eillibsniknej · 6 years
Please Say Yes (Bechloe Fic)
Or that time Beca decided to ask Aubrey for her blessing to propose to Chloe
Beca looked nervous and it was weird.
Like, just super weird.
There had been times when she was sure Beca was nervous. Their first finals, every final after that, the worlds. But she never really looked nervous in those moments, she just became… Fidgety. Fidgety and a little bit hyper. Like a kid that had had too much sugar and couldn’t calm down. Or a squirrel that had been caught and hadn’t yet chosen whether fight or flight was the appropriate response.
She also became a bit of a blurter, saying everything that came to her mind as if keeping it just in her head would somehow ruin the performance. Which turned out not to be such a bad thing when before their second finals performance she blurted out to Chloe that she ‘loved everything about you, including your Ariel hair no matter what all those kids in your elementary school said’. Not super eloquent but that had always been Beca’s style. Besides, the sexual tension between those two was beginning to suffocate the rest of the girls. It’s not like Chloe herself was overly fussed on the delivery when she got to shove her tongue down the brunette’s throat, much to everyone else’s disgust.
But now Beca looked properly nervous. Her fidgeting had somehow increased tenfold if the three ripped up napkins were anything to go by. They were ripped up before she even got there as well, she didn’t know whether to be proud or concerned. When she shook her hand, which was also weird, it was shaking and sweaty, making her face scrunch up in revulsion. Beca must have seen her because her face paled to the point of matching her own pristine blouse before rubbing her hands along her jeans and releasing a strained chuckle that seemed anything but real.
She didn’t know what was going on, but if she wasn’t so concerned, she would almost think it was funny seeing her so put out.
She and Beca had grown closer over the last few years, though it was through no fault of their own. Originally, neither had intended to spend time with one another outside of the Bellas, but their girlfriends had other plans. As much as she loved both Chloe and Stacie, locking her and Beca in a room together with ‘conversation starter’ cue cards was not the fantastic idea the other girls thought it would be. In fact, it lead to an argument so huge that Beca ended up dislocating her shoulder in an attempt to shoulder barge the door down. Turns out the cue card with ‘ask me about my controlling father’ was not the best bonding topic. On the bright side, the two of them had a proper conversation about their fathers while she visited Beca in the hospital and ever since then they became fond of one another. Not that either of them would ever admit it.
“Okay, Midget,” That made Beca’s eyes snap up and narrow slightly. “What did you do this time?”
“Why do you assume I’ve done something?” Beca retorted, arms automatically folding in front of her chest in a defensive gesture. “How do you know it wasn’t Chloe that did something, huh?”
“Well, firstly, Chloe is a God damn angel that literally shits unicorns and vomits rainbows.” Beca smirked at both her use of language and the image, knowing it was pretty much true. “Secondly, she’s my best friend, she would have called me the second something went down between you two as usual which leads me to believe that she doesn’t even know we’re here. And thirdly, you look like you’re ready to projectile vomit across this table and I would know. So since I didn’t bring an umbrella and this is my good shirt, why don’t you tell me why we’re really here?”
Beca actually looked ready to argue that last point but seemed to fold in on herself at the last second, resigning herself to the fact that Aubrey was not too far from the truth.
“Wow, Beca Mitchell backing down from a fight, this must be serious.” She laughed while taking a sip of her coffee but frowned immediately after when Beca, once again, refused to take the bait. “Okay, now you’re starting to scare me. What’s going on in that tiny little head of yours?”
“I just…” Beca paused and looked at her hands. She hadn’t seen her look this vulnerable since the hospital. “I… You know I love Chloe, right? Like, head over heels and all that shit?”
Aubrey’s eyes narrowed at that. Taking in her anxious shifting and tense posture she came to one awful conclusion. She leaned in and dropped her voice to nothing more than a feral growl. “If you’re here to tell me that you cheated on my best friend I swear to god Rebeca Mitchell they will not be able to identify your body.”
“What!” Beca’s eyes almost popped out of her head and she was left floundering, almost unable to form the proper words to express how shocked she was. “What, no! Aubrey, no I would never… Honestly, you know how I feel about cheating after my dad and… No, Aubrey no I swear I didn’t, and never will.”
“Good.” Seeing her signature smirk plastered across Aubrey’s face made Beca want to smack her own on the table because she knew that little rant was at worth at least one year of teasing. “So how about you grow some lady balls and tell me why you’re about ten seconds away from having a heart attack.”
Beca seemed to take a big calming breath, steeling herself before connecting steel blue to emerald green. Aubrey was a little surprised by the sheer determination she found in them, especially considering how the rest of the day had gone so far. Aubrey knew this look and refrained from commenting or even talking at all as it was Beca’s ‘give me a second before I start to spill my heart out’ look.
“I love Chloe. With my entire soul and being. She’s everything to me and, if I’m lucky, she feels the same about me. I don’t know what I did to deserve to have her in my life but I swear that as long as she’ll have me I will treat her like the fucking princess she is. No matter how oblivious I was to her feelings towards me for those first few years, since then I have done everything I possibly can to keep her happy, and to keep her safe and loved. She’s my world, Aubrey, and I want it to be that way for a long time.”
“Okay?” Aubrey responded slowly, not entirely sure what was happening. “And why are you telling me this? This seems like something you should probably be talking about with Chloe.”
“Well, I am.” Beca stuttered, determination seeping out of her voice and returning to sheepish. “I mean, I will. The reason I’m telling you this is because you are probably the most important person in Chloe’s life, apart from her parents, which I’ve already done. Anyway, I feel like since you were kids, you and Chloe have shared everything together. You’ve always been there for each other and, despite our initial… differences, I think you and I have gotten quite close as well.”
Aubrey couldn’t hold in her chuckle then, half at Beca admitting their shared fondness for each other and the other half because she had never seen Beca turn so red. A quick pointed glare from the blushing girl made Aubrey mime zipping her lips together and throwing away the key. While it earned her Beca’s trademark eye roll, the girl continued anyway.
“So, I think you know that I would do anything for Chloe, and that I’m good for her. We both know that Chloe has never been happier with anyone than she is with me.”
Aubrey thought back to all the other people she had seen Chloe date and couldn’t help but nod in agreement. As much as she loved the redhead, she had the worst taste in partners. From Dandruff Danielle all the way to fuckboy Tom, Chloe always ended up snuggled into her best friend’s side sobbing over a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough. But even when the girl’s boyfriend or girlfriend didn’t treat her like dirt, Chloe had never smiled at any of them the way she did at Beca. The full grin made her look like an idiot but she looked like an idiot that was head over heels in love.
“So what I really brought you here for, Aubrey, was to ask for your blessing to ask Chloe to marry me.”
“What the fuck!” The words had left her mouth before she even fully comprehended them. And on top of that, she had just screamed profanity in the middle of a crowded café. Most of the patrons were glaring at her but the staff behind the counter just smirked. The four girls were regulars here, coming to adore the elderly owners and vice versa. Ida and Joe were two of the sweetest people any of them had ever met but also knew how to properly tear someone a new one when needed. Beca’s words, not Aubrey’s. Like the time someone had yelled ‘dykes’ at the group. The man promptly found his lap covered in boiling hot coffee that had been ‘accidently’ spilled there before Ida dragged the man up by his ear and physically dragged him out of the shop. No one would say such cruel things about their girls. Still, despite their closeness they had not seen Aubrey as anything other than calm, cool and collected. Therefore Aubrey’s screech of indignation was nothing but hilarious to the couple, which they took to mimicking almost every time they saw the blonde afterwards.
Aubrey shrunk down in her chair at the glares and saw Beca do the same. However, the other girl seemed to have curled in on herself, horror and embarrassment etched on her face much to Aubrey’s chagrin.
“No,” Aubrey immediately set to rectify her mistake. “Beca, stop doing that, you look like a kicked puppy. C’mon, you just took me by surprise, that’s all. I’m sorry. It could have been worse, I could have puked all over you.”
Beca watched her with suspicious eyes for a moment before clearing her throat and sitting up. She reached into her leather jacket pocket to produce a non-descript, black ring box. She all but threw it on the table with a disgruntled mumble of ‘I’m not a puppy’.
Aubrey opened the ring box and her heart melted at the sight. A single silver band wrapped elegantly around a light blue gem stone, smaller diamonds also speckled across the top. It was beautiful, but more importantly it was something that Chloe would absolutely love. Chloe had never liked flashy or showy rings, especially ones with massive gemstones that projected too far from the ring itself, determining them to be too annoying as they easily get caught on things. However, it was the blue gemstone in the middle that caught Aubrey’s, and she was sure would catch Chloe’s, attention the most as she could almost guarantee it was the same shade as the redhead’s eyes.
“I um, designed it.” The brunette’s voice was small and awkward, obviously having deemed Aubrey’s silence to have gone on too long. “With the help of a professional, of course. I forgot what the stone was called, but I asked the lady to pick a gem that would match her eyes properly. I gave her a picture of Chloe but none of them seemed to work. They just didn’t look right, you know? The blue was too dark or too light. I’m pretty sure the lady was ready to wring my neck. She ended up bringing me into the back room where they kept them all along with about five security guards. It took me three hours and 47 minutes to pick that one and I’m just so happy I didn’t settle.”
“Me too.” Aubrey breathed out before sliding the ring onto her finger. “It fits, which means it’s going to fit hers, nice sizing Mitchell, or should I say Beale?”
“Well firstly,” Beca started, relaxing a little at Aubrey’s teasing tone. “You have yet to actually give me any sort of blessing to move in on your girl. Secondly, Beca Beale? What am I, a comic book character? Please. I’m going to stay Mitchell if I can, I don’t really like hyphen names because then it takes too long to fill out forms. It’s up to Chloe though really. If it means a lot to her I would consider it, and if she wants to take mine that’s rad too.”
“Rad? Comic books?” Aubrey’s eyebrow quirked at the mini rant. “I thought you were a ‘badass’ not a nerd.”
“Shut it, Posen.” Beca rolled her eyes before once again turning serious. “But, just, that blessing though…”
“Jesus Beca! Of course it’s a yes!” Aubrey pulled Beca up to wrap her arms around the brunette in what was probably only their fifth ever hug. “When are you going to propose? What’s the plan? This is really exciting, Becs. Hey, the Bellas could even perform at the wedding!”
Beca cringed at the thought of drunken Bellas trying to do a drunken rendition of Bruno Mars’ I Think I Want to Marry You.
“Um, Aubrey? Hate to burst your bubble but Chloe would actually have to say yes before there can be a wedding. As for the rest of it, this Friday I’m taking Chloe to that restaurant down the street that she loves. Afterwards I got the lighting guys at the studio to help me out with some mood lighting and Fairy lights so I’m going to dress up the roof. You know, make it look pretty. Sprinkle round some flowers and add in some music and hopefully she’ll be too distracted to see me have a panic attack before I ask her.”
“You have nothing to worry about.” Aubrey replied sincerely, knowing Beca was probably only half joking about the panic attack. You were right, Chloe feels the exact same way about you. Hell I should know, she never has been able to shut up about you, even before you were dating.”
“Really?” Despite her grumblings Beca really did look like a puppy most of the time and it was adorable.
“Yes, Beca.” She smiled at the brunette in an attempt to ease the girl’s worries. “No worries. Just show that girl how in love with her you are and you’ll have her forever, just like you’re planning.”
A genuine smile leaked onto Beca’s face for a second, leading Aubrey to believe this talk not only gave Beca the ‘blessing’ she needed but also a making her a little more confident that she wasn’t about to get her heart stomped on. She was really happy for her best friend, already picturing herself losing the hearing in one ear when the red head would no doubt squeal into the phone in all her excitement. It was going to be a good week for her friends. If she could keep the secret from her best friend that is. Even Aubrey could admit she wasn’t a good liar to those closest to her so perhaps she would have to back off a bit for the next two days if she really wanted to keep the surprise.
“Thanks, Aubrey.” Once again, Beca sounded genuinely sincere. This was probably the most heartfelt conversation the two had ever had alone, usually preferring to go to the others’ girlfriend for advice. “This actually means a lot to me and I’m glad that we have you.”
“Don’t worry about it, Beca.” Aubrey replied, even going so far as to rest her hand upon the brunettes. “Besides, who knows? Perhaps one day this could be me sitting here in front of you, asking for your blessing for Stacie.”
“You want to marry Stacie?” Beca seemed just as surprised as Aubrey was when Beca first asked for her blessing.
“Well, not right now.” It was Aubrey’s turn to flush in embarrassment and Beca’s trademark smirk had returned. “But, maybe sometime in the near future. I mean, we’ve been together for just about as long as you and Chloe and I love her. I’m not there right now but the longer we’re together the more and more I picture the rest of my life. And every time I think about marriage and kids and being old and grey, Stacie is there in every fantasy and every plan.”
“Okay, Soppy,” Beca interrupted. “How about you save some of the romantic feelings crap for the speech you’ll give me next time we talk about this, deal?”
Aubrey wasn’t used to seeing this side of Beca, but she felt that their relationship had grown over the past half an hour. While the conversation started about Chloe, it was the first time they had willingly shared their feelings without force or serious injury. And while this didn’t mean they would be having sleepovers and sharing secrets, Aubrey felt comfortable knowing that if she ever needed anything that she couldn’t talk to Stacie or Chloe about, Beca would be there for her. And she would be there for Beca too, of course.
Now all she had to do was secret keep for a few days and then she could go out celebrating with her two best friend and her long-time girlfriend. Then again, Beca was right in saying that Aubrey and Chloe shared everything. If Beca and Chloe weren’t planning on eloping anytime soon, they might even be able to make it a double wedding.
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eillibsniknej · 6 years
The Tables Have Turned (Pitch Perfect Fic)
Or that time Aubrey decided to ask Beca for her blessing to propose to Stacie. 
“You look like shit.”
Okay so maybe that was blunt, but to be honest Beca was surprised she had even said it in the first place because it was meant to be an inside thought. Oh well, too late to pull it back now. In all honesty, Aubrey would have looked impeccable if it was anybody else. Black blazer and skirt were pristine and her bun was so tight that not one blonde hair would even dare put itself out of place. The complete and utter perfectness of her was what had Beca so troubled. On a normal day, Aubrey would look well put together, but on her bad days she would look unrealistically gorgeous, dressed by a mixture of OCD and nerves.
And damn did it look like her nerves were on high alert today.
Beca hesitated to take the seat opposite the blonde, noticing that Aubrey’s stress levels were verging on Pukegate. It made Beca wonder what the hell she was even doing here in the first place. She had been sent a rather professional sounding text laying out a time and place, stating that her ‘presence was required for a jovial commemoration of her upcoming nuptials’. Aubrey had clearly spent too much time on that text. Especially in comparison to Beca’s equally masterful ‘meet you there, loser’.
“Charming as ever, Beca.” Was Aubrey’s diplomatic response.
“Uptight as ever, Aubrey.” Was Beca’s undiplomatic reply.
The blonde could only roll her eyes before pushing one of the cups on the table towards the shorter girl. “Here, I asked Joe for your usually and he gave me that monstrosity. Of course you like your coffee black.”
“Matches my soul.” Beca quipped before taking a sip and moaning at the taste. She chanced a glance over at the counter to see that Joe was looking back with an unspoken question dancing in his eyes. She flipped him off and watched him a little longer to see him laugh and turn back to his wife who could only roll her eyes at the interaction.
She had asked both her husband and the short girl how pulling the finger had become synonymous with the more elegant and popular ‘good job’ but both had stayed tight-lipped about it. Either way, the tradition had stuck and Ida supposed that, although she was shocked the first time, it was definitely not out of the bounds of something her husband would do. Sometimes she feel like she married a twelve year old boy. A twelve year old boy whose friend flips him off every time he serves her good coffee.
“Yes,” Aubrey rolls her eyes at the brunette. “The dark and mysterious alt-girl that cried watching Zootopia.”
“I can’t believe Chloe told you that.” Beca grumbled into her coffee.
“She didn’t need to. Your eyes were super red when you guys met up with us afterwards. We thought someone had died.”
“Nick’s fucking childhood died.” Beca snapped back and Aubrey could only chuckle at the brunette’s defensiveness. “Am I here for any other reason or was this solely so you could mock me?”
Aubrey cleared her throat and sat up straighter in her chair, something Beca didn’t even realise was possible because the blonde’s back could probably be used as a ruler. Her smirk fell away to reveal what was probably the most serious face the blonde has ever worn which is definitely saying something. What struck Beca the most was the determination in the older woman’s eyes, giving the brunette a quick flashback to her freshman year’s Bellas practice.
Beca watched, with no small amount of interest, as Aubrey turned in her chair to dig through her bag. A few different thoughts went through her mind of what this sudden show and tell could possibly have to offer her but decided against speaking up, sarcastic or otherwise, in favour of waiting her out. Something told Beca that this was more than just the average friend coffee date.
Her prediction was proved valid when Aubrey spun back towards Beca while smacking her hand down on the table. When she pulled her arm back it revealed a small, black box, not too dissimilar to the one she had presented to a certain redhead not even a week ago.
“I’m really sorry to disappoint you, Aubrey.” Beca started before lifting up her left hand to display the ring that had taken up residence earlier that week. “But I’m already taken. And I kind of love her so, although I’m super flattered, I’m going to have to say no.”
“Can you take anything seriously?” Aubrey reprimands.
Beca chuckles and, despite her original comment, picks up the ring box and opens it.
“Damn, Posen.” The producer whistles appreciatively at the amazing rose gold band in front of her. Stacie was one of those people that had fallen head first into the rose gold trend. Watches, wall decorations, even kitchen appliances have been bought simply for their colour. Beca still remembered, in vivid technicolour, getting slapped not so gently up the back of the head when she laughed at the rose gold stapler. “You chose wisely. She’ll love it.”
“You think so?” Aubrey asked quickly, vulnerability colouring her tone despite her attempt to squash it.
“I know so.” Beca answered honestly. And she really did mean it. Stacie was probably going to deafen Aubrey with the amount she’ll squeal when she sees it. Stacie doesn’t wear a whole lot of jewellery due to working in the ER. She’s got too many drugged up patients to watch out for without worrying about whether or not they can grab onto your bangles. She will never forget watching a patient, high on whatever the hell he’d managed to get his hands on that week, bite through the side of his cheek to bite off the finger of the intern trying to hold his head still. Later that night the patient admitted he had done so because he saw the ring on the man’s finger and thought he was Frodo and therefor compelled to do whatever necessary to get the one ring to rule them all.
After that day studs and the occasional necklace had become more the norm for the taller brunette.
However, special occasions were still her bread and butter and she often showed up dressed to the nines. She might need to pull it back at work but she was still Stacie Conrad.
“I mean, it probably won’t be on her hand most days.” Aubrey spoke up self-consciously as Beca all but pulled out a magnifying glass to inspect the little diamonds. “But I’ve got a chain that matches so, hopefully, even though it’s not on her hand it will still be on her.”
“Oh so you’ve already planned this, have you?” Beca asked, eyebrow raised as she pushed the box back towards the blonde. “Because, I’m pretty sure I’ve figured out why I’m here but I have yet to be asked any questions. Well, more like the one important question.”
“Put the smirk away, Mitchell.” Aubrey growled, not overly amused by the smug look on DJ’s face. “It’s not very ladylike.”
“That explains my dick then.” Beca snarked back, grin growing on her face as she gestured down.
“Must you be so crass?” Aubrey asked with a grimace as the involuntary picture her words triggered was less than appealing.
“Must you live with that stick up your ass?” Beca replied quickly, used to this line of questioning from the blonde. When she saw the lawyer’s right eye finally start twitching she knew she had pushed Aubrey just to the point of actually becoming annoyed. For the sake of her new fiancée, she would never get tired of saying that, she decided to take it easy on the poor girl. “Fine. Continue. You gonna be straightforward and just ask or have you got a speech planned? Good lord what am I saying? Of course there’s a speech.”
“I wish I could argue but I did write a speech for this so hang on.” Aubrey sighed as she reached into her satchel to pull out her little black notebook.
As she flicked through the book to land on the right page Beca noticed that the unshakable Aubrey Posen’s hands were shaking. Despite the epic chance to mock the girl, Beca found that the urge to do so was not there. In fact, it actually lightened the brunette’s heart a little to know that her opinion meant that much. Like Beca’s opinion really did mean the difference between marriage and heartbreak.
“Okay, got it.” Aubrey cleared her throat before her eyes flicked between the page and Beca’s own. “Beca, I know we haven’t always been friends but I feel like we have always had something in common; taking care of the ones we love. And, due to an infinite number of coincidences and improbable circumstance we have been pushed together and bonded through our mutual friends and partners. Even though social constructs would dictate that you…”
“Stop!” Beca finally interrupted, waving her hands in front of her dramatically, and unnecessarily in Aubrey’s opinion, to shut the blonde up quicker. “Please just stop. No.”
“I’m not done, Beca.” Aubrey spoke up quickly in defence. Though honestly Beca’s fast dismissal had the blonde a little embarrassed, indignant, but mostly just plain disappointed.
“That’s fine, and you’re allowed to continue in a second.” Beca tried to placate the older woman. She could tell it worked when a pleased smile made its way onto Aubrey’s face. “But you have to give me the book first.”
And there goes the smile.
“What?” Aubrey almost shouted in shock. She immediately clutched the book tighter, bringing it closer to herself as if it needed to be shielded from the brunette. “No, I need it. It has my speech in it and I need my speech.”
Beca just held her hand out to the blonde with her palm up. “Aubrey, could you just trust me for once and give me the stupid book?”
Aubrey watched the DJ apprehensively for a couple more seconds before reluctantly placing the book in her hand like one would place the most fragile flower petal. Beca flipped the book around and scanned over the words there before shaking her head from side to side.
“No, this won’t do.” Beca murmured quietly.
“What do you mean it won’t do?” Aubrey’s voice was dripping in venom as she stared the shorter girl down. “That speech is perfect. It’s an outline of our lives and how everything fits together in such a way that brings us to this moment. It also details how my marrying Stacie would be beneficial to the four of us individually and as an isolated community. And on top of that how it would be conducive to properly and efficiently functioning smoothly in the wider community. Everything is in there, Mitchell. What more could you want?”
“Do you love Stacie, Posen?” Beca asks calmly, as if Aubrey had not been staring daggers into her.
“Of course I do.” Aubrey replied without even thinking.
“Why?” Beca questioned simply.
Aubrey paused for a moment at that, blinking rapidly as if the question had somehow overloaded her brain. “What?”
“Why do you love her?” Beca repeated, arms folding on the table as she leaned forwards towards the blonde.
“I… I just do.” Aubrey answered pitifully, still trying to really process the question she had just been asked. “I know I do.”
“I’m very aware you do love her.” Beca rolled her eyes at the usually composed lawyer. “You’ve said that already. What I want to know is why do you love her? Why do you want to marry her? Your speech covers a lot, like a fucking lot, but I don’t see anywhere in here where it tells me how you feel about her.”
“She’s… I love her because… She’s everything.” Aubrey sighed out lovingly, eyes glazing over as the girl in question drifted into her mind. “I love her because she’s Stacie. She’s amazing in literally every way possible. For starters she’s just so smart. Like, ridiculously, fiercely intelligent. And she uses that intelligence to help people. She saves lives daily which is just the most amazing thing anyone could ever do. Yet, despite all that doctor knowledge she still has room for the most useless shit you would never need to know in a million years.”
“God I know.” Beca scoffed and rolled her eyes at that. “The other day we went out and for dessert I ordered something with figs in it. Bitch waited until after I’d eaten to tell me that almost every single fig has at least one dead wasp in it. What an asshole.”
Aubrey laughed at that. “Yeah, that’s definitely seems like something she would do. It’s another reason I love her. She’s so smart but she’s still so down to earth. She’s funny and witty and charming and she never fails to make me laugh when I need it. It’s like if I lose a case or a client yells at me or my father says he’s disappointed with me, it hurts a lot but then I go home and Stacie’s there and all she’ll do is give me a hug and I just melt. It’s like everything goes away and it’s just me and her and I don’t feel like crying anymore. It’s like she knows what I want and need before I even do. She’s everything to me, Becs, and I just know that I can’t lose that. I know it’s what I want. Not just now, but forever. She’s my forever.”
Beca stared at her for a second with a contemplative look on her face. “That was way better than what you had written down, Bree. Much better.”
“Thanks.” Aubrey replied bashfully, fiddling with the napkin on the table as she prepared to finally ask what they came here for.
“But you did forget to mention that she was fucking hot as fuck.”
“Rebeca Mitchell!” Aubrey screeched indignantly while Beca herself burst out laughing.
“I’m kidding!” Beca defended while trying to calm down. “I’m just kidding. I’m sorry, it was getting all emotional and I thought I’d lighten the mood a bit. Plus you know it’s true.”
“Oh really? Do you want me to tell Chloe that you said that?”
“That’s not a threat, Bree.” Beca rolled her eyes at the blonde. “You know she’d just agree with me.”
“True.” Aubrey grumbled reluctantly. “Look, do I have your permission to propose to Stacie or not?”
“Let me think about it for a second.” Beca replied mockingly, put on her best thinking face and rubbing her chin.
“Beca.” The lawyer growled.
“Fine! Go marry the boob lady for all I care.” Beca chuckled. Though as she watched the smile spread over Aubrey’s face she can tell that the blonde was probably going to throw up if she had to wait any longer for the answer.
“Thank you, Beca.” Aubrey said sincerely. “Really, it means a lot.”
“We’ll call it even, Posen.” Beca shrugged. “After all, you allowed me to have your best friend’s hand, I think it’s only fair that I allow you to do the same. Just take care of her like I know you will and I won’t have to break your legs.”
Aubrey rolled her eyes at the dramatic threat but laughed when she remembered her own involving throats and wolves. Maybe people were right when they said the two had more in common than they thought.
Part 1 available here if you want to read Beca asking Aubrey’s permission.
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