#Gastrology Surgeon
shreyas113333 · 1 year
Gastrology Surgeon in Pune
Dr. Nikhil Jillawar
Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is one of the leading experts in the Pune has experience of 9 years in this field of surgical gastroenterology GI oncology and hepatobiliary& transplant surgery.
Gastrology Surgeon in Pune He is currently a consultant of surgical services at Aditya Birla Hospital. He is an honorary consultant for hepatobiliary and transplant surgery at Ojas Hospital & Divine Superspeciality Hospital, Pune. Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is a renowned gastrointestinal and Gastrology Surgeon in Pune who offers expert care in Gastrology cancer surgery in Pune.
Dr. Nikhil Jillawar has completed his M.B.B.S from Government Medical College, Nanded, M.S From Government Medical College Nagpur, M.Ch from NHL Medical College Ahmedabad. He has completed Fellowship in bariatric surgery from Max Superspeciality Hospital, New Delhi, and worked as SR. in GI surgery and liver transplant in GB pant hospital, New Delhi. Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is a renowned Gastrologist in Pune.
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gastroindore · 2 months
Top 5 Foods to Support a Healthy Liver
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Maintaining a healthy liver is vital for overall well-being as this organ plays a crucial role in detoxification, metabolism, and nutrient storage. Consuming a balanced diet rich in nutrients that support liver health can help prevent liver diseases and promote optimal liver function. In Indore, where access to liver specialists and the best liver doctors is available, incorporating liver-friendly foods into your diet is essential for maintaining liver health. Let's explore the top 5 foods that support a healthy liver and why consulting with a liver specialist in Indore is beneficial for liver health.
Leafy Greens: Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support liver detoxification processes. These greens contain chlorophyll, which helps eliminate toxins from the bloodstream and aids in liver cleansing. Additionally, leafy greens are high in fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and prevents constipation, reducing the burden on the liver.
Cruciferous Vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower contain compounds called glucosinolates, which support liver detoxification enzymes. These vegetables also provide sulforaphane, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the liver from damage caused by toxins and inflammation. Including cruciferous vegetables in your diet can help promote liver health and reduce the risk of liver disease.
Fatty Fish: Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and support liver function. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the liver, lower triglyceride levels, and improve insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of fatty liver disease and other liver conditions. Incorporating fatty fish into your diet regularly can help maintain liver health and protect against liver damage.
Berries: Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants called polyphenols, which help protect liver cells from oxidative stress and damage. These fruits also contain fiber and vitamins that support overall health and digestion. Including berries in your diet can help reduce inflammation in the liver, promote detoxification, and support optimal liver function.
Turmeric: Turmeric, a spice commonly used in Indian cuisine, contains a compound called curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcumin helps reduce inflammation in the liver, protect liver cells from damage, and promote the regeneration of liver tissue. Adding turmeric to your meals or consuming turmeric supplements can help support liver health and reduce the risk of liver diseases.
Consulting with the best liver specialist in Indore is essential for individuals concerned about liver health or at risk of liver diseases. Liver specialists, also known as hepatologists, are medical doctors with expertise in diagnosing and treating liver conditions. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your medical history, lifestyle factors, and specific health needs. Additionally, liver specialists can conduct diagnostic tests, such as liver function tests and imaging studies, to assess liver health and detect any abnormalities or signs of liver disease.
The best liver doctors in Indore are committed to providing comprehensive care for individuals with liver conditions. They stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in liver medicine and offer a range of treatment options, including lifestyle modifications, medications, and surgical interventions, to manage liver diseases effectively. By consulting with a liver specialist in Indore, individuals can receive expert guidance and support to optimize liver health and prevent or manage liver diseases.
Incorporating liver-friendly foods into your diet is essential for maintaining optimal liver health and preventing liver diseases. Leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, fatty fish, berries, and turmeric are excellent choices to support liver function and promote overall well-being. Additionally, consulting with a liver specialist in Indore can provide personalized recommendations and interventions to address specific liver health concerns. By prioritizing liver health and incorporating liver-friendly foods into your diet, you can support optimal liver function and enjoy better overall health and vitality.
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drarchitpandit · 1 year
Know Best Liver Cancer Specialist in Gurugram
Dr. Archit Pandit is a best best liver cancer doctor in delhi, does best treatment for liver cancer through laparoscopic cancer surgery in delhi; Consult liver cancer specialist in gurugram, best doctors for liver cancer in delhi.
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Kidney Stone Surgery in Indore | Vivek Memorial Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Are you troubled by kidney stones? and if you are looking best kidney stone surgery in Indore, Vivek Memorial Hospital is a well-known and certified hospital. They offer a full spectrum of diagnostics and treatment for urology cancers, prostate diseases, laproscopic urology, reconstructive urology surgery, stone disease, erectile dysfunction, paediatric urology, paediatric renal transplant, and andrology. For more information. Visit us: https://vivekmemorialhospital.com/service/urology-department/
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medrechospital · 6 months
Choosing the Right Gastrology Hospital: What to Look For in Patna
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I. Introduction
When it comes to your health, selecting the right healthcare provider is of paramount importance. Gastrological issues can be complex and require specialized care. In Patna, you’ll find several hospitals offering gastrology services, but choosing the right one can significantly impact the quality of care you receive. In this blog post, we will focus on the essential criteria to consider when selecting a gastrology hospital in Patna.
II. Specialization in Gastrology
Gastrology is a specialized field of medicine that deals with disorders of the digestive system. Opting for a hospital with a dedicated gastrology department is crucial. Specialized hospitals exclusively focus on gastrological conditions. This exclusive focus provides several advantages, including:
Expertise: Gastrology specialists in dedicated departments tend to be more knowledgeable and experienced in treating digestive disorders, ensuring that you receive the best care possible.
Advanced Technology: Specialized hospitals often invest in the latest diagnostic and treatment equipment tailored specifically for gastrological conditions. This advanced technology enables more accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
III. Expert Gastroenterologists
The expertise of the medical professionals at the hospital is a key consideration. Gastroenterologists are physicians specializing in gastrological issues. It’s vital to choose a hospital staffed with experienced and board-certified gastroenterologists. Here’s why this matters:
Accurate Diagnosis: Experienced gastroenterologists are skilled at interpreting symptoms and diagnosing complex digestive disorders accurately. Their experience can lead to timely and precise diagnoses.
Treatment Plans: Board-certified specialists can develop customized treatment plans that address the unique needs of patients. This individualized approach can result in more effective treatments and better outcomes.
IV. Range of Services Offered
A comprehensive range of gastrology services is a clear sign of a hospital’s commitment to patient care. Look for hospitals that offer a variety of services, including:
Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy: These procedures are essential for diagnosing and treating various digestive conditions.
Liver Disease Management: Liver disorders often accompany digestive issues, so having expertise in managing these conditions is important.
Management of Common Conditions: Hospitals should be equipped to handle common conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
A hospital offering a wide range of services ensures that you can receive complete care under one roof.
V. Diagnostic Capabilities
Accurate and timely diagnoses are the foundation of effective gastrology care. When selecting a hospital, inquire about their diagnostic capabilities. Modern hospitals should be equipped with advanced diagnostic tools and equipment, such as:
High-Definition Endoscopes: These instruments provide clear visualization of the digestive tract, aiding in the identification of issues.
Imaging Technologies: Advanced imaging technologies like MRI and CT scans can help detect structural abnormalities.
Accurate diagnoses are crucial for developing the right treatment plan and achieving better patient outcomes.
VI. Treatment Options
Gastrological conditions can vary greatly, and treatment approaches should be tailored to the specific needs of patients. Ensure that the hospital offers a range of treatment options, including:
Medical Management: Some conditions can be effectively managed with medication, and hospitals should have expertise in this area.
Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Procedures: These procedures, such as polyp removal or stent placement, offer less invasive treatment options for some conditions.
Surgical Interventions: In cases where surgery is necessary, hospitals should have skilled surgeons capable of performing gastrological procedures.
Flexibility in treatment choices is a sign of a hospital’s commitment to patient-centered care.
VII. Success Stories and Patient Testimonials
A hospital’s track record is a strong indicator of its quality of care. Pay attention to patient success stories and testimonials. Real-life experiences from former patients can provide valuable insights into the hospital’s ability to deliver positive outcomes. Look for stories of patients who have had successful treatment and improved their quality of life after seeking care at the hospital.
VIII. Insurance and Financial Considerations
Understanding the financial aspects of your healthcare is essential. Inquire about the hospital’s insurance acceptance and payment options. Hospitals with transparent financial policies can help you navigate the financial aspects of your treatment with ease. Some important financial considerations include:
Insurance Acceptance: Ensure that the hospital accepts your insurance plan, which can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.
Payment Plans: Inquire about flexible payment plans, if needed, to help manage the cost of treatment.
Transparent Billing: A hospital with transparent billing practices ensures that you have a clear understanding of the charges and can budget accordingly.
IX. Infrastructure and Facilities
The infrastructure of a hospital plays a crucial role in the patient experience. Hospitals should have well-equipped operating theaters, recovery areas, and comfortable patient rooms. A well-designed facility contributes to a smoother and more comfortable journey during your treatment. Consider these aspects when assessing a hospital’s infrastructure:
Operating Theaters: State-of-the-art operating theaters are essential for surgical procedures.
Recovery Areas: Quality recovery areas are vital for post-operative care and patient comfort.
Patient Rooms: Comfortable and well-equipped patient rooms enhance the overall experience during hospital stays.
X. Location and Accessibility
Consider the location of the hospital in Patna and its accessibility via public transportation. Choosing a hospital with a strategic location can save you time and effort, particularly when you require frequent visits for consultations and procedures. Key points to consider regarding location and accessibility include:
Proximity: A hospital near your residence can be more convenient for regular check-ups and follow-up appointments.
Public Transportation: Easy access to public transportation can make it simpler to reach the hospital when needed.
XI. Telemedicine Services
In today’s digital age, telemedicine is an invaluable option for those who cannot visit the hospital in person. Ask about the availability of telemedicine services, which can provide convenient access to expert consultations from the comfort of your home. Telemedicine offers several benefits, such as:
Remote Consultations: Patients can consult with gastroenterologists and specialists without physically visiting the hospital.
Convenience: Telemedicine eliminates the need for travel and allows patients to receive care from their own homes.
Access to Specialists: Even if you live in remote areas, telemedicine can connect you with experienced specialists.
XII. Community Reputation and Reviews
Before making your final decision, research the hospital’s reputation in the community. Online reviews and feedback from previous patients can offer insights into the hospital’s strengths and areas for improvement. This information can be invaluable in your decision-making process. Here’s why community reputation and reviews matter:
Community Trust: A hospital with a positive reputation in the community is likely to provide better care.
Feedback from Patients: Patient reviews provide firsthand experiences and can offer insights into the hospital’s patient-centric approach.
Identifying Red Flags: Negative reviews or recurring issues mentioned in reviews can help you identify potential red flags.
XIII. Conclusion
Choosing the right gastrology hospital in Patna is a decision that should not be rushed. In conclusion, here are the key factors to consider:
Specialization in gastrology
Expert gastroenterologists
Comprehensive services and diagnostic capabilities
A wide range of treatment options
Positive patient success stories
Transparent financial policies
Quality infrastructure and facilities
Convenient location and accessibility
Telemedicine services for remote consultations
A strong community reputation
Making an informed decision requires thorough research and consideration of these criteria. Your health and well-being depend on it.
Final Words
If you’re seeking gastrology care in Patna, we encourage you to reach out to MedRec Hospital. Contact our dedicated team of gastroenterologists for inquiries, consultations, or appointments. Your digestive health is our priority. Visit our website www.medrechospital.com for more information. Taking this step will bring you closer to receiving the care you need.
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jainsurgicalhospital · 7 months
Quality improvement in hospitals' surgery-related processes
Enhancing Quality in Surgical Processes at Jain Surgical Hospital: A Path to Excellence
In today's fast-paced world, healthcare institutions are under constant pressure to deliver high-quality services to meet the ever-increasing demands of patients. One such sector that plays a pivotal role in healthcare is surgery. Jain Surgical Hospital in Kota, Rajasthan, is a renowned name in the field, dedicated to providing top-notch surgical care to its patients. This blog will delve into how Jain Surgical Hospital strives to enhance the quality of its surgery-related processes, its association with the Chiranjeevi Yojana, the differences between piles and fissures, and the advantages of laparoscopic surgery.
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Quality Improvement at Jain Surgical Hospital
Jain Surgical Hospital is committed to delivering the best surgical care to its patients. Quality improvement is at the core of its mission. The hospital follows the guidelines and standards set by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH). NABH accreditation ensures that healthcare institutions adhere to stringent quality and safety standards, which is crucial in surgical procedures.
What is NABH?
NABH, the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers, is a certification that demonstrates a hospital's commitment to maintaining the highest quality of healthcare services. Jain Surgical Hospital's NABH accreditation ensures that it complies with international standards, providing patients with the assurance of world-class healthcare.
Chiranjeevi Yojana - Affordable Healthcare
One of the key aspects that sets Jain Surgical Hospital apart is its participation in the Chiranjeevi Yojana, a government scheme that aims to provide affordable healthcare to pregnant women and those in need of surgical care. Under this scheme, patients can access quality surgical services at a nominal cost, making healthcare accessible to all.
Understanding the Difference Between Piles and Fissure
Jain Surgical Hospital specializes in proctology and offers treatment for conditions like piles and fissures. Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen blood vessels in the rectum or anus. Fissures, on the other hand, are small tears in the lining of the anus. Although both conditions can cause discomfort and pain, they require different treatment approaches. Jain Surgical Hospital's expert proctologists are well-equipped to diagnose and treat these conditions effectively.
Advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic surgery, often referred to as minimally invasive surgery, is a revolutionary approach to surgical procedures. Jain Surgical Hospital is a pioneer in providing laparoscopic surgery in Kota. Some key advantages of laparoscopic surgery include smaller incisions, shorter recovery times, and reduced postoperative pain. The hospital's experienced laparoscopic surgeons ensure that patients receive the best possible care.
Specialist Physicians and Surgeons
Jain Surgical Hospital is home to some of the best physicians and surgeons in Kota. Whether you're in need of a urologist, gynecologist, or general physician, the hospital offers a comprehensive range of medical expertise. This diverse team of experts ensures that you receive specialized care for your unique healthcare needs.
Common Gynecological Problems and Their Symptoms
Gynecological issues are common among women, and early detection is key to effective treatment. Jain Surgical Hospital's gynecologists are well-versed in diagnosing and treating conditions like irregular menstruation, uterine fibroids, and ovarian cysts. Some common symptoms of gynecological problems include pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, and discomfort during intercourse. Seeking timely medical attention is crucial for addressing these issues.
Gastrology Services
Jain Surgical Hospital also houses experienced gastrologists who can address digestive health problems. While gastrologists primarily deal with issues related to the digestive system, they do not treat piles. Piles are best managed by proctologists, who are specialists in conditions affecting the rectum and anus.
Jain Surgical Hospital is a leading healthcare institution in Kota, Rajasthan, dedicated to delivering the highest standards of surgical care. Through its NABH accreditation, participation in the Chiranjeevi Yojana, and a team of dedicated specialists, the hospital ensures that patients receive quality care. If you're dealing with surgical issues or gynecological problems, Jain Surgical Hospital stands as a beacon of excellence in healthcare, offering expert diagnosis and treatment for a healthier future. With their commitment to quality improvement and patient-centric care, Jain Surgical Hospital continues to set new benchmarks in the healthcare industry.
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mhsurgery · 8 months
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Leading Gallbladder Surgeon at Top Gastro Hospital in Bangalore
Seeking the best gastrology doctor in Bangalore for chronic gastritis treatment? Look no further. Our leading gastroenterology specialist in Bangalore is renowned for their expertise in managing chronic gastritis Treatment. Trust in their experience and dedication to provide you with personalized care and effective treatment options, ensuring you find relief from this persistent condition and regain your digestive health.
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gastropune · 1 year
Gastrology Surgeon in Pune
Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is one of the leading experts in Pune and has nine years of experience in the field of surgical gastroenterology, GI oncology, and hepatobiliary and transplant surgery. He is currently a consultant for surgical services at Aditya Birla Hospital. He is an honorary consultant for hepatobiliary and transplant surgery at Ojas Hospital and Divine Superspeciality Hospital, Pune. Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is a renowned gastrointestinal and Gastrology Surgeon in Pune who offers expert care in Gastrology cancer surgery in Pune.
Dr. Nikhil Jillawar has completed his M.B.B.S. from the Government Medical College, Nanded, his M.S. from the Government Medical College, Nagpur, and his M.Ch. from the NHL Medical College, Ahmedabad. He has completed a fellowship in bariatric surgery from Max Superspeciality Hospital, New Delhi, and worked as an S.R. in GI surgery and liver transplantation at the GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi. Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is a renowned Gastrologist in Pune.
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It is a myth that the gastro infections fade away on their own, with time. In most of the cases, a whole checkup of abdomen is required and the gastrologists then suggest some of the tests and recommend medications for the patients suffering from gastrological problems. Gastroenterologists work in the field of medicine with an increased emphasis on digestive health issues and organs including the stomach, intestines and bowels. Gastroenterologist surgeon in Jaipur is referred to when a patient displays abnormal symptoms that become prolonged or act as a hindrance in their normal daily activities. They treat and diagnose conditions and issues that impacts the gastrointestinal tract and liver. They perform diagnostic tests, including colonoscopy and endoscopy tests, and perform imaging screens including ultrasounds, CT scans, MRIs or X-rays
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londongastrocare · 2 years
Best Gastroenterology and Liver Hospital in Hyderabad
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Award-winning team of Medical and Surgical Gastrology Doctors in Hyderabad, providing treatment for the most complicated and challenging surgical and medical cases, including benign and malignant conditions of the stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and bile ducts.
Treating Successfully:
Cancers and illnesses of the liver and pancreas
Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome
Hepatitis B and C are two types of hepatitis.
Colon cancer and GERD
Stone in the gallbladder
What exactly is gastroenterology?
The study of the digestive system and the treatment of disorders associated with it is the focus of gastroenterology. It is concerned with organs (esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus), as well as digestive glands (liver, bile ducts, pancreas).
Its two primary specializations are hepatology (liver) and proctology (rectum and anus).
Who are the most vulnerable?
People having a personal or family history of digestive tract illness are at a higher risk. In general, most digestive tract disorders are not connected to age. Cancer, particularly colon cancer, remains the sole major hazard, especially beyond 55 years. As a result, screening should be done every two years.
When is it necessary to consult a gastroenterologist?
If you experience uncommon digestive symptoms, your doctor may send you to a gastroenterologist. Many diseases can be treated by this professional, including intestinal blockage, hemorrhoids, gallstones, cirrhosis, hepatitis, ulcer, celiac disease, and chronic Crohn's disease.
In the event of blood-red vomiting or black feces, seek immediate medical attention to rule out intestinal bleeding. In the event of an obstruction, intestinal perforation, or gallstones, intense and persistent discomfort must also prompt a prompt consultation.
Gastroenterology physicians can treat patients who have a problem with their esophagus, stomach, gallbladder, bile ducts, colon, liver, pancreas, or rectum. This specialty is concerned with the functioning of the whole digestive system, from the flow of food through the digestive canal through the physiological processes of food digestion, absorption, and excretion.
If your general practitioner suspects you may need treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which causes symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, joint pain, rectal bleeding, ulcers, weight loss, loss of appetite, and other digestive issues, he may refer you to a nearby gastro hospital.
The institute provides Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Surgery for the treatment of conditions such as colon polyps, gastrointestinal cancer, jaundice, cirrhosis of the liver, liver diseases, gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn), peptic ulcer disease, colitis, gallbladder & biliary tract disease, nutritional problems, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), pancreatitis, and liver cancer here. Apollo Hospitals is the most chosen healthcare provider for general surgery and gastrointestinal surgery in Hyderabad, with sophisticated state-of-the-art technology, superior critical care facilities, and the top gastroenterology surgeons in Hyderabad.
To diagnose illnesses such as GERD, ulcers, anemia, celiac disease, and so on.
Upper abdominal discomfort, esophageal reflux symptoms, and prolonged vomiting are all evaluated.
It is also used to treat GI tract disorders such as foreign body removal, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) insertion, polypectomy, stent installation, and endoscopic band ligation.
For best observation, it has a dual focus capability that allows the user to examine the chosen depth of field in either close or normal focus mode.
Narrow band imaging provides significantly more contrast between blood vessels and mucosa.
Image quality is improved, and the pre-freeze function automatically chooses the clearest still photographs.
We are the best gastroenterology hospital in Hyderabad.
The Gastroenterology and Hepatology department collaborates with general and hepatobiliary surgeons, endocrinologists, oncologists, radiologists, and transplant experts to provide interdisciplinary treatment. We are regarded as the best gastroenterology hospital in Hyderabad, focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of all diseases and disorders affecting the gastrointestinal system and its allied organs that help in digestion, such as the liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. Through continual medical education programs, novel techniques and practice guidelines are reviewed with the top gastroenterologists in Hyderabad and allied experts from around the country and the world for efficient clinical application.
We Have The Best Gastroenterologists in Hyderabad On Staff.
Our gastrology department, being one of the finest gastroenterology hospitals in Hyderabad, offers the best physicians and best gastroenterologist in hyderabad who diagnose and treat common and unique gastrointestinal problems.
The best gastroenterologists and hepatologists collaborate around the clock to carefully evaluate, diagnose, and treat illnesses and crises such acute liver failure, obstructive jaundice, acute pancreatitis, acute appendicitis, GI bleeding, and others. Our medical gastro department is outfitted with sophisticated diagnostic tools for very sensitive and high resolution endoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, ERCP, and ultrasound (Endoscopic Ultrasound and Non-endoscopic Ultrasound) examinations.
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shreyas113333 · 1 year
Best Gastroenterologist in Wakad
Dr. Nikhil Jillawar
Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is one of the leading experts in the Pune has experience of 9 years in this field of surgical gastroenterology GI oncology and hepatobiliary& transplant surgery.
Best Gastroenterologist in Wakad  He is currently a consultant of surgical services at Aditya Birla Hospital. He is an honorary consultant for hepatobiliary and transplant surgery at Ojas Hospital & Divine Superspeciality Hospital, Pune. Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is a renowned gastrointestinal and Gastrology Surgeon in Pune who offers expert care in Gastrology cancer surgery in Pune.
Dr. Nikhil Jillawar has completed his M.B.B.S from Government Medical College, Nanded, M.S From Government Medical College Nagpur, M.Ch from NHL Medical College Ahmedabad. He has completed Fellowship in bariatric surgery from Max Superspeciality Hospital, New Delhi, and worked as SR. in GI surgery and liver transplant in GB pant hospital, New Delhi. Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is a renowned Gastrologist in Pune.
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gastroindore · 2 months
Best Gastrointestinal Cancer Doctor in Indore - Dr. Amit Bundiwal
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Dr. Amit Budiwal is one of Indore's greatest gastroenterologists in Indore. He is a senior consultant who specializes in gastrointestinal and hepatology. He has a vast knowledge of the esophagus, stomach, colon, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. His expertise in this treatment includes stomach ulcers, fatty liver, liver cirrhosis and its complications, viral hepatitis B and C, liver cancer, pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, and colon cancer.
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kaizenhospitals · 1 year
With the aim of creating a world-class infrastructure for treatment of Gastroenterology diseases, dedicated team of doctors decided to embark on this project for giving finest care to the patients with complaints of GI diseases.
To diagnose and treat gastroenterological complications we utilize the most advanced technology, as its the most recent specialty and includes complex treatments involving various organs and diseases.
We believe that patients can be treated best when everyone in the healthcare organization is specialized and focused in the field.
Everything that we do at kaizen revolves around our patients and their needs. It is our constant Endeavour to provide a differentiated and delightful healing experience for each one of our patients
Driven by the values of Patient Centricity, Integrity, Innovation, Teamwork and Ownership, we strive to surpass our own exacting standards. Kaizen brings together state-of-the-art infrastructure, cutting edge technology, and a highly experienced & a skilled team of doctors as well as paramedical staff.
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drarchitpandit · 2 years
Dr. Archit Pandit is a best gastrology cancer surgeon in delhi, offers treatment for gastrology cancer; get appointment with best gastro onco surgeon in delhi, best stomach cancer specialist in delhi.
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gastrolivercarepune · 2 years
All you need to know about bariatric surgery – Gastrointestinal surgery
Bariatric surgery is a Gastrointestinal surgery to improve, prevent and/or treat obesity and its comorbidities which may be life-threatening. This is a life-saving surgery and not cosmetic surgery. The surgery is done by laparoscopy and does not involve the removal of fat from the body like liposuction. Weight loss after surgery is gradual i.e. 4-5 kgs per month and reaches a stable level after 1-2 years after surgery. Bariatric surgery is known to be the most effective and long-lasting treatment for morbid obesity and many related conditions. It is also one of the best treatments for metabolic diseases and conditions including Type-2 Diabetes, Hypertension, High cholesterol, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and Obstructive sleep apnea.
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Here are a few things you must know about Bariatric surgery.
1. The operation is safe.
All surgeries come with risks, but weight-loss surgery is as safe as having a gallbladder removed. Patients usually go home the next day.
2. Weight loss
A patient might lose 70 kgs and gain back 15 kgs to 25 kgs. Part of this is simply the body adjusting to the “new norm” and learning to store fat even on a very restricted diet.
3. You will keep the weight off.
85 to 90% of patients are successful in losing weight and significantly improving their quality of life. However, momentary lapses can happen.
4. You will become healthier overall.
When patients lose weight, they improve their health, too. The risk of heart attack and stroke goes down. Diabetes improves, and some individuals no longer need insulin. Individuals breathe better and sleep better. It becomes easier to walk and exercise too.
5. You can still eat regular food.
Gathering around a food table is such an important part of our culture, and that doesn’t have to change after weight-loss surgery. Patients learn to eat healthier foods and smaller portions, but they can still enjoy a meal with friends and family.
Bariatric surgery is the new face of weight loss. It is not only safe but is also effective. It doesn’t have many side effects too. Anyone can go for it. Consult your doctor for expert advice.
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Fire in the Belly Might Turn Out to Be a Serious Issue
Gastroenterologists in Pune have a significant role to play in identifying the issue of fire in the belly and treating it.
The gastroenterologists have a significant role to play in identifying the issue of fire in the belly and treating it. The problem is that people don’t know when they should consult a gastroenterologist, what should be done if they experience an episode of fire from their stomach, or how to prevent it from happening again.
The fire in the belly might be a serious issue. There are many symptoms of stomach disorders. There are many causes to this problem as well which include food, drinks, and even stress.
The fire in the belly might be more serious than people think. Furthermore, it is important to know the symptoms of stomach disorders. These include bloating, pain, nausea and so much more. The causes can be attributed to a variety of things including food, drinks, and stress.
The fire in the belly might be more serious than people think. Furthermore, it is important to know the symptoms of stomach disorders. These include bloating, pain, nausea and so much more. The causes are often unknown, but they can stem from various parts of the body including the esophagus, stomach, or small intestine.
There is a new kind of fire starting up in the stomach and it might turn out to be a serious health issue.
To understand what is going on, we first need to understand what makes up the stomach.
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The stomach has three layers:
1) The mucosa which is similar to skin and lines the inside of the stomach, 2) The submucosa which regulates blood flow and 3) The muscularis externa which is made up of smooth muscle fibers.
A gastroenterologist or a doctor who specializes in digestion and issues related to this organ will be able to diagnose if there’s any inflammation in these layers.
If you feel that you have abdominal pain or discomfort and it doesn’t go away after 24 hours then see your doctor as soon
Burning stomach? How to know when to call the doctor
Your tummy’s been giving you trouble and you’re wondering if you have any other options than calling your doctor. The answer depends on what’s causing your symptoms. It’s important to consult a medical professional for chronic gastrointestinal conditions, but there are also lifestyle changes that can help.
Acid reflux This occurs when the stomach contents, including acid, flow back up into the chest and throat.
“It causes a hot, painful or burning sensation under the breast bone, that often is worse after eating or when lying down,” explained Dr. Prasad Bhate, with experience of 10 years in this field. Dr. Prasad Bhate practices at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital in Pimpri-Chinchwad, Pune. and chief of gastrointestinal endoscopy. There are a number of things you can do on your own to improve the situation, according to Dr. Prasad Bhate. First, you can make sure you aren’t eating or drinking right before you lay down to sleep. Also, you might want to cut back on alcohol, caffeine, fatty foods, and smoking.
In general, doctors advise:
Avoiding trigger foods Not eating big meals before bedtime Elevating the head while sleeping And, most importantly, losing weight Beyond that, “you should have a more mindful approach to the consumption of food. These days it’s common to have a mindless way of eating. We eat faster and chew less.” Slow the whole process down and the stomach will be able to do its job better.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) The condition is thought to be caused by a malfunction of the nerves that control intestinal function and perception. And it affects about 20 percent of adults.
Symptoms include:
Nausea Bloating Diarrhea Constipation Cramping “Often the symptoms are relieved by the passage of stool,”
A big issue for many who suffer from IBS is stress. So anything that soothes stress, and that includes exercise, mindfulness training, and meditation, may improve symptoms.
Increasing dietary fiber can help with symptoms. But, you may need to work up to it starting with small amounts.
Ulcers These are sores that develop in the stomach or duodenal lining.
“They present with burning pain that comes and goes and may worsen when you’re hungry and may be relieved by eating,”. “They can be caused by anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin. If you develop these symptoms avoid those drugs. Some patients get the condition as a result of the bacteria H. pylori [Helicobacter pylori].”
Treatment for ulcers caused by H. pylori is antibiotics. But, many people have bacteria in their systems and never develop an ulcer.
Lactose Intolerance If you don’t produce enough of the enzyme needed to digest the lactose in milk products, you may experience nausea, bloating, and cramping after consuming them.
One solution is to drink milk that contains a lactose substitute. You can also experiment with cheeses to determine which agrees with you most.
As a rule of thumb, hard cheeses tend to contain less lactose. Cottage cheese is also generally well tolerated.
Celiac Disease People with celiac disease can’t tolerate gluten.
The protein, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley, kicks off an autoimmune response in people with the disease that can cause damage to the small intestine and interfere with the absorption of nutrients.
In some people, the disease is “silent,” adding that “the only manifestation is an iron deficiency or the development of osteoporosis from many years of inadequate calcium absorption.” In others, the disease can lead to bloating, weight loss, and failure to thrive.
People who experience a “burning sensation” in the lower abdomen may have a condition of the urological, gynecological, or digestive system.
Fire in the belly might turn out to be a serious issue. Contact Gastrology expert Dr. Prasad Bhate for the right guidance.
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