rinstrumental · 10 months
ellie gf headcanons pt. 2
# i’m a headcanon machine i cant be stopped… also she is literally a cheesy ass lose girlfriend this part is actually canon confirmed by naughty dog. modern au
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if your native language isn’t english/speak any language other than english she is going to think you’re ten times cooler than you already are. best believe she’s hopping on duolingo first thing she gets home too so she can impress you (i know duolingo isn’t the best but she’s TRYING)
she took spanish in high school though
even though she can’t retain the info for shit she will search up terms of endearment in your language and call you them all the time even if you think its corny she can’t stop
whenever someone asks her what her type is she just says “my girl” with the most stupid grin on her face
she fidgets SO much omg she doesn’t wear rings often but when she does (you said they looked nice one time and all of a sudden she’s wearing rings every time you see her) she’s constantly playing with them. she also plays with the strings of her hoodie/loose threads etc.
*playing basketball* “this one’s for you babe” *completely misses*
such a nerd for collectibles!! has been since she was a kid. she has funko pops, vinyls, pokemon cards, snowglobes, plushies, smiskis, calico critters she’s a slave to capitalism
little social media presence. her only instagram account is basically a photo dump which is private with only her closest friends following it. (spoiler alert, most of the pictures are of the two of you)
in the last post i said she’s have a pet gecko but i also strongly believe joel would have a dog. could be a teeny tiny chihuahua or a fucking great dane idk just give my man a good friend! ellie also loves that dog (whatever it is) dearly
doesn’t have any piercings and doesn’t ever consider it unless you say that they’d look good on her… your word is her law FR 😭😭😂😂
okay no she’s not dependent on you to the point of it being toxic though. HOWEVER it’s a bit hard for her to express when she feels upset sometimes and gets jealous easily but she tries her best to communicate and keep it healthy
she has her tattoos though of course. although this is a modern au so she’d have different ones i guess… forearm one is definitely in the cards but also lots of tiny little ones. a few for her friends and family and a few she got in a drunken stupor
pottery lesbian that’s it
gets SOOO red when she’s drunk i dont care what anyone says her alcohol tolerance is average at best
i think she would play a sport sometimes. like volleyball. she plays competitively if she’s in school and she always wants you to come “watch your girlfriend be cool”. bring a sign - she’ll love it
kisses and hugs u after the game while she’s all sweaty too…ew but aw
she also really likes animated movies, not disney but like how to train your dragon and the spiderverse and puss in boots (im projecting). she went to see barbie and oppenheimer on the same day and she didn’t dress up but the spirit was there!!
she’s not a gymbro per se but joel probably would have workout equipment in the basement which ellie uses from time to time. and she’s just naturally lean because she’s an active person. pls tell her how big and strong and sexy and amazing she is
ok fine i think she likes being praised AND SHE DESERVES ITT like she’s such a wonderful girlfriend ❤️ ugh shes perfect I CANT STAND HER
goodnight and good morning texts are part of her routine
sunburns easily so you have to remind her to wear sunscreen all the time
doesn’t really know how to do makeup but she’ll paint your nails for you and do your hair
whenever the two of you spend the night together she’s usually last to get up. this bitch could sleep through the rapture i’m not kidding but it’s okay because it gives you time to admire her pretty face as she sleeps in peace and quiet for once
takes the aux very seriously you guys HAVE to share it. unless you like the same music and i think she would like radiohead, joy division, deftones and loser sad songs like that…. she also is a big fan of the spiderverse soundtrack and kendrick lamar though and thee stallion 😜 (i have two wolves inside me)
please reblog mwah thank you!!
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duckprintspress · 5 months
Meet the Aether Beyond the Binary Contributors: Mikki Madison
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Today, we’re kicking off introducing y’all to the contributors to Aether Beyond the Binary, our currently crowdfunding awesome anthology of 17 stories set in aetherpunk settings starring genderqueer and non-binary characters, with an interview with writer Mikki Madison and excerpt from her contribution!
About Mikki Madison: Mikki Madison has been writing stories since she was seven years old.  While she is most prolific in fanfiction and has works scattered among  more than a dozen fandoms, she has been making strides into original  fiction. Her favorite genres to read are romance, fantasy, and cozy  mysteries. When she isn’t reading, writing, or falling headfirst into a  new fandom, she can be found baking, doing puzzles, walking her foster  dog, doting on her niblings, or playing Pokemon Go. She has also written  under the name M. K. Mads. Link: Tumblr
Mikki Madison has been involved with Duck Prints Press since our first project, and has contributed to two previous anthologies: And Seek (Not) to Alter Me: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing and He Bears the Cape of Stars. She’s also written two short stories with the Press, one – The Fated Prince published on our webpage (and included in the contributor short-story bundle campaign add-on!) and It Happened on Maple Street, which is Patreon-backer exclusive.
Q&A with Mikki Madison
Are you a pantser, a planner, or a planster? What’s your process look like?
I’m a planner. I virtually always have an outline for any project I’m working on, whether it’s a quick scribbled bullet list or more involved note cards. The note cards are typically for novels, while short stories  I can get away with something less involved. It helps to keep me on track and if the story veers while I’m writing, I can adjust either the  outline or the story as I need to.
Do you like having background noise when you create?  What do you listen to? Does it vary depending on the project, and if so, how?
It varies depending on project and also where I am. I have a bunch of story- or genre-specific iTunes playlists that I would listen to whenever I was at in-person write-ins, which usually contained movie and video game scores because I write most easily with instrumental music playing. So if I was writing a fantasy story, I’d have a playlist with the score from the LOTR movies or Final Fantasy games, and if it was a sci-fi story, I’d have Star Wars, and steampunk would be the movie scores from the Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes movies. Recently someone in the DPP server shared a link to a YouTube channel with immersive writing sessions that are about 2 hours long, with 25-minute sprints interspersed with 5-minute breaks. I’ve been putting that channel on the TV while I’m writing at home and it’s really helped me focus!
What are your favorite snacks and/or drinks to consume while creating?
As you can probably tell from a glance at my Tumblr, I love tea. I’m virtually always drinking tea, especially when it’s cold outside.
What are your favorite tropes?
Found family is one of my absolute favorite tropes. I love seeing a disparate group of people come together to care about each other. I’m also a huge fan of rivals to lovers and second-chance romances. Plus, the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one!! I love it when the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one.
Tell us about your pet(s).
Right now, I don’t have any full-time pets – I foster dogs for a local rescue. I’ve had 9 dogs over the course of the past year, from 80-pound coonhounds to 3-pound chihuahua puppies. It’s been extremely rewarding and I’ve had so much fun getting to know all the different dogs. It’s hard when I have to let them go, but I know that they’re not “my” dogs and I’m happy that they’re getting to go to a forever family.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
This quote from E.L. Konigsburg: “Finish. The difference between being a writer and being a person of talent is the discipline it takes to apply  the seat of your pants to the seat of your chair and finish. Don’t talk about doing it. Do it. Finish.”
Novels in particular are marathons, and finishing a story of that length is a skill you’ve got to build. It’s fine if it gets trunked, it’s fine if you never edit it, but I think especially as a younger writer, you really need to learn to at least finish that first draft. It helped me tremendously early on to focus on finishing my stories, instead of just editing the beginnings over and over and over.
What are your favorite resources and tools for your craft?
A friend of mine has gifted me a couple of writing-related card decks – one is a prompt deck called Writer’s XL Emergency Pack, another is a card game called Once Upon a Time. I’ve recently been using both to come up with short story ideas and it’s been really fun!
I draw anywhere from 3-9 cards, depending on the length of what I’m doing, and then start brainstorming how to use the different cards  within a story. If I’m not feeling one of the cards, I discard it and  draw another one. 
For example, I was recently working on a story where I knew one of the MCs didn’t want to work with the other one, but I didn’t know why. I knew that was going to be a big plot point, but none of the ideas I’d come up with seemed to fit. So I started drawing some cards out of the Once Upon a Time deck to see if that might spark something. Three of the first cards I drew were “secret,” “wolf,” and “cure.” Bam! A secret werewolf looking for a cure. That gave me my motivation and helped me  outline the back half of the story.
When you’re writing short stories for NaNoWriMo and you’re desperately trying to come up with something else for your word count, these are lifesavers. And I like the physicality of shuffling and drawing them.
Share five of your favorite books. 
Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett – if you enjoy fantasy and comedy and you haven’t yet read the Discworld series, this is a fantastic place to start. The Night Watch books are probably my favorites and this one is  excellent. 
The Heiress Effect by Courtney Milan – Honestly I love all of Courtney Milan’s romance novels, but The Brothers Sinister series (of which The Heiress Effect is the second book) is really, really great. I love Jane, the heroine of this story, SO MUCH, and the secondary romance between her sister and a lawyer is so, so sweet. I’ve read it three or four  times at this point.
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune – I love found families and fantasy and romance, so this book was right up my alley and I read the entire thing in one go. The kids particularly were wonderful.
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi – Another book I read in one go, and it was SO much fun that I couldn’t put it down. Scalzi’s sci-fi is both funny and accessible, and another thing I liked about this book was that the first-person POV and the unisex name (Jamie) meant that you can read the main character as any gender you’d like.
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers – I really loved the structure of this book: essentially several episodes of this ship’s  crew becoming closer as they make their way across the galaxy on a yearlong journey to help create a new wormhole. It was both fascinating  and heart-wrenching.
And my +1 (because we do 5+1 in fandom, yeah?): A Clash of Steel by C. B. Lee – This is a queer YA retelling of Treasure Island set in 1820s China, and it’s an absolute delight. Lee’s descriptions are so vivid that it feels like you’re actually there, and the romance is so, so good.
About Mikki Madison’s Aether Beyond the Binary Contribution
Title: Mixed Dough
Tags: bakery, bed and breakfast, character injury (permanent), character injury (serious), cults, death of a sibling (past), emotional hurt/comfort, food (graphic descriptions), gender exploration, gender non-conforming character, getting together, hurt/comfort, m/nb, non-binary, past tense, plane crash, tattooed, third person limited pov
“Your plane crashed,” Jules explained. “You’re badly injured. Help is on the way. I’ll—”
The pilot’s eyes grew wide, and they struggled to speak. Jules leaned in closer, putting his ear as close to the pilot’s mouth as he dared.
It was the only word Jules could make out. “You’re in New Blanchard. Or, well, just outside of it.”
The pilot’s eyes closed and their whole body sagged. “Thank fuck.”
They were still breathing, albeit barely, so Jules didn’t panic. He glanced back toward the bed-and-breakfast and the road; the ambulance lights were pulling into the driveway. “The ambulance is here. I’ll…”
His eyes fell on a tattoo peeking over the collar of the pilot’s shirt. In and of itself, that wasn’t a cause for concern, but given the shape and that the pilot had been in a gas-powered plane…
Jules pulled the shirt down to reveal a tattoo of three interlocking rings, about the size of a half-dollar.
Well. Shit.
Mikki Madison is one of 17 awesome contributors to this collection. Visit our Kickstarter Campaign page to learn all about the other contributors and this project!
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yurisorcerer · 2 months
What are your top five dragons?
I've thought long and hard about this, and I've come up with a list that I think is pretty good.
Spoilers for, honestly, like, a couple things below the cut. I've tagged the post accordingly.
5. Raijin, my Dragonite from Pokemon Violet
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(Obviously this isn't specifically a picture of Raijin, my Switch is sadly batterydead at the moment, but this is about what she looks like in my head. Anyway!)
Somehow or another, Dragonite ended up being the very last Gen I Pokemon I'd never caught or trained in any way. I'd caught all of the others in SOME playthrough of SOME pokemon game over the years, even the ones people generally don't love or tend to forget about. (I will be a Lickitung apologist until the day I die.) I'm not sure why I avoided the Dratini line for so long. Some general subconscious backlash? I can't really say for sure. Anyway, I caught Raijin off the coast of Paldea in Violet and she quickly became essentially the ace of my team. As it turns out, Rain Dance + Thunder with an Electric terra type is a pretty good combination.
4. Black Hole Dragons, from a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew sourcebook
I looked and looked and to my IMMENSE frustration, could not find a copy of the old-school D&D homebrew sourcebook that these things are from, but please trust me and hear me out here.
Black hole dragons as depicted in this book, a truly ridiculous bestiary of appropriate foes for Epic-level adventurers, were bizarre snaking collages of geometry that could grow to be larger than the size of the visible universe and erase people from existence by breathing on them. After encountering these when reading these sourcebooks at the impressionable age of uh....like, 23, vanilla D&D's usual array of chromatics and metallics don't do a ton for me anymore.
3. Nicol Bolas, from Magic: The Gathering
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This guy.
This fucking guy. This is how you do an impossibly powerful doomsday villain right.
Nicol Bolas is a dragon who's also a dimension-hopping wizard. As part of what is by my estimation one of Magic's last good sets, he also kills a bunch of faux-Egyptian deities and takes their place as the divine ruler of an entire dimension. This guy fucking rules and every single card that's ever had his name on it is awesome and if you disagree, well, that's good for you, because WoTC killed him right around the time they decided to make Magic boring forever.
2. Falin Touden, from Dungeon Meshi
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No, she counts. Get back here.
If I stopped to count all of the ways I thought Falin was an amazing character we'd be here all day, but very briefly I find her arc and her interesting liminal role in Dungeon Meshi's narrative super compelling, and I find her characterization very, very relatable, and not entirely in a way that reflects well on me.
But as a *dragon.*
Falin is still one of the best to ever do it. The original Red Dragon is a very cool and pivotal part of Dungeon Meshi, and I love that too, but when Falin is fused with it by Thistle we get what is just honestly one of the most memorably bitchin character designs of all time, a ludicrously hot capital MG Monster Girl, and a huge driving force for the rest of the story. Not to mention Ryoko Kui clearly put a ton of thought into how she would work, since a key flaw in her design (so to speak) is what eventually leads to her being saved. I love her to pieces, and the form Falin finally gets at the very end of the story is honestly super cool-looking too! Although it's less dragonny than this one.
The Dragon, from "Dragon"
headspace-hotel's "Dragon" is one of my favorite poems of all time. It's easily the best tumblr post, and while I don't read a ton anymore, it's definitely one of my favorite overall pieces of literature.
I realize that being so brief in the top entry makes this a little anticlimactic, but I can't bring myself to rob the poem of its impact. I linked it there, so please go read it. More than anything else on this list, it's made me think. Beyond simply thinking it's an absolutely great piece of work (which it is), it's very meaningful to me. A reminder that the danger is still present in our time.
Some honorable mentions: the rest of the Dungeon Meshi dragons, every dragon from the Souls series and from Elden Ring, Paarthurnax from Skyrim, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Godzilla, Beast Machines Megatron, and Odious, the Green Dragon who turns into a giant d20 that I bought from Hasbro Pulse a year or so ago.
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smash-64 · 6 months
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2023 Game of the Year Countdown #5 Pokemon Trading Card Game  (and also the Pokemon Trading Card Game Neo! romhack by Cataclyptic that added Gen 2 Pokes) Nintendo GameBoy Color, 1998
This entry will include two games, but one is simply a romhack by a fan. However, that romhack is probably the best romhack I’ve ever played. First, the original.
Pokemon Trading Card Game came with the addition of GameBoy games to the Switch online subscription, and for many, it was their first experience with the TCG. My best friend and I taught ourselves to play back in the day, but we were poor kids with little allowance to spend on cards and never had any good decks. I used to read about really expensive decks filled with holographics and rares that won tournaments and always wished I could make one of my own. The pinnacle was always the Haymaker deck: a deck built around a few Pokemon with high HP and cheap attacks that could KO opponents before they could do anything about it.
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The thing is, the Haymaker deck is so hilariously powerful, you can essentially stomp the CPU without even putting together a complete version of the deck. The best versions rely on Energy Removals and Super Energy Removals to hamstring opponents, and Gusts of Wind to force your opponent into switching to suit favorable matchups. I never pulled a single Super Energy Removal at all, and was lacking full sets of numerous Pokemon that were staples in the Haymaker deck, yet I was still able to absolutely blast the CPU. It was easy, but it was also fun.
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However, the true experience came from the romhack created by Cataclyptic. The romhack creates a full set of new cards, removing most of the old ones from Base Set, Jungle, and Fossil. Instead, we get all the Johto Pokemon, as well as a few returning cards that have been balanced. I found the balanced cards to be wonderfully tailored to be good, but never TOO good. It was surprising to see that almost every card felt useful. Many were based on other cards, and I fell into a Meganium and Bellossom deck. There were two Meganiums, with one able to heal status conditions and the other able to shuffle energy cards among your Pokemon. Meanwhile, Bellossom was clearly based on the Do the Wave Wigglytuff of Jungle lore. However, this Bellossom felt more balanced since it was a stage 2 evolution, and the attack required grass energies, not colorless. As a result, it took longer to both fully evolve, and power up your Pokemon, since you couldn’t utilize the Double Colorless Energy.
I was also a fan of Jumpluff, as the entire evolutionary line only required a single grass energy for every attack. As a result, you had a whole line of Pokemon that felt true to their original design of being lightweight, quick Pokemon. I loved the attention to detail on this sort of thing.
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Additionally, the cards themselves were created in the same GBC sprites that the original game had. Some look better than others, but I think almost all look better than their original counterparts. Clearly crafted with love by Cataclyptic.
Finally, before I get inundated with messages and comments telling me about the official TCG sequel that was only released in Japan, I did also try the fan translation of that game. However, I didn’t enjoy it much at all because they severely restricted so many things. Part of what was fun about the game to begin with was being able to get booster packs at a rate significantly above what my poor childhood self could afford. However, the very premise of Invasion of Team GR! is that they’ve taken all the Pokemon cards, making them very scarce. As a result, you can’t get cards nearly as easily. And with the extra sets added to the game, you can’t get the ones you want very easily, either. 
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Additionally, the entire strategy behind most of the Team Rocket cards is to disrupt play, and while that might be similar in one way to the Haymaker strategy I previously praised, the Pokemon themselves are all pretty weak. It feels like you’re just playing Trainer cards and nothing else. I’ve seen some strategies that make people discard most of their deck instead of KOing their Pokemon. It very much fits the MO of Team Rocket, but it just isn’t quite for me. However, if you like blue decks in Magic the Gathering, you might enjoy this one. 
If you like the TCG or the original game, play Cataclyptic’s romhack! I’d buy a physical cart of it, if I could.
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Pokemon Card of the Day #2760: Cyrus Prism Star (Ultra Prism)
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The Prism Star mechanic wasn’t limited to Pokemon. Trainers and even Special Energy could be Prism Stars as well. Cyrus Prism Star was a Supporter, meaning it had the restrictions of that as well as of the Prism Star being limited to 1 per deck and going to the Lost Zone instead of the discard pile. You could also only play it if your Active Pokemon was Water- or Metal-type, which restricted it even more. Your reward for using it was that your opponent had to choose 2 of their Benched Pokemon and shuffled the others and all cards attached to them into their deck. The best chance for it, theoretically, would be in the later UPR-On format in Zacian decks, where someone with just 2 Benched Pokemon was somewhat likely to just lose against a Zacian V. Chances to do that, in practice, were rather limited, as large Benches were rather common for many decks.
Things have become a bit different in Expanded recently, to the point that I feel I should mention the big combo here. The main set-up involves a lot of cards. Origin Forme Dialga VSTAR is the Active Pokemon in this scenario, and Electrode-GX blows up (and gives up 2 Prizes) and dumps a bunch of Rainbow and Aurora Energy onto it. Cyrus Prism Star gets played, getting rid of 2 Benched Pokemon, and ideally get a KO and an extra turn with its Star Chronos VSTAR Power. Then you Scramble Switch on your second turn in a row to Giratina & Garchomp-GX for a GG End GX to discard 2 more Pokemon. A full Bench would still leave 1 Pokemon in play, but anyone with less than that would just lose. With all the things that had to be set up and with one chance at 4 different effects, it’s hard to set up, but is devastating when it works and is easily the best Cyrus Prism Star has ever been.
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Dream and Karl with 🙈 for the most recent prompt?
Awh yay! I rarely ever write Karl, he's so precious 🥺 I also am gonna go with lee!Dream if that's okay! I know it wasn't specified but I hope it's alright 💞
word / prompt from this post!
Dream couldn't stop smiling. He was practically a beacon of light from how much he was beaming. The five of them were finally together for the first time, all in the same room. Quackity and Karl had arrived at the Dream Team house just yesterday, and he hadn't stopped smiling since. Dream thought his face would permanently stay like this if this kept up any longer.
The boys had spent their time catching up- taking pictures, posting tiktoks and watching movies into the early morning hours, unable to stop their fun due to waiting so long to have any together in the first place.
They all were tired and ridiculously out of their minds from the lack of sleep they all got the night before. They were still currently all in the living room, piled under blankets and sprawled across the couches and floor of the living room. Dream was busy listening to Quackity explain a new video idea he had come up with just an hour before, but he was currently focused on the way Sapnap, George and Karl were huddled together on the floor in front of them.
The three boys had been whispering, Dream hearing George's cackle initially catching his attention before realizing they all had been staring at him. Karl started talking about something relating to Pokemon to try and throw Dream off their trail, but the blonde was already onto them - he knew they had been talking about him. The three continued to throw glances his way, covering their mouths with their hands as they whispered back and forth to each other, giggling every few minutes. Dream tried his hardest to focus on what they were saying, but it was no use. He couldn't hear them, and he couldn't figure out what had been so funny.
Eventually George had called Quackity over to where they were sitting on the floor, Sapnap actually pulling out a deck of Pokemon cards and handing them to George as Quackity made his way off the couch and down to where the other boys were crowding. Karl took it upon himself to immediately bounce to his feet, quickly making his way over and plopping himself in Quackity's spot on the couch. Karl smirked at Dream, and Dream tried his best to control the rapidly growing blush at the intense attention he was receiving.
"Hi Dream." the curly haired boy giggled playfully, making Dream's heart rate move a little faster. He didn't know why he was nervous, but he knew Karl was planning something.
"Hi Karl, what are you- wait whahat? Whihihy?!" the blonde had no time to react as Karl practically threw himself on top of Dream, hands finding his tummy easily and scratching into the soft skin under his hoodie.
Dream wheezed, quickly trying to bat at Karl's hands and hold in his laughter the best he could. He heard another cackle from somewhere beside him, and he turned his head to see Quackity, George and Sapnap all watching with wide smiles, giggling openly now themselves as they watched Dream fall apart.
"K-Karl plehease! Nohoho! Whihihy?!" the younger boy asked once again, unable to hold back his boisterous laughter as Karl's hands moved to Dream's sides, squeezing and digging in with a little more pressure than he previously was using on his tummy. Dream let out a squeal when Karl scratched his nails against the dips in his waist where his ribs and sides met, always being a little more sensitive in that area.
"Dreamie, Dreamie, Dreamie. I just needed to get my fix of your blushy face and adorable smile when you laugh, okay gorgeous?" Dream groaned as another round of laughter was set off, Karl making his way up and under Dream's arms. This caused Dream to buck fairly violently, causing Karl to lose his balance and sending him flying back onto the floor in the heap of covers and pillows.
The older boy cackled along with the three other boys as Dream continued to giggle on the couch, arms covering his tummy as he tried to calm himself down. After a minute of Dream taking deep breaths through his remaining giggles, it was George who finally took pity on him, walking over to sit beside Dream and help rub the ghost tickles away from his tummy.
When Dream finally had his breath back, he opened his eyes and sat up, bringing his hands up to rub the tears away. He did his best to glare down at Karl, who was still laying on the floor where Dream had flung him.
"Oh don't give me that look, pretty boy. You can't blame me for wanting to see your smile." Karl leaned forward and poked at Dream's cheek, causing him to pull back with a high pitched giggle as he felt his face begin to heat up once more. Dream groaned out of embarrassment, leaning forward to bury his head against George's shoulder to shield himself from the three still laughing at his sensitivity from the floor. He felt George turn his head, quietly whispering into his hair so the others wouldn't hear.
"Don't worry, Dream. I know all their bad spots. I got you." With that the blonde smirked, giving an appreciative head-butt against the older boys shoulder to let him know he had heard him. Dream moved to properly lean against George, resting his head against his shoulder and closing his eyes. His smirk continued to grow, letting out a low giggle as he quietly planned his revenge.
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ussgallifrey · 2 years
Dagger Squad Headcanons | Part 5
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An unashamed Swiftie. He will sing at the top of his lungs and shoot down anyone who wants to make fun of his music choices.
Does he know all the words to "All Too Well (10 Minute Version)"? Does Pete "Maverick" Mitchell love to fly planes? Yeah, stupid question. Next.
Makes the most decadent chocolate chip pancakes you will ever eat.
He ran track all through high school, it was the best time to clear his head and just focus on breathing. He still finds running cathartic because of it.
He 100% agrees with Fanboy on one thing: Chris Pine and his damn iridescent eyes in the 2009 Star Trek movie. Like damn, bro.
Did the Naruto run all through freshmen year of high school. The man was anime obsessed (still is, but more on the keeping it casual for appearances sake side).
Played trumpet all the way from elementary school to the Naval Academy. He was a cool band kid. The kind that was stoic-faced with a pair of cheap aviators on kind of cool.
Was an absolute try hard when it came to chair selection in band - he was constantly challenging the first chair (Dante Williams, the smug bastard) in a back and forth for superiority over the coveted position.
Got his ass absolutely handed to him in the first year at the Academy. Being a plebe was an eye-opening experience, but it made him the aviator he is today.
Yes, his first name is Javier. And no, no one can call him that besides his mom. Not even his aunties or sisters call him anything but Javy.
Look, everybody hits a wild animal at least once during flight training. Usually its smaller things, like birds. Not... you know... coyotes.
Got a tribal arm band tattoo during his final year at the Academy that he definitely doesn't regret whenever he catches a glimpse of it. (He was 22, and a little drunk, and easily pressured by his buddies, okay?)
Who had the most extensive Pokemon card collection in sixth grade? This guy, right here.
When he was sixteen, over the summer, he started working at a warehouse. He was just supposed to be a runner for the guys in car audio sales, but this kid had memorized almost every single spec in all the latest models of the catalog and suddenly he was the main salesman for tech.
Customers loved him, requested him by name, because he knew his stuff and wouldn't try to shove a bad system their way just to turn a bigger profit.
When he was seventeen, he bought a new system and cranked that shit so high that it made the digital sign of the car wash across the street fizzle out into error mode.
Yes, he will defend the classic 90s style systems over the modern stuff. The current market stereos are sleek, don't get him wrong. But the OG systems have the better sound quality.
He totally went cruising through town with his stereo blasting, trying to do the cool guy act. He had decent money from the sales job and didn't mind spending it well on jewelry and accessories for himself (and manga, but shut up).
New Orleans is his hometown, born and raised. But they relocated to Austin in 2005 after, you know... Katrina. He doesn't like to talk about it much.
He'd spend a few weeks a year up in New York with his dad and stepmom, but he always felt more at home down south - though he did love the feel of big city life up there.
Late night car rides are his thing - music playing in the background and no one fucking talking his ear off. If he can't run, he's gonna drive.
He's currently catching up on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and rewatching Death Note now that he's stateside.
If he ever turns down a carmel mocha frappe, take him to a doctor immediately because something is clearly wrong.
˚ ✧ more top gun headcanons ✧ ˚
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flowergirlmiwa · 7 months
games I wish I had when I was a kid!
Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul
This was one of the best selling games on the GBA, but I got Dark Duel Stories on GBC instead. Eventually I got 7 Trials to Glory, a mixed bag of a game I nonetheless hold dear to my heart, but I wish I had EDS as a kid. EDS is the perfect game to be the first YGO game on GBA. The spelltraps are massive blowouts, caveman Yu-Gi-Oh is in full effect, and the cardpool is both small and nostalgic. EDS (or the original Japanese release) was the first video game that actually tried to follow the rules of the real world OCG/TCG card game and it did a pretty good job along with a clean presentation, great music and flavorful decks to grind against. Plus the packs you pull from are mostly based on real Japanese card sets! Basically I admire a lot about what this game did in 2002 and in a potential world where I got it alongside my GBA SP in 2003 I would have been set for years. Instead I got... Dark Duel Stories in late 2003 around the time I got my GBA SP, and that game is .. not as worth investing time into. Oh yeah and it has a cute calendar system with weekly matches at the duel shop and oooo it's just such a cute game!
Goldeneye 007
I didn't have a lot of N64 games as a kid, but out of all my regrets on the console, I easily missed out the most not owning Goldeneye. Now I can appreciate it as basically the Super Mario 64 of first person shooters and imagine that, even though I only owned one controller, those levels would have kept me coming back again and again obsessively for hours. I can just imagine how I would have organically find the island on Dam by myself and wondered what was out there. I never had that chance
Super Smash Bros Melee
Throughout the early 00s I had various nostalgic experiences playing the original Super Smash Bros, and eventually I craved very dearly to play it's sequel. Literally all I could tell you is that it had (Scott the Woz voice) "a freaky STORY MODE! now that's cool!" and you could play as Bowser. It looked so damn cool but I didn't have a GameCube. I would have dreams about playing this game I knew very little about. I actually can guarantee I read about the Sonic and tails in melee rumor before I had seen more than an hours worth of gameplay in my life (all through playing demos in 2002).
When did I actually get a GameCube? 2007. I actually remember visiting Nintendo World NY in 2006 right before release of the Wii and playing Melee on one of their demo kiosks (and wind waker for the first time ever, notably). I got my hands on a GameCube in summer 2007 thanks to a friend of my dad's and pretty much the first thing I did was go to the still surviving Hollywood Video in The City and rent melee. Now considering I was 12 the first time I got to extensively play melee and really enjoy it, you could say I was still a child and that's true. I wish I somehow had a GameCube around 2004 and got to play it then though. Look, things felt different in my life then, it wasn't the same kind of feeling to me. By the time I got to play it I didn't really have that childish exuberance and excitement. Plus I got a Wii that same year for Christmas so my overall excitement for the GameCube was muted lol.
The Simpsons: Hit and Run
I would have gobbled this up as a kid even if not the biggest fan of the simps, if I had gotten this at release for PS2 I could imagine I would have spent many hours playing it
Pokemon Stadium 2
As a kid I desperately wished I had this game and rented it a bunch of times. When I discovered you could emulate N64 I spent most of my time doing so playing this game. I eventually got my own real copy around 2019 but considering I would leave the first game on for days on end I would have loved to have had stadium 2 as a kid. Plus it actually has single player content and provides plenty to people without use of a transfer pak too! I was fascinated by the updates as a kid renting the game
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sc-aroshark · 2 years
I still remember the day I first watched Yugioh. My cousin and I were scrolling through shows on my TV and I saw Yugioh on the screen as we went around. I honestly can’t explain what drew me to it in that moment but I had that sense of deep curiosity about it. For years of my life I just threw it aside and thought of it as ridiculous while I watched Pokemon, but that one day I thought “I want to see what it’s really about.”
That would be the day that would change my life, even just a little bit. We giggled through episode 1 and watched episode 2 talking amongst ourselves saying “this is so ridiculous!!” And then watched episode 3 and then watched all of season 1. I still remember the very moment I thought to myself “wow I really love this show.”
I wasn’t able to finish duel monsters at the time for whatever reasons I had, but 4 years later I picked the show back up again, and then proceeded to watch nearly every single spin off until that point. Never did the math but I easily watched 1000 episodes in that moment in time. It’s quite literally taken over my life, for lack of a better phrase.
Takahashi singlehandedly created one of the most important franchises ever and changed how we played and viewed card games forever, on top of changing the landscape for shounen series going forward. The Yugioh franchise has become an indescribable success and created so many more stories to tell beyond just his original work.
He was a genius, both artistically and in writing, and one of the smartest game designers of our era.
To die in such a seemingly random and senseless way hurts us all, and at such a young age too no less. However, at that young age he accomplished more than any can even hope to dream of, and that just shows how deeply special he was. I wish nothing but the best to his family, this is hitting them harder than anyone else.
Rest In Peace Takahashi. We’ll all miss you.
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epicspheal · 1 year
I should mention that for cactusverse I’m not using either than canon protagonist or making any OC for the plot... Instead the protagonist will be Raihan! I had mentioned this before but I wanted to make Raihan a champion for cactusverse because he deserves it but I wanted to make him a champion of a region other than Galar. One because of his league card that states that he could easily become champion of another region if he wanted. Now of course as we know in SwSh the reason why Raihan doesn’t just up and leave Galar is because defeating Leon is his ultimate goal. However, since SwSh takes place sometime before the events of SV, Leon would no longer be champion having been beaten by Calla. So now there’s three people Raihan has yet to beat: Melony (cactusverse uses Sword’s gym leader lineup but before Gordie took over as leader Raihan and Melony had plenty of battles that he lost), Calla and most importantly to him, Leon. It comes to a point where Raihan wonders if he’s hit a plateau while in Galar Hence when the opportunity to enroll in Naranja Academy under a fast-track happened, Raihan took the chance immediately. He figured if he went to another region and got to challenge a whole different set of trainers and not being able to use Dynamax (something he learned from his newfound rivalry with Piers), he might gain the skills he needed to be able to best his Galarian rivals. There’s also the plus that the Paldean League has a champion rank rather than one sitting champion which meant he wouldn’t be tied to the region should he win. Because ultimately he still wanted to go back to Galar and beat Melony, Calla and Leon and that would’ve been a bit harder if he was a sitting champion instead. Other plus sides for Raihan going to Paldea, he gets a cool new sandwich loving buddy in Koraidon (who he then introduces to curry which Koraidon loves even more) plus he gets another rival who can match him strength in Nemona as they both decide to start fresh. Raihan gets his first ever starter Pokemon, Fuecoco, meaning Nemona gets Sprigatito and Director Clavell gets Quaxly.
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ikoni-dweebs · 1 year
Guess I'm Here Now
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No, my card doesn't have my face on it. Professor Douglas has been on my ass about it for ages. I'll get around to it.
Anyway, I'm Dave, (He/Him) a Behavioral Pokemon Researcher in Ikoni. Behavior research is kind of my permanent hyper fixation so I can get a bit rambly about it. At the same time I have to deal with a LOT of paperwork, so you guys might not hear from me all that much.
Posts from me will be marked #LabRattata
And here's the rest of the gang. (Under a Readmore because this gets a bit long)
Topaz - My starter. She is loyal to a fault and a little too excited to defend me sometimes. I've had her since I was a kid, though I generally don't advise using your family pokepet as your starter. She's great though and took to battling easily.
Ruby - Ruby was one of the earliest pokemon I met on my journey, but one of the last that I caught. It took a long time for me to gain his trust, but he's always been a great companion, even when I was just following him around.
Ametrine - Ami is a complete diva! She wants attention, but on her terms. She also thinks she's a lot bigger than she actually is and likes to pick fights with bigger pokemon. I love her though.
Agate - One of my earlier catches, she was easily the hardest to raise. I definitely have a few scars from her Deino and Zweilous days. She and Ruby are the biggest reasons I got into Pokemon Behavioral studies. She's still got a lot of energy but is a lot more in control of her aggression now. By the way, you haven't LIVED until you've flown on a big Dragon-Type's back!
Spinel and Pegmatite
Spinel and Peggy probably look a little weird to some of you. They, along with a few other pokemon, were actually discovered in an area where a Space/Time Distortion was occurring in Old Sisyphus. It's been determined that the pokemon found in these distortion areas are ancient versions of their modern counterparts, particularly from the ancient Sinnoh, or Hisuian region. I and a few other researchers were given some of these pokemon in order to study them as well as see if they can be acclimated to our modern era. So far.... it's actually going pretty well.
Spinel - I was given Spinel, who was already a Zoroark at the time, because I'd already trained up Agate and Prof. Douglas figured I would be the best fit for a little ball of hate. I say little but when she isn't disguised she's probably the biggest Zoroark I've ever seen! It took a long time working with her, but she's a lot more chill now. Very mischievous of course, but she isn't seeking revenge on anything that slights her anymore. Her favorite disguise is a shorter version of me. Given she's actually taller than I am, I know she's mocking me, but she knows I can't stay mad at her. Fwiw, I think most trainers would be best raising a Hisuian Zorua if they want to go that route. A lot easier to train from a younger evolution.
Pegmatite - Peggy is the puppiest puppy to ever pup. He loves cuddles, scritches and fetch. I think the Hisuian forme might be even more high-energy than the growlithe we're familiar with today. A very good boy.
Opal - My lab assigned partner specifically trained and meant for safely and humanely catching pokemon for study. She takes her job very seriously, but when she's not on the job she likes to paint. I have easels set up for her and Zunyite for enrichment.
Zunyite - Zunyite is my support pokemon. I have ADHD and he's really good at helping me stay on task and remember to take my meds. Grafaiai aren't common as support pokemon but my little guy is fantastic. He likes to ride around on my shoulder or paint with Opal when he's not actively on the job. Sometimes he'll make me paint with him if I'm having a dissociative episode.
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bahamutgames · 9 months
AFTERTHOUGHTS : Emerald Version
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Game: Pokemon Emerald Version (September 16, 2004)
Console: Gameboy Advance (Via emulation)
Fellas! It's time for me to talk more about Pokemon! Isn't that always the best time in the world? While I'm trying to take my in-order playthroughs of these big RPG series slowly, I couldn't help myself and just HAD to play Pokemon Emerald. Seriously, I was losing my mind I seriously COULD NOT stop thinking about how bad I wanted to play it. So here we are! And now I'll tell you what I think about this game!
As always, this is NOT a review! Just me spitting up my thoughts so I can get them out of my brain and have room for more thoughts on more games! Don't take anything I say as definitive criticism, and always play ANYTHING I talk about if it seems interesting to you!
So, you might be surprised to learn considering how much I love Pokemon, but I've actually NEVER beaten any of the games past the first 2 generations! For a variety of reasons. Not least of all was money, I think by the time I finally got a GBA the DS may have been on its way around. And when I got it, I went for Firered cause... Charizard lol. God, I remember looking at Nintendo.com for screenshots of the GBA Pokemon games to decide which region I liked more for when my mom and brother were gonna buy me a GBA haha. Regardless, yeah! Hoenn is the region I grew up around so I have a lot of nostalgia for it. I didn't play the game and I didn't have cable to watch the anime. But this is my era of Pokemon card collecting! Delta Species! E-Reader! My first Pokemon Card ever was Spheal! ANYWAY, we're not here to talk about my Pokemon Nostalgia, we're here to talk about my brand new Pokemon Experiences! So lets get a move on and talk about Emerald!
Stuff I liked
Where to begin? As I'm sure you're aware, I'm a MASSIVE sucker for the GBA. It's an important console to me so the sprites and music from it are some of my all time favorites. And this is seriously some cream of the crop GBA content right here. Easily the best sprite work I've seen in the series in my current playthrough so far, and the music is absolutely lovely. I know the trumpets are a meme but this is great! I'm a little biased though, Firered was my childhood game so getting to see this graphic style, this soundfont, and even some straight up reused sound effects made me so nostalgic! This game just feels so safe and cozy in a way I haven't really experienced in a while.
The story and set up this game is great too! It's a bit of a departure from the previous 2. Where RBY focuses a bit on man-made monstrosities, GSC focuses on mysticism and culture, RSE focuses on prehistory and nature (which I'm obsessed with right now)! It's a great theme and I thought the idea of Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza being ancient beasts that helped shape the planet was cool. But they were particularly cool because they were SO old no one remembered what they were! People knew about Mew, but no one knew about these things? That's nuts! That's neat! Also, the evil teams, while insane, were also cool and I LOVED that there's 2 of them! Like the part where you climb up the volcano and the 2 teams are fighting was SUPER cool!
And overall the game is just filled with very unique concepts like that that really differentiate it from the first 2 games. Your dad is a Gym Leader! Cool! Double Battles (the coolest part probably) COOL! There's a town built on logs in the water, a treehouse town, a volcano town, cool cool cool! There's Pokemon that can only be caught by having a free party slot when you evolve another one. That's cool! Pokemon is always trying cool and interesting stuff with technology (the fascination with interesting technology is one of the games highlights) and I really feel like this one takes a lot of advantage of the new tech like clock based events and more storage space on the cartridge for crazier things. This game is just very different from the first 2 in all the best ways!
And where that shines the best is, no questions asked. In the Pokedex. If you'll recall, my biggest complaint about Crystal is that there are NO new Pokemon in it. Johto has one of the best Pokedex's ever imo but none of those Pokemon are actually easily available in the game. I'm happy to say Hoenn doesn't have that issue at all! There ARE Pokemon from previous generations, but they're few and far in between compared to all the wonderful new species there is to find and catch! I was encountering new things left and right! It was able to keep the excitement going just like RBY did! And likewise, the Gyms all used new Pokemon too! And Hoenn really does have a lovely Pokedex filled some REALLY stellar designs. I struggled to figure out who my final teammate should be for a long time before settling on Flygon. Tropius? Banette? Torkoal? There were SO many good ones! For anyone curious, my favorite Hoenn Pokemon is Swampert!
Stuff I didn't like
Thankfully I feel like this section isn't massive. Really there isn't much I can complain about with Emerald. But there are SOME things to point out. First off, and this isn't EXACTLY the game's fault. But not having access to time based events was a headache. Obviously that's not the game's fault cause how could they know that would become an issue later, but it is still a nitpick I had to mention lol. It does tie into a bigger problem though, held items are SO hard to get in this one. I feel like I was scraping the bottom of the barrel for some of these held items just cause so many I wanted were locked into shoal cave or whatever which you need the clock to use. Or were locked behind one dickhead dragon trainer who never wants to rematch you and you have to battle a million times to get his stupid Pokemon. But again I guess that's a nitpick.
A slightly larger issue is the water. UGH. I love that this game's region is a series of islands, that does rule. But I feel like as a consequence of that, you have to surf SO much. When IGN said there was too much water they were not lying! You surf SO MUCH which sounds cool, but it's so hard to figure out where on earth you're meant to go in those ocean sections. And then Dive just muddies the paths even more. And there are some sections where they don't even tell you where to go so you're really lost just trying to navigate massive ocean. It was a bit much.
But my biggest issue, was without a doubt. The storylines' conclusion. It all felt a little. Eh? Like it didn't live up properly to what was being built up? Before I watch the Ruby and Sapphire endings I'll write my complaints: So first off: the evil team story ending kinda sucks! The cutscenes of the beasts fighting was SO awesome but it's basically the only cool part. It's just Rayquaza showing up, and then everyone fucks off. I feel like there was a better way to handle this ending that would have made it way cooler, and I actually wrote it up back in July:
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tldr, double battles are awesome and should have been more prevalent. It's a crime there's only 1 fight in the game that gives you a teammate. The evil team storyline should have ended with your team teaming up with Rayquaza to fight Groudon + Kyogre. Oh well.
Similarly, I also thought the Champion battle was oddly underwhelming. Wallace is... neat. But I was SO certain it was gonna be Steven! The whole game seems to imply as much! But then it's this dude you met for like... 2 seconds earlier rather than the bad ass you met over and over. Kinda underwhelming. But now let me watch the RS endings really quick to see how they compare.
Yeah I'm done and I gotta say, RS actually handle this way better. It feels like Groudon's power is actually contributing with the intense sunlight, you actually HAVE to battle Groudon or Kyogre to fix the problem, and I was was right, Steven is the final boss. This all makes SO much more sense and I don't really understand why they couldn't combine these elements a little nicer into emerald or why they changed the Champion at all. Regardless though, I still think Emerald was cool and I'm still happy I played the green one lol.
Final Thoughts
Yeah this game rules! I'm so glad I finally got to play the game that was around when I was a kid and really experience it for the first time! I had a blast with this one and really really enjoyed getting to see what Hoenn was all about in addition to seeing all the new and gimmicky stuff they tried and how the new technology lead to new weird things for this entry! The whole game feels so nostalgic to me even though I've never played it, and while that's a bit biased, it's the truth! The story was great, the layout was great, the game felt perfect to play, there was so much new stuff to discover and do that hadn't been done in the last 2 games. And the Pokemon distribution was GREAT! With tons of new faces to find and catch! I loved Pokemon Emerald and I totally understand why so many people speak so highly of it!
Let's roll out the tier list!
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No questions asked, Emerald is my favorite of what I've played through so far! It manages to keep up the excitement of RBY with a big new world to discover that still manages to build up mystery, have new and exciting experiences, and a wonderful slew of new Pokemon that are EASY to find. While also continuing what GSC did right in terms of massively improving the last game's graphics and music and general game feel WITHOUT sacrificing good Pokemon distribution. It's the best of both worlds while still massively improving on everything! I think with a little more consideration for what made the finale of RS so good, Emerald could have been absolutely perfect. Even though this region certainly has some Pokemon designs I'm not super fond of, the ones I dislike are still cute enough and they're certainly the minority of the Pokedex. Emerald Rules!
Also, you'll notice I removed the remakes from the list. Unlike Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, whose entries I played just as early as Highschool. The Pokemon Remakes are games I played all the way back in Elementary/Middle School. AGES ago. So I don't feel like it's fair to compare them to the other games when I mostly just prefer them based on nostalgia and the benefit they have from being remakes (especially since I won't be playing any other remakes.) So going forward this tier list is just based on the original versions.
Thanks for reading! I'm really trying to clear out my to-do list so I can just relax when my Birthday comes up. So I'm hoping to finish my write ups on thoughts of games I played recently soon. Only one game left too! So that's nice!
I'm really trying to not bumrush this series but honestly I'm really enjoying it so I'm already kinda itching to continue. But I'm not gonna play it until later in the year at the earliest. Next stop is Platinum!
If you wanna see my beautiful team you can right here! And you can get a more in depth look at their stats here!
As always you're welcome to follow me on twitter to see what I'm up to! That's all I have for you today! Go out and play something from your childhood!
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charcherry-weekly · 1 year
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 149
Hello, Mage of Light Nick Card here. We got news to get to now.
Got Water?
Lately there has been talk about aquascaping on two different planets: Korous and Grass 3. Korous once had a great ocean, but it has since disappeared, all except for one section that was painstakingly carried through time by Prince of Time Aeons Edgeworth. That being said, it is unknown where the rest of the water went during and after The Reckoning. Meanwhile, Grass 3 is Page of Mind Samm's pet project, once a uniform ball of grass, now host to an ever increasing amount of carefully cultivated biodiversity. It is assumed that this world has an amount of groundwater, considering that the grass had been green the entire time, despite the sheer lack of surface water. It is currently unknown what would be the best way to add significantly more surface water to Grass 3 in a timespan that would not take years. There has been brief talk of potentially calling upon various legendary pokemon to assist, but it is unknown which combinations would be best to use for either situation.
But does it protect?
Rather recently, there have been reports of increased use of an unrecommended performance enhancement armor being equipped to pokemon, particularly ones being used to challenge the unity gym. This armor is largely unfit for most pokemon body types, and has been known to cause unnecessary injury to the user. It appears to be a product offered by Motor Industries, but your dear newsletter writer has yet to get their hands on the product to perform proper testing on it. Further investigation ongoing.
Korosian Presidential Election Results!
After an entire week of waiting, the new president of planet Korous was announced on thursday. However, there were a number of complications to this announcement. Early that day, Korosian archivist AI "The Curator" was attacked by ransomware, and was immobilized for quite a few hours. Foreseeing potential issues beforehand, Rogue of Heart Charles traveled to the Northern Frigid Archives to protect the curator there, but was instead knocked out by an inconvenient rock.
As the one who had collected and counted the votes, The Curator was the only one who knew who won at that point in time. Fortunately, Medical AI Edwin was able to easily counteract the ransomware with a generous amount of antivirus syrup. After being freed from their ransomware prison, The Curator led Edwin and a digimon called Dorimon through a door, leading to the holo-field set up on stage in Snake's Mouth. The Curator proceeded to announce the names of those who did not win first, for dramatic effect. This more than likely pissed off Page of Void Dylan, the sorest loser of the bunch. After he was revealed as not only having merely 10 percent of the vote, AND being outdone by Gus of Aspara, a bubbling was seen from just off the nearby coast. It turned out that there was a giant mechanical dragon (with lazor beams!) hiding in the sea! It was at this point that Thoren had to pull out a secret weapon. Leading a number of the dungeon crashers with them, including Bounty hunter Samus Kitten, Netnavi Enker (in copybot form), Page of Rage Jovin Castle, Rogue of Heart Charles, and... barely restrained omnicidal maniac Ceda Cedovich(?!). Together, they all crammed into the cockpit of the Eros Machina, and Thoren activated something for the first time: giant robot mode.
The Eros Machina transformed into a giant robot in front of an audience on live television, and proceeded to rush towards the beach to face the dragon. Meanwhile, Ceda's friends managed to summon what appeared to be a giant version of Julius Cesar, and Dorimon managed to spawn a gate to join the battle. Meanwhile, Blood player Johnny, Void player Joan, and the space player in the space suit took their spots atop the dragon to face off against Thoren and their party. Ceda immediately requested to be chucked at the dragon, and was promptly yeeted in that direction, doing great damage with his L-knife. Samus fired shots from the other hand, never giving up in the face of danger, even after being shot at with an arrow. Jovin spent much of the time charging up an attack, while Dorimon managed to digivolve into DORUgreymon, a magnificent red dragon. Charles largely focused on fighting the Jo-buddies (one of the many reported names for the jojo squad) during this time. DORUgreymon managed to inflict great damage to the dragon, in addition to Samus's shots (and Enker being yeeted by request). Soon enough, the dragon was pulled down into the waves by DORUgreymon, preventing an explosion via submersion. The Jo-buddies managed to abscond from the area and the dungeon crashers spent an extended amount of time recovering from the battle. At this point, DORUgreymon somehow became dodomon and formed an attachment to Thoren (with baby teeth to the arm).
After finally arriving on stage (with dodomon removed from their arm), The Curator finally announced Thoren Emit as the winner of the election, and therefore the president of planet Korous! After giving a short speech with freshly minted vice president Spades Slick, Thoren announced that they would be taking a week off to rest from all the strains of campaigning for the past month or two. It is noted that the trip to "Squidlantis" is still required to happen to complete a timeloop. Johnny and the other Jo-buddies, as well as Ceda, all appeared on the memo later that night, confirming that they are all still around. I wish Thoren the best of luck with their new job as korosian president, and I hope they can handle all the struggles that lie ahead for them.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
Katie’s potion stand (*CaFAI filling in for Katie when unavailable)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (ran by Rufus)
I think that does it for this week. Its taking a while, but I am getting progress on that flash animation! Just gotta keep finding points where I have enough attention span to work on it. https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/381/charcherry-weekly-issue-149
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I posted 2,695 times in 2022
494 posts created (18%)
2,201 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,687 of my posts in 2022
#references - 1,692 posts
#anime - 691 posts
#toonami - 690 posts
#pokemon - 230 posts
#one piece - 195 posts
#magical girls - 134 posts
#pokemon tcg - 109 posts
#marine biology - 105 posts
#art - 98 posts
#assassination classroom - 92 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but the consistent use of certain type combinations allows fewer card types to represent a broad range of pokemon types from the videogames
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Before people inevitably forget that this happened, I should point out that all four books of Infinity Train were billed as 'Top TV Shows' on the iTunes store the other day.
CaN't ImAgInE wHy 🙃
22 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Oh man that dream sequence and the intensity of Chat Noir's pain upon realizing it was what they both wanted but it wasn't real...
23 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
You know what?
Hey New Tumblr Users TM
(and everyone else here btw)
Feel free to not reblog anything.
Heck you don't even have to like anything.
Lurk all you want. The worst someone can do is block you.
It's perfectly okay if your blog doesn't exist for the sole purpose of supporting each and every artist of every single post that appeals to you.
Your blog doesn't belong to them.
And I'm saying this as a blog that primarily actively reblogs art and only uses likes for organization.
People get so hung-up over reblogs being better than likes.
Like it's such a necessity for all the new users to "learn how tumblr works"...
Do they stop to consider that maybe someone just wants to exist on an anonymous public platform without a stranger on the internet telling them what to do?
If new users care about tumblr etiquette they can learn it easily enough without 'Well actually' posts talking down to them.
Y'all seem all too quick to blame the people who barely just got here for not supporting artists enough...
Just a suggestion,
but how about you blame platforms and their exploitative marketing and censorship practices for screwing over the content creators they depend on to keep their companies afloat,
rather than random individual users with new accounts who, contrary to popular opinion, still don't owe you a thing?
25 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
After watching Risk/Strikeback for the who-knows-how-many-nth time, I just noticed something.
So Nino doesn't believe Adrien doesn't want to go because he figures his best friend would tell him, right?
Well that's good logic, except this is after Rocketear, where Adrien saw Nino react negatively to Cat Noir, the version of himself where he gets to actually express his feelings.
Even with the misunderstanding with him and Alya, it had to have hurt to see how Nino really felt, just like it was with Kagami.
So of course he doesn't tell Nino his true feelings. After what happened this season, he feels like he can't trust anyone (he even considers it a risk when he tells Marinette).
This makes it even worse that it becomes increasingly apparent to him that Ladybug doesn't trust him. Because she's the only one he feels like he can be himself around.
He's felt more alone than ever this season.
But then Ladybug has a full-on panic attack right in front of him, and because he's Adrien, he finally gets to see past the brave face she puts on, and her constant frustrations with Cat Noir, to the incredible pressure the girl he still loves is under.
He's never seen her fall apart like this. He immediately snaps into focus, talking her through it. And when she realizes she lost and collapses in despair, the look on his face when he decides to go in and comfort her says it all.
He was right to be upset at how she was treating him, and finally she acknowledges this, but he'd never abandon her. And now that it's just the two of them against the world all over again, his unwavering support and devotion is what finally gets through to her.
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bugdrita · 2 years
Pokemon trading card game online code generator
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#Pokemon trading card game online code generator how to
#Pokemon trading card game online code generator free
#Pokemon trading card game online code generator free
How To Get FREE Pokemon Cards – EASY! Pulled a *RAINBOW RARE* in a Cheap Dollar General Pack Openingįree Shipping Available. There’s much more to playing than simply the thrill of competitionyoucan earn great rewards and bonuses, too! Take a look at all of theopportunities for you to earn rewards and bonuses in the Pokémon TCG Online. The Pokémon Trading Card GameOnline is an awesome way to play the Pokémon TCG against players around theworld.
#Pokemon trading card game online code generator how to
You May Like: How To Make Fake Pokemon Cards Pokmon Tcg Online Rewards To increase the number of cards, you will need to repeat this process over and over again. Now this will make a perfect Pokémon card for you. Make sure that you remove the useless card description from the downloaded file. Now the image is ready to be printer and enter your collection. For your convenience, rename the file with the name of Pokémon to avoid confusion. Now save it by right clicking the image and downloading it. There you will be able to see the card you searched for before. A box that travels from left to right has trading cards of your choice. After being done with finding Pokémon, you will need to move to bottom. Now go to the search and type the name of the Pokémon you want to have. There, you will be able to see option Explore Pokémon. Once at the website, move your eyes to far top left corner. When you have all these things, we are good to go.įirst, we will start with going to official Pokémon website. Along with computer and printer, you also need some cards. Just follow the easy steps from the guide below and you will be done within no time. Plus, this trick can help you to become a record card collector among your friends. If you are not a millionaire and cant afford to buy cards then this trick is for you. Thats because it involves printing the cards from the internet mainly. AdvertisementĪs you obtain these items for free, they are – in most cases – untradable!Īn internet connection and a good color printer are the perquisites for this trick. This includes sunlight, water, food, smoke, and too much handling.
4 Keep your cards away from anything that might damage them.
That way youll know that that bag holds your GX Pokémon.
Write Pokemon GX Cards in marker on the bag.
Be aware, though, that plastic bags are flimsy and can end up with holes in them if they’re handled roughly, so put the, somewhere safe. If you dont want to spend money, putting them in plastic bags is the most simple way of storing them. Then itll be easily recognized as your Pokémon GX box.
Try decoration the box with Pokémon colors.
This works well if you have a lot of Pokémon GX cards. Make sure that your binder is nice and secure, so that your precious GX cards dont fall out! Binders are very effective for keeping your Pokémon cards safe and sound. But still, if you are in it for number, then you can definitely go for this trick. I would suggest being a fan that trading and playing is the best way to enjoy it. For those who are just in it for numbers, this trick is for them. However, it takes a lot of skills and work to become good at it. Pokémon trading cards are one of the most interesting things ever built. It is a simple internet trick that gets you a lot of Pokémon cards for free. Today, I am going to share one easy trick with which you can do that easily. There are a lot of ways to get the Pokémon cards for free. Some were/are so good that they started from 1 card and now they have 1000s. Doesnt matter if you are on to Pokémon GO trading cards always remain a legend. Though most of the people have left playing them, still there are who cant leave it. Collecting and trading them were our favorite hobbies. Pokémon trading cards are unforgettable part of our childhood. How to get FREE POKEMON CARDS from ANY STORE in 2020! *WORKS EVERYTIME* (Opening Packs)
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Pokemon Card of the Day #2742: Magearna (Ultra Prism)
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Pokemon Tools were a reasonably important part of the game. The likes of Choice Band, Float Stone, and Escape Board got into quite a few, but not all, decks. Magearna gave flexibility to said Tools, which was nice for a Pokemon that might want more damage in some spots and help retreating in others. That’s all Magearna did, so its success would be tied to how much this was needed compared to other supporting options.
90 HP wasn’t likely to hold up well, so if someone wanted to target Magearna they certainly could. It wasn’t going to be anyone’s first priority, as there would almost always be something more urgent to deal with on the board. The Fire Weakness could technically matter against Blacephalon or Volcanion. The odds of it making a difference in a game were pretty slim but at least were notable. The low HP meant the Psychic Resistance also rarely changed anything. Magearna was lucky enough to retreat for a single Energy, so it wasn’t something you could easily stall against if you needed more time to get going.
Change Clothes was why you’d even think about using Magearna. The Ability could be used once per turn, and you could put a Pokemon Tool card attached to 1 of your Pokemon into your hand. You could end up switching to a different Tool using this or salvage an important card from a Pokemon to attach to another. This was pretty cool, especially if you could make that Choice Band get a KO with the help.
Rolling attack was bad, at 60 damage for a Metal and 2 Colorless Energy. This would have worked in the mid-2000′s, but Magearna was released in 2018.
Magearna did one cool thing, and getting Pokemon Tools back from a Pokemon to the hand could be helpful sometimes. There was, of course, only 60 cards to a deck, and it was rare to look at Magearna and think that this was the best use of one of those slots compared to other supporting Pokemon that did bigger things, such as a Dedenne-GX, Tapu Lele-GX, or even a Mew or Mewtwo. Using an extra Trainer that reached the goal of a deck was also something that had to be considered. And yet, despite this, if you were running Pokemon Tools you couldn’t ever say Magearna was bad. It may have been a rare sight, but it had a very obvious role and sometimes you might just want that.
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