#Hickory would cringe at that character
chuchayucca · 5 months
I think we should have more AUs where Hickory loves the Country trolls and their culture but HATES his cowboy character.
It will never make sense to me that the fandom thinks he would love going back to the cowboy character when he and Dickory created it as a way to save their music from Barb’s Rockapopalypse and he had to lied to his friends about it, only for it to backfired.
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missfluffywriter · 4 years
Purple Irises I Mafia Park Jimin x Reader
Author’s note: Oh my god this is the longest one yet! This was the one I was most excited abouttt I just have so much fun writing this. Honestly I’m writing characters that are smarter than me so.. Well, I guess that’s it for me. Happy readings!
Word count: 17k
Genre: Mafia AU, (slight) Doctor au, (slight) Florist au
Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
(Series) Summary: You were supposed to be delivering flowers, how did you end up in an operation room digging out a bullet from a mafia boss’ shoulder?
Purple Irises: Royalty and wisdom
Warnings: Guns, language, mention of drugs, inconsistant grammar
Previous Chapter I Next chapter I Masterlist 
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The gleaming marble floor radiantly reflected the soft yellow glow pouring from the many wall lights lining the tall corridors of the mansion. The comforting golden hues gave the mansion a fairytale-like atmosphere. Marvelous paintings of landscapes and flora hung along the walls of the hallway, the beautiful artworks further extenuating the luxurious beige decor of the lavish home, additionally contributing to fanciful aura it held.    
The blistering heat of the day had been replaced by the coolness of the night, paired with the quiet placidity brought by the moon rise further soothed your tired mind and aching body. A strange thing to say considering this was the household of a prominent mafia gang.
“Is it always this peaceful?” You muse, admiring the calmness of the ambiance of the scene around you.
“Not always,” Chuckling, Jeongguk answers your peculiar question. What a thing to ask a mafioso. “But, I guess it’s been pretty calm the past week.”
Giving only a soft hum as an acknowledgment of his words, you silently continue the trek to the second kitchen. A strange thing really, walking to the kitchen late at night with Jeongguk of all people. But the oddity didn’t end there, seeing as Yoongi was the one who had called for everyone to meet at the kitchen.
Hours ago, just as your training for the day had ended. Jeongguk received a text message from Yoongi, practically commanding the youngster to the kitchen. On top of that, he had been given explicit orders to bring you with him.
“I wonder why Yoongi wanted everyone together,” You wondered aloud. “And in the kitchen of all places,”
“Well, I guess we’re about to find out,” Smiling, he pushes past the white double doors. Sighing, you nod, stepping into the room your (e/c) orbs land on the six men scattered around the kitchen space. And with Jeongguk’s arrival, all of Bangtan’s core members were present.
“There you guys are,” Jin is the first to greet you at the entrance. “You guys were the last to show up,” He says, a hand on his hip as he leaned his weight on one of his legs.
At his loud greeting, someone else’s ears perk up, that certain someone’s nose prickling with a familiar scent, a scent she had memorized ages ago. And your seventy-pound barrels towards the direction she picked up the smell where she essentially tackled into you, excitedly covering your face in slobbery wet kisses. Although Shelty was very happy, she got to spend the majority of the day with Jimin. She still very much so needed your attention and affection.
“It’s called being fashionably late,” A soft chuckle leaves your lips as you return your puppy’s excitement, ruffling the furs of her neck and placing kisses on her soft head.
“Come on you two, get you asses in here already,” Yoongi’s voice flares from beyond the kitchen island. Where he stood with an assortment of alcohols, colors ranging from rich hickory to a clear liquid. ‘Vodka?’
“So...” Pausing, your gaze flickers to the alcohol then to Jimin, who had been leaning against the kitchen island. “Is this like another unofficial meeting? Or?” You question the group.
“Not exactly, no,” Namjoon answers, coming to stand beside Yoongi. “This is more of a test,”
Eyes widening, you feel your body stiffening at Namjoon’s words. ‘A test? What kind of test?’ A cold ice-like feeling spreads from the center of your chest, a wave of panic hitting you full force. Palms getting cold as sweat pools in them, you wrack your brain for any hint or they might have dropped of this test, or what this test might entail, but try as you might you end up empty. They hadn’t spoken of a test, was this a surprise test?
The alarm you were feeling within must have been written across your expression as Namjoon let out a light laugh, waving his hands. “No, no, not that kind of test,” He explains, but the confusion doesn’t leave your expression.
“When he said test. He meant we’re here to test your alcohol tolerance,” A mildly grumpy Yoongi clarifies.
And you release a deep breath of relief as you feel your soul return to your body. Before giving Jimin a ‘and you’re okay with this?’ look. To which he simply shrugs with a soundless laugh.  
“You guys are horrible,” Placing a hand on your chest, you feel the rapid thudding of your heart. “I was so worried,” Shuffling towards Jimin, you rest your elbows on the island, your entire body relaxing after hearing Yoongi’s clarification.
“Sorry, I didn’t make it clear,” The older male chuckles.
“Isn’t the gala tomorrow? I don’t want a hangover on the day of the gala,” Folding your arms, you stare down the white-blond. “And just why the hell do we need to test my alcohol tolerance anyway?” Grumbling, you glare at the alcohol sitting on the white marble counter.  
“The gala’s at night, you’ll have time to recover” Handing you a high-ball glass with some clear liquid, Yoongi explains, though you hear the sarcasm seeping through his voice. “Besides, this if for the gala, we need to know when you’ve had enough,”
“I think I’ll know when I’ve had enough,” Taking the glass from the older male, a retort flies from your lips.
“Just drink,” The white-blond haired mafioso waves his hands for you to drink.
“You just wanted an excuse to drink didn’t you?” You say, bringing the high-ball glass closer to your lips, not entirely sure why you were going through with this.
“I don’t need an excuse,” Scoffing, Yoongi turns his back to the group. His elbows move back and forth as he prepares another drink. A distraught look taking hold on your face as you watched his back.  
“So just wanted to see me drunk?” The distraught expression folding into a scowl, chaffing at the older mafioso.
“Yeah pretty much,”
“And you’re going along with this?” Turning to face the leader of the band, you incredulously ask the silver-blond.  
“I don’t see the harm,” Amusement dripped from his honey-brown orbs, Jimin shrugs. “Besides I can’t say I’m not a little curious,” A sly smile curling on his lips as equal parts curiosity and amusement tango in his eyes.
“You guys are crazy,” Drawing out he ‘crazy’ you whine leaves, finally bringing the glass to your lips.
“Yeah, whatever, just drink it,” Yoongi urges you.
And for reasons unknown you comply, gulping down a mouthful and regretting your decision the minute the liquid touches your tastebuds. You suppress your natural response to spit out and push the godawful drink down your throat as it burns your esophagus the entire way there. “Bleh, why is it so bitter?!” You splutter, placing the glass on the island counter, doing a double-take on the drink in your hand.“What is that?” Head snapping to Yoongi, you ask.
“Vodka, now drink,” Handing Jimin a glass filled with familiar shades of yellows, oranges, and reds.
“Did you just give me straight up vodka?” You exclaim.
“No, there’s water mixed in,” Yoongi saunters back to the alcohols on the counter, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.
“I want what Jimin has,” Demanding that you get a drink you actually like, instead of this bitter nightmare.
“No, that’s too light” You blanch at Yoongi’s nonchalance. “We need to get you drunk as soon as possible,”
“Why?” You lift an eyebrow at the male.
A quiet chuckle leaves Jimin’s lips as he watches the scene before him with interest. And though he was playing along for the moment, if you insisted you wanted a sunrise, he would have Yoongi prepare you a sunrise.
But, it doesn’t come to that as you down the rest of the clear liquid in a single go. Cringing at the bitter flavor of the drink. Jimin quietly observed as you scowled and grumbled while the white-blond poured.
In all honesty, he didn’t fully know himself as to why he was playing along, but he couldn’t resist the tug of curiosity when Yoongi had said he wanted to see what type of drunk you were.  
His thoughts are interrupted with a soft ring and a vibration in his pocket, “I’m gonna take this outside,” He looks to you, waiting for you to give him a nod before looking to Namjoon then stepping outside the kitchen to the doors that led to the gardens.
“Park Jimin, how are things going?”A smile curved onto the mafia boss’ lips as he deep recognized the familiar deep voice that spoke through the phone.
“Matsuuru Tatsuya, things are going well,” He answered, placing a hand on his pocket as he leaned against the wall adjacent to the door. “What about on your end? Did the ship arrive in time?”
“That’s actually why I called you,”
Jimin alerted on Matsuuru’s words, pushing off the wall to a stand. “Did shipments not make it? Are you missing products?” He questioned.
“Oh, no, no,” Matsuuru assured with a chuckle, “I just wanted to personally tell you that not only have the ship and the goods arrived, but also thanks to the information so graciously provided by your hacker, we have begun the security system upgrades,”
“Is that right?” Posture relaxing, Jimin breathed out.
‘What?’ A strange confusion set in as his eyes fluttered, trying to process his own actions. Since when had he cared what happened to the goods after it left his hands? Never was the answer, he had never before cared what happened to products once out of his ownership, and yet when Matsuuru spoke of the shipment, his mind flew in a thousand different directions, thinking of what might have gone wrong. ‘Well damn,’ He cursed himself, ‘She’s rubbing off on me,’  
“Yes, everything is moving much smoother than I expected,” Jimin’s body jerked when he heard the voice from the other line. He hadn’t realized when he had spaced out.
“That’s excellent,” He smoothly covered with only a vague idea of what the man had been saying.  
“Yes, yes it is,” Matsuuru mused. “Tell me Park,” The man in question hummed in response.
“How do you feel about another deal?” Matsuuru asked.
“Another deal?”A questioning brow rose on Jimin’s soft features.
“Yes,” The yakuza affirms. “Tell me can you deliver goods with the same quality as Yeong’s shipment?”
“Of course, both the route and the factory now belong to us,” Bangtan’s Thai branches had bought out the dealers previously selling to Yeong. Additionally taking over the warehouse and docks, which resulted in the total take over of the safest route to and from Thailand.
“Then I would like to continue buying from you,”
“Well then, we can set a meeting date to discuss the details,” Jimin’s head bobbed in a nod as he spoke.
“In two months I will be making another round to the states, and I’ll be stopping by in Korea,” Matsuuru says. “How about then?”
“That sounds fine,”
“I’ll send the exact date to your right hand,’’
“And Jimin,” The silver-blonde hums at the call of his name. “Tell (Y/n) that business has been booming,”
“I’ll make sure to do that,” He responds, pressing the circular red button and ending the call. Pocketing his phone, he heaves himself off the wall he was leaning on, making his way back to the. What excellent news; should Matsuuru continue to buy from Bangtan, they could begin expansion into Japan.
Closing in on the kitchen doors, Jimin hears loud voices echoing from within. ‘Sounds like they’re having fun,’ The corners of his lips quirked up as he strode into the kitchen until he heard a series of ‘(Y/n), that’s dangerous!’; ‘(Y/n), be careful with that!’; ‘(Y/n), what are you doing?!’ Followed by a series of loud giggles and slurred words he couldn’t clearly make out.
Hearing those words Jimin rushed into the kitchen, an ice-like feeling flooding his system. But the sight that greeted him could only be described as comical. Well, maybe a little bizarre.  
There you were standing on the kitchen island, face flushed, a shit-eating face splitting grin curving your lips, hands flailing above your head, holding a gun; surrounded by six men desperately trying to get the gun from your grasp.‘A gun?!’
“What the fuck is going on here?” He asks, eyes trained on you, specifically the gun in your hand.
“Jiminie!” You exclaim, stretching out the ‘ie’; eyes lighting up as he entered the room. The men shout for you to be careful with the gun, all cries falling to deaf ears. Hobbling on your wobbly legs you climb down from the kitchen island; with both hands above your head, you move to greet the silver-blond. “Hero, waecom back!”  
“Jimin, watch out she had a gun,” Namjoon warns the other male.  
“I can see that,” Jimin snaps.  
“Jiminie, guess what? Guess what? Guess what?” Snickering, you repeatedly call for the silver-blond's attention bouncing on your feet.
“W一what is it (Y/n)?” He returns, trying to reach for the gun, but you pull the weapon close to your chest.
“I became a spy!” Shrieking those words, you break into another fit of giggles.
“What?” Confusion riddles the male’s face as your laughing fit calms.
“So earlier,” You begin, “I sneaky, sneaky and took his gun, hehe,”
Even more, confused he searches the men’s expression for a proper explanation.
“Well, uh, it happened so fast,”
“One minute she was resting her head on the table, then she suddenly got up and asked me for a hug,” His voice became quieter as he explained. “I gave her one. And she got the gun before I could do anything,” Mumbling the last part, he rubs the back of his neck, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
“See! I became a spy,” Sniggering you say. “I sneaky, sneaky,” Waving around the weapon in your hand, you give the men around you a miniature heart attack.
Sighing, Jimin still not fully understanding as to how an experienced professional like Jeongguk lost his gun to a drunk civilian. The gun safeties were intact so the situation wasn’t that far gone, but they had to get that gun away from you before you either kill yourself, him, or his men. But how? If you wouldn’t listen to the other what were the chances of you listening to him? ‘Well it’s not like there is much of a choice,’
“(Y/n), come here,” He spread out his arms, inviting you in for a hug. And to the surprise of those who still retained their senses, you shuffled towards silver-blond, allowing him to envelop you in his warm embrace.
Instantly relaxing in his hold, you nuzzle into his neck, breathing in his comforting scent. Jimin feels your body slack; using this as an opportunity he uses his left hand to keep you in place as he shimmed the gun out of your grasp with his right. Heaving a relieved breath once he was holding the gun.
Glaring at the crowd before him he throws the gun to its owner with you still in his safe embrace. “How the fuck did this happen?” Jimin growls, his arms tighten around you as you felt his voice rumble in his chest. He was angry. Was he angry at you? You didn’t mean to make him angry, you were just curious as to what they looked like when they were worried.
“Jiminie, are you mad at me?” Meekly, you ask the male. All your previous bravado had now poofed out of existence.  
His heart melted into a puddle of mush when he met your wide, innocent doe eyes. “I’m not mad at you,” He sighed. He wasn’t angry with you, he was angry with the idiots who couldn’t take care of you. But now, even that had faded as he gently brushed your hip with his thumb.  
“You promise?” Looking at him with impossible wide puppy dog eyes.
Blinking, Jimin owlishly stared at you before responding, “I promise,”
How strange, he never thought he’d be promising someone he wasn’t angry, especially as a mafia boss. And seemed like the rest of Bangtan’s core thought the same, as each man failed to suppress their laughter.
“(Y/n) you should probably let go now?” Hoseok called from behind where the youngest stood.
“I’m good thank you,” Tightening your hold around Jimin’s torso, you nuzzled further into Jimin’s chest.
The six men look to their leader, who simply shrugs as he fully wraps his arms around your form. Glancing at each other they let out soft chuckles, aside from Jeongguk, who mopes around having been outrun by a drunk (Y/n).
“Drunk (Y/n) is a sneaky troublemaker,” Yoongi speaks up. “Noted for future reference,” Chuckling, he leans onto the kitchen island.
“Hehe, uh-huh. That’s why sober (Y/n) doesn’t like me,” Your warm breath tickles Jimin’s neck as you speak.
“What?” Namjoon asks, expression muddled with confusion. A commonality shared amongst the men. “What did you just say?” He reiterates.
“Just as I said, sober me doesn’t like drunk me. Well, me一 she doesn't like me very much,”
“Why?” Jimin questions.
“Because I don’t have a filter,” Snickering, you push just away enough to meet his eyes.
“What do you mean?” He asks again.
“I mean whatever's in here goes straight out,” Pointing to your index finger to your head and making a swooping motion from your skull out your mouth “And I always get her in trouble,”
“Oh?” A questioning brow lifts in Jimin’s face as he asks for you to continue, “Give me an example. What are you thinking about now?”
“An example?” Tilting your head at the solver-blond you say, and he nods. “Well, for one, I think Taehyung should come to me if he’s really having so much trouble with it,” You hobble towards the brunette as you spoke. “I could give you nicotine patches or tips and tricks for when you get an urge,” Your hands on your hips, almost as if you were chiding a child for misbehaving.
‘How?’ The male in question stiffened at your words as his eyes blew wide open. ‘She couldn’t have known,’ It wasn’t as though he was actively trying to hide the fact that he was trying to lessen his smoking habits, neither was it a secret. Yet, not even his brothers had noticed, so how had you?
“What?” Jeongguk turns to his elder. “What is she talking about?”
“How do you people not see it? Are you blind or something?” Your eyes flutter in incredulousness. “His hand has been twitching towards the pocket with his cigarette pack or his expensive cigars or whatever. It’s so painfully obvious, it kind of hurts,” You explain, your voice sharper than you intended to be.
‘What the shit?’ Taehyung stared at you. Not even he had realized he had been doing that. But, twitching meant nothing, it could have simply been something he unconsciously did, then how had you connected that to his goal? He didn’t ever recall mentioning it to you in passing and he definitely did not bring it up in conversation or even hint at it. He had done nothing, yet you still somehow caught it.
The men are stunned into silence, not used to being spoken to by your harsh tone. A silent pause falls upon the group, and you finally realize what you had done.“See, no filter,” Shrugging, you move clumsily to rest your weight onto the kitchen island.
“Anything else?” Jimin exhorted, urging you to continue.
“Namjoon, Yoongi, you two should really get some rest,” Turning your attention to the two older males, accusingly pointing your index finger to their general direction. “Micromanaging all our own information or restlessly trying to search for Yeong’s next move isn’t going to help. They won’t be doing anything, not right now anyway. And if you’re so hell-bent on doing something, keep an eye out for foreign mercenaries and underground hospitals or doctors,”
“Mercenaries and doctors? Why?” Intrigue laced Jimin’s voice, and though he did not understand foreign mercenaries and underground hospitals had nothing to do with the situation. His eyes narrowed at the realization that you had already had a plan of action or somewhat of a plan and yet you were keeping this to yourself.
“Why do you think?” Scoffing, you lay your head on the counter. “That night Yeong lost like what? Twenty? Thirty of his best men, and he can’t just replace them overnight. Not if he wants trustworthy men anyway,”
“But why foreign mercenaries?” Namjoon questions, catching on to your intentions.
“If he didn’t already know about Bangtan’s network, he knows about it now. Which also means if he hires men from within the country we will absolutely know about it, not to mention we probably already have counter strategies for any of those groups and that is a problem,” You said. “And what’s the solution to that problem? Hire foreign hands, places our network doesn’t extend to, people we don’t know anything about,”  
“Hospital, why a hospital?” Yoongi quips, whatever haze the alcohol may have brought gone as your words seemed to have sobered the men.
“Do you people like… not think?” Facing the white-blond, your face scrunches in disdain.
“(Y/n),” His voice warns.
Sighing, you spell out the situation, “The speaker, how far can you hear it?”
“Twenty一Thirty feet?” Namjoon answers.
“Good, now how close do you need to be to the mic for it to be able to pick up sounds?”
“Fifteen to twenty feet at least,” He answers again.
“And we all agree that we heard Yeong’s voice loud and clear? We all agree that he was at most twenty feet from the mic and the bomb?” Noises of agreement echo throughout the room, “Good, now how far is the blast radius of the bomb?”
The blast radius was at least twenty-five feet, and even if Meong wasn’t within the radius the pressure of the explosion alone would be enough to do some damage. In other words, Yeong Cheol Meong was injured. How had they not seen something that was right before their eyes?
“The traitor? Do you know how we can find the traitor?” Taehyung speaks up, if you already had an idea of Yeong’s next move, then it would be highly likely that you also had a way of dealing with the most perplexing matter at hand.
“Oh, them?” You say thoughtfully, “It would entirely depend on your preparedness… preparedness is that a word?” You question yourself, unsure whether it was a legitimate word or if you had just created a new word in your drunken haze.
“Well anyway,” Shrugging off your thoughts you continue, “I don’t think anyone expected you to keep them alive for long. Maybe a few days, a week at most.”
“Which meant they had to work fast. And going by what Jiyoung said, we can infer that the traitor hadn’t made contact with him,” You pause, before looking up to the chestnut-haired male. “But why? Why hadn’t they made contact with him? Was it because something came up? Did something happen? Were they sent away? Was it because we acted too quickly? Or maybe differently than predicted? Or could they just not get to them?” A string of questions leaves your mouth, guiding the men to the conclusion you had come to.
“Placement,” Namjoon jumps in realization.
“If we can figure out who was in the house or was supposed to be in the house in the span of his capture and even after that. If we can figure out who was supposed to be where before (Y/n)’s plan happened then…” Yoongi mutters, following your train of thought.
“Bingo,” Sitting up, you fire a finger gun at the white-blond with a wink of your eye. “I mean it may not completely work out, but it definitely narrows down the suspect list,”
“Now, the question is do you have such a record?” Glancing at Namjoon, you lay your head back on top of the countertop.
“I think so,” Forehead scrunching Namjoon rubs his index finger with his thumb. “We’ll have to look for it, but we should have something,” He says.    
There is a moment of silence as you stare at the man in front of you. The men lost in their own thoughts, but the quiet is short as the chestnut-haired mafioso breaks the stillness.
“How did you catch all that?” Breathless, Taehyung asks you, a perplexed astonishment on his face.
“How did I catch all that?” You parroted the brunette. “There was nothing to catch, it was all there, it has all been there,” Scoffing, you straighten your body.
“You people have eyes yet you do not observe,” Your razor-sharp gaze met Taehyung’s. And he couldn’t help the cold chill that spread across his body. Almost as though your stinging gaze pierced right through him. Whatever softness you may have held had completely evaporated, like it never existed.
“If you knew all this then why didn’t you tell us any of this earlier?” Taehyung snaps, unsure of how else to react.
And with the look he received, it may have seemed like he had just asked the stupidest question in the world. Before your face splits into a cheshire grin as you answered his stupid question, “What kind of player would I be if I showed you all my cards?”
Player? Showed all your cards? What was this? A game?
The room fell silent, all that could be heard was your quiet drunk mumbling and their own rapid heartbeats. However, as it stood, their hearts did not beat in fear, not in the slightest. No, the thudding of their hearts accelerated in excitement, they looked forward to the things to come with you by their side. What did the future look like now that you had been added to the mix? Would you give way for their success? Or their downfall? And the thought dawned on them all at once, you belonged in this world. A world of treachery, cunning, and politics.
“And um, well, I mean who am I to tell you how to do your job?” Your soft words break the men from their thoughts as you mumbled on, adding to your previous statement. “You know about this stuff more than I do, so I don’t really have the right to tell you what to do. Besides, you never asked me. If you had asked me, well, sober me, I’m sure she would have answered any questions you had,”
Tentatively wetting his lips Jimin speaks up, “Is there anything else you have been thinking?”
Your gaze fell to your hands, that rested on the marble counter as you twiddled your thumbs. Wordlessly staring at them for a solid minute before raising your eyes to Jimin. “There’s one more thing, but…” Trailing off, you don’t finish your sentence.
“What is it?” The youngest whispers, “You can tell us,” He coaxes you to speak.
“If I tell you, you have to promise you must not tell sober me I said this,” Lunging to where Jeongguk stood you shook his shoulder, putting extreme emphasis on must. “You can never ever, ever tell her I said this,”
“Uh,” He shared a glance of agreement with his hyungs, “Alright, we promise, if you tell us, we won’t tell sober you,”
“DO YOU PROMISE?!” Exclaiming at the top of your lungs, you stare the younger down.
“I promise, I promise,” He assures you quickly.    
What could it have been? What could have possibly been so important that you wouldn’t share with them unless you were drunk and off your senses?
“You see the thing is,” You start.
“Yes?” Jeongguk says as he and his elders lean in to hear you.
“You guys are hot,” ‘What?’ A collective thought that came to the seven men at once. “And, like it’s not even fair, none of you are fair. I mean how can each and every single one of you be so beautiful,” A deep fuschia climbed its way onto their cheeks at your compliment.
“Do you see this shit?” You ask, gesturing to the men standing before you. “How the hell are these humans fair? No one has the right to be so attractive,” Childishly stomping your feet on the ground, your cheeks puff into a pout.
“And you especially don’t get to talk symmetry,” Glaring at Taehyung, you growl. ‘Symmetry?’ Said male thought in confusion.
“Or you, you angle” Bravely cutting off the young mafia boss, you scowl at him. “None of you get to talk. It’s like the seven of you just stole every bit of beauty in this world all for yourselves and it’s like I’m not even mad,”
“How can seven people be so pretty,” Sniffles escapes your lips as tears of frustration sting on your eyeballs. It wasn’t fair to be so attractive, what about the rest of humanity? They needed beauty too, these men couldn’t hog all the attractiveness.
Unsure of how they were to react to your words they look to each other in question.
“Uh, hey, it’s okay, (Y/n). Don’t cry,” The eldest steps forward to comfort you, opening his arms, inviting you into a hug. Which you happily jump into.
“Thank you, Mr. Shoulders,” Sniffling into his broad shoulders.
“Uh, there, there,” He awkwardly patted your back as your sniffles dissolved and you once again lost yourself in your drunken thoughts. Until your now hazy gaze lands on the fruit-filled basket sitting in the center of the island countertop.
Your jaws slack at your incredible idea. ‘I’m a genius,’ Gently pushing away from Jin’s grasp you reach for the basket of peaches.
“(Y/n)? What are you doing?” The eldest asks as he watches you stretch across the counter, reaching for the fruit basket.
“Hehehe, peaches,” A giddy giggle escapes your lips when you have the container in your hold. Immediately waddling to where Jimin stood before holding out a peach to him, “Jiminie, I a-peach-iate you,” You say with the brightest grin he had ever seen you wear.
His breath caught onto his throat, watching you with wide eyes as you laughed and snorted at your own joke. Your eyes scrunching in happiness, he could practically see the sparks of joy sparkling in (e/c) orbs. A dark flush of red coating your cheeks, lips a bright pinkish-red from you nibbling onto them, an idiotic grin spreading on your face as you giggled at your pun. But at that moment he couldn’t think of a prettier sight than the one before him. His hands twitched while this heart thundered away in his chest. He dazedly took in your elated form.  
Seeing as Jimin wouldn’t accept the peach on his own, you placed the single peach on Jimin’s hand, giving him one last rosy smile before moving onto the next man of the seven.
“Jin, I a-peach-iate you too” You beam at the man, giving him a peach. Then moving down the line, presenting each man with your terribly adorable pun and the fruit that was the center of your pun. Each man gratefully accepted the fruit and your pun, which only seemed to double your happiness.
“I really do appreciate you guys,” Stumbling over your own feet, your body automatically returns you to your unconsciously designated safe zone. “Much more than you know,” Sleepily muttering the last part you crash into Jimin’s firm chest, wrapping your arms around him before falling into Jimin’s embrace, the alcohol and exhaustion of the day finally catching up to you.
Jimin effortlessly catches you, leaving the peach you had given him on the marble countertop, he gently brings your body to the floor, then hooking his arms underneath your knees and around your back, he efficiently picks you up in a bridal carry.
“Did she just make a pun about peaches, give us peaches then pass out?” Jeongguk questioned, brain still processing the events passed.  
“I like her, she gets the pun culture,” Jin comments, a soft grin curling on his lips. Perhaps he liked you more than he initially thought.
“Oh, please,” Yoongi scoffs.  
“I’m closest to her room, I’ll take her back,” Jimin declares as he steps towards the kitchen doors. “Shelty come,” He orders the already half asleep wolf-dog. Who slowly and sleepily makes her way to the male.  
“Namjoon,” A call of his name from his boss is enough for him to understand Jimin’s silent command. Your words were to be put into action, Namjoon and Yoongi would shift from managing Bangtan’s information to instead gathering the intel you had spoken of. And though you hadn’t explicitly said it, following the direction of all that you had said, conflict was on the horizon. Meong wasn’t done, he was coming. And they needed to prepare for when he did.
Gently, Jimin lowers your body into the plush mattress of your bed. Although you made it no easier for him to be gentle as you shifted and squirmed in his hold, especially considering the fact that he had to carefully remove a pile of pillows while holding you and making sure you didn’t get hurt or wake up. Incoherent mumbles falling from your lips as he tightly tucks you into the bed. Your seventy-pound puppy finding her spot at your feet.
Stepping back Jimin admires his handy work, nodding to himself, he turns to leave for his own room. But his movements are stopped when he feels a soft tug on the back of his shirt.
“Don’t go,” You whisper, you hold on his shirt tightening as you tug him closer to the bed. The alcohol in your system had made you braver than you would have ever thought possible.
“(Y/n), I can’t stay,” He whispers back, trying to loosen your grip on his shirt.
“Stay,” Your voice is quiet but demanding as you yank him to you  
“(Y/n),” He called your name as a warning, which you blatantly ignored as you proceeded to beg him to stay.
“Jiminie, please,” Stretching out the ‘e’ of the please, you plead for the male to stay. “Pretty please,” Your cheeks puffing into a pout.
“(Y/n) I can’t一” The silver-blond felt his eye twitch when his gaze landed on your face.
Wide-eyed, eyebrows furrowed, lips parted ever so slightly, tugging downwards, looking like a kicked puppy. How was he supposed to say no to that?
With a deep sigh, he relents, gesturing you to scoot.
“Hehe, yay,” A lazy victorious smile curved onto your mouth as you shifted away from the man, giving him room beside you.
“Shush, go to sleep,” Laying down, he quiets you. Only for another fit of giggles to leave your reddened lips as you cozy yourself into Jimin’s side. Your form curls around him, your head on his arm you squish yourself into the silver-blond’s chest; head tucked underneath his chin. As the haze of sleep and exhaustion returns you unknowingly place a chaste kiss on the juncture of his neck.
“Goodnight Jiminie,” You whisper, sleep finally claiming your consciousness.
‘Oh thank god,’ The mafioso thought to himself, glad you wouldn’t be able to hear the loud drumming of his rapidly beating heart. He releases a shaky breath recalling the feathery light feeling of your lips on his skin.
For many minutes he sat as still as a statue, replaying the events in his head, from the way you called him ‘Jiminie’, which was barely settling in, to your sweet words for him every one, then to the kiss. His mind raced, buzzing with thought before relaxing into your hold, his fatigue setting in, he pushed away those thoughts, deciding to save the mulling over for another time, he shifted away from you, untucking your head from underneath his chin and taking in your form. Even through the dim lighting, he could see the peaceful expression that rested on your face, mouth partly open as you take slow even breaths. Your soft locks messily framing your face most perfectly.
Tentatively, he brushed the strands of hair that fell onto your face, running his thumb across your plump cheeks. ‘Beautiful,’ Was the only word he could think of, an unknown knot twisting and tightening in his chest in the best way possible. A tender smile danced on his lips as he once again pulled you closer, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, a strange warmth filling him as his own consciousness faded. Not realizing the weight of his own words.
“Oow,” Groaning, your face contorts in pain, your head hammering in your skull. A headache you wouldn’t wish even to your enemies attacking you. A whine escapes your lips, your mouth feeling like the Sahara desert, however far too lazy to actually get up for a drink, you nuzzle further into the warmth before you.
Snuggling into the comfortingly familiar warmth. An extremely recognizable scent fills your senses. ‘Hmm, smells just like Jimin,’ A masculine yet feminine smell, smoldering yet delicate, a scent unique to Jimin and Jimin alone. Your eyes fly open at the thought, but regret opening your eyes so suddenly as your sleep sodden eyes burn the moment you open them. A drawn-out groan leaves your throat as you rub your eyes open.
And there he was in all his sleepy glory, a lethargic smile on his lips as he watched you scowl at the world. “Good morning,” he groggily whispered as to not agitate your headache he could see you had. “How’re you feeling?”
After blankly staring at the godly beautiful male, having given up on logic and reason you simply sigh returning to snuggling into his neck. Making yourself comfortable in his heat, the rhythmic thudding of his heart somewhat soothing your pounding head. Though it did nothing for the dryness in your mouth.
A content sigh escaped your lips, a sense of completion flooded your systems as you were consoled by the domestic warmth of Jimin’s presence. A warmness that always blossomed in your chest every time you were close to Jimin. It was a homey sort feeling, in the most natural way, like you’d always belonged there. And a warm, gushy sensation blooms in your chest, a sensation that turns your insides to mush but also sends tingles down to the tips of your fingers. A sensation that made your palms clammy and made your heart beats just a tad faster.
All is silent, and you try to fall back into the comfort of sleep and you almost did, before Jimin’s voice snaps you from your haze.
“My arm’s numb,” He says flatly.
“I don’t care,” Clutching tightly onto his shirt, you mumble, determined to get your way.
“Get off,” He whines, half-heartedly nudging you away, only for you to cling onto him. Moments pass and you relax your clutches ever so slightly, only to feel the rumbling in Jimin’s chest as he chuckles.
“What’re you laughing at?” Untucking your head from under his chin, you scoff with a laugh.
Immediately his nose scrunches, eyes crinkling in disdain, “You’ve got bad breath,”
“Oh my god, do I really?”
“Yeah,” He nods.
“I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay,”
A beat of silence passes before you both burst into a loud fit of laughter. Though you almost immediately regret that as the pounding in your head worsens. Groaning in discomfort, burrow back into Jimin’s embrace.
“Alright, get up,” He directs, supporting you to a sitting position as you grumbled and whined on your way up. You had never before wished more to become a rock and spend the rest of your life resting and existing. “Here, drink this,” He hands you a glass of water. But you don’t recall having water in your room. Whatever the case, you gratefully accepted the glass, downing the liquid in three gulps. Jimin holds his hand out, offering to take the glass. Returning the glass you mumble a thank you, leaning against the headboard.
Jimin carefully places the glass onto the side table, before pulling out his phone. His eyes ran over whatever he was reading, and you were left to wander your thoughts.  
What a bizarre exchange. Nothing of this sort had ever happened to you, and you never expected to experience such things with anyone, let alone a mafia don.
Getting drunk, passing out, waking up next to someone that wasn’t Shelty, then laughing with that person while they take care of you. These days nothing you ever expected happened, which was a new experience. Usually, you were pretty spot on with your predictions, though your life wasn’t exactly the most exciting for unpredictable things to just pop up. But still.
‘Oh my god I was drunk,’ Your eyes widened, head twisting to look at Jimin. Per usual you didn’t have any recollection of the night prior. It wasn’t as though there was nothing, but everything was a blur, nothing you could make sense out of. What had you done while you were drunk? Had you done anything weird? You were known to be brutally honest while under the influence. You hoped and prayed you hadn’t offended anyone last night.
“Uh, hey, Jimin,” He hums at the quiet call of his name. “Did I do anything… weird last night?”
And a wide grin breaks onto his perfect face. ‘Oh god,’ So you had done something embarrassing. “What did I do?” You squeak, pulling your fuzzy blanket halfway up your face.
“Oh nothing much,” He muses, “Just helped us start our search for the traitor, figured out Yeong’s next possible move, gave Taehyung some advice. Nothing too big,” He lists off the topics you had covered, and as per word, leaving out the compliments you had showered them with.
“So she strikes again,” Grumbling in embarrassment you bring your hands to cover your face.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” His voice is gentle as he questions you.
“What was I supposed to do?” You drop your hands to your lap. “Tell you how to do your job when I know little to nothing about this world, about how things work? If anything I’d probably just get in the way,”
“Nonsense,” He interjects. “If there is ever something on your mind I want you to say it out loud. If there is ever you notice something that we don’t I want you to tell me. Besides, everything you said last night really did helped us.”
His eyes narrow at the silence that follows. “(Y/n),” There’s a warning in his voice, but you don’t feel threatened nor do you feel fear. Strangely, it warmed your heart that he cared about your opinion even though you were a novice when it came to things about this world.
You give a tentative nod, raising your gaze to meet Jimin’s. You see him relax as he returned to lean against the headboard.
As you observe him your eyes fall onto his shoulder. ‘His wound!’
“Jimin your bandages! Did I change them? Did anyone change them?” You ask you're frantically sitting up, flinging off your blanket as you did.
“Calm down,” He waves his hands in downwards motions as he speaks. “No, no one changed my bandages last night. But,” He cuts you off before you had the chance to say anything. “It was just yesterday, and I don’t really think one night will hurt,”
“No, it can definitely hurt, what if it gets infected?” Ignoring the throbbing in your skull, you crawl off the bed. “I need to change your bandages now! I’m gonna go get the first-aid box,”
“Wait!” Jimin grips onto your shoulder, gently tugging you to look at him.
“I had a feeling you might do something like that,” He sighs. “So I had it brought in here,” He gestures to the box sitting on the floor beside the bedside table.
“Oh?” Pausing for a brief moment before continuing on your way towards the first-aid box. “Well I still need to change your bandages,” Your vision blurs ever so slightly as you try to find your balance as you stand, however you shook off the short bout of dizziness, slowly waddling your way to the box, grabbing it and returning to the bed.
Jimin releases another deep sigh as he concedes defeat, removing his t-shirt to give you access to the bandages. “I thought you were hungover?” He laughs scooching to give you space on the edge of the bed.
“I am,” Chuckling you answer him as you unclipped the bandage clip and unwinding his cream-colored bandages.
“Then shouldn’t you be resting?”
“I will,” You say, cleaning the suture using an alcohol pad, then applying antibiotic ointment onto the wound before wrapping the wound in a fresh set of gauze and bandages.
“One of the maids will come by. Order what you want for breakfast, then rest. I need you at full capacity tonight,” He instructs as you clip on the bandage clip. “One of the girls should be coming in for your hair and makeup. After you’re done dressing, come to my room.”
“You’re room? Why?”
“Because I said so,” A soft smile curves onto his plump lips as he slips on his shirt.
Puffing your cheeks into a pout, unsatisfied with the explanation, but nod regardless.
“Good,” He bobs his head in approval. “See ya later,” Standing, he briefly runs his fingers through Shelty’s fur, lovingly petting her before giving her head a soft pat.
“Hey Jimin, can you take Shelty with you?” You ask the male. Seeing as you would be stuck indoors all day, and your puppy needed her daily dose of exercise, it would be better for her to be with Jimin. At the very least she wouldn’t be trapped in one room.  
“Hmm? Sure,” He says looking at the wolf-dog in question. “Do you wanna come with me?” Shelty jumps at the offer, more than ready to be out of the room.
“Alright, let’s go,” Opening the door of the room, the pair exit, Jimin shutting the door behind him as they left.
And just as the silver had said, Eui arrived knocking at your door just as you had dresses after your shower. Still recovering from a bitch of a hangover that had somehow worsened after Jimin had left, you ordered for a light breakfast of toast with jam and butter, accompanied with fresh fruits.
After gobbling down your breakfast and placing the trolley outside of your bedroom, you immediately dive into your nest of blankets and pillows for a long nap.
“Miss (Y/n), Miss (Y/n),” A soft voice calls your name, and you jolt awake when you feel your body being shaken.
“Huh? Wha?” Vision blurry from sleep, you jump to sit up.
“Oh, I’m sorry miss!” Shoulders slumping when you recognized this meek voice. “I didn’t mean to startle you!” Eui wildly waves her hands, apologizing profusely.
“No, no, it’s okay,” Rubbing your eyes, you assure as a long yawn leaves your lips.
“So what’s up? Did you need something?” Groggily, you ask the girl, resting your weight on your hands.
“Um, I’m here for your hair and makeup,” She answers as her gaze falls to a silver box she was holding.
You blink once, then twice, processing the information just handed to you. Your gaze shifts to the windows in your room. Deep orange hues of dusk flooded from the clear glass windows. Which meant you would be leaving for the gala shortly. Which also meant you had slept for the majority of the day. Had you truly been asleep for the entirety of the daylight? Though now the hangover from the morning was right about nonexistent.
“Miss (Y/n)?” Eui’s soft voice breaks you from your thoughts.
“Right, sorry,” With a smile, you apologize to the girl, “So what’s first?”
“I’ll be starting with your makeup,” She responds quietly.  
“Okay, should we move to the bathroom? Or a chair? Or?”
“Um, can we move to the desk?” Her gaze glued to the floor, she asks.
“Yeah, sure,” Removing the blankets from your legs, you walk to the office area of your room.
There is no exchange after those short words as he wordlessly works on your face. Massaging, what you assumed was moisturizer into your skin. You sat in silence as she applied some light makeup, nothing much, just enough to show off your natural features.
“Um, so, I was wondering, do you know who arranged my books?” You question while she was brushing the mascara spoolie through your lashes. However, you sense her body stiffen after your words leave your mouth.
“It一 it was me miss,” You hear the hesitation and fear lacing her voice as she answers your question. “Did一did I organize them incorrectly?” He
“Oh no, no,” Quick to reassure her, you shake your head. “I actually wanted to thank the person that did,” Facing her you explain.
“You organized them perfectly, thank you Eui,” A gentle smile curls onto your lips, but you couldn’t help wondering why she was so afraid of you? Or afraid in general? However, as it stood now, it was none of your business.
“Thank you, miss,” A small smile graces her pink lips as she bows, a slight flush on her cheeks.
“I guess it’s dress time now,” Heaving yourself off the office chair, you make your way to your walk-in closet. But pause when you see Eui following you. “Uh, so is there a reason why you’re following me?”
“Aren’t I going to help you dress?” Her head tilts in question, a confused expression forming on her face.  
“No, no, I’m good, I can do it myself,” Waving your hands, you assure her. “Why don’t you wait here while I go put it on and then help me with hair?” Moving close towards the closet you suggest to the brunette. And though her face forms a light frown, she nods.
Hurrying into the closet, you quickly slip on the dress you had chosen. A deep wine red off-shoulder neckline came together in a v-shape at the chest. With a high split in the ball gown skirt that gracefully flowed behind you, making a sort of train. The smooth satin material that gently kissed your skin as the dress elegantly hung on your form, as soft and as pleasant as ever.
Reaching for your ‘Louis Vuitton’ shoebox that sat with your other shoes, you carefully undid the packaging before sliding your feet into the heels, then fastening the buckles on the adjustable straps around the ankle.
After a short glance admiring your outfit, you exit the closet, taking slow steps towards Eui, not that you had much of a choice.
“So what do you think?” You ask the girl, who had been standing by the desk.
“You look, wonderful miss!” She exclaims, her hands coming to her chest.
You thank her for the compliment as you slunk towards her.
Eui gestured to you to sit on the plush office chair while she fussed over your hair. You smiled as you saw the girl relax around you. Surprisingly she didn’t do much with your hair, she shifted your hair to better frame your face. And she was done.
Taking a few steps back she admires her handy work, nodding to herself. “All done,” She smiles.
“Thank you,” Standing you express your gratitude.
“Oh no, it was nothing at all,” Furiously shaking her head, then bowing as he excused herself, scurrying out the door.
Chuckling you glided across your room and out the door. As promised, you make your way to Jimin’s room. Though you weren’t exactly sure whether he was in his room or not, you were still asked to meet him there.
‘I wonder what he wanted?’ Musing to yourself, you knock on the tall double doors.
“Come in,” His voice comes through the door.
Pushing open one of the doors, you enter Jimin’s room. And the sight that greeted you truly warmed your heart. There he was, a suit-clad mafia don, on the floor cuddling a cloud of floof.
Was he really rolling around the floor wearing the suit
“Well, aren’t you two getting along?” Mockingly, you laugh, making your way towards the pair.
“Yes, we’re getting along perfectly,” He scoffs, before his eyes land on your form. His eyes trailed your body, his gaze drinks in your form. The red satin elegantly hangs from your body, as your hair naturally farms your face, further enhancing your raw beauty. Eui had done her job well. You looked just as gorgeous as the day you picked your dress, only you were still missing something. Your neck was far too bare for a party they were about to attend.
So he would fix that.
“So, what’s up? What did you want to talk about?” You ask, playing with your fingers.
“Right, follow me,” Standing from his position he leads you to his massive closet. You follow wordlessly.
Jimin pulls open one of the long drawers. And you see it filled with expensive watches and a navy blue velvet box. Most likely a jewelry box.
Your eye twitches as you realize that drawer probably costs more than everything you’ve owned put together, your apartment included.
“I wanted you to wear these,” Jimin’s voice brings you back from your thoughts as you see him open the velvet box.
The mafia boss’ eyes were trained on your expression as you gasp when you see the precious contents of the box.
There rested a white-gold necklace beautifully encrusted with diamonds. The centerpiece of the necklace was elegant curves with a diamond where they came together, another diamond hanging from the middle figure. More diamonds hung from the wing-like shapes that flowed away from the centerpiece, making the body of the necklace. The necklace itself sat beneath a pair of matching earrings. All of them encrusted with the same shimmering jewel. The exquisite piece was more art than jewelry. And was probably worth more than your life. (Picture is at the end [please go look at it, it’s really pretty])
A gentle smile curls on Jimin’s lips as he watches your awed expression before speaking up. “This used to be my mother’s,” He whispers.
“Ji一Jimin, I couldn’t. I can’t wear something so precious” Shaking your head, you step away from the box.
“Oh, I think you can,” Chuckling he lifts the necklace from his container.
“Jimin, no,” Distancing yourself from the male you deny his request. You would indulge him most to everything, you would follow almost any command he would give, but this was something you couldn’t do. This was something you didn’t deserve to do.
Sighing, he speaks, “Ever since my mother passed away, this has been sitting here, doing nothing,” His gaze rises to meet yours, and you felt your heart accelerate from the amount of warmth and affection they held. “I don’t think that’s what she would have wanted,”
“I think,” He inches closer, “She would have wanted someone to wear this. To show off this wonderful piece of art. To love this necklace just as she had,” Taking another step, he had you cornered you against the full body mirror in his closet.
Your eyes were glued to the floor as he tentatively pushed your hair away from the nape of your neck. Breath ragged, heart beating a mile a minute, you felt paralyzed as Jimin turned you to face the mirror. You couldn’t move, you wanted to stop him, to tell him you didn’t deserve to wear such a treasure. But you couldn’t, your body wouldn’t move as though under some spell
Your gaze remained plastered to your feet as Jimin unscrewed the necklace, placing it around your delicate neck, before screwing it on. The necklace was heavy, you felt the weight of the value, the importance of the necklace that hung from your neck as it rested on your chest.
“There, now it’s complete,” Appreciating the treasure that sat on your chest, Jimin says, his voice is barely above a whisper.
“You look magnificent,” He murmurs in your ear.  
Minutes passed and you had finally gained some sort of control over your body. Slowly, you turn to face the silver-blond, ready to express your disagreement, but your words die in your throat when your eyes meet his. His heart was beating just as fast as yours
Your mouth hung open but no words would come out. He was so close. Close enough for you to feel his shaky breath and his thundering heart.
You felt lost as you stared into his rich honey-brown orbs, each holding so much emotion, an emotion you recognized. Emotions similar to yours, but what exactly were your emotions. And as if on autopilot, your hands moved to rest on his suit-clad chest, clutching at the fine fabric.
Letting out a shaky breath your vision falls to his plump, cherry-pink lips. Taking in the wonderfully sculpted and so kissable. Your head twitched forward as you wondered if they were as soft as they looked.
An almost identical thought ran through Jimin’s head as he watched you nibble on your lower lip. And his body moved before he could think.
His lips crashing into your, perfectly melding together as they move in sync. Your eyes slip shut as Jimin’s arms curl around your waist, pulling you impossibly close. Your arms wrapping around his neck, fingers tangling into his silvery locks.
Groaning  into the kiss, Jimin swipes his tongue across your lower lip, asking for entrance. A request eagerly entertain. A soft whimper resounding in your throat as his muscle dominated your mouth. Stumbling backwards, he pushes you against the mirror as a quiet moan leaves your lips, thoroughly enjoying the feel of his tongue roam every crevice of your mouth.
An electrifying feeling jolt throughout your body and everything made sense. The comfort you felt just being in his presence, the fluttering feeling that always flourished within you were with him. This strange sense of trust you had in him even though you had met him less than two weeks ago. Why his words held so much value to you, the jitters you got when he spoke sweet words to you. The emotion was so natural, so familiar, you never noticed your own budding feelings.  
Minutes felt like hours as the kiss continued, but you didn’t want it to stop. Not now, not ever, slowly but surely becoming addicted to the sensation of Park Jimin’s kiss. And though unwillingly, you gently part from his lips when the need for oxygen burned your lungs.  
His plump, cherry lips remained flush against yours, panting as your lungs take in as much air as it could.
Moments pass and you finally gather the courage to look up to him, and that would be one decision you would never regret.
He wore the softest expression you had ever seen, filled with warmth, care, and love. But almost defeated? Relented? Like he had happily given up. Head involuntarily tilting when you didn’t understand his expression.  
“The things you do to me,” He whispers, placing a chaste kiss on your lips, which you gladly return.
Your frown deepens at his words. The thing you do to him? What about the thing he does to you? And you intended to make sure he knew and took responsibility for feelings.
“And what about you?” Puffing your cheeks into a pout, you say. “What about the things you did to me?” An amused smile tugged at the corners of Jimin’s mouth.
“Trapping me into your too comfortable to be real cuddles and attacking me with your attractiveness that you unfairly stole from the world,” A half-hearted scowl makes its way onto your face.
“You think I’m unfairly attractive?” An overly amused eyebrow lifts as he questions you.
“That's not what I一yes, but一 uuwgh” You groan, leaning your head on his chest, you wrap your arms around his wait when you realized he had a complete advantage.
Chuckling, he runs his fingers through your hair. Letting out a laugh of your own when you knew he completely and utterly had you.
“You are so unfair,” You chuckle, softly hitting his shoulder. He, in turn, pulls you against his body.
“You’re crazy,” You giggle.
“For you,” He smoothly returns, he gambles his luck, testing your reaction. This would be his way of asking you to be his. As he finally figured out what had been going on in his head. His heart twisted in realization as he could finally name the inexplicable happiness he felt every time you smiled, the heated rage when you got hurt, the ice-cold fear he felt when you were in danger. And the incredible amount of adoration and warmth he felt just having you close by. The love he felt when you looked at him and beamed a smile that put the brightest stars to shame.
Your eyes widen, understanding the true meaning behind his words. And try as you might you couldn’t stop the face-splitting grin that made itself a home on your face. You’d already known your answer.
“Eww, you’re so cheesy,” Leaning into him, you murmur against his lips, pecking his lips before squirming away from him.  
And you got exactly three steps in before you were pulled back by a strong yank.
“Be mine,” His eyes meet yours, all playfulness gone as he speaks seriously, though his words were more of a declaration than a request.
Mirth swimming in your eyes, you shimmy out his hold, giving him an innocent grin, you say. “I’ll think about it,” With that make you a break for the door. Though you don’t make it very far before you’re back in his grasp.  
“Minx,” He growls, capturing your lips in another searing kiss. A gesture you gladly returned.  
“We have to get going,” Giggling, you move away from the lip lock. A loud sigh leaves his lips and a pout puffs onto his cheeks as Jimin allows you to break the kiss.
“And you called me unfair,” He huffs out, his arms still locked around your waist.
“We have to go,” You repeat yourself.
“I know,” Mumbling, his eyes rake over your features.
“What are you looking at?” Poking his chest, you grumble.
“Am I not allowed to look at you?” He whispers, kissing the area behest your ear.  
“Oh, whatever,” Burying your face into his neck, you pray you didn’t smudge your makeup.
Chuckling, he speaks quietly. “The earrings, you forgot the earrings,”  
His words sober you from the giddy feeling you were drowning in just moments ago. Jimin notices your change in demeanor right away, and he knew the thoughts that were running through your head.
“Will you wear it for me, angel?” He pleads, leading you into his ginormous closet. Your eyes widen at the affectionate nickname, wordlessly following him.
“Jimin…” A soft murmur of his name leaves your mouth as you are once again standing before the full body mirror.
“You have some gall, making a mafia boss beg,” He chuckles, holding the marvelous pair of earrings.
“Fine, I’ll wear it, but just this once,” Your gaze meets his through the mirror, and you see amusement flood into those honey-brown orbs.
“Hm, sure,” Eyes narrowing at his reaction, you take the earrings from him, sliding them on, fastening them to your ear with the earring backs.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Letting out a playful growl, you exit the closet, crossing the room to the door.
“You look beautiful,” He compliments, opening the door for you.
“Don’t change the subject,”
“Shelty come, let’s go,” Ignoring you, he calls for the jet-black wolf-dogs. Who enthusiastically trots towards you, brushing her head against the palm you held out, inviting her for pets.
“Shelty’s going with us?” Coasting down the hall, you eye the silver-blond.
“Of course,” Pocketing his fists in his suit pocket
“Is she allowed at the party?” A questioning brow rose on your face as you descended the spiraling staircase.
“Yeah, dogs are allowed,” Shrugging, he walks beside you as you step outside the house.
Huffing out a chuckle, you cruise to the limousine waiting for you down the front steps.
“Took you guys long enough,” An upset Jeongguk expresses the shared sentiment of Bangtan’s core six of them anyway, leaning his weight on the luxurious vehicle. “What were you even doing?” He gruffs out.
“Completing her outfit,” Jimin swiftly answers, coming to stand beside his younger brother.
“Is that?” Jin moves closer, his eyes landing on the precious treasures hanging from your neck and ears.
“It is,” Grinning, Jimin arm snakes around your waist, nudging you into the vehicle.
Questioningly, you look at the mafia don. Were you going in first? You assumed he always entered group vehicles first. So why wasn’t he entering first?
With a tilt of his head, he gestures you into the limousine, ignoring the query in your orbs. ‘Well okay then,’ Carefully lifting your dress, you crawl into the limo, dismissing Jimin’s behavior as a transparent change of heart.
To you the action may have not meant much, however to the men standing outside the vehicle, this was a silent proclamation. You were officially off-limits.
“Oh?” A knowing grin spreads onto Taehyung’s lips as he watches his boss enter the car.
“What?” Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, you ask the seven men who each were miserably failing at suppressing their smiles.
But once again, Jimin is quick to change topics, “If all possible we’ll try to avoid talking about your position in Bangtan. But if we absolutely cannot avoid the subject then you’ll be recognized as a core member,” You blink once, then twice as the engines of the limousine hum to life as you feel the vibration of the vehicle moving. You thought you were attending as someone’s plus one or something of the sort, not as a core member. Just being called part of the core was a responsibility on its own, were they really trusting you with that?
“So remember to hold yourself in that regard, regardless if you have to identify yourself or not” Namjoon cleared his throat.
“Don’t let anyone disrespect you,” Yoongi adds. “It’ll reflect on us too,”
Bobbing your head in understanding, you soak in all the information, before adding a few points of your own.
“Uh, guys,” You call for their attention. “If anyone brings up the Yeong incident, just know I didn’t come up with the plan,”
Confusion pools in their eyes before realization strikes and they understand your cryptic words. Should anyone mention the incident they were to divert attention from you, obviously, you will attract some attention, however, the intention was to keep you hidden, to keep you harmless, at least your image anyway.
Everyone falls to their own thoughts as a calm silence takes over. But the quiet remained longer than you would have liked. So you did the only right thing to do in such a situation.
“Did you know your eyeballs are three and a half percent salt?” You throw the first medical fact that comes to mind.
“What?” Yoongi ganders at you like you were the stupidest life form in existence.
“Just a fun fact,” Jimin chuckles as your shoulders lifted into a shrug.
“Hey, (Y/n),” The youngest calls for your attention. “Can you dance?”
‘Well shit,’ Over the week, you were entirely focused on improving your combat skills, you had completely overlooked the fact that you couldn’t dance. Sure you could flail to a rhythm but you didn’t know proper ballroom dancing. “No,” Lowering your head, you answer.
And the limousine jerked to a stop just as you did. “Uh, that's okay, you can skip the dancing. The event is more of a banquet-style anyway,” The chocolate brunette assures you, as the dark door smoothly opened.
“Right,” Mumbling, you delicately scooch out of the vehicle and beside Jimin, who had his hand out for you.
And the sight before you was grand, to say the least. Bright yellow ground lights illuminate the two large pillars that stood on either side of the main entrance. You could see the lobby through the glass doors, marble floor, lush green plants decorated corners of the room, and a mahogany desk sat to the side of the space, giving the room an open feel.
Speckles of gold from the indoor lights sprinkled the length of the tall building. You had to strain your neck to see the whole building, you almost assumed it went on forever.
Ladies in extravagant gowns and dresses poured in alongside men dressed in perfectly tailored suits. One would think you were attending a royal ball by the way these people dressed, not a mafia party.
Cars you had only seen in movies and magazines passed by you as the crowd grew. And you feel a subtle tug on your hand, which you guessed was Jimin.
“Wait, Jeongguk!” You gasp, body jolting when you remember the gift you meant to give a certain lady if you could call her that. “Did you bring everything I told you?” You ask the male.
“Oh, yeah!” He exclaims, remembrance flooding his hazel orbs. “Hold on let me get it,” He rushes to the end of the elongated body of the limousine. And your expression falls into a blank look.
“Did you really put flowers in the trunk?” Your deadpan stare pierces through him as his shoulder rises high in a shrug.
“Well, I got them didn’t I?” He hands you the bouquet, stuffing his hands into his suit pockets.
Sighing, you shake your head. Although he was right, he had gotten all the flowers you had asked for.. And a mischievous grin splits on your face as you fuss with the flower petals adjusting and arranging them.
“What are those for?” Jimin comes up behind you, one of his arms wrapping around your waist. Your grin melts into a soft smile at the warmth of his touch.
“Don’t worry about it,” You assure him as he leads you up the front steps. Though still curious, he drops the topic, humming at your words.
You walk down the first corridor by the main entrance, your eyes fell to the floor as a sudden bout of nervousness hit you. Only it wasn’t only nervousness that had made itself known, you could feel the excitement pulse through your veins as you walked down the carpeted hallway.
“Alright here we go,” Jeongguk blasts his bunny smile as you turn one last corner and you see the humongous double door, you were sure you could fit an elephant through.
Your breath caught in your throat as you took in the room. Three enormous rectangular low ceiling chandeliers hung from the high ceiling. It looked as though it was raining gold; a clean white light poured from the large chandeliers. Neatly lighting the room in a soft enchanting glow.
Round tables dotted the great hall, as people mingled, greeting each other.
A soft smile plastered to your face you eyed the people you passed, taking note of their movements and expressions. Though you had to admit you were enjoying the shocked, almost scared glances you received from the many attendees when their eyes landed on your wolf-dog. You felt a surge of power run through you as you glide through the crowd with Shelty walking a naturally regal strut by your hip. And you knew the core of Bangtan was also enjoying that feeling.
As you walked, you carefully studied your surroundings, and before you even had a chance to really go through the information, you had already seen distinct characteristics in both men and women.
There were three kinds of women, ones that clung to men, ones that huddled together, and ones that sat alone, poise and prestige rolling off of them as they coyly sat and observed the fray. The quiet ones were the most dangerous, you will never truly know how much they understand.
Silently you sit in the chair Jimin had directed you to, still holding onto the bouquet. The men break into their own conversations and a few men approach Jimin, inviting him into conversations, which he somewhat reluctantly obliged. And you vaguely hear the men ask the silver-blond about your identity.  
Minutes passed of you quietly watching the crowd, and Hae Seulgi was still nowhere to be found. From what you heard from the chocolate haired mafioso, she seemed like a fly drawn to honey, and yet she was still missing.
‘Oh? Ask and you shall receive, is what they say?’ You suppress your grin into a docile smile, calming your rapidly thumping heart. Jeongguk had shown you a picture of the girl, and you had to say, she was quite attractive, in fact, she was beautiful. And from everything you had been told about her, it would seem as though the jewels she wore were brighter than she would ever be. Plus as the spoiled younger sister of Hae Jae-sang, you were almost certain money had jammed her cerebral functions. But, a healthy dose of caution keeps you safe. You recite to yourself as a woman in a deep raisin-purple mermaid dress that flowed outward at the feet stalked towards the now seated beside you Jimin.
“Waiters will be going around with food, but if you want anything just tell one of us, okay?” He places a hand on your knee cap. And your plastered smile thaws into a genuine one as you nod to him.
“Well, well,” Hae Seulgi makes her appearance. “What’s this? Park got himself a new bitch?” She scoffs, her eyes trailing your form. Though her confidence all but evaporates when a deep snarl rips from beside you. She jumps back, her gaze finally finding the wolf-dog beside you.
“Shelty,” Camly you call her name, combing your fingers through the fur of her head.
In all honesty, you too were surprised at Shelty’s actions. Hae Seulgi had done nothing threatening, yet she released a powerful growl of warning.
“What the fuck?!” She yelps. “What is that thing?!”
“A goat,” Jimin snaps. “What the hell does it look like?”
“You know the rules,” She spits back. “No exotic pets,”
“She’s a dog Seulgi,” Jimin massages his forehead.
“No she’s not that’s clearly a fucking wolf,” She barks, stepping back awkwardly after Shelty bares her teeth at the girl when she tried to approach Jimin. And from what you could see the men seated around the table were equally amused at the sight before them.                  
A placid smile blossoms on your lips as you had got exactly what you had hoped for.
“Oh, I assure she’s just a dog,” Quickly coming to a stand, you rapidly explain to her that Shelty was a dog. “Please forgive her,” You give her a deep bow.
“And just the hell are you?” She scoffs, arms folded. You bit back a grin as you raised your head, your wide innocent eyes met her sharp catty ones. The seven men freeze at her words, would they really have to introduce you as part of the core so early on?
‘Pathetic,’ Her keen dark brown orbs appraised you. She could tell just from the way you spoke and reacted, you wouldn’t last more than a week in this world. She may have been spoiled by her elder brother, but she was raised in this chaos. Something as weak as you couldn’t handle this… If only she had known.
“A doctor,” You answer simply, your right hand covered by your right as they hung in front of you.
“What?” She sneers.
“Please, as an apology for Shelty’s behaviour一” You held up the bouquet, “一would you accept this bouquet?”
Her eyes scrutinize your form. “I’ve been here less than an hour, I wouldn’t want to start any trouble,”
‘How adorably pitiful, just this once,’ She hums, holding out her hand as she accepts the flowers.  
“Seulgi,” Your attention is shifted to the man at the table across the room. A man in a navy-blue striped suit. His hard gaze commands for her presence.
“Well, I guess our meeting will have to be postponed,” She turned away from the table. “See you later Jimin,” She struts away with the bouquet, towards the male at the other table.
“Oh I think I will,” He says out loud, before muttering his next words, “In my nightmare,”
Giggling, you sit back on your chair. And a feeble smile forms on Jimin lips at the sound of your laugh.
“What was all that about?” Yoongi questions, but you keep your silence.
“By the way (Y/n), why did you give her flowers?” Jeongguk asks. “I thought we were offhandedly insulting her,”
You remained silent, you would explain your action to them once you were in the safety of your home. Right now, there were too many ears close by. Or at least that was your intention.
“Oh she did,” A voice comes from the right. During your little exchange, you hadn’t realized you had attracted the attention of a certain woman with the striking bouquet you were holding. And there stood Seoung Hei-ryung, wife of Seoung Seungri, co-head of the largest mafia gang in Seoul
“A foxy little thing aren’t you?” She smiles, confidently stepping closer to you, unafraid of the wolf-dog sitting beside you. Shelty does not react, as she comes to stand beside you.
So she caught your encrypted message. You’d have to be careful with her.  
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” There was no point in pretending in front of her.
“Geraniums, foxglove, meadowsweet, yellow carnations, and orange lilies. Quite the striking collection,” She muses.
“Hm, an interest in flowers I see,” You hum. “Do you perhaps have a garden?” An innocent question, but your eyes screamed a wicked loftiness.
“Yes, I do actually,” A mischievousness pools in her eyes.
“I happen to like flowers as well,” Smiling, you return.
“I can see that,” You laugh at her words, her sharp gaze trailing your form before she continues. “When an excellent find you’ve made Park Jimin,” She praised.
Jimin hum, unsure of what exactly Hei-ryung was speaking of.
“Here,” She hands you a card, a business card to be precise. “I’d like to get to know you better, and perhaps make a deal or two while we’re at it,”
“I’d like that too, Seoung-ssi,” You gratefully accept the card, and she lets out a loud laugh hearing your formality.
“Please, call me Hei-ryung…” She trails off, asking for your name.
“(L/n) (Y/n), but please me (Y/n),”
“Well then (Y/n), if I call you by your first name you must call me by mine,”
“I would be honored, Hei-ryung-ssi,” You answer.
“Suppose that’ll have to do for now,” She chuckles
The men around the table watch owlishly as you casually chatted and even scored a meeting with essentially the royal family of the mafia world. It was true that they had made a few deals in the past, but those were strictly business. This, on the other hand, the queen had just invited you to tea.
“But what exactly do the flowers have anything to do with this?” Jeongguk's face scrunches in confusion.
“Oh? You didn’t know,” A surprised brow raises on her face. “Well then let me tell you,” She grins.
It would have been most preferable to explain this in the safety of the meeting room, but you weren't exactly about to cut off the queen of the Korean mafia world.
“Geraniums signify stupidity, foxgloves represent insincerity, meadowsweets mean uselessness, yellow carnations mean “You have dissapointed me”, and finally orange lilies symbolizes hatred. Quite striking and full of loathing,” Chuckling, she elucidates the men. Their heads snapped to you as you held onto your coy smile.
“No. Way,” Jeongguk annunciates each syllable as excitement rushes onto his expression.
“Holy shit,” Yoongi runs a hand through his white-blond locks, a chuckle leaving his lips.
“So you cussed her out in flower,” Taehyunh wears a stupefied grin as he holds his forehead with both his hands.
“You are amazing,” Jin heaves out a laugh as he slapped the table.
“Isn’t she?” Another voice interjects from behind you.
And your face visibly falls, you feel a cold chill spread throughout your body. You recognized that voice. You jump off your seat, turning to meet the girl you hadn’t seen for nearly two weeks. The girl you never thought you would ever see again, the girl that shouldn’t be here.
“Soomin?” Meekly, you speak the familiar name as you take in the sight before you. She wore a burgundy, silk A-Line halter, sleeveless dress with a sweep train. And she looked gorgeous, you had never really seen the sweet girl outside of hoodies and leggings, but she certainly seemed to be killing that dress.  
“It’s been a while. How have you been (Y/n)?” A hand on her hip, with a cheshire grin curves on her lips as she greets you. Before bending to pet your puppy’s head. “Hey, Shelty girl,” Cooing at the wolf-dog, she runs her fingers through Shelty’s silky fur.
“Wait, you know her?” The youngest articulates the thoughts of all seven men.  
Did you know her? Of course, you knew Soomin. Why wouldn’t you? She was your boss. But what was your boss, from the flower shop you worked at doing here? She’s not supposed to be here? She’s supposed to be happily running a successful business you knew she loved. So what was she doing here, in a mafia party? Your thoughts fly in thousands of different directions as you try to make sense of the situation, but were cut off when the girl you thought you knew spoke.
“Hm, follow me, Ji-Eun Duri wants to chat,” She gestures to the door with her head.
You may have been distracted by the revelation before you, but you had regained your composure. And you didn’t miss the way Hei-ryung’s eyes widened ever so slightly before returning to their original position. Though the others were not as inconspicuous as the lady.
“Then, I will be taking my leave,” She turns to you. “Contact me when you can and we’ll set a proper meeting date,” She offers you a gentle smile before excusing herself from the group.
“Well then, come on,” Gesturing with her head, she commands.
“Why?” Jimin’s voice is deep, serious as he speaks.
“Why what?” A questioning brow raises on her brow.  
“Why does she want to talk?” He asks.
“You’ll have to ask her yourself,” Soomin’s eyes and her words spoke different meanings.
“Let’s go,” Your voice is final, as you meet Soomin’s gaze head-on.
Though surprised with your initial assertiveness, he stands with him followed the rest of the core. Pushing back their seats they stood.  
“Right this way,” A grin breaks into Soomin’s lips as she leads you out the grand banquet hall. You hear soft murmurs around you while crossing the room, you bit your lower lip as you may have attracted more attention than comfortable. But that can come later, for now, you needed answers, you needed to talk to Soomin. And if talking to this Ji-Eun Duri was the only way, then so be it.
“I brought them,” She hollers, entering the room a few twists and turns from the main banquet hall.
The room is dimly lit, a large conference table sat in the center of the room. With a figure sitting at the far end of the table.
“Oh?” A female voice speaks, you notice the voice sounds that of an elder or at least older than anyone else in this room.
“Come, sit,” Ji-Eun Duri invites.
Stepping close, you get a better look at the figure before you. She had jet-black hair, her hair matching the color of the dress she wore. It was a simple design similar to yours. You could feel all your senses alert at her presence, your gaze studying her, trying to understand something, anything.  
You hadn’t realized how long you had been staring at the figure until Jimin pulled you to sit beside him, as per usual you take a seat on his left side. And you finally allow your eyes to wander, that is when you finally notice the tense expressions the mafiosos wore. And you knew it was caused by the woman sitting on the other end of the table.
Moments passed, no one spoke, so you decided to ask the question that had been ringing in your head.
“Soomin, what are you doing here?” You ask, surprising even yourself at the calmness it held.
“What do you mean (Y/n)?” Soomin doesn’t sit, instead, standing to the right of Ji-Eun Duri. “I’ve always been here, you’ve just never known.”
“You knew her?” Jimin asks you, and even with the minimal lighting, you could see the frown line setting on his handsome face.  
“She was my boss,” You answered. “The flower shop, she’s the owner of the flower shop I worked at,” Your voice steadier than you thought it would be.
“Hmm, honestly, one would think you bunch would show a little gratitude,” Soomin tuts, shaking her head. You could see their gaze flicker form each other then to the standing female.
“What are you talking about?” Sitting up straighter, Yoongi’s eyes narrowed as he spoke.
“You know, if I hadn’t sent (Y/n) to you when I did, your boss would be six feet under right now,” She states matter of factly.
Your eyes widen at her words. She had sent you to them? She had meant to send you straight into that fray? She had sent you to Bangtan's manor knowing there was conflict. She knowingly brought you into this world. ‘This was all on purpose,’
“You what?” Your voice falters ever so slightly.
“You heard me?” Her words are sharp, but dripping in amusement.
And that was all you needed to fully regain your steely composure. You could panic and mull over this late at home, for now, you need to figure out why you were brought into this, and the true intentions behind Duri’s summoning.
Glancing to Jimin, you nod. A silent reassurance that you were fine, and to continue the meeting.
“What do you want, Ji-Eun Duri?” He speaks curtly.
“Oh nothing really,” She responds. “I just wanted to congratulate you on the victory over Yeong Cheol Meong,”
“Honestly, it was like a breath of fresh air to see someone finally use their brain,” She lets out a breath of relief.
“What?” Jimin scowls, the gazes of the men around you darkening with it.
“All you people use is brute force and violence to solve all your problems,” She explains. “So it was nice seeing someone use what they had to their maximum advantage.”
“So well done Park,” Duri praises the male. “Gaining monopoly over the Thailand routes, making connections in foreign lands, and the profit That was one good plan.”
“Though I have a feeling the praise is falling to the person,” Soomin muses, her index finger brushing her lower lip.
“Hm, tell me Park what do you intend to do from here? What do you think would be the best course from here on out?” Duri questioned, leaning her head on her hand.
“We’re not obligated to tell you anything,” The silver-blond bites, his fists clenching. You gently nudge his feet, giving him a soft smile when he turns to you.
“What do you think (Y/n)?” The older woman shifts her attention to you.
You could have given the same reply as Jimin had, completely dodging the question. But you knew they wouldn’t let you off so easily, not with Soomin watching you like a hawk. Your former boss was well aware of your capabilities. And you knew she wouldn’t accept your roundabout answer.
The fact that they knew so much about the plan and things that came after the plan meant they knew, they knew everything. So these questions were more of a test, but a test for what? What were they really after? Going by the fact they brought you to another room, they didn’t want anyone interrupting, anyone listening. They wanted something, but what?
‘Fine, I’ll play along,’ Your gaze shifts to where the mafia don had been seated, meeting his honey-brown orbs. Your eyes spoke silent words, quietly asking him permission to answer the question.
What were you thinking? If you decide to truthfully answer this question then the future movements of the gang would be out in the open. More likely than not they follow whatever strategies you thought of. However, the fact stood that your decisions had yet to lead them astray. And though he didn't understand as to why you wanted to do this, he decided to trust your decision, on the accounts of all the benefits Bangtan had reaped from them.
“(Y/n)?” The ravenette calls your name, amusement, and interest pooling within her dark black orbs.
“It doesn’t matter what world it is, every world has it’s wars. Including this one,” You begin, “And with every war come politics, those two go together hand in hand”
Soomin wears a satisfied smile as she listens with the same interest as Duri.
“Just as politics can cause wars, it can also quell wars,” You meet the older woman’s gaze.
“And? What would’ve been your plan?” She questions. You knew she was following your thoughts, but you play her game.
“It’s simple really, trustworthy allies," Holding back a scoff you continue. “The more, the better,”
“Oh, so you intend to force Yeong into a corner?” A brow raises on her face as she reiterates your words.
“It’s not a bad plan, if you have strong allies backing you, then he can’t move as carelessly as he could if he were dealing with Bangtan alone,” Soomin hums, analyzing your suggestion.
“There's no point in having weapons if there isn’t anyone to use them, and there isn’t any use in having many allies if they’re only going to betray you,” Fingers toying with your hair, you ponder out loud. “But,”
“But?” Duri urges you on.
“If all possible I would want make Bangtan essential for Yeong’s gang survival,” Crossing your right leg over your left, your gaze lifts to meet Duri’s. “No matter how much someone may hate water, their body can’t survive without it.”
“And how do you intend to become Yeong’s water?” The ravenette eyes your form.
“I don’t know,” Shrugging, you answer honestly.
Ji-Eun Duri eyelids open then close, blinking once then twice before she bursts into a loud fit of laughter, her shoulders shaking with her laughs.
Your own eyes run over her form as you dissect her movements as you try to decipher the meaning behind her reaction.
“A curious little thing aren’t you?” Huffing as her laughter subsided, she ran her finger under her lower lip. Your line of sight shifts to Soomin, gauging her expression, only to find it drowning in amusement and a devilish pleasure.
“Well then, (Y/n),” The older woman begins. “Tell me, will you allow me to be the first to join your little alliance?” Pure joy danced in her charcoal-black orbs.
“I offer my full support and backing,” She proposes. “In any country, I have branches in, you will receive full support and cooperation from all my operatives. I’m more than willing to introduce you to any of my contact in whatever country you ask, I’ll even help you make connections or even expand,”  
“What do you want?” Expression hardening, you feel your muscles tense. She wanted something, there was no giving in this world, everything was an exchange. So what did she want? And there was no guarantee she wouldn’t betray you, she has no real incentive to stay loyal. Even if she wanted something, that was not enough reason to keep someone loyal, especially people as crafty as her.
At first glance, it would seem like her words drip in narcissism, but that was exactly it, her supposed narcissism makes her easy to underestimate. An extremely dangerous weapon on its own. However, that wasn’t it, you did not know for certain but your gut said she had more than enough power to back whatever words she may speak.
“What do you want in return?” Repeating your question, you twitch your crossed legs.
“Something very simple really,” Humming, she toys with her manicured fingernails. Cocking a brow, you rest your elbow on the conference table.
“Loyalty, I want Bangtan’s loyalty.” She says simply. .
Your mouth gapes, at her words. And though the core members of Bangatn shared a similar reaction, your surprise was caused by two very different sentiments.
‘We’d be sitting pretty if we had one of Seoul's largest drug lords behind us,’ Yoongi thought, picking at the skin of his lips. As the head behind one of the most powerful drug rings, her control reaches much farther than the boundaries of Seoul or even Asia. With her by Bangtan’s side they could expand globally. And she was offering just that, expansion and in return all she wanted was Bangtan’s loyalty, a small price to pay for what Duri was offering. You’d be a fool not to take it, but would you?
Yoongi’s gaze flickers to you then to the older woman sitting at the other end. ‘Come on, (Y/n), we can't pass this up,’
Though you had heard the same words you had understood different meanings. This was why words were dangerous, if you don’t listen carefully, you will only hear what you want to hear, not what the speaker was truly articulating. Like in this instance Duri was asking for the gang’s loyalty, was she? Then your hunch about the woman was proven correct, she was smart and cunningly so, sharp as a knife and just as she had said earlier she took maximum advantage from anything and everything. This time she took advantage with her purposely vague words.
“You’re kidding? You’re kidding right?” Scoffing you push away from the table.
“Oh no, not at all, your loyalty is all I want,” Duri misunderstands the reason behind your disbelief.
“Words are just as lethal as weapons,” Voice sharp, you hiss out.
“I don’t see what’s wrong? All I ask in return for my backing and connection is loyalty,” She knows exactly what’s wrong, and so do you.
“So let me get this straight,” Scoffing, you decide you reiterate Duri’s word in simpler, clearer terms. “You’re offering connection and backing in other countries in exchange for control over the most extensive and most accurate network in Seoul?”
The seven men freeze when they hear those words leave your lips. Their bodies are rigid as they fully comprehend your words, or rather comprehend Ji-Eun Duri’s artful deceit.
Adjusting his cuffs, Jimin sat straighter. Focused on the things Bangtan would gain from the woman, he had overlooked what they would be giving up. But how could he not? Her words were molded in such an inciting trap. And these were the moments he was especially grateful that you were sitting beside him.
And though you had said plenty, you still  had more to say, much more.
“The words “I want your loyalty,” is as clear as my skin swamp water. Of course, being aligned with you would mean none of the information collected on you would be shared, but using the term “loyal” loosely then if you asked us not to, we wouldn’t be able to gather intel on you or you could even ask that for people associated with you,” You explain. “And along the lines of information, going by your ambiguous descriptions of the deal, being “loyal” to you would also mean we wouldn’t be able to keep information from you whether it’d be about us and our own affairs or others. You would have not only full access to our networks but also almost full control over them,”
Puffing out a breath, you fold your arms leaning against the office chair. And the men around you visibly gulp as they were now able to see the finely laid trap.
“Did I miss anything?” You ask calmly, your briefly lost composure returning to you. “If so, please feel free to as the list,”
“I think she got all of them,” Soomin quips, nodding her head, thoroughly impressed with your understanding. “What do you think?” She asks Duri.
“Yeah, I think she did,” Sh chuckles. “It’s been some time since anyone has caught my words,” Her eyes form crescents from the wide grin she wears.  
“I’d forgotten what it feels like to match wits,” She muses. “Alright, how about I make a better deal?” You watch her with incredulous eyes. Unbelieving of every word that left her mouth.
“I offer Bangtan my loyalty,” Her charcoal orbs land on yours. “In exchange for yours,”
“Again with th一”
“Not theirs,” Duri cuts you off. “Just yours, I want your loyalty (L/n) (Y/n),”
“Mine?” Forehead folding into a confused frown, you try to search for any hidden meaning in her words, any advantage she would gain from having only your loyalty. And you saw none. What was going on?
“Why?” Eyes narrowing, you question her.
“Because I want your loyalty,” Effortlessly dodging the question, she continues. “So do we have a deal or not?”
“What does the term loyalty include?”
“Anything you want it to,” She answers simply, she flicks her wrist.
If there were any advantages of having your loyalty then you couldn’t see it, however, if she were to pledge loyalty to Bangtan the gang would be able to benefit from all her resources. But what were the extent of her resources, was this really worth it?
Shifting your gaze to the men around you, and it dawned on you. No one was speaking, as a matter of fact, they had barely spoken at all. You were discussing the possible future of the gang, and none of the actual gang members were talking. Even Jimin had kept his silence, but why?
Your eyes find Jimin’s, silently asking him for guidance. His expression softens when he sees you looking at him. ‘What should I do?’ Your eyes asked. ‘Let’s take it,’ His answered, nodding, you scan the faces of the rest of Bangtan and their expressions said the same. So it was decided.
“We’ll take it,” The smile on Duri’s face remains the same as you answered. So she had predicted this.
“But,” You add. “Your word isn’t good enough, I want papers, contracts, a physical embodiment of your promise,”
“Oh?” She hums, her eyebrows raising in mild surprise.
“Make no mistake, you’re a threat just as much as you’re an opportunity,” You warn, uncrossing your legs, your hands falling to the armrests of the office chair you were sitting on.
A grin spreads on Soomin’s lips as she watches the interaction.
“Fine,” She says, her eyes closed. “Let’s meet three days from now, we can get everything down on paper, then,” Her gaze flickers to you then to Jimin.
“What do you say, boss?” Mockingly, she asks the silver-blond.
“Send the location of the meeting to Namjoon,” Standing he stares daggers into the older woman, he answers sharply.
“Alright, see you at the meeting, then,” She waves, lightheartedly.  
“See ya later (Y/n),” Soomin called from her place beside Duri.
You stand just with the other core members, as your eyes flicker to Soomin’s catty ones then to Duri before you turn to leave the room.
“What the hell just happened in there?” Taehyung breathed out as you walked down the carpeted corridors.
What the hell had happened? Everything felt like a blur, one moment you are reuniting with Soomin in a place you never imagined you would. Then Ji-Eun Duri happened, just who the hell was she? And why did she want your loyalty? Was it some kind of scheme, a ploy? You’d have to ask Namjoon for proper information on her.
“I know right?” Jeongguk exclaims, his tone brimming with excitement.
“Did we really just strike a deal with Ji-Eun Duri? Like the Ji-Eun Duri?” Hoseok mutters still in soft shock.
“First Seoung Hei-ryung, then Ji-Eun Duri. Just one power woman after another,” Jin chuckles in disbelief, that you had just arranged meetings with not just one but two of the most powerful women in the mafia world.
“I know right,’’ The youngest joins in.
“I don’t think you understand the weight of your accomplishment (Y/n),” Namjoon says, impressed with what you had done.
“Yes, you did an amazing job,” Jimin praises, bringing you closer to him by your waist.
Sighing, you stopped in your tracks, staying in place. You were glad that they were happy, you really were, but seeing Soomin, the deal, you just needed time to process everything. And a party was not the place you wanted to do that.
“Jimin,” You whisper, wrapping your arms around the silver-blonde, you bury your face into Jimin’s neck. “Can we go home?” Mumbling, you nuzzle further into his neck.
A soft smile curved onto his lips as he curls his arms around you. “Of course, love,”
But your stomach twists and grumbles, making a very loud rumbling noise, a signal that your empty stomach was and crying to be filled.
“Can we go to McDonald's first?” You ask, looking up to him.
The silence continues for a solid minute before all seven men burst into laughter. Your eyes flutter at the sight before you join in on the laughing.
“Anything you want,” The mafia don chuckles, “Are any of you staying?”
“What?” Taehyung spits, eyebrows furring in anger. “And miss out on McDonald's? Fuck that,” He says.
“Let’s go to McDonald's!” Hoseok exclaims, his fists pumping into the air.
Laughing, you leave the grand gala in favor of a fast-food restaurant together.
“So this is the girl you chose?” Duri observes the swirl of the wine as she twirls her glass.
“Yes,” Soomin spoke softly, leaning against the wall behind the onyx haired woman.
“Did you see the confused look on her face when I said I want her loyalty?” Duri chuckles airily.
“Honestly, I’m not sure how someone could be so sharp and so dull at the same time,” Soomin sighs, her soft-blond hair falling onto her face.  
“Why did I want your loyalty?” Duri says as though speaking to you. “It’s simple my child, when you take over the world I want to stand at your side.”
“In the first three days of her arrival, Bangtan took over the Thai weapons routes. In a mere three days, so imagine what she could do in three months or three years,” The older woman asserts.
“The game board just shifted my daughter,” Sipping her wine, the older woman stands. “Things are changing, whether it be for the better or for worse,”
“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see,” The younger woman hums thoughtfully.
“Well, I see every situation as both an opportunity and a threat,” You muse, watering the sunflowers. “O一of course that doesn’t apply to every situation,” You stammer out, realizing you had just said something people would normally classify as strange.
‘Seeing every situation as an opportunity and a threat, huh?  I look forward to seeing what you become (Y/n),’
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