newtonsheffield · 3 years
excuse me? you can't just say you want to write Greg & Goose as best friends and then not expect me to request this? also all four of them going on double dates (with Kate & Anthony not really knowing how they feel about it) or them babysitting some of the kids? [and btw now I'm also imagining Katie, Charlotte & Sarah forming a band when they're teens, but they're just really really.. not good, but they're having so much fun, so everyone just suffers through it] 💖
Oh Man, Gregory and Lucy and Eddie and Goose are the Sunshine Kids of this AU. And I just can’t help myself where these guys are concerned. I just... love them. Matthew and Greg have Nerdy Guy oh my god, How is my wife this hot Solidarity and Edwina and Lucy have looks like a cinnamon roll, but secretly a badass solidarity. These guys would be friends. And you just Know Anthony is in the corner like “Kate, He’s taking my Greg now too!” 
And Katie, Charlotte, and Sarah are a power girl trio. You just know Charlotte is out there being chaotic as heck, Katie is the quiet mastermind and Sarah is trying to be the voice of reason like “Can we think about this for just a second please?! No? Okay well I’m at least going to make sure we’re sensible about this!” 
Without further ado: Goose and Greg: Bros for life!
Pssssst: @aspoonfuloffiction Gregory being a cutie
Matthew Bagwell had been very nervous when Edwina had tugged him along to his first Bridgerton family dinner. She’d kept a firm grip on his hand while she introduced him to everyone, trying to ignore how Violet Bridgerton had turned to Edwina’s mother and said Oh Mary. What a sweet boy. I see what you mean.  He’d met Hyacinth who looked at him and laughed brightly, Sophie and Benedict, who Matthew knew worked closely with Edwina. Eloise and her husband Phillip, Eloise looking at him sharply for a moment and then Edwina had settled on a man, wearing glasses, grinning happily, a tiny woman tucked under his arm And this is Gregory, Anthony’s youngest Brother and his Fiancée Lucy they’re getting married in September! Edwina had said tucking her arm around his waist. Matthew had smiled, as Gregory adjusted his glasses jostling his fiancée just slightly showing the front of his Tshirt and the words had been out of Matthew’s mouth before he could stop himself. Super cool Doctor Who shirt Man. I love Amy Pond hands down the best companion. Gregory had stilled for a second glancing down at his shirt, a Tardis sketched on it a speech bubble popping out of it with the words Come Along Pond!  written in it. And then a broad smiled stretched over his face, Matt! Are you a whovian?!  Matt had felt himself relax a little Should we not all be? He’d said smiling at Gregorys infectious smile and before Matt knew what had happened Gregory had leapt forward and spun Edwina around hooting Edwina Sheffield I think I love you! You’ve finally found a cool guy to date and I am ecstatic for you. Nay for us both! And by the end of the evening Matthew had the oddest feeling that he’d just made a new best friend. 
Hey Ummm la la la Lucy? Gregory had loitered nervously in the kitchen for several minutes already, his eyebrows frowning adorably, making him look a little like a lost puppy. Lucy clicked her tongue ignoring how her heart fluttered. Yes, honey? Why do you look like you’re about to tell me Gerald just ate a lego stormtrooper again? Gregory shook his head quickly. No um the cat’s fine. You know how I just got the new Zelda game? Do you think it would be weird if I asked Matt if he wanted to play with me? And Lucy’s heart fluttered with the adorableness of her Fiancé standing in their kitchen asking if she thought someone wanted to be his friend. Gregory hadn’t stopped talking about Matthew Bagwell since he’d met him too weeks ago and they’d discussed everything from Classic Nintendo to Jurassic Park. And it was adorable. No Honey, I don’t think that would be weird. Do you want me to ask Eddie for his phone number? Gregory nodded enthusiastically kissing her cheek happily as he skipped from the room Love You Luce! tossed over his shoulder. Lucy heart doing a ridiculous stutter as she typed out Hey Eddie, Can I grab Matt’s number from you? Greg wants to ask him to play Nintendo I think.  The response came back 3 minutes later Edwina Sheffield: Here it is. I already mentioned it to him though and he’s very excited. He’s going to make Hummus. 
Edwina sighed happily as she looked at her fiancé across the room, smiling happily in his eleventh doctor costume at Gregory in his Link costume. Ugh, Christ, Why is Gregory so fucking Cute?! Lucy said a little disgustedly as she took a drink from her glass. Watching as her husband’s arms moved around excitedly. Edwina hummed It’s a bit of a trap isn’t it? One minute you’re going about your life and the next a very cute boy wants to make jam for you and tell you about his feminist ideals. Lucy gasped Yes! So disarming! They can’t just pop out of nowhere like that with their stupid glasses! Edwina heard her sister cackle a little madly beside her You two are ridiculous! Thank god I was never like this with Anthony.  Edwina scoffed, Kate 25 minutes ago you told me you shagged Anthony in the laundry room because he was wearing one of Edmund’s socks as a bracelet, You’re in no position to judge. Kate for her part looked barely ruffled I stand by that. It is awfully adorable when they love their children. You’ll see! And Honestly, Edwina couldn’t wait too.
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