guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
Feeling better (Fem!BellxGreta Keller)
Just after returning at the E9 Safehouse after capturing Volkov, Greta Keller is somehow worried about Bell's state and ask Adler if it's possible to take her out for a night !
Warning : Little Smut !
----------------------- A long night was finished for Adler's team !
They succeeded in their mission in East-Berlin to get their hands on Anton Volkov, a Russian mobster working for Perseus. The guy was maybe an dick but capturing him was going to give the MI6 a good & comfortable undercover positions in the other side of the Iron Curtain & and on Perseus's various operations. Adler wanted him dead but Bell decided otherwise as she was with the MI6 and with Park on the idea to capture him. Of course, they also succeed on getting their hands on the infos that Franz Kraus was going to give him but now, it was time to get out of East-Berlin to return to the E9 safehouse in the other side of the city.
During that mission, the team were helped by Greta Keller, Hudson's contact inside the BND, that helped them to have some intels about Kraus. Her help was just limited to giving the team these intels and that was it but nothing could have predict that she was going to be captured by Kraus himself as she has tried to follow him back to this apartment and found herself tied up in his secret dark room hidden in his office. She was pleading for her life when Bell somehow entered the apartment to find his briefcase. Bell was just supposed to plant a tracker in it and get away but noices coming from a cupboard brought her attention and finally found Keller but it was too late to free her as Bell was knocked out by behind by Kraus. Now, they were in the same situation !
Founding them tied up in Volkov's warehouse was for them, the end of it but like guardians angels, the team arrived in time to save them from their deaths. They were both relieved to be saved and now they could finally breathe without being tied up with a rope. The mission was done and everyone were going to come back to the safehouse. But there were something that were preoccupying Keller for a reason...something about Bell. Even if Bell was smiling, Keller saw that there were something wrong about her and that she wasn't feeling good at all. Keller knew of the true identiy of Bell like everyone else but she saw that Bell was not feeling comfortable around the team.....something was bothering her. It all begins when she met Bell back in that bar, the discussion was nice but Bell's voice during it put questions inside Keller's mind.
What's wrong with her ?
She was asking to herself that question during the way back to the E9 Safehouse as she was obliged to follow the team because her position in East-Berlin was compromised by a double agent in the BND. During the way inside the van drived by Lawrence Sims, Keller was looking sometimes Bell to see how she was feeling. Bell was either avoiding contact with the others or trying to be silent when she was asked about something like if her state didn't want her to talk and that's the thing Keller was concerned. Park tried sometimes to talk with Bell but Bell was very evasive in her voice. The others tried to put her in the discussion they were having but each time, she was withdrawing herself from it. It was strange, very strange !
After dropping Volkov to the MI6 as a 'little gift', the team was finally back at the safehouse, it was time for everyone to get some rest....a well-deserved rest but not for everyone for the moment. As Lazar and Sims decided to leave the others to be the firsts to have some sleeps, Adler stayed at his desk to make some writing, especially to make reports of their mission they just had. Park was accompanying Bell to the medical room to treat the wounds she received during the fight in the warehouse but also those she had got by Volkov. Keller was.....well.....this place wasn't somewhere she wanted to stay any longer but as her position in East-Berlin was compromised, she had no choice but to stay here until her superiors call her to relocate her in a new mission.
She was still in the same place as everyone went on their own ways, she still has her question in mind about Bell but not having her answer was....stressing her out, she couldn't explain how, the only thing now was to ask. As Bell was occupied with Park, Keller's only way to have something concrete was to see Adler himself. She decide after thinking for a few minutes, to see him. She moved at his desk when he had just finished to write his report when he saw her walking to him
"Miss Keller." He said as he put his head up
"Sir." She stopped just near the desk, not wanting to be too close to this man
"Please, call me Adler." He put his hand on a cigarette pack where he go out a cigarette before looking back to her "Smoke ?"
"Sorry, I have my own, Adler." She replied, gesturing her refusal "And I only smoke german ones."
"You want something ?" He light up his cigarette
"Well, I wanted to know about my status because I've been compromised back in East-Berlin and....I don't know where to go right now." She scratched the back of her head with her left hand as she rolled her eyes. That was one of the things she wanted to know but not the most important. "I suppose I had to wait here ?" She added "Right ?"
"Right now, it's too late to call your bosses." He raised his eyebrow with a little smile "So yeah, you will have to stay here for the moment."
"Am I supposed to sleep on the ground ?" She joked
"Haha, funny" He laughed "We got free beds in the back, so feel yourself at home."
And then, it was the silence between the two,only the sound of the rain was heard outside in the whole room, they both looked away from each other avoiding after Adler's little reply. Then, after two minutes of complete silence, Greta decided to ask....what she wanted to know. Let's hope she will have her answer. It's all she wanted to know.
"So, Adler" She started "About Bell...." She didn't have time to finish that Adler at hearing this name, turned around to look at her
"What do you want to know about Bell ?" He asked, concerned and slightly raising his eyebrow again, this time without a smile
"I know the truth about her but there's something that is preoccupying me right now." She looked at the door of the medical room, hoping that Bell will not come out by surprise
"You....you worried about her ?" He smirked
"Why ? I shouldn't be worried ?" She looked back at him with naworred eyes
"We all know who is she, so-" He cut himself out before looking Greta in the eyes "Anyway, why are you worried about her ?"
"I think that she's not feeling well. During my discussion back in that bar 2 hours ago, she wasn't at 100% of her moral like if something was disturbing her." Her words was some sort of making Adler realize that what she was saying was right.
"Yeah, you're right." He put his cigarette on the desk "Bell was dizzy before we left here to get to the U-Bahn."
"Is this...linked to the fact she was drugged ?" Greta knew that Bell was brainwashed, she knew that Bell was needed to be drugged to be sure that she stay well but she wasn't approving that sort of things on her. But if Bell still feel weird, it is because of the meds the others gave her ?
"I don't know." He said honestely "I tried to ask what she had and that we had a job to do but she told me....to go fuck myself ! Hopefully, Park was here to get her back on tracks." He added, using a sarcastic tone at the end
"Maybe something according to her personal life ?"
"I don't know, miss Keller."
Keller wasn't sure to ask the thing she wanted to tell right now but it was too late and fuck it, it's better to tell it than keep it for herself. She breathe a little and then, she was ready !
"Can I take her out for....a drink ?"
Hearing this make Adler cough all the smoke of his cigarette out of his mouth. He patted himself on the chest to take back his breath and when it was done, he looked Greta back with incomprehesion on his face. He never though that she will ask something like that.
"What ?" He simply said
"You heard me good enough, Adler" She crossed her arms, she know that he heard her well "I want, if it's possible, to take Bell for a little drink."
"You're asking me to let my asset with you for a night ?"
"Your asset, like you said, is a human being" She put her hands on his desk at listening at this "If you want her to be fully operational, give me the night to make her feeling good."
"And where do you want to go with her ?"
"I know a place, that will be just me & her."
"Well, if you want that...." He stopped himself at the sound of a door opening started to be heard "Ask her by yourself."
Greta looked behind her : it was the medical room door that was opening. Bell was the first one to get out of the room, she has some dressings on her face, covering the multiple cuts she received. She was smiling but Greta could see that this smile was a fake one as her face been all white betrayed her true state. Greta was the only one to see it. Park was following Bell and then closed the door behind her. Greta turned her back to see Adler and to faint a discussion but she realize that he left his desk without having her to notice it. She was now alone.
"See ? Told you that I'm the girl to heal you !" Park exclaimed to Bell
"Thanks, Park." Bell replied, looking at her "Appreciated it."
"Hey, Greta, still here ?" Park said, having spotted Greta near Adler's office
"Yeah, need to stay here until tomorrow." Greta responded
"Ok." Park looked back at Bell "We're going to sleep now, we all tired."
"I.....I"m not tired, Park." Bell said "I maybe going to check things on my desk."
"Bell, what did I told you ?" Park rolled her eyes, in a lovely voice "You need to rest, it's been two days you didn't sleep."
"I'm okay." Bell muttered "No need to worry." Park was looking at her worried but anyway, since Bell doesn't want to sleep, she couldn't argue more with her. It was better for Park to let her alone
"Well." Greta was surprised when Park landed a little kiss on Bell's cheek that wasn't wounded and then walked away to the dorm. "Good night, Bell....and you too, Greta." Bell was also surprised by her gesture but that didn't change her state and she wasn't feeling better.
Now, Greta was alone with Bell....just with Bell. The two didn't move from their positions and no one talked. After a few moments, Bell decided to move to her desk while Greta stayed near Adler's desk, leaned against it, arms crossed. Her gaze fall on Bell when she arrived at her desk and start to write on some papers. Greta was seeing someone that was too much focused on work....maybe that was the thing that was disturbing her ? But as Greta was looking at her, Bell was kinda feeling weird to be observed by an woman she didn't really know. Finally, after 5 minutes, Bell called her out.
"You....you want something ?" Bell asked, confused in her voice as she was still working and not looking away
"I....uh....no...I mean, yes." Greta couldn't find her words, troubled to find out that Bell knew she was watched "It's about you." Bell look at her slowly
"About me ?" She said as she raised an eyebrow
"Yes, about you, Bell." She walked a little, away from Adler's desk "I'm worried about you."
"Why ?" Bell told her
"I saw through you.....you're not feeling well....more bad than good."
"How did you see that ?"
"You tried to hide it multiples times but I could see it : your face...your eyes were betraying you. Our discussion in that bar showed it to me....and Adler told me."
"What did he told you ?" Bell got up from her chair and faced Keller, she clenches her fists and jaw putting some scares to Greta who step backwards but too late as Bell grabbed Greta by her coat collar and put her against the wall "Don't tell me that he said it to you."
"He said...." She tried to find her words but having someone who grabbed her and looking threatening wasn't helping at all "He said that you told him to go fuck himself" She joked, hoping to calm the situation down "He saw you were not well but you pushed him away."
"So he didn't tell you everything." Bell finally released Greta, relieving her
"Everything ?" Greta asked "What do you mean ?"
"You don't want to know." Bell turned her back around but she didn't walk away. Greta hesitated but she put her hand on Bell's shoulder.
"Bell, I'm asking because I want to help you." Bell, feeling Greta's hand on her shoulder removed it delicately without been brutal to her
"It's not something I want to talk here." Bell moved to get to Adler's desk, she grabbed a key from his desk and then turned back to Greta "Let's go somewhere else, we'll talk about it."
"You changed your mind ?" Greta was very surprised that Bell agreed to talk
"Just follow me, okay ?"
And then, without hesitating, Greta started to follow Bell outside where the rain was still falling down but having see her grabbing keys meaned that Bell wanted to go somewhere else, away from that place. Bell walked out to the same van they used to get out of East-Berlin where she ordered Greta to get in. If Greta wanted responses, she will have them. But Greta was still suspicious about what Bell wanted to do with her. She was the one who planned to take her out for a drink and now, Bell was the one to do it. She, of course, tried to know where Bell wanted to go but the only response that came in was 'somewhere quiet'.
After starting the van, Bell drove away from the safehouse with Greta at her side. What she has in mind was too precious to be told in the safehouse and she wanted to go somewhere else to clean up her mind. The drive didn't last long in fact. Bell stopped the van in a forest, still in West-Berlin, they were near the Havel river in a secluded place, away from the eyes of everyone else. Bell even stopped the van backward against the river to make sure to have a beautiful view on it and by luck, the rain stopped dropping in the sector. After that, Bell walked away from the driver seat and got behind when she opened the backdoors and then, sit on the edge of the van.
Greta was a little worried that Bell brought her to that place but anyway, she will have her answers there. She joined Bell by sitting next to her.
"So....what are we doing here ?" Greta asked
"You said you wanted to know why I'm feeling weird." Bell rolled her eyes, it was obvious...very obvious that she wanted to say it "You'll know."
"It's okay, I'm...ready to hear it." Greta said. Bell looked at her for a few instants and then back at looking at the horizon, she took a deep breath before starting.
"All these years inside the MI6, we've been told that....love is the worst thing to do because that got you attached to things." She started "I never fall in love because of that advice. I was never loved in my life."
"I'm sorry to hear that, that's very hard for you." Greta put her hand on Bell's shoulder again but this time, Bell didn't remove it.
"I felt so stupid to have listened to this advice but I'm not feeling well since I.....uhm.....fell in love." Bell crossed her arms
"You don't need to feel weird, Bell." Greta said with a smile, trying to reconfort her "Love is a normal thing to have."
"I don't know if I should consider it as a compliment but thanks."
"And.....sorry to be indiscreet but....who's the lucky guy ?"
"It's Park !"
Wow....Greta was quite surprised to hear that.....Bell was not loving a guy, it was about a women all along and it was about Park. Bell was feeling weak and dizzy because of the feelings she catch for the British spy.
"Wait, you're talking about Helen Park, right ?" Greta removed her hand, her eyes went wide "THE Helen A. Park ?"
"Of course, who do you think I was talking about ?
"But why are you not feeling okay ?"
"Because I don't know if she's feeling the same right like me." Bell started to have some tears from her eyes. Greta just saw the hidden side of Bell : a woman troubled by her choices and the opinions of the others. "I'm different."
"Bell, don't say that."
"I'm a woman loving another woman and people around me said that that's not how it works." Her voice was cracking just by saying that "I'm a lesbian, that's why I'm not okay."
'I'm sorry."
"Adler always put out jokes about me and how I'm feeling. It's....starting to be too much for me. It all started back in Vietnam....and it all begin again when he came back."
"So, that's why you told him to go fuck himself ?" Greta tried to make her laugh a little and that worked
"Yeah, I had enough of him." Bell sighed, she cleaned up her mind but she didn't want to leave that place "Why I'm so different, Keller ?"
"Bell, you don't need to give a fuck about what the others say about that." Greta exclaimed "The only thing that count is that how you see things." She wrapped her hands around Bell's ones "That's how I feeling right now."
"What do you mean ?" Bell asked, confused of Greta's moves
"I'm like you, Bell. It's hard to tell the others how you're really feel about them....I also love women." She smile "I also faced the same things.....just like you."
"But, I don't know how I can say that and what can I do."
"Meaning ?"
"I was never loved, I never kissed a girl.....I never had sex." Bell sighed again in desperation "I'm not made for love."
"Bell." Greta moved her hands to put them on Bell's shoulders "Look at me." Bell complied and they both looked at each other. They were both looking troubled but then, without hesitation, Greta leaned forward and put her lips on top of Bell's ones. She didn't know she was going to do it but seeing Bell like that, she knew she had to do it anyway. Bell was very surprised at this. She didn't close her eyes or even moved her lips away. Her heart was pounding faster at this moment : it was her first kiss in her entire life....and the one who was kissing wasn't the one she loved. At this realization, Bell withdrawed from the kiss.
"What....what did you do ?" She asked, trembling
"I kissed you, Bell."
"But why ? You know that...I love Park."
"I want you to feel better, Bell." Greta looked away, ashamed "I'm sorry if that did disturbed you." She started to move away from Bell "We should get back to the others."
"No, wait" Bell take Greta's arm with her hands stopping her "I want to feel better."
"What do you mean ?"
"You know it well.....please."
"Bell, I don't know if it's a good idea to be sure."
"Just....please, I want to know how that happens." Greta wasn't so sure to do that but finally, she resigned herself and let Bell make her sit back again next to her. Bell wanted to know it but she didn't have the strengh to do it by herself "Please....kiss me again."
Greta could only give a little smile before she moved again and their lips met again. This time, Bell indeed moved to kiss her too. This wasn't a simple kiss on the lips now, their tongues were now intertwined each other. Bell put her hands around Greta's waist as Greta put her hands on Bell's face. She wanted to give her the best kiss to make sure she remember a good memory of it and to make sure for her to know that they were both alike. The kiss were so intense that the two fall back inside the van, Greta finding herself on top of Bell. The two stopped the kiss to take a breath and the two were happy....mostly Bell.
Greta removed her jacket on the side and closed the back doors of the van, Bell was looking at her with lovely eyes, she was discovering more about the German spy and the fact that this woman, in front of her, who became her first experience in kissing, was making her proud but Bell didn't want to stop now, there were so much to know about. As Greta was going to go for another kiss, Bell stopped her.
"Greta, I....I....I want to do this." Bell said, her voice sounding exhausted
"You want to have sex ?" Greta asked
"Yes, show me." Bell took Greta's left hand and put it just on her scrotch "Show me how I can really feel in love."
"Bell, I don't know....and Park ?" Greta didn't wanted to make Bell fall in love with her, she knew that she will not see Bell again after this night, only kissing for her was the thing to do. She wanted to reconfort her, nothing else but as Greta told her that Bell start to have some tears coming out of her eyes. "Please, don't cry....please." Greta was really touched by Bell right now, she cleaned up the tears with her other hand....and also her start to have some tears too. For the first time, Greta was helping someone to feel better and she was refusing her proposal to go further and after seeing Bell's reaction, she knew that she will not be at 100% for the future and that she will never tell her feelings to Park.
"Greta, help me." Bell's voice was cracking under the weight of the emotions
"Bell, I..." Greta voice's too, she couldn't refuse anymore. "Ok, I will but...."
"But ?"
"I will be the only one to do it, okay ? I don't want you to fall in love with me." Greta pass her hand through Bell's hair
"Why ?"
"Because after that night, we will not see each other again and I can't afford it." Greta was telling the truth. "You're not loving me, you're loving Park, not me."
"I just want to know, Greta."
"Bell, If I let you do this to me, you're risking to catch feelings for me and I don't want it. I don't want to take that risk." Greta's hand after passing through Bell's hair, get on Bell's cheek, slowly stroking it "You don't deserve me."
"Just do it, please." Bell finally resigned to Greta's proposition, she didn't want to take that risk too after what Greta told her. When Greta kissed her, Bell first thought that she was the one to love but now that Greta will never return to the safehouse again, she realize that she was threatening her own feelings for Park. She is always there for Bell and Bell didn't want to lose her. "I promise."
"You promise ?"
"I do."
"Ok, I need you to relax now." Greta moved away to get at the same level of Bell's pants "Relax, let me take care of you." She started to remove them slowly, being giving a little help from Bell and after a few seconds, the pants were removed, Bell decided to kept her shoes because of the cold floor of the van. Greta was giving a look at Bell's face, not wanting to hurt her. "Tell me if you want me to stop." Greta could discover Bell's underwear and it was lovely....too lovely to remove, she decided to put the underwear part covering Bell's clit to the side. Before starting, Greta took a last look to Bell, she was panicking. "Bell, don't panick, I'm here."
"Please." Bell breathed
Greta started before to blow some air onto Bell's clit, teasing her a little bit and then, she begins. She leaned forward and start to lick her clit from up to bottom. Feeling Greta's tongue alongside her pussy was giving Bell some chills inside her body. Her hands was holding the floor firmly as she was taken away by Greta. Wow....the only thing Bell was thinking right now. Everything was amazing right now for her, she couldn't think straight but she's sure as hell to love this moment.
"Bloody hell." Bell moaned in pleasure as Greta started to lick more faster
"Don't panick." Greta stopped herself but she wasn't stopping to take a breath but in fact, she told her that because as soon she finished, she started to brought her index finger inside Bell's clit, making Bell jump a little but she calmed herself as Greta ordered.
Everything Greta was doing was filling Bell with more pleasure and more lust than she never had before. The moanings were becoming loud as Greta licked faster and was fingering her at the same time, it was amazing. She never thought that she will be doing her first time with someone she only met hours ago and she realize that she was like her. She wouldn't wanted this to stop, the moment were too beautiful to stop, her heart pounding faster.
"Fuck, Greta..." Bell exclaimed, filled with all the pleasure she wanted but then, she was starting to get more close to something she never had before : orgasm. "Greta, I...I'm feeling...." Bell never felt such thing and when she said that, Greta stopped and get back at her level
"It's okay." Greta smiled before getting her lips back into the top of Bell's one while she was still stroking Bell's clit with her hand, rapidly. Getting kissed and stroked at the same time....well that was giving the best from Bell and finally after at least 30 seconds, Bell finally released everything she had and squirt on the van floor. Greta withdrawed from the kiss to let Bell see what was happening. Bell was taking back her breath, relieved to finally enjoy herself with a woman. She waited all of her life for this moment.
As they were finally finished, Greta give Bell a last little kiss on her lips.
"Greta...thanks you." Bell put her hand on Greta's cheek but then, she started crying again
"Bell, what's wrong ?" Greta asked, worried
"I shouldn't ask you, I'm sorry." Bell was feeling sorry because even she was finally able to have a little bit of sex, something inside of her hoped to have waited
"Don't say that." Greta could only lay down next to Bell. Bell, seeing her, moved her arms to hug Greta, still crying and putting her head on her chest "Why are you crying ?"
"I....I wanted to do this with Park, I shouldn't do it now."
"Bell, it's okay, you don't need to worry about her" She wrapped her arm around Bell "I'm sure that Park loves you."
"What can make you think that ?"
"I know Park very well to know when she's in love with someone. Why do you think she's still with you since you arrived ?"
"That doesn't-"
"Everything was here : that kiss she gave you on the cheek, the fact that she's worried about you. Park....love you." Greta was right, she know Park enough to tell the truth to Bell "She's like you, she doesn't know if you're like her too."
"You're sure ?"
"Of course, Bell. I saw it the first time I saw you two together !"
"Thanks you....thank you !" Bell was a little bit of disoriented right now, she just wanted to have sleep now, she didn't sleep for 2 days. "Greta, can we....can we sleep here ?" Bell asked, not sure "I don't want to return back to the safehouse for the moment."
"Bell, it's okay." Greta put her arms around Bell "We have the night for both of us to talk about anything you want."
"I just want to sleep." Bell closed her eyes "I want to think about Park."
"It's okay !"
Bell closed her eyes, she spent 2 two days non-stop to decrypt files, to kill bad guys and to capture a Perseus agent and finally finished these 2 days by discovering what was love with Greta Keller, something she never had the pleasure in her life but thanks to her, that pleasure was given. Greta showed her that her feelings with Park were real and just helped to make her feel better. Bell couldn't be more thankful than with anyone else. Greta was pleased to have help Bell in a difficult moment. Even if Adler was considering Bell as an asset, Greta saw her like just any human being with a heart....a heart that wanted to shout her true feelings about herself. Both women were happy and could finally slept in each other arms. It was just a way for both women to say to each other that this night means a lot for them.
Bell could finally feel better !
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Jughead Jones x Fem!Reader- Rapunzel- Part 2
(Part 1)
Warnings: Abusive Parenting, minor fighting, swears
Second and Third Person used
Words: 1732
“We’ll just go to Pop’s, nowhere special, but come on Rap, you need to get out of here. You can’t spend your entire life cooped up in there. So just come with me. You told me your mom won’t be home until tomorrow, we have time,” he persuaded and you sighed before nodding, grabbing his hand. He helped you down the ladder, your heart pounding and body shaking, both from excitement and terror.
But there was no turning back now.
As you hit the bottom of the ladder you sighed, breathing deeply to calm yourself. You grinned a bit, wiggling your toes in the grass beneath your bare feet, giggling a bit. You hadn’t felt this since you were a little kid and had run out the door. Something you had paid for dearly, and had never felt again no matter how badly you wanted to.
Jughead watched you for a moment, admiring the look of pure joy on your face as you felt the grass beneath your feet. the way you lit up when you were on the ground, and he loved the giggles that escaped your lips. This was a moment he was sure he would write about later on. But then he frowned a bit.
“Do you not have any shoes?” he asked and you blushed, shaking your head as you carefully played with your hair that you had braided.
“Why would I have shoes when I’m not allowed outside to use them?” you asked softly and he nodded in understanding before smiling, taking your arm, an idea settling into his mind.
“Betty probably has some, we can borrow some from her until we can get you some new ones,” he said and you beamed, nodding your head as you took off with him. That was the start of the new chapter of your life.
From that point on every time your mother would leave on a trip you would go out with the four. V had bought you shoes for when the four of you would go out. You and Ronnie loved to walk around town or the park, she taught you how to do makeup and she loved to throw on music and ‘teach’ you how to dance.
Betty would help you study and stay on top of the schooling and loved to sit and watch movies or write with you. She was one for just a cup of coffee and talking or quiet evenings at home.
Archie would play songs for you and you would sing or you would learn different video games or sports.
And Jughead, Jughead was there for all of it. The two of you were inseparable when you left your house, and even when you were home you would often have your internet open with a facebook chat going with him. The only time it was closed was when you had to log out, delete the history, and allow your mother to use the laptop.
It was stressful and terrifying, but worth it. Especially when you found you were falling for him, and you didn’t know but him for you as well.
Both of you were terrified of it. Him terrified of losing you, terrified of feeling this way, terrified of what it would mean, how it would end up. Though of course the other girls in the group had noticed, and had been pressuring him since before even he had realized his feelings.
You were terrified of your mother, terrified of the repercussions.Terrified of her being right, terrified of the new life you had created crumbling down. While the girls had noticed your feelings as well, they knew that they would have better luck with Jughead making the first move.
But finding that you didn’t care. The more you stayed with your friends the more you realized she was in the wrong. The more that you didn’t care about the rebellion. The more that you wanted out of there. You had almost done it a few times, agreed to go to Kevin’s dad. Until you went back and she roped you back in. It was harder and harder to go back every time, but it was an inevitability. You always went back, you always pretended to be the perfect daughter your mother wanted.
Jughead knew of your struggles, and he understood them, constantly carefully telling you you needed to get out of there. That you could talk to Sheriff Keller, that you could stay with B or V or anyone really.That you weren’t alone, that you didn’t need to seclude yourself. It was because of him that the pooling of guilt in your gut that you felt every time you went out decreased and decreased.
But you couldn’t leave. Not yet anyway. You were still too scared of what was to happen. Escaping for the weekends was enough to keep you going, to keep you sane for now. She didn’t need to know what you had been doing. It would be fine.
Until it all caught up with you. God did it all catch up with you.
You were at Pop’s, Jughead seeming to be overtly nervous, a milkshake being split between the two of you and you sighed, resting your hand on his arm.
“If you’re worried about my mom she won’t be home until tomorrow night, we have plenty of time,” you said softly, your free hand tugging at your braid.
“I know, that’s not what I’m thinking about, don’t worry Rapunzel, you’ll make your hair fall out,” he said and you rolled your eyes again at the nickname you had become so fond of.
“Like I care much about this mess,” you said, sighing as you ran your hand over the braid again. Jughead knew better than to ask you why you didn’t cut it. He knew the story, you had told him a couple of times, and each time his blood would boil with anger. But because you always asked him to, he did nothing.
“But seriously Charming, whats on your mind?” you asked, kicking his shin lightly under the table, a blush on his face.
“Youre not going to give that one up are you?” he asked and you beamed, shaking your head.
“Not until you stop the Rapunzel thing,” you said and he rolled his eyes. You ignored this, asking him again what was wrong.
“It’s nothing, I just have been meaning to tell you something-” he said and just before he got the courage to do what he had been wanting to, to do what V, and B and Archie had all been pressuring him into, the bell to alert them someone had entered the diner rang and your face paled.
There in the door of the diner was your mother, your laptop in hand and a look of fury on her face. A look of fury that got more intense the second her eyes landed on Jughead sitting across from you, your hand on his arm.
“(Y/N), come with me. Now,” she stated and you went to obey when you felt Jughead’s hand under yours. You squeezed his hand lightly as your voice came out soft.
“No,” you said, not looking at her, a defiance building in your gut.
“What did you just say?” she asked and you looked at he this time as you spoke, the words tumbling from your lips.
“I said no. I won’t be going anywhere with you,” you said and her gaze hardened.
“So you think he’s going to protect you? He’s just going to leave you. Like everyone else will,” she snarled and you began to feel your resolve crumbling.
“Just like you’re about to leave her?” Jughead asked in anger, getting up from the booth. Your mother looked at him and she laughed.
“She’s the one choosing to leave,” she said and you shook your head.
“Maybe, but that’s because I’m choosing someone who actually cares about me, instead of someone looking to keep me as a trophy or a doll,” you said, clenching your fists.
“He’ll leave you, just like everyone else,” she said and you shook your head. In that moment she reached over and tugged your hair towards her angrily, effectively pulling you out of your booth seat.
That was the final straw and Jughead jumped from his seat, shoving her off of you.
“I care about her more than you ever will, you want a prisoner to control. Come near her again, or there will be consequences,” he said with anger and with that Pop came around the counter and nodded.
“Everything that happened here is on security tapes. I would suggest you leave,” the man said and you felt some relief as you watched her leave.
“She isn’t going to stop Jug,” you said softly and he shook his head, taking your hand.
“We can deal with whatever shit she pulls. You’re not going back there,” he said and you smiled, squeezing his hand and leading him back to the booth to sit. Before you could climb in though he put his hand on your face lightly and you frowned, feeling butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“I’m proud of you,” he said and you smiled, nodding your head.
“You did most of the work there Charming,” you mumbled and he rolled his eyes.
“You still stood up to her,” he said and you nodded, smiling and looking in his eyes. you were overcome with the adrenaline of what happened and suddenly you were leaning forward, catching his lips with yours. It was a slightly awkward kiss but neither of you cared, both clutching each other and enjoying the feel of it. The kiss that lit you both alight, that caused more emotion that you had ever expected to feel. You were completely engrossed in each other, and you didn’t even notice the group in the background cheering.
Months later you sat in Veronica’s room, looking yourself in the mirror. You had moved in with her after the falling out, and had been doing your best to pull your weight. Your mother had tried to fight for you, but quickly lost and you found yourself enrolled in school, surrounded by friends, and happier than you had ever been.
You still worried about things, and still felt terrified of your mother’s return but you were slowly, with the aid of your friends getting past it and adjusting. This was your time. This was it. It was time to move forward.
Jughead stood behind you, a wide smile on his face as he looked you in the eye through the reflection.
“You sure you’re ready for this?” he asked you softly, squeezing your shoulder and you nodded, clutching the scissors in your hand and gently lifting it to your hair. You picked the length and smiled as you made the first, freeing snip.
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