#Fit and Tazercraft lore all in one
ohnothisisathing · 9 months
VOD watching and Pac found Walter Bob’s house from before he lived in the prison. It’s confirmed that he had a spouse and child. The child’s room in the house had homework so there must have been teachers there at one point.
He showed it to Fit, but Fit was fixated on the way Walter Bob still looked completely blank/white in old pictures like he does now. It reminded him of someone he met on 2b2t, but when Pac asked if he remembered the blank man’s name he said no.
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kadextra · 3 months
Alright explaining the new individual lore guideline and also giving my take on it
Creators will be in charge of making their individual character lore & admins won’t be able to interrupt/participate unless asked to
So, this is literally exactly what we’re having and have had with multiple character stories on the server already.
Bad’s lore, with Dapper and Pomme participating from the start. The ghostie cam streams where he invited all the egg admins to come and build their characters. His glowing eyes custom model
Philza’s hardcore lore with Chayanne & Tallulah participating. Admins building places like Rose’s sanctuary, affecting the environment & making a custom crow wings item & Enderking corrupted model
Fit’s lore with admins playing Madagio’s spycats, Cucurucho, and building unique locations he visits
Quackity’s lore with various characters played by admins
Cellbit’s murdering the federation workers arc with admins making the enigmas & acting as fed workers, custom knife item
Roier’s ratoier and Doied lore
Antoine’s whole *gestures* thing going on with Cucurucho
Aypierre’s Ayrobot lore with the Federation
Maximus’ code infection & nuke lore with custom models and items
The great Tazercraft prison escape from back then
Luzu’s radioactive lore and his other character Arin
Probably more I’m not thinking of
It’s not a new thing with players driving their own lore and in all honestly these stories are some of the best we’ve ever had on the server. and ofc CCs are able involve whatever & whoever they want into it (like Fit involving Pac, Cellbit involving Bagi) without any worry, and improv roleplay as usual
We’ve had situations in the past where stories like this were intervened in by administrators / sudden events, without communication, and we lost what could’ve been- like Cellbit’s murder arc. We’ve had creators get put in lore jail unable to log into the server. These new changes Quackity is making are gonna prevent that kind of thing from happening now
Lores “affected” by this change are ones that were made only by the admins. These are ones like:
The Resistance
Foolish federation worker arc
Baghera’s experiment backstory with the federation
Etoiles code warrior lore
Bagi’s backstory
Some of Tina’s demon lore
But I don’t think this is anything to worry about. Even if these plotlines were started by the admins, it’s still become the characters’ own lore. Now that these CCs are in control they can choose to keep it if they want! They can decide to continue having the admins’ support with it like before, push it forward themselves, or do a different idea. it’s up to them now
And honestly let’s be real, things like the Resistance weren’t going anywhere anyways. If say- Bagi liked this plotline enough, talks with Etoiles/Fit/Pac + the admin team and wants it to continue for her character then she can do that now, and we won’t have to sit in limbo wondering what’s going on with that whole thing for months as we’ve been doing
All in all I think it’s really good :D
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bloodpen-to-paper · 14 days
Qsmp Finale Moments That Take Me Back to the Start (And Other Things I Enjoyed)
-Pre-stream chatting between streamers and their chats. Friendly teasing, funny donos, and talk about what's gonna happen next
-Quackity and Pol chatting while Bagi tries to kill Mike in the background. Q and Vegetta talking about using the plane to go to Andorra while Foolish yells about having a bomb to Cellbit and Tina. The chaos of people doing something crazy while others have calm conversations on the side
-The feeling before an event stream, when you're waiting for the timer to count down as you listen to the cinematic music. You and the others in chat, holding hands
-The admins doing lore cinematics, the kind that you might've needed to get used to since its all in Minecraft but that in this community gets your blood pumping and your eyes bright
-Streamers doing lore cinematics to make some goofy ass plotline where they turn into a rat or an egg
-The voice of Cucurucho
-Vegetta and Foolish being obnoxiously flirtatious, especially in public
-Bagi and Tina running towards each other with no hesitation
-Baghera and Cellbit wearing gas masks. Bolas. Always.
-Quackity not being able to teleport on his own server cause he's eternally broke (and only realizing he has no money when he's at the teleporter. and having to ask the admins for tps)
-Tazercraft coming in with the gimmicks, Zombie Mike and Pacovo
-Various multilingual conversations happening at the same time
-Seeing all the BibleThump crying emojis in chat when something sad happens, and the kkkkkkk's and jajajaja's when its something funny
-The streamers taking asides to set up the real time translation, for all the languages
-the hug emote being used. group hugs
-Tina making high pitched noises to signal distress
-Funny screenshots from the translators above the cubitos heads and the in-game chat messages
-Reunions with the more inactive members when they finally log on again
-Everyone getting abruptly tp'd to spawn and immediately screaming
-Quackity being reminded about his lack of houses
-The buildings. The Wall. Fit's gym. Foolish's Titan. Baghera, Vegetta, Cellbit's houses. The train station. Spawn.
-People killing each other out of boredom waiting for the event to start
-Foolish revealing that Cellbit killed the Fed workers
-Pierre greeting people with "hola!"
-The special way Bad greets Pierre and Baghera, the french speakers
-Group visits to the museum
-People (Quackity) moaning over Vegetta in a suit
-Pierre whining for Maximus
-The part in the museum with the server's historical items. The memories every one of these items brings back. The reminder of how much this project meant to the admins who put it all together, and how much it meant to us
-Foolish and Pol laughing as soon as they see each other, and Fit being there to witness it all over again
-"Quackity pay the server"
-Quackity being obsessed with Fit's baldness
-Pierre being a furry
-Maximus being a furry
-At least one person having the rainbow jelly effect
-Lucky Ducks mention
-Vegetta freaking out over copyright music
-Cellbit revealing he stole the Gem of Fobo
-Cellbit throwing a tantrum cause he never got to kill Empanada, followed by Bagi critting him
-The sound of a chainsaw revving. Baghera laughing not long after
-People trying to break out of designated event areas to explore
-Everyone getting tp'd to an event location on the same block and immediately taking damage from entity cramming (and then screaming)
-My computer lagging the fuck out during streams. This isn't something I miss in fact its something that infuriates me to the point of violence but the prompt was "things that take me back to the start" so here it is
-Q, Pierre and Vegetta walking in on Pol shitting and refusing to leave
-Quackity hitting on random men
-The introduction of a new launcher. The feeling that shit's about to get real
-CCs immediately crashing after the introduction of a new launcher
-cine. cinema. the PopCorn emote
-That eerie, electrifying feeling when the CCs have been transported to an entirely new place, far from home...
-Foolish getting downed 2 seconds into the new location
-Bad running away from the group shouting "every man for himself!"
-The puzzles. Enigmas. The CCs having to work together however chaotically in order to solve them
-Quackity panicking and going "we're fucked" over and over as soon as they're given an objective
-Foolish, Cellbit and Quackity screaming at each other over the radios (sometimes in fear, sometimes just because they can)
-At least one person suggesting cannibalism upon realizing they've been left to the wolves
-Cellbit locking in and working through the enigmas
-Bad and YD chatting, being in their own little bubble
-People getting the radios and immediately messing around with them and using them to insult each other
-Pierre asking "how does this thing work?" and Quackity excitedly explaining the transceiver before a beat of awkward silence and Pierre going "I MEANT THE MAP"
-Foolish's 10/10 voice acting making the horror event feel genuinely tense
-Fit using the transceiver to say "buttcheeks" and Cellbit going "what the fuck is wrong with you" in that way he does
-Cellbit bringing up who he'd eat first if they run out of food
-The admins getting one last opportunity to jumpscare the players with scary soundbites
-Fit saying "calma" when Pac starts freaking out
-Those special conversations that happen when the CCs are having to travel long distances
-Bagi traveling with a blue bird and calling it Jaiden
-Quackity seeing a crow and calling it Philza
-Seeing skeletons and scattered codes on the floor
-Dungeons. Code fights.
-Quackity explaining the Federation lore to YD. YD being the last newbie to get The Talk from an existing member who's dealt with the Federation first hand. Carrying on the tradition.
-The realization that the Federation were the ones that brought the August batch to the island. That the Feds were the ones who encased them in ice all those months ago. We might've known, but now they know
-Pac and Mike figuring out how to exploit game mechanics
-Maxo talking about atomic bombs
-Maxo immediately interrogating YD on her Federation allegiances
-The sight of an egg running around. The ghost of what once was
-Players getting downed either to stupidity or op mobs and having to wait around for revives
-Tina speaking spanish with Maxo, and them speaking korean with YD. Fit speaking portuguese around Pac, Foolish speaking spanish with Vegetta, and Vegetta speaking english with Foolish
-Quackity hitting on Badboyhalo
-Pierre and Maxo being the way that they are (the way they haven't been able to be in so long)
-Tina finally telling people she's a demon. Tina telling Bagi, who already knew. Who stills loves her.
-CCs crashing and having to wait for the server to start back up
-Autotune Quackity
-The Bad x Cucurucho allegations
-Baghera distributing random items she definitely should not have
-Cellbit antagonizing Tina on principle and her clapping back that she's marrying his sister
-Maxo getting bombs and having them stolen by the admins
-Quackity telling Baghera and Cellbit to throw up in his mouth and Baghera being 100% down no questions asked and doing it (while Cellbit runs away from these freaks)
-LGBTQsmp jokes
-Pierre's incredibly horny type of humor
-Cellbit telling Tina he'll be at the wedding
-Bad stealing all the couches
-The players being utterly unable to find the elevator they need and deciding to just destroy the entire house
-The admins having to replay a cinematic because it didn't play the whole way through the first time
-Bad admitting to stealing all the couches. All of them.
-Old Ordo and Resistance members getting together for theory meetings. Pac telling everyone about the Codes in the basements. Everyone communicating their way through building the escape plane like a well-oiled machine. The familiarity of it.
-It happening amidst Maxo singing the Halo theme with reverb right next to their ear
-The sky turning red
-The Codes being enemies
-Bad getting absolutely swarmed by mobs as Foolish comically screams in the background
-SOFIA. Her and Maxo. Maxo's final moment in the spotlight.
-Running through the old Federation hallways. The last rush to find the exit. To freedom.
-The final cinematics. Getting kicked from the server.
-"Thank you for participating :)"
-Elena's montage of all the old bases and moments. Her saying the hell she went through was worth it for the beauty of what she saw and experienced with the players. The Qsmp's message to us.
-Vodwatching lore you missed cause you slept through it
-Scrolling through the Qsmp tag to find all the details of streamer POVs you missed
-Liking fanart, seeing people's reactions, memes, clips. Laughing together, crying together, theorizing and taking in every last little detail. Seeing people make the most cursed comments under Cucurucho thirst art. Seeing people cry over images of the eggs. In all languages. On the Qsmp.
-Being part of a community. Being Here. Juntos.
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blocksgame · 8 months
QSMP - Hey so I think the Resistance kidnapped Pac back in August
/rp Let us recall Pac getting kidnapped.
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Pac and Mike find the above book in Walter Bob's cell, labelled "ASSIGNMENT".
One of the screen displays in another prison cell (Tazercraft speculates that it's the Prison Ghost that helped them out in their joint jailbreak earlier) gives Fit the coordinates.
Tazercraft goes to the coords and find the Code with the Code Sword, which attacks them.
Forever warps them out, but Pac gets warped far away underwater.
Pac goes to Ocean Jail. "Craft is offline. Tazer is alone."
Mike gets a series of clues left for him by an anonymous party.
(Checking back at the initial coords where the code attacked first, they find one of those white rooms with an caged Blob of Darkness. Later players speculate this has something to do with the Dark Matter but I don't think we know anything for sure.)
When they find and rescue Pac, Pac says he's been trapped there and someone was being tortured next to him, but doesn't know a lot else.
Ocean Jail does not look like a normal Federation build - IIRC the block palette was very dark, not white quartz all over.
On the way out, they are chased by a couple faceless guard-entities on the way out, who Mike kills. And that's about it.
Knowing what we know now from Etoiles' lore and the fact that Walter Bob was a Resistance member, I don't think Pac was kidnapped by the Federation. I think he was kidnapped by the Code/Resistance-alliance.
To me, this paints a coherent picture:
Resistance member Walter Bob planned to deliver something to the found coords, which is a Resistance base.
Tazercraft gets near the place and their presence triggers an alarm or freaks someone out, which summons the Codes.
The Code (somehow?) sends Pac to the Resistance's Ocean Jail as a defensive measure.
(I checked many of these but am kind of going from memory for others, please let me know if I have a detail wrong.)
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thesmpisonfire · 9 months
Fucking. Analysis time of today's Tazercraft lore that I hope y'all are dying to see!
So. It all started with the shared waystone at Chumelabs
It wasn't supposed to be there. They never put it there. So someone else had placed there for them to see. And upon seeing it, Pac IMMEDIATELY regressed all progress he had ever since he got freed
His voice was immediately quiet, he crouched away from the sharedstone and begged Mike to not go. He knew it was a trap, and the Federation invading their home again, but Mike didn't listen and went to the 'Snow' warp anyway, Pac following suit
And they got to the tower right outside the Spiral Path they had to take to get to the new islanders, their path to the tower was lit by torches and made out of snow. When they saw it, Pac panicked again, feeling it was definitely a trap. Mike wanted to calm him down, gave him his backpack, and strolled in expecting nothing. And the floor opened right under his feet
And he hit water
Pac panicked with that and ran to Mike, but it was too late and the floor had already closed. He started mumbling "nononono not again not again nonono please be okay please be back" and then he laughed. He had a laughing fit as he broke the wooden boards and laughed harder when seeing the pit before breaking down again
Pac has been fucked up so much these past weeks. He's actively breaking and he can't take it anymore. He almost jumped after Mike. He was almost sobbing before remembering he had to get Richas
And then he went to get Richas, right at spawn. Richas reaction to learning his pai had been taken again?
He starts to pace in panic and shaking his head and backing away from Pac as if it could make the news go away. He's so scared and don't wanna believe it. He has to go see where Mike disappeared. He needs to know if he can solve it
And so Pac takes Richas there, all while breaking in front of the kid and repeating over and over that he was alone now and he didn't know what to do without Mike. Richas has to calm Pac down multiple times to keep himself from tearing himself apart more and Richas had to watch Pac screaming Mike's name. The kid didn't even have time to process it at that point, but he focused on Pac anyway because he'd rather lose one dad than two at one night
Then. Richas has to watch as Pac hurts himself over and over just trying to get to his room. Richas pushes Pac and makes him a bed before his pai sleeps on the floor. Richas sits by Pac's side on the bed and plays him a tune so his pai can forget the pain and sleep. Pac just wants to sleep
And Richas lost another dad. He keeps losing them, over and over and over. He said it himself, he doesn't even have time to process it, he only pushes through
I like to think Pac and Richas cuddled until Pac was asleep after crying his heart out. Just then Richas carefully left the bed and hid in a corner so he could cry to himself as well, and maybe... Just sleep too...
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sillygh0st · 10 months
maybe a hot take but as a Brazilian it feels to me that a LOT of people (especially the english speaking part) on the qsmp fandom only care about the english native speakers streamers AND manages to take the "spotlight" (not the right words) of the other characters
Like tazercraft got their big lore friday and like even if people talked and saw the stream, many people still dont care about , I saw people making it about q!Foolish and its kinda? Like bro you guys are saying that "we just want a villain arc of someone" or "traitor arc when" but when a characther do something similar or just like that you guys treat them like "oh no they didnt mean It🥺" or acting like they are angels (no attack to any streamer okay)
Im saying that because people that are trying to victimize q!foolish are the same than wants characters taking bad or ambiguous actions, no hate to any streamer or anynone in particular but like wow it was TAZERCRAFT lore and instead of seeing the qsmp fandom (english speaking side mostly) talking about them, about how it afected them, their new and old traumas, I saw MANY acting like q!Foolish is a baby that cant do ANYTHING that can be wrong or just very ambiguous on that part 🫣 (and also guys even if all of them, q!pac, q!Mike and q!Foolish, are all victims, q!Foolish is not a silly little angel that didnt do anything wrong)
Also, with the french streamers, and even the spanish speakers ones I kinda see it, because, for me atleast, a lot of people only care about one or two streamers and like we already got the language and culture barriers (already makes things very difficult) and in addition the fandom Just dont care about streamers that are not considered as "bigs", and will only care when its related to their streamers
Felps, tazercraft, the french speakers ones, fit and maximus like, their lore is so good and people usually dont talk about It? Like if you Just watch qsmp for the streamer in question and is not on the qsmp fandom, Just the streamer fandom, its okay, but like If you are on the qsmp fandom in general its weird to me ignoring all the other ones😶
Even with cellbit and forever that are the "biggests" of the Brazilians, the ones with more content and viewers, sometimes people Just dont care about them or do horribles takes about them, like q!forever and q!cellbit are like extremelly Not understood by the fandom
Its okay to watch the ones that speak your language, but its not okay to ignore all the other ones and taking the spotlight of their characters
My english is terrible and I mean no harn to any streamer sorry If something is put wrong here :c (im talking about the fandom not the streamers guys)
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crychaoss · 10 months
Ok, so everything I said about what the "we are humans, not fish." quote from Foolish is probably not right BECAUSE
I just found out that this quote is from Naruto, more specifically Itachi, a member of the akatsuki, the organisation where Foolish's current skin came from ->
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The whole quote is this:
"We're both human, not fish. No matter who you are, you do not truly know what kind of a man you've become until you reach the very end. One realizes one's true nature at the moment of death. Don't you think that's what death is about?"
It's interesting that q!Foolish changed it to "we are humans" and not "we're both human". He probably meant all the other members who do not trust him at the moment. And the next line is pretty self explanatory, everyone is saying that q!Foolish betrayed them and that he's working for the Federation, but since we don't know what the Feds true intentions are with Foosh, we simply do not know if he did betray them or not.
Look at q!Cellbit as an example. Everyone trusted him, and he's the reason everything they knew about the feds and their whole investigation went to waste, even if he didn't do it intentionally. Maybe Foolish working with the Feds on purpose, might give the opposite results, and they might actually find a way to take down the Federation once and for all.
But as the quote says "No matter who you are, you do not truly know what kind of man you've become until you reach the very end". Foolish on the day he arrested Pac e Mike also said this: "Eventually it will all pay off. We just have to be very very patient, like we've always been." Whatever is the outcome of all this, we have to wait until the end, and then we'll know if Foolish did make a mistake joining the Federation or not.
The last part is a bit worrying tho, because q!Foolish might be implying that if it comes to that, his friends and family will only know what kind of a person he truly was, once he dies.
Some other cool hints from Naruto that were said before "we're both humans, not fish":
Kisame, another character from Naruto was talking about sharks and how they are killers from the moment they are born, and that's why Itachi called sharks "fish", because Kisame compared Itachi and him to sharks.
"No one who dares to raise their hand against a comrade ever dies a decent death" - I don't think Foolish even realized but this line fits him and Tazercraft so well. This was said like right before the fish quote.
So that's all the theory stuff. I just want to say big KUDOS to Foolish because holy shit. When Cellbit went to the coords, he was so disappointed by the sign Foolish left because he has no idea it has a deeper meaning. We knew Foolish was smart, and I was guessing the quote was not just some kind of joke because if you look at most of Foolish's stuff that are not supposed to be taken seriously, he most of the times puts ":D" next to it. But the sign only had the quote, nothing else. It even had a dot at the end (which means serious). So I hope Foolish and Cellbit gets to talk today before or after the elections and Foolish might imply that the quote has a deeper meaning (or Cellbit finds out about it in some other way). I just want him to know because it was such a smart move from Foolish. My streamer is good at lore :D
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spottys-rathole · 9 months
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This one's been in the "wip file" all summer long but with the current canon events I decided I might kick myself in the butt and get it done once and for all before anything lore wise happens again because I have a feeling whatever will happen to the eggs it'll make me want to scrap this and completely re-work on my designs again- And I redid Leo's three times so like hell no I'm moving on
Read below the cut to check out my train of thoughts but basically : The first drawing would be what I imagine the eggs to look like past 3-4 months while the second one would be them being 2-3 weeks, according to my own headcanons
[Closeups and headcanons under the cut - warning : it's long]
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Basically I have the common headcanon that while growing, the dragons kind of morph into taking their parents' physical traits. The "eggs" all kind of look very similar as hatchlings (As in if you were to see them without their accessories on, you would need to put them next to one another to be able to tell them apart). Similarly to Betta fish, in their first few days they are born covered with smooth white scales but as they grow they shed and become gradually more colourful (fish don't shed, reptiles do ik)
My intentions were to make them look Feration-like, since everything related to them is white (Cucurucho, the quartz paved offices, Cellbit's hair turning white etc) but that the more time they spend with the islanders, the more they would stand out from one another Other individual headcanons include :
Ramón has got a "skin" condition (it's all scales no matter the egg) that makes it so parts of his body will stay baby-white forever no matter the sheds. His scales would be ocher-like with a purple gradient otherwise (similarly to Leo)
Tallulah is able to walk without the use of any accomodation, but gets tired pretty quickly. She occasionaly uses crutches whenever she feels like it
Also she's got hearring aids
Chayanne's skull mask is that of a Nightmare Stalker that he painted on to look like Missa's
Richas and Leo have grown to be better swimmers than their siblings and can hold their breath underwater longer than any other
No matter the shape of the muzzle (Chayanne having a beak, Richarlyson having a calf snout) they all have carnivorous teeth
The clothes the kids wore during the first few days were either given by the Federation (but the eggs quickly outgrew them), crafted by their parents themselves, or spare clothes the islanders yeeted on them while waiting to get something better. I haven't decided which mofo(s) (affectionate) would be the designated one in my head to spend hours neatly tailoring custom-made outfits for every eggs but I'm brainstorming hard. Like I just want to imagine a parent being tired with their kid's clothes being too used and not fitting anymore so they spend whole ass afternoons making new ones all by themselves, and when the other residents see their kid walking around in those dashing new clothes they'd go "woaah where'd [insert kid name] get those ?", "oh ? oh those, it's nothing I made them myself but I'm a bit rusty", "no shit it's so good, it looks so much better than anything the fed gave to my child. They don't have a single holeless shirt left anymore" and that's how first parent ends up pulling all nighters sewing new clothes for every other eggs
Specifically for Pomme's baby denim dress : the butterfly and apple patches were clumsily sewed on top by Antoine because I said so
On kind of the same topic : Tallulah's first wheelchair is a standard wheelchair given by the Fed' that they had laying around in their hospital quarters, it quickly deteriorated because of all the mobs and the shit the residents have to go through on a daily basis and was fixed with the means at hand. Meanwhile her second wheelchair was custom-made by the islanders once they had more ressources, and designed by herself with all terrain wheels and storing space.
Tazercraft designed multiple prototypes and prothesis for Richas before finally settling on something that would accomodate to Richas' unguligrade posture better as he was quickly growing
Richarlyson likes to beat people's shins with his crutch (it is very effective)
Pomme wears a cornflower at her scabbard bc ofc
Despite Dapper not seeing shit without their glasses, it took a while for them to get their eyesight checked and even longer for them to agree to wear them Those are only the eggs that are still currently alive (🤞) Will I do the rest one day ? - probably, maybe, idk, depends on a lot of things ngl
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malichev · 16 days
Let's go in parts because I've just arrived and I'm catching up: First, apparently Pol (and from the gossip I heard, I don't know how it started, but we may have Maxo) and Pac will participate in tomorrow's event, but of these three, Maxo may come with a new character, and I saw a preview image posted on Updates from Tazercraft, from qPac lying in a hospital bed, or something like that, he could have survived or, whoever is detained could ``not necessarily be him´´, like an evil clone, a creature, zombie… possibilities. Especially because it is a horror event. If he hasn't died yet, then I think he will die then in this event. Fit will participate in a non-canonical way in tomorrow's event,after all, he is no longer on the island, from what I understand, Madagio took him away permanently.I want to talk about his lore in another post because it's quite big. Apparently Philza won't be there, and I think many others who are traveling won't be there either. And maybe Etoiles will participate, he said he's very hesitant given everything that's happened, but I'll leave him with his words:
I know what happened with QSMP, but it's still important to finish this whole arc properly and to show that the French are still here. Obviously, we shouldn't forget the bad times, but above all, we should remember all the good times we had.
And to finish, before the event, we will have a (possible last) live on the official QSMP entitled ``Goodbye´´.The cover image shows what appears to be Cucurucho walking through a laboratory corridor with scientists around. Maybe we'll see Elena one last time, or maybe not. But I'm going to make a prediction that, because it's before the Main Event, something bad will happen in this laboratory and that will start the event. Perhaps the creatures they are keeping with them will escape or be released.
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guckies · 5 months
I’ve gone through like 3 iterations of this post but I was watching qsmp all day from Fit’s stream to the end of Foolish on qsmp and it was upsetting despite all it’s funny moments.
Because it sucks that the ccs never include Foolish in relevant lore/rp information sharing. What I mean is that an entire group of ccs will have an entire hour or more of rp/lore talk or activities, then start to chill a bit which is when Foolish usually ends up logging on and they don’t talk to him about it at all. Even if they all agree that there is a certain piece of information that they should let everyone know about. It sucks even more when one or more ccs will tell other ccs who weren’t on at the time the info they discussed while Foolish is online. Worse part is that Foolish will often have some information that they want/need and that this entire situation has happened so many times before today.
And I don’t think I’m wrong in saying that it’s because they don’t respect Foolish enough to let him break from the “silly goofy guy” character they stick to him. He has good serious lore, he’s shown himself to be serious in front of all of them multiple times and he’s done the one thing all of them haven’t which is successfully infiltrate and genuinely become one of the fed which gives him more information then all of them.
You can try to chalk it up to their character not trusting Foolish, yet there is always someone they tell who they should or do trust way less then Foolish. Even to say it’s about the Tazercraft arrest is crazy too, because they forgave him for that and it was months ago. Or even that someone they tell will pass the info along, which is arguably worse because they don’t know they will and why should he always be getting info from a second hand source, when he was right in front of them minutes ago.
It just shows more clearly in the way they treat Leo too, since they will never let her be her own person and not an extension of Foolish. I think they definitely respect him as a person but I think they just don’t respect him as someone able to do good character lore/rp. Which is bullshit because half of them watched him basically killing it and saving the day on OPQ. It just genuinely sucks because it feels like it’s been months now of people just pushing Foolish to the side when it comes to Lore/rp discussions.
And it never makes sense, they say let all the single parents know ____ yet Foolish never knows or ask everyone about the Fed workers and Cucurucho yet Foolish is never asked. It’s not even that he doesn’t help because he does when it really counts. But even more shit like that excludes him and it never makes sense because Foolish is a very active player and he talks to everybody.
Along with all this, this is all part of the reason no one ever gets info from Foolish, they either never ask him, never take him seriously or claim he doesn’t have proof. You could say that oh he should be telling them the info anyway, but like they none of them go screaming somewhat private information the moment they find out(especially Cellbit who they trusted so much to figure out the island/fed) so why should he be screaming private info from the top of his lungs?
It really is just why at this point? Why doesn’t Foolish get to know information that might save Leo? Why doesn’t Foolish get to help the team? Why won’t they let him help the team? Why don’t they ask him about important lore/rp topics? Why do they assume he’s not going to help? Why don’t they let him break from this stereotype that they’ve stuck to him? Why don’t they ever take him seriously?
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lil-lost-mind · 4 months
(This is a bit of a along post about my general experience in the qsmp fandom, both good and bad, and it does mention xenophobia but not direct experiences)
I'm happy to see people here being so nice and reminding that we(Brazilians) are welcome here
I was really hesitant about interacting with fandom at first, I actually was there the Brazilians arrived because suddenly tazercraft live appeared for me on YouTube, I joined for a moment but didn't stay long, but I did look about it later. Because Brazilians youtubers/streamers are on a server with a bunch of people from other countries? I was curious about what this would lead to
Didn't regret it, but since then, I was a bit scared of interacting on fandom. Some comments on clips were fine. But then I started using tumblr because of a friend's recommendation, I kept a look on what was happening on lore on general but didn't really interact on fandom. Hence why I created this blog, and also why it took me so long to link this blog to my main one
Because, well, if I got hate for any reason, it would only be a sideblog that I only posted about qsmp. I could just delete it or just ignore them
I am by nature a person who is very shy to talk about my interests, it might have nothing wrong about it but I'm shy, I'm the type of person who goes on asks box on anon because is too shy, even if I'm not doing anything wrong there's this fear of judgemeent.
In the light of the recent events, I am once again reminded that's why I don't use or plan to use Twitter, but still I couldn't avoid but feel... scared in a way, I don't think anyone would like to be treated that way. And even a bit ashamed of saying that I'm brazilian. Ashamed might not be the right word, but there's this feeling wich is similar, and while I'm proud of being a brazilian, I just... maybe invalidate is a more fitting word, it's just feels like my culture is unimportant compared to others.
And this is what it seems, in my understanding, what looks like suffering from xenophobia is, but I imagine it's worse suffering it directly ofc, and ironically, I don't think I ever felt like that for those reasons before. And while I can't talk about how it feels when suffering from it directly, I feel bad for the people who had to go through it(not only Brazilians). Nobody should feel ashamed of their culture or ethnicity
Ofc tumblr isn't free of people like that. After all, no social media will be free from intolerance. But it feels like it's harder to see it. But I can't emphasize enough how it makes me happy to see so many people saying their blog is a safe place for us. After seeing this stuff, it makes things better, for me, at least. It reminds me that my culture isn't less important than any other
And qsmp brought something beautiful, the unity of communities. Because even with those bad things happening, it's not the only thing in fandom, it happens, and any fandom has this, unfortunately. But I love to see every time someone talks about their culture, facts about their languages, to see people motivated in learning new languages. It's beautiful and makes me happy each time
I don't regret making myself part of the fandom, the opposite, really, I've met creators that I would have never without the qsmp. I've met amazing people there, I've found incredible artists and writers. I've had fun
I've found the motivation to learn new languages again, more passion to draw
And I'm thankful to everyone there who is incredibly nice and so made me more comfortable interacting here, even if they will probably never know
So despite everything, I think it was worth it
Was worth reading character analysis and theories, enjoying stories, seeing fanart and animatics, learning new language facts and about other cultures. Was worth seeing people being happy
Again, I'm very thankful for all the people who made me, and I'm going to assume a lot of other people who needed to hear that, comfortable and validate here, I can't express how much this made me happy, I hope everyone coming from twitter have a good time here<3
And a very big and sincere "VAI TOMAR NO CU" to any xenophobic and racist person
I know very few people will see this, or even read everything, but I had to say this somewhere, so yeah, I'm rambling on tumblr again:D
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
Scribbled this out a few nights ago. It’s not really about any specific event, though it references the Tazercraft Prison stuff and the Election Dinner so spoilers for those. It just... idk I know cc!Philza rarely does lore because by the time people get going he’s falling asleep, buuuuuut in character he surely has his reasons too. Even if getting dragged into it will happen sooner or later. Also. I saw the Antarctic Empire outfit from smp earth and was like. that’s a cool colour I’ll make him wear it. Then ran with it.
Fit, Philza, and the inevitable.
Philza was retired. Fit knew this, and he respected it - after everything, his friend deserved nothing less than to stay at home with his children, to grow potatoes and build basements and decorate nearly every surface with moss and glowberries. His swords had been swapped for axes, his armour hung up for more easily cleaned dungarees, and his wings clipped so badly that he might never regain use of them again.
That last point? It hurt Fit, it hurt him so bad. He remembers seeing Philza fly across worlds, dark as night and free as a bird. Nobody could have stopped him, then. Now... the codes can, Etoiles could, but this world was strange and none of the rules were quite right, and Philza had always been resistant to change.
But Philza was also a dear friend, and Fit could no longer afford for this to go wrong. He trusted nobody on this island, not one of them.
He trusted Philza, but perhaps it was that trust too which made him hesitate. When Pac and Mike were merely kidnapped for a day, he had been tempted, so tempted to tell him. But then he would have had to tell the rest, and...
Fit was no fool. He knew how it would end. Philza would be unwilling to involve himself, to scared of risking his children- one too eager to fight, the other an easier target than most.
And yet, Philza would help him anyway. Because they were friends, because they had always been friends, because Philza might have been unwilling but he very rarely said no to a genuine plea for help.
He would have agreed, and he would have destroyed himself to do it.
So here they were, stood at the edge of the wall. Ramon was antsy, ready to go, but Fit had insisted on wishing Philza and his eggs a proper goodnight.
"Night mate," his old friend said, as he opened the hatch to his basement.
Fit hesitated, and Philza escaped. But...
"Wait here Ramon," Fit opened it for himself, and followed Philza down.
"Fit?" The confusion was so genuine. "Did you need something else?"
"Philza," he replied. "Put the kids to bed, but then I need to speak to you."
Philza frowned, but nodded - told Fit just to wait outside.
After a short while, Philza returned to the top. His face was grim, and they both knew how this conversation would end.
"So Philza," Fit said. "Do you remember where I come from?"
"I do," Philza replied, his frown falling further.
"I've been taking steps to deal with the Federation at the request of-" Fit spoke quickly, cut off by Ramon headbutting him hard enough to bruise.
"I don't want to know," Philza glanced to the hatch behind him as he spoke, preventing Fit from continuing. "My children, Fit, you know-"
"I do know," Fit held out a hand. "I’m sorry old friend; I wouldn't be asking if I had any other option left."
Philza closed his eyes, looking down and seeming every bit his age. After a long moment he sighed, looking up to the sky, and then the Federation eyesore on his doorstep.
"Just let me check on the children, alright mate? I’ll be right back."
He did not pause before pulling open the hatch.. For a moment he hesitated, looking back, before heading back down.
Fit could hear Philza talk, telling Chayanne and Tallulah to find Forever or Bad if anything happened, anything at all. The noise faded as he sang them to sleep, and then began to busy himself with something else.
Fit waited, and he could only hope that it paid off as Philza disappeared from the contacts list.
He waited, and waited, and then, seven minutes later, Philza returned.
He had changed in those minutes. Gone was the green and the black, but for the gemstone woven into his hair. The hat remained, its stripes now in a cold, icy blue. A matching tunic, a white and red cape hung with gold chains around his neck. It covered the great, black wings, but they - clipped as they were - sat more freely upon his back, stretching and folding themselves with ease.
And then a black mask, made of his own black feathers and woven into the long, golden hair. It formed a crow's face and beak, covering every identifying part of his face.
And around his neck hung the the Favour of Lady Death herself.
In his full regalia, not as Philza of the Hardcore worlds, nor as Death's beloved Angel, but as the ruler of an Empire which once claimed all the world.
Fit nodded to him.
Philza nodded back.
"Tell me, FitMC of 2b2t," Philza's voice dropped low, everything about him making clear the threat he posed to all’. "What do you need me to do?"
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pommunist · 15 days
You're good about the missed anon ask, that just happens 😆. My feelings about wanting bald man loring again have not changed and I think all huevitos agree on this. I'm glad we got a little bit of behind the scenes yesterday (and a callout for wanting the cubito to perish, but well, streamer is right in his reasoning, so I'm not opposed to agree with it).
I think we have come to a clear conclusion that, we as a fandom agree that Qsmp as a concept itself was never the issue, it's QStudios the ones we do not trust. Up until the very end, they gave me no reason to trust them, as their actions, including yesterdays, give a message that does not show me that they really want to change their ways.
I would LOVE if they did change their ways, like, of course I want a better workplace and experience for everyone working there. But even if that was to happen, what has happened has been so much (and emotionally draining) that I do not think I would be willing to watch this 2nd season regardless of the outcome. When I say I'm done with QStudios, I'm straight up done and I don't want to go down that rabbit hole again.
I hope this gives more room for international and multi-cultural projects, as the demand it's clearly there and people do love it. I have watched a few SMPs that were inspired by Qsmp and have their lore, they're very fun. Just wished the live-translation was available for everyone instead of being gatekept by QStudios. It's the only thing missing.
(But I guess people would not come back if they just share around ''their thing.'' I don't know).
Also, godspeed to the Q fans calling out the bs those other ones within their fanbase are doing, because at this point, it's straight up childish behaviour.
- 🧁
Bad man loring come back…come back and maybe think of a happy ending for your next character….just maybe…
Also I’m glad fit cubito is alive when i said i wanted him to die so he wouldn’t have to go through the pain what i really meant was that i wanted him to die so that I wouldn’t through the pain of seeing ramon’s last sign, tazercraft graves, phil’s empty house…
see streamer this is why you started balding at age 24, your evil brain corrupted your scalp 😔
And I agree with everything you’re saying, trust is long gone for a lot of us and it may not come back even if everything is fixed (which there’s no reason to trust that will be the case too).
Like you anon, I’m done unless maybe if a miracle happens, because as the saying goes, fool me once blablablah. I’m already a clown anyway because at first I really thought things would get better 🤡 (Clown Down)
The translation mod being accessible would be amazing but as you said it’s probably not happening. I know a lot of people are sceptical about the use of a live translator because it means you don’t really have to learn each other languages, but I think it makes things easier, especially when you’re creating content. Personally wish that with translations we’d be able to see less english being used by default even if I see why it’s the case.
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intrusivepng · 9 months
hellooo i am Intrigued by the qsmp i keep hearing about things that are going on there and im like "oh i gotta get into this" so. where should i start with it. like should i go back and watch a bunch of vods or do i just hop in to whatevers going on now and worry about it later. and like who should i watch/start with
Omg hello!! First of all I’m honored you’ve come to me about this!! :D
I’ll link below the first and second part of a qsmp recap made by the qsmp itself! This is a good start if you don’t wanna go ALL the way back to the start of the server, as it has been a few months now!
There are a few certain days I would recommend watching VODS for! Ex. Cellbit and Roiers wedding, First egg adoption day, festa junina, election dinner, as well as the days the French or Brazilians arrived if you wanna get more in depth!
VODS are not a necessity though and there are plenty of people who will update you and/or gladly tell you what’s been happening! There are so many update accounts everywhere on different social medias too!
As for POVs that is entirely up to you! I would recommend at least 1 person per language but that is just a recommendation! It’s just how I do it to keep updated! But it’s not a necessity once again! There is also many different aspects! I enjoy more lore heavy people as well as people who stream for a LONG time! So keep those things in mind!
You can find so many people who watch the other povs to provide info though if you decide to only watch one or two!
Some lore heavy CC’s are Forever, Cellbit, and Max off of the top of my head
Some longer stream people are Foolish, Badboyhao, and Cellbit again off the top of my head
The people I watch in each language are:
English ( the largest one bcs it’s my native lol ) - Foolish, Philza, Niki, Fit, Tina, Jaiden, and Quackity
Spanish - Missa, Roier, Rivers, Pol, and Quackity
French - etoiles, baghera, Antoine
BR Portuguese - Tazercraft, Cellbit
Now a huge part of qsmp is the community !!
Not to BRAG but I am apart of a discord that is full of rlly cool people and we all update often as well as makes funny posts!!
Heres just a few eggworld people you should follow hehe
@cubitozinc @greaterspawnislands @mmyashas @marigoldmagpies @re-bi-vebur @popcornsalty @j810princess125 @thesmpisonfire
And here’s some other blogs eggworld recommends !!
@/zerosalt @/kadextra @/pixiecaps @/mikaikaika @/yb-cringe @/majora-is-lurking @/DISFRUTALAKIA @/ghlitchbee @/vynlets
If you have any more questions do not feel afraid to send another ask to me or any eggworld person !!!
This was a lot but the server is a lot lol
I hope you can have a good time in this fandom!! <33
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tomfrogisblue · 29 days
Some murder mystery theories coz I'm bored and sleepy (- with the disclaimer that I'm fuzzy on some of the recent lore, and that as these are in-universe lil fun things, so admins that are "indisposed" can be included)
- Long Ass Post Incoming -
- it was Sunny as revenge for Richas killing her dad that one time
- it was Creation for same reason as above, with the caveat that it has a list of people it would kill for the wellbeing of the people higher on the list, and Richas is a bunch lower than Sunny, it might also have a kinda loose understanding on th impact of death
- it was Bad (on accident/coz he thought it was funny) and his lil amnesiac brain has forgotten it was him
- it was Tazercraft so they could finally set up the Murder Mystery after a year of prepping (lmao)
- it was Roier in a moment of anger that no one realised he was gone and an imposter was in his body instead (let's go angstttttt)
- it was one of the other kids (Dapper or Ramón probably) working with Richas to set up the Murder Mystery for Tazercraft coz they got sick of waiting
- it was Cucu cos he's jealous of how much time Bad is spending with Richas instead of him lmao
- it was the bunnies for blowing up spawn (q!Bad's been shifting all the blame as usual)
- it was q!Charlie after only logging on for five minutes
- it was one of the long list of people whose mental state is doing real well - name a character and some angst bs has probably fucked them up at some point - and also possessions and body swaps with dangerous people and entities are fairly common so insert one of them, The Ender King or Doied for example. It's actually kinda funny how many characters have had a possession/corruption/insanity arc now I make a mental list - q!Etoiles and q!Charlie with their separate code corruption arcs technically count, q!Tina with her demononic suppression, maybe q!Fit with whatever happens to his character after being in that cave for months (HE IS STILL THERE)
- q!Cellbit finally completely lost it and reverted fully back to his f!Cell mindset - literally no one on the island is safe and q!Pac should just take a vacation at this point
- The French Sniper got him from the shadows (for fun)
- El Quackity finally turned the fuck back up and wanted some brownie points with Eyeball Man
- Pepito finally snapped and clapped back at Richas rip bozo lmao
- and, finally, it was El Mariana, for the shits and giggles, the Boogeyman finally got 'em (ya don't need a bath in the afterlife)
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youphoriaot7 · 8 months
QSMP RECAP : DAY 189 (9/29)
PAC sprinkled tazercraft chairs/items all around the server
BAGI warned us about upcoming lore
FIT found black concrete in pomme’s bedroom (no message)
cucurucho gave BAGI a wildlife research task. she refused it.
FIT had a serious increase in headaches
BAGI is not actually a vegetarian (wHAT???), she only did that to seem less threatening to the islanders
PAC showed bagi the prison (fit came too)
PAC, PIERRE, and BAGI found black concrete, a red sign (“je veux les protéger. vous me manquez :( <3” / “i want to protect them. i miss you <3), and a pair of butterfly wings
BAGI realized that the messages were placed at the same time they heard lightning
FIT showed phil his secret bedroom
FIT headed to bed (o7 q!fitmc you got this i bELIEVE IN YOU)
BBH gave pac cake (??? idk man this felt weirdly important-)
PAC fell asleep
FOOLISH told jaiden about his federation task
TUBBO received coordinates from fred to a new mailbox
FOREVER got his gun back!
cucurucho wished JAIDEN a happy birthday :’)
JAIDEN was led to a house (16k blocks out). inside the house were three rooms (01, 02, 03). inside she found a camera, a stack of paper, a bubble blower, an extendo grip, a slingshot, and a fire helmet (and a present that can’t be opened bc it was addressed wrong). cucurucho osito bimbo gave her a hug.
JAIDEN told cucurucho osito bimbo about bagi’s plans
BAGI began building a base of informations far away from spawn
BAGI refused cucurucho’s task
BAGHERA found pomme’s sign
cucurucho osito bimbo told JAIDEN he didn’t know where the eggs were
BAGHERA found books at the federation offices (one was a passcode reset for baghera’s childhood room, one was an old diary of hers talking about an escape plan) as well as some papers (each had snippets of coords, passcodes, words…)
BAGHERA found the finished report of the black box from the french plane (? or something? i’m not 100% sure but it related to the plane crash.)
BAGHERA found the coordinates to a “bio laboratory”
FOREVER shot cucurucho (i feel like that’s gonna be important.)
FOOLISH delivered the evidence to cucurucho (he said jaiden was his assistant and that tina and mouse helped inadvertently)
FOREVER and FOOLISH found the water tunnel where quackity drowned
BAGHERA argued a bit with bbh about ron
JAIDEN was given the task bagi refused (she accepted)
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