#For the wings dimming I headcanon that angel wings are natually dark colors.
warlock0103 · 2 years
Mirror's Status:
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Mirror's body was already wildly unstable. She's a construct built of magic, and then she altered her shape with more magic. She has a finite amount of magic in her body, proportional to Mirage, and if it ended with that she could've lived years probably.
That said, she's been healing the villagers in Cronus' village. She has no way to only target one person, so a good amount of magic is used for a healing AoE (Her healing light).
Also, Cronus' rampage caused her to exert magic at a highly elevated rate, both healing, and putting out the fires. Both at once in some instances. This not only took a chunk from her magic reserves, but also created a crack in her form.
Cronus repaired the initial crack, but with her magic slowly ebbing out, and no means to replenish it naturally, more cracks began forming as her body's losing the ability to sustain itself.
Mirror can feel this, and does her best not to show it. Coating her wings with flour to hide the dimming of her feathers, wearing long robes and makeup to keep cracks hidden. All so that people don't worry about her. She doesn't know how to talk about this to anyone, or even who she could talk to, but now she's facing the very real possibility of death. And without a soul of her own, she's gone forever.
In short:
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She's not okay, and she has no idea how to be okay anymore.
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