hunterdeuling · 1 year
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Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
#DalaiLama #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Pin Wheel from 1930s #KCStar - 1654 in #BarbaraBrackman #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #QuiltingOnABudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
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Be not the first by whom the new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.
#AlexanderPope #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Five Spot by Nancy Cabot - 1653 in #BarbaraBrackman #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #QuiltingOnABudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.
#GoldaMeir #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Mrs Brown Choice published Needlecraft Supply 1938 - 1652 in #BarbaraBrackman #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #QuiltingOnABudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
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Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others.
#JohnFKennedy #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Squared Chain from 1969 Quilters Newsletter Magazine - 1651 in #BarbaraBrackman
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #QuiltingOnABudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
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The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.
#JohnLocke #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Path and Stiles designed by Nancy Cabot - 1650 in #BarbaraBrackman #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #quiltingonabudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.
#AntonChekhov #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - New Water Wheel by Nancy Cabot - 1649 in #BarbaraBrackman
#Piecing #Patchwork #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #quiltingonabudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.
#JamesMadison #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Friendship Quilt from #KCStar 1934 - 1648 in #BarbaraBrackman
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #quiltingonabudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
#HenryDavidThoreau #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Crows Nest published #KCStar 1933 - 1647 in #BarbaraBrackman #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #quiltingonabudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
#DalaiLama #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Dragon Heads from Women's World 1930s - 1646d in #BarbaraBrackman #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #dragonheartquiltshop #QuiltingOnABudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die.
#FranzKafka #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Greek Cross 1920s - 1646c in #BarbaraBrackman #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #quiltingonabudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
God's dream is that you and I and all of us will realize that we are family, that we are made for togetherness, for goodness, and for compassion.
#DesmondTutu #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Grecian Square published Women's World 1931 - 1646b in #BarbaraBrackman #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #quiltingonabudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the passion of life.
#FedericoFellini #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Monkey Wrench by Ruth. Finley 1929 - 1646a in #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns by #BarbaraBrackman
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #quiltingonabudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
There ain't no answer. There ain't gonna be any answer. There never has been an answer. That's the answer.
#GertrudeStein #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Shoo Fly Ladies Art Company - 1645 in #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns by #BarbaraBrackman
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #QuiltingOnABudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.
#StephenCovey #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Tangled Angles by Aunt Kadie 1966 - 1643 in #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns by #BarbaraBrackman
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #QuiltingOnABudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
Done right, precision can help clarify, plus it's fun.
#BetsyHodges #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Old Snowflake by Nancy Cabot - 1642 in #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns by #BarbaraBrackman
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #QuiltingOnABudget
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hunterdeuling · 1 year
What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.
#TSEliot #FridayQuote
#QuiltBlock - Ornate Star created by Grandmother Clark - 1641 in #EncylopediaOfPiecedQuiltPatterns by #BarbaraBrackman
#Patchwork #Piecing #Quilt #Quilting #HunterDeuling #QOAB #QuiltingOnABudget
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