skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
HC Legend and HC Warriors + horse :)
My good thing is that I went back to my dad’s house and the week has been brighter ever since :)))))
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"They really are majestic," Warriors commented as he watched the horse of Lon Lon Ranch graze.
"I used to ride," Legend said with a smile. "That was a while ago, though."
"You should talk to Time and Malon," Wars suggested. "I'm sure they'd let you ride one."
Legend huffed. "And fall flat on my ass so you can laugh at me? Like hell. I'm more than happy to watch from here."
"Wow," Warriors huffed dramatically, putting a hand to his heart. "So little faith in your own abilities."
Legend's face reddened. "That's not what I--"
"You must have really sucked at horseback riding back in the day, all those decades ago."
"It wasn't decades--"
"Maybe you just don't ride anymore because the horse was embarrassed to let you near it."
"That's it!" Legend snapped, whirling on him. "We're both going through an obstacle course on horseback."
Warriors smirked. "You're on."
It was honestly a miracle neither of them died, but the person in greatest peril was poor Twilight, who laughed and wheezed so hard as he watched Warriors try to navigate anything on horseback while Legend tried too hard to show off with too rusty skills that Time and Malon were afraid the poor man had bust a rib.
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