#Florian Huber
#Ensayo: Florian Huber: “Muchas alemanas violadas por el Ejército ruso se suicidaron”
#Ensayo: Florian Huber: “Muchas alemanas violadas por el Ejército ruso se suicidaron”
El autor arroja luz sobre una de las realidades más desconocidas de la contienda en “Prométeme que te pegarás un tiro” Javier Ors Publicado en La Razón (Imágen Portada: Dos soldados rusos acosan a una mujer alemana después de tomar Berlín FOTO: Archivo Archivo) Es el último tabú que quedaba de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Un episodio silenciado. Los suicidios en masa que asolaron Alemania en…
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unveilhq · 2 months
anonymous asked: most wanted fcs by members?
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aaron taylor johnson, adam huber, alejandro speitzer, alvaro rico, andrew garfield, andrew lincoln, austin butler, bob odenkirk, brant daugherty, brenton thwaites, cam gigandet, carson boatman, charles melton, charlie carver, charlie cox, chris hemsworth, danny griffin, darren barnet, derek theler, dermot mulroney, diego tinoco, drew starkey, dylan o'brien, ed skrein, emilio sakraya, florian munteanu, frank grillo, freddie stroma, gabriel macht, gerard butler, grant show, idris elba, itzan escamilla, james lafferty, jay hayden, jay lycurgo, jd pardo, jeffrey dean morgan, johnny sibilly, jon bernthal, jordan calloway, josh krasinski, justice smith, justin theroux, keith powers, lucien laviscount, mason dye, matthew macfayden, max carver, max riemelt, max thieriot, matthew noszka, michael mealor, michael fassbender, miguel bernardeau, miguel herran, miles teller, nick jonas, nick robinson, nico tortorella, noah beck, noah centineo, nolan gerard funk, nordman reedus, omar ayuso, patrick j adams, patrick schwarzenegger, rafael de la fuente, regé-jean page, robert kazinsky, russell tovey, ryan kelley, ryan kwanten, scott eastwood, shawn mendes, suraj sharma, tenoch huerta, theo james, tom ellis, travis kelce, trevor donovan, tyler hynes, tyler posey, wes chatham, will poulter, william levy, & wolfgang novogratz
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albad · 10 months
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– À propos de la mise à prix de la vie des habitants de banlieue –
«Tuez un adolescent de banlieue, devenez millionnaire». C'est le message que l'extrême droite a diffusé depuis la mort de Nahel : une mise à prix raciste. Analyse de ce phénomène inédit et révélateur :
🔴 1.636.200 euros. C'est le montant collecté, en cinq jours par la cagnotte de soutien à Florian Menesplier, l'agent qui a tué Nahel. Selon les réseaux fascistes et policiers qui ont massivement relayé cette cagnotte, le tueur n'aurait «fait que son travail». Lundi 10 juillet, Libération révélait d'ailleurs que l'homme mis en examen pour homicide volontaire continuait à être payé sur décision de Darmanin. Le 13 juillet, la plateforme Gofundme annonçait que la somme récoltée avait été versée à la famille du policier. Elle est désormais millionnaire. Florian Menesplier pourra vivre confortablement sans avoir besoin de travailler pour le restant de ses jours. En tuant, il a touché le jackpot. La mère de Nahel, elle, a perdu son fils à tout jamais.
🔴 Si les mots ont un sens, la «décivilisation», «l'ensauvagement», c'est précisément cela. Des milliers de personnes qui récompensent un policier raciste pour avoir tué un jeune de 17 ans.
🔴 La cagnotte avait été lancée par Jean Messiha, un énarque fasciste devenu chroniqueur de Cyril Hanouna. Si son initiative a aussi bien fonctionné, c'est grâce au tremplin médiatique offert par Bolloré. La cagnotte a été diffusée simultanément par les canaux traditionnels d’extrême droite, par les réseaux du parti de Zemmour et par les puissants groupes Facebook de policiers. Un groupuscule néo-nazi l'a même partagée en expliquant qu'il fallait soutenir cette «cagnotte génocidaire». Ce sont leurs termes. Ces gens trouvent positif de financer l'extermination des non-blancs par la police.
🔴 Plus d'une centaine de dons dépassent les 2000€. En pleine crise sociale, en pleine explosion de l'inflation, alors que la misère explose, des bourgeois ont versé des milliers d'euros pour subventionner un homme qui a regardé un ado dans les yeux en le menaçant de lui loger une «balle dans la tête», avant de presser sur la détente. S'il y a une «décivilisation», elle est bien là.
🔴 Le 23 août 2020 aux USA, dans la ville de Kenosha, un policier blanc tire à sept reprises dans le dos d’un Afro-Américain, Jacob Blake. Des émeutes éclatent. Des milices blanches armées jusqu’aux dents se rendent dans le centre-ville, soi-disant «pour protéger les biens». Parmi les miliciens, un jeune adorateur de la police de 17 ans : Kyle Rittenhouse. Il parade avec son arme automatique alors qu’il n’a pas l’âge légal. Des manifestants s’approchent de l’individu armé. Il tire. Joseph Rosenbaum, 36 ans, est abattu. Puis Anthony Huber, 26 ans, qui s’approchait avec un skateboard, reçoit une balle dans le bras. Kyle Rittenhouse repasse, arme au poing, devant la police, sans être inquiété, et rentre tranquillement chez lui. Il sera interpellé calmement le lendemain. Et acquitté un an plus tard. Entre-temps, les réseaux Trumpistes lancent une cagnotte de soutien pour payer sa caution : 2 millions de dollars sont récoltés.
En 2012 en Floride, un vigile tue le jeune Afro-Américain Trayvon Martin, 17 ans, non armé. Il mettra son pistolet en vente aux enchères. En quelques heures, les prix s'envolent à plusieurs centaines de milliers de dollars. L'arme qui a tué un noir fait fantasmer les racistes. Si la décivilisation devait être illustrée, ce serait sans doute ainsi.
🔴 Une partie de ce pays est descendue au même niveau que les bas-fonds de l'extrême droite suprémaciste nord-américaine. Nous n'avons rien en commun avec ces gens. Nous ne sommes pas du même monde, pas du même camp, ni de la même classe. Pas du même peuple. Le séparatisme n'est peut-être pas une «menace» contre la République. Lorsque le fascisme s'installe et qu'une partie de la population subventionne la mise à mort, la désertion et la séparation devient une nécessité.
🔴 Et que dire de tous ces concerts d'appels au calme au moment du grand incendie qui a suivi la mort de Nahel ? Ces chanteurs, footballeurs, imams et influenceurs qui exigeaient que les révoltés «rentrent chez eux» pendant que la police quadrillait les rues ? Des choristes de la passivité et de la résignation. Toutes les personnes qui ont «appelé au calme», si elles ne mettent pas en même temps toute leur énergie pour obtenir justice et enrayer les violences policières, sont complices. Elles n'auront servi qu'à la victoire de l'ennemi. «Si tu es neutre en situation d'injustice, alors tu as choisi d'être du côté de l'oppresseur». Desmond Tutu.
🔴 «Comment se construit-on dans ce contexte où l’on se fait constamment cracher dessus ?» demande Ayoub Simour pour le Bondy Blog. La souffrance de la jeunesse issue de l'immigration est totale, encore plus ces derniers jours. Les adolescent-es qui sont descendu-es dans les rues après la mort de Nahel n'ont connu que la violence sociale de Macron, que les envolées racistes de Zemmour tous les jours à la télévision, que la police militarisée.
🔴 La révolte n'a été défaite que par les milliers d'arrestations et de personnes blessées. Comme le mouvement sur les retraites avant lui. Et la bataille de Sainte-Soline. Et les Gilets Jaunes. Nos ennemis ont parfaitement compris leurs intérêts communs. Milliardaires propriétaires de médias, Macronistes, syndicats policiers et fascistes savent faire bloc pour construire leur société cauchemardesque. Pour nous écraser. En face, nous restons faibles, morcelés, divisés. Seul un front des damnés de la répression et du racisme, un front résolu et solidaire des différentes forces qui résistent, sans «désolidarisation» et quête de «responsabilité» médiatique, peut encore empêcher l'obscurité.
Contre Attaque
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rheintaljob · 7 months
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Wir sind ein renommierter Großküchenhersteller und verarbeiten Chromnickelstahl zu Arbeitsplatten, Schränken, Buffets, Herden usw. für die Gastronomie und Hotellerie. Wir suchen ab sofort eine/n METALLTECHNIKER | IN Aufgaben: - Zusammenbau von CNS-Komponenten, Formrohrgestellen, Arbeitsplatten - Arbeiten nach Zeichnung / Plan - Bedienung der Schlagschere, Metallsäge, etc.Profil: - Du kannst schweißen (WIG) - Du bist selbständiges Arbeiten gewohnt - Du möchtest Teil eines motivierten Teams seinWir bieten: - Normalarbeitszeit / jeden zweiten Freitag frei - angenehmes Betriebsklima mit partnerschaftlichem Umgang - moderne Produktionsstätte auf neuestem Stand - abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit - Entlohnung über KV (dein Gehalt berücksichtigt deine beruflichen Qualifikationen, deine Erfahrung sowie den Vorarlberger Arbeitsmarkt.)Wir freuen wir uns über deine aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen. Sende diese bitte an Florian Huber per Mail [email protected] Read the full article
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futsal-blogat · 8 months
KSV Futsal Bad Fischau Brunn (Saisonvorschau 2023)
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Inhaltsverzeichnis Werbung
Statistik 2022/23
Tabelle ⌀ Tore pro Spiel ⌀ Gegentore pro Spiel Zuschauerschnitt Eingesetzte Spieler 6. 4,8 (10.) 6,7 (10.) 108 (4.) 24
Die Stärken
Als Neuling präsentierte man sich in vielen Partien in Phasen mehr als ebenbürtig. Gerade in der ersten Halbzeit gelang es den Jungs aus dem schönen Bad Fischau oftmals, defensiv wenig zuzulassen. Vor im Schnitt 104 zumeist prächtig aufgelegten Zusehern wurden immerhin zwei Heimsiege eingefahren – dazu konnte man die Spiele gegen die Allstars und Stella Rossa Juniors lange eng gestalten. Wie auch das zweite Derby gegen die Allstars, das nur knapp mit 3:4 verloren ging.
Die Schwächen
Während es in der ersten Halbzeit selten mit dem Toreschießen klappte, gingen in Durchgang zwei meist die Schleusen auf - sowohl vor dem eigenen als auch gegnerischen Gehäuse. In 7 der 12 Matches gelang dem KSV im ersten Abschnitt nur ein oder gar kein eigener Treffer. Nach dem Pausentee konnte kein einziges Match gedreht werden – bei allen drei Siegen in der Premierensaison lagen die Bad Fischauer bereits in Hälfte eins voran. War dies nicht der Fall, ging man stets als Verlierer vom Parkett.
Spieler im Fokus
Max Weiser ist ein Name, den man sich merken muss. Der 23-jährige schoss in seiner Premierensaison für den KSV 11 Tore in 11 Auftritten – eine beachtliche Quote für den Ala. Musste er sich wie auch seine Teamkollegen zunächst an den Spielbetrieb der zweiten Liga gewöhnen, so gelang ihm beim so wichtigen Sieg gegen Seestadt ebenso ein Hattrick wie beim furiosen 10:6 gegen AC Vienna. Überhaupt ist Weiser ein Spezialist für Heimspieltreffer: 9 der 11 Tore gelangen ihm vor eigenem Publikum.
Vor knapp zweit Jahren als Jux entstanden, bereichert der KSV Futsal Bad Fischau-Brunn mit jugendlicher Frische nunmehr die österreichische Futsal-Landschaft. Mit ÖFB-Nationalspieler Matthias Binder findet sich ein prominenter Name im Vorstand, zudem hat auch Fortuna-Urgestein Christopher Hatzl familiäre Bände in Bad Fischau. Dahingehend ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass der junge Verein Vorjahresmeister Fortuna Wiener Neustadt als großes Vorbild nennt.
Lehrjahre sind keine Herrenjahre! Dementsprechend fiel auch die Endposition in der Tabelle aus. Allerdings zeigten die Jungs aus Bad Fischau sehr viel Potential, das durch das professionelle Umfeld optimal ausgeschöpft werden soll. Gelingt es der Truppe, die richtige Balance zwischen Offensive und Defensive zu finden, werden diese Saison definitiv mehr Punkte aufs Konto wandern. Um das Aufstiegsplayoff zu erreichen, braucht es aber eine klare Leistungsexplosion.
Vorläufiger Kader 2023/24
NEUZUGÄNGE: - ABGÄNGE: -   Trainer: Matthias Reitgruber Position Name Geburtsjahr Nat. L-spiele/T im Verein seit Letzter Verein BL-Spiele/T 2.BL-Spiele/T Tor JUDT Daniel 1999 AUT 2022 AKA St.Pölten 17 / 0 Tor WOLF Florian 1998 AUT 2022 - 11 / 1 Feld BINDER Maximilian 2002 AUT 2022 - 4 / 1 Feld CECH Jonas 2003 AUT 2022 - 9 / 3 Feld FUXREITER Jan 2003 AUT 2022 - 8 / 4 Feld GRATZER Lukas 2000 AUT 2022 - 12 / 7 Feld HATZL Lukas 2005 AUT 2022 - 9 / 4 Feld HATZL Philipp 1994 AUT 2022 - 8 / 0 Feld HUBER Lorenz 1998 AUT 2022 - 3 / 0 Feld LASSAGER Luca S. Freedom 2003 AUT 2022 - 11 / 10 Feld POSTL Marco 2001 AUT 2022 - 4 / 0 Feld PRINZHORN Timo 2003 AUT 2022 - 9 / 1 Feld SCHMIDL Niklas Enzo 2002 AUT 2022 - 8 / 1 Feld SCHULDNER Philipp 1999 AUT 2022 - 8 / 1 Feld SEDERL Florian 1999 AUT 2022 - 5 / 0 Feld STICKLER Bernd 2003 AUT 2022 - 3 / 0 Feld WEISER Max 1999 AUT 2022 - 11 / 11 Feld ZELENKA Philipp 1999 AUT 2022 - 5 / 4 AUT = Österreich
Starting 5
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korrektheiten · 8 months
Sellner: Milde Strafe für linken Pädo-TV-Star
Compact:»Zwei Jahre Haft auf Bewährung für den Schauspieler Florian Teichtmeister, der unzählige Kinderporno-Dateien gesammelt hatte. Ein Skandal – meint unser Österreich-Korrespondent Martin Sellner. Krimi-Fans ist er vor allem als „Tatort“-Schauspieler oder als Darsteller des Staatsanwalts Dr. Viktor Huber in der ZDF-Serie „Die Chefin“ bekannt, doch er war auch ein gefeierter Star am Wiener Burgtheater: Inzwischen kam [...] Der Beitrag Sellner: Milde Strafe für linken Pädo-TV-Star erschien zuerst auf COMPACT. http://dlvr.it/Svfrdw «
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raducotarcea · 10 months
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goalhofer · 1 year
Florian Huber retires.
No photos available.
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tsv-einheit1912 · 1 year
TSV Reichartshausen – Fußball
Ansprechpartner: Abteilungsleiter Thorsten Koder
Tel.: 0163/4194407
TSV 1 – SV Moosbrunn / 3 : 1
(Torschützen: 1x Florian Hanke, 1x Mathis Ditzinger, 1x Daniel Huber)
Das erste Mal in der Vorbereitung konnte wir halbwegs auf den Kader der ersten Mannschaft zurückgreifen. Besonders in der 1. Halbzeit zeigte unsere Mannschaft ein sehr dominantes Spiel und ließ den Heidelberger C-Ligisten überhaupt nicht zur Entfaltung kommen. Einzig die Chancenverwertung war zu bemängeln. Trotz zahlreicher sehr guter Chancen führte man zur Halbzeit nur 1:0 durch ein Tor von Florian Hanke (20.). Kurz nach der Halbzeit legte Mathis Ditzinger nach (50.). Im Anschluss nahm unsere Mannschaft bedingt auch durch viele Wechsel etwas das Tempo heraus. Nach dem Anschlusstreffer (80.) war es dann Daniel Huber der per Freistoß das 3:1 erzielte (85.)
TSV 1 – FC Limbach 1 / 2 : 1
(Torschützen: 1x Floris Ditzinger, 1x Mathis Ditzinger)
Im Gegensatz zum Spiel unter der Woche gegen Moosbrunn waren wir auch bei diesem Spiel wieder – wie fast die gesamte Vorbereitung – personell sehr dünn besetzt. Trotzdem machte es unsere Mannschaft gegen den 4. der A-Klasse Mosbach nicht schlecht. Bereits in der 10. Minute gelang Floris Ditzinger per Abstauber das 1:0, als der gegnerische Torwart den Schuss von Yannik Zimmermann nicht weit genug abwehren konnte. Kurz nach der Halbzeit schlugen wir erneut zu. Auf Vorarbeit von Floris Ditzinger gelang Mathis Ditzinger das 2:0 (48.). Nächste Woche beginnt die Rückrunde mit dem Spiel gegen den TSV Helmstadt 2. Hoffen wir, dass sich die personelle Situation etwas entspannt, sonst werden die nächsten Wochen sehr schwer für uns.
TSV 2 – FC Hunok / 1 :4
(Torschütze: Sebastian Elbert)
Gegen die ungarische Mannschaft aus dem Neckar-Odenwald lief bei unserer Mannschaft überhaupt nichts zusammen. Es war mit die schlechteste Leistung in den letzten Jahren. Nächste Woche im ersten Punktspiel gegen den SV Bargen 2 muss eine gewaltige Leistungssteigerung her.
Rückrundenbeginn Sonntag, 05.03.23​​
13:15 Uhr TSV 2 – SV Bargen 2
15:30 Uhr TSV 1 – TSV Helmstadt 2
A-Junioren (Landesliga)
Samstag, 04.03.23, 14:30 Uhr
TSV – SV Rohrbach/S
Samstag, 04.03.23, ab 10:00 Uhr
Spielfest in Helmstadt (3 Mannschaften)
Damen (Landesliga)
Samstag, 04.03.23, 17:00 Uhr
SG Hettingen/Reisenbach – TSV
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topcat77 · 3 years
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FLorian Huber
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endlessdoom · 3 years
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180 Minutes Pour Vivre
32 + 1 maps
By the French Doom Community
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MAP01: De Bronze et de Brique by Arnaud Florian (Oxyde)
A small introduction to this fantastic french flavored adventure. This is a small map that introduces us to a few optional areas while giving us a clear welcome to the kind of visuals we will encounter. A nice and fun map. 3/5
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MAP02: Yttrium by William Huber (WH-Wilou84)
Things get a little more dense and complex in this small map that makes use of a circular layout that takes us through different interconnected paths, offering a constant and entertaining progress. 4/5
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MAP03: Retour sur Terre by Maxime Bisiaux (Datacore)
Deep level in a subway system with a multitude of secret doors, monster closets and evolving rooms. With a moody ambience and excelent lightning, this is av very lovely stroll. A slightly higher challenge but always finding a good balance with a frenetic pace. 4/5
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MAP04: Ignominie by Thenuke - Alia Immortalis
Interesting short map and singularly simple compared to others, but with a combat that despite being somewhat modest in the full range, manages to satisfy with enough. Cute. 3/5
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MAP05: Grand Bleu by Alexis Jeanson (Roofi)
A great battle scenario that serves as a small warm-up for the maps coming later in the megawad. With a layout that expands and sends hordes of enemies with plenty of ammunition, this map entertains with sincerity and simplicity. 3/5
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MAP06: Complexe Cendré by Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD)
We went through a lot of enemies and now we have the welcome of an interesting layout along with a more tactical enemy positioning. New companions welcome us, demonic companions I mean, and a few surprises in a circuit style map with good fibers. Pretty fun. 4/5
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MAP07: Chaologie Quantique by Maxime Bisiaux (Datacore) and William Huber (WH-Wilou84)
We return to the interiors and are now in a dark, tight and relatively simple map that makes more use of constant close encounters than anything else. 3/5
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MAP08: Ruée vers Laure by Alexis Jeanson (Roofi)
Interesting change from tech-bases/industrial zones to a more natural area that seems to be inspired by mining caves. With an understandable layout under a small size, this is a fast map that combines different heights in a good layout as well as a decent challenge. 3/5
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MAP09: Pour une Vengeance by William Huber (WH-Wilou84)
The first challenge we will face in this great megawad. A large map with a fortress in the middle, guarded by a multitude of enemies in different positions and waiting to fight in different and varied encounters. We are also introduced to the two new enemies of this megawad: the Nightwatch Cacodemon, a slightly stronger and more violent version of the Cacodemon and the Heresiarch, a rather dangerous bastard that replaces the Spidermastermind. Overall, a great map with a solid challenge. 4/5
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MAP10: Triléthal by Arnaud Florian (Oxyde) and Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD)
Smaller than the previous one but with a design just as detailed and full of solid visual quality. The virtue of this map lies in its fast flow and constant combat as well as a good positioning of enemies that makes perfect synergy with the type of level we have. I've always found it interesting because there are 2 doors with extra keys that we won't even find, as we'll soon find out as we progress through this map. But I must say, clever design! 4/5
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MAP11: Où Est le Berger by Franck Livolant (franckFRAG)
One of the first maps that could be considered as proper slaughter. This is an adventure of varied heights with a great design that shows quality in its progression. With a final combat quite unexpected and large, this map throws us into a fun and balanced challenge. 4/5
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MAP12: Impact Ecologique by Maxime Bisiaux (Datacore)
Now that we have completed the previous map and we are with the death-exit, we start from 0 in a map that reminds me of E4M1. Few items, but a lot of blood. The layout and simple architecture make this a very charismatic level. 4/5
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MAP13: Chair Boueuse by Blême
What starts out as a vanilla looking map, ends up becoming a corruption of flesh and sin. A fast map with an intricate layout that shows good design and attention to gameplay. 4/5
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MAP14: La Belle et la Bête by Alexis Jeanson (Roofi)
Probably one of the most interesting and creative maps in the megawad, although not one of my favorites. The small size of this map emphasizes a closed, dark and claustrophobic environment, as well as full of traps and small puzzles. In UV we will find a rather violent surprise, which gives it a cat-and-mouse style, but in lower skill-levels it is slightly lackluster. 3/5
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MAP15: Feinte by William Huber (WH-Wilou84)
The heights contrast with the violent map, illuminated by the metallic ground and the blood of the demons. A medium sized map that combines a simple layout from left to right. Simple in terms of its dynamics but with a hard and welcoming combat. 4/5
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MAP16: Sur le Chemin de Satan by Nemo06
A kind of tech-dungeon with dark corners and varied rooms where different demons await us. The combat style and simple layout make this simple map a fun and fast one, with a decent challenge. 3/5
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MAP17: Etat D'Urgence by Arnaud Florian (Oxyde) and William Huber (WH-Wilou84)
A huge power station guarded by the infernal hordes. This map has a complex layout that can be a bit lost at times, but it makes up for it with a good design and variety of encounters, as well as a worthy and challenging climax. 4/5
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MAP18: Le Temple des Damnés by Nemo06
A kind of small temple in the middle of a canyon, colorful and filled with a few waiting demons. A small combat scenario with a short duration. Fun and decent. 3/5
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MAP19: Inquiétude by William Huber (WH-Wilou84)
From one side to the other, we will always find enemies in this medium-sized map that makes excellent use of a constant and dynamic flow that changes the type of encounters and constantly throws new challenges at us. With a simply hellish design and a solid structure, this is an enjoyable, if somewhat punishing, map. 4/5
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MAP20: Infernale Résurgence by Maxime Bisiaux (Datacore)
A small and tight map with a simple and entertaining layout. The visuals create an irritating atmosphere that manages to establish the infernal inspiration without a problem. With simple and uncomplicated combat, it's a short and fun map that works as a good intermission. 3/5
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MAP21: Canicule by Maxime Bisiaux (Datacore)
We entered the infernal mouth. We will have to go through a kind of lava river while we face different demons in tight corners, all under an excellent red dye that emanates a great ambience. 4/5
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MAP22: Une Journée en Enfer by Nemo06
A subway fortress with tight corridors and personal combat. A map that is fast in its progress and with a satisfying flow that delivers entertaining, fast and balanced combat in a simple way. 3/5
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MAP23: Anomalie Eternelle by Maxime Bisiaux (Datacore) and William Huber (WH-Wilou84)
With Sign of Evil in the background, we can quickly know that this map is coming to give us a good taste of blood. Tight, bloody and red, the corridors force us to constantly backtrack and seek shelter, while monster closets pop up where we least expect them, including a brutal one at the end. 3/5
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MAP24: Rêve Lucide by Alexis Jeanson (Roofi)
A floating island in an ocean of red clouds. With a more earth-like style and colors that remind me slightly of Plutonia, this map makes use of an excellent combat and exploration dynamic while keeping it relatively simple. Nice and fun, as well as challenging at times. 4/5
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MAP25: Geôle Nécrosée by William Huber (WH-Wilou84)
Massive and colorful, as well as dark and spooky from time to time; a large map with tough and hard combat. Different encounters form an entertaining and varied progression, as well as solid visuals of great magnitude. 4/5
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MAP26: Monument en Béton by Darkwave0000
A square map with a simple layout that takes us through a variety of encounters at different points. Combat is entertaining and dynamic, as well as rewarding and satisfying. 4/5
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MAP27: Sable Brûlant by Alexis Jeanson (Roofi)
I have to say that I am a bit biased by the visuals of this map. I love the type of color used and the textures work wonderfully to bring a sort of classic life with a modern twist. A small map with a simple premise and brutal combat. Cool as heck. 4/5
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MAP28: Inhumation by Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD)
A beast. A real beast that will probably break many. This is a huge map in terms of the number of enemies, offering brutal combat in every sense and a very entertaining gameplay for slaughter lovers, unfortunately, I'm not one of them. 3/5
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MAP29: Xanthophobie by William Huber (WH-Wilou84)
Gigantic, fatal and amazing. A massive adventure of more than 1000 demons where we face in a scenario of infernal proportions. Challenging, punishing and definitely one of the hardest maps in the set. 4/5
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MAP30: Celui-Qui-Voit-Les-Mondes by Maxime Bisiaux (Datacore), Alexis Jeanson (Roofi), Franck Livolant (franckFRAG), Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD), Arnaud Florian (Oxyde) & William Huber (WH-Wilou84)
I'm pretty sure this titan was made in over 180 minutes. A huge, gigantic map that is as full of demons as it is varied rooms. With a system of teleporters to different arenas/combat zones, this behemoth feels like a complete odyssey. Absolute beast and a magnificent piece of work. 5/5
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MAP31: Dictes Moy Où, N'en Quel Pays est Sérana, la Belle Doomeuse by Jean Bon (Jambon)
A simple map with a funny layout based on two bases connected by bridges. Short, with somewhat lackluster visuals, but decent. 3/5
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MAP32: Rêve Brisé by Alexis Jeanson (Roofi)
Small map with a more gothic and claustrophobic design, featuring a variety of traps and interesting paths. Unique aesthetics and a quite appreciable mood. 4/5
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» 180 Minutes Pour Vivre (2020) By the French Doom Community
The French community has been responsible for providing us with different works over time. Starting with the great series of 3 heures d'agonie, 3 complete megawads made in speedmap style, followed by Tangerine Nightmare, a great medieval beast and finally, 180 Minutes Pour Vivre. A speedmap that collects the best skills of the mappers under a violent French toast. A somewhat burnt one that will give us a good bite on the tongue if we are not careful. The French community has been responsible for leaving us a huge legacy that has no end, and this megawad is here to prove it.
What we have here is a complete megawad with 32 more (plus 1 extra) created under the supposed assumption of 180 minutes, although some suspect that certain authors took more than that. Rumors, people say, right? Anyway. As we can expect, the team has sought to create a cohesive adventure that takes us through a variety of scenarios under the same visual touch and following a progressive balancing system, presenting an increasing hostility curve for each map, but always showing mercy to the idea of overexposing the player to too strong madness. Speaking of crazy, 180MPV also includes two new curious enemies: A common one, the Nightwatch Cacodemon, which is a slightly stronger version of the Cacodemon with a lethal attack, as well as Hexen's Heresiarch that now replaces the Spidermastermind, being a worthy boss in every sense of the word and a dangerous threat. And let’s not forget the awesome re-skins of the Arachnotron, the Mancubus and the scary looking demon Revenant. With a solid concept and the inclusion of new enemies, as well as a well-laid foundation, 180 Minutes Pour Vivre presents fascinating inclusions and new maps for the community that are totally welcome.
180 Minutes Pour Vivre follows a clear and defined visual theme, with dark colors, browns and strong contrasts between the exterior and interior scenery. The vast majority of the maps tend to be similar in visual style and color/texture theme, with a few exceptions. With no clear episodic separation, megawad truly feels like a huge adventure that goes on and on, following a narrative with no real pause at any point. Even the intermission screens often say ''press space to continue'' or something similar. A rather simple touch but one that manages to work as a modest way of saying: don't stop playing. On the other hand, this also creates a cacophony of quantity, creating a huge project that can feel empty of identity at times due to maps that are generally solid, but lack true identification. This could be partly blamed on being speedmaps, but it still doesn't change the whole fact; despite this, each map clearly states its goal and achieves it in an excellent way. There’s no ugly map, or even a boring one. Is plain good, plain fun and plain brutal from time to time, more on that next.
One of the aspects that make this megawad stand out is undoubtedly its gameplay, one of its golden factors that give it a truly unique touch. The Slaughter stage, 2020 was a year filled with a huge multitude of projects following that theme, 180 Minutes Pour Vivre on the other hand manages to establish a good balance between traditional gameplay with a few final surprises. Starting with a solid map that perfectly establishes its intentions, to a final map that will blow our minds. Each map manages to deliver something for all tastes. From casual lovers (in part) to lovers of brutal violence. The new enemies help to create this atmosphere of difficulty with a bit of freshness, as well as the creation of new combat scenarios welcome for those looking for a little change in their traditional gameplay. 180 Minutes Pour Vivre is not an easy megawad, it must be said, however, neither is it an elitist one that blocks the doors to every player. Pleasantly balanced in all skill-levels, it opens the doors to a wide range of players who wish to delve into a glorious example of combining two worlds under one successful mix. With a multitude of maps ranging from tiny adventures to huge fortresses with more than 800 demons. A brutal experience that will take us a few hours to finish, but will leave us fully pleased at the end.
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sciencespies · 3 years
Divers Discover Nazi Enigma Machine Thrown Into the Baltic Sea During WWII
Divers Discover Nazi Enigma Machine Thrown Into the Baltic Sea During WWII
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Last month, German divers scanning the Baltic seafloor for abandoned fishing nets happened upon a rare piece of history: a strange contraption with keys and a rotor, rusted and covered in algae but relatively intact.
“A colleague swam up and said: [T]here’s a net there with an old typewriter in it,” lead diver Florian Huber tells the DPA news agency.
Similar to a typewriter, the device was indeed used for sending messages—in this case, of a dangerous and clandestine variety. As Agence France-Presse reports, the group’s find is a rare Enigma cipher machine used by Nazi Germany to transmit encrypted military communications during World War II.
The divers found the machine off the coast of northeast Germany in the Bay of Gelting, which is part of the Baltic Sea. On assignment for the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), the team had been using sonar technology to scan for “ghost nets,” or abandoned fishing nets that pollute the oceans and pose a deadly threat to fish, seabirds and other marine mammals, per a statement.
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Divers happened across this WWII Enigma cipher machine while searching for abandoned fishing nets.
(World Wildlife Fund)
As Huber notes, the group’s sonar equipment often detects strange objects on the seabed.
“I’ve made many exciting and strange discoveries in the past 20 years,” he tells Reuters. “But I never dreamt that we would one day find one of the legendary Enigma machines.”
When users composed messages on Enigma machines, the devices’ rotors substituted new letters for each stroke in order to encrypt the message. Operators who received the encoded message would need an Enigma of their own, as well as the precise starting positions of the sender’s rotors, to decode the message, according to Stephanie Pappas of Live Science.
The machine discovered by the divers had three rotors, so it likely came from a German warship. U-boats—powerful submarines that wreaked havoc on Allied forces during the first and second world wars—usually carried more complex four-rotor Engima devices, historian Jann Witt of the German Naval Association tells the DPA.
In 1945, as the global conflict drew to a close, the German Navy purposefully sank a number of submarines in the Bay of Gelting to ensure they wouldn’t be handed over to the Allies, Huber explains in the statement. Someone might have thrown this machine overboard around that time to protect military secrets, Witt suggests.
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A team of German divers poses next to the Enigma cipher machine.
(World Wildlife Fund)
Though Enigma machines did, for a time, allow German forces to secretly communicate troops’ positions and plans of attack with impunity, the Allies eventually cracked their code.
Per BBC News, the Polish Cipher Bureau, including mathematicians Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski and Jerzy Różycki, reconstructed a mock-up of the Enigma machine and made a first attempt at breaking the code in the late 1930s.
The Polish codebreakers’ efforts paved the way for subsequent research ventures, including British mathematician Alan Turing’s Bletchley Park team, which eventually cracked the increasingly sophisticated Enigma encryption. This achievement marked a major intelligence win for the Allies, and some historians estimate that it may have shortened the war by several years. Now recognized as a founder of modern computer science, Turing and his achievements were memorialized in the 2014 film The Imitation Game.
Germany produced about 20,000 Enigma machines during the 1930s and ’40s, but only a handful of these have survived to the present day, making the devices a prized collector’s item. In 2017, a mathematician in Romania sold a well-preserved three-rotor Enigma machine for roughly $51,620. Four-rotor Enigmas, meanwhile, have sold for upward of $400,000 at major auction houses.
Ulf Ickerodt, director of the archaeological office in Germany’s Schleswig-Holstein region, tells the DPA that the newly discovered Enigma machine will undergo cleaning after spending seven decades underwater. The contraption will then go on display at the local archaeology museum. All told, he says, the restoration process will take “about a year.”
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themakersmovement · 5 years
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3D Printed PMMA: Poly(methyl methacrylate) for Cranial Implants In the recently published, ‘Impact Optimization of 3D Printed Poly(methyl methacrylate) for Cranial Implants,’ Sandra Petersmann, Martin Spoerk, Philipp Huber, Margit Lang, Gerald Pinter, and Florian... View the entire article via our website. https://buff.ly/30Fnqhl
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nicholasrossis · 5 years
When Will They Ever Learn?
When Will They Ever Learn?
A lot of my friends have a pretty bleak outlook on life. Gun massacres, polarizing politics, climate change… the list of horrors goes on. Given humanity’s bloody history, one may be excused for wondering why we haven’t figured out what’s good for us yet.
A possible answer may be found in a recently published paper and an upcoming book.
Goebbels with his family. His wife Magda, procured cyanide…
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Tauchgang ins Totenreich: Archäologie unter dem Meeresspiegel von Florian Huber ist eine Reise in eine faszinierende Welt und offenbart dem Leser was sich in den Tiefen unserer Ozeane verbirgt, seien es jahrhundertealte Schiffswracks oder versunkene Städte, denn die Welt unterhalb des Meeresspiegels hält Überraschungen parat, die uns immer wieder in Erstaunen versetzen.
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nonquebecoisayul · 5 years
When people sense crimes are being committed in their name, they can become even more fanatical in their devotion to the cause, so that an all-out drive for victory, or else martyrdom, seem the only ways these sins can be redeemed.
Meghökkentő mondat a The Economist július 13-i könyvajánlójából (Death and dishonour: The only way out). A kötetet egy német szerző, Florian Huber jegyzi, címe: Promise Me You’ll Shoot Yourself. Ajánlom figyelmébe a történelem tanításait egyre inkább elfelejtőknek.
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