#Grimlock hates every last one of them and really wants to roast magnus to impress op.
TFA Earthbot AU, where the Main Autobots fall in love with the Bots created on Earth by the Allspark Key… How do Blackarachnia, Sentinel and Ultra Magnus react to Grimlock aka Optimus Prime’s new dino boyfriend?… Does Blackarachnia or Sentinel get jealous, of their former friend’s new romantic relationship? 🚒💙🦖
Ultra magnus is surprised by their relationship and disappointment in optimus for deciding to be with such an uncivilized brute of a mech. He didn't expect such poor judgment from him especially given his good performance in the academy. It truly pitiable.
Sentinel knew optimus didn't have much sense in him but to actually have a fling with some primitive beast bot Is a new level of desperate. He's completely disgusted by it and shamelessly insults him for being "pathetic enough to settle for that freak."
Blackarchnia is slightly annoyed that she can't influence the brute Thanks to his attachment to optimus but otherwise doesn't care. Personally she finds it funny watching the boisterous oaf flirt with reserved, proper, optimus.
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