#Eddie musnon secret relationship
harrywavycurly · 4 months
Secret Rendezvous Part Two: Pointless
Masterlist: Here
TW: Language
Tag List: @emma77645 @aol19 @tlclick73 @prestinalove @kailey-firefly @fromasgardandback @therealgothamguardianfr @peaches-roses-sins @hiscrimsonangel @furiousladyking @angelina16torres-blog @sofaritsalrightt @josephquinnsfreckles @starrywhitenight @mrsjellymunson @witchwolflea @jasminelafleur
A/N: We might as well get down to it ya know? No point in beating around the bush with letting yall see how Eddie feels about yalls situation in this series (for now at least👀).
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Lucy Henderson Character Bio
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Full Name: Lucille (Lucy) Henderson
Birthday: April 21, 1968
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian 
Skin Tone: Pale 
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Hairstyle: Long and curly, typically tied back and out of her face
Build: Chubby and curvy
Height: 5’ 6’’
Style: More preppy 80s style, has a fondness for pinks and pastels; high waisted jeans, scrunchies and floral prints are a regular part of her wardrobe
General Personality Traits: Cheerful, Steadfast, Motherly
Strengths: Bravery, Loyalty, Compassionate 
Flaws: Insecure, Stubborn, Over protective 
Habits And Mannerisms: Often caught humming or singing to herself, plays with her hair when she’s nervous or scared
Secrets: Resentment at feeling she’s being left behind by her friends once they started high school
Regrets: Caring so much what people think of her when it shouldn’t matter
Skills/Talents: Talent costumer, singer and actress; knows her way around a tool chest and basic home repairs; memory like a steel trap 
Likes: Musicals, Fantasy, Long drives 
Dislikes: Last minute plans, Spiders, Math
Sense of Humor: Sucker for a good pun, and sassier than people give her credit for
Guilty Pleasure: Cheesy romcoms, melodramas, and romance novels
Defining Moment: Finally standing up for herself and telling Nancy how she’s been feeling
Friends: Nancy Wheeler, Barbra Holland, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson
Family: Claudia Henderson (mother), Dustin Henerson (younger brother)
Enemies: Hawkin’s Lab, The Upside Down
Lovers: Eddie Musnon (eventually)
Relationship Status: Single and too oblivious to mingle 
Reputation: Quiet theater kid who hangs out with some weirdos, but isn’t offensive enough to be bothered with for the most part
Current Residence: Hawkins, Indiana
Collections: Piles of fabric and ribbons she swears she’s going to use one day
Accent: Standard American
Voice: Smooth and sweet
Signature Quote: “Look, sometimes there are monsters under the bed that want to eat you and sometimes the monsters under the bed just want a place to sleep. It can be tricky knowing which is which.” 
Song: Everybody Want to Rule the World by Tears for Fears (liable to change)
Born and raised in Hawkins, Lucy had a simple childhood for the first nine years of her life. Both of her parents loved her and her baby brother Dustin to death. They weren’t a rich family, but not struggling and Lucy spent her days going to school and playing with her friends, Nancy and Barb.  However, not long after she turned nine, things changed.  Her dad died in a car accident and her mom was left devastated and lost.  
Without having to say anything, Lucy knew she had to step up. She started taking more time to look after Dustin, making sure he had lunch for school, did homework with him, and any other small things that needed looking after now that their mom had to go back to work to support them. Her Mom eventually moved through her grief and was able to pull herself back together, but by then Lucy had already taken on more responsibilities. She was the one to plan doctor’s appointments. She taught herself basic plumbing and car maintenance, and all the while keeping an eye on her brother. It came to the point where it was just expected of her to know who to call or what to do. If there was a problem, Lucy fixed it. 
When she was thirteen, she even got a job as a babysitter for various families around Hawkins, including the Sinclairs and sometimes the Byers if Jonathan couldn’t come straight home after school. It was rough going for a while, but eventually she was able to put things back together and find a stable, happy rhythm.  Things changed again though once she, Barb, and Nancy started highschool. 
The three of them were close all through elementary school and middle school, but as their freshman year went on, it became clear to Lucy that she and Nancy weren’t as close as they once were. There were times it felt like she invited her along out of obligation rather than being her friend. Barb seemed the only one putting in the effort to keep their friendship alive. Lucy did her best, but felt the need to look elsewhere for friends, diving into theater and hoping that when the day came Nancy and Barb no longer called, it wouldn’t hurt so much. 
Still, they managed to hang on through freshman year, only for things to reach their breaking point when Nancy started sneaking off with Steve Harrington. And things would only get worse, starting the night of November 3, 1983. 
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harrywavycurly · 2 months
Secret Rendezvous Part 10: Not Red
Masterlist: Here
CW: Language
Tag List: @emma-munson @aol19 @tlclick73 @prestinalove @kailey-firefly @fromasgardandback @therealgothamguardianfr @peaches-roses-sins @hiscrimsonangel @furiousladyking @angelina16torres-blog @sofaritsalrightt @josephquinnsfreckles @starrywhitenight @mrsjellymunson @witchwolflea @jasminelafleur @ohmeg @comeonatmebruh @missmarch-99 @arthurcerverogf
A/N: I love your friendship with Gareth the next update will have some answers to some of y’all’s questions, so enjoy✨
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“Are you actually in detention this time or is it more community service?” “Happy to see you too Gare Bear.” “Oh you’re so here for detention…what’d you do?” “Let’s see the paper says….oh this is great it says…reason for detention…using language unbecoming of a cheerleader of Hawkins High…but what they mean is Mr. Springer walked out of his class to me telling Jason to fuck off in the hallway after he made Chrissy upset.” “Sounds about right…” “what do you mean? It sounds about right that Jason made Chrissy upset or that I told him to fuck off?” “Uhm…uh…both?…actually?” “Relax I’m just fucking with you…why are you here?” “Oh I just wait in here on Thursdays until Eddie gets here for Hellfire.” “You…wait in detention for Eddie?” “Saying it out loud makes it sound…dumb but it’s just better than roaming the halls….uhm so…how’s…how’s Stacy?” “You haven’t texted her? Gareth she gave you her number like two days ago what the hell?” “I’m nervous! What if she gave it to me just so I’ll leave her alone?” “She gave it to you so you wouldn’t leave her alone you dingus! Text her right now or I’m never speaking to you again.” “Okay okay…what…what do I say?” “You say hey this is Gareth sorry it took me so long to text you I’m an idiot.” “I’m not saying that…or at least not the part about being an idiot….what are you doing?” “We have a game tomorrow and my nails looks like shit so I’m painting them…what else are you supposed to do in detention while Mrs. Taylor sleeps?” “Oh…you have to paint your nails and stuff for games?” “Yeah? You have to look perfect…you’re representing your school and all that shit so…yeah it’s important to look good…now what color?…just not red.” “Oh that’s a lot of…pressure…but why not red that’s a good color?” “Gareth do you even go here? What are our school colors?” “Oh yeah…not red…go with green then.” “Excellent choice…so I’m sorry again…for leaving you at the party.” “We’ve been over this…it’s fine I was having a good time with Stacy and you were having a good time with Hank-” “you know damn well that’s not his name.” “Shit sorry no need to hit me…but really it’s fine but uh did you have a good time?” “Yeah it was…okay…” “Emerson!” “Looks like your ride to the drama room is here.” “You two still haven’t talked?” “Nope…now go kick some weird fantasy troll or zombie ass.” “It’s been like three days…” “Emerson let’s fucking go!” “Ohh daddy is using his mean voice you better listen to him.” “Don’t say shit like that…but you’re okay though right?” “Gareth!” “Yes Gareth I’m okay…now really go before Eddie walks in here and drags you out and then I’ll have to kick his ass and redo my nails.” “Okay…see you later?” “Yeah I’ll text you when I’m home.” “Okay…enjoy detention!”
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