#Feral Orpess x Reader
Fic: Water of Life (Opress Bros x Reader)
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Opress Brothers x Reader Word Count: 6k Warnings: Dubious consent (if you're uncomfortable with situations involving penetrative sex while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, this is not for you), memory loss, substance use, ritual sex, anonymous sex, p in v, p in a, dps, poly, orgy, size difference, rough sex, primal play, ritual marking, stalking, power dynamics
Summary: A spiritual pilgrimage for Dathomir’s third moon festival requires little of its attendees: respect for the culture and respect for its rituals are paramount, and you must always do as the Nightbrothers say — but you know for certain, what is lost in the process never outweighs what’s gained…
Least of all when Lord Maul throws a party in honour of the old Gods.
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Please Read/A Further Warning: If you're uncomfortable with situations involving penetrative sex while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, this is not for you. The Reader experiences memory loss of the event, and while there is no doubt she consented, the description may prove triggering for some readers. The author does not condone or encourage the use of mind altering substances while engaging in sexual activities, and the descriptions of the power dynamic here do not reflect a real world BDSM relationship. This is purely a work of fiction with darker elements.
Notes and an excerpt below the cut 👇 | Read the fic on Ao3 👉
Notes: This is very much a response tailored to the particular request -- largely because the askee and I are friends and we share two particular interests: Star Wars and Sleep Token. To that ends, this story has been shaped by a couple of notable influences from its playlist, so if you’re unfamiliar but would like to be better acquainted, I suggest giving Jaws, The Offering, and The Summoning a listen. Worship.
You wake the next afternoon with Dathomir's sun already at a half slant, making a red slash across your legs. The sheets are a tangle, but somehow you made it back to bed the night before. Everything's mussy, bleary around the edges from too much blackroot tonic, your muscles sore from dancing around the bonfires that lit the mountains in a long chain --
Every peak ablaze.
And every window to every hut in the Night City had been lit up, the caves and quarters of the Nightbrothers offering libations for new friends and visitors alike gold and green in the night. The revels had lasted until morning, pathways through the grave thorns lit with candles and brazier light leading to secluded alcoves where your memories get a little hazy -- all you know is that you've never seen anything like it, any place else in the galaxy.
Lord Maul really knows how to throw a party.
The thought brings a smile to your face, even though you haven't seen the man -- more a legend by the way the Nightbrothers speak of him: he's the one responsible for Dathomir's restoration, but he doesn't partake of the third moon festival. He's yet to make an appearance, as far as you know, but there are plenty of Nightbrothers, all of them keen on demonstrating their artistry in the games, many looking for partners to dance with, to play host to visitors wanting a taste of the authentic, revived Dathomiri magical traditions -- and your hosts have been more than accommodating.
Everyone is looking for something, that’s why you've come here. What you don’t yet know is the question, though you’re sure there’s an answer:
Something missing. You’re sure here you’ll find it. Whatever it is.
You shift, the sheets slipping, and realize you might've gone overboard on your very first day. Everything aches, your muscles sore from all night spent in the grave thorns and the caves, and you're tender in places you hadn't expected -- your breasts, your thighs too. Your shirt shifts and that's when you notice something's different -- there's paint striped everywhere across your body beneath your sleeping clothes.
Gold and smeary and shimmering, like you'd cuddled up to somebody painted with those pretty sigils the Nightbrothers use to invoke virility, prowess, and stamina in the hunt --
A memory flickers, there and gone like a moth against a candle and back to the darkness.
You swallow, the soreness registering as something not so awful because maybe there's a reason your clit feels so tender. Like someone lavished it with affection, leaving your cunt warm and wet, eased open for whatever came next.
Your body throbs with the disconnect, and like a ghost, you can map the places where someone touched and squeezed, offering pleasure in exchange for your memories of the event, because while you remember a body to whom you enthusiastically consented, his face is a blank in your memory.
A glance at the bedside mirror reveals finger streaks across your throat to your chest, and following the mark, you remember the weight of that hand undoing the straps of your dress. Fabric pooling around your feet in one of the caves where the brazier light made oil-slicked muscles shimmer. Gold and ochre. Gold eyes in a masked face.
Parting your legs, there's a little shimmer on your inner thighs too. A peek down your shirt reveals gold smudges on your breast and belly, and something flickers on the periphery of your awareness, rising like a vision from the depths:
Teeth against your neck. A heavy cock between your legs. And you, breathless and desperate, clawing marks up a Nightbrother's back as he braced you with gold-painted hips, the rough praises offered in whispers as he slipped you down each of his three ridges like something sacred --
No names. No faces.
Read the rest on Ao3 >
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" I need three full days" had me 👀💦 mountain man take me by the hand! 😂
Oh my gosh and feral, the way you write him with that very natural rizz. I love it so much.
And maul. The way you write him is so deliciously dark and tempting. ❤️❤️❤️
I just hold my phone and swoon every time I read your work.
Compliments aren't necessary to get more work out of me, but occasionally it can be quite effective. Thanks for this.
A couple of scenarios I've thought about maybe a bit too much:
Three Brothers/Three Dates Pairings: Feral x Reader (gn), Savage Opress x Reader (gn), Maul x Reader (f!) Rating: Mature Warnings: Sexually suggestive/nothing explicit
Feral: Tell him something is forbidden and he'll make it his prerogative to investigate. He's not afraid to show you the former Nightsister Lair (boarded over), the broken altar (definitely off-limits), and the ring of tombs belonging to the former Mothers (decidedly not on the tourist brochure.) Says he'll keep you safe from the dark things that dwell beneath the mountain when he spreads out a romantic picnic, the light from the pools of ichor painting everything grey and green. Glow worms cling to the ceiling in the caves. It's quiet. It's private. It's just you two, alone in a place where only the bravest Nightbrothers bring their paramours for a little light necking. You nestle closer, certain he'll protect you, and you never mention a thing when he threads his fingers through yours -- even if they're sweating a little.
Savage: All about reviving Nightbrother culture in the aftermath of Maul's return. Traditionalist. Book of Shadows Thumper. Set on reclaiming everything that was lost "so that younger generations can learn from what we've endured." Knows every inch of Dathomir from the Dreaming River to the Whispering Caverns, up to the highest peaks where Gorgara once nested. Loves a stroll through places most treacherous -- the highest gorges, the steepest canyons -- mostly because he enjoys the feeling of your body pressed to his, breathless and dizzy from the view as you clutch at him. Savage likes holding your hand and helping you across the stones and broken trees that litter the forests, showing you the parts of his people's history that are still thriving despite all odds. It's part of him -- he says its transformative, and there's something magical in the way his firebright gaze catches the Domir's rays, overlooking it all with his arm around your waist. He sees Dathomir's potential. He believes in it with a fervour, and it's catching, because you can almost see his vision when he points out where he'll build your house someday -- right there in the valley of those mountains -- with his own two hands.
Maul: Has never been one for public displays, but like the shadow he is, the glide of his body around yours from engagement to conversation is a dance that leaves you dizzied with yearning for him -- and there's no question to whom you belong: he's never far, circling you like a binary star as the night's revels turn to enticements beyond the dining and the music and conversation. The syndicate presence on Dathomir offers many diversions, and it's not all work as one would have you believe. Evenings are for revelry as much as they are making new business dealings, enjoying the spoils of your efforts across the galaxy in secrecy. And he is the perfect consort: swathed in black fineries that reveal his Nightbrother markings. Long robes and a trim waist, and you are dressed to match him -- a subconscious effort to claim your place at his side, perhaps, but it's his penumbral presence that really stakes a claim. Those small gestures and possessive touches to your elbow, your shoulder, the small of your back as the night falls over the mountains are the most telling -- leaving you firebright with wanting when the graze of fingertips across your palm turn teasing, his breath on the back of your neck, his murmured promises for later when you'll be alone with him once more. No one dares interrupt your private tete a tetes between flutes of champagne, and yet everyone notices the way his gaze smoulders when he watches you take little sips of that sparkling liquid -- as if he knows intimately the feeling of such a tender press of flesh to something so cold and unyielding.
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There is a whispered rumour circuiting amongst the Nightspeople of Dathomir of a private, dark sanctuary reserved for those with particular tastes... a place where one might indulge in their peculiar affinities in secret.
A speakeasy, so I hear.
True enough, I've seen the red door appear once or twice. It's carved directly into the mountainside, a sigil carved into the wood:
Maybe it is a blessing, maybe a portent.
One thing is certain, however, no soul may be admitted unless they know the password.
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