#Group tour Ganga Sagar
goldenagers · 8 months
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ryasktourismindia · 11 days
Senior Citizen Group Tour Gangasagar  From Kolkata
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CALL FOR BOOKING - 090886 94714
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hinducosmos · 2 years
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Mukhalingam in the Brahma Temple, Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh
Kevin Standage wrote : The Brahma Temple is likely to be the first monument you visit when touring the eastern group of temples at Khajuraho. It’s positioned on the banks of the Khajur Sagar tank, a pretty spot with the village as a backdrop.
This humble little temple holds a bit of a surprise within. The temple was originally dedicated to Vishnu, an image of the god takes center stage on the lintel. Aside from that and figures of the river goddesses Ganga and Yamuna on either side of the door, there is no sculptural adornment on the temple walls. The temple has a simple plan, consisting of just a sanctum and porch, the later now completely lost. The roof is a pyramidal sikhara, with two side walls containing pretty latticed windows. This temple belongs to the same conception and early structural phase the more ruined Lalguan Mahadeva temple. It shares a common plan, design, ornaments and building material, and is consequently dated to around 925 CE. So why is a temple so clearly dedicated to Vishnu now called the Brahma Temple ?
The answer to that lies inside. This temple is miscalled Brahma on account of a four-faced Shiva lingam, mistaken for the four-faced Brahma, that is now enshrined in the hugely atmospheric sanctum. The lingam is a much later addition to the temple but I have no idea when it was placed here, neither Alexander Cunningham nor T.S. Burt make any mention of it.
This is form of lingam known as a mukhalingam, they generally have one, four or five faces carved on the stone. The four and five faced mukhalingams represent the five aspects of Shiva, those having just four faces carved on them are believed to have an invisible fifth face at the top of the linga, facing upwards to the universe. The faces carved on the cardinal points of the lingam are not completely identical, there are very subtle differences. For example, the face looking south has the mouth open, and with a distinctly angry expression, representing the Destroyer aspect of Shiva.
📷 Photographer: Kevin Standage (via Instagram: Kevin Standage)
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Janaki Darshan in Janakpur
The Janaki temple, which is a holy Hindu shrine located in Janakpur, Nepal. The place being the birthplace of Hindu Goddess Sita and also the home where she married Lord Ram, it was once known as the palace of lovebirds. Many couples visit the holy shrine and tie knots as there is a belief on couples who do so, will receive blessings from the Janaki temple and will live happily together forever. For these and other ample reasons, it is regarded as one of the most important pilgrimage sites of Nepal.
Architecture and Importance
Built-in the 19th century, the Janaki temple is the largest in Nepal in area. The temple is built in the Mughal style, and its architecture makes the temple attractive, magnificent and essential till date. Back in that time, there was a legend that spent 900,00 to construct this temple. Thus, the temple is also known as Naulakha Temple. Janakpur is once known as the capital of the Mithila Kingdom, also serves as a cultural heritage for Mithilanchal tribe and people. For this very reason, Janakpur or Janakpurdham is best known for its Mithila art and culture. Though the temple was built only one hundred and fifty years back, the statue of Ram-Janaki is reported to be about seven hundred years old. Since it carries so much of significance, the Government of Nepal has been pouring in consistent efforts to enlist the pilgrimage site under World Heritage Sites.
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Best Time to Visit Janakpur
Janakpur lies in the southern plains of the country and witnesses a sub-tropical climate which is very similar to that of Northern India and therefore is hot compared to hilly regions of Nepal. However, Janakpur can be visited and explored almost all year long considering the peaks months of summer as an exception. Winter times are the best season to visit Janakpur since the temperature starts to cool down after the humid breeze of summer. The monsoon clears up the atmosphere and offers clarity to the view Nepal promises to offer.
Places to Visit During Your Stay at Janakpur - Buddha Holidays
Besides visiting the Janaki Mandir and being dumbfounded by the unique Mithila art, for which the city is best known for, here are a few more places you may stroll around to make the most out of your stay:
Visit Ram Mandir, one of the oldest temples in Janakpur built in the late 1700s
Visit Ram Sita Vivah Mandap, the place where Lord Ram and Sita got married. It is located at the southwest part of Janaki temple and is made of marbles Visit Ganga Sagar, one of the important and sacred pools of Janakpur where evening aartis are commemorated
Visit the Ganga Sagar Library, a 70-year-old library
Visit Dhanush Sagar, the largest ceremonial tank in the city where taking a bath is regarded as sacred
Explore Traditional Maithili Villages
Things to Know Before Reaching the City of Lovebirds
Since the city is 123 kilometres southeast from the capital, you may be wondering about how to reach Janakpur. For that cause, you may take a 10-hour long ride on the bus from Kathmandu. Or else, you may also opt to take a 25-minute flight from the capital itself via some of its renowned airline companies, namely Buddha Air and many more.
Since the city is home to a diverse group of people, it welcomes a multitude of tongues. People also converse in English and Hindi.
The accommodation in Janakpur comes at affordable prices; however, make sure to advance book your rooms during times of auspicious festivals.
Fish and sweetmeats are some of the best foods in Janakpur. The local street foods have a unique twist of their own so that it might be a treat to your palate.
Home to Nepal's National Rice Research Program, Janakpur is a perfect pit stop to witness the lush vegetation.
Janaki temple is considered to be sacred among Hindus; thousands of devotes visits the temple especially from India and Nepal. If you are planning your short pilgrimage tour to Janaki Temple then there are many travel agents that can provide you details with other necessary services to make your trip memorable.
Buddha Holidays, a 100% subsidiary of Budddha Air can make your trip easy and memorable. Learn more about Pilgrimage Tour to Janaki Temple.
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pushpakunjit · 5 years
Kailash Manasarovar - the abode of Shiva
Little did I know that the web of imagination while listening to childhood stories, could have an impact on my life.
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The sort that lasted in my thoughts till date is that of the Kailash the abode of lord shiva, with his consort Parvathy and their son Ganesha along with his vahan Nandikeshwar. This is the artist’s view of the shiva puranam that we have been listening for many years.
Before settling there the lord of fury also had a tryst with his Rudra thandavam, as Dakshayini was insulted by her father Daksha for her having married shiva a jatadhari (cox comb sage) who wore tiger skin robe, which signifies that he is all powerful. Which is also the manifestation of victory of divine over animal instincts.
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This is the backdrop of Manasarovar, that celestial abode which god has gifted us. It is a confluence of Brahmaputra, the Sutlej, the Karnali, the Ghaghasa an important tributary of the Ganga. It is believed that Manas is the origin of most of the holy rivers.
The Sarovar spreads around eighty four kilometres circumference and it is believed that god’s and goddesses alight from heaven to take a dip in this lake, hence humans are generally not allowed to get into the lake to have a bath! The water is celestial and stands pure.
We also find the rakshastal or ghost lake adjacent to the Manasarovar, considered to be a lake for demons.
Manas has the shape of the sun and has the purest water on the earth, emitting positivity where as the rakshastal has saline water and is in the crescent shape
10 June 2019 is remarked as a date of much significance in my life as I a got a chance for a rendezvous with Manas. My companion Srikant, also my son-in-law, made it all possible.
We reached Lucknow, checked into Sona sagar a good hotel to begin with in Gomti Nagar. Had a sumptuous dinner at Madhurima sweets at Vibhuti khand, much to note that every location has its Pauranic touch!
On the 11th we met the members of the Shree Hansa tours from Bangalore. Got introduced to the main operator Fishtail tours from Kathmandu. Reached Nepalgunj by bus . The time zone was 10 minutes ahead of India time. Had late lunch and checked into rooms. All were excited about the whole episode in store for us.
Evening the tour operator was coordinating with assistants who would be with us for the entire tour taking care of the logistics and other help. Given lessons about do’s and don’ts, the precautions were highlighted. Each member was given a duffle bag, back pack, down jacket, cap, rain coat and Pooja stuff well packed. We were advised to shift the luggage to the given bags for uniformity. My number was 21. The day ended with dinner and sleepless night in anxiety.
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The 12 of June, after breakfast were divided in to two batches and dropped at Nepalgunj airport. First batch were accommodated into small air craft, the experience was like a suspense movie as nature played her welcome note with furious wind’s music and rain dance, causing delay in the flight’s take off. Finally all 23 of us reached Simikot to a welcome drink of cinnamon tea for the cold weather and an altitude of 2910 metres. Lunch was homely with Dal, Roti, Aloo curry, Papad and pickle.
By evening it started getting chilly. We were all set to visit a Shiva temple nearby. The road was hazardous. I thought this would be a good warm up session for further trekking.
I finished the temple visit like marathon runner gasping to reach the finishing point. My sugar levels played its role. A kind hearted lady, though didn’t understand that I was asking for sugar, gave me lot of water with a smile. It helped me immensely.
On reaching back, hot tea, biscuits and popcorn were served while discussions veered around the day’s experience and the trip that awaited us. This went on till dinner time. We were divided in to five batches.
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On 13th morning from 5:30 the first batch of five members were taken in a helicopter ride to Hilsa. The final batch could leave only at 10 am. The experience on the helicopter was indeed mind boggling amongst the mountains. I felt like a part of Bollywood movie Chandni. Felt like Sridevi. Unimaginable turns, the never ending beauty of nature, realised the movies do show lot of reality too! Had to wait till lunch and for further submission of passport for stamping and crossing the bridge to reach China side for further journey. A 32 seater bus was arranged to take us to customs clearance, biometric and passport verification. We reached Takalkot by the evening, checked into hotel Himalayas. Takalkot is at an altitude of 4025 meters. Settled in rooms after dinner.
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On 14th , we travelled to Manas lake front and experienced mud houses. We were given accommodation of three or four occupants in one room. Our PM’s toilet mission should reach there soon as it was a shock to know, that we had to use pits to answer nature’s call, luckily separate ones for male and female. Water needs to carried in bottles or paper tissues come to our help at this point.
If you wish to bathe, you ask for hot water but there are no bath rooms. But who needs a bath when four layers of warm clothes feels insufficient. I’d rather get into blankets and keep cosy all the time. In the evening we went for a Manas Parikrama by bus and filled holy water at a particular point. It takes about 4 hours of travel to do the Parikrama. Rakshastal is not missed.
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Next morning, I had a shuddhi karan by sprinkling the holy water thrice on my head. Pooja was offered at priest’s place with ashtothra and a homa spending 100 yuans. Had good lunch after the pooja. It is very tough to walk even few yards, we had to pause after every few steps to catch our breath. I was worried if my visit to Manas could proceed further in such conditions. After lunch the planning committee geared up to check the interest of members for next Day’s Parikrama, either by walk or engaging a pony and a Sherpa guide and porter to carry our bags. Furwa our guide enlisted the group depending on our health conditions.
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Prasad our tour operator from Bangalore opted out of Parikrama and decided to take a trip to Yamadwar and the valley of gods around Nandi formation. I too opted to go with him along with another friend from the group. I was lucky to have great clear Darshan of Kailash at this point. At Yamadwar remembered my beloved parents, dear brother Balu and my dearest husband Kunjithapatham. Have they attained moksha? Felt they are calling me but my greed to share my experiences of this arduous travel with my dear ones brought me back.
The news that government is curbing Parikrama for people aged above 60 was indeed bitter for some who had come a second time to fulfil their wish. Sorry Shashi and Jayasree sisters.
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We were taken to Taklakot the next morning. The Parikrama group headed for first day’s trek of 12 km . Some of them could reach Dirapuk at 15600 feet . Srikant was happy that he could do that on time along with a group of three smart girls. The weather was constantly bad, hence they couldn’t stay there. They took a jeep ambulance back to the base camp at Darchen. No one from our group could venture the second and third day of the Parikrama.
At Taklakot, we finally had the luxury of a good hot water bath late in the evening, after three days. Breathing was easier and the food started tasting better. Someone offered Paruppu podi and gingelly oil. What a relief that was!
It is definitely not a luxury trip but we are made to believe that it can wash out our sins, probably sinners like me may get a chance! This is an experience of life time and one should undertake it in their lifetime. We hear a lot about trips to Manasarovar but it is a real struggle to get there and only those who are destined to reach will achieve their goal.
Now, I started thinking of home, children and home food in particular. We had to wait for other members to get back to Taklakot.
Everyone arrived on the third day with varied experiences to share. Entire evening was spent discussing their thoughts and their family. Over Dinner, thanksgiving, parting talks and tip distributions along with promises of meeting and invitations took place.
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Next morning after breakfast group clicks, we departed for Hilsa and Simikot by road and helicopter. This time the ride was more impressive because all my focus was on enjoying the beautiful views. At Simikot it was more fun with music and dance. Everyone was looking bright after achieving a great journey.
On the morning of 20 June we were given priority to travel to Nepalgunj as we had flight back home the same night from Lucknow. Layers of clothing came down to minimum. It made us to realise that we are the creatures of sea level. Our walking speed imporved tremendusly!
Stories learnt, read and discussed were all very interesting. As I ruminate on the trip to Kailash and Manasarovar, I ask myself whether my goal was achieved. A big yes! I gave myself a high five for crossing the first of my first bucket list with the help of my dear ones. Tears roll down as I thank the almighty. Om Namah Shivaya!
I thank my dearest friend Suvarna for editing my blog. She has given a lot of encouragement.
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Most tourist Attractions in  Shekhawati
Shekhawati region of Rajasthan consists of the areas falling under Sikar, Jhunjhunu and some parts of Churu, Nagaur and Jaipur. There are thousands of Villages and Towns which comes under Shekhawati region. Shekhawati is famous for its rich heritage and beautiful architectures full of fresco paintings , hence also known as “open air art gallery
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Nawalgarh - Named after its founder Thakur Nawal Singh (son of the most successful ruler of Shekhawati, Shardul Singh), Nawalgarh was a prosperous town in Shekhawati region. Some of the affluent business clan of India today trace their origin from Nawalgarh. Prominent among these is the Goenka family. The havelis of the town - Aath haveli, Murarka Haveli, Khedwal Bhawan, Bhagton ki Haveli and Anandi Lal Poddar Haveli - are its prime attraction. The frescoes and mural paintings are extremely attractive and reflect the skills of the workmen who created them. Other attraction of Nawalgarh is Ganga Mai Temple.
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Dundlod - A small village in the Shekhawati region is known for a small fort built in the 18th century by Kesri Singh, youngest son of Sardul Singh. The fort has a Diwan Khana with portraits and period furnitures as well as a small library. The fort now serves as a hotel. Other attractions to be visited here are Tuganram Goenka Haveli, SatyaNarayan Temple and Jagathia Haveli. This village is 7 kms north of Nawalgarh.
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Fatehpur - Established by Fateh Khan, a Muslim Nawab in 15th century, Fatehpur was captured by the Shekhawat Rajputs in the 18th century. The place boasts of some of the best fresco paintings of the region, however, unfortunately, the havelis housing them are more often locked. The worth seeing havelis in this place are Geori Shankar Haveli, Mahavir Prasad Goenka Haveli, Nand Lal Devra Haveli and Jagannath Singhania Haveli. There is also the Jagannath Singhania Chattri with beautiful garden which is worth visiting.
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Ramgarh - Around 20 km from Fatehpur lies Ramgarh which was founded by a group of affluent Poddar merchant in the 18th century. The primary attraction of the town is Ram Gopal Poddar Chhatri that has beautiful scenes of Ramayana painted on its ceilings. Fresco paintings in Shani Mandir (Saturn Temple) are also eye catchers. Other attraction of the place include Ganga Temple, Ganes Temple, Tarachand Ghanshyamdas Poddar Haveli and Baij Nath Ruia Haveli.
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Jhunjhunu - Currently a district head quarter, Jhunjhunu was founded by Kaimkhani Nawabs in the 15th century. Places worth visiting in this town are Badani Chand Well, Mertani Baori, Ajit Sagar, Dargah of Kamrud-din Shah, Badal Fort, Khetri Mahal, Bihariji Temple, Rani Sati Temple and Forest Ganj. The significant havelis of this place are Modi Haveli, Kaniram Narsingh Das Tiberwala Haveli, MohanDas Ishwar Das Modi Haveli and Narudin Farooqi Haveli.
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Bissau - Nearly 32 km north west of Jhunjhunu is a small town known as Bissau. The town was founded by Kesri Singh and has seen numerous ups and down. Important attractions here include Chhatri of Hammir Singh, Haveli of Girdarilal Sigtia and Motiram Jasraj Sigtia Haveli. The last one today serves as a junior school.
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Mahansar - Around 6 km from Bissau is another small village, Mahansar which was founded by Nawal Singh in the 18th century. The village does not overflows with attractions, yet some of the havelis with their fine paintings are worth visiting. Prominent among these is the Sona ki Dukan Haveli which has exquisite meenakari work to delight the visitors. Sahaj Ram Poddar Chhatri is also worth visiting.
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Mandawa - One of the most visited destinations in the Shekhawati region, Mandawa came into limelight in the 18th century. It has an imposing fort, Castle Mandawa that serves as a heritage hotel today. Other attractions of the town include the havelis of Chokhanias, Goenkas Nevatia & Ladia and Saraf. Parasrampura - The tiny village preserves some of the oldest and most beautiful paintings of the Shekhawati region. The paintings on the inner portion of the dome of Thakur Shardul Singh cenotaph, Shamji Saraf Haveli and Gopinathji Mandir is worth appreciating.
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Sikar - Now a district headquarters, Sikar was once the largest thikana (feudatory) under the Jaipur State. Important attractions here are the havelis of Biyani, Murarka, Somani, Sagarmal Sodhani and Madho Niwas. The Sikar Fort, Jublee Hall, Jain Temples, Gopinath Temple, Raghunath Temple, Jeen Mata Temple and Madan Mohan Temple in and around Sikar are also worth visiting.
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Mukundgarh - Mukundgarh is a small town developed around a temple square. The Mukundgarh Fort serves as a heritage hotel. Tourists can pay a visit to the Kanoria and Ganeriwala Havelis and also shop for local handicrafts. Mukundgarh is highly known for its brass, iron scissors and textiles. Churu - Though Churu does not come in the Shekhawati region strictly, yet its history of traders and caravan outpost connects it with other places in Shekhawati. Place worth visiting here are the Kanhaiya Lal Bagla Haveli, Kothari Haveli, Surana Haveli, Poddar Haveli, Jain Temple, Balaji Temple, Ganga Temple, Taknet Chhatri and not to forget the Churu Fort.
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Khetri - The second richest feudatory of the Jaipur state, Khetri was established in the 18th century. Prominent places worth visiting are Raghunath Temple, Bhopagarh Fort, Panna Lal Sha ka Talab, Ram Krishna Mission, Sukh Mahal and Hari Singh Temple. Pilani - This small village gained prominence as the home of wealthy Birla family. Today, the place is more known for its educational significance. For tourists sightseeing, there is BITS museum, Shiva, Ganga, Sarswati Temple and the Panchwati Temple.
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holidaysatindia · 5 years
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Incredible India Group Tour 2019
#IndiaGroupTours2019 #IndiaTours2019 #HolidaysAt
Duration: 15 Nights/16 Days
Tour starts and Ends at Delhi, with 10 Other Destinations.
For best tour offers and travel deals, Call +91-9911788187 or Email [email protected]
Travel Itinerary
Day 1: Arrival at New Delhi On the day of arrival at New Delhi airport, Holidays At representative will assist you at the airport and later transfer to your hotel for a night stay. Relax at the hotel or day free for leisure activities. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 2: At New Delhi Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later proceed for a full day guided tour to New Delhi & Old Delhi, visit Rashtrapati Bhavan, India Gate, Laxmi Narayan Temple, Humayun’s Tomb, Lotus Temple (Bahai’s Temple) and Qutub Minar.
After lunch at local city restaurant, later proceed for Old Delhi sightseeing tour, visit Raj Ghat, Jama Masjid and Red fort also take a short rickshaw ride at Chandni Chowk spice market and huge market for clothes. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 3: New Delhi - Varanasi (By Flight) Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later Holidays At representative will meet you at the hotel and later transfer to New Delhi airport to board the flight for Varanasi. Upon arrival at Varanasi airport, Holidays At representative will meet you and transfer to your hotel for a night stay.
After lunch proceed for guided tour to Sarnath, an important site for the Buddhists, visit the Dhamekha Stupa, the Archeological museum and the Chaukhandi Stupa. Relax at the hotel or day free for leisure activities. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 4: At Varanasi Early morning boat ride at Ganges and later get back to hotel for breakfast, After breakfast later proceed for guided tour to Varanasi visit, Tulsi Manas Temple, Durga Temple, New Vishwanath Temple & Sankat Mochan Temple are the four famous temples in Varanasi. Evening enjoy the Ganga Aarti at famous Vishwanath Temple. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 5: Varanasi - Khajuraho (By Flight) Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later Holidays At representative will meet you at the hotel and later transfer to Varanasi airport to board the flight for Khajuraho. Upon arrival at Khajuraho airport, Holidays At representative will meet you and transfer to your hotel for a night stay. Later proceed for guided tour to Khajuraho, visit western group of temples, eastern group of temples, Jain group of temples, Raneh Falls & evening sound and light show at temples. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 6: Khajuraho - Jhansi (3:30 Hrs) - Agra (By Train) Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later check out from the hotel and drive to Jhansi. Upon arrival at Jhansi, visit Jhansi Fort, Government Museum & Rani Mahal. Later afternoon transfer to Jhansi railway station to board the train for Agra. Upon arrival at Agra railway station, Holidays At representative will meet you and later transfer to your hotel for a night stay. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 7: At Agra Early morning before breakfast Sunrise visit the world’s most popular and beautiful monument Taj Mahal and Mehtab Bagh. After finishing your guided tour to Taj Mahal, later get back to your hotel and enjoy your breakfast. After breakfast at the hotel, later proceed for a full day guided tour of Agra, visit Agra Fort, Itmad-ud-Daulah's Tomb, Akbar's Tomb, Jama Masjid, Moti Masjid, Octagonal Tower, Jahangir's Palace, Chini ka Rauza and Sikandra Fort. Evening enjoy the light and sound show “Mohabbat-the-Taj - the saga of love”, in Agra. Relax at the hotel or day free for leisure activities. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 8: Agra - Fatehpur Sikri - Ranthambore (296 Km/5:30 Hrs) Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later check out from the hotel and drive to Ranthambore via en-route visit to Fatehpur Sikri the oldest deserted town built by Mughal Kingdom in 1571 and bulit by red stone in honor of Saint Salim Chisti. Later drive to Ranthabore. Upon arrival at Ranthambore National Park, check intoto your hotel for a night stay and enjoy the nature walk or leisure for own activities at national park. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 9: At Ranthambore Today morning before breakfast proceed for jungle safari at Ranthambore National Park and search of deer, birds, leopards, monkeys, and if we're lucky, the elusive tigers. After jungle safari at national park later drive back to your hotel for a night stay. Relax at the hotel or day free for leisure activities. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 10: Ranthambore - Jaipur (160 Km/3:30 Hrs) Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later visit to the 1,000 year old Ranthambore Fort. Later afternoon check out from the hotel and drive to Jaipur. Upon arrival at Jaipur, check into your hotel for a night stay. Rest of the day free for leisure activities. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 11: At Jaipur Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later proceed for full day guided tour of Jaipur, visit Amber Fort with elephant ride, Nahargarh Fort, Jaigarh Fort, Jal Mahal, Hawa Mahal (Palace of Winds), City Palace, Jantar Mantar, Birla Temple, Central Museum and Laxmi Narayan Temple. After finish your sightseeing tour to Jaipur, later drive back to your hotel for a night stay. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 12: Jaipur - Deogarh (250 Km/5 Hrs) Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later check out from the hotel and drive to Deogarh. Upon arrival at Deogarh, check into your hotel for a night stay. Later visit Deogarh Mahal, A 200 year-old fort and evening enjoy a Jeep safari in nearby villages with Rajsathani folk music and dance. Rest of the day free for leisure activities. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 13: Deogarh - Chittorgarh - Udaipur (127 Km/2:30 Hrs) Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later check out from the hotel and drive to Udaipur, via en-route visit to Chittorgarh Fort, Rana Kumbha's Palace, Kumbha Shyam Temple, Victory Tower, Meerabai Temple, Meerabai Temple, Tower of Fame, Padmini's Palace, Chittaurgarh Museum & Jaimal and Patta Palaces. Upon arrival at Udaipur check into your hotel for a night stay. Rest of the day free for leisure activities. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 14: At Udaipur Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later proceed for full day guided tour to Udaipur, visit City Palace, Bagore Ki Haveli, Fateh Sagar Lake, Ambrai Ghat, Jagdish Temple, Udaipur Ropeway, Shilpgram, Vintage collection of classic car museum, Eklingji and Nagda Temples. Enjoy boat ride at lake pichola. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 15: Udaipur - New Delhi (By Flight) Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later Holidays At representative will meet you and later transfer to Udaipur airport to board the flight for New Delhi. Upon arrival at New Delhi airport, Holidays At representative will meet you and transfer to your hotel for a night stay. Rest of the day free for leisure activities. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 16: Departure from New Delhi Today morning after breakfast at the hotel, later check out from the hotel and transfer to New Delhi Airport to board the flight to your home.
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gangasagaryatra · 6 years
GangaSagar Mela 2019 Complete Tour Package - Free Expert Guide window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"concatemoji":"https:\/\/gangasagartourism.co.in\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=4.9.8"}}; !function(a,b,c){function d(a,b){var c=String.fromCharCode;l.clearRect(0,0,k.width,k.height),l.fillText(c.apply(this,a),0,0);var d=k.toDataURL();l.clearRect(0,0,k.width,k.height),l.fillText(c.apply(this,b),0,0);var e=k.toDataURL();return d===e}function e(a){var b;if(!l||!l.fillText)return!1;switch(l.textBaseline="top",l.font="600 32px Arial",a){case"flag":return!(b=d([55356,56826,55356,56819],[55356,56826,8203,55356,56819]))&&(b=d([55356,57332,56128,56423,56128,56418,56128,56421,56128,56430,56128,56423,56128,56447],[55356,57332,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56418,8203,56128,56421,8203,56128,56430,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56447]),!b);case"emoji":return b=d([55358,56760,9792,65039],[55358,56760,8203,9792,65039]),!b}return!1}function f(a){var c=b.createElement("script");c.src=a,c.defer=c.type="text/javascript",b.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c)}var g,h,i,j,k=b.createElement("canvas"),l=k.getContext&&k.getContext("2d");for(j=Array("flag","emoji"),c.supports={everything:!0,everythingExceptFlag:!0},i=0;i<j.length;i++)c.supports[j[i]]=e(j[i]),c.supports.everything=c.supports.everything&&c.supports[j[i]],"flag"!==j[i]&&(c.supports.everythingExceptFlag=c.supports.everythingExceptFlag&&c.supports[j[i]]);c.supports.everythingExceptFlag=c.supports.everythingExceptFlag&&!c.supports.flag,c.DOMReady=!1,c.readyCallback=function(){c.DOMReady=!0},c.supports.everything||(h=function(){c.readyCallback()},b.addEventListener?(b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",h,!1),a.addEventListener("load",h,!1)):(a.attachEvent("onload",h),b.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===b.readyState&&c.readyCallback()})),g=c.source||{},g.concatemoji?f(g.concatemoji):g.wpemoji&&g.twemoji&&(f(g.twemoji),f(g.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); 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Our Tour
Same Day GangaSagar tour From Kolkata
Kolkata To GangaSagar
Kolkata To GangaSagar Tour Package
GangaSagar Mela 2019 Complete Tour Package
GangaSagar Mela 2019 Accommodation Booking
GangaSagar Mela 2019 Package For b2b Agents
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GangaSagar Mela 2019
Package Over View
Ganga Sagar Mela 2019 Complete Package :
1.Kolkata To GangaSagar Updown complete transporting system. (With A trend guide)
2.luxury Room With a 24x 4day support team.
3.24-hour car service facility Help For You Complete GangaSagar ShightSeen With Guide.
4. Meal Plan AP as per Itinerary (Morning Tea & Biscuits, Breakfast, Fixed Menu Veg Lunch & Dinner).
Book Now
Ganga Sagar Mela 2019 tour Full package booking is going on
Know More ?
we are booking those who want to make the pilgrimage to the Ganges,hear for the package general, VIP,vvip, we provide the car, ferry service, food & guide.
About us: Every year thousand of darshan aarti who wants to come in Ganga Sagar for Makar Sankranti purna snnan (Bath). monk, baba kapilmuni always shows their way to the gangasagar to come by us. we are heartily well come you . in gangasagar 2019 fair
“Achieve Harwood Point or Namkhana Bus stand and by strolling (approx.600 Miter ) go to Ferry Ghat(If utilize any Toto rickshaw for approx 600 miter, it should pay coordinate by your Own Cost)."
Brief(short) destination: 12th January Kolkata, dharmathla, or Howrah, by our car, pick up and arrived at namkhana or Harwood point, then by government ferry or vessel we cross the river. then launch in accommodation(room service) and 16th January evening same Way to Kolkata drop. (approx 600miter if you use toto riska, it will have to pay directly by your self).
our package:
1 . (General)-budget or group package.
2.{vip}-deluxe package.
3.[ vvip]- luxurious package.
About our services: (food and our management).
12th January day one
day2( 13th January):
(14th January)day3:
day4 (15th January):
day5(16th January):
12th January day one
we will give you well come drink,(water, tea, coconut water, or juice)
5.30pm-served tea and biscuits(room service)
8.00pm-served fixed menu (veg) dinner at accommodation(room service) 2litre mineral water given by us. for one person in a day.
day2( 13th January):
6.00am-served tea and biscuits.
7.30am-veg breakfast.
(after brack fast gangasagar shown by us with the guide by car)
12.30pm-veg lunch(room service)
5.30pm- tea, biscuits
8.30pm- veg dinner(2 litter water given by us for each person not more than that).
(14th January)day3:
6.00am-served tea and biscuits. (bed tea).
7.30am- veg breakfast.
(after you will be shown by us sight scenes, like nagraj Maindar, Ramakrishna mission, local forest, with a guide by car). 12.30pm-veg lunch (room service)
5.30pm- tea, biscuits
8.30pm-veg dinner(two litter water given by us for each person not more than that).
day4 (15th January):
6.00am-served tea and biscuits. ( bed tea).
7.30am- veg breakfast.
(Ganga sagar bath. or poush Sankranti snan. at ganga sagar. and sea view with a guide by car).
12.30pm- veg lunch (room service)
5.30pm-tea, biscuits
8.30pm- veg dinner(2 litter water given by us for each person not more than that).
day5(16th January):
6.00am-served tea and biscuits. (bed tea).
7.00am-fixed menu veg breaks fast.
(after breakfast check out from accommodation drop at kolkata.for your onward journey on the same way).
Budget Package
Package Cost Per Head
(5%GST Applicable)
Deluxe Package
Package Cost Per Head
(5%GST Applicable)
Luxury Package
Package Cost Per Head
(5%GST Applicable)
Feel Free To Call Us:
Head Office: 03210-222540
Regional Branches:
Kolkata: +918583992988
Speciality of Our TOURISM Company Owned Vehicle Trained Tour Guide on Company Payroll Local controlling office Special facilities for Senior Citizens and Infants Mobile Phone / Internet on-demand
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the experience was very nice
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Contact Us
GangaSagar TOURISM.co.in 211, Rashbehari Evenue, Ekdalia, Ballygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal 700019
About Us
Gangasagar Yatra Package, Gangasagar Tour Package Booking, Gangasagar Hotel Booking, Car Rental in Gangasagar, Gangasagar Tour from Kolkata, Hotel booking in Gangasagar.Gangasagar Yatra,Ganga Sagar, Gangasagar Mela, sagar, Gangasagar Yatra 2019, Gangasagar Mela 2019
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Develop by : holidayseva.com 2018 | Powered by : GangaSagar TOURISM .co.in.
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legendgolganga-blog · 7 years
Understanding The Background Of Legend Goel Ganga
Inside this area it's possible you'll discover properties in India inside Duvvada and Haridwar District. The Ganga river on Sunday crossed the hazard mark in West Bengal, and Uttar Pradesh, where Yamuna river is also in spate, while heavy rainfall has Legend Goel Ganga created a flood-like situation in some parts of Rajasthan the place six individuals have died to this point. This begs a basin-scale plan wherein inter-sectoral commerce-offs are analysed and water is allotted in accordance with best need and societal values. Environmentalist C.R. Babu concurred, saying all the rivers and rivulets flowing in the Gangetic plan carry solely sewage and no river might be cleaned minus simultaneous efforts to scrub cities and cites of sewage.
To take advantage of your search Plot Dealing with South Ganga it's possible you'll try the following key phrases Plot Facing South Ganga, Plot Dealing with North Ganga, House Dealing with South Ganga. To benefit from your search Apartment Bank Ganga River you might strive the following key phrases Apartment Financial institution Ganga River, Apartment Ganga, House Ganga. The main target of this capsule is to look at Ganga Legend Bavdhan Price to be more precise, to have a look at the trouble of Bhagiratha and his predecessors in bringing Ganga down from the Himalayas to the plains. The Ganga originates from Gaumukh in Uttarakhand and flows 2,525 kilometers until the Bay of Bengal. Atop a steep set of steps, I saw the familiar red and white stripes of temples in the south and the legend Kedar Ghat. Alert reader will notice that this legend is a straightforward description of the hydrologic cycle.
  If fishing in the Ganga had been restricted to hand-made nets, fishermen imagine, the river could be fecund still. Hindu rituals are stuffed with sensual pleasures starting from the rangoli-drawings on the ground to the flavourful meals that's offered to the gods. Accordingly, Ganga descended from heavens on Lord Shiva's head and was soon trapped in his thick locks. In 1986, the Congress government led by then prime Ganga Legend In Bavdhan Area minister Rajiv Gandhi launched the first part of the Ganga Action Plan (GAP). The Ganga turned a deep inexperienced this past summer from the tea-coloured silty soup it usually is. Historic tales would have us imagine that Bhagirath meditated here to get the Ganga out of heaven to circulate on earth.
The native legend in Prayag is that an invisible Saraswati joins the Ganga-Yamuna Sangam, precisely where the 2 rivers meet. Parvati grew to become terribly upset with the fixed presence of Ganga over her husband's head. On first day of the tour, the group from Yemen, Namibia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Mangolia, South Korea, Nepal, Bangladesh and Mauritius met spiritual head of Gayatri Parivar and DSVV Chancellor Pranav Pandya Ganga Legend Rate who explained them about the significance of Ganga Dusshehra, celebrated yesterday in Haridwar with lakhs of devotees taking a holy dip within the river, in response to a press launch.  His brilliant rendition of the dialect of the Uttar Pradesh hinterland in Ganga Jamuna; his comedian and flamboyant streak in films like Aan, Azaad and Kohinoor, the subtlety and the way in which he used his body to convey the flawed Devdas, his efficiency in the lesser-known Shikast and Footpath; his function in Mehboob Khan's Amar, his vary in roles like Ram Aur Shyam, Naya Daur, Madhumati and Chief.
She is then led by the ready Bhagiratha down into the plains at Haridwar, across the plains first to the confluence with the Yamuna at Prayag after which to Varanasi, and eventually to Ganga Sagar, where she meets the ocean, sinks to the netherworld, and saves the Bavdhan Ganga Legend Rate sons of honour of Bhagirath's pivotal role in the avatarana, the supply stream of the Ganga in the Himalayas is called Bhagirathi. Ganga Legend Proposition progressed Pune in actual fact establish you again residues rather connecting to the ground, that intermediate workshop people may need the reserves created for it. These consist of sidewalks, a platform and likewise completely different trendy facilities consisting of, swimming pool, parks for youngsters in addition to adults alike, fitness center and celebration corridor.
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gangasagaryatra · 6 years
GangaSagar Mela 2019 Complete Tour Package - Free Expert Guide window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"concatemoji":"https:\/\/gangasagartourism.co.in\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=4.9.8"}}; !function(a,b,c){function d(a,b){var c=String.fromCharCode;l.clearRect(0,0,k.width,k.height),l.fillText(c.apply(this,a),0,0);var d=k.toDataURL();l.clearRect(0,0,k.width,k.height),l.fillText(c.apply(this,b),0,0);var e=k.toDataURL();return d===e}function e(a){var b;if(!l||!l.fillText)return!1;switch(l.textBaseline="top",l.font="600 32px Arial",a){case"flag":return!(b=d([55356,56826,55356,56819],[55356,56826,8203,55356,56819]))&&(b=d([55356,57332,56128,56423,56128,56418,56128,56421,56128,56430,56128,56423,56128,56447],[55356,57332,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56418,8203,56128,56421,8203,56128,56430,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56447]),!b);case"emoji":return b=d([55358,56760,9792,65039],[55358,56760,8203,9792,65039]),!b}return!1}function f(a){var c=b.createElement("script");c.src=a,c.defer=c.type="text/javascript",b.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c)}var g,h,i,j,k=b.createElement("canvas"),l=k.getContext&&k.getContext("2d");for(j=Array("flag","emoji"),c.supports={everything:!0,everythingExceptFlag:!0},i=0;i<j.length;i++)c.supports[j[i]]=e(j[i]),c.supports.everything=c.supports.everything&&c.supports[j[i]],"flag"!==j[i]&&(c.supports.everythingExceptFlag=c.supports.everythingExceptFlag&&c.supports[j[i]]);c.supports.everythingExceptFlag=c.supports.everythingExceptFlag&&!c.supports.flag,c.DOMReady=!1,c.readyCallback=function(){c.DOMReady=!0},c.supports.everything||(h=function(){c.readyCallback()},b.addEventListener?(b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",h,!1),a.addEventListener("load",h,!1)):(a.attachEvent("onload",h),b.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===b.readyState&&c.readyCallback()})),g=c.source||{},g.concatemoji?f(g.concatemoji):g.wpemoji&&g.twemoji&&(f(g.twemoji),f(g.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); 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Same Day GangaSagar tour From Kolkata
Kolkata To GangaSagar
Kolkata To GangaSagar Tour Package
GangaSagar Mela 2019 Complete Tour Package
GangaSagar Mela 2019 Accommodation Booking
GangaSagar Mela 2019 Package For b2b Agents
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GangaSagar Mela 2019
Package Over View
Ganga Sagar Mela 2019 Complete Package :
1.Kolkata To GangaSagar Updown complete transporting system. (With A trend guide)
2.luxury Room With a 24x 4day support team.
3.24-hour car service facility Help For You Complete GangaSagar ShightSeen With Guide.
4. Meal Plan AP as per Itinerary (Morning Tea & Biscuits, Breakfast, Fixed Menu Veg Lunch & Dinner).
Book Now
Ganga Sagar Mela 2019 tour Full package booking is going on
Know More ?
we are booking those who want to make the pilgrimage to the Ganges,hear for the package general, VIP,vvip, we provide the car, ferry service, food & guide.
About us: Every year thousand of darshan aarti who wants to come in Ganga Sagar for Makar Sankranti purna snnan (Bath). monk, baba kapilmuni always shows their way to the gangasagar to come by us. we are heartily well come you . in gangasagar 2019 fair
“Achieve Harwood Point or Namkhana Bus stand and by strolling (approx.600 Miter ) go to Ferry Ghat(If utilize any Toto rickshaw for approx 600 miter, it should pay coordinate by your Own Cost)."
Brief(short) destination: 12th January Kolkata, dharmathla, or Howrah, by our car, pick up and arrived at namkhana or Harwood point, then by government ferry or vessel we cross the river. then launch in accommodation(room service) and 16th January evening same Way to Kolkata drop. (approx 600miter if you use toto riska, it will have to pay directly by your self).
our package:
1 . (General)-budget or group package.
2.{vip}-deluxe package.
3.[ vvip]- luxurious package.
About our services: (food and our management).
12th January day one
day2( 13th January):
(14th January)day3:
day4 (15th January):
day5(16th January):
12th January day one
we will give you well come drink,(water, tea, coconut water, or juice)
5.30pm-served tea and biscuits(room service)
8.00pm-served fixed menu (veg) dinner at accommodation(room service) 2litre mineral water given by us. for one person in a day.
day2( 13th January):
6.00am-served tea and biscuits.
7.30am-veg breakfast.
(after brack fast gangasagar shown by us with the guide by car)
12.30pm-veg lunch(room service)
5.30pm- tea, biscuits
8.30pm- veg dinner(2 litter water given by us for each person not more than that).
(14th January)day3:
6.00am-served tea and biscuits. (bed tea).
7.30am- veg breakfast.
(after you will be shown by us sight scenes, like nagraj Maindar, Ramakrishna mission, local forest, with a guide by car). 12.30pm-veg lunch (room service)
5.30pm- tea, biscuits
8.30pm-veg dinner(two litter water given by us for each person not more than that).
day4 (15th January):
6.00am-served tea and biscuits. ( bed tea).
7.30am- veg breakfast.
(Ganga sagar bath. or poush Sankranti snan. at ganga sagar. and sea view with a guide by car).
12.30pm- veg lunch (room service)
5.30pm-tea, biscuits
8.30pm- veg dinner(2 litter water given by us for each person not more than that).
day5(16th January):
6.00am-served tea and biscuits. (bed tea).
7.00am-fixed menu veg breaks fast.
(after breakfast check out from accommodation drop at kolkata.for your onward journey on the same way).
Budget Package
Package Cost Per Head
(5%GST Applicable)
Deluxe Package
Package Cost Per Head
(5%GST Applicable)
Luxury Package
Package Cost Per Head
(5%GST Applicable)
Feel Free To Call Us:
Head Office: 03210-222540
Regional Branches:
Kolkata: +918583992988
Speciality of Our TOURISM Company Owned Vehicle Trained Tour Guide on Company Payroll Local controlling office Special facilities for Senior Citizens and Infants Mobile Phone / Internet on-demand
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the experience was very nice
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Contact Us
GangaSagar TOURISM.co.in 211, Rashbehari Evenue, Ekdalia, Ballygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal 700019
About Us
Gangasagar Yatra Package, Gangasagar Tour Package Booking, Gangasagar Hotel Booking, Car Rental in Gangasagar, Gangasagar Tour from Kolkata, Hotel booking in Gangasagar.Gangasagar Yatra,Ganga Sagar, Gangasagar Mela, sagar, Gangasagar Yatra 2019, Gangasagar Mela 2019
Our Update
Develop by : holidayseva.com 2018 | Powered by : GangaSagar TOURISM .co.in.
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gangasagaryatra · 6 years
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How to Reach GangaSagar
GangaSagar Hotel
(A Unit of Dream Safar)
E-mail Us : [email protected]
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How to Reach Ganga Sagar (Sagar Island) from Kolkata by Bus/Rail/Private Car
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- A Top Heaven Holy Place -
Same Day Gangasagar Tour
from Kolkata.
​Package Duration       : 01 Day
Destination Covered  : Ganga Sagar
Package Cost           :   On Request /-
Tour Itinerary :​
Day 1: Kolkata aerodrome / Rly. position to Gangasagar Excursion Morning Meet & welcome on appearance at airport/train station & Drive start for full day excursion to Gangasagar - An island in the confluence of river Ganga & embayment of Bengal & well known for Kapil Muni Ashram which is advised to be a great devout significance and Holy Dip (Snaan at River-Sagar Confluence). Evening back to Kolkata drop(Train station/Airport) Note: We will supply vehicle for Kolkata to Ferry Ghat i.e. Lot No. 8 / Harwood Point (90 Km.) & back to Kolkata. After reaching Lot No. 8 you have to take the ferry to traverse the Muriganga River for Kachuberia. And take separate car for Sagar isle from Kachuberia to Ganga Sagar Kapil Muni Temple.
Package Include & Exclude  :
Includes : Pickup from Airport/Train station to Lot no - 8 & same day back by private car. Ship Charges both side.
GangaSagar Local Guide (Travel with you from Lot No8 to GangaSagar by water ferry and back to drop Katchubaria Ferry Ghat). Kachuberia to Gangasagar Kapilmuni Temple Drop, Sightseeing & Back by private  Car. 01 Veg. Lunch on Gangasagar (Restaurant)
Excludes :
GST 5%. Air Fare / Train fare. Expenses of personal nature such as Laundry, telephone calls, tips. Liquor, Mineral water, Airport Tax, Insurance, Meal outside hotel, Refreshment on arrival. Additional car usage beyond suggested Itinerary Any other item not specified in “Cost Includes”. Additional or incremental expenses arising out of acts of god, political disturbance, strike etc. Any change in government tax structure and amount becoming due thereto.
Car Details :
* Upto 04 Persons : Dezire/Indigo/Indica or Similar.
* Upto 06 Persons : Sumo/Tavera/Innova/Xylo or Similar.
* Upto 12 Persons : Winger or Similar.
* Above 12 Persons : Tempoo Traveler or Similar.
Specific Departure Dates :
​Any dates you can plan and start your dream trip with us.
For group special rate or any clarification feel free to contact : +91-9933507757/9650747276,
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holidaysatindia · 6 years
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North India Tour Package
#HolidaysAt #India Destinations: Delhi, Varanasi, Khajuraho, Agra, Ranthambore, Jaipur, Deogarh, Udaipur For tour queries or bookings, Call +91-9911788187 or Email [email protected] https://zurl.co/5loAa
Day 1: Arrival At New Delhi On the day of arrival at New Delhi airport, our Holidays At representative will assist you at the airport and later transfer to your hotel for night stay. Relax at hotel or day free to leisure activities. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 2: At New Delhi Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later proceed for full day guided tour to New & Old Delhi, visit Rashtrapati Bhavan, India Gate, Laxmi Narayan Temple, Humayun’s Tomb, Lotus Temple (Bhai’s Temple) and Qutub Minar. After lunch at local city restaurant, later proceed for Old Delhi sightseeing tour visit Raj Ghat, Jama Masjid and Red fort also take a short rickshaw ride at Chandni Chowk spice market and huge market for clothes. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 3 : New Delhi - Varanasi (By Flight) Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later our Holidays At representative will meet you at hotel and later transfer to New Delhi airport to board the flight for Varanasi. Upon arrival at Varanasi airport, our Holidays At representative will meet you and transfer to your hotel for night stay. After lunch proceed for guided  tour to Sarnath an important site for the Buddhists, visit the Dhamekha Stupa, the Archeological museum and the Chaukhandi Stupa. Relax at hotel or day free to leisure activities. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 4 : At Varanasi Early morning boat ride at Ganges and later back to hotel for breakfast, After breakfast later proceed for guided tour to Varanasi visit, Tulsi Manas Temple, Durga Temple, New Vishwanath Temple & Sankat Mochan Temple are the four famous temples in Varanasi. Evening enjoy the Ganga Aarti at famous Vishwanath Temple. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 5 : Varanasi - Khajuraho (By Flight) Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later our Holidays At representative will meet you at hotel and later transfer to Varanasi airport to board the flight for Khajuraho. Upon arrival at Khajuraho airport our Holidays At representative will meet you and transfer to your hotel for night stay. Later proceed for guided tour to Khajuraho, visit western group of temples, eastern group of temples, Jain group of temples, Raneh Falls & evening sound and light show at temples. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 6 : Khajuraho - Jhansi (3:30 Hrs) - Agra (By Train) Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later check out from hotel and drive to Jhansi. Upon arrival at Jhansi, visit Jhansi Fort, Government Museum & Rani Mahal. Later afternoon transfer to Jhansi railway station to board the train for Agra. Upon arrival at Agra railway station, our Holidays At representative will meet you and later transfer to your hotel for night stay. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 7 : At Agra Early morning before breakfast Sunrise visit the world’s most popular and beautiful monument Taj Mahal and Mehtab Bagh. After finish your guided tour to Taj Mahal, later back to your hotel and enjoy your breakfast. After breakfast at hotel, later proceed for full day guided tour to Agra, visit Agra Fort, Itmad-ud-Daulah's Tomb, Akbar's Tomb, Jama Masjid, Moti Masjid, Octagonal Tower, Jahangir's Palace, Chini ka Rauza and Sikandra Fort. Evening enjoy the light and sound show “Mohabbat-the-Taj - the saga of love”, in Agra. Relax at hotel or day free to leisure activities. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 8 : Agra - Fatehpur Sikri - Ranthambore (296 Kms / 5:30 Hrs) Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later check out from hotel and drive to Ranthambore via en-route visit to Fatehpur Sikri the oldest deserted town built by Mughal Kingdom in 1571 and bulit by red stone in honor of Saint Salim Chisti. Later drive to Ranthabore. Upon arrival at Ranthambore National Park check in your hotel for night stay and enjoy the nature walk or leisure for own activities at national park. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 9 : At Ranthambore Today morning before breakfast proceed for jungle safari at Ranthambore National Park and search of deer, birds, leopards, monkeys, and if we're lucky, the elusive tigers. After jungle safari at national park later drive back to your hotel for night stay. Relax at hotel or day free to leisure activities. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 10 : Ranthambore - Jaipur (160 Kms / 3:30 Hrs) Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later visit to the 1,000 year old Ranthambore Fort. Later afternoon check out from hotel and drive to Jaipur. Upon arrival at Jaipur check in your hotel for night stay. Rest of the day free for leisure activities. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 11 : At Jaipur Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later proceed for full day guided tour of Jaipur, visit Amber Fort with elephant ride, Nahargarh Fort, Jaigarh Fort, Jal Mahal, Hawa Mahal (Palace of Winds), City Palace, Jantar Mantar, Birla Temple, Central Museum and Laxmi Narayan Temple. After finish your sightseeing tour to Jaipur later drive back to your hotel for night stay. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 12 : Jaipur - Deogarh (250 Kms / 5 Hrs) Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later check out from hotel and drive to Deogarh. Upon arrival at Deogarh check in your hotel for night stay. Later visit Deogarh Mahal, A 200 year-old fort and evening enjoy a Jeep safari in nearby villages with Rajsathani folk music and dance. Rest of the day free for leisure activities. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 13 : Deogarh - Chittorgarh - Udaipur (127 Kms / 2:30 Hrs) Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later check out from hotel and drive to Udaipur, via en-route visit to Chittorgarh Fort, Rana Kumbha's Palace, Kumbha Shyam Temple, Victory Tower, Meerabai Temple, Meerabai Temple, Tower of Fame, Padmini's Palace, Chittaurgarh Museum & Jaimal and Patta Palaces. Upon arrival at Udaipur check in your hotel for night stay. Rest of the day free for leisure activities. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 14: At Udaipur Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later proceed for full day guided tour to Udaipur, visit City Palace, Bagore Ki Haveli, Fateh Sagar Lake, Ambrai Ghat, Jagdish Temple, Udaipur Ropeway, Shilpgram, Vintage collection of classic car museum, Eklingji and Nagda Temples. Enjoy boat ride at lake pichola. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 15: Udaipur - New Delhi (By Flight) Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later our Holidays At representative will meet you and later transfer to Udaipur airport to board the flight for New Delhi. Upon arrival at New Delhi airport, our Holidays At representative will meet you and transfer to your hotel for night stay. Rest of the day free for leisure activities. Overnight at Hotel.
Day 16: Departure from New Delhi Today morning after breakfast at hotel, later check out from hotel and transfer to New Delhi Airport to board the flight to your home.
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