#Everyone meet Lee-- The person Kyung shares a brain cell with.
seadragon-sailing · 2 years
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Lee Woolf, “son of Luka”: Kyung’s adoptive older brother, and Feng’s biological grandson.  Absolutely hates sailing (but is often persuaded to sail with Feng and his crew), and prefers to travel by carriage or horse-back.  Despite being the primary instigator of banter in his family, he has a huge soft spot for his sister and his mother, and wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice himself for the people he loves if it came down to it.  Lost his left eye in during a bandit attack while traveling with his acting troupe.  While he feels very self-conscious about missing an eye, he takes solace in wearing highly decorative and fashionable eye patches.
Has a few health problems that make him one of the more fragile of his family: Hemophilia, anemia, sensitivity to bright light, and trouble regulating body temperature in the cold.  Also lives with a couple mental conditions: ADHD (not yet identified), OCD (not yet identified) that are remedied by doses of cannabis. 
Home: Guangzhou, Guangdong
Height: 6’ 5” ft.
Age: 20’s
Combat: Kung Fu, polearms, firearms, swordsmanship, and arson.
Personality: Dramatic, impulsive, mischievous, blunt, childish and prideful, yet protective of his loved ones and deeply devoted to what he is passionate about.
Not Married
Family: Mother and father (biological), adopted sister (Kyung), and grandfather (Feng).
Occupation: An actor who performs in a local Cantonese opera troupe called the Red Peacocks.  Known for his ability to play female roles/Daan characters incredibly well.  Always spends his visits to Black Hill Cove, England training under his father to become an artisan merchant as well, his major passions being in leather-working and bladesmithing.
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