it was time to let your hair down and have real proper fun after three years of hard work. You and your friends hit the dance floor almost straight away. After a while of boogying around and attracting some male attention while you did so, you decided it was time for a drink stop. You headed to the bar and threw yourself down on a stool still panting as you gave the barman your order. As you finished small talk with the man behind the bar a man emerged from the back door beside where the barman was standing. He was tall and extremely muscular, with a thick beard. You locked eyes with this stranger before looking away nervously tucking your hair behind your ears. As the barman started loading up your drinks on a tray for you the man was beside you.
“What table is this for?” You looked up at the man and then pointed over to your group of friends laughing amongst themselves. “And which one's yours?” You picked up the whiskey from the tray, as he took it and ordered another man to deliver the tray to your table. You cocked your head looking at the man, confused at to why he had stopped you. “You awrite there love? I’m Alfie.”
“(Y/N),” you say straightening up and holding out your hand to shake his, he takes it in both of his and kisses the back of your hand making you smirk.
“Now you, you look lovely.”
“Thank you,” You blushed. “Now what were you doing behind those doors?” He looked into your eyes, intrigued by your bluntness and curiosity.
“Well aren’t you nosy,” he grunted, you thought maybe you had pissed him off. “I own this club Miss (Y/N). I can go wherever the fuck I want.” You look at Alfie in awe and then looked around at your surroundings.
“Well, you did a pretty damn good job,” you tell him nodding in approval at the club.
“You having a good time?” he asked you, as you tilted your glass to peer over it, the look you gave Alfie let on that you were having more than a good time. “I’d like to show you a better one.” You spent all night laughing and speaking with Alfie. Everyone seemed afraid of him or treated him like a king, kind of how they used to treat the Shelby’s back home. At the end of the night, you went back to his and had one last night of wild cockney passion and then it was back on the train to Birmingham.
“(Y/N)!” John shouted over waiting as he stood on the platform waiting for you to get off the train. “How does it feel to be back?” He asked as you approached him, taking the bags from your hands.
“Weird, a good weird, though.” you both hopped in the car and he started to drive you home, he started slowing down outside the betting shop.
“Woah, you blinders have fairly upgraded since I left town,” You say staring into the newly refurbished building with offices and all sorts on the inside. “What am I doing here anyway?”
“Tommy had the business he wants to talk to you,” You groaned immediately.
“I’ve been back five minutes and he wants to talk business,” you moaned dragging yourself out of the car.
“I know but he insisted,” John said sympathetically. “Plus there’s someone I want you to meet.” You entered into the shop and saw a young man standing with Tommy and Finn around a table.
“Well look at that, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) back where she belongs.” Finn laughs as he walks over to give you a hug. You hadn’t seen Finn in about a year since he had last been in London and he had taken a massive growth spurt now towering above you.
“What have they been feeding you? When did you get so ridiculously tall?” You both laugh but are shortly interrupted by Tommy clearing his throat.
“Nice to have you back (Y/N),” you smiled at him, Tommy has always been a man of very few emotions. “And this is our newest blinder, Michael.”
“Nice to meet you,” he says holding out a hand for you to shake.
“He’s Polly’s son,” John chipped in.
“No fucking way, You’re a Gray?” He nodded his head looking a little bit nervous. “Well, you’ll fit in just fine won’t you.” This made him smile, looking a little less nervous now.
“John!” You heard a female voice shout as a women came down the corridor. John wrapped her arm around her shoulder.
“(Y/N), this is my wife Esme.” You clasped your hands over your mouth as you gasped, walking over to her and looking her up and down with the biggest smile.
“It’s so lovely to meet you,” You say feeling very emotional, you were happy that John had found another woman. She smiled shyly in return as you turned to John slapping the side of his arm. “And you? You didn’t tell me you were getting married!”
“Well it wasn’t exactly pre-planned,” John said glaring at Tommy who just laughed.
“(Y/N) a word?” Tommy said walking away down the corridor.
You stepped into his office admiring the empire Tommy had built.
“So, we want to hire you.”
“No Tommy we already spoke about this, I’m not cut out to be any type of blinder.”
“(Y/N), whilst you were away we have had a lot more legal sides to business, we are doing very well.” You nodded in acknowledgment as you can tell. “We need someone to really handle the books, read the small prints and handle documents. The pay is good really good in fact and you don’t have to get involved in any legitimate business if you don’t want to.” Tommy slid forward a contract and a pen, as you skimmed through it, you saw how much he was paying and decided there was not a chance you could turn it down.
“Fine, I’m in.”
Three months later the boys were taking a trip down to London to meet with a Mr. Solomons as well as some other business. You had convinced Tommy to let you go with them to visit your old friends. But the condition was you had to sit in on the meeting with Mr. Solomons. As you entered “The bakery” as the boys called it and walked along, all eyes were on you. They must not get many women in here that often.
“Ok, I need you to act as professional as you always do,” Tommy ordered you. You straightened up as a man held the door open for you and Tommy. You both took a seat as Mr. Solomons was looking about in a drawer yet to look up at your faces.
“Now, Now Shelby I told you to come alone.” You recognised that voice, you weren’t sure where from yet.
“(Y/N), is here with me to go over all the legal stuff, the papers.”
“(Y/N),” The man said looking up from whatever he was doing. Alfie. You blushed immediately and looked down at the pen you were playing with in your hands. You had snuck out on the man three months ago and hadn’t seen him since. You could feel your cheeks going red and Aldie hadn’t taken his eyes off you since he said your name, his jaw practically hitting the floor. Tommy looked at you to Alfie puzzled at what was going on.
“Am I missing something?” He asked as Alfie began to clear his throat, you interrupted him.
“I went to his club a couple of times when we lived down here, I recognise him from always being up in the VIP section.” Technically that wasn’t a lie but you knew how unimpressed Tommy would be anyway. Alfie nodded his head still not taking his eyes off you.
Tommy continued on talking about business and you wrote down what you had to and explained to alfie what you had to, and when the meeting was done you and Tommy got up to leave.
“I was just wondering Thomas if I could have a quick word with (Y/N), I have some applicants for my own assistant you see and well it looks like she knows what to look for.” Tommy turned round and nodded his head.
“Yeah that’s fine, I’ll be off to Ada’s so whenever you're done just come by, we will be leaving sharp tomorrow morning.” Tommy reminded you before heading out the door.
“Well hello,” Alfie said as the door shut behind Tommy.
“Fancy seeing you here,” You joke to him, but he wasn’t taking you on.
“You ran out on me,” he hissed in an almost scary way. “No one runs out on me.”
“I didn't run,” you try to explain, “I had a train back to Birmingham and you’re a heavy sleeper.” He laughs in agreement and then you both sit there in silence for a moment.
“So where are the applications you want me to look at?” You asked him.
“There is none.” he said whilst standing up and leaning on the desk.
“Well then, I guess my assistance is not needed.” You started towards the door.
“Sit down,” Alfie grunted bluntly as your hand was on the door nob. You pulled the door open a crack and he repeats himself. “Sit down.”
“Make me,” you whisper not turning around to look at him. All of a sudden a strong hand slammed the door closed and turned you around pushing you up against it.
“Oh sweety I will,” He started kissing your neck as you ran your hand through his hair. “I haven’t gone a day without thinking about you, you know.” he rested his forehead on yours breathing heavy whilst staring into your eyes. You grab his face and pull him into a heated kiss. He pulled back quickly panting. “No running away again?”
“Agreed.” You laughed.
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2centsofsilver · 7 years
It’s 2:09 AM- Figured I’d blog! Tomorrow I have a 10-6pm all-day company training as a new employee at BGC. I’m not nervous where I would be with my old job at NR. I don’t know anyone so that’s why I’m not nervous. I have a feeling they don’t waste time with icebreakers or see real value in them. I could be wrong, it’s just a hunch. Today I literally slept all day. I slept through all my alarms, through therapy, all the way up until I had to leave for work. I taught my very last class today for YR and announced to the kids (my favorite school/class/group of kiddos) that it was my last day. They acted disappointed/sad and asked lots of questions. We took pictures and they said, “because you’re going to miss us?!” I wore my new LulaRoe maxi which is gorgeous. It’s the first time I’ve ever worn a skirt in public! This clothing line has brought me such joy and confidence and this teaching job has reduced a large chunk of my fear of public speaking. I’ll miss the parents, the staff, and the kids. I made a friend through work who I hang out with occasionally and talk to on FB all the time. My bosses also live in my hometown which is pretty neat. I taught at a school in Portage, Vicksburg, and Comstock and subbed in Galesburg and Vicksburg as well. Generally speaking, I didn’t really support the way in which they trained us to teach the lessons and I wanted out since Day 1. I don’t believe in “Wine and Canvas” art - the step-by-step “this is how we draw a line,” everyone’s should look the same in the end stuff. I wasn’t supposed to allow the kids to customize their own drawings or I could get in trouble, but I usually found a way to get around that rule. Today the lesson was Emojis. It consisted of 2 faces, a robot, a pizza, a trophy, and a crown. I let the kids choose whatever shapes they wanted for the jewels on the crown and I let them choose their favorite pizza toppings. Yesterday one of the kids I struggle most with ended up adding a tremendous amount of very concerning violent details to his picture. I’ll probably talk to my supervisors about it, but I didn’t really have time to approach the parent yesterday. I didn’t hang it up on the wall though. The new replacement teacher will certainly have his/her hands full! My 21 Day Fix program has sorta been slipping, but I’m trying not to see it that way. It’s really hard to maintain when you have issues sleeping/waking up. I shop at Aldi now and I love how healthy their selection of foods is. I’m able to find super healthy snacks and meals and am no longer struggling to get green and red containers in. For example, my friend from downstairs came over a few days ago and we spent a short hour of her teaching me how to make turkey burgers before we went to the gym. Now I can make turkey burgers and count those as protein. I also make/found healthy vegetable chips at Aldi, steamable off-brand broccoli, and frozen microwaveable kale burgers I can use for green containers and I’m also planning on making health shakes (in addition to Shakeology; or potentially dropping Shakeology all together). The hardest part is giving nutrition AND fitness my all every week. I can give one or the other my all. I’m working on my sleep schedule and working to give both my all. Making mistakes and shooting for “grey scale” (moderated) goals is not my strong suit. I’m hosting my first LulaRoe pop-up party on Sunday alongside my consultant from San Francisco who I’ve grown to become friends with over the last few months. The co-worker friends at BT where my position was eliminated in November introduced me to LR. They don’t talk to me anymore, but I’ve thanked them for introducing me to this amazing clothing line (god I sound like a promoter/marketer/fake ass seller), but it’s true. Anytime I talk to people and tell them how much I love it or invite them to the pop-up I feel like I’m trying to sell it, but that’s not the case. I have never been into shit like this in my life and have always considered it super stupid lol. Example: Jewelry parties, tubberware parties, etc. Not my thing. The first time I ever heard of LR was through an old NR employee and I was very much not interested. But at BT I was able to feel and get a good look at the clothing and then I attended an in-person LR party with those co-workers where I literally tried on just under 50 outfits. That day I spend more than $300 dollars and little did I know, developed a fast-moving addiction. Little did I know, my income would go down to practically nothing and just a few months later I’d be in a financial crisis (from too much LR plus the loss of my steady job leaving only one super part-time job bringing in literally $75 a week with only monthly paychecks).  But so far, I’ve accumulated over 30 LR items: I’ve won 3 pairs of leggings, purchased 3 others, 3-4 Irmas, 3 Cassies, 4 Carlys, 1 Nicole, 1 Ameila, 1 Lola, 2 Lindseys, 1 Randy, 1 Perfect-T, 3-4 Maxis, 1 Joy, and 1 Sarah. With my pop-up this weekend and a handful of friends who have told me they’ll likely buy 1-2 items, I’m hoping to get some free stuff. I plan to pick out some solid color Irmas to go with all these amazing skirts, and a Julia (if possible) to go with my new Lola. In all honesty, I kind of want to gift some free items to some friends. LR has CHANGED MY LIFE for the better in the following ways -INCREASED CONFIDENCE -Leading to INCREASED HAPPINESS -Increased positivity -General feeling good about myself and appearance day-to-day -Finally feel included in something trending -Finally can wear cute clothes everyone else is wearing/can wear -HUGE MOTIVATOR FOR WEIGHT LOSS this year -Realizing I do have a body type capable of beautiful clothes -True self-expression -Developing personal unique style -Able to share that with others without validation -Capable of achieving that style (knowing how I want to look and finding the clothes that fit that) It’s an amazing way for someone who struggles with social anxiety (appearance to others) and inner depression (self-loathing) to increase quality of life and feel good. At first I was concerned that the clothes looked cheap/fake (such as printed leggings; totally not my thing, or striped/bright leggings or shirts with rainbows and animals and stuff on them- yuck). But I’m finding it’s totally possible to find prints that are my own unique style: old-school navy/red/forest green plaid skirts, traditional houndstooth, black and navy checkered shirts/cardigans, super earthy designs (not just plain shirts with printed flowers, but actual earthy natural patterns and fabrics), patchwork designs, vintage, retro, whatever you like really. I’m super drawn right now to the gorgeous bohemian Lola skirts. I can’t get enough! The whole “Catholic school girl” look is something I’m also like shyly obsessed with. I think I’m going to go to bed now. I have all-day company training in the morning and given I slept all day (till work then after work till 10:30pm), I actually woke up at 10:30 thinking it was 10:30am (half-past the time I’m supposed to be to the meeting in Northeast Kzoo tomorrow). I completely flipped my shit, jumped out of bed in my normal “fuck I slept through an obligation” daze, ran to the bathroom, said “I slept in my entire outfit, fine, I’ll just wear this” and “shit, no time to eat, that’s fine, I’ll just starve”) till I realized it was dark outside. I strained my eyes to look at that 10:32 time on my clock. “PM” it said. I closed my eyes, relieved. Heart had been pounding. “What will I say? ‘I’m so sorry! I thought it was at 11′” Lies upon lies had filled my delirious head in a matter of a few seconds. But no, PM. Thank the fictional god for that one. Peace, Love, Happiness, Strong Girl Trying in 2017
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