garbagepaisley-blog · 5 years
Death of a Bachelor Boss Mages
Reader: SOUL COLOR PURPLE (Perseverance)
LV: 1 | EXP: 0 | HP: 20 | AT: ? | DF: ?
Magical Abilities: Emotional Manipulation, Judge of Monster Souls
Appearance: :)
Mentor: Sans
About Reader: You have had a normal childhood, aren’t particularly anxious, depressed or needy. You have no tragic backstory. In general, you’re just not a damsel who needs rescuing and you don’t carry more emotional baggage than the average person. You’re also not one to act tougher than you are or pretend like you don’t need anyone. Before the story begins, you are working full-time in retail and earning your Master’s degree. You’re known for your incredible ability to persevere and your friends tell you that nothing fazes you. In general, you’re a positive person. You are embarrassingly horrible with money (and therefore in a ridiculous amount of debt). You love to take care of others. As a hobby, you play drums.
Likes: food, shopping (fashion), wine, dank memes, cooking, sleeping
Hates: mean people, cleaning
Michael: SOUL COLOR BLUE (Integrity)
LV: 1 | EXP: 0 | HP: 20 | AT: 1 | DF: 1
Magical Ability: Electricity Manifestation & Manipulation
Appearance: Ute Tribe Native American, 20, dark skin, tall, shoulder length black hair
Mentor: Dr. Alphys
About Michael: Michael grew up on a reservation and is the grandson of a tribal councilman. He was the first human to manifest magic after monsters emerged. He has a high sense of duty to his tribe. Extremely loyal to those he cares about. Smart, but he is considered under-achieving. FYI, he knows waaaaay more than he lets on. Comic relief (?)
Loves: His family/friends, anything nerd culture, history
Hates: Racism, close-minded people
Josie: SOUL COLOR RED (Determination)
LV: 1 | EXP: 0 | HP: 20 | AT: 1 | DF: 1
Magical Ability: Soul Manipulation & ??
Appearance: Teeny tiny (5’1”), wears all black, short black bob with bangs, pale,
Mentor: Undyne
About Josie: Josie is the middle child of 5. She is the black sheep of the family because she studied art instead of medicine like her brothers and sisters. She is kind overall, but tends to be a little morbid. When she’s not training with Undyne, she enjoys watching true crime documentaries and horror movies. She’s *AHEM* a liiiiiittle thirsty for Sans.
Loves: Sans, horror movies, weird food combinations
Hates: jokes about her size, “girly shit”
LV: 5 | EXP: 120 | HP: 36 | AT: 18 | DF: 11
Magical Ability: Combat Magic
Appearance: Bi-racial (African American & Caucasian), tall (6’3”), lean/muscular build, 25
Mentor: Papyrus
About Liam: As a U.S. Marine, he was among the group sent when monsters first emerged. Liam grew up in a house with three older brothers and all of the men in his family have had military careers. He is the only trainee that does not live with their mentor. Personality-wise, he is arrogant, egotistical and quick to anger. Patience is NOT his virtue. He also has a softer-side and tries hard to do what he feels is right. He’s easy to dislike, but he’s not so bad. Really. Also, he’s sexy and he knows it.
Likes: Home-cooked meals, war movies, Adreneline-inducing activities
Hates: ??
Frisk: SOUL COLOR RED (Determination)
LV: ?? | EXP: ?? | HP: ?? | AT: ?? | DF: ??
Magical Ability: Time Manipulation, Telepathy & ??
Appearance: Messy Hair, Don’t Care.
Mentor: Toriel
About Frisk: Frisk is the youngest of the ‘boss mages’ and also the most mysterious. They cannot speak but are able to communicate with those they wish to through telepathy.  They consider their friends to be the most important thing on the planet and will stop at nothing to protect them. Frisk is perhaps more wise and knowledgeable than the typical child, but can be ridiculously immature. You can call them Ambassador, but they’ll probably giggle at the ‘ass’ part.
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garbagepaisley-blog · 5 years
Death of a Bachelor Boss Monsters
Sans: SOUL COLORS BLUE (Integrity) & YELLOW (Justice)
LV: 20 | EXP: 99999 | HP: 1 | AT: 1 | DF: 1
Magical Abilities: Gravity Manipulation, Teleportation, Combat magic, Karmic Retribution, Judge of Human Souls
Appearance: Short, slovenly, made of bones (y’know)
About Sans: Pick a negative emotion, and this boy has experienced it. He is apathetic,  disinterested in relationships, distrusts humans, has a low self-esteem/sense of self-worth, and basically has zero fucks to give. He was excited to finally come to the surface and for a brief time allowed himself to have some hope. After a year on the surface, he’s come to realize that they don’t have freedom and may never get it. The only thing he feels passionately about is his brother.
Likes: Paps, jokes, ketchup, science, sleeping
Hates: humans, the government
Papyrus: SOUL COLORS GREEN (Kindness) & ORANGE (Bravery)
LV: 6 | EXP: 200 | HP: 680 | AT: 1 | DF: 1
Magical Abilities: Gravity Manipulation, Combat Magic
Appearance: Cool dude.
About Papyrus: Papyrus is a picture of confidence. He is hardworking and has no time for laziness or “boondoggling”. To some people, he may come off as brash or conceited, but at his core, he is exceptionally kind. He is the opposite of his brother in that he is optimistic to a fault. He has faith in everyone despite what they may have done. He can be oblivious at times, but only because he is so pure and innocent. Don’t underestimate him though; Papyrus can also be cunning, and enjoys giving a good jape.
Likes: Spaghetti, making new friends, sleepovers, fashion and shopping, calibrating his puzzles, Mettaton movies, bedtime stories and Sans
Hates: horror movies, laziness, messiness, lasers and conveyor belts.
Alphys: SOUL COLOR YELLOW (Justice)
LV: 1 | EXP: 0 | HP: 20 | AT: 20 | DF: 20
Magical Abilities: Electricity Manifestation & Manipulation
Appearance: Yellow reptilian otaku scientist
About Alphys: Alphys is the former royal scientist and now works for the U.S. government. She comes off as extremely shy, but she’s actually quite competent. The doctor is responsible for developing the mentor/trainee program and works closely with the boss monsters/boss mages. She is dating Undyne, but that doesn’t stop her from developing “crushes” on others or deciding to “ship” certain pairings of her friends.
Likes: Undyne, anime, science, ramen noodles
Hates: confrontation
Undyne: SOUL COLOR RED (Determination)
LV: 17 | EXP: 1500 | HP: 23000 | AT: 99 | DF: 99
Magical Abilities: Combat Magic, Soul Manipulation
Appearance: Strong fish.
About Undyne: NGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Undyne’s battle cry is the epitome of passion, just like her. She is a fierce warrior and protector. Like a true ‘knight’, she has an enormous amount of honor. She loves to help others and uses insults as terms of endearment.
Likes: Anime, Alphys, training, making spaghetti with her BFFs, tea, fashion
Hates: Liars, Liam, puzzles
Toriel: SOUL COLOR PURPLE (Perseverance)
LV: 1 | EXP: 150 | HP: 440 | AT: 80 | DF: 80
Magical Abilities: Combat Magic, Fire Magic
Appearance: Fluffy goat mother.
About Toriel: Toriel is Frisk’s adoptive mother and mentor. She is wise, kind and loving. Like Sans, she enjoys a good pun. She is stubborn (*cough*likeagoat*cough*) and headstrong. She has a rocky relationship with her ex-mate and strong feelings for Sans. Toriel is known for her mad baking skills.
Likes: Baking, Knitting, Sewing, Mom-junk, knock-knock jokes
Hates: Being wrong
Asgore: SOUL COLOR GREEN (Kindness)
LV: 18 | EXP: 0 | HP: 35000 | AT: 80 | DF: 80
Magical Abilities: Combat Magic, Fire Magic
Appearance: Fluffy Buns
About Asgore: Asgore is known for being a popular and kind ruler. This may be why he is king, because his actual leadership skills leave something to be desired. Frisk considers him a surrogate father, even though his relationship with Toriel is shaky at best. Still hung up on his ex.
Likes: Gardening, Working on his Dad Bod, Tea, Toriel
Hates: ?
Mettaton: SOUL COLOR YELLOW (Justice)
LV: 16 | EXP: 10000 | HP: 30000 | AT: 90 | DF: 9
Magical Abilities: Combat Magic
Appearance: Legs for days!
About Mettaton: He comes off as conceited (because he is). He is charismatic and charming. Most people would describe him as ‘narcissistic’ but he cares about the impact he leaves on the world. His greatest dream is to become a star on the surface.
Likes: Mettaton
Hates: Anyone who doesn’t like Mettaton
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