#For my next ask...MORE Marxolor!
desultory-novice · 1 year
~Vague, Sad, No Real Ending Stream of Conscience-esque Magoland Branch AU Prelude Marxolor Script-Format Thingy~
[Because shouldn't the Master Crown still be in control of Magolor?]
:Mago-Soul exits the rift, arrives in hell: Marx: "Huh? What the hell are you...?" :sniffs him: Marx: "That magic... Is that you, Magolor...?" Crown: "You know my host?" (...help...it hurts...aah...please...stop...) Marx: "Host? You're the crown he was always talking about?" "Then...that voice, whispering. That's the real him, isn't it?" Crown: "Whispering to you. Inside, he's screaming. Constantly." "You could hear it too, where I not keeping him submerged." Marx: "...Let him go."
Crown: "He and I are one. Without me anchoring him to life, the last gasping remains of his soul would wither away into dust.” (...I can't see...I can't move...Kirby...help me...please...help...) “Or are you asking me to kill him?" 
Marx: "Fine. Then give Magolor control back." Crown: "Why? Do you also delight in the screams of others?"
:Marx lifts his claws:
Marx: "...Because I'll destroy you if you don't." Crown: "You're barely capable of holding yourself together." Marx: "At least MY two halves aren't fighting each other."
Crown: "...Destroy me and you would kill him too." Marx: "Yeah. And?"
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Crown: "Are you that sadistic that want you to watch him claw, scratch and bite himself like a trapped animal in a vain attempt to remove the unremovable? To see him writhe and thrash each time my roots twist at him from within?” 
“...Or do you honestly think you'd be saving him? Giving him mercy by having my consciousness slumber in his place?"
:Marx just stares, broken jewel glowing:
Crown: "To think, I'd find a 'hero' in hell. It is almost a shame my host clings on to life. Your puerile soul isn't fit to be king, but the WICKED I could do with someone as devoid of compassion as you."
Marx: "I don't care about Magolor's pain or your ambitions." "But I've got a LOT of time to kill here and, even screaming his head off, Magolor'll be a more interesting conversation partner than you."
Crown: "Hmph...You know, I do what I do to my hosts to live. To serve the purpose I was created for. But you? You torture souls solely for your own selfish needs." "Enjoy him, then. You monster."
Magolor: "--AAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Marx: "Magolor! Magolor!!" Magolor: "KIRBYIMSORRYPLEASEICANTSEEICANTMOVEICANT" Marx: "Magolor, stop... :huff: ...flying in circles!" "...Ugh, I can't keep up with you like this..."
Magolor: "...Marx...?" "Where are you...? Where did you go?! It still hurts.” “My head... It's still--!!" Marx: "Stop fidgeting! I'm right next to you."
Magolor: "Where are we...?" Marx: "...We're high up on a hill." Magolor: "Where are we?" Marx: "...You can see the sun burning bright against the horizon." Magolor: "...Where...?" Marx: "....You’re sitting next to me, looking out across the cliffs."
Magolor: “...Marx...” Marx: “...”
>”A Beautiful Sunset”
Notes: If you’ve read the Branch AU ending already, then there's probably a question in your mind about whether the crown was bluffing to Marx about removing it killing Magolor. It's possible Kirby et al were able to break it because a) Magolor’s soul was starting to heal enough to sustain existence on its own or b) he lived because they only partially removed it
Or because it's been a while since I thought about the Branch AU, and I just wrote this as a spur of the moment thing without thinking too hard about it because I was in the mood for some Marxolor cough cough.
Links to the rest of the mini-series:
Part 1″A Beautiful Sunset” Part 2 “The Sun Never Sets” Part 3 “Screams of Joy” Part 4 “Visitors” Part 5 “A Perfect Circle”
Relevant: “Conditional”
Prologue: “Selfish Needs” [You Are Here]
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Alright, some info about my Kirby/Splatoon crossover:
-The cast from Kirby: Kirby and all of his friends, including Elfilin and the whole Forgotten Land cast;
-The cast from Splatoon: (Ex) Captain Cuttlefish, Agent 3 (soon Captain 3), Agent 4, Agent 8, Dedf1sh, Callie, Marie, Pearl, Marina, Judd, 'Lil Judd;
-Coming soon characters: New Agent 3, Little Buddy;
-There are also ships, which are: Metadede, Darkroach, Marxolor, Pearlina, Calf1sh and Agent 24;
-This crossover is most likely people going on each other's universes to, for example, play Turf War or go on a trip into space, with some angsty moments at times.
You can send me asks if you want to. Just stick to the following rules:
-No more than 3 questions per ask (or, if it's a suggestion, don't make it exaggerately long);
-No NSFW asks plz (even if I will become an adult next year, just DON'T);
Aaaaaaand... that's it for now. Hope you like it! Cya! :D
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desultory-novice · 10 months
I've been thinking about this and didn't know where to put this so, I feel like Marxolor is to some degree, toxic, both of them in their own ways are bad people, hell they were probably using each other at first before they fell in love, two messed up people decided to love each other when no one else would, and we love them for that <3
(I'm very tired I'm sorry if this doesn't really make sense;;)
Sorry this ask is like a gajillion years old and probably irrelevant to OP's current interests but I swear it's been in the back of my mind nigh constantly since I first read it.
It's kind of funny, really. Like, you lay out some interesting ideas: that they're both "bad people" who probably have bad habits that might spill over and cause them to have a bad relationship...
(I have vague memories that, at least at some point in time, there was a call for more "breakup" fanfic to go with all the "happily ever after" fanfic, so I'm not against someone making Marx and Magolor exes either. If you lean really hard into the comedy, they could probably make each other's lives miserable in a funny way, as opposed to a "too close to home" way.)
But the other thing is, as all we Marxolor folk know, the closest they've come to interacting in canon is Triple Deluxe's Kirby Master video, where they're sitting next to each other having a good time cheering for Kirby! (Sitting next to Galacta Knight. I'm so curious to see what those three have in common! Do the two of them possibly view Galacta as being like Kirby but if he grew up to be destructive and "complicated" like them and thus ~friendship~??)
As far as we can see there, they're fine with each other! No problems to be seen! In the world of the in-between where it's up to us to imagine their relationship, they definitely COULD be using each other. They could have done awful things to each other and maybe that's why we never saw them on-screen after Marx telling Mags about Kirby. But I wouldn't call them toxic just for being people who are too "messed up" or otherwise un-lovable.
That is, I think, one of the traits of Marxolor I find the most positive and healing and what makes it a good ship for me: that you can have skeletons in your closet and be highly flawed (who of us aren't?) and be the outcast among your peers and forever eyed by them with suspicion and you are still STILL worthy of finding and being loved!
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desultory-novice · 2 years
BUT JUST IN CASE I'LL ASK AGAIN !! -- GUSH ABOUT THE CONCERT MAN YOU GOTTA DROP THOSE THOUGHTS !! From one Marxolor fan to another I CANNOT HELP BUT THINK that the man switching out between guitar and bass was JUST MARX AND MAGOLOR PLAYING TOGETHER AND THEY WENT HARD !!! ---ON A more serious note, what was something worthy to point out / translate in the concert ?
Good thing you sent this again, Anon, because the first ask definitely did not go through!
So, oh, gosh. I think the biggest compliment I can give it is that I was having a really tough day until like, 20 minutes before it started (well, I'm in the 5 am streaming camp, so I slept for a few hours in between) and by the time it was over, I felt like I had a new lease on life?!? Silly, I know. (Also, new lease on life aside, work is breathing down my back, so if I'm a little late getting to other asks, just know I'm still here for you all and I'll be trying to chip away at them, starting from the oldest, over the next few weeks!)
Anyway, a warning that this post is full of all-caps shouting, only semi-coherent praise, and completely disorganized thoughts. (I normally would go back and organize a post more, but I didn't find this until 2 hours ago and it's almost queue time!!)
I don't know why it's so meaningful to me every time they pair medley/remix music with footage from the games, but it just gives me the chills in a GOOD way! (And starting out with the classic Kirby Drawing Song, "~First you draw a circle~" I just ahhhhhhhhhhhhh)
Also, not music related, but the stage was really lovely?! Did anyone else think so? I mean, the decorations were low-key, but it really felt like Dream Land to me! (We even had the THINGS. You know, the TALL THINGS. A type of snack known as "Bourbons" someone said?) It's the kind of stage I would just love to run around and play on like a goofy kid in the hours before the band sets up!
I love how they tied Green Greens into the New World. It really links the two generations (well, we're only one game in, haha) together! And both conductors, Ohara-san and Ogasawara-san were amazing and so much fun to watch! (I heard someone talk about, despite them being veteran composers - and Kirby composers - this was their first concert conducting experience? I watched in private and browsed through some streams after the fact, so apologies if I mis-quote anything.) Also, Sakurano-san hanging her concert Kirby plush off her jeans (skirt) is a fashion you had better believe I am going to STEAL.
Super Star and Triple Deluxe, well, Queen Sectonia in particular got so much love this time around! But it was nice seeing Air Ride and the mini games get recognition too! In a way, I was sad we didn't get a lot of redos of the songs from the 25th concert, but the spread of songs through the games just shows that everyone loves ALL of Kirby! Nothing is forgotten history (w-well :cough: very little is) and you can just feel how much everyone cares! I mean, did you see the almost constant smiles on the band members faces?!
One of my favorite medleys, funny enough,  was The Knight's Revenge Medley. When you open up with the sting from Meta Knight's Revenge, you've already got me hooked! But they did wonders with Dark Meta Knight's theme! I've always thought Amazing Mirror had some good tracks held back by the GBA's sound capabilities! (I was kind of hoping Dark Mind might get the same treatment in the Last Boss medley, but I can't be sour about my favorites getting priority either!) I've never been really into Galacta Knight's theme myself (I keep quietly dunking on Galacta, and I am so sorry about that!) but I liked it here. And Kirby jamming along in the Morpho gear? Adorable!
Taking a break from music to talk about translation...
One thing I was thinking about through the whole concert is "Why isn't Kirby talking? Like, TALK talking, like they did in the 25th anniversary concert?" (~Cake-y~) and then I was instantly impressed when I learned why!
It’s because this was being streamed internationally, and they didn't want everyone's beloved Kirby to speak too much in a language that only a portion of the audience could understand! And so Kirby speaks almost entirely in "Kirby-ese" (originally invented for the anime) for the concert, so everyone could be on the same page. Because you can understand them even without understanding the words! 
And all the sudden, something that bugged me before made perfect sense and just...it was so thoughtful! Because while teenage and adult fans probably get the "Yeah, it's made in Japan, of course they're going to speak Japanese" aspect right away, now even very little kids can see Kirby and still recognize them as THEIR Kirby and UGH MY HEART!!!
(Speaking of Kirby, our puff getting really excited playing with the penlights until Sakurano-san warns them not to over-exert themselves AND wear out everyone's batteries! And oh my gosh, and during the "vote who you like the best with your colors" segment, where Kirby gets jealous and changes everyone's color to pink!?! Totally adorable!  .....That said, there were NOT enough votes for King Dedede in that audience. Tsk task.)
Also, I laughed and laughed when Kirby was told to answer a complicated question about which of the knights was the most difficult to fight and just goes total BSOD! Although...the other funny interpretation of Kirby spacing out there is that Kirby didn't think of any of them as tough fights, and thus, didn't know how to answer the question!! 
:Meta, DMK, Galacta, and Morpho secretly crying in the corner:
(Meta might be proud!crying though)
What was very interesting/curious was that Sakurano-san says Kirby is tired from "...all that fighting." I went back to double check and she sure seems to say "...tatakai tsukarete..." Is the implication that Kirby was excitedly replaying all that excitement in their mind during the show...?
Back to music!
Personally, I absolutely loved the remix of VS the Lor Starcutter. That's a song I've really come around on the past few months too! (My SO is only familiar with two or three games, including Forgotten Land, and cheered when Winter Horns came up. "I love that song!" they said!)
Not only was the Kirby Cafe a surprisingly amazing venue for a music video (like, what the heck, I would have never imagined it would make for such a perfect background, but it did?!) but it was so hype! And Kumazaki himself sliding onto the scene with a golden mic to give us a rockstar Dedede shout!!
I was very happy Outlaw Driver made it into the race section, as I was about to riot about Robobot being skipped in the later game medley, and I love Outlaw Driver! I don't have strong memories of Air Ride, but I'm always impressed when I hear Air Ride's songs. The only thing I thought was a shame? If Gourmet Fest had come out a few weeks earlier, maybe we could have had any potentially new songs from it in here! Oh well. Next time!
More translation bits!
I'm a little too exhausted to go into much detail about the Kumazaki + Ohmoto interview, but I loved Kumazaki-shi talking about his working relationship with Ishikawa-shi (how Ishikawa always surprises him by providing unexpected and new Kirby sounds) and Ando-san (how Ando-san will accept any request, now matter how challenging with a "...Got it.") was such a fun annecdote! HAL Labs really is special!  Oh, and you could just tell Kumazaki was SO excited about having come up with the language for the new world. I wonder if knowing what every word means won't eat him up inside so much he finally just spills the whole dictionary somewhere! You can tell he's proud. He deserves to be!
It was hilarious watching Kumazaki and Ohmoto's back and forth about Ohmoto ignoring Kumazaki's pronunciation notes for the script! (There was a corollary here explaining the situation that I couldn't quite hear though.)
Also, not concert related, but the CHEERS when the anime re-release got announced! I haven't seen it myself, but this may be what gets me to watch. If only because I think there's an honest chance that if this gets enough support, it could lead to a brand-new Kirby anime down the line! I mean, the fans brought Pupupu Hero back, and we might even see a continuation if sales remain high! So in a way, this concert felt like an early step in the path to Kirby growing into even more of a major franchise!
I glanced at the program list when it was leaked on line, but I missed that one was happening, so it was a happy surprise to me! You can't put Marx and Magolor on the poster and then not have them anywhere in the show!) Also....does anyone remember when I said I would be on the lookout for anything tying Nightmare and Marx together for my favorite pet theory? Well, Nightmare's theme did lead RIGHT into Marx's!! /hj)
But I LOVED the energy of the new “Meddlesome Marx” remix! Doing the slow, haunting creepy thing is fine, but that's almost old-hat for Marx remixes by this point! They really brought his last boss feeling back here! 
(You can make fun of me when I say that I wish they were able to connect Marx and Magolor together without the Zero 2 bridge - EVEN THOUGH IT WAS A GREAT BRIDGE! I'm glad our biblically accurate angel gets a chance to shine! Especially with 64's recent re-release! Still...biases will be biases.)
And Magolor's big-band remix was so STYLISH! I'll never cease to be impressed with all the ways you can alter the feeling of CROWNED! :is so proud of my favorite Kirby boss fight BGM living up to its reputation:
Edit: Huh. Speaking of CROWNED being able to be altered to suit a variety of moods, I was just asked to explain my Elfilis and Void as the originator of the two powers in the Kirby universe to a friend and I ended up describing the Master Crown as being similar to Kirby’s copy ability, in that it morphs depending upon the user. New theory?! In a music post?!
Ah, but yes! Good eye (ear?) on the bass/guitar switch between Marx and Magolor! Even I didn't catch that! Man, even after the concert is over, I'll be thinking about Marx and Magolor playing bass and guitar. (I really ought to draw something for them along those lines, even though the fest is over!)
....But, bias aside, I have to give the show MVP to the lounge jazz remix of Moonlit Blossom! It's a match made in remix heaven! If they released that as a single, it would be on my playlist 6 hours ago.
Okay, I just said Moonlit Blossom was the MVP but, they did the entire Star-Conquering Traveler Suite...!! :starts to tear up: And it was beautiful! (How many times have I used that word this post? Haha...) 
And did everyone notice the footage they played along with the song?!? Starting out with the classic enemy team of Poppy, Leo, and Chilly and then introducing the Dream Friends by wave for each section of the fight?! 
PLS someone give me a mod of Star Allies where you can actually fight Void Termina that way! THAT was the moment that probably brought me closest to crying, when I realized what they were doing! It's so representative of my feelings on Star Allies and why it's my favorite Kirby game experience! (I'm going to show that section to anyone that ever suggests this group of tight-knit, battle-forged friends AREN'T a group of tight-knit of battle-forged friends.)
Translation talk again!
Oh yes! I giggled at the part after that where Sakurano and Kumazaki talk about the song names. I spotted a Japanese quiz a while ago called "Is this song title from a Touhou game or a Kirby game" (I got 80%) but that just goes to show how fun the naming sense has gotten on these! They also told the entire audience to check out the pause screens if they haven't till now and it reminds you that the music is another way to understand the story’s depths!
(But WOW why were there so few lights lit up when they asked people if they checked the pause screens! People, you're missing out on SO MUCH!)
And if it needs to be said again, Director Kumazaki makes it clear here that the Kirby games are aimed at ALL ages/all players and that he doesn't want Kirby games to be only aimed toward young children.「ですが、 低年齢にむけ���ゲームにしたくない」and that's one of the reasons he includes elements that are going to spook little kids - or come close to it.
(If we could only get that across to all the dismissive voices out there...)
But also, Kumazaki knows you can't pull the same "scare" again and again, so each last boss is made to convey a different experience, building on the ones of the past (that players might've built up a “tolerance” to) in order to create a brand new last boss experience! This plays into how the songs are composed, and there's also a note here that this is the reason Void Termina's song is a suite and not just one song, because it can't just be a pure happy ending. It’s got to be a little sad, but also end on a semi-positive note.
...Talking about the names of the songs, I think I'm officially going to start calling “VS Marx” by its official/unofficial/official title of "Meddlesome Marx" knowing how much song name titles matter to this series XD
Also, if my sketch earlier didn't give it away, I was blown away when they actually got Neichel ('s voice provider) on stage to sing! I love that they kept up the fact that her identity is supposed to be unknown to we the players. Just that she's a diva from the new world. Her duet with Ohmoto-san though....! That was a real life Macross Frontier moment if I've ever seen one!
Phew. There’s probably more I could talk about, but I hope that’s good for now! I hope everyone enjoyed their time with it! It really feels like the fandom has grown so much too, and the fact that we were all here together to share such a cool and special event (even if you had to catch the show later due to work/school/responsiblities) is just a miracle, I think!
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desultory-novice · 2 years
If you're still doing this, what are your thoughts on Fecto Forgo, if I may ask?
I'm not even the biggest fan of horror movies, but for some reason, I end up getting caught in a rewatch of John Carpenter's The Thing oh, every two years or so...
So ah, yes, Fecty. (It's not exactly correct, but I'm going to call Fecto Forgo that, because it's easier.) I was pleased with Fecty, to be honest. By the time I got to Lab Discovera, I had completely forgotten about the "fear" rating and then, as I went down the tour hallway, I suddenly remembered it, along with a shiver up my spine.
<Warning: I don't go into any details, but mentions of cruel scientific experimentation, psychological horror, trauma-derived disassociation, and torture here>
I'm not super fond of the "fetal" look they went with (feels a bit of a cheat - that and in phantom form, ends up looking like some kind of evil koala) but otherwise, Fecty was perfectly creepy in all its forms. Oh, and I love the choice of color palette! I watched a video breakdown of the NES Castlevania games once that pointed out how the original game, with its bright oranges, blues and other heavily saturated colors, looked far scarier than the 2nd game's dull stone gray, dull blood red, dull zombie green and black palette. So making Fecty all oranges and teals was an excellent aesthetic choice. So often, chimeric monsters made of the still-living slush of a dozen other creatures are all red and brown and pink and just, doing their best to make your stomach churn. But I'm trying to beat the game, not lose my lunch! How am I supposed to set a new time attack record with one hand over my mouth?!  
Anyway, if it wasn't clear before, it should be clear now that Director Kumazaki really is the master of child-friendly horror...that can still get to adults!
Marx and his ilk of "scary last bosses" are, let's be honest here...not REALLY scary. Creepy elements, sure. But not as scary as some of the truly messed up stuff in the world. The not-safe-for-life-I-wish-I-could-un-learn-this-knowledge tier stuff. But they are more than scary enough. They work with our minds to create an image of horror that ages with you and always plays fair with your experiences AND your tolerance level for scary stuff.
Personally, I almost always prefer a simple to depiction of something to an overly detailed one, as you can READ details into simplicity. A square, when taken as an abstraction, can be a hundred thousand different objects. But something that is upfront and shouting about how detailed it is (look at the PORES on this guy!!) restricts you to seeing only what is there. Of course, there should be a happy middle ground. Something that abstracts too far is going to stumble as much as something that removes any room imagination at all.
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Pictured: "A Dragon"
...Ahaha. Got off on a bit of a tangent there.
Anyway, as a character, I think Fecty comes off really well. We're introduced to them as a dangerous invasive species. The tour speech has some questionable bits, but we know we're approaching the last boss, so we're obviously going to be a little concerned this thing really IS bad on our first meeting. And woah! Fecty lives up to the reputation with that 'all shall be consumed' and snatching Elfilin from you and turning Leon into soup and trying to kill you by throwing Popstar at you! But...
...the more the game goes on and the more you learn, the more Fecty becomes...if not sympathetic, then...understandable? 
We don't know WHY Fecty did such damage to the planet upon arrival. My current guess is that it was just...confused. Disoriented. Lost. Maybe it didn't even -mean- to cause the damage it did. With such powerful psychic powers, what if it was just projecting its hurt and sorrow as loudly as possible, and that was where the initial destruction came from?
But then it gets captured and experimented on. To the point that all remaining goodness in it's heart splits from it. Does this remind anyone else of trauma-induced dissociative identity disorder...? 
(DID is presently understood to generally be the result of childhood or early developmental trauma, but then, we don't exactly have a lot of case samples of older people who have lived through what Fecty has lived through - god, I hope not!! - to find out for sure...)
So, now we've got a large critter of, eh, questionable morals (but could still be completely innocent of the initial "attack") who was medically tortured FOR YEARS just because it couldn't be understood and controlled, and because it possessed something the original inhabitants were curious about...
Here's the thing. Fecty's "pure heart" aka, Elfilin, is...good. Like, TOO good. Now, regardless of your feelings on Elfy (heck, I like Elfy quite a bit, but I'm a fan of stuffed animals - and yes, I ordered the Elfilin plush...) I-like-eyes wrote a very valid criticism post on their lack of development and personality as a character in game and I would borrow from those to say Elfy is such a creature of cute, harmless, friend-shaped fluff (as in, "something of little substance," not fuzzy. Although Elfy is surely fuzzy) that Elfy's lack of emotional depth circles around and characterizes Fecty!
:resists urge to go into a huge comparison with “The House in Fata Morgana” in regards to Elfy and Fecty’s relationship:
There is, or WAS, a version of Fecto Elfilis that was far closer to this.
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...I could be wrong though. My track record at predicting Kirby stuff remains really low, regardless of how many long essays I write about the series and its characters...!!
:clenches fist in frustration:
Ahem. While Elfy has been compared to the later "talkative" major NPCS (Magolor, Taranza, Susie) and the quiet helper characters (Ribbon, Elline) alike, I think Fecty shares a lot in common with Void. Being like...a version of Void who can talk.
Void is also only presented to us from outside Void's own perception (if it has much of one) being worshipped by Hyness as...well, exactly what Hyness NEEDS Void to be. Hyness was consumed with jealousy, bitterness, hurt, and need for vengeance. Hyness needs a god of destruction, so Void became one. 
Fecty is an invader, but only because we're seeing it on a planet that is not its own. Of course it is going to look and act like an alien. It IS a literal alien! (Also, also! The Fecto + Void comparisons get even stronger when you look at their names. Void, aka, "Ende Nil" and Elfilin, aka, EFILLIN, aka, "Nil Life." )
(EFILLIN comes from the morse code you can hear during the elevator ride. Yep. Kirby is now hiding lore in morse.friggin.code!! What's next?! Has anyone run the soundrack through a spectrogram analyzer to look for hidden messages?!)
...I'm also really happy for the true, true ending. Having Fecty and Elfy be reunited was a surprisingly powerful moment. And it was done quietly, without words, which is where Kirby does some of it's best storytelling.
I've been hopping back and forth between this essay and one on Galacta Knight, and so I was thinking about how Galacta destroys anything in sight whenever they are released from their prison because...what else are they going to do, really? They presumably fought their unlawful sealing tooth and nail, so the second the seal is broken, they.are.going.to.continue.where.they.left.off.
It feels a little bit like Elfy was telling Fecty they didn't have to keep fighting... 
"The people who hurt us are all gone now. No one is hunting us anymore. We won't be recaptured. You split me off from you to keep us safe. Thank you...
...Now, let me be the one to keep you safe."
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