#Galxe Vote
empresa-journal · 2 years
Can Galxe (GAL) make money from Web3 Credentials?
Can Galxe (GAL) make money from Web3 Credentials?
Galxe (GAL) is an effort to profit from digital identities. To explain, Galaxe is a credential infrastructure that organizations can use to identify customers in Web3. For example, a lender can use a Galxe Web3 credential to verify a borrower’s identity and income. Similarly, a game can use a Web3 credential to verify players’ identities. A use of Galxe Web3’s credentials is Twitter Space…
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 month
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April 22, 2024.
Daphne Rux's 43rd birthday would not be one of her favorites. It had been nice to have so many birthdays on the ship in succession, but Daphne rarely wanted attention drawn to herself on the date, so she had been spending much of the day holed up in the captain's quarters doing research.
A tap on the door.
She ignores it, absorbed in what she was doing.
Two more taps.
"Yes, come in," she sighs, not looking up.
The door opens to reveal Muffy and Hero, both looking grim. Daphne gestures at them with concern, and offers them something to drink by gesturing to the grape-like soda cans currently sitting on her desk. Hero accepts one, but Muffy shakes her head.
"It isn't good news," Hero said, much quieter than usual.
"How... not good of news?" Daphne asked, curt in tone but still concerned. "Did someone get hurt? Did we leave HJ or Greg somewhere? Tell me. Please."
"Not anyone on our ship. Our crew is well. It's The Bat Ray." Muffy pressed her lips together, not sure how to continue.
"What do you mean it's The Bat Ray? Did Julia do something stupid and get all of those people hurt or- Muffy, what happened to Julia!?" Daphne wasn't completely unhinged, but her pitch was starting to raise.
Muffy waved her wing around carefully. "Everyone is alive. A couple of the crew may have gotten injured but- Those galx that we all thought were so foolish managed to capture their ship."
Hero cut in. "We spent all day together decoding the weird video message that we got. It was from Kenna."
Pursing her lips, Daphne said, "Show me. Please."
Hero placed a screen tablet in front of Daphne.
"We thought we could evade them, but it was like a game to them- trying to capture us. They looked so pleased with themselves. Officers Yrgus, Gekro, and Imontz. The Romoquele- Imontz- was the most dangerous. Not because of how he looked, but how he didn't seem to comprehend that he had just apprehended a bunch of people that had others who cared about them. I know I may not look like it, but there are a fair amount of people who are valuable to me. Most of them are on that ship, with me now, or on your ship. I'm the only one who managed to get away. We put it to a fast vote. We were so pressed for time. Who would make sure the kids would get away safe? I voted for Seetha. Everyone else voted for me. They said they all knew the captain would never give it up. Julia said it was only right to- make sure the kids had a parent with them who would love and protect them. Everyone agreed that I was the only choice. I couldn't argue with them. I had to be there for my kids. I'm making my way toward Kraysha. Very slowly. I need you to send a message to Julia's family. I don't know how to reach them. You're the only ones that I know how to contact that can notify them. I don't think you'll be able to respond to this message but... The Bat Ray's crew lives. I expect they''ll go on trial by the end of the year. They might call some of your crew as character witnesses. I don't know what's going to happen, but you may want to prepare."
The camera panned to Jenn and Jack sleeping- with Jack napping on his sister's shoulder.
"Tell Rebecca that I wouldn't dare let anything bad happen to them. We'll reach out once I'm on Kraysha."
Daphne pursed her lips. "We show Robin first. Then we show the whole crew. There's nothing we can do now except tell the Derringers carefully, but we can't keep this from the crew."
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brcoinwork · 2 years
Three NFT's free claim - Simple Tasks
VOTE METABEAT on ByBit's ByVote! https://galxe.com/metabeatoffl/campaign/GC7HYUwfCH
MillionWinner & BitKeep WL Airdrop https://galxe.com/bitkeep/campaign/GCe76Uw8vR
Get the LimeWire OG OAT and unlock future LimeWire x Galxe campaigns https://galxe.com/limewire/campaign/GCAy1UwrYj
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/limewire
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ageofpiracyrp · 8 months
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Pronouns: He/him
Position: President of the Theme Park Club of Tarrk
Age: 130
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: "I only have eyes for my wife"
Species: Carrek
Home Planet: Sturn
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Dan Povenmire
True Appearance: Oplo does not resemble any particular Earth species, but resembles a lot of different lizards. He has warm gray frills on his head in place of hair, very textured gray scaly skin with occasional speckles of pastel colors, brown eyes, regenerate-able limbs ending in blunt claws, and a tail tipped in silvery-gold spines.
Information: (cw for child neglect and implied gore)
Oplo is a happily married man. He has one son named Bekl whom is currently attending a fancy boarding school on Jehk that has a great athletics program. Oplo talks about how much he misses Bekl every day. He also talks about how much he misses his beloved wife every day too because she is almost always at work. Oplo's wife Jane works long hours as a business executive, commuting back home for three out of every 10 days.
Oplo's wife has a younger sister, Junyi. Since Junyi's parents did not want to take responsibility for the child, Oplo and Jane essentially raised the younger carrek. He knows but would never admit that he is not the best at minding children. He has done a little bit better bringing up Bekl than his younger sister-in-law, but it is honestly just luck at this point that Oplo's line of carreks can regrow fingers.
Oplo's family owns a chain of exercise equipment manufacturing and distribution. None of the other club members are sure exactly what Oplo does as employed by his family's company, but he lives comfortably and has his picture all over the company's promotional materials.
It has always been a point of great tragedy for Oplo that he could not visit his favorite place in the universe that he could never visit: Universal Orlando Resort. He was devastated to discover that Blue Man Group would no longer be performing at the best place on Earth. He started the Theme Park Club twenty-six years ago and has unanimously been voted as president every year (except 2017, when he voted for his wife, who did not want the position at all). After scattered acquisitions here and there, Oplo and his club members came up with the brilliant idea of scouting out an entire pirate crew to visit everyone's dream parks, experience it all on their behalf, and bring back merchandise to cherish.
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Pronouns: She/her
Position: Member of the Theme Park Club of Tarrk
Age: 56
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Species: Carrek
Home Planet: Kurrk
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Song Yuqi
True Appearance: While she freely enjoys her sformer, she has shockingly vibrant patterning resembling a tokay gecko but seafoam green with gold spots. Her eyes are dominated by a bright amber scelera.
Information: (CW for child neglect)
Junyi was the result of a one-time liaison between a wealthy recently widowed woman and a high-ranking Galx official. The Galx official wasn't married at the time, but he apparently decided he had enough children from his previous marriage and entirely ignored his youngest in all manners except fiscal. Junyi's mother also stopped caring about bringing up a second kid after a decade, so her sister Jane (and later brother-in-law Oplo) brought her up.
It can't be said that Jane and Oplo did a fantastic job teaching Junyi manners, but she's endearing in her own way. Unfortunately, she has little regard for the comfort of others, and is terrible at apologizing when it is due. It can be difficult to get Junyi to stop talking if she takes a liking to someone, and she has little awareness of when she irritates others.
She goes by her middle name because her first name is after one of the worst characters in Pride and Prejudice, she doesn't like how her mom says it, and she likes to have her name started with the same sound as her sister's.
Both of her parents send her money regularly (out of guilt?), even if she is already an adult. Junyi wouldn't have to work if she didn't want to, but she has put some of that money toward advancing a career in doing what she loves... designing dollhouses big enough to fit people. Or as other people see fit to call those: houses. Her early career is going surprisingly well.
Junyi loves collecting things, and is the biggest Disney fan out of the club- beyond just the parks. She has a particularly very large Tsum Tsum collection. Visitors to the clubhouse may find Tsum Tsums hidden in locations where Tsum Tsums should not dwell.
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Pronouns: He/him
Position: Secretary of the Theme Park Club of Tarrk
Age: 111
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: He is honestly obsessed with calling himself "MLM" but pronounces it "Mlem"
Species: Carrek
Home Planet: Sturn
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Mika
True Appearance: Qjun closely resembles an armadillo-girdled lizard with cascading scales and a flexible body, but pale blue.
Kjeuk and Qjun's families have been close for generations, helping each other grow their own wealth. Much of the families' occupations revolves around using money to make more money. Qjun thinks that investments and gambling are quite fun.
By far, Qjun is the most socially apt out of the leadership of the Theme Park Club. Unfortunately, Qjun is only good in social situations if he is presenting information. If you ask him enough questions, his eccentricity comes out. He's fun, and odd people gravitate to him, but Qjun's family thinks that he's kind of a loser.
Qjun is equally comfortable going by his full name "Toqjun" or the nickname "Qjun". Since Kjeuk uses the nickname, the secretary is usually "Qjun" to the club.
While Qjun likes theme parks, he is genuinely more interested in watching videos and having the merchandise than actually going to a park- and risking Galx coming after him and his sweet sweet money.
Qjun's weak spot is karaoke. You can persuade him to do anything if you do karaoke with him first. It's been bad for business.
While he is the secretary of Theme Park Club, Qjun enjoys the social aspect of the club more than anything. It's nice to be a part of a community of people that enjoy things and care so strongly about it! He likes to listen and do his part to keep the club going. Also they serve really good food at the club.
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