entertainment · 3 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Hunter Deno, Power Rangers Dino Fury
Having booked her first commercial on her first birthday, actress Hunter Deno was destined for a future in the entertainment industry. After focusing on modeling for a few years, she decided to get serious about pursuing television and film, moved to LA in 2019, and landed the series regular role of the Pink Power Ranger on Nickelodeon’s new Power Rangers season, Dino Fury. We sat down with Hunter to discuss Power Rangers, fanfiction, acting, and other big philosophical questions. Check it out:
How are you? Seriously, how’re you doing?
Thank you for asking! I’m doing great, actually, besides being a bit homesick. I recently relocated to New Zealand for a project and had to leave everyone and everything I know and love. I started completely fresh here, and it has been a little rough. BUT everyone here and everyone involved in this process has made it a lot easier.
What are you working on right now?
I am currently filming a TV show here in New Zealand; I'm playing Amelia Jones, the next Pink Power Ranger in Nickelodeon’s Power Rangers Dino Fury. Wow. That is one statement I never knew I’d be saying.
What meme or piece of internet culture do you relate to the most?
Most recently, I feel like I relate to that video of the little girl on the beach. She’s crying, and she says, “I’m gonna take a nap. I’m gonna take a nap right here. Goodnight.” I’ve always loved that one, but I love how she just says what she wants and does it.
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You’re also a model. Can you share your top tip for looking fab in a photo?
Oh my. What a question. I don’t really have a routine before a photoshoot. Except, the only thing I HAVE to do, is get a good night’s sleep. You know, what they call “beauty sleep”.
Have you ever read Power Rangers fanfiction? If you were to write a Power Rangers Dino Fury fanfiction, what would it be called and who would it be about?
I have read some Power Ranger fanfiction, but I haven’t dove deep into it. I think if I were to write my own, it would be about my character, Amelia, and her quest to find answers about the paranormal. After the first episode aired, the hashtag #GiveAmeliaAGhost started to go around, and I think I’d want to run with that. I’m not sure where that would take her. Maybe she’d get the answers she was hoping for. Maybe she would find a love interest that has the same beliefs. Maybe she would find something else that would take her quest in a different direction. Maybe being the Pink Power Ranger helps her find some answers she’s been longing for her entire life. Who knows. And then I think I’d have to name it like it is, #GiveAmeliaAGhost.
What is something that you could use the Pink Ranger’s help for?
My philosophy in life is to be kind. I think I would want the Pink Ranger to go after bullies instead of monsters. Because the truth is, bullies are the real monsters in life.
Can you show us a funny photo from your camera roll that you haven’t shared before, and tell us the backstory?
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I’m not going to lie, I share a lot of embarrassing photos of myself as it is. So it was hard to find one I haven’t posted yet. I had to reach out to a few friends to see if they had any. But the photo I have chosen is a good one that I haven’t posted. I might find it a little more funny than anyone else would, though. Back home, I have 30+ cows. I am very close with them, considering we don’t eat or milk them; they’re pets. So close that I can feed them from my mouth. This is a picture of me and my bull, Titan. He sure loves his carrots, and occasionally missing the carrot and licking my face.
What is the first thing you’re going to do post-pandemic?
Over Christmas break here in NZ, I actually reached out to production about setting up some volunteer work for me. I really wanted to do something to give back. They really tried, but the majority of shelters and other places weren't accepting any volunteers. We reached out to a few kids’ hospitals to make appearances to put a smile on their faces, but due to COVID, that wasn’t allowed. While we understood the condition these kids were in, I was very upset that we couldn’t do ANYTHING to help anyone. I volunteer at a place back home called Give Kids The World, and going back is at the top of my list, post-pandemic.
How do you get into character, and how do you stay in character?
I think Amelia and I are very, very, very alike. So to get in and out of character doesn’t take much. We are both very loving, confident, optimistic go-getters. Honestly, there are times where we film a scene, and I find myself just playing me rather than Amelia. When it comes to my character’s paranormal side, that is where I definitely have to be Amelia and not Hunter. While I love all things horror, I don’t have the same passion for finding the answers she’s looking for. There’s a method to her madness, and I can’t say too much without giving it away. You’ll have to watch to find out more.
You have the chance to ask an all-knowing being one question. What do you ask?
What a loaded question this is. Is there life on other planets? Is earth the only planet out there that’s inhabitable for any life form?
Thanks for taking the time, Hunter! Catch Power Rangers Dino Fury on Nickelodeon.
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