#Fuyuki Hakase
rennebright · 3 months
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葉加瀬 冬雪 by vane [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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vixensreiha · 1 year
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Bunny Hakase by うらは
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kyaramaru · 10 months
Niji JP as More Memes
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lastdiinosaur · 10 months
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snowdust64 · 10 months
【Is this OUT or SAFE? 】 – an English summary
I put a very abridged translation of Leos Vincent's collab stream with Ange Katrina, Hakase Fuyuki, and Kaida Haru on 8/5/23 in the YouTube comments. I'm posting it here too, so that maybe a few more fans may find it.
In this stream, Leos reads moral dilemmas submitted by fans and asks the group to vote on whether their actions were reasonable (SAFE) or unreasonable (OUT).
1. Topic: Love  (starting 00:05:40) Submission: I still use things my ex gave me (a cup, a pencil case and so on.) On top of finding it inconvenient to go buy them for myself, I end up thinking about the cost, so I’ve just been using what I already have. The items themselves are blameless, and the breakup went pretty lightly. Would you throw away the things you received? Would you keep using them?
Unanimous: SAFE
Kaida: “Wouldn’t it make more sense to throw them away when you start dating a new person?” Ange: “If the next person said it made them uncomfortable then I’d throw them away.” Hakase: “If the writer is someone who finds it hard to move on, then I’d suggest throwing them away immediately.” 00:09:10  Kaida raises the stakes with “What if it’s a brand-name item, or super expensive? […] Like a car?” Hakase: “I’ll send it to my parents.” Ange: “Whether it’s expensive or not, I would use it or throw it out depending on how the next person felt.” 00:10:13  Leos: “What about something you had really begged them to buy for you in the past?” Hakase and Kaida in favor of selling it and buying a new one. Ange: “I’d feel guilty about selling it, I think I’d still throw out the old.”
2. Topic: Work   (starting 00:13:21) Submission: I don’t feel like greeting people at work, so I’ve gone 5 years without greeting anyone. As in, I don’t like saying “good morning” or “otsukaresamadeshita” (‘thank you for your work.’) I prefer not to bother others with my coming and going at the workplace, and if my senpai’s back is turned to me, they might not even be listening when I greet them. If others greet me first I’ll greet them back normally; I participate in business conversations; I converse with superiors and subordinates and people outside the company. Even so, I just don’t do greetings.
Unanimous: OUT
Hakase: “But if it were between friends, it would be rather fun.” Ange: “It’s not infuriating, but between OUT and SAFE it’s definitely OUT. Leos: “If the writer also didn’t respond to other’s greetings then it would be a total OUT, but […] in the end, it still changes the impression you make.” Kaida: “There’s a sense of camaraderie in greeting people.” 00:17:20  Hakase’s alternate scenario: If it becomes a running gag between friends Kaida: “You’d probably decide what’s right or wrong based on what the people around you consider right or wrong.” Ange: “So, if a group of friends has a norm of never saying good morning, and the new kid comes along and says ‘Good morning!’ it would be really awkward.”
3. Topic: Food  (starting 00:19:52) Submission: When I eat daifuku or warabi mochi, I hold them in my hand like you would with a hamster and tell them things like “You’re cute” and “You’re so well-behaved.” My favorite is water manju. I never get bored of petting their springy, cool bodies, and gradually they become warm and seem even more alive, which makes me love them even more. Feeling this at a max, this time I sucked on one without taking a bite, stuck my tongue in to eat the bean paste, and finally enjoyed the rest of it. I just want to get 120% enjoyment out of my love for food. Personally I believe this is a SAFE…
Kaida: “Your fans are yabai.” Ange: “This person probably shouldn’t get a hamster.”
Unanimous: SAFE – Everyone agrees the writer is not causing trouble for other people.
Hakase: “But stating it simply, I’m super grossed out!” Kaida: “If the writer felt lonely and used food as a stand-in, that would be more off-putting… But if this is how they enjoy their food, then there’s no way around it.” 00:22:34  Leos: “If your own family member did this […] would you pay any mind to it?” Hakase: “Like if my little brother did that? I might tell him ‘eh, you’re gross’.” Ange: “I wouldn’t say anything, I’d just look at them like they were insane. ‘Eh? Eh!?’ but probably not out loud.” Kaida: “I think if that person found happiness that way I’d just accept it. Isn’t it fine?” (here is Ange imagining scary hypotheticals where the writer’s way of loving food carries over to an actual hamster) Leos: “You know Yukimi daifuku, that ice cream mochi? […] I usually gum it around for the first two minutes or so. Is that also SAFE? Just wondering.” All: “Also SAFE.” Hakase: “Maybe if there are people around you, you shouldn’t.” Ange: “I feel like I didn’t need to know that.” (Conversation derails to other food things) 00:26:25  Hakase: “A long time ago I disliked the filling of pork buns so I’d only eat the outside.”
4. Topic: Friendship  (starts 00:28:29) Submission: I have a childhood friend of 20 years. This friend was a casual person, so running late were canceling were pretty common. Long-standing friendships are a good thing, so I accepted an invitation from them. However, shortly before, I had scheduled a date with a guy I met on a dating app, and knew I’d have to cancel that. Not wanting to betray my friendship, I went ahead and ended the relationship.
Ange, Hakase, Leos: SAFE Kaida: OUT
Hakase: “If it were me, I wouldn’t have ended the relationship, but if I heard that my friend did this, I wouldn’t think badly of them.” Ange: “I think, if you want to end a relationship, then you should end it! Can’t be helped, right?” Kaida (summarized): Not a hard OUT, but if you cancel once on a friend of 20 years, it’s unlikely you’ll lose that friendship. Meanwhile this person has missed out on meeting a new person who might have become important in the future. 00:33:30  Leos poses a hypothetical where the four in this stream have agreed to meet for dinner, and he cancels on them to go on a date with someone from a dating app. “How would you feel? Would you shun my existence?” Everyone agrees they wouldn’t mind. 00:36:08  Leos: “Since Kaida and Hakase are wavering between OUT and SAFE… Ange, please make the final judgment!” Ange: “Personally, I think SAFE.”
5. Topic: Lifestyle  (starting 00:37:30) Submission: ‘If no one else is going to use a retort pouch after me, it’s fine not to wash it, right?’ so I thought, and so I don’t wash mine. Anyway, running it under hot water equals disinfection by boiling. I’d assumed everyone was the same, but turns out, people do wash their retort pouches. I’m reluctant. By the way, if I make boiled eggs and the inside of the pouch doesn’t look dirty, I don’t wash it. But surely if it gets out that I’ve been using my retort pouches this way, it’ll draw attention, so I’ve been keeping this a secret from my friends.
Ange and Leos: SAFE Hakase and Kaida: OUT
Kaida’s opinion is based on how you can’t see all contaminants left in the pouch even if it looks clean to the eye. Chicken eggs get dirty because of how they’re laid. Hakase’s opinion is that it doesn’t take much effort to wash a retort pouch, since you would just wash it along with doing dishes like usual. There’s no good reason not to. Ange: “Japan’s chicken eggs are clean! […] By the time they reach the supermarket shelves, they’re perfectly clean. I looked this up before.” 00:42:07  Leos starts an argument over whether it’s hygienic to eat tamagokakegohan (raw egg over rice) based on Kaida’s reasoning 00:44:05  Leos: “As a life hack, what about boiling pasta and a retort pouch together? […] And then storing the pasta in the pouch right away?” Hakase: “No way, no way!” Kaida: “Please use the pot two times!” Ange decides she is fine with it. 00:45:15  Ange: “Then – when you take out a retort pouch to use, since you washed it before putting it away, do you wash it again?” Kaida: “I’d wash it. I’ll rinse it once.” (dramatic gasps) Ange: “Clean freak! […] Ah, so our philosophies really are that different.” Hakase: “I feel like I understand Ange’s opinion better so right now I’d be okay with either answer. […] I would definitely wash my own, but what other people do wouldn’t bother me.” 00:46:28  Leos: “To finish this, let’s have Hakase make the final call. […] Ange and Kaida can each make one last appeal on her judgment.” Hakase: “I see, then… SAFE.” (No appeals granted.)
6. Topic: Family  (starting 00:48:13) Submission: I want my little brother to find out that we were born to different parents, since our parents have been hiding it. He is much younger than me. I thought our parents would have told him in middle school, but he has become a college student without ever being informed. If this is judged SAFE, I will do an anniversary reveal.
Ange, Hakase, Kaida: OUT Leos: SAFE
Ange: (referring to her own family tree) “After they found out, I once heard someone say they would have been better off not knowing. […] Also, what kind of anniversary? […] If he’s lived up to this point not knowing, then maybe it’s fine to keep it this way.” Hakase: “First of all, family matters should be discussed with the parents first? […] If the parents say it’s fine to tell him, then it’s fine.” Kaida: “It’s not an individual person’s issue, so everyone affected should participate. […] To the writer, this info may be pretty light, but to the little brother, it’s a huge thing to find out. The reveal needs to be taken more seriously.” Leos: “I see. Hmm, well I very simply thought it would be interesting to reveal it so I answered SAFE.” (Some discussion on how people react differently to life-changing info depending on their personalities) 00:55:26  Kaida: “This one should be OUT. Unless Leos is okay with taking responsibility? […] If it goes badly and you’re asked to pay up or something?” Leos: “… Let’s say this is OUT! This is no good! If you really want to tell him, at least consult your parents first.” Hakase: “Somehow you’ve changed huh.” Ange: “You want to be entertained, but you don’t want to be responsible.”
7. Topic: Love/Money  (starting 00:56:30) Submission: Is it okay to go into debt to give presents to a lover? While we were dating, my ex-boyfriend borrowed 1 million for us to have fun and spend on luxury. Over two years, I helped him repay the loan. When this ex-boyfriend proposed to me, he gave me a wristwatch worth some 5 million and a handmade engagement ring that looked like an iron plate. He was again in debt because of the watch and ring, and we paid it off in no time. Overjoyed, he borrowed money to start vocal training and form a band. I thought, ‘Surely getting married won’t go well!?’ and so we went to a Metal Slug 3 concert to commemorate and then peacefully split up. I’d like to hear the guests’ thoughts.
Ange, Hakase, Kaida: OUT Leos: SAFE
Leos: “I do believe there are things that can only be obtained right then and there. […] If there’s something that the other person would be delighted to have, or if you want to have a good time together at that moment, […] whether you break up or not later on, I think SAFE for going into debt to give presents to a lover.” Kaida: “To be blunt, rather than the handmade ring or wristwatch that put him in 5 million of debt, wouldn’t a person be happier receiving a present that cost nothing and brought on no debt? […] Also, there’s a lack of an honor code between this couple.” Hakase: “It says they both helped pay off the debt, but in the end, isn’t it just yourself losing out? Besides, I don’t need a present that puts me in debt. […] I’d just be like, ‘Please use money wisely.’” Ange: “For me – by the way, taking on debt to give a present is SAFE, I think. […] But! This person is taking debt too lightly! […] Looking at this history, I would have helped him with debt before, and might need to again from now on, so as Hakase said, I’ll end up paying for it too.” 01:02:37  Hakase: “Well, they dated for two years so I guess he must be a good guy. Moreover they broke up peacefully.” Leos: “I might want this person as a friend, but as a relative or lover things would be tough.”
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attokin · 1 year
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ganbarutounyu · 11 months
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draw by memo
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nqztan · 11 months
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welcometomy20s · 2 years
July 1, 2022
Top 100 VTuber Covers - July 2022
Ochame Kinou - Tokino Sora, Roboco, Hoshimachi Suisei, Yozora Mel, Aki Rosenthal, Natsuiro Matsuri, Sakura Miko, Minato Aqua, Murasaki Shion, Yuzuki Choco, Nakiri Ayame, Oozora Subaru, AZKi, Ookami Mio, Nekomata Okayu, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, Honshou Marine, Amane Kanata, Tsunomaki Watame, Tokoyami Towa, Himemori Luna - 3704万
KING - Kuzuha - 3519万
KING - Mori Calliope, Gawr Gura - 2257万
Goodbye Sengen - Nakiri Ayame - 1805万
Rettou Joutou - Tanaka Hime, Suzuki Hina - 1770万
Saga Jihen - Hoshimachi Suisei, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, Honshou Marine - 1759万
Discommunication Alien - Usada Pekora - 1731万
GETCHA! - Hoshimachi Suisei, Mori Calliope - 1718万
Phony - Hoshimachi Suisei - 1706万
Dadadada Tenshi - Minato Aqua - 1644万
Phony - Machita Chima - 1565万
Yankee Boy, Yankee Girl - Higuchi Kaede, Kenmochi Toya, Kuzuha, Todoroki Kyoko, Kudo Chitose, Saegusa Akina - 1483万
God-ish - La+ Darknesss - 1482万
Hated by Life Itself - Sasaki Saku - 1257万
Gishinanki - Kuzuha - 1221万
Roki - Mori Calliope - 1198万
Sparkle - Ookami Mio - 1170万
flos - Nekomata Okayu - 1164万
RE:I AM - Inui Toko - 1159万
Umiyuri Kaiteitan - 1146万
Q - Higuchi Kaede, Kenmochi Toya, Kuzuha, Todoroki Kyoko, Amemori Sayo, Saegusa Akina - 1123万
Say So - Nyatasha Nyanners - 1070万
Charles - YuNi - 1069万
KING - Hoshimachi Suisei - 1055万
God-ish - Lauren Iroas - 1034万
Alien Alien - Tokino Sora - 1022万
Summertime Record - 1016万
-ERROR - Tokoyami Towa - 997万
Call Boy - Fuwa Minato - 984万
Sugar Song & Bitter Step - Hakase Fuyuki, Kagami Hayato, Yorumi Rena - 975万
Namae no Nai Kaibutsu - Hanabasami Kyo - 942万
Kaibutsu - Saegusa Akina, Fuwa Minato - 936万
Devil's Manner - Kuzuha - 855万
Unknown Mother Goose - Hanabasami Kyo, Shishigami Leona, Sasugano Ruki, Sasugano Roki - 845万
Hikaru Nara - Kenmochi Toya, Morinaka Kazaki, Yumeoi Kakeru, Inui Toko, Saegusa Akina, Hoshikawa Sara - 833万
KING - Kizuna Ai - 832万
Vampire - Kuzuha - 830万
Indoor Kei Nara Trackmaker - Minato Aqua - 826万
Turing Love - Kuzuha, Honma Himawari - 817万
Envy Baby - Omaru Polka - 793万
Un Pato - Star - 791万
Ice breaker - Kanae, Kuzuha - 789万
Ochame Kinou - Mori Calliope, Takanashi Kiara, Ninomae Ina’ins, Gawr Gura, Amelia Watson, IRyS, Tsukumo Sana, Ceres Fauna, Ouro Kronii, Nanshi Mumei, Hakos Baelz - 783万
Hated by Life Itself - Ashizawa Saki - 781万
Alice in N.Y. - Tokino Sora, Hoshimachi Suisei, Shiranui Flare, Honshou Marine, Amane Kanata - 781万
Shitsuraku Petri - Nekomata Okayu - 780万
Vampire - Ange Katrina - 780万
Love Trial - Inugami Korone - 772万
Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow - Kuzuha, Honma Himawari, Dola, Yashiro Kizuku - 767万
Goodbye Sengen - Minato Aqua - 758万
Death Should Not Have Taken Thee! - Ange Katrina, Lize Helesta - 751万
Telecaster B-Boy - Saegusa Akina - 736万
KING - Murasaki Shion - 714万
Ghost Rule - Amane Kanata - 707万
Gunjo - Hakase Fuyuki - 687万
Uma to Shika - 673万
Kakusei - Hoshimachi Suisei - 670万
Phony - Fuwa Minato - 665万
Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou - Nekomata Okayu, Inugami Korone - 651万
Silent Majority - Tsukino Mito, Higuchi Kaede, Shizuka Rin, Yuuhi Riri, Akabane Youko, Honma Himawari, Suzuhara Lulu - 634万
Turing Love - Kanae, Hoshikawa Sara - 625万
Memeshikute - Kenmochi Toya, Uzuki Kou, Shellin Burgundy - 621万
Shoujo Rei - Hoshimachi Suisei - 620万
Hakujitsu - Natsuiro Matsuri, Rikkaroid - 617万
Genesis of Aquarion - Nagihara Suzuna - 614万
Villain - Ryushen - 608万
Turing Love - Nekomata Okayu, Minato Aqua - 606万
Ranbu no Melody - Hoshimachi Suisei - 601万
Kaisei - Furen E Lustario - 591万
Onegai Muscle - Kuroki Natsume, Amatsuki - 586万
Koyoi Tsuki no Yakata ni te - Hoshimachi Suisei, Inui Toko - 585万
Bocca della Verità - Kuroki Natsume - 575万
Goodbye Sengen - Takanashi Kiara - 571万
Otome Kaibou - Nekomata Okayu - 570万
Jojo The Memory of That Blood ~end of THE WORLD~ - Ryushen - Hanabatake Chaika, Yashiro Kizuku - 560万
KING - Nakiri Ayame - 559万
Hail Holy Queen - Todoroki Kyoko, Sister Claire, Debidebi Debiru, Levi Elipha, Hayase Sou, Sukoya Kana, Melissa Kinrenka, Nagao Kei, Genzuki Tojiro - 558万
Racing into the Night - Murasaki Shion - 556万
Gurenge - Shishigami Leona - 553万
Lower - Fuwa Minato, mafumafu - 545万
Phony - Inui Toko - 541万
Ichido Dake no Koi Nara - Higuchi Kaede, Rindou Mikoto, Inui Toko, Lize Helesta, Suzuhara Lulu - 540万
Kokoronashi - Saegusa Akina - 539万
Animal - Hoshimachi Suisei, Sakura Miko - 538万
Near - Kaida Haru - 536万
Solar System Disco - Tokino Sora - 535万
Sugar Hate - Kanae, Kuzuha - 534万
Sorairo Days - Natsuiro Matsuri, Gawr Gura - 531万
VILLAIN - Moona Hoshinova - 529万
Cry Baby - Hoshimachi Suisei - 527万
Freesia - Machita Chima - 525万
KING - Ayunda Risu - 524万
Bocca della Verità - Tokoyami Towa - 523万
Phony - KAF - 519万
Kataomoi - Natsuiro Matsuri - 515万
Roki - Tanaka Hime, Suzuki Hina - 513万
Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow - Hoshimachi Suisei, Minato Aqua, Tokoyami Towa - 505万
Solar System Diesco - Tanaka Hime, Suzuki Hina - 503万
Unknown Mother Goose - Ienaga Mugi, Yuuhi Riri, Kenmochi Toya, Fushimi Gaku - 501万
Poppin' Candy Fever! - Sasaki Saku, Hoshikawa Sara - 499万
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doglok · 4 months
チャイカの猫ミーム、よつはぴのガニ股、キモいレオス自由すぎる部員にツッコミが止まらないはかちぇ部長【にじさんじ切り抜き/花畑チャイカ/レオスヴィンセント/葉加瀬冬雪/海妹四葉】 元配信 【HOP! STEP! DANCE!】動きが大きい人たちを集めて3Dで本格ダンスレッスンします【にじさんじ/葉加瀬冬雪】 ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVMtFheuc5U
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ノリノリはかちぇ by 八代明日華
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ukkn107 · 2 years
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vixensreiha · 2 years
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Hakase 「Aaa!」 by Zacky@Skeb募集中
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kyaramaru · 10 months
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Nijisanji Symphonia 5th Anniversary Live:
Day 1: Kenmochi Touya, Fushimi Gaku, Ryushen, Hakase Fuyuki, Furen E Lustario, Makaino Ririmu, Lain Paterson, Leos Vincent
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Day 2: Tsukino Mito, Joe Rikiichi, Lize Helesta, Fuwa Minato, Hoshikawa Sara, Hyakumantenbara Salome, Watarai Hibari, Nagao Kei
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wutlaikalikes · 3 years
Hakase's chat called Bel-san what?!
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kherohi · 3 years
I’ve been watching Nijisanji for about 2 months now, so I feel like making a little time capsule and try naming all the Nijisanji livers that I can remember in one sitting.
Memory works by association, so I’ll just start with groups. Let’s start with trios:
VALZ: Kaida Haru (1), Genzuki Tojiro (2) and Nagao Kei (3) Meshers: Saegusa Akina (4), Mayuzumi Kai (5), and Fuwa Minato (6) Meifu: Melissa (7), Furen (8), and Ibrahim (9) SMC: Kagami Hayato (10), Hakase Fuyuki (11), Yorumi Rena (12)
And then duos. There might be ships, but that’s just how I’m remembering them. I don’t know how widespread they are since I’m just getting them from clips...
ChroNoiR: Kanae (13) and Kuzuha (14) Ebimaru: Ex Albio (15) and Ars Almal (16) GunKan: Gundou Mirei (17) and Kanda Shoichi (18) Kuzunbo: Kuzuha and Sakura Ritsuki (19) Togabito: Kenmochi Touya (21) and Fushimi Gaku (22) Benizuwaigani: Akina and Aizono Manami (23) BelAn: Belmond Banderas (24) and Ange Katrina (25) Crossick: Sukoya Kana (26) and Tomoe Shirayuki (27) Sakuyui(?idk if this is the name): Sasaki Saku (28) and Shiina Yuika (29)
And some others that I’m remembering as I type:
Shellin Burgundy (30) Gwel Os Gar (31) Lize Helesta (32) Mikoto (33) Tsukino Mito (34) Deron (35) Otogibara Era (36) Kokoro Amamya (37) Fumi (38) Ryushen (39) Yumeoi Kakeru (40) Hoshikawa Sara (41) Hisui (42) Yashiro Kizuku (43) Dola (44) Honma Himawari (45) Utako (46) Ririmu (47) Uzuki Kou (48) Harusaki Air (49) Naruse Naru (50) Yuuhi Riri (51) Noraneko... Her name was Tamaki? (52) Eli Conifer (53) Shibuya Hajime (54) Roa (55) Suzuhara Lulu (56) Nui Sorciere (57) Natsume (58) Luis Camie (59) Hanabatake Chaika (60) Sister Claire (61) Ran (62) Joe Rikiichi/Joker (63) Mugi (64) Aiba Uiha (65) Suzuki Masaru (66)
Let’s end it there. I’m sure there are ones that I know that I’m forgetting, but that’s interesting in itself! I was surprised that I almost forgot about Uiha. Yay! That was fun.
I wonder if I’ll be able to name all of them one day? But with how often new livers join it seems to be difficult.
Edit (5 min later): Gah, I forgot Maimoto...
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