nuggettrapgold · 4 months
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Our Visionary Approach Transforms Tradition into Innovation, Sustainably Shaping the Golden Frontier. Join us in Pioneering the Future of Mining Excellence.
#cunninghammining #nuggettrapgold #gold #mining #goldentraingle
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braveins · 1 year
Foldable Metal Detector for Gold Prospecting and Treasure Hunting
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goldinvest · 3 months
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Goldmünzen gibt es seit Jahrhunderten und sie werden als Wertbewahrungsmittel, als Währung und als Symbol des Reichtums verwendet.
Viele von uns sind mit dem Anblick glänzender, hochwertiger Goldmünzen vertraut, aber wie werden sie hergestellt und wie läuft der Herstellungsprozess ab? Der Prozess der Herstellung von Goldmünzen wird als Prägung bezeichnet. Er ist komplex und erfordert Fachwissen, Fähigkeiten und Erfahrung.
Die meisten Goldanleger und Münzsammler haben sich noch nie Gedanken über die Kosten und Feinheiten gemacht, die bei der Herstellung und Prägung einer Goldmünze anfallen
Die Herstellung von Goldmünzen erfolgt in mehreren Schritten:
Schritt 1: Raffinieren Schritt 2: Entwurf, Gravur und Prototyping Schritt 3: Herstellung des Stempels und Prägung der Münzen Schritt 4: Endbearbeitung
Der Prozess der Prägung von Gold- und Silbermünzen ist Jahrhunderte alt. Die moderne Technik hat diesen Prozess wesentlich beschleunigt, doch die grundlegenden Methoden, die vor Jahrhunderten angewandt wurden, werden auch heute noch eingesetzt, wenn auch in effizienterem Umfang.
Die Münze Österreich, die Königliche Münze, die Münze Perth, die Südafrikanische Münze, die Königliche Kanadische Münze und die Münze der Vereinigten Staaten gehören zu den ältesten Münzprägeanstalten der Welt.
Hier bei GOLDINVEST finden Sie viele der oben genannten Goldmünzen aus verschiedenen Prägeanstalten der Welt sowie andere Anlagemünzen und Goldbarren, mit denen Sie Ihre Edelmetallsammlung erweitern können.
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scooptram · 3 months
Bergbaumaschinen News Nachrichten Tunnelmaschinen
Hier gibt es Nachrichten rund um die Bergbaumaschinen so wie Informationen zu Tunnelmaschinen. Aktuell gibt es Verschieden Berichte mit Fotos von Maschinen und Geräten die Unter tage im Bergbau arbeiten. Viel Tunnelbaufirmen nutzen dies Tunnellader für ihre Baustellen. Der Bergbau in der in Sambia und der DR Kongo nutzen GHH Komatsu Bergbaumaschinen für den Kupfer Abbau
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suyash-mpower · 7 months
Dazzling Your Portfolio: Exploring Unique Avenues for Gold Investment Beginners
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Investments in gold loans play a significant role due to its capacity to provide diversification and stability. An asset that acts as a safe sanctuary for many, gold has always been a luring conundrum. It may be used to protect against economic instability and inflation. Historically, gold has been a hallmark for the elites and still continues to be a symbol of wealth, security and an everlasting appeal. Because of its low connection with traditional assets like equities and bonds, it is an excellent means for lowering portfolio risk and hence has resulted to be a valuable component of a well-balanced investment strategy.
Why Choose to Invest in Gold?
Diversification: The connection between gold and other asset types, such as equities and bonds, is minimal. In times of economic uncertainty, including gold in your investment portfolio can help distribute risk and lower total portfolio risk.
Portfolio Insurance: Gold is frequently used as a type of portfolio insurance by investors. When other securities fall short, gold's value may climb, aiding to offset damages elsewhere.
Well-Recognised: Gold is a highly liquid asset since it is generally known and acknowledged globally. It may be purchased or sold in a variety of forms, including actual gold and financial instruments such as gold ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds).
Tangible Assets: Physical gold, such as coins and bars, is a physical and portable kind of wealth for investors. This might be especially enticing to folks who desire to possess actual goods.
Long-Term Value Store: Gold has an extended tradition of being used as an enclosure of values. It has been used for ages as a kind of cash and commerce and is widely acknowledged.
Exploring the types of Gold Investments in India : The Gap Between Tradition and Modernisation
Gold has a lengthy history that is firmly ingrained in culture and finance, and it has long been loved as a symbol of riches as well as a source of financial stability. Traditional techniques of gold investing, however, are being supplemented by new and sophisticated alternatives in today's ever-changing investment scene. Here, we take a quick review about the types of gold investments.
Buying Physical Gold
Physical Gold: Owning physical gold in the shape of coins, bars, or jewelry is a long-held and treasured custom in India. This tangible money is frequently collected for cultural festivities, religious rites, and family wealth preservation. Gold's significance in these occasions extends beyond its monetary worth; it is a potent emblem of tradition and legacy. Physical gold, particularly ancestral jewelry, is not just a financial asset, but it also has significant emotional and cultural value.
Gold Jewelry: In India, gold jewelry is more than just a decoration; it is a valuable investment. Specifically designed gold jewelry is frequently passed down from generation to generation, acting as a way of protecting and transmitting wealth. Gold jewelry's resale value rises with time, adding a layer of long-term investment to its aesthetic charm.
Gold bars: Gold bars are frequently selected by serious investors because to their smaller premiums over the current price of gold. They are available in a variety of sizes, ranging from minuscule grams to enormous kilogram bars, to accommodate a wide range of budgets and investment objectives.
Investing in Gold ETFs: Convenient Paper Gold
Gold Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) provide investors with a sophisticated and accessible alternative to engage in the gold market. These financial vehicles are similar to ordinary equities, except that they are closely linked to the value of gold. The fundamental attraction of gold ETFs is their unrivalled ease. They provide a simplified, paper-based manner of buying and holding gold that does not need physical custody or storage. These ETFs methodically follow gold prices and are protected by actual gold securely housed in vaults. What genuinely distinguishes them is their convenience of dealing. Gold ETFs are extremely liquid, trading like stocks throughout the day, making them accessible to a wide variety of investors.
Diversity in the Gold Investments:
When it comes to investing in gold, many beginners typically think of buying gold bars or investing in gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs). However, the world of gold investments offers a treasure trove of unique and creative avenues that can add a touch of sparkle to your portfolio. In this section, we'll explore some of these exceptional options and guide beginners on how to get started with each one -
Digital Gold Platforms: Digital gold platforms allow investors to buy and possess portions of actual gold, which is frequently housed in safe vaults. These platforms enable modest investments and simple operations, making them approachable to a diverse group of investors.
Gold Savings Accounts: Gold savings accounts are available from several banks and financial institutions. These accounts let users to buy and store gold digitally, facilitating access and transactions.
Gold Mining Stocks: Investing in gold mining firms allows you to acquire exposure to the performance of the gold industry. Because they are impacted by factors such as production and exploration, these stocks can give an indirect path to earning from gold.
Gold Futures and Options: Gold option and futures contracts allow experienced investors to speculate on the future value of gold. Commodity exchanges trade these derivatives.
Gold Sovereign Bonds: To stimulate gold investment, certain governments issue Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs). These bonds provide an interest rate as well as tax benefits, which makes them an appealing alternative for investors seeking government-backed security.
Tax Implications on the Gold Investments by ROI and Indian Government
The many gold investment landscapes each have a distinct set of tax regulations and effects. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is crucial in regulating the legislation governing gold investments. In this post, we'll look at the tax implications for multiple gold investments as well as the RBI's instructions, providing guidance on how to negotiate the tax landscape of this valued asset.
Physical Gold: The sale of actual gold, such as jewellery, bars, and coins, is subject to capital gains tax. A long-term investment gain occurs when gold is kept for longer than 36 months prior to the date of sale. Otherwise, it is considered a short-term capital gain, and tax can be levied accordingly. To evaluate the economic worth of long-term capital gains, indexation benefits can be applied to the cost of acquiring actual gold.
SGBs (Sovereign Gold Bonds): Government securities marked in grams of gold are known as SGBs. The amount of gold paid for by the investor is secured since they receive the current market price at the time of reclamation SGBs are a better option to keeping actual gold because they eliminate the hazards and expenses associated with storage.
Gold Exchange (ETFs): Traded Funds (ETFs) are well-known for their tax advantages. Investors who sell Gold ETF units after owning them for more than a year are entitled to long-term capital gains tax breaks. This equates to a tax rate of 20% with indexation advantages. Any profits from Gold ETFs are added to the investor's overall income and taxed at their appropriate slab rate in the short term (holding duration of less than one year). Importantly, there is no wealth tax on Gold ETFs, providing a clear advantage to investors pursuing tax-advantaged gold exposure.
Capital Gains Tax: Any profit or gain made while selling gold mining equities is liable for capital gains tax. The tax rate is directed by the holding period:
Short-term Capital Gains (STCG): Whenever you sell equities within one year after purchasing them, the gains are deemed short-term and are taxed at the corresponding income tax slab rate.
Long-term Capital Gains (LTCG): Gains are deemed long-term if sold within one year of purchase. The current tax rate on long-term capital gains on listed equities is 10% without indexation or 20% with indexation, whichever is lesser
Tips for Beginners to Make New Investments
A plethora of chances and choices await anyone venturing into the realm of gold investing. Gold's timeless attractiveness and position as a safe-haven commodity make it an enticing alternative, but consider these expert suggestions before embarking on this path. Begin by understanding your investing objectives; whether they are capital preservation, diversification, or wealth creation, knowing your goals will help form your plan. Diversification is a risk-mitigation mantra, so balance your portfolio with different types of gold assets, such as actual gold, gold ETFs, or sovereign gold bonds, matching them with your risk tolerance. Timing the market is difficult, so take a long-term view and focus on gold's inherent worth as an asset of wealth.
In conclusion, gold investing provides a unique and diversified route for anyone wishing to diversify their portfolio. There is something for everyone among the numerous investment alternatives, which include actual gold, ETFs, and mutual funds. Investors may make educated judgements and perhaps reap large benefits if they take the time to research and comprehend the numerous possibilities. Individuals may also benefit from the security and safety associated with owning a real commodity that has withstood the test of time by investing in gold. Overall, gold investment is an interesting and dynamic approach to develop and manage one's financial portfolio.
Navigating the complexities of obtaining a gold loan can be a daunting endeavour, often plagued by a myriad of challenges and red tape. However, with the advent of Mpower Credcure, a leading financial service provider, these atrocities become a thing of the past. Through strategic partnerships with over 40 trusted banks, we have streamlined the process, ensuring that you can secure instant loans with minimal documentation and unparalleled efficiency. At Mpower Credcure, our mission is to empower you to safeguard your financial future, offering a seamless and client-centric approach to financial services that transcends traditional boundaries.
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wnewsguru · 7 months
Private Gold Mine: देश की पहली निजी सोने की खदान का आगाज़
डेक्कन गोल्ड माइंस लिमिटेड के प्रबंध निदेशक (एमडी) हनुमा प्रसाद ने कहा कि आंध्र प्रदेश में देश की पहली बड़ी निजी सोने की खदान में पूर्ण पैमाने पर उत्पादन अगले साल के अंत तक शुरू हो जाएगा प्रसाद ने कहा कि जोन्नागिरी स्वर्ण परियोजना को लेकर शुरुआती स्तर पर काम पहले ही शुरू हो चुका है। काम पूरा होते ही उत्पादन शुरू हो जाएगा, जिसके बाद प्रति वर्ष करीब 750 किलोग्राम सोने का उत्पादन होगा।"
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russian-gold-miner · 7 months
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In no other country in the world is gold mining growing as fast as in Russia! Are you still wondering where it is more profitable to mine gold?
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firoz857 · 8 months
Trying to find the last hole you dug that was loaded with gold in the California desert #goldrush
In this video, we're going to be looking for the last hole that was loaded with gold in the California desert during the Gold Rush of 1849!
This search may seem impossible, but with a little effort and luck, we may be able to find the last remaining gold nugget in the California desert! Let's get started and see if we can find what's hidden deep within the sand! 
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*️⃣ Trying to find the last hole you dug that was loaded with gold in the California desert #goldrush #chrisundertaking
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cliaban-rilag · 7 months
bg3 fanartists, here's a link with a huge album of models, concept art etc. straight from the devs
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My Flash Back Friday , the days of wine 🍷 and roses 🌹 is in Budapest. My buddy Jlal Gondhi geologist helped me convince two dudes in Toronto , David and Peter to pivots from oil to gold at the Yorkville office back in the day. It resulted in us discovering the biggest gold vein in the State of Nevada. Today the company is the largest mining company in the world Barrick Gold Corporation . 📷 by @martinapalme #friendsforlife #friendsforever #wineandroses #roses #budapest #goldmining #geologists #flashbackfriday #mining #canadian #khashoggi #saudiinvestors #flashback #fbf #instalike #likesforlike #likephoto #insta #follow4followback https://www.instagram.com/p/CrmBkddvp4C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ncashmygold · 1 year
Get instant cash against gold from a reputed buyer and at best price #minsara
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whatawriterwields · 9 months
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Good Omens as posts from the LGBTQIA+ sidechat. This one goes out to the college students in the crowd
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Gold Mining in Tanzania – Production and Export Insight
It is estimated that Tanzania has a gold reserve of 45 million oz. Much of gold in the Tanzania mining sector has been concentrated on the greenstone near Lake Victoria, where many huge deposits have been found already and are being improved..
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Read more at - https://unitedrepublicoftanzania.com/economy-of-tanzania/minerals-in-tanzania-mining/gold-mining-in-tanzania-production-and-export/
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praveenmohantelugu · 1 year
పురాతన గుహలను కాపలా కాస్తున్న మమ్మీలు?! లింగం వద్ద మమ్మీలను పెట్టడానికి కారణం ఏంటి?
Hey guys, ఈ రోజు నేను ప్రపంచంలో ఉన్న గుహలలో చాలా విచిత్రమైన భూగర్భ గుహని మీకు చూపించబోతున్నాను, ఇది కర్ణాటకలో ఉన్న చిత్ర దుర్గ place కి పక్కన ఉన్న చంద్రవల్లి గుహలు అనే ఒక ప్రదేశం. ఇది చూడడానికి ఒక పురాతన గుడి లాగా ఉంది, కానీ మనం ఈ metal తలుపుల గుండా వెళుతున్నప్పుడు, లోపల ప్రతిదీ మారుతుంది. ఇది పూర్తిగా నల్లగా, చాలా చీకటిగా ఉంది, నాతో వచ్చిన టూర్ గైడ్ ఫ్లాష్ లైట్‌ని వేసిస్తున్నారు, కానీ అప్పుడు కూడా, మనం పెద్దగా ఏం చూడలేము, కాబట్టి నేను తీసుకువచ్చిన కొంచం పెద్ద light ని వేసి చూస్తాము. 
వాళ్లు నన్ను ఒక గైడ్‌ని తీసుకోని వెళ్ళమని బలవంతం చేసి ఈయన్ని నాతో పంపించారు, ఎందుకంటే ఇక్కడ ఒకటికొకటి ఇంటర్‌కనెక్టింగ్ గదులు చాలా ఉన్నాయి, నేను లోపల తప్పిపోతే, ఎలా బయటకు రావాలో తెలియదు. అయితే వాళ్లు ఎందుకు ఎవరినీ ఒంటరిగా ��ోపలికి అనుమతించకపోవడానికి మరొక రహస్యం కారణంగా ఉంది. దీనివల్లే ఎవరిని ఒంటరిగా లోపలికి పోనివ్వడం లేదు. దీని లోపల ఒక మానవ శరీరం ఉండొచ్చు, పెద్ద శవ పేటిక లాగా ఉండే ఇందులో బహుశా మమ్మీ శరీరం ఉండవచ్చు. 
ఇక్కడ ఉన్న స్థానికుల ప్రకారం, పరదేశప్ప అనే వ్యక్తి ఇక్కడ విశ్రాంతి తీసుకుంటాడు అనడమే, ఇది చాలా విచిత్రంగా ఉంది, ఎందుకంటే హిందువులు సాధారణంగా చనిపోయినవారి శరీరాన్ని కాల్చివేస్తారు. కానీ ఇక్కడ కొన్ని విషయాలు చాలా విచిత్రంగా ఉండడం చూడవచ్చు, మీరు తాజా కాంక్రీటు పాచెస్ చూడవచ్చు.  ఇక్కడ కొత్తగా concrete వేసి ఉండడం కూడా మనం చూడగలము. కచ్చితంగా దీన్ని కొన్ని రోజుల ముందే చేసుంటారు. ఇది ఎప్పుడు normal గా జరిగే renovation మాత్రమేనని ఈ guide చెప్తున్నాడు, ఆలా చెప్పేసి తొదర తొందరగా గుహలో ఇతర భాగాలను చూడటానికి నన్ను తీసుకెళ్తున్నాడు, కానీ నేను అవతలి వైపు వెళ్ళినప్పుడు, నేను దీనిని గుర్తించాను. 
లోపల ఏముందో చూడడానికి ఎవరో ఒక రంధ్రం వేశారు, లేదా ఎవరైనా లోపల ఉన్నదాన్ని  దోచుకోవడానికి ప్రయత్నించి ఉండవచ్చు. దగ్గరగా చూడండి, ఇది సహజంగా ఏర్పడిన రంధ్రం కాదు, ఇది కచ్చితంగా మనుషులు చేసారు. ఈ రంధ్రాన్ని లోతుగా డ్రిల్ల్ చేసి వేసున్నారు, కనీసం 3-అంగుళాల వ్యాసంలో ఉంది ఈ  రంధ్రం. ఇలా ఎందుకు చేశారు? ఎవరు చేశారు? అసలు దీని లోపల ఏముంది? ఇందుకు ఈ గుహను ఇనుప తలుపులతో మోసేశారని నేను అనుకుంటున్నాను, ఎవరూ దీన్ని తెరువకుండా ఉండడానికి వాళ్లు గైడ్ లేకుండా ఎవరినీ లోపలికి అనుమతించనంటున్నారు. 
ఈ రంధ్రాన్ని మరింత పరిశీలించాలని నేను అనుకుంటున్నాను, కానీ ఈ గైడ్ నన్ను అనుమతించడం లేదు, కాబట్టి నేను ఇక్కడి నుండి వెళ్లాలి. కానీ దీని పైన ఉన్నది నాకు మరింత విచిత్రంగా ఉంది,   వాళ్ళు ఎలివేషన్ లాంటి ఒక దిండును కాంక్రీటులో తయారు చేశారు. రాత్రి ఎవరైనా దీని మీద నిద్రిస్తున్నారా? ఇప్పుడు మీరు పక్కన ఉన్న ఈ structure ని చూడగలుగుతున్నారా? చనిపోయిన అతని వస్తువులు ఇందులో భద్రపరచబడి ఉన్నాయని ఇక్కడ ఉన్న ప్రజలు అంటున్నారు. ఇవి పురాతన ఈజిప్షియన్లు ఆచరించే ఆచారాలు, ఈజిప్షియన్లు మాత్రమే చనిపోయిన వాళ్ళ వస్తువులను పక్కనే పెట్టి భద్రపరుస్తారు, హిందువులు సాధారణంగా ఇలా చేయరు. 
కానీ నేను చుట్టూ తిరిగినప్పుడే వీటన్నిటికంటే, మరింత విచిత్రమైన విషయం నాకు కనిపిస్తుంది. శవపేటికకు సరిగ్గా ఎదురుగా ఒక శివ లింగం ఉంది. మృతదేహాన్ని గుడి లోపల గాని లేదా గుడికి దగ్గర గాని పెట్టడం హిందూ మతానికి విరుద్ధం. ఈ లింగం నుండి ఒక ప్రత్యేకమైన వాసన వస్తుంది, ఈ లింగాన్ని అనేక రాళ్లతో తయారు చేసారు. కానీ ఇక్కడచాలా crazy అయిన విషయాన్ని మీరు చూడవచ్చు, లింగం దగ్గర నేలపై ఒక రంధ్రం వేశారు. అయితే ఆ రంధ్రాన్ని recent గా పెద్ద పెద్ద రాళ్లతో మూసేసారు ఉంది. 
నిజానికి ఈ లింగంపైన పోసిన నీరు ఆ రంధ్రం గుండా పడి పోయేవిధంగా సెట్ చేసి ఉండేది. అయితే ఆ నీళ్లు ఎక్కడికి వెళ్తుంది? దీని క్రింద మరొక భూగర్భ స్థాయి చాలా లోతులో ఉండాలి. ఈ గుహలో అనేక రహస్య ప్రాంతాలను పూర్తిగా seal చేసి, close చేసేశారు. దీనికి కారణం ఏంటని స్పష్టంగా తెలియలేదు. For example, దీన్ని చూడండి. ఈ మార్గాన్ని పూర్తిగా ఇనుప కంబిలను వేసి close చేసేసారు. ఇక్కడ ఇనుప కంబిలను వేసి మూయడానికి ఇక్కడ అంత ముఖ్యంగా ఏముందుంటుంది. అవతలి వైపు ఏముంది? వాళ్లు మన దగ్గర ఏదైనా దాస్తున్నారా? 
మనం easy గా తప్పిపోయే విధంగా చాలా రహస్య మార్గాలు, విచిత్రమైన సొరంగాలు ఉన్నాయి. చాలా మంది touristsలు వీటిని పూర్తిగా చూడకుండా miss చేస్తున్నారు, ఎందుకంటే టూర్ గైడ్‌లు సాధారణమైన చిన్న ఫ్లాష్‌లైట్‌లను వేసే చూపిస్తున్నాడు. అయితే, మనం ప్రతిచోటా ఇలాంటి పెద్ద రంధ్రాలను చూడవచ్చు, ఇది చాలా విచిత్రంగా కనిపిస్తుంది. తర్వాత 30 సెకన్లలోపు నేను ఎన్ని ద్వారం గుండా వెళ్లాలి అని చూడండి. అన్ని నేరుగా లేవు; అవన్నీ వంకరగా మలుపులు తిప్పి వెళ్లే విధంగానే వాటి చేశారు. మీరు ప్రవేశించిన ప్రతిసారీ, మీరు మరిన్ని ద్వారాలను చూస్తారు, ఇంకా చాలా మార్గాలలో ఏదో ఒక ద్వారాన్నే మీరు choose చెయ్యాలి. - Praveen Mohan Telugu
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dailyflicks · 10 months
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For once, there was an unknown land, full of strange flowers and subtle perfumes; a land of which it is joy of all joys to dream; a land where all things are perfect and poisonous.
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In December 2020, my grandfather was in assisted living. I pulled out my journal writings from my grandparents and started compiling. I asked my grandfather questions right up until he passed in February 2021. My grandmother and I had calls with family members for more stories. I visited cousins and scanned photos and took photos of family items. What emerged was this book and how the gold rush in California captivated my ancestors and created us. It was finally self-published in October, the month my grandmother passed. To family, the reason we are here. ♥️ #family #familyhistory #california #californiaadventure #californialove #californiagoldrush #grassvalley #grassvalleyculture #sacramento #sacramentohistory #grassvalleyhistory #cornwallminingheritage #cornwall #goldmining #goldmininghistory https://www.instagram.com/p/CkdSOrduaUe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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