#Endometriosis Treatment Market 2018
tylerpossey · 2 years
Does CBD Benefit Pain Relief?
Kyle Wright was utilized to staying in pain. The 31-year-old who stays in New York City frequently felt the consequences of decades-old injuries from playing sports and bartending, and emulated the back and also shoulder pains caused by light scoliosis.
After that, at a road fair in Denver, where he used to live, a person offered him a sample of CBD cream, a product stated to have cannabidiol, among the numerous chemicals discovered in the marijuana plant. (While medicinal and entertainment cannabis include CBD, the element itself does not deliver the "high" that's credited to a different chemical, THC.) Wright offered it a shot. "I was really impressed at exactly how efficient the lotion was," claims Wright, that currently runs a connection mentoring service with his better half. "Around 15 mins later on, it seemed like the stress had vaporized through my skin."
CBD Links
Wright soon started acquiring CBD cream and also using it on his wrists, shoulders, back as well as neck-- all locations that hungered for focus after long days tied to the computer system. He continues to make use of a salve or lotion about twice a week and also practically never makes use of Advil or advil, his previous default treatments. "My joints really felt looser, my muscle mass felt kicked back and the pain is substantially decreased," Wright says.
Wright is far from the just one applauding the power of CBD to deal with pain and other ailments in what's promoted as a non-addictive, side effect-free as well as non-psychoactive method. The Brightfield Team, a cannabis market research company, also predicts the market will certainly reach $22 billion by 2022, thanks to people like Danielle Jenkins, a 29-year-old who operates in not-for-profit monitoring in Telluride, Colorado, who claims a topical CBD item was "the only point" that assisted particular leg muscles in the upper leg after a hockey injury. Sissy Testa, a 31-year-old academic therapist in Chicago, likewise speaks highly of CBD to eliminate both stress and its associated neck pain. Mitchell Roth, a movie manufacturer in San Francisco, goes as far as to credit report CBD for damaging his spouse's dependency to opioids, which she initially utilized to manage discomfort pertaining to endometriosis. She's now off both substances.
Some medical professionals are on board, too. Dr. Charlton Woodly, a podiatric surgeon in Texas that has no economic risk in CBD items, integrates CBD right into patients' recuperation from surgical procedure, breaks and strains. "I utilize it in my method because, unlike pain medications, such as Tylenol, CBD does not trigger kidney or liver issues while giving the exact same discomfort relief," he says. As Well As Dr. Philip Blair, a family doctor that functions as clinical director of the CBD brand name Elixinol, states he's utilized CBD with over 2,000 individuals after the study and his experience convinced him the material, in fact, had not been also excellent to be true. Within mins of offering a person CBD, he claims, "I see relaxation of their face muscle mass, they become extra expressive and spontaneous, their eyes grow as well as their shoulders kick back. I listen to a deep sigh of alleviation."
[See: 11 Ways to Cope With Neck And Back Pain.]
But some researchers and clinicians warn versus prematurely getting on the CBD bandwagon, which is getting participants as well as momentum because the passing of the 2018 Ranch Bill, legislation that fully legislates hemp, a variety of the marijuana plant. However also that interest is misguided, says Dr. Jordan Tishler, a Harvard doctor as well as CEO of InhaleMD, a Boston-area technique focusing on cannabis therapies. The expense, he says, will certainly help farmers and also the economy since it will spur the development of new products like fabrics. But, he includes, "that has absolutely nothing to do with medicine." Here's what else he as well as various other wellness experts state customers need to know:
1. CBD isn't entirely legal.
CBD business, some healthcare specialists as well as some news reports make blanket asserts that CBD is entirely lawful in every state. Tishler says that's much from the reality.
Up until lately, the united state Medication Enforcement Management took into consideration all cannabinoids, including CBD, a schedule 1 medication, which implies it was as unlawful as heroin from the federal government's viewpoint. As well as while CBD is no more a routine 1 drug, it continues to be illegal till the U.S. Fda launches new regulations and companies are in compliance, Tishler clarifies. The only kind of CBD that's legal in the federal government's eyes is the prescription medication Epidiolex, which the FDA authorized in 2018 to deal with seizures connected with 2 uncommon kinds of epilepsy-- as well as nothing else. (CBD might be legal, though, if acquired through a state clinical cannabis program.) As well as although hemp, which is managed by the united state Division of Farming, is lawful so long as the THC web content is negligible, individuals who intend to make CBD by farming hemp need to have a certificate to do so through the federal government or, in many cases, their state, Tishler describes. Sadly, there's no good way to know if your supplier has actually acquired this, he says.
Can CBD go bad? Here’s how to test
Still, the federal government isn't implementing CBD's illegal condition, and some states like Colorado are stepping in to complete regulative gaps in your area. In other words, customers aren't most likely going to obtain in legal trouble for getting or utilizing CBD, however that's not the like a green light.
2. The research study on CBD for discomfort relief is promising, however incipient.
Scientists understand that CBD works in treating uncommon forms of epilepsy, but they haven't conducted any human research studies checking out if and just how it works to handle discomfort. Nevertheless, pet research studies use hints. A rodent study in the European Journal of Pain, for one, revealed that topical CBD aided reduced arthritis-related pain and inflammation. In a current research study released in the journal Discomfort, Dr. Gabriella Gobbi as well as colleagues recommended that low-dose CBD was effective at decreasing pain as well as anxiousness by interfering with a neurotransmitter connected to both. Blair, who worked as an Army fight doctor in the very first Gulf War, claims there may be 150 devices through which CBD works in the body.
However Tishler claims the greatest support for marijuana and pain alleviation includes THC, which might or might not be used together with CBD." [CBD] need to be more thoroughly studied by physicians and scientists, and afterwards go though the drug development phases as well as accepted by regulatory companies prior to being advertised," states Gobbi, a professor in McGill University's neurobiological psychiatry unit.
3. Buying CBD can be dangerous.
Since CBD fails regulatory splits, it is difficult to really understand just how much CBD you're obtaining and also if you're obtaining it whatsoever, in addition to what you might be obtaining rather, like chemicals and also toxic substances. "It's a wild west market," Blair states. One research study discovered that almost 70 percent of all CBD products marketed on-line consist of quantities of CBD that are either higher or lower than what was reported on the tag. And also, firms make use of various CBD resources, removal approaches and manufacturing methods. At least, CBD might be a waste of time and also cash for some individuals.
An Essential Guide To CBD Skin Care
If you agree to take the danger, try to find items that are American-made, natural, full-spectrum (suggesting it also has other potentially useful compounds discovered in hemp) as well as do not consist of thinning or flavoring agents, suggests National Discomfort Report, a wire service that covers persistent discomfort.
4. No substance is safe for everyone.
CBD appears to be pretty secure-- one of the most severe of reported side effects are relatively benign problems like fatigue. There's likewise nothing to recommend it can be addicting, the Globe Health and wellness Company records. However health and wellness professionals fret that CBD (if, certainly, that's what you're obtaining) can engage with various other drugs and supplements in a potentially harmful means. And, Even if it originates from a plant doesn't indicate it's safe; concerning half of drugs including those "toxic" sufficient to be made use of for chemo originated from plants, Gobbi explains. Talk with a physician that's a professional in pain concerning the best treatment choice for you, she recommends, "as well as keep in mind that CBD is a medication with side effects."
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martynnx-blog · 5 years
Endometriosis Treatment Market Stand Out As The Biggest Contributor To Global Growth 2018-2026
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Endometriosis is a painful medical condition in which the tissue that lines in the inner part of the uterus i.e. endometrium grows outside the uterus. Endometriosis tissue is found in fallopian tubes, ovaries, and tissue lining the pelvis. In endometriosis, endometrial tissue which is displaced acts in the usual way i.e. it thickens, breaks down and eventually bleeds like in every menstrual cycle. As the displaced tissue has no other way to exit the body it gets trapped outside the uterus. Involvement of ovaries in endometriosis leads to formation of cysts called endometriomas. Due to this the surrounding tissues form an adhesion (abnormal bands of fibrous tissue that cause pelvic organs and tissues to stick to each other) or a scar tissue near the ovaries.
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Primary symptom of endometriosis is pain in pelvic area, which is associated with menstrual cycle. Other signs and symptoms of endometriosis include pain in pelvic region before menstrual cycle, pain in lower back during menstrual period, pain after intercourse in pelvic area, pain during urination, excessive bleeding between periods, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, and nausea during menstrual cycle. Risk factors of endometriosis include infertility, onset of menstrual cycle at early age, short menstrual cycles, menopause at an older age, low body mass index, uterine abnormalities, and medical condition, which prevents normal passage of menstrual flow.
Endometriosis Treatment Market Drivers:-
Increasing research activities for development of new drugs for the global endometriosis treatment market is expected to be a major driver for growth of the market over the forecast period. For instance in 2017, AbbVie, biopharmaceutical company in co-operation with Neurocrine Biosciences Inc submitted New Drug Application (NDA) to the U.S. Food and drug Administration (FDA) for a new drug named elagolix. It is an orally administering gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist, which is being evaluated for management of pain associated with endometriosis.
Launch of products by manufacturer is also expected to drive global endometriosis treatment market growth. For instance, in 2018, LASCO distributors in association with Bayer healthcare launched new drug visanne, which is indicated for endometriosis treatment.
Other factors such as increase in prevalence of endometriosis, robust pipeline, awareness about endometriosis is expected to support endometriosis treatment market growth. For instance, Triptoreline sponsored by University Hospital, Rouen is in Phase 3 Clinical Trials; Triptoreline cures deep endometriosis in the rectum , Myovant Sciences has Relugolix in phase 3 Clinical Trials; Relugolix ceases non-menstrual pelvic pain, Indocyannine Green sponsored by University Hospital in Phase 4 Clinical Trials; Indocyannine Green treats recto vaginal endometriosis, Dienogest sponsored by the University Of Hong Kong is in Phase 4 Clinical Trials; dienogest stops the reoccurance of endometriosis cyst, Merional sponsored by Cario University is in phase 3 Clinical Trials; Merional controls intrauterine insemination cycles in women having endometriosis.
According to a survey conducted by National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), 2014, endometriosis is estimated to affect 10% of female in the reproductive age and more than 50% in infertility patients, which in turn is expected to fuel growth of the endometriosis treatment market over the forecast period.
Availability of alternative treatment options such as Intrauterine Systems (IUS) is key factor restarting growth of the market. IUS is a T-shaped device inserted in womb by the doctor. Moreover, treatment of endometriosis consists of use of oral contraceptives or GnRH agonists. Most of these therapies have adverse effects on the body due to hormonal changes and it also includes the risk of recurrence of endometriosis.
Endometriosis Treatment Market Regional Analysis:-
Asia Pacific endometriosis treatment market is projected to witness significant growth over the forecast period due to initiative taken by the government to improve health of women in Australia. According to the George institute of global health, in 2018, government of Australia allocated about US$ 2.5 million for research in the field of endometriosis. It includes around US$ 120,000 for campaigns, which will provide education and awareness regarding endometriosis and also a research grant for National Health and Medical Research Council.
Europe region is projected to witness growth in the endometriosis market over the forecast period due to robust drugs pipeline. For instance, Pleyris sponsored by University Magna Graecia is in Phase 3. According to a study conducted by BJOC: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2015, in Europe endometriosis affects more than 10% of premenopausal women and 30-50% of the women suffering from symptoms of endometriosis. Increasing number of endometriosis patients is fueling Europe endometriosis treatment market growth.
Endometriosis Treatment Market Key Players:-
Key players operating in global endometriosis treatment market include Astra Zeneca Plc., Eli Lilly and Company, AStellas Pharma, Bayer AG, Meditrina Pharmaceuticals, Abbvie, PfizerInc, Takeda Pharmaceutica, and Neurocrine Biosciences Inc
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Hematuria Treatment Market 2021-2027 High Key Players For Market, Application, Product Sort, Statement
Hematuria Treatment Market Overview :
The hematuria treatment market is accruing rapidly mainly due to the increasing number of bladder or kidney stones; kidney disease; urinary tract infection, cystitis (bladder infection), or pyelonephritis (kidney infection); cancers of the urinary tract (kidney, bladder, prostate); trauma, injury, or urinary tract instrumentation; rigorous exercise; benign prostatic hyperplasia; and blood thinners for such as Antithrombotic medications.
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In addition to the chronic diseases, infection or diseases are too impacting the market growth positively. At the same time, there are various treatments and novel medications available for hematuria management which are pushing up the market on the global platform.
Acknowledging the colossal growth, the market is witnessing currently, Market Research Future (MRFR) in its recently published study report asserts that the global hematuria treatment market will grow exponentially by 2023 accruing at a striking CAGR during the forecast period (2018 – 2023).
Furthermore, technological advancements transpired in the field of hematuria management and advent treatment materials are fostering the market growth of hematuria treatment to an extent.
On the other hand, factors such as the complications in the treatment, high cost of product developments, and stringent regulations for approvals are expected to obstruct the market growth during the assessment period. Also, the pending or imminent patent expiries of many blockbuster hematuria management drugs are some hampering the market growth.
Nevertheless, factors like the instigation of a large number of regulatory healthcare reforms, developments of methods for the improved diagnosis and treatments for hematuria are expected to support the market growth bringing about the hematuria management therapeutics and treading along a promising increase in the next few years.
Hematuria Treatment Market – Segments :
The MRFR analysis is segmented into five key dynamics for the convenience of understanding;
By Type : Gross/ Macroscopic Hematuria, Microscopic Hematuria, Idiopathic Hematuria, and Jogger’s Hematuria.
By Causes : Kidney Stones, Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), Urethritis, Blood Cancer, Bladder Stones, Prostate Cancer, Cystitis, Trauma, Vigorous Exercise, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Endometriosis, and Menstruation.
By Treatment : Drugs and Therapeutics, among others.
By End-user : Hospitals, Clinics, and Labs among others.
By Regions : North America, Europe, APAC, and the Rest-of-the-World.
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Hematuria Treatment Market – Regional Analysis :
The North American region dominates the global hematuria treatments market. The growing prevalence of kidney diseases, bladder cancer, and others along with the high per capita healthcare expenses drive the growth in the regional market.
Some of the factors such as the increasing technological innovations in medical science and the growing investments into R&D to develop new techniques to treat hematuria are substantiating market growth.
Besides the high consumption of antibiotics in the treatment of various chronic diseases, the presence of a well-established healthcare system, and rising cases of trauma & accidents foster the growth of the hematuria management market in the region.
Europe hematuria treatment market stands at the second position in terms of the size. The market in this region exhibits a phenomenal growth prospect throughout the review period.
Furthermore, factors like financial support from the government for R&D activities, and the increasing demand for hematuria treatments & devices drive the market growth in the region. Besides, the rising incidences of accidental injuries are contributing to the market growth in this region, generating a massive demand for the management of hematuria.
The Asia Pacific hematuria treatment market is emerging as a profitable market.  Factors such as the increasing healthcare expenditure and increasing prevalence of hematuria led by the growing incidences of infections related to the urinary tract, bladder, and kidney drive the growth of the hematuria treatment market in the region.
The increasing governmental funding alongside a large unmet needs presages towards the growth opportunities for the market players. Spreading awareness about the availability of different hematuria management procedures is accelerating the market growth in the region.  Besides, the availability of low-cost, quality hematuria management methods drives the regional market.
Hematuria Treatment Market – Competitive Analysis :
The highly competitive hematuria treatment market appears fragmented owing to a number of players and the increasing investments made by them in R&D activities in the hematuria management. Through the strategic partnership, acquisition, expansion, product & technology launch, and collaboration, these players try to gain a competitive edge.
Hematuria Treatment Market Key Players :
Some of the leaders of the market include Bristol-Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca Plc., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., GlaxoSmithKline Inc., Merck & Co., Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, Novartis International AG, Pfizer, Inc., and The Medicines Company among others.
Industry/Innovation/Related News :
January 22, 2018 – Researchers at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre’s Division of Urology (Canada) published the result of their study to investigate or manage hematuria in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers examined the rate of hematuria-related complications in over 800,000 elderly patients. And, found that Antithrombotic medications, commonly known as blood thinners are associated with significant adverse events such as blood in the urine (hematuria) or the bleeding within the skull and stomach/ intestines as these drugs allow blood to flow easier throughout the cardiovascular system.
Browse Full Report with TOC at : https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/hematuria-treatment-market-1732
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blueweave · 3 years
According to Blueweave consulting, the Global Women’s Healthcare Market assessed at USD 9.6 billion in 2019 is expected to reach USD 23.81 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 13.2 % during the projection period. Women's health issues are unique as they relate to women's anatomy and reproductive system and need to be addressed uniquely. There are wide range of health conditions pertaining menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, contraception that need diagnosis and treatment by medical professionals. Women's health issues have gained prominent recognition in recent decades. Effective policies and government initiatives help reduce the women's health problems and allow them live healthier lives. However, some significant gender-based health disparities remain in many countries. Lack of awareness and lower income levels in many developing countries make healthcare services difficult or inaccessible for women.
Postmenopausal Osteoporosis section dominates all the applications in Women’s Healthcare market
The market is divided into contraceptives, menopause, PCOS, hormonal infertility, postmenopausal osteoporosis, endometriosis, and other based on application. In 2018, the postmenopausal osteoporosis section accounted for the leading market share and is expected to maintain its share during the prediction period. The rising occurrence of postmenopausal osteoporosis, the emphasis on production of effective drugs for cure, and the high risk of osteoporosis fractures besides increasing obesity and old age population propelled this segment's development. The section is also expected to notice the maximum CAGR during the prediction period.
Increasing Prevalence of Health disorders in Women  
The chronic ailments and other risk issues related to reproductive system affects the health of women, besides social and ecological factors such as physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol use, depression, and lack of healthcare facilities. Sexual and reproductive health problems account for the one-third of health issues of women aged between 15 and 44. The hormonal infertility is another problem rising rapidly in advanced in advanced countries. Moreover, many market players focus on developing new products to address this issue, which reassures market growth over the forecast period. Hormonal imbalance caused due to prolactin, estrogen, and thyroid is growing in women because of stress and unhealthy lifestyle, which further induces demand for the women's healthcare products.
North America is expected to witness substantial growth in the market during the forecast period
The global women’s healthcare market is divided into five major areas: North America, Europe, APAC, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. In 2018, North America was the foremost and the fastest-growing area market for women’s healthcare. The rising incidence of PCOS and postmenopausal osteoporosis, the growing median age of first-time pregnancies, and increased healthcare outlay in the US and Canada are the factors propelling the market. Also, the rising awareness regarding contraceptives among American women and the easy accessibility of modern contraceptives compared to emerging countries boost the market development in this region.
Global Women’s Healthcare Market: Competitive Landscape
The giant companies like Eli Lilly and Company, Novartis AG; Pfizer Inc., Merck & Co., Inc.; Novo Nordisk A/S; Amgen Inc., Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc., AstraZeneca, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Sanofi, Johnson & Johnson Services Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, Bayer AG, Theramex, Agile Therapeutics, Blairex Laboratories Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Ferring B.V., Abbott, Enteris BioPharma, Evestra, Inc, Gedeon Richter, HRA Pharma, JDS Therapeutics, LLC, Neurocrine Biosciences Inc., Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Radius Health, Inc., TherapeuticsMD Inc., Bausch Health, Vertical Pharmaceuticals LLC, Veru Inc., BD and AbbVie Inc. and others participate in this market.
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poojascmi · 2 years
Laparoscopy Devices Market Size, Growth, Analysis, and forecast up to 2027
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A laparoscope is a long, narrow tube with a high-intensity light source in front and a high-resolution camera. As it moves into the abdomen, the camera sends photos to a display. Endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), cysts, and fibroids are all diagnosed and treated by laparoscopy. Laparoscopic devices are commonly employed in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of ailments, including prostatectomy, pancreatic cancer, and gastrointestinal issues. These devices are used in surgical operations to help keep bleeding to a minimum and preserve hemostasis. Surgeons and physicians alike like laparoscopy gadgets because of the high level of accuracy they provide during procedures.
The rise in occurrences of morbid obesity on a global scale is the primary driver of the laparoscopy industry. Furthermore, the Laparoscopic Devices Market is expected to develop due to an increase in the number of bariatric procedures conducted throughout the world to help people lose weight. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), 252,000 bariatric procedures were done in the United States alone in 2018. The market's growth is hampered by a scarcity of experienced specialists and the expensive cost of these gadgets. Furthermore, the rising popularity of robot-assisted laparoscopic procedures and the introduction of new laparoscopic instruments to the market present attractive development prospects.
 Read the detailed study- https://bit.ly/3sZ6PWS
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
After a while, the true-life horror stories women tell about their struggles to get reproductive health care start to bleed together. They almost always feature some variation on the same character: the doctor who waves a hand and says, “You’ll be fine,” or “That’s just in your head,” or “Take a Tylenol.” They follow an ominous three-act structure, in which a woman expresses concern about a sexual or reproductive issue to a doctor; the doctor demurs; later, after either an obstacle course of doctor visits or a nightmare scenario coming to life, a physician at last acknowledges her pain was real and present the whole time. Sometimes there’s a quietly gloomy boyfriend or husband in a secondary-character role, frustrated by the strain his partner’s health issue is putting on their intimacy.
That many women have stories of medical practitioners dismissing, misdiagnosing, or cluelessly shrugging at their pain is, unfortunately, nothing new. Research cited in the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics in 2001, for example, indicated that women get prescribed less pain medication than men after identical procedures (controlling for body size), are less likely to be admitted to hospitals and receive stress tests when they complain of chest pain, and are significantly more likely than men to be “undertreated” for pain by doctors. And there’s a multi-million dollar industry of questionable alternative health remedies that was arguably built at least in part on a history of doctors being dismissive toward women’s bodily health.
But in 2018, these stories of neglect and unhelpfulness within women’s health care, especially women’s sexual and reproductive health care, are bubbling up to the surface—being documented, circulated, and acknowledged by public discourse—in curious abundance.
It started early in the year. In January, a widely cited Vogue cover story on the tennis great Serena Williams, who gave birth to a daughter in September of 2017, told the harrowing tale of how Williams had to urgently insist to the hospital staff in her recovery room that what she was experiencing after her C-section was a pulmonary embolism in order to get the treatment she needed to stay alive. “The nurse thought her pain medicine might be making her confused,” the story reads. A month later, Vogue published an essay by the Girlscreator Lena Dunham on her choice to have a hysterectomy at age 31 to end her struggle with what she understood to be endometriosis. “I had to work so hard to have my pain acknowledged,” she writes. “And while I’ve been battling endometriosis for a decade and this will be my ninth surgical procedure, no doctor has ever confirmed this for me.” After her uterus is removed and she wakes up in a recovery room, she writes, the doctors are eager to tell her she was right: her uterus is “worse than anyone could have imagined.”
Then, in April, The New York Times published Linda Villarosa’s revealing reporton the dangerous endeavor of being black and pregnant in America, a phenomenon partly attributed to medical practitioners’ “dismissal of legitimate concerns and symptoms.” The story’s primary character, 23-year-old New Orleans mother of two, Simone Landrum, recalls being told by a doctor to calm down and take Tylenol when she complained of headaches during a particularly exhausting pregnancy; those headaches were later found to be caused by pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy complication that causes high blood pressure and can result in the placenta separating from the uterus before the baby is born. This happened to Landrum, and her pregnancy ended in a stillbirth.
The stories kept coming. Netflix’s The Bleeding Edge, a documentary released last month, is primarily about the poor testing of many medical devices on the market, but it nonetheless also functions as an indictment of carelessness toward women’s health at the regulatory-body level. Three of the four primary narratives  are about medical devices hastily approved by the FDA and marketed to women as safe, easy solutions for fertility- and childbirth-related issues. One prominently featured woman whose medical device—the birth-control implant Essure—lands her in the hospital so many times she loses her job, her home, and her kids over the course of the documentary, recalls being told by a doctor that her abnormally heavy, persistent vaginal bleeding after its insertion is “because she’s Latina” and that her problems are all in her head.
The new KCRW podcast Bodies, a series about medical mysteries in women’s health that launched in July, kicked off its run with the story of a woman in her twenties who experiences deep, burning pain during sex and is initially told by a doctor that nothing’s wrong, lots of women have pain during sex, and that she should just wait and it’ll probably go away. After getting a referral for a specialist from a friend who visited 20 doctors over the course of  seven years before getting a diagnosis, she’s diagnosed with and successfully treated for a type of vulvodynia—which the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecologydescribes as “common” (though “rarely diagnosed”).
Sasha Ottey calls this phenomenon “health-care gaslighting.” Ottey founded the Atlanta-based nonprofit PCOS Challenge: The National Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association in 2009 to raise awareness of PCOS, a hormonal disorder affecting the ovaries that’s often linked to infertility, diabetes, and pelvic pain. Despite the fact that PCOS was first identified and researched in 1935 and the CDC has estimated it affects some 6 to 12 percent of adult women in the United States, many doctors still don’t recognize the symptoms. Women with PCOS and similar conditions like endometriosis and uterine fibroids, Ottey says, “have been told to suffer in silence.” Additionally, because PCOS often causes obesity or weight problems, many women with PCOS experience not just sexism but what Ottey calls “weight bias” in the health-care system. “Many women and young girls are told, ‘Oh, it's all in your head. Just eat less and exercise more,’” says Ottey, who herself recalls being initially instructed by an endocrinologist to lose weight and come back in six months. “People who are following an eating plan and present their diaries to their physicians or nutritionists will be told, ‘You left something off. You're lying. You're not doing enough.’”
Ottey, who spearheaded the PCOS Challenge’s first-ever day of advocacy on Capitol Hill in May, has noted the recent shift in how—and where—women talk about their struggles getting the sexual and reproductive health care they need. “We're at a critical juncture in women's health, where women are now feeling more empowered to speak up. Because frankly, we're frustrated,” she says. “We're frustrated with the type of care that we've gotten. We're frustrated that it sometimes takes someone decades to get a diagnosis. It's been a year, or a few years, of being empowered and emboldened."
Katherine Sherif, an internist at Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia and the director of the hospital’s women’s primary care unit, says she hears “day in and day out” from patients “about how they are not listened to [by other doctors], how they’re blown off, how a clue was missed.” Sherif believes most of the minimization of women’s health concerns is “unconscious” on the part of both male and female doctors, but blames general societal sexism for the gaps in women’s sexual and reproductive health care. Men with sexual and reproductive dysfunction have to fight for the care they need sometimes too, she points out, but “to a lesser extent” from what she’s seen.
In her 23 years practicing medicine, Sherif has received a lot of thank-you notes from women she’s treated—and “they don’t say ‘Thank you for saving my life’ or ‘Thank you for that great diagnosis,’” she says. “They say, ‘Thank you for listening to me.’ Or ‘I know we couldn’t get to the bottom of it, but thank you for being there.’” So Sherif sees a common theme in the recent flurry of high-profile expressions of disappointment in women’s reproductive health care, feminist protests against President Donald Trump, and the #MeToo movement: All three, she says, result from women feeling that their complaints, concerns, and objections aren’t being listened to.
“Perhaps it parallels what’s changing in our society,” Sherif says. “When we shine a light in those dirty, dark corners, I think it may give us courage to shed light on other things.”
Ottey, meanwhile, believes women’s increasing candor about their health- and health care-related frustrations can be traced back to the advent of social media. Ottey describes her own struggle to finally get a diagnosis and a treatment plan for PCOS in 2008 as one that made her feel “absolutely alone,” but in the years since, she says, she’s seen women with similar conditions and complaints find and support each other on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. “Women see other women, and other girls, speaking up,” she says.
Ottey’s social-media strength-in-numbers theory is borne out in The Bleeding Edge, too: Women whose health deteriorated after getting the Essure birth-control device implanted eventually created an advocacy campaign after finding each other through a Facebook group launched in 2011. Thirty-five thousand women had joined by the time The Bleeding Edge was filmed.
Angie Firmalino, the Facebook group’s founder, remembers being surprised at how many women quickly joined the group, despite it being a project she’d started just so she could warn her female friends about the device. “We became a support group for each other,” Firmalino says, as a montage of selfie videos women have posted to the group page play onscreen. “The day I was implanted, I left the hospital and I was in pain,” says one woman. “They told me to take some ibuprofen and it’ll get better,” says another.
When Firmalino researched the process by which Essure was approved for sale and implantation, she found the FDA hearings had been videotaped, but the video company that owned the tapes would only release them to her for several hundred dollars. So she posted on the Facebook group asking for donations to buy the video—clips of which are repurposed in the documentary and account for its most chilling moments. They raised $900 in 15 minutes.
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leftcomputerpost · 2 years
Endometriosis Treatment Market Will Escalate Rapidly in the Near Future
Rising prevalence of endometriosis condition has fueled the demand for endometriosis treatment across the world. High focus on the introduction of therapeutically-advanced endometriosis treatment options are expected to propel the growth of the market over the forecast period. Leading industry players are significantly accelerating the development of scientific and clinical therapeutic agents and new product launches in the global endometriosis treatment market. This considerable push by industry players is expected to drive future market growth.
Increasing investments in the endometriosis treatment market by key stakeholders and rising awareness among women are the major factors expected to drive market growth. The global endometriosis treatment market was valued at US$ 2.8 Bn in 2018, and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of around 3% over the forecast period (2019-2030).
Key Takeaways of Endometriosis Treatment Market Study
Based on drug, oral contraceptives contributed maximum value share to the global endometriosis treatment market in 2018, owing to high preference for them as a first-line therapy for patients without contraindications, and efficacy in preventing recurrence of pelvic pain and endometriosis lesions.
High treatment efficacy and acceptance with low risk are expected to result in notable share of hormonal therapy in the treatment type.
The hospital pharmacies and retail pharmacies segments, collectively, hold above 60% of value share to the endometriosis treatment market, owing to the high patient pool in hospitals and visiting retail pharmacies.
For more insights into the market, request a sample of this report@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3870
Europe captured a notable revenue share of 37% in 2018, and is expected to be the most lucrative region in the global endometriosis treatment market during the forecast period.
Increasing government expenditure for high growth of the medical industry in emerging economies in the Asian region is expected to drive the growth of the endometriosis treatment market across this region.
Multiple New Indications – Imperative Strategy for Market Players
Increasing the introduction of endometriosis drugs with multiple new indications is a major factor responsible for intense competition among market players. Several companies are focusing on launching new endometriosis treatment options to increase their product sales and expand their market share. For example, in July 2018, AbbVie Inc. introduced a new innovative product – Orilissa™ (elagolix) tablets, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonist for the management of moderate to severe pain associated with endometriosis, in the U.S. market.
What else is in the report?
Future Market Insights (FMI) offers a unique perspective and actionable insights on the endometriosis treatment market in its latest study, presenting historical demand assessment of 2014-2018 and projections for the period of 2019-2030, based on drug (oral contraceptives, progestins, NSAIDs, GnRH analogues, LNR-IUDs, and others), treatment type (hormonal therapy and pain management), and distribution channel (hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, drugstores, and e-Commerce), across seven key regions of the world.
For any queries linked with the report, ask an analyst >> https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-3870
About FMI: Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in Dubai, the global financial capital, and has delivery centers in the U.S. and India. FMI’s latest market research reports and industry analysis help businesses navigate challenges and make critical decisions with confidence and clarity amidst breakneck competition. Our customized and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. A team of expert-led analysts at FMI continuously tracks emerging trends and events in a broad range of industries to ensure that our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.
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lucy20kart · 2 years
Cmi Is Releasing A New Report On The Global Endometriosis Treatment Market To Provide Systematic Information
The rising prevalence of endometriosis has increased global demand for endometriosis treatment. The introduction of therapeutically advanced endometriosis treatment options is expected to drive market growth over the forecast period. In the global endometriosis treatment market, leading industry players are significantly accelerating the development of scientific and clinical therapeutic agents, as well as new product launches. This significant push by industry participants is expected to drive future market growth.
The major factors expected to drive market growth are increased investments in the Endometriosis Treatment Market by key stakeholders and rising awareness among women. The increased introduction of endometriosis drugs with multiple new indications is a major factor driving intense competition among market participants. Several companies are focusing on the launch of new endometriosis treatment options in order to increase product sales and market share. For example, in July 2018, AbbVie Inc. launched OrilissaTM (elagolix) tablets, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonist for the treatment of moderate to severe endometriosis pain, in the United States market.
Read More@ https://bit.ly/3KfHkYl
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industry365 · 3 years
Laproscopic Power Morcellators Market Is Expected To Reach New Growth Revenues During 2021-2028
The global laparoscopic power morcellators market size is expected to reach USD 189.4 million by 2028 according to a new study by Polaris Market Research. The report “Laparoscopic Power Morcellators Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report, By Application (Hysterectomy, Myomectomy, Others); By Region; Segment Forecast, 2021 – 2028” gives a detailed insight into current market dynamics and provides analysis on future market growth.
The increasing preference for minimally invasive procedures and technological advancement in laparoscopic procedures will be the main reason for the industry growth. Increasing uterine fibroids and endometriosis cases lead to an increase in procedures such as myomectomy and hysterectomy, thereby boosting the power morcellators industry growth.
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growth in women’s uterus in their reproductive age, and the incidence is about 20 to 25% across the globe. Hysterectomy procedures are a standard treatment method for removing fibroids. It is also used in the treatment of early-stage uterine cancer. Globally uterine cancer or endometrial cancer affected 382,069 people and resulted in 89,929 deaths in 2018.
These products are Class II medical devices used during minimally invasive surgeries. The FDA has recently provided guidelines under which it can be used to treat hysterectomy or myomectomy with an appropriate tissue containment system in selected patient groups. The product is associated with various problems such as spreading malignancy, endometriosis, and direct visceral injury to the uterine and bladder.
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Considering all these factors, the FDA has not recommended the use of laparoscopic power morcellators to remove uterine malignancy. Researchers are continuously studying the safety and efficacy of tissue containment systems, which will help better understand the use of the products in various surgical procedures in the coming years.
The emergence of COVID-19 is expected to hinder the growth of the global power morcellators industry during the forecast period as many laparoscopic procedures are canceled during pandemic times, owing to patient safety and a lack of healthcare infrastructure. Most laparoscopic surgeries are elective surgeries that are deemed as non-critical surgical procedures.
Market participants include Karl Storz GmbH, Medtronic, Richard Wolf GmbH, Lumenis (Boston Scientific Corporation), LiNA Medical, Nouvag AG, RUDOLF Medical GmbH, and Olympus Corporation are some of the key players operating in the global power morcellators market.
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Polaris Market Research has segmented the laparoscopic power morcellators market report on the basis of application and region:
Laparoscopic Power Morcellators, Application Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2028)
Laparoscopic Power Morcellators, Regional Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2028)
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
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Wound Care Biologics Market Share, Industry Growth, Trend, Drivers, Challenges, Key Companies by 2028
Rising incidence of diabetic foot ulcers, increasing rate of burn injuries, and growing geriatric population and high rate of injuries are some key factors driving market growth
The global wound care biologics market size is expected to reach USD 3.71 Billion by 2028 at a CAGR of 10.1%, according to the latest report by Reports and Data. Increasing incidence of chronic injuries such as diabetic foot ulcers and burn injuries, rising focus on advancement of treatment options, and growing burden of diseases across the globe are key factors expected to drive market revenue growth over the forecast period. In addition, increasing use of temporary skin substitutes and growing focus of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to develop advanced biologics are some other factors expected to contribute to revenue growth of the market going ahead.
Biologic wound healing therapies aim to accelerate the re-establishment of tissue repair mechanisms through the application of active biological agents that have antioxidant, antimicrobial, or anti-inflammatory attributes. Biologic dressings prevent water loss, heat loss, and protein and electrolyte loss and minimizes the risks of contamination. Wound care biologics accelerate wound closure and optimizes wound healing environment. Over the last decade, rapid advancement in understanding wounds and their pathophysiology have led to significant innovations in treatment of acute, chronic, and other wounds.
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The report provides extensive coverage of the supply chain, key players of the industry, consumer base, company profiles, production and consumption rate, primary applications, and other relevant data. It provides an in-depth assessment of the key companies operating in the market along with their company profiles, business overview, production and manufacturing capacity, product portfolio, financial standing, global position, and business expansion plans. It also studies recent mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, product launches, partnerships, collaborations, and agreements among other. The report also provides insights into new entrants and their strategic alliances to gain a robust footing in the market.
Key Manufacturers in the Global Wound Care Biologics Market:
Smith & Nephew
Derma Sciences, Inc
Soluble Systems
Amnio Technology, LLC
Skye Biologics
Alphatec Spine,Inc.
Pinnacle Transplant Technologies
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The report also provides an extensive regional segmentation to offer the readers key insights into the spread of the market over key geographical regions. It covers production and consumption patterns, import/export, supply and demand, consumer demand and behavior, key trends, and presence of key players in each region. The report also offer a country-wise analysis to impart a better understanding of the revenue growth of the market in each region.
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018–2028)
Biologic Skin Substitutes
Enzyme Based Formulations
Growth Factors
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018-2028)
Acute Wounds
Chronic Wounds
Surgical Wounds
To know more about the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/press-release/global-wound-care-biologics-market
Key Questions Addressed in the Report:
What is the market size the global Wound Care Biologics market is expected to reach over the forecast period? What is the expected CAGR?
What are the key segments of the market?
What are the key products and applications of the Wound Care Biologics market?
What factors are expected to drive and restrain market growth over the forecast period?
What are the key outcomes of SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis?
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Thank you for reading our report. The report can be customized based on regional segmentation and competitive landscape. Kindly get in touch with us to know more and our team will ensure the report is well suited to meet your requirements.
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healthcare-market · 3 years
GnRH Agonists & Antagonists Market Report Analysis With Industry Share
The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is responsible for the release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland. The proper functioning of the GnRH is very crucial for the optimum functioning of the reproductive system in females. GnRH analogues (GnRH agonists & antagonists) interact with GnRH receptors in a different way in order to modify the release of hormones for a specified purpose. They can be administered through various routes such as intravenous, intramuscular, oral, subcutaneous, and nasal. GnRh agonists are the class of medications that are used in various indications such as fertility treatment, hormone sensitive cancers, endometriosis in women, delaying puberty, and transgender hormone therapy. GnRH antagonists are the medication class that antagonize the action of the GnRH and are used in the treatment of female infertility and cancers. They usually result in the blockage of natural ovulation.
Read Report Overview: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/gnrh-agonists-antagonists-market.html
Increase in government initiatives for birth control measures, increased incidences of prostate cancer among the population, rise in awareness about in-vitro fertilization methods, and increased adoption of GnRH agonists & antagonists are the major factors expected to drive the GnRH agonists & antagonists market. However, high cost of treatment and side effects associated with the treatment are likely to restrain the GnRH agonists & antagonists market. The discovery and development of GnRH antagonists for the treatment of prostate cancer, in order to ensure the effective use of hormone therapy in the treatment of cancer, is an upcoming trend in the GnRH agonists & antagonists market.
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The GnRH agonists & antagonists market can be segmented based on application, distribution channel, and region. In terms of application, the market can be classified into gynecology, oncology, and others. The gynecology segment includes medications used for contraception and fertilization. The gynecology segment held a prominent share of the market in 2017 due to increased use of contraceptive medications because of campaigns organized by governments in order to spread awareness about birth control measures. The segment is expected to maintain its leadership position during the forecast period. . Based on distribution channel, the GnRH agonists & antagonists market can be divided into hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, and online pharmacies. The hospital pharmacies segment dominated the market in 2017 due to the free availability of birth control medications in government hospitals. The segment is expected to continue to dominate the market from 2018 to 2026.
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In terms of region, the GnRH agonists & antagonists market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America dominated the global market in 2017 due to technological advances in IVF treatment, availability of approved products for oncology treatment, and increased use of birth control pills in the U.S.. The market in Asia Pacific is anticipated to expand at a rapid CAGR owing to a rise in awareness regarding advanced fertilization treatments in developed countries.
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Major players operating in the global GnRH agonists & antagonists market include Ferring B.V., Bayer AG, Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., AbbVie Inc., Contura Ltd., AstraZeneca plc, TerSera Therapeutics LLC, Shire, Informa plc, and Merck KGaA.
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medicalnewsupdates · 3 years
The Innovations of Healthcare – Bestgamingpro
Auransa’s Pek Lum, the company’s chief architect, has over 20 years of genomics and pharmaceutical development expertise. Women’s health is an underserved industry; there are several startups working in this area. The broader subject of women’s health, on the other hand, is underfunded. Most companies concentrate on issues such as birth control, ovulation, and infertility that affect both men and women.
Historically, the majority of our understanding of diseases has come from a male perspective, and it is usually based on research with male patients. Women who were trying to get pregnant were excluded from drug trial studies until the early 1990s, resulting in an enduring problem in healthcare. Underrepresentation of women in health research, trivialization of women’s physical problems (which is relevant to the misdiagnosis of endometriosis, among other issues), and gender bias in research funding are additional issues.
Several research have revealed that when we examine National Institutes of Health funding, a disproportionately large portion of its resources goes to diseases that primarily affect males – at the expense of those that primarily impact women. According to studies of NIH funding based on disease burden (as estimated by the number of years lost due to an illness), male-favored illnesses were funded at twice the rate of female-favored ones in 2019.
Let’s use endometriosis as an example. Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial-like tissue (”lesions”, or “growths”) can be found outside of the uterus. Endometriosis, unlike other diseases, only affects women who have uteruses and has received less funding and research than many other illnesses. It may cause chronic pain, tiredness, discomfort during sex, and infertility. Despite the fact that endometriosis affects one out of ten women, diagnosis is still slow, with confirmation only achieved via surgery.
There is no non-invasive test available. Many women are diagnosed only after they become infertile, and the diagnosis may take ten years. Even following detection, disease biology and progression knowledge is limited, as well as the understanding of lesion connection to other tumor diseases such as adenomyosis. Surgical excision of tumors and hormone (mainly estrogen) suppressing medications are among current treatments.
However, things are changing. In 1994, the NIH established the women’s health research category for budgeting purposes and it was modified in 2019 to include research that is relevant to women only. In order to address the significant male bias in both human and animal studies, the NIH ruled in 2016 that grant applicants would be required to include male and female participants in their study protocols.
The rates of diagnosis and treatment are too slow to treat or cure endometriosis. A study published in 2014 found that if researchers had been given the funding they needed to continue research on chronic diseases, we might have discovered a cure for endometriosis by now.
It’s worth noting that other sources, rather than the funding bodies or pharmaceutical industry, are driving important changes. Patients and clinicians who see these illnesses frequently are leading the charge. Pharmaceutical firms (such as Eli Lilly and AbbVie) in the women’s health sector have followed their patients’ leads by growing their R&D capacity and boosting efforts to branch out into additional critical women’s health areas.
Private sources are funding new technological solutions geared towards treating endometriosis. Women’s health has been recognized as one of the most promising investment areas in 2020.
Next, we’ll look at less-known breakthroughs like EndOmestiCIDe’s SmartTampon (a $9 million Series A in April 2021 for a “smart tampon”), and DotLab, a non-invasive endometriosis testing startup that raised $10 million from investors last July. Other notable advancements include Phendo, a research-study app that tracks endometriosis, and Gynica, which is dedicated to developing cannabis-based medications for gynecological diseases.
Endometriosis is a difficult disease to combat, and any single biotech firm may find it tough to tackle it on its own. Collaborations are one way to handle this. Two firms, Polaris Quantum Biotech and Auransa, have joined forces to address the endometriosis problem as well as other women’s specific illnesses.
This collaboration between two female-led AI firms employs data, algorithms, and quantum computing to integrate biological understanding with chemistry. Furthermore, they’re not content with simulating; rather, the aim of this cooperation is to provide medicines to patients.
New relationships may have a significant influence on how quickly a field like women’s health can develop. Women-specific illnesses such as endometriosis, triple-negative breast cancer, and ovarian cancer, to name a few, might go unrecognized if such concerted efforts are not made.
Using cutting-edge technology in complex gynecological disorders will enable the field to develop much more quickly, and it may take drug candidates to clinics in a few years, especially with the aid of patient advocacy groups, medical research organizations, doctors, and out-of-the-box funding techniques such as crowdsourcing from patients themselves.
We feel that targeting the women’s health market is a win-win for both patients and businesses, with the worldwide endometriosis therapy market alone projecting to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15% from 2018 through 2022.
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newsinsights · 3 years
Endometriosis Treatment Market is segmented in detail to cover every aspect of the market
Rising prevalence of endometriosis condition has fueled the demand for endometriosis treatment across the world. High focus on the introduction of therapeutically-advanced endometriosis treatment options are expected to propel the growth of the market over the forecast period. Leading industry players are significantly accelerating the development of scientific and clinical therapeutic agents and new product launches in the global endometriosis treatment market. This considerable push by industry players is expected to drive future market growth.
Increasing investments in the endometriosis treatment market by key stakeholders and rising awareness among women are the major factors expected to drive market growth. The global endometriosis treatment market was valued at US$ 2.8 Bn in 2018, and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of around 3% over the forecast period (2019-2030).
“Continuous technological advancements towards the development of non-invasive diagnosis techniques for endometriosis and increasing prevalence of gynecological diseases around the globe are projected to accelerate the growth of the global endometriosis treatment market over the coming years.”
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Key Takeaways of Endometriosis Treatment Market Study
Based on drug, oral contraceptives contributed maximum value share to the global endometriosis treatment market in 2018, owing to high preference for them as a first-line therapy for patients without contraindications, and efficacy in preventing recurrence of pelvic pain and endometriosis lesions.
High treatment efficacy and acceptance with low risk are expected to result in notable share of hormonal therapy in the treatment type.
The hospital pharmacies and retail pharmacies segments, collectively, hold above 60% of value share to the endometriosis treatment market, owing to the high patient pool in hospitals and visiting retail pharmacies.
Europe captured a notable revenue share of 37% in 2018, and is expected to be the most lucrative region in the global endometriosis treatment market during the forecast period.
Increasing government expenditure for high growth of the medical industry in emerging economies in the Asian region is expected to drive the growth of the endometriosis treatment market across this region.
Multiple New Indications - Imperative Strategy for Market Players
Increasing the introduction of endometriosis drugs with multiple new indications is a major factor responsible for intense competition among market players. Several companies are focusing on launching new endometriosis treatment options to increase their product sales and expand their market share. For example, in July 2018, AbbVie Inc. introduced a new innovative product - Orilissa™ (elagolix) tablets, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonist for the management of moderate to severe pain associated with endometriosis, in the U.S. market.
Any Queries, Contact us @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-3870
What else is in the report?
Future Market Insights (FMI) offers a unique perspective and actionable insights on the endometriosis treatment market in its latest study, presenting historical demand assessment of 2014-2018 and projections for the period of 2019-2030, based on drug (oral contraceptives, progestins, NSAIDs, GnRH analogues, LNR-IUDs, and others), treatment type (hormonal therapy and pain management), and distribution channel (hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, drugstores, and e-Commerce), across seven key regions of the world.
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Parasomnia Treatment Market: Parasomnia Treatment Market: Global Industry Analysis 2013 - 2017 and Opportunity Assessment; 2018 - 2028
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About FMI
Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in Dubai, the global financial capital, and has delivery centers in the U.S. and India. FMI's latest market research reports and industry analysis help businesses navigate challenges and make critical decisions with confidence and clarity amidst breakneck competition. Our customized and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. A team of expert-led analysts at FMI continuously tracks emerging trends and events in a broad range of industries to ensure that our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.
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deepadelve · 3 years
Multiple Myeloma Market
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Multiple Myeloma is a cancer that forms in a type of white blood cell called a plasma cell. Healthy plasma cells help you fight infections by making antibodies that recognize and attack germs. In multiple myeloma, cancerous plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow and crowd out healthy blood cells.
The Multiple Myeloma Market size across the 8MM i.e. the United States, Eu5(the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain), China and Japan, was $16.27bn in 2019 and is increasing with a modest CAGR during the study period (2018-2030), according to DelveInsight, a leading company in healthcare analytics and consulting.
Some key highlights from the Multiple Myeloma report:
The total Multiple Myeloma incident cases are expected to reach     91,520 in 2020 in the 8MM
Higher usage of bortezomib based regimen observed across the     US, Japan and EU5; Bortezomib + Lenalidomide + dex regimen is the     preferred treatment choice in the US and Japan in the first-line     compared to Bortezomib + Melphalan ± Prednisone and Bortezomib + dex     regimen in EU5. In the case of China, higher usage of thalidomide based     regimen found in the first-line setting
Key Companies like GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck     Sharp & Dohme Corp., Pfizer, Takeda, AbbVie, Roche, Janssen Research     & Development, Amgen, AstraZeneca, etc. are fuelling the Multiple     Myeloma market size growth.
Patent expiry of multiple blockbuster drugs like Darzalex, Revlimid,     Pomalyst and Kyprolis is on the lines to expire from 2026 onwards, and     this will erode the sales value significantly and the market is expected     to decline from 2028 onwards due to cumulative impacts of patent expiry.
Multiple Myeloma Key Players: Kiadis Pharma, CASI Pharmaceuticals, NOXXON Pharma, MorphoSys), Sana Biotechnology, Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Cellectar Biosciences, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Poseida Therapeutics, AbbVie/Genentech, Janssen Research and Development, Nanjing Legend Biotech, Genenta Science, Biotest AG, Teneobio, iCell Gene Therapeutics, Juno Therapeutics, Arch Oncology, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Incyte Corporation, NexImmune Inc., Chongqing Precision Biotech, Novartis, CASI Pharmaceuticals, Ionis Pharmaceuticals, AgenTus Therapeutics, Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, CRISPR Therapeutics, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Seagen Inc., Heidelberg Pharma, Bluebird Bio, C4 Therapeutics, Inc., Hoffmann-La Roche, Phosplatin Therapeutics, Arcellx, Inc., HitGen Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim, I-Mab Biopharma, Celyad Oncology, Amgen and others
Key Multiple Myeloma Pipeline Therapies: TNB-383B, ONC201, AO-176, JCARH125, REGN5458, INCB001158, TAK-573, NEXI-002 T Cells, PHE885, CID-103, ION251, EMB-06, agenT-797, CTX120, PF-06863135, SEA-BCMA, AEVI-007, HDP-101, bb21217, CFT7455, RO7425781, PT-112, HG146, CYAD-211, AMG 701, Nivolumab, ventoclax, RAPA-201 autologous T cells, K NK004, CID 103, NOX-A12, TJ202, APG-2575, AL 102, CLR 131 and others.
Scope of the Report
Geography Covered: 8MM - The United States, EU5 (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom), Japan, and China.
Study Period: 3-year historical and 11-year forecasted analysis (2017-2030).
Markets Segmentation: By Geographies, By Therapies (Forecasted + Historical).
Companies Covered
Analysis: Comparative and conjoint analysis of emerging therapies, Attribute Analysis
Case Studies
KOL's Views
Analyst's View
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Endometriosis Market Report 2020 Global Industry Statistics & Regional Outlook to 2027
Increasing awareness about women's health, increasing occurrence rate of the condition, the rising focus on clinical trials are some of the factors boosting the endometriosis market. 
Market Size – USD 1.93 Billion in 2018, Market Growth - CAGR of 2.8%, Market Trends –The increasing focus on clinical trial.
The Global Endometriosis Market is forecast to reach USD 2.42 Billion by 2026, according to a new report by Reports and Data. Endometriosis is the resultant of the growth of endometrial tissue on bowel, ovaries, and tissues lining the pelvis. The hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle impacts the misplaced endometrial tissue that results in the area to become inflamed that causes pain. It implies that the tissue will thicken, grow, and break down. With time, the tissue that broken down has nowhere to go and becomes trapped in pelvis.
The market is projected to witness considerable growth during the forecast period. One of the mentionable factors in this regards being, the increasing occurrence rate of the condition. It has turned out to be a common gynecological condition, affecting approximately 10% of women. Treatment for the disease is dependent on the severity of the disease, symptoms, and if the care user wishes to have children. The condition is treatable with surgery, medication, or both. Medication is usually tried first when pain is the primary problem.
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Medications that are prescribed to treat the condition include pain relievers like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and hormonal medications, including gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists and birth control pills, progestin. Hormonal medications help minimize the growth of the endometrial tissue and may prevent the formation of new adhesions. Though it is mentionable that, these drugs are usually not effective in getting rid of endometriosis tissue that is already there. In regards to surgical options, Conservative surgery like Laparoscopy, hysterectomy are some of the available options.
In context to region, Europe occupies a prominent market position. The market position held by the region is resultant of the continuous growth of the healthcare sector and rising investment in the industry.   
Further key findings from the report suggest
·         The endometriosis market held a market share of USD 1.93 Billion in the year 2018 and forecasted to grow at a rate of 2.8% during the forecast period.
·         In regards to Drug Type, the NSAID’s segment generated the highest revenue of USD 0.58 Billion in 2018, with a growth rate of 2.9% during the forecast period. The effectiveness of the medicine in relieving pain caused by the condition, which are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that work by discontinuing the release of prostaglandins that is one of the main chemicals resulting in the pain, contributes to the revenue generated by the NSAID’s segment.
·         In context to Surgery Type, the Laparoscopy segment yielded the highest revenue of USD 0.87 Billion in 2018, with the fastest growth rate of 3.2% during the forecast period. The effectiveness of this surgery in accurately diagnosing endometriosis and even eliminate it in mild-moderate condition with just a small incision resulted in its increased demand and revenue generated by the    
·         In regards to the End-users, the Drugstores segment can be seen to occupy the largest market share of 30.2% in 2018, with the second-highest growth rate of 3.1% during the forecast period. The fact that in most cases of endometriosis, pain in the primary issue, in which medication is the first choice, has resulted in high dependency on drugstores for availing the prescribed medication, which contributes to the market share occupied by this segment.
·         In context to region, Asia Pacific is projected to witness the fastest growth rate of 5.5% during the forecast period, which occupied the second-largest market share of 24.3% in 2018. The growth rate experienced by the Asia Pacific region is resultant of continuous growth in healthcare technology and the rising awareness about women’s health.
·         Key participants include Johnson & Johnson Services Inc., Bayer AG, Neurocrine Biosciences Inc., Meditrina Pharmaceuticals Inc., AbbVie Inc., Astellas Pharma Inc., AstraZeneca Plc, Evotec AG, Debiopharm Group and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
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For the purpose of this report, Reports and Data have segmented the global endometriosis market based on Surgery Type, Drug Type, End-Users, and region:
Surgery Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2016-2026)
·         Laparoscopy
·         Laparotomy
·         Pelvic nerves surgery
Drug Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2016-2026)
·         NSAID’s
·         Gonadotropins Releasing Hormone Agonists
·         Progestin
·         Oral Contraceptive Pills
End-Users Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2016-2026)
·         Hospital
·         Pharmacies
·         Drugstores
·         E-commerce
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2016-2026)
·         North America
o    U.S
·         Europe
o    U.K
o    France
·         Asia Pacific
o    China
o    India
o    Japan
·         MEA
·         Latin America
o    Brazil
To know more about the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/endometriosis-market
 Key Features of the Endometriosis Market Report:
·         The report encompasses details about the key companies, product portfolio along with specifications, production valuation, and market shares
·         Extensive study of key segments and sub-segments of the Endometriosis market
·         Evaluation of key current and emerging market trends and growth prospects
·         Brief overview of industry with regards to research and development, technological advancements, and product development
·         In-depth assessment of upstream raw materials, downstream buyers, demands, and current market scenario
·         Analysis of key drivers, restraints, opportunities, growth prospects, limitations, and threats
·         Strategic recommendation to key players and new entrants to overcome entry-level barriers in the Endometriosis market over the forecast period
Table of Content:
Chapter 1. Market Synopsis     1.1. Market Definition     1.2. Research Scope & Premise     1.3. Methodology     1.4. Market Estimation Technique Chapter 2. Executive Summary     2.1. Summary Snapshot, 2018-2026 Chapter 3. Indicative Metrics Chapter 4. Endometriosis Market Segmentation & Impact Analysis     4.1. Endometriosis Market Material Segmentation Analysis     4.2. Industrial Outlook           4.2.1. Market indicators analysis           4.2.2. Market drivers analysis          Increasing awareness about women health          Increasing occurrence rate of the condition          The rising focus on clinical trials          4.2.3. Market restraints analysis         Lack of awareness about the preventive measures and causes for the disease     4.3. Technological Insights     4.4. Regulatory Framework     4.5. ETOP Analysis     4.6. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis     4.7. Competitive Metric Space Analysis     4.8. Price trend Analysis Chapter 5. Endometriosis Market By Surgery Type Insights & Trends
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jesse-pinkman123 · 3 years
Cannabis Testing Services Market Size, Trends, Shares, Insights and Forecast – 2018-2026
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Global Cannabis Testing Services Market, by Test Type (Potency Testing, Terpene Profiling, Cannabinoid Profiling, Pesticide Screening, Residual Solvent Testing, Microbiological Screening, and Other Tests), by End User (Cannabis Firms, Homecare Settings, and Research Institutes), and by Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa) was valued at US$ 114.3 million in 2017, and is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.5% over the forecast period (2018 - 2026), as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.
Increasing research and development activities to improve the productivity and quality of cannabis products is expected to boost the market growth. For instance, in November 2018, University of Moncton, located in New Brunswick, Canada, announced a partnership with the Government of Canada, Genome Atlantic, Genome Canada, New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, and Organigram to advance cannabis research and to increase its productivity. The purpose of this collaborative, innovative, and research-driven partnership is to help improve the productivity and quality of cannabis products.
Moreover, in November 2018, Strainprint Technologies Ltd., a company focused on cannabis data and analytics, announced a partnership with Israel-based companies, Lumir Lab and Gynica to conduct the world's first international clinical study on the use of cannabis for the treatment of endometriosis. The objective of the study is to develop clinically-validated cannabinoid-based products that can be approved for international distribution.
* The sample copy includes: Report Summary, Table of Contents, Segmentation, Competitive Landscape, Report Structure, Methodology.
Request a sample copy of this report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/2976
Testing laboratories in cannabis testing service market are focusing on strategic mergers and acquisitions in order to gain significant market share. For instance, in March 2017, U.S.-based Steep Hill Labs, Inc. entered into a strategic partnership with iCAN: Israel-Cannabis, an Israel-based medical marijuana company, to establish a testing lab in the Israel. Moreover, Steep Hill Labs, Inc. also announced plans to expand operations to six western European markets in 2018.
In March 2019, Blueberries Medical Corp., a Colombia-based licensed medicinal cannabis producer, entered into a binding agreement to acquire cannabis cultivation, processing, manufacturing, export, and other rights in Argentina from BBV Labs Inc.
Browse 38 Market Data Tables and 27 Figures spread through 188 Pages and in-depth TOC on "Cannabis Testing Services Market, By Test Type (Potency Testing, Terpene Profiling, Cannabinoid Profiling, Pesticide Screening, Residual Solvent Testing, Microbiological Screening, and Other Tests), By End User (Cannabis Firms, Homecare Settings, and Research Institutes), and By Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa) - Global Forecast to 2026"
In January 2019, Washington state regulators discussed changes to the recreational marijuana program, which includes implementing mandatory pesticide testing in the near future. Implementation of regulation for pesticide screening of cannabis in the U.S. is expected to boost demand for pesticide screening and drive the growth of the segment over the forecast period.
Browse Research Report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/market-insight/cannabis-testing-services-market-2976
Key Takeaways of the Cannabis Testing Services Market:
The global cannabis testing services market is expected to register a CAGR of 8.5% during the forecast period (2018–2026), owing to increasing research & development and acquisition activities related to cannabis
Among test type, the cannabinoid profiling segment is expected to hold major revenue share in 2026. Cannabinoid profiling offers accurate information to cultivators, cannabis-based product manufacturers, patients, and caregivers regarding the concentration of active cannabinoids in their cannabis sample.
Major players operating in the global cannabis testing services market include, SC Laboratory, Eurofins Scientific, EVIO Labs, ProVerde Laboratories, Inc., Praxis Laboratory Cascadia Labs, Encore labs, SGS Canada Inc., Pharm Labs LLC, and Agricore Laboratories
Buy-Now this research report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/buy-now/2976
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