jacksothereye · 3 years
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Bad Kids in Goodneighbor
In which we were trying to make a height comparison between our OCs, didn’t, but wound up having a pretty damn fun afternoon anyway.
Featuring, in no sensical order:  - The dudebro voted ‘most likely to give the best hugs’ [Brendan] - A guy who can kick very hard with one leg [Max] - “What do you mean I’m wearing too much eyeliner?” [Juaco] - Caspian “He’s not old his hair is just silver and also he’s old” Serapis [Cas] - One tall bastard who would rather be anywhere else [Muds]
Extra special thanks to @figlandia and @kemendin for letting me borrow Max and Cas for ridiculous purposes. And a bonus thank you to @deeafrotailmisstress for the moral support in voice chat!
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