#EA policy sims4mods
ozzy-and-mariam · 2 years
NEW EA POLICY (the future of modding.)
So you probably heard what is being said, Early Access is no more, you support Modder's, cc creators, Animators out of the goodness of your heart and appreciation. Still waiting for Maxis to publish it though because it was not even mentioned in the policy.
Some creators have suspended their patreon accounts , some are still on the fence some are shwavy with it. Y'all know me I'm an Aries (mariam) I have phases, my tiktok phase, I created so many free tiktoks more than 100,  and still made a living out of it because good people supported me anyway, and continue to this day.
I did not whine to Ozzy, a dude that literally does not even play the sims4 game... to learn xml and uncompiled the python files and then teach me how to mod, get me C++ course, Maya animation course, python course and an Android/apple development course(swift) just to Quit.
yes I have the IQ of a duck, ADHD, the memory of a gold fish....(no idea where I'm going with this) Quitting is dumb I have more than 30 fresh mod Ideas to do and complain to Ozzy about my code being shitty. I am releasing stuff for free until EA clears the early access rule that has not been touched on.
I may  stop modding for the following reasons
when I start building robots with Ozzy and there is no time for sims.... I have a certificate in engineering, apparently when i was 19 I invented a portable heat pump that doubles up as a refrigerator and is self sufficient so I sold it for one grand....one grand is ALOT IN KENYA (don't you dare judge 19 year old me) (i will try to make time) Ozzy has a nasa diploma thingy
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When Ozzy opens his car company and my job is to upholster/sew car seats , dashboards, steering wheels and interior parts. I am good at sewing leather. (And there is no time to mod, i will try to make time)
when my plants grow mouths, speak up and say stop.
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Wait! hold up If I'm able to make software's and build robots would that not mean I can also create an automated software that makes it easier for me to mod, animate and create...Lot 51 Tdesc browser, sims4studio, zerbu mod constructor exist... so just the animating part and meshing, Motion capture and outsourcing. Mmmh, well if Ozzy can make time for me, help in modding and  is the busiest dude I know, nothing may stop me from making you guys happy. BTW I've been electrocuted more than 10 times once I smelt something barbequed and I'm still alive, no one did it, I'm too stupid to not touch wires in the name if "fixing" so no quitting at modding.
love mariam.
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