#Ellana's were a cute lil forest green
ar-lath-ma-cully · 1 year
HmmmMMMMMM solavellan PAIRHAPS for [ hand kiss ]  –  for the sender’s muse to kiss the back of the receiver’s hand.
And welcome Cully! Happy Friday!
I think we were all probably expecting something cute. Aaaaand that's now what we got lmfao Thank you for the prompt @rosella-writes <3 <3 <3 <3 For those who don't know--Ellana and Amaryllis gave each other tattoos on the inside of their left biceps... hehe For @dadrunkwriting Rating: T WC: 346 - Things had changed, Ellana knew. She had felt it in the way he had looked at her after she had chosen to drink from the well. How he had looked at her when he had admitted she had given him hope. How he had looked at her inside the Wyvern cave. 
She had become restless. There had been desperation in the nervous rolling of her stomach. She had found herself speechless in the wake of his admission, in what he was offering her. In how his lips had twisted, wistful. Ellana had searched his gaze for an answer, wanting–hoping–that this decision would not be hers. That Solas would tell her what she should do. She hadn’t wanted to believe that this–that any part of her life–could have been a lie. That the image of her father’s face would now forever be marred by the knowledge that he had died bearing the markings of a slave. It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t.
She remembered crying. She remembered steeling herself, giving him her answer. Closing her eyes. The feel of his lips against the back of her marked hand, petal-soft; the brush of warmth as he exhaled against her skin. “You are free.”
She remembered opening her tearful eyes. Meeting his tender gaze. The way they had both leaned in–things had changed. There had been desperation in the rolling of her stomach. Her fingers had trembled where they were twisted in the front of his shirt. She wouldn’t let go. Not yet. 
Most of all, she remembered the way he had pulled back, his eyebrows suddenly furrowed, his gaze distant; the way he had gently pried her hands from his tunic while she scrambled for purchase, already pleading–
“It will never happen again.”
Ellana looked into the mirror above her wash basin and touched the skin below her eyes. 
Her naked face felt no different.
She pulled her tunic over her head. Stared at her heaving chest briefly, lifted her left arm, and prayed, for just a moment, that this hadn’t changed. 
But it was gone.
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