#Henry isn't a copy he's the real deal
deadal3x · 1 year
Young and Beautiful [Henry Stein X Linda Stein; a BATIM songfic]
“Will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful?; Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul?; I know you will… -Young and Beautiful, Lana del Rey
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I've seen the world, done it all Had my cake now Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel Air now Hot summer nights, mid-July When you and I were forever wild The crazy days, city lights The way you'd play with me like a child
Linda laughed, spinning with Henry in the grass. a soft smile rested on her face, never wavering. a new, shiny engagement ring rested on her finger, their shared laughter echoing throughout the night. He held her close, his short blonde hair and sparkling brown eyes looking down at her as he showered her in love.
Henry lifted her once more, spinning her again.
I've seen the world, lit it up as my stage now
Channeling angels in the new age now
Hot summer days, rock and roll
The way you'd play for me at your show
And all the ways I got to know
Your pretty face and electric soul
Linda held onto Henry closely as they walked into the release of his newest cartoon- the debut of the studio’s newest character, Alice Angel- watching with an awe-inspired smile on her face. Many men and women waved to her Husband- congratulating him on his rising success at Joey Drew Studios. He waved back, thanking them all genuinely- always humble, Linda thought happily, watching as he lived his dream. he reached for her, pulling her closer as he told the crowd about her. Always loving, she waved to the crowd, who cheered for her. people snapped pictures, some chanting for them to kiss. Henry laughed, pulling Linda in close, placing a loving kiss on her lips.
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
Linda frowned, watching as the sun dipped past the horizon. Henry had left hours ago, to tell Joey he was leaving the studio. He promised to return by sundown at the latest, and he hadn’t walked back in; he hadn’t pulled her into his grasp, whispering words of love from his heart to her. Linda’s heart ached as she sat waiting for him to return, waiting to hear his tired voice speaking softly to her as he carried her to their shared bedroom- holding her as they drifted to sleep together.
Linda went to bed alone, aching for him.
Dear Lord, when I get to heaven
Please, let me bring my man
When he comes, tell me that You'll let him in
Father, tell me if You can
All that grace, all that body
All that face makes me wanna party
He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds
Linda’s hands shook as she stared at the officers, their expressions somber. her hand rested on her pregnant belly, listening to their pitied apologies for her loss. her mind echoed with thoughts, as she felt her baby kick- as if recognizing it’s mother was distressed.
He was gone, they assumed, after a month of no leads in her Husbands missing case. We’re sorry for your loss, they told her, glancing at her belly. We tried our best to find him.
Linda closed the door, calmly thanking them for informing her. She sunk to the floor, her heart aching as she processed their words.
we have no other reason than to presume your husband, Henry Stein as deceased.
the words echoed in her head, and she prayed to god that they where wrong.
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
Linda opened the door, yelling to her daughter to stop running as she did. Looking out she saw a young woman, holding a well-loved book.
my name’s Audrey, she said. I found your husband.
Linda shook her head, laughing slightly. She told the young woman she must have the wrong house, that her husband died years ago. She tried closing the door, but a hand stopped it.
a new person came into view. Tired brown eyes smiled at her, catching her off guard. Her husband, several years older than the last time she saw him stood outside her small two bedroom house.
his soft, tired voice filled her ears, and she teared up.
“I’m home, Linda.” he said. “I love you.”
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
Will you still love me when I'm not young and beautiful?
Henry stepped inside, pulling Linda into a long awaited kiss, an unmoving smile on their faces. as they spoke softly, a new voice joined them.
“Mommy, who’s that?” Linda’s young daughter asked, a sketchbook in hand. Henry stared at the girl, eyes wide with awe.
“This is your father, sweetie. remember the stories I told you about him?” The young girl grinned wide, jumping up and down, showing her father her book, excitedly explaining how she learned to draw his once iconic cartoon characters.
“I’m so happy you’re home!”
“I’m happy to be home..”
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angelofthepage · 7 months
Memory Joey - What is your source?
Hi I did not get my full eight hours of sleep, and I am chomping at the bit with a new thought, so prepare for a slightly unhinged Kat theory about Joey.
Last night I was chatting with my partner in crime Beth about a number of Bendy things, but one of my many takeaways from that conversation was a new angle of looking at Memory Joey. So, recently I shared that I was frustrated with the narrative shift of Henry and Allison being ink copies, because it feels like it cheapens the original BATIM and doesn't do anything to serve the Joey Drew Redemption Arc (tm) narrative. We as the player know the man has a body count. Even if you take these two characters out of the mix, he's still responsible for the deaths of multiple other characters, mostly in the books, but like, come on, the whole "I own thousands of them" comment about souls in BATIM? The coffins with secret names on them? Joey you ain't slick. We spent too long establishing that Joey used his employees for their souls across MULTIPLE MEDIUMS to suddenly throw all of that out the window, and I don't entirely buy the idea that these two aren't the real deal. Granted, it still leaves us with questions about how the ink demon works given, there was also time dedicated to establishing that he was imperfect because he's soulless, but that's for another day.
But then, last night we talked about how none of these characters know Audrey is the daughter of Drew. And if they did know that, would their reactions be different? Would they still try to help her? I'm not sure. But it got me thinking about how there's a lot of things we the player know/believe that the characters don't. And that's when it hit me.
Memory Joey's story wasn't for us. It was for Audrey.
Now, that sounds obvious, like no duh, he's talking to Audrey for the whole scene, of course it's for her. Memory Joey doesn't know we as the players exist, he's got nothing to prove to us. But hear me out: that sequence wasn't meant to give us as players new information or prove he's a changed man, we weren't the ones who were supposed to believe in it. Audrey was. He has EVERYTHING to prove to Audrey. That's the daughter of the man he came from, his precious little girl, the first time he made something with the ink machine out of love, and she doesn't even remember that he's her father. Joey Drew, throughout his lifetime, cared a lot about how people saw him. Having shoes and a suit that didn't make him look poor, appearing financially stable to investors, the nasty things he had to say when he thought he wasn't being recorded, acting like he had control when everything he knew was falling apart, Joey was always trying to keep up appearances. And while I'll believe that he can mostly let go of that with time and growth, I don't think he could deal with Audrey, his daughter, seeing him as the bad guy. Especially when she doesn't remember Joey? Trying to make a good impression, sharing that yes, he did bad things, but he wasn't all bad? That he changed? That's covering Joey's ass something fierce.
Audrey isn't aware of Joey's body count. She doesn't know what happened to his employees. How Sammy became a cultist, how Susie was mistreated and manipulated to be desperate to be Alice. The entire story of Buddy Lewek and Norman Polk. She knows NONE of it! She doesn't know what he did. She doesn't know there were so many teenagers, just a little younger than her, that DIED because of his machine. And until you get the note about the kids that came before her, she has no idea she's not the first.
I often give Memory Joey a pass, he doesn't strike me as someone who would want to lie, especially to Audrey since he clearly cares about her. He delivers his slideshow presentation so earnestly, it feels like he truly believes this is what's true. But then I'm left questioning, what is his source? Why does he believe that they're clones? But maybe...maybe he is lying on purpose. I think it could be an equal opportunity for both. Joey was a liar in life, he lied about so many things (which is frustrating when he's the one giving us most of the information we look to to figure out how the heck ink works, Gent can you please give us some notes to cross reference?). Why wouldn't he lie to appear better to his own daughter? Memory Joey making that distinction for himself, that he himself cares for how Audrey sees him and Joey, would be a really valuable detail for his character, but him not knowing and believing all the information that someone like Joey left behind for him (since I'm assuming that's where his understanding of the cycle comes from) would also be interesting for his characterization.
But here's the kicker: by introducing the idea that Henry and Allison are not truly their human counterparts, if that turns out to be untrue, you've made a grave mistake Memory Joey. Audrey doesn't know any of these people were human before they became ink. I mean maybe she can deduce that other humans are in here given Allison's whole "I remember my first day" speech, but then Memory Joey throwing this at her, Allison is a creation rather than someone who was once alive? Who's to say she'd think twice about it? Wilson treats everyone like they're just ink and not worth caring for after all. But if she finds out about the sacrifices? That many of these ink creatures were once human? Oh Broseph my dude, you are gonna have a lot to answer for, more ways in which her trust in you will be utterly broken. That is a very messy, delicate balance. I kind of want to see that. I want to see him have his world view turned on its head, learning that he was wrong about Henry, and have him genuinely not know that he was fed bad information. Let him process that, let him struggle, and let Audrey grapple with the truth too.
Yeah, I don't necessarily think Henry and Allison are clones. Inhuman, yes, but clones? I think we need more than Memory Joey's word to know that for sure. So I ask again, sir, what is your source?
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jq37 · 3 months
-You got the timeline of Lucy's death off by a year. She died at the end of Sophomore year. I wonder if the Grinders were trying to keep up with the Bad Kids by also bringing back a god from nameless oblivion.
-I have my own spin on why Ivy's not as good as Aelwynn. Ivy's a too realistically mean bitch, Aelwynn's a CRAZY bitch. One's way more entertaining than the other. Also Ivy's dollar store Garthy O'Brien accent is very off-putting. Stop sounding like a much cooler character, you high school hot girl cliche.
-Is Henry having Gorgug do all three Artificer years at once or one at a time? Cause one's a very logical way to go about it and the other's really not. You know, hyperfocus on finishing Freshman then Sophomore year and then play catch-up on the Junior year material. The smart way to do it. Or is Gorgug having to do Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced course material simultaneously? Cause that's a very dumb way to do it. Whichever way, Gorgug's nailing it, but that second one isn't sustainable.
-At first Fig's whole crisis about her lack of passion for being a Bard struck me as manufactured drama, but I've let it sink in and come to a different take on it. Fig's whole Rebel Punk Girl deal so far was obviously a reaction to the divorce and her life/family kinda falling apart. But now, things are REALLY great for her. Great family, great friends, great girlfriend. Her personal life is goals. So, how much is all that positive change affecting her? Is she over her Punk phase and moving on to something else? Season's not over, let's find out.
-Adaine's starting to use magic means and her connections to make money and I respect it.....BASRAR'S A GENIE! That just sank in right now as I'm typing this. But Brennan's no dummy. He probably set like a hard limit on the value of his wishes to close off that easy solution, but maybe he got sloppy and forgot to do that. Fingers crossed.
-I still don't think Fabian deserves Mazey after his behavior of late, but I'm still pretty into that ship, so whatever happens happens.
-Not much to say about Kristen and Riz. Especially Riz since he's been taking a narrative backseat so far this season. Hopefully that'll change soon. Still, Hi Riz, Hi Kristen :)
Holy shit, this one ran really long. My gift to you, I suppose.
Sorry this is late! Things are crazy! Luckily it's all still relevant. Let me go through point by point.
-You got the timeline of Lucy's death off by a year. She died at the end of Sophomore year. I wonder if the Grinders were trying to keep up with the Bad Kids by also bringing back a god from nameless oblivion.
If I said something other than that then it was a typo! I'll check and edit when I have a chance. But I think the point I was making was that it would make sense that the Rat Grinders never got more ambitious if Lucy had died the first week of school like Kristen and Gorgug. It makes less sense that they wouldn't ever leave the starting area with no dramatic incident to keep them skittish and that happened in Sophomore Year, not right away. And it def feels like they're copying the Bad Kids. The question is whether it's to just score some extra points or if there are also ulterior motives.
-I have my own spin on why Ivy's not as good as Aelwynn. Ivy's a too realistically mean bitch, Aelwynn's a CRAZY bitch. One's way more entertaining than the other. Also Ivy's dollar store Garthy O'Brien accent is very off-putting. Stop sounding like a much cooler character, you high school hot girl cliche.
That's also an excellent point! The ideal bitch character is, to quote Heathers, a "mythic bitch". You want her so crazy she doesn't feel real. You want her doing full ass crimes. Ivy is just like, the run of the mill racist bitch you went to high school with. Too close to home. Not fun at all. The only thing it pings for me is disgust. And Garthy is WAY cooler than her. I hope the Bad Kids grind her into dust.
-Is Henry having Gorgug do all three Artificer years at once or one at a time? Cause one's a very logical way to go about it and the other's really not. You know, hyperfocus on finishing Freshman then Sophomore year and then play catch-up on the Junior year material. The smart way to do it. Or is Gorgug having to do Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced course material simultaneously? Cause that's a very dumb way to do it. Whichever way, Gorgug's nailing it, but that second one isn't sustainable.
There is a split between D&D mechanics and actual in game reality sometimes and I really hope Brennan is just making Zac roll them simultaneously for mechanics reasons and in reality Gorgug is just taking all three years back to back to back and not simultaneously because it would be, as you said, and INSANE way to structure learning.
-At first Fig's whole crisis about her lack of passion for being a Bard struck me as manufactured drama, but I've let it sink in and come to a different take on it. Fig's whole Rebel Punk Girl deal so far was obviously a reaction to the divorce and her life/family kinda falling apart. But now, things are REALLY great for her. Great family, great friends, great girlfriend. Her personal life is goals. So, how much is all that positive change affecting her? Is she over her Punk phase and moving on to something else? Season's not over, let's find out.
I'm kinda curious about where exactly the disconnect is for her because it's not like she needs to even be a musician to be a bard. There are so many different subclasses. Did she get into music just to let out her aggression and now that she doesn't feel so angsty, it's not flowing as well? Would she be feeling this way if she didn't have pressure to put out an album? It's not like she lost her creative spirit in a broad sense--who else but Fig could come up with Wanda Childa? But yeah, it'll be interesting to see where she lands, especially since she has this other stuff in her life going on too that needs to be resolved (curse stuff) and also she is literally the archdevil of rebellion currently which will be hard to pull off is she doesn't feel a connection to it. Which I honestly think she still does because if she didn't, the stuff with Cass wouldn't be working as well (the whole doubt/rebellion tag team and her successful prayer). Anyway, I just think she's in a transitional period. As you said, let's find out where this goes.
-Adaine's starting to use magic means and her connections to make money and I respect it…..BASRAR'S A GENIE! That just sank in right now as I'm typing this. But Brennan's no dummy. He probably set like a hard limit on the value of his wishes to close off that easy solution, but maybe he got sloppy and forgot to do that. Fingers crossed.
There is no way Brennan is gonna let them Basrar-Ex-Machina their way out of their problems without some truly insane rolls but, in character, it wouldn't be out of pocket to ask. Especially since she's the reason he can grant more than just ice cream wishes. But yeah, good on her for using her jacket as a side hustle and I really hope her charging for visions because you know those Falinel elves are sitting on piles of ancestral cash.
-I still don't think Fabian deserves Mazey after his behavior of late, but I'm still pretty into that ship, so whatever happens happens.
I'm not overly invested in Fabian's love life but it is really funny watching him flail so badly in this department even though he's objectively really cool according to the dice. If I was friends with Mazey though I'd be like, "Girl, are you sure?" Just a bit too much of the rich boy arrogance for my tastes.
-Not much to say about Kristen and Riz. Especially Riz since he's been taking a narrative backseat so far this season. Hopefully that'll change soon. Still, Hi Riz, Hi Kristen :)
Kristen is Going Through It and Riz has been great support so they deserve a bit of a break, especially because I feel like things are gonna pop off for them pretty quick.
OK, that's it! I have to lesson plan! I will hopefully have some time to so some recapping soon!
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Bendy and the Dark Revival Loredump/Spoilers: Bendy and the Ink Machine is not set in a real world, but in a cartoon pocket dimension Joey Drew created using the Ink Machine.
He was a bitter old man who had no friends, and thus created the world BaTiM was set in as a means of torturing an inky clone he created of his dead former friend Henry. Whenever the book reaches the last page, the timeloop resets.
He had driven away basically all of his friends, had nothing to his name after he was forced to sell his studio and IP's just to make ends meet, and shifted all blame to his ex boyfriend Henry so he wouldn't have to acknowledge that he only had himself to blame.
Then one day, Allison Pendle (the girl who, in the "lore" of the timeloop, replaced Susie Campbell as Alice Angel) came into Joey's life, and basically pulled him out of his bitterness, helping him deal with his emotions in a healthy way, and enabled him to live a happy life.
He still, however, felt guilty about the whole "creating and populating an entire pocket dimension just to torture its inhabitants" thing, and thus created a "character" based off Allison Pendle to try and introduce some hope into the Loop, just as she brought hope back into his own life.
He even decided to use the Ink Machine for good, and used it to try and create children for himself. The ones who didn't come out right eventually degraded into ink monsters, but kept their sanity and personhood even after the degredation, and all called Joey Drew their uncle. They were all placed in the Loop after degrading too far due to the outside world not really being a good place for a sapient blob of ink who technically isn't human. (Remember, mid-20th Century America.)
His final and greatest creation? His own daughter, who would one day grow up to set things right (even if she forgot all about Joey by the time she reached adulthood).
Shortly before Joey finally died of old age, he created a copy of his own consciousness and placed it inside the Loop, to try and do some good for the people he wronged who were still trapped inside.
(Seriously, Joey Drew's character arc is amazing.)
Okay that's fascinating and does add a lot to the original ending!
Also love the 'ex boyfriend' bit lmao
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qui-rault · 8 months
Herault de Sechelles on the fate of Louis Capet
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When discussions on the fate of Louis Capet were happening in the National Convention, Herault de Sechelles was away on mission in Mont-Blanc, along with Henri Gregoire (the Abbot Gregoire), Philibert Simond, and Gregoire Jagot. We know that these four deputies sent a letter to the Convention to express their views on the trial of Louis Capet, however, different sources argue over what the intention of the letter was, i.e. whether Herault de Sechelles should be considered a regicide.
I have been trying to find a copy of the letter itself, but have so far not been able to. However, I have found a note that Jeanbon Saint-Andre published in Le Creole Patriote No. 257 on 28 January 1793. It seems that even at the time, the intention of the letter sent by the deputies in Mont-Blanc was disputed, and Saint-Andre published an extract of a private letter he received from the four deputies with the intention of establishing the pro-Revolutionary sentiments of his colleagues. It’s not clear to me if the emphasis on the wish for the death of Louis Capet was emphasized by the four deputies, or by Saint-Andre.
Interesting to note, at least for me, that Herault is the first signature and that the letter writer starts the letter with "je" and switches to "nous". Anyway. Getting real tired of seeing pro-royalist Herault takes!
Quick translation for anyone who's brain cannot deal with French:
Some people pretend to find ambiguity in the way in which the commissioners of the Convention, in the department of Mont-Blanc, expressed their opinion on the affair of Louis Capet, in the letter they wrote on this subject to the National Convention. I believe it is my duty to justice to dissipate the clouds that have been raised over the intentions of these estimable colleagues, to publish the letter that I received from them; it will leave no doubt in people's minds. Jean-Bon-Saint-Andre, deputy for Lot. 
"Dear Saint-Andre, the courier is leaving, I am taking a minute to address you preferably; your opinion on the death of the monster is well known, you have put into it the courage and constancy of a true republican. Why isn't everyone like you? We have tried to imitate you, and we are writing to the Convention our formal wish on tomorrow's deliberation. It is for the death of Louis, without appeal to the people. Do us the service of ensuring that this letter is read... Herault, Gregoire, Simon, Jagot. Chambery, January 13, 1793." 
Source: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1066468n/f4.item
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nashibirne · 3 years
Gimme Shelter - 6
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Sorry, it took me a while to write the next chapter but I was kinda busy. I hope you still want to know how things are going and growing between Henry and Kat. If you like this, please reward me with a comment, reblog or like 💜
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC (Kat Spencer)
Words: ~3.0k
Summary: Henry has to deal with a personal crisis and he finds shelter with his old rugby mate Sam and his sister Kat. She used to be Henry’s best friend a very long time ago. Will they be able to become friends again or maybe even more? Chapter 6: A disruptive factor and The Lonely Hearts Club meets again.
You can find the previous chapters and my other fics on my masterlist!
Warnings: RPF, mention of mental health issues, lots of poetry
Unbeta'ed. English isn't my first language. Mistakes ahead and they're all mine.
Disclaimer: I don’t know the real Henry Cavill or anyone who's related to him in any way, this is pure fiction and nothing more
Credits: Pics for the moodboard from Pinterest. Face claims: Kat = Jennifer Connelly
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @hell1129-blog @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @artandotherdelights @notabronte @littlefreya @luclittlepond @eldarwen333 @meowpurrbooks @marantha @liliumdream @enchantedbytomandhenry @greensleeves888 @witcherfan @margauxmargaux07 @radaofrivia @m07belzen @a-little-counter-esperanto @starstruckkittyangel @mary-ann84 @sillyrabbit81
So, enough of the small print...here we go:
As much as Kat enjoyed her time with Henry and the feelings that blossomed between them there was this one disruptive factor called Mel.
When they were sitting on that rock the other day, almost kissing, when they were pouring their hearts out afterwards, it all felt so real, so possible, so tangible but whenever she saw Hen talk to Mel her heart sank and doubt started to nag at her hope. And he not only talked to Mel, he went to her place several times and so Kat went to London for contract negotiations with a publishing house with mixed feelings. 
She wanted to trust Henry who always laughed it off, when Kat asked him about Mel, saying they were just having a neighbourly chat, but she also wasn't willing to be heading for the rocks blindly. She wasn't able to ignore the existence of Mel and the connection between her and the man Kat had fallen for again. 
She missed Henry terribly when she was away though. Five days without him made her realize how close they had grown and how much she enjoyed being around him. Five lonely nights in a hotel bed increased her doubts and her worries, her jealousy and her insecurities. She couldn't stop her mind from creating worst case scenarios of Hen being with Mel. Of Mel seducing him, of Henry having sex with her, falling for the attractive, charming blonde who knew how to enchant a man. She imagined how he got trapped by this woman who'd never tried to hide that she was looking for a new husband, a new provider, after the last one had the audacity to die and leave her with a big, beautiful mansion but not with the amount of money Mel had hoped for. And in all these scenarios Kat was the one who was left behind with a broken heart. Again. 
When she returned to St. Ives on Saturday afternoon she found Lydia working in the garden and Sam in the kitchen, baking bread. Her brother hugged her, leaving handprints of flour on her black shirt.
"How was London?" 
Kat plopped down on a chair with a sigh. "Successful but exhausting. I can't believe that I actually liked living there. The traffic is horrible and all those people and the noise…"
"Good thing you're back in our beautiful, little sanctuary then. We've missed you. Even Darcy came looking for you every day." Sam shoved the loaf of bread he'd just moulded into the oven before he washed his hands and sat down at the table across from his younger sister.
"Really?" An amused smile played on Kat's lips. "And I thought Henry and Kal are all he cares about recently. How's Hen by the way? On the phone he said he's fine?"
"He is, I guess. No more panic attacks as far as I know. He's been in a pretty good mood all week, busy and full of energy."
Sam poured himself a glass of water and offered one to Kat too but she declined with a shake of her head.
"Where is he anyway?"
"At Mel's." 
Kat's expression changed from curious to annoyed in an instant. "Again? What's he doing there?"
"Having a coffee and a chat, I guess," Sam shrugged. "I don't know the details."
Kat rolled her eyes. "Of course not."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Then why do you say it?"
Kat looked at Sam with a frown. "Nevermind."
"No, come on. Spill it. Are you implying I know something I won't tell you?" Sam got a little cross now.
"I'm not implying anything. I just don't understand why he spends so much time at her place and I can hardly believe your old rugby mate hasn't told you." She crossed her arms and gave her brother an expectant look.
"He told me what I've just told you. What do you think they're doing? Having a secret affair?" He let out a snort, laughing just at the thought of Hen and Mel but when he saw the frown on Kat's face it dawned on him. "Wait? That's what you're thinking? That something's going on between them? You're jealous?"
"Does that sound so far-fetched? She tries to dig her nails into every man who seems to be good husband material. She tried it with you and you don't need a crystal ball to know that she's for sure trying it with Hen too. And for the record...I'm worried about him, not jealous." Kat was all worked up now and Sam could easily tell that he'd hit a sore point.
"Henry is not an idiot, Kat. From my own experience I can tell you that Mel is anything but an enigma. I could tell what she's looking for after our first and only date and a man like Hen, who has to deal with gold diggers all the time, will see right through her without problems. There's no need to worry. And no need to be jealous." He grinned at her and Kat made a face. "Did you even listen to me? I've just told you that…"
"That you're not jealous. Yeah...yackety-yack. I know you, sis. You're in love with him. Don't try to deny it." Kat sighed and surrendered with a resigned smile. "Fuck, yeah and I feel like I'm sixteen again, Sammy. Confused and clueless. What is it about him that makes me feel like that? Why does it have to be so damn complicated?"
"It's not complicated. Trust him and listen to your heart."
"It's not that easy."
"No, obviously it's not. So maybe you should just ask him about Mel and work on your trust issues."
"It's not like I haven't asked him about her before. But I guess you're right. I'm gonna try again and talk to him tonight." She gave her brother a nod.
"At the meeting of The Lonely Hearts Club?" Sam winked at her with a grin that made Kat chuckle.
"He's told you about it?"
"Yeah. He's talked about it all week. Running around with piles of books, volumes of poems as far as I could see. Copying entire pages by hand into a notebook. To be honest, I think it's the reason for his good mood."
Maybe, Kat thought, or maybe he just enjoys fooling around with Mel.
When Kat climbed up the rope ladder a few hours later she had managed successfully to avoid Henry up to this point. She had spent the rest of the day in her room, brooding over Sam's words, about Henry and Mel for the umpteenth time and about the club meeting of course. She was close to chickening out but she decided to get her shit together and to enjoy the time with Henry on their little stroll down memory lane. And maybe, just maybe, she would even find the courage to ask him about Mel.
"Kat!" Henry flashed her one of those billion dollar smiles when she entered the tree house. "There you are." He hugged her and gave her a look full of relief. "I haven't seen you all afternoon. I was a little worried you'd stand me up." 
"Neighbourly duties?" Kat asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
She gave him a smile and shrugged. "Well, you were not around when I came back…"
"Yeah...I was busy." He grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. 
"Sam said you went to visit Mel."
"Ah, yes. Yes, I did. You know we have a little chat every once in a while. She's...nice."
"How lovely."
"The room looks great, Hen." 
The awkward silence that fell over the room made them both uncomfortable. The unexpected tension left Henry in a state of insecurity. He'd hoped for an easy time with Kat, some intimate moments to share but the start of the night wasn't very promising. He cleared his throat before giving Kat a goofy smile.
"Shall we begin? I've prepared a little something. A few poems and...yeah." He shrugged helplessly and to his big relief Kat nodded with a smile. "Of course."
It was only then that Kat realized that Henry had decorated the treehouse with loving care. Blankets and cushions on the floor and candles in the corner of the room created a very warm and cozy atmosphere and a huge pile of books showed her that Henry was very well prepared for the first meeting of the Lonely Hearts Club since 1999. 
"Thanks, kitty. Let's sit." He plopped down beside the books, his long legs stretched out and Kat sat down cross-legged next to him, placing a little bluetooth speaker on the floor. "Prepare for some 90s flashback. I picked all the cheesy love songs we listened to non-stop." She started the playlist and soft music filled the air. Henry smiled at her and took a deep breath before he started to speak solemnly in his best statesman's voice.
The way he looked at her took her breath away for a moment, his gaze intense and pleading, he seemed so vulnerable it made her heart miss a beat. She wanted to kiss the insecurity and sadness that crossed his handsome face away but her own doubts made her fight the need to be close to him. Instead she took the notebook he handed her over and opened it. She stared at the name of the poem that was written down in Henry's neat handwriting on the first page. 
"I hereby declare the meeting of The Lonely Hearts Club open. Present are the founding members Katherine Elisabeth Spencer and Henry William Cavill."
Kat couldn't help but chuckle. He was such a dork.
"Would you do me the honor of reciting the first poem, dear kitty?" 
She knew it all too well and yet she'd almost forgotten it existed. Forgotten or repressed, it didn't really matter, she still knew it by heart, since it was the very poem she had read countless times after Henry had broken her heart. The fact that he knew it too, that he'd chosen these verse to be read out loud made her wonder if it was as familiar to him as it was to her. She cleared her throat, closed the book and her eyes and started to recite.
"When we two parted by George Gordon Byron."
She paused and took another deep breath.
"When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this."
Kat flinched slightly when she felt Henry's warm hand in hers. She looked at him and she wasn't surprised when he continued, his voice warm and soothing like thick, golden honey.
"The dew of the morning
Sunk chill on my brow—
It felt like the warning
Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
And light is thy fame:
I hear thy name spoken,
And share in its shame."
The game was the same it used to be back in the days at Stowe. They took turns to read the stanza. The only difference was that they were holding hands now. Kat spoke the next words with a steady voice although on the inside she was trembling.
"They name thee before me,
A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me—
Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee,
Who knew thee too well:
Long, long shall I rue thee,
Too deeply to tell."
She smiled at Henry, sensing that he needed her reinsurance for the last paragraph. He returned the smile and went on. 
"In secret we met—
In silence I grieve,
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears."
They sat in silence for several minutes, comfortable silence this time, the quiet connecting them in a way words never could.
"I've got another one you might like." Henry said softly after a while. He reluctantly let go of her hand, took the notebook and searched through the pages. "Here it is."
"Bring it on." Kat smiled at him, hardly able to hide the loving feelings that spread inside her chest and her belly. Henry nodded and began.
"My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety."
"That's beautiful, pop." Kat blushed under Henry's smirk when he heard the nickname slip from her lips. "William Wordsworth?" she guessed.
"Yes. I'd never heard of it before, but Mel showed it to me the other day."
Kat's smile faded like a shadow in the dark.
"Oh really, did she? So that's what you're doing when you meet? You read poems to each other?" Her voice had chilled in an instant, her body language switched from open hearted to closed off. Henry was confused by the sudden change of tone.
"Yes, she told me about it when I mentioned that I was looking for romantic poems by british poets. And no, that's not what we usually do."
"And what do you do? Usually?" 
"Nothing special, as I've told you before. And honestly, Kat..it's none of your business anyway."
That felt like a slap in the face to her.
"Right...yeah...you're absolutely right. It's none of my business what you do or who you're fooling around with." Kat got up, tapping off non-existing dirt from her jeans with determined motions that showed how touched and churned up she was.
"Fooling around?" Henry got up too in a hurry, knocking his head on a branch that was part of the treehouse's roof. He cursed before he turned to Kat again. "You can't be serious. You don't really think I f...that I sleep with Mel, do you?"
"I don't know what to think, Henry. You spend so much time with her lately…"
"And I've told you it's harmless and I just visit our neighbour from time to time." He tried to take her hand but Kat took a step back, turning around to stare out of the window with a deep sigh.
"You still don't trust me." His voice was sad now and there was a note of disappointment too. 
"I really want to, Henry. But it's so hard…" Her shoulders were trembling and her soft sobs told him she was crying. He hugged her gently from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I know, kitty. And I know that I'm the one to blame for this dilemma. But you have to believe me. There's nothing between me and Mel. I don't fuck her and I'm not interested in her. I only care about you. Okay?" The last words were nothing more than a whisper in her ear, a light breeze of tones that made her want to believe him. She nodded, leaning into his embrace but she wasn't able to give him a proper answer. The truth was she had no answer. She knew she loved him but what she didn't know was if she was going to allow herself to act accordingly. 
"Listen, Kat. This might not be the right time nor place to do this, but I need to ask you something. I'm going to Jersey next week for my mum's 70s birthday and I wonder if you'd want to come with me?"
Kat turned around in his arms abruptly, taken by surprise by his question. He didn't let go of her waist and so she found herself closer than ever to him, his gorgeous face right in front of her. "You want me to go to Jersey with you?" He nodded. "As my plus one. Yes." She freed herself carefully from his embrace. "But…"
"Let me explain." Henry took a step back to give her some space. "My mum invited me months ago and I accepted...of course...but to be honest, I've dreaded that family gathering since day one. All eyes will be on me, everyone's gonna try to wrap me up in cotton wool, walking on eggshells around me, wondering if I'm okay." He sighed and shrugged. "Don't get me wrong. I'm beyond grateful to have a family that is worried about me, loving people who care, but it also stresses me out. Having you by my side would be very helpful and besides that, I would hate to be separated from you again. Those five days last week were long enough, Kat and don't even make me start with the 22 years prior. You have no idea how much I missed you." He gave her a sheepish smile and she couldn't help but return it. "I missed you too, Hen. But I'm really not sure if this is a good idea. Your parents hardly know me."
"Don't be silly. They remember you very well. You spent Christmas 1998 with us. Please don't say you forgot about that...my parents invited you after I spent the summer with your family here in St. Ives."
"Of course I remember that. It was the most lively and jolly Christmas of my childhood. All those people at your parents house, the chatter and singing and goofing about, it was such a stark contrast to Christmas with my family."
"See...you can have that again. A crowded, noisy place, loads of laughter, alcohol, fun and food. When I asked my mum if it's okay to invite you she was so excited, Kat. She'd love to see you again and so would my dad and my brothers. And I'm sure you're gonna like my sisters-in-law and all my nephews and nieces." Kat smiled.
"That sounds good."
"So you're in?"
"I don't know. Where would we stay? At your parent's?"
"No. I always stay at a small cottage near the beach when I visit them. I bought it a few years ago."
Kat started to chew on her lower lip.
"Two bedrooms." Henry added with a wink before making the next try to take her hands. This time she didn't pull back. "Please say yes, Kat. Let's spend some time together. We can stay there for a week or so. When the whole Cavill bunch leaves after the celebration, it will only be you and me and lots of time to...to bond again. So what do you say?"
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cutekittenlady · 2 years
Whats murder on the orient express about?
okay okay okay so like
Murder on the Orient Express is a mystery novel by Agatha Christie. It was published in 1934 and is one of Christies most famous mystery stories. (Mind she has a lot of those but i digress)
Course I should say that since a lot of Christie stories came out in, like the early to mid 20th century any reader should beware that there are some "man people back then believed some dumb stuff" moments. There are moments of racism, imperialist thought, etc.
I feel I should point this out because while I am a fan of the Christie mystery stories I feel like this is something about the body of work that needs to be recognized. You can still enjoy the stuff, I think, much in the same way a lot of people still enjoy HP Lovecrafts stuff despite all the much more obvious racist junk in his stories. Just keep all this in mind.
Moving on, the book got adapted several times through Radio, film, and tv with a recent film adaptation that came out in 2017. (Tho I still love the david suchet adaptations that came out in 2010. Srsly whatever else I might think about the man he was fantastic in this role). Needless to say it's easily one of the most popular mystery stories of all time.
I'm only telling yall all this because theres a decent chance you've seen references to the story in other media without realizing.
Anyway, the story takes place on the Orient Express. A luxury transcontinental trainline that existed in real life. On the train is one Hercule Poirot, the self described greatest detective in Europe (a title that isnt unjustified). Hes on the train with a friend of his Monsieur Bouc who is the director of the line. While on the train Poirot is approached by a man named Ratchet who tells him his life has been threatened and he offers to pay Poirot a great deal of money to protect him. Picking up that Ratchet is a nasty character Poirot refuses.
That night Ratchet is murdered in his cabin. To make matters more difficult the train has gotten snowed in on the tracks and isn't able to move forward. Trapping everyone on the train.
After some iniital investigating by Poirot, Monsier Bouc, and a doctor; Poirot concludes that the murderer had to still be on the train. They are able to limit it to the single coach car but that still leaves 12 other people who could have killed the man.
American widow Caroline Hubbard; English governess Mary Debenham; Swedish missionary Greta Ohlsson; Ratchets secretary/translator Hector MacQueen, and his English valet Edward Henry Masterman; Italian-American car salesman Antonio Foscarelli; Russian Princess Natalia Dragomiroff and her German maid Hildegarde Schmidt; Hungarian Count Rudolph Andrenyi and his wife Elena; English Colonel John Arbuthnot; American salesman Cyrus B. Hardman.
Its quickly determined that one of them must be the killer.
I don't want to spoil anything else about the story other than that. But I heartily recommend checking it out. You can probably find an adaptation of it online, or find a copy at your local library. I'm sure you can find an audiobook version of the story on youtube if nothing else.
Seriously is a fun thing to listen to if you enjoy mysteries.
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bookmovienerd · 3 years
I don't care who or where you are stop scrolling and read this
If that worked and I got your attention, hello. Welcome.
So I am shocking late boarding this particular train, but BOY am I in no hurry to jump off. At all. Anyway, I just finished this and I need to ramble before I EXPLODE in a mess of feels and repressed adoration and that would be sad. For me. You, the person reading this, probably wouldn't know if I exploded or not....
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V. E. Schwab
Jesus on a jet ski this book is fucking delicioussss!!!!!!!
Partly because it's a written work of precious art, but partly because the cover is a literal work of art-
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And if that isn't enough then JUST LOOK at the inside canvas cover of my Waterstones copy!!
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Absolutely flawlessly stunning, right?!?! If 'no': please re-evaluate your choice ;)
"Joyous," Neil Gaiman said on the front of my copy. Joyous? JOYOUS?!?!?! Understatement of the CENTURY
The English language can't come up with a word sufficient to describe this book. The closest one I've found is:
Now, I will admit, it took me a while to properly get into this book - though that was primarily because of things in real life that were stressing me out (who isn't dealing with that stuff right now though am I right?). But I do think that this book is slow and zen and chill; it's part of its charm... You could curl up quite comfortably on a lazy Sunday afternoon and just get completely, mercifully lost I someone else's life and that, to me, is exactly what a book should do. It isn't fast-paced, no - it's a book that you fall in love with "slowly, and then all at once" ~ John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
Spoiler-free Reasons to Love This Book
(obviously you're well within your rights to disagree with me, but I'm not sure why you're still reading this post if you didn't like the book...)
Badass female lead (and yes sometimes it is only quietly rebellious but I love her all the same)
Henry Strauss is a precious smol bean and I would sell my SOUL (get it? Haha) to meet him
He works in a bookstore. There is a cat that lives there. The cays cat's name is Book. It's fabulous and I love it
Luc - I'm genuinely torn between hating and slightly pitying him. I start to feel sympathy towards him and then I remember he's awful and I just sort of love to hate him... Although I think he's such a complex character I would definitely be prepared to read a book solely from his point of view about life and humans and art and war and love and promises and places. I think it would be so insightful and interesting (*wink wink*) (did you catch my not-so-subtle request for another Schwab book??? *wiggles eyebrows*)
This book is extremely descriptive. But done in such a way that it fits with the narrator and it doesn't feel condescending or patronising which I feel is sometimes the risk with overly descriptive books. They either are done really well and I love them or I want to throw the book across the room and go find a dictionary. There's no in between. Thankfully, this belongs to the first category
Personally, I walk through life and see potential stories in everything I see, so I thought it was really nice and uniquely relatable to read from Addie's perspective because she just sees beauty and art in everything and I thought it was fascinating
Following that, between each Part, there was sort of a divider that had a piece of artwork connected to the story in each section and I thought it was really cleverly done and actually really interesting to read about the (disappointingly fictional) artworks etc I've never seen something like that before....
This book feels and is timeless. I will love this even when I am old and grey and stooped and that is just a fact
In the acknowledgements, Schwab mentions loving and being devoted entirely to her stories and I think it really shows - in all her work - but particularly this. It seems to have been made carefully and delicately, like she was actively trying to do what was right by her characters and I love it when you can tell that a book is precious to author as well as audience
Finally: the ENDING! I said no spoilers, and I stand by that. All I will say: it's sort of like Crooked Kingdom (Leigh Bardugo). It doesn't end completely and resolutely, but it ends in the perfect place for the story Schwab told and I thought it was bloody excellent
Bonus: this whole book reminds me of the song Pierre - Ryn Weaver - (AWESOME song) and that completely unrelated thought I had definitely made me like the book more
So like I'm no longer at risk of exploding. If you're still here, thank you! If not... Well. Bye? Not that you'll see this but whatever.
And if you've read it please, please talk to me, I am by no means finished gushing about this book. But also: RECOMMEND IT! To anyone who will listen to you long enough for you to have chance. Because this book is a perfect escape from reality and anyone who doesn't get to read about Addie and her life is definitely missing something magical, they just don't know it yet...
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Life & Style, April 26
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Khloe Kardashian is a total fake
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Page 1: Lady Gaga in a wedding dress on the set of House of Gucci in Rome
Page 2: Contents
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Page 4: The Top 10 SAG Awards Looks -- Mindy Kaling, Jamie Chung, Amy Adams, Sarah Levy, Kerry Washington
Page 5: Kaley Cuoco, Nicole Kidman, Natalie Morales, Viola Davis, Lily Collins
Page 6: Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen celebrated their 12-year anniversary, posting heartfelt tributes to each other on social media, but their relationship hasn't always been so rock solid -- Tom admitted that Gisele has made a lot of sacrifices for their marriage and she hated living in Boston because she had no friends there and felt so alone because Tom was never around; things got so bad they sought counseling, which was the wake-up call that Tom needed -- he promised to make changes and he agreed to quit the Patriots and sign with a team in a location that was more desirable to Gisele and Tom stuck to his word and he came the new quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and since moving to Florida, Tom and Gisele have never been happier and they have date nights every week and always make sure to communicate -- it wasn't easy, but they're both really proud of how far they've come
Page 7: After multiple delays, David Schwimmer, Courteney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc have finally filmed the highly anticipated Friends reunion special and they all got really emotional when they saw the set and being there brought back so many fond memories -- it's the first time in 17 years that fans will get to see the entire cast together since the show went off the air in 2004 -- afterwards, everyone went to Jen's house for dinner -- each of the stars was paid $2.5 million to appear in the special
* Throwback -- Dolly Parton in 1965
* Biggest Spenders of the Week -- Bobby Flay, Aaron Rodgers, Vanessa Hudgens, Angelina Jolie
Page 8: Drew Barrymore revealed that, after three divorces and a string of failed romances, she's sworn off marriage altogether -- Drew doesn't need a man to feel complete and she's happiest hanging out with family and friends -- if the right guy comes along later down the line, great, but for now, she's content with being single
* Becoming one of the most sought-after stars in Hollywood has gone straight to Ana de Armas' head -- the cast and crew are often left waiting for the actress to emerge from her trailer on the set of the new action thriller The Gray Man -- Ana's got a lot going on and she's juggling several different projects, as well as photo shoots and phone calls with her team and people don't stay mad at her for too long, but they have nicknamed her Ana de Diva, but she isn't upset by the scathing moniker because she's a big name now, and with that comes a lot of responsibility and the way she sees it, there are worse things than being called a diva
Page 10: The Week in Photos -- Orlando Bloom got a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny
Page 11: Jennifer Lopez in jeans at a photoshoot for InStyle, Priyanka Chopra dancing around her backyard in a bright yellow dress
Page 12: Animal Tales -- Gilles Marini posed for a pic with his African grey parrot Anya, singer Madison Beer leaned in for a kiss from a caramel-colored stallion, Kate Beckinsale's feline Clive seemed less than thrilled when Kate strapped him to her chest in a carrier
Page 13: Kaia Gerber and her precious pooch Milo snuggled up in bed, Malin Akerman and a goat
Page 16: Stars Behaving Badly -- Lisa Vanderpump let her parched dog drink from her water glass at a restaurant in West Hollywood, Maisie Williams went topless under a translucent jacket while shooting a new TV series about the Sex Pistols in London, HGTV Design Star host Allison Holker used a megaphone to give out instructions to Property Brother Jonathan Scott on the show's finale, Calvin Klein wasn't worried about stains when he shoved a pile of spaghetti into his mouth at West Hollywood's Mauro Cafe
Page 18: Say What?! Helena Bonham Carter who turns 55 in May, Chelsea Handler who admits she consumes mushrooms almost every day, Olivia Munn who is the proud pet parent of rescue dogs Frankie and Chance, Melissa McCarthy on doing her own stunts in Thunder Force, Brian Tyree Henry on Godzilla vs. Kong co-star Millie Bobby Brown
Page 20: Pete Davidson has officially moved out of his mother's home and into a $1.2 million luxury high-rise condo on Staten Island, and it's all thanks to his new girl girlfriend, Bridgerton star Phoebe Dynevor -- the Saturday Night Live star showed off his two-bedroom, two-and-a-half bathroom bachelor pad during a Zoom call -- Phoebe is a down-to-earth girl, but she doesn't want to date a man who lives in his mom's basement and she thinks Pete's mom, Amy, is awesome and says it's a great thing that they're super close, but being in a long-distance relationship is difficult enough so Pete and Phoebe need some alone time when they're together, which was almost impossible with his mother hanging out upstairs -- Pete knew it was time; he just needed that gentle nudge
Page 21: Matt James and Rachael Kirkconnell were spotted in NYC together, sparking speculation that the former Bachelor couple have rekindled their relationship -- the pair parted ways while the show was still airing after photos of the graphic designer at a plantation-themed college party in 2018 surfaced on social media -- Rachael made a mistake but she owned up to it and was willing to learn from it and it didn't change her feelings for Matt or vice versa and Matt was in love with Rachael too and he couldn't just turn those feelings off so no one would be surprised if they decided to reconcile
* Michael B. Jordan's girlfriend Lori Harvey was left reeling over photos of the actor sharing a smooch with Chante Adams on the set of their new movie A Journal for Jordan -- of course, they were just shooting a scene for the film, but Lori was still annoyed and she asked Michael about it, and he brushed it off and explained it was part of the job but Lori still has her suspicions and she's been thinking about dropping by the set just so she can keep a very close eye on them
Page 22: Cover Story -- Khloe Kardashian living a lie -- devastated by an unretouched photo leak, Khloe faces claims she's a body positivity hypocrite as she demands the viral image be taken down
Page 26: Alex Rodriguez to Ben Affleck: Back off my fiancee -- Ben gushes about ex Jennifer Lopez in a new article and A-Rod isn't happy about it (not quite Bennifer yet :)
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Page 28: Prince Harry overwhelmed with work -- Harry struggles to adjust after trading his cushy royal role for a variety of normal gigs -- though his job for BetterUp is primarily remote, added stress comes in the form of Harry's Spotify and Netflix deals, plus growing charity work -- Harry finds all of his new, non-royal titles fresh and exciting, but while he's a great person, some in his inner circle say Harry's kind of dumb and worry whether he can handle the pressure
Page 30: Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli life after prison -- reunited following months spent behind bars, Lori and Mossimo try to pick up the pieces -- prison definitely took a toll on Mossimo and he doesn't expect sympathy, but he's still struggling to adjust to what he went through; it really broke him down and forced him to reevaluate his life
Page 32: Who Lives Here? Lil Nas X
Page 34: Entertainment
Page 35: Star Review -- Jonathan Van Ness
* As Seen On-Screen -- Meghan Markle wore a dark green coat while walking through Archie's Chick-Inn during her CBS interview which was J. Crew's Perfect Lightweight Jacket
Page 36: Go Green at Home -- reduce your carbon footprint even more with these eco-chic essentials, because our planet can use all the help it can get
Page 37: Beauty Crush -- get Jurnee Smollett's look from her makeup artist Emily Cheng for the SAG Awards
Page 38: Spring Beauty Must-Haves -- these product picks aim to reign as new-season favorites -- Camila Mendes
Page 40: Diva or Down-to-Earth? Rihanna bagged her own haul at Bristol Farms in Beverly Hills -- down-to-earth, Shay Mitchell worked from home with help from her most trusted assistant daughter Atlas -- down-to-earth, during a photo shoot in Malibu Brooke Burke got a makeup refresh from a personal primper -- diva
Page 42: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Sofia Vergara sneaking Heidi Klum a chip on the set of America's Got Talent, Neil Patrick Harris finished the first season of The Irregulars while quarantining in Toronto, Jared Leto pretended to pluck the moon straight out of the sky during a masked outing in Italy, Beyonce treated her daughter Blue Ivy to a meal at Nobu in Malibu
Page 44: Horoscope -- Taurus Gigi Hadid turned 26 on April 23
* They're Not Together, But They Should Be -- Capricorn Charles Melton and Virgo Zendaya
Page 48: What I'm Into -- Kameron Westcott of The Real Housewives of Dallas
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upperstories · 7 years
How does Buddy react to the others treating him as if he isn't as smart as they are? How does he prove he is not only just as smart as them, but remembers some of his past as Henry? Also *distant air hugs to Buddy* I know he does not like people touching him so....
Buddy initially just sort of resorts to what anyone would do if they weren’t being understood or thought to be stupid: Talk Louder and Get Angry. Like a kid pitching a tantrum. And anytime he gets too loud or fussy, Joey just deals with it by bringing him aside to verbally punish him or by simply throwing him in time out, in his closet.
Since Joey doesn’t let him have access to books easily, it’s not like he can prove he can read, and none of the employees have the time or energy to look at the things he reads and writes (unless your Wally, who finds Buddy petulantly drawing on the walls and has to quickly scrub them clean before Joey shows up.
The only real “clue” that Buddy leaves behind that any of the workers catch wind of is his uncanny skill at crosswords.
One day, when Norman is left with toonsitting duty, he tries to ask Grant Cohen, a married man with no children but a younger brother he no longer speaks to, if he has any ideas for how to keep Buddy preoccupied. Grant suggests puzzles or tic tac toe, kiddy newspaper comics and puzzle games in coloring books, as those were usually the easiest ways he kept his little brother preoccupied on their youths. Since the studio doesn’t have a nursery, Norman can’t find any puzzles or coloring books, so he resorts to simply giving Buddy his copy of the dailies and letting him play with the funnies section. Kids like funny comics right?
Buddy stumbles upon the puzzle section instead, and with Henry’s memory sparking to life in his head, he sets to work on filling it out. Norman doesn’t make the connection right away, simply thankful that the little guy is distracted enough now to stay out of trouble (especially with Sammy). He tries to use those newspapers to help distract Buddy while he and the others are working, and for a while it works fairly well. He even lets buddy keep a few, to keep him busy when he’s alone in his room/closet.
Norman just assumes the little guy is scribbling on them like a coloring book, not really playing them. It’s not until a he actually looks at the puzzles Buddy’s filled out that… he can read and write. And that he’s surprisingly good at playing them. Really Good. Almost all of his entries are correct.
Did Joey know about this? He thought that Joey told him and everyone else that the little guy was illiterate. He can barely even talk in human sentences. This can’t be right.
It’s… it’s kinda funny, though. Norman ain’t seen a fella this good at crosswords since…
Since Henry.
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