#Drone 23.4
wormbloggign · 4 months
“I’m so sorry I’m late. I never do this,” Mrs. Yamada said. She entered the office, a raincoat, boots and a messenger bag in her arms, her hair a touch damp, clearly flustered. “What a way to start us off. I’m so embarrassed.”
Therapy episode!!! long time coming, hopefully not too late
“About me. This could be a long session,” I said.
yeah its about 1.6 million words, sit down and get comfy
“How you seized the idea that it’s bureaucracy that would be holding me back,” she said.  “Or your facial expression when I said I want to approach this meeting with respect.  But there’s other points I think we should cover first.  We’ll get back to that, if you’re interested.”
Yamada has got this on lock-down, she knows what up
“But the sum total is worse.  It’s like, if you go back to the very fundamentals of right and wrong, you have to ask, ‘if most people acted the same way I’m acting right now, would society be better off?'”
wait thats the fundamentals of right and wrong? ive been doing all this incorrectly :(
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Mrs Yamada is the GOAT, S tier
“When I was new at being a villain I took on established heroes and robbed a bank, walking away with a small fortune.”
please pick that up, her bank heist very much wasn't her first outing, her first outing was as a hero, where she took down Lung.
fuck, wait. that incident doesnt credit her because of armstraders interference. dang.
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yea lets drop the supervillain in a middle-school, no problem :)
(funniest possible situation, good job Mrs Yamada)
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great save, you just know the kids'd try something
“No, let’s be fair,” I said. “Being a villain’s an option.”
i like this approach, she's giving them a question to mull over, 'do i want to be a good guy or a bad guy?' getting that question, especially when you're a kid is usually going to result in them wanting to be a good guy, because good guys do good things. the question is flawed, asserting a choice where there isnt always one, but in the hypothetical, they very much do have a choice, and that will lead them into deciding better actions in the long term.
good shit
“Oh shit,” Ned said, “You conned us into playing dungeons and dragons!”
it's a thought experiment all the way down babeyyyy
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im gonna cry im gonna piss im gonna kill someone
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Ohhhhhh..... oh shit.... It's that time again already.
Seismic activity building around New Delhi... If Leviathan kills one in four opposing capes on a good day, and Behemoth is considered generally worse, that is a very bad sign. Especially with Taylor hampered by stupid PR restrictions, as if butterflies are going to do a single damn thing to an Endbringer.
At least she gets her old costume back for this one, with a jetpack upgrade courtesy of Dragon. She's going to really need it.
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rohitpalan · 6 months
Consumer Behavior and Market Adoption of Cellular IoT Modules
According to Future Market Insight, the cellular IoT modules market is worth US$ 16.88 Bn in 2023 and US$ 20.83 Bn by 2033. A CAGR of 23.4% is anticipated in the market during the forecast period.
It is projected that the rising adoption of 5G technology drives further market expansion. Demand for cellular IoT modules is expected to rise as a result of the 5G technology’s increased data speeds, lower latency, and more coverage.
The growth of mHealth services and government initiatives to support IoT in healthcare are also expected to contribute to the cellular IoT module market expansion. The overall market share is being impacted by the expansion of healthcare facilities and the rising demand for healthcare services.
A crucial component of cellular IoT security policy is cloud-based security, as insecure cloud infrastructure increases the risk of data theft and device piracy. For instance, a drone used for surveillance or delivery can process information like imaging data and navigational instructions on its own.
Request a Sample Copy of the Report https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-15890
Applications of Cellular IoT Modules in Different Industries
Automotive Industry: The sales of cellular IoT modules in the automotive industry are expected to grow significantly during the forecast period due to the increased demand for connected automobiles. Since connected automobiles allow communication between vehicles and with the outside world, the automotive industry is projected to undergo substantial change as a result.
Telecom Industry: Currently, the telecom industry improves the cellular IoT modules market outlook. The market’s expansion is also aided by the industry’s rapid digitization and growing level of automation. Solutions for the Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and Long-Term Evolution for Machines are being implemented by numerous medium-sized and large-scale businesses.
Key Takeaways 
The cellular IoT module market is likely to register at a CAGR of 23.4% during the forecast period.
Historically, the cellular IoT module market registered at a CAGR of 17% between 2018 and -2022.
The value of the cellular IoT module market is expected to be US$ 20.83 Bn by 2033.
Based on components, the hardware segment is likely to register at a 26.5% CAGR in the cellular IoT module market.
North America shows significant growth in the cellular IoT module market by 2033.
During the forecast period, the cellular IoT module market in China is likely to dominate.
Get More Information on this Report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/cellular-iot-module-market
Competitive Landscape 
The inclusion of cellular IoT modules in the product lines of telematics solution providers has made it easier for fleet managers and off-highway vehicle OEMs to gather and analyze data to identify significant patterns and issues in the field’s instrumentation usage.
Furthermore, it is projected that a number of elements, such as robust security, ubiquitous quality, and resilient networks, would energize the sector over the coming several years.
Recent Developments:
In order to fulfill the rising need from the industry for smart-grid communications between charging stations and automobiles, Qualcomm developed a new power line communication device in May 2022.
In order to address the communication needs of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, also known as electric vehicle supply equipment, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. has developed the QCA7006AQ, a next-generation power line communication (PLC) device (EVSE).
The HL7845 Module was developed by Sierra Wireless in April 2021. The standard provides a 450 MHz wireless spectrum to meet the IoT connectivity requirements of European utility services.
In February 2021, Fibocom partnered with Red Tea, a leading provider of connection solutions, and Deutsche Telekom, the largest integrated telecoms company in the world, to ensure that it only provided best-in-class advertising nuSIM IoT components.
Key segments
By Component:
By Cellular Technology:
By End Use Industry:
Automotive & Transportation
By Region:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia and Pacific
Middle East & Africa
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g0dspeeed · 3 years
Burning Love
Request from @leoncharme 
What was supposed to be a relaxing day, turned into one of the strangest visits to Viktor’s clinic that V has ever had.
Hot grease sizzled deliciously in the large wok, the rich smell of savory noodles and synth meat churning V’s stomach even more. She stood near the food stall patiently, her eyes flitting through recent texts sent by practically every fixer in the city.
Ugh, I don’t need another fuckin’ car, she muttered as her eyes scoured all the vehicle offers made in the past few hours. Most were too tempting, too shiny, and V needed way too many eddies to make it happen anytime soon.
Deleting the final offer, V turned to take in the sight before her. The sun was high above the metropolis, caressing the Night City skyline in a golden light and warming the busy streets below. It was an easy heat, bearable, and a strong breeze cooled her off as it sifted through her hair.
Days like these were rare. Aside from the car offers, her inbox was light. There were no pressing contracts, no urgent phone calls from a fixer who needed a person shot, kidnapped, or rescued. No reminders to visit a drop box. No street races. No street fights to prepare for any time soon. Just a preem day for V to relax, eat a hot meal, and spend it with whomever she chose.
Which reminded her.
“Hey, double my order,” she requested.
The vendor nodded, and a smile tugged innocently at V’s lips.
When her noodles were ready, V paid the vendor and started towards her HELLA with a spring in her step.
Today’s gonna be a good one, she thought, allowing that bit of optimism to finally sink in. It’ll be-
A pause.
V barely heard it.
Again, there it was.
The second time there was no mistaking the sound.
A high pitch yelp had caught her attention, followed by a low, pained moan. The source was near, but how close V couldn’t tell. She listened some more, but nothing stood out amongst the traffic.
Part of her thought to ignore it, both the sound and that damned intuition in her gut that said that something was wrong. Agony on the streets of Night City was as common as graffiti and a systemic issue far too big for V to remedy on her own, despite her impulsive need to save nearly everyone she comes across. V helped when she was able and often when she was barely so. Just her nature. Or more so a savior complex.
After lingering for a few more moments V decided to move on. Her noodles were getting cold after all.
Just as her hand pulled on the car’s handle, the sound ruptured again in a louder, more alarming pitch.
This time V quickly whipped around to scan the area with her optics. A tinted blue swept her vision, focus fleeting from object to object in view. It was there, resting against a bench that she spotted him. A clearly distressed man in a white and pink striped shirt was hunched over, sweat glistening on his forehead above a pair of violet visors. A gold chain dangled from his neck, catching a sun beam.
V stepped closer, but right before she could ask him what the hell his problem was, her voice caught in her throat.
Cupping his crotch, the man was naked from the waist down save for a pair of black tennis shoes.
V gasped.
Unfortunately, the stranger heard her. The man turned around and spotted the frozen merc, something like relief laxing his tense expression.
“Hey!” he cried.
He shuffled forward.
V shuffled back.
Her eyes tried to look at anything but what was in his hands. Anything at all.
“Hey, you!” he cried again. “I got to get to a ripper…”
The man’s whole body was trembling, and his voice was overflowing of desperation. She slowly allowed her eyes to fall upon his sweaty face as he panted, seeing his throat bob with each swallow.
Her pity outran her common sense.
“Alright,” V replied, discomfort heavy in her tone and eyes trying their best to look up towards the clouds.
“Great!” he heaved.
V’s brain was still trying to register her predicament, let alone the fact that she agreed to let this half-naked stranger into her car.
“Why’re we standing here?” the man stammered. “To the car! Now!”
A cry left him with enough volume to snap V to her senses.
Quickly, she slid into the driver’s seat. The lunch was placed in the back while her brain was trying to conjure up the fastest way to the nearest ripperdoc.
Though she knew exactly what ripperdoc was the closest, she hesitated. She hated this for him, hated that this weird-ass situation was what she was going to bring to his doorstep. V tried to think of any other clinic that was nearby, anyone at all who was available on such short notice. The reality was, however, that this was an emergency. Any moment the guy’s crotch could set her car ablaze, and ultimately her first option was the best.
When the passenger door slammed shut, dread had already started to climb up from her stomach into her tightening throat.
“Ugh,” groaned the man as their vehicle picked up speed. “Satisfaction guaranteed, they said…”
Ah, she thought. Of course.
V asked if he was referring to the Mr. Stud implant, the provocative ad flashing in her brain. When he confirmed her guess, she hummed in validation. He thanked her for her professionalism, for not being too judgey, given the circumstances. That was the most cordiality her newfound client provided, however, because for the rest of their short ride there was more screaming, moaning, and the demand that she mow down a class of children and pretty much everyone who dared cross their path. Telling him to chill the fuck out didn’t get her anywhere, nor did some scripted words of encouragement.
“Oh, it burns! It burns!” he near screamed, hurting V’s ears.
The moment they arrived at the clinic V didn’t waste any time. She quickly grabbed the bag from the backseat and directed the man to the green, neon sign on the other side of the alley.
“W-Where are you going?” he panted as she took off towards the clinic ahead of him.
“Giving the doc a heads up!” she called from over her shoulder. “Just come this way!”
Two steps at a time, V practically threw herself to the bottom of the clinic’s stairs. Stumbling, she burst inside, the metal gate grinding loudly through its shaft.
Viktor was already on his feet, no doubt startled at the commotion she was causing. Something between a smile and pure shock was spread on the ripperdoc’s face as he greeted the merc.
“Hey, V, where’s the fire-”
“I brought you lunch!”
V moved past him to toss their meal on his workbench. Some of his tools fell loudly to the floor.
“Aw, thanks, kid,” he said with a small smile, allowing himself to be touched by the gesture despite the rising chaos that was building in his clinic. “What’s going-”
“I also brought you a patient!”
Before the words registered, a harsh cry echoed in the large space. Viktor’s eyes snapped to the entrance of the clinic where a sweaty, half-naked man was leaning on the gate’s frame. The man’s hands were planted in the apex of his thighs. A sudden spark caused his body to jolt.
Like a switch, Viktor’s focus became sharp and alert.
“V, the chair,” demanded Viktor. “Stat.”
The merc grimaced as she hoisted the stranger up and led him to the operating chair. Viktor had already sanitized his hands and arms with a quick drying antiseptic by the time the man collapsed in place.
“Due to your compromised state,” began Viktor in a flat drone. V winced at how Viktor shoved his usual stimulant into his forearm, leaving behind a rounded wound that would join the other scars. “I am obligated to act on Article 23.4 of NUSA’s Good Samaritan Law to provide emergency medical care-”
“Shit,” moaned the man, his hands gripping hard at the armrests. “W-What the hell are you talking about? Just do your fuckin’ job!”
“Preem,” muttered the ripperdoc as he jabbed the man’s upper thigh with his medgun. The man yelped. “Pain should subside now.”
V suppressed a smile in response to the dry look that Vik shot her.
“Grab me two ‘Dorphs from that shelf,” he told her, a finger from his exoglove pointing in a general direction. “Need Beauts.”
“On it.”
As V searched his supply, Viktor gathered information from his new patient.
Despite knowing the ripperdoc for as long as she had and walking in on countless operations, seeing Viktor work in such a controlled, level manner calmed V’s nerves as well. A voice as rich as honey had that effect on people. The man made ripper work look easy, multitasking between running diagnostics, checking vitals, and laying a thin, surgical drape on the man’s exposed lap. Viktor kept the conversation flowing, delivering timely ‘mhms’ and repeating specs aloud for the recording program of his computer. He had an ease to his voice, something tranquil and trustworthy, even as Viktor pushed against the man’s chest when the guy tried to rise from the chair.
“Jesse,” warned Viktor calmly. “Easy there.”
If he wanted to put up a real fight, V doubted that Jesse had a chance against Viktor. The patient’s body squirmed under the force of one arm alone.
“Doc, doc, doc, you need to operate,” Jesse argued. “You n-need to-”
“Jesse,” Viktor snapped, and in response the man immediately stilled. Jesse’s lids seemed to then get heavier and his shoulders slumped.
“There we go,” soothed the ripperdoc with a smirk, his body stretching on his rolling stool. “Took your body a while. I gave you a little cocktail of mine, the Vektor special. Should feel nothin’ but good now.”
V set the requested meds on a metal table by his stool. Viktor grabbed one, shook it, and handed it wordlessly to his patient.
Turning on her heel, V was about to dismiss herself from the situation. Her role was fulfilled. The guy was maybe gonna be okay, and even though V interrupted several of Viktor’s appointments, she could at least attempt to respect Doctor-Patient confidentiality. The flaming crotch man seemed like a great place to start.
Just as she started to walk away, she felt a tight grip on her wrist.
“Nuh-uh,” said Viktor lowly, fingers giving a gentle squeeze. “I’ll need ya to stick around for this one, kiddo.”
“Think you got it, Vik,” she said with a grin. “Flaming dicks aren’t really my thing.”
“Oh, I know I got it,” he returned. “And flaming dicks aside, I’d rather have a second pair of hands should things head south. Normally I’d call for Misty, but she’s out today. Besides…”
Viktor rolled in closer to V, an air of confidence about him. V’s eyes narrowed.
“Would love to see you play nurse,” he purred.
A warmth stung her cheeks as she took her wrist back.
“So long as I don’t have to wear an outfit, I’ll help,” she quipped.
“Oh, don’t tempt me.”
The huskiness of his voice made her blush even more.
Viktor winked up at V before he turned his full attention back to his sedated patient.
Her attention, too, travelled back to Jesse as he huffed the med. Then, they fell on the surgical drape in his lap.
“So,” she prompted. “His dick was about to explode.”
Viktor hummed in agreement.
“You don’t, uh, seem that worried about it,” she went on.
A chuckle.
Even Jesse in his laxed state, sat up a bit for an explanation.
“We’re in the clear for now,” answered Viktor. More so to the patient, he added, “Now that you’re calm, your blood pressure isn’t forcing that faulty equipment to activate. Should be smooth sailing if you stay as relaxed as possible.”
“Oh, okay,” replied Jesse dumbly, no longer looking Viktor in the eye, but instead gazing up at the dark ceiling. “Um, what are, what are you going to do exactly, doc?”
“Gonna take that shitty tech out of your junk, Jess, that’s what. Guessing you got it for a steal, right? Black market shit? Some word from the Wise: Don’t ever accept tech that’s too good to be true. Ever. Especially if it’s an implant like this. I mean, you’re lookin’ at a few potential side effects that I can talk to you about after the procedure-”
“Wait, you can’t, like, fix it?”
Viktor sighed.
“Uh, no,” he replied flatly. “Not my specialty. And I don’t plan on being held liable for whatever, eh, works and doesn’t work. I can refer you to a guy I know in Charter Hill though.”
Jesse pouted in response, but after seeing how Viktor wasn’t going to budge on the issue, he consented to the procedure.
As time went by, V kept busy by fetching Viktor whatever supply he requested, whether it be more drugs, sutures, or gauze. Which was fine and ultimately best considering the kind of operation that was taking place. Not that V became squeamish around the sight and smell of blood, no. That wasn’t it. Just the nature of it all, that Vik was repairing a poor man’s augmented penis.
So much for a relaxing, care-free day.
The only saving grace to it all was seeing Viktor in his element. The man shined. He kept Jesse talking, eyes meeting his patient’s and on the monitor in equal measure, while also sounding personable and sincere. They exchanged stories about interests, about boxing matches they’ve seen, hobbies, some boring topics, some piquing her curiosity. Viktor’s voice held the same steadiness no matter the subject, and V’s heart warmed at watching him work with such care. Though she’s been in his operating chair herself probably hundreds of times, it was something special to see him work with someone else, to witness him calm even the most panicked of souls.
A goofy laugh gushed from Jesse, no doubt feeling the effects of all the medication.
“Ah man, you’re just so sexy,” he blurted.
V blinked at the realization that the comment was directed at her.
A listless ‘Mm’ was all she offered.
Viktor kept working, attributing the outburst to the drugs.
“I mean it!” said Jesse, misreading the woman’s lack of response. “You are just so gorgeous. So, so breathtaking. And you helped me-”
“I expect to be paid,” V reminded him.
“Yes, yes, and you deserve to. Yes, you deserve to! Doesn’t she deserve to be paid?”
Viktor offered a close-lipped smile in agreement, preferring to finish the operation as soon as humanly possible with the turn the conversation had taken. Just a few more stitches-
“Do you do advertisements?” continued Jesse, nearly sounding manic. “Do you? A supermodel maybe? You know, like a side gig sorta thing?”
V snorted.
“Nope, can’t say I would even want to, Jesse.”
“Huh, well, you should think about it. You would make a shit ton of eddies if you did, probably more than merc work. Not to objectify you, but like, you totally have the bod for the job.”
Viktor glanced up at V after that comment, his blood boiling at how Jesse’s advice rendered her speechless.
Not missing an awkward beat, Jesse then asked “So are ya single? Or is dating not your thing?”
V squared her shoulders.
“Don’t think you need to know that-”
“Come on! Gimme a hint. I mean, no judgment if you don’t date.”
“Good to know.”
“Yeah, I can keep it loose. What about you?”
Viktor’s jaw started to ache from how hard it was clenched.
“Actually,” said V, her voice perking up. “I am dating someone. And I like the guy. A lot. Pretty solid, so not really looking for anything else right now-”
In a voice that Viktor could only assume was supposed to be a whisper, Jesse said, “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt ‘im-”
A clank.
Viktor had put down a pair of surgical scissors so loudly that both Jesse and V jumped.
“V?” questioned the ripperdoc in a terse tone. “Mind grabbin’ our patient here a low-dose ‘Dorph for the road? ‘Bout finished up.”
A heavy sigh of relief left the merc as she headed towards the back of the clinic.
“You’ll need to take two huffs now and two more in an hour or so, okay?” said Viktor to Jesse, annoyed at catching Jesse’s eyes trailing after V.
“That woman,” he started to say, clearly missing what Viktor had said about the meds. “For such a smart mouth, she’s got a great ass, am I right-”
Without warning, Viktor’s fingers smacked the side of Jesse’s face with enough force to make him flinch. Stunned, Jesse immediately looked at Viktor.
Eyes locked on Jesse, Viktor called out to V.
“Hey, V? See any more of that stim I use? You know, the one that I need in case my hand slips?”
Some shuffling sounded from the back.
“Um, yeah,” she shouted. “Why?”
“I just did a lot of good work here on Jesse’s dick. Would hate for something to happen to it at the finish line.”
Jesse swallowed as he could feel the outline of Viktor’s intense stare past the tinted lenses. The ripperdoc sat close to his patient and spoke in a voice so dark that it made Jesse’s hair rise on the back of his neck.
“You’re my patient now, but the moment you step out of here, you’re just any other asshole on the street that hits on V in front of my face. Difference between now and then is that I’ll kick your goddamn teeth out on the curb should I hear another word out of that mouth of yours ‘bout how hot she looks and what the fuck she does with her body. You will pay her. Don’t care if you pay me, but unless you wanna know what the Bradbury sidewalk tastes like I better hear from V by the end of the day that you paid her in full for bringing you into my clinic today or so help you God I don’t find you and get those eddies myself.”
Jesse swallowed before nodding his head.
The only sound that could be heard in the clinic was V’s footsteps. She found it odd how still the men were sitting and how Jesse didn’t acknowledge her presence once she returned to the operating chair.
“Here,” she said to the ripperdoc, but Viktor shook his head at the stimulant she brought.
“You know, I actually think I won’t need it. He’s all set and ready to go. Aren’t you, Jesse?”
The guy would have some balls to respond. As expected, Jesse remained quiet. The ripperdoc’s back popped as he rose slowly from the stool, his body stiff from operating. He continued stretching as he walked towards the locker room area of his clinic to fetch Jesse a pair of stocked sweats that he set aside for patients.
V gave Viktor a questioning look and was met only with another classic wink.
“About my payment,” she began, turning her attention back to Jesse.
Still refusing to look her in the eye, Jesse stated, “I’ll get it to you in an hour.”
The man quickly dressed, thanked Viktor for his services, and rushed out of the clinic without looking back. Based on the smugness that Viktor carried himself with as he wiped down his workspace, V caught onto what happened.
With V’s help, the clinic was cleaned and prepped for the next fortunate soul who sought out Viktor’s care.
The pair were lounging on the ripperdoc’s crusty couch in the back of the clinic, their feet propped up on a stack of boxes with lukewarm takeout in hand.
“Not a fan of Jesse’s career advice, I take it?” teased V with a grin.
Viktor glowered as he swallowed a mouthful of noodles.
“Not a fan of really any advice he gave, no,” he replied coolly.
“Might lose future business,” she mocked, but he was already shaking his head.
“It’s all good. I’m eating lunch with a supermodel. Life can’t get any sweeter.”
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North America commercial drone market 2024: Analysis by Product Types and Applications; Industry Top Players
According to the Graphical Research new growth forecast report titled “North America Commercial Drone/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market analysis based on Product, Technology, Application, Industry Analysis Report, Countries Outlook, Growth Potential, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2018 – 2024”, estimated to exceed USD 7 billion by 2024. 
The rise in adoption of smartphones, demand for aerial services, and demand for drone services for commercial applications impacts the market growth. The legalization and adoption of commercial drone in the market by government authorities has brought many new valuable avenues for business and usability in the market. Factors such as regulations regarding the security and privacy, use of satellite imagery hamper the market growth of the drone. Moreover, increased application areas for drones has created lucrative opportunities for players present in the market. 
Request for a sample of this research report - https://www.graphicalresearch.com/request/1022/sample 
The autonomous mode of operation of a civilian UAV drone is estimated to be the fastest growing mode of drone in the market with a CAGR of 23.4% in the forecasted period. This can be attributed to the technological advancement and utilization of drone capabilities, such as, with the use of thermal and hyperspectral sensors in flight to capture and experience immersive view from drones. 
Leading players are aiming to explore new technologies and applications to meet the growing demands of customers. Collaborations and acquisitions would enable them to enhance their product portfolios and expand into different geographies. Emerging economies would provide opportunity for growth and expansion. Vendors are developing specialized solutions for small and medium-sized businesses to meet their specific business requirements. 
Browse key industry insights from this 2018 report North America Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market in detail along with the table of contents at:
The usage of drone technology in agricultural practices has been on a significant rise in the civilian UAV market, with the farmers being provided decision making insights through big data analytics. This has helped the farmers in understanding their crops better for enabling maintenance and balance of their crop production, with efficient deployment methods such as, crop spraying, aerial spraying, crop monitoring, soil & field analysis and health assessment. 
Canada is the fastest growing country in the commercial drone market in the North America region with a CAGR of 27%, due to the government’s take on adoption and exploration of commercial drones to cater innovation with technology in unmanned vehicles. It is estimated that the country utilizes about three- fourth of its drones for recreational purposes and the remaining one fourth in for non-recreational purposes. 
North America commercial drone market consists of both multinational companies with wide product portfolio and regional player or SMBs that offer niche products and services. Some of the major market players are Parrot, 3D Robotics, Yuneec International, Cyberhawk Innovations Ltd., Intel and senseFly. 
Make an inquiry for purchasing this report @ https://www.graphicalresearch.com/request/1022/inquiry-before-buying 
Segments We Cover: 
North America Commercial Drone Market Growth, By Product
Fixed Wing Drone Rotary Wing Drone Hybrid Drone 
North America Commercial Drone Market Analysis, By Technology
Remotely Operated Drone Semi-autonomous Drone Autonomous Drone 
North America Commercial Drone Market Statistics, By Application
Aerial photography Agriculture Emergency Management Inspection & Monitoring Remote Sensing & Mapping Wildlife Research & Preservation 
The above information has been provided for the following regions and countries:
U.S Canada 
Related Reports: 
1.        Europe Commercial Drone/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market Size By Product (Fixed Wing Drone, Rotary Blade Drone, Hybrid Drone), By Technology (Remotely Operated, Semi-Autonomous, Autonomous), By Application (Aerial Photography, Agriculture, Emergency Management, Inspection & Monitoring, Remote Sensing & Mapping, Wildlife Research & Preservation), Industry Analysis Report, Countries Outlook (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Russia), Growth Potential, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2018 – 2024
 2.        Asia Pacific Commercial Drone/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market Size By Product (Fixed Wing Drone, Rotary Blade Drone, Hybrid Drone), By Technology (Remotely Operated, Semi-Autonomous, Autonomous), By Application (Aerial Photography, Agriculture, Emergency Management, Inspection & Monitoring, Remote Sensing & Mapping, Wildlife Research & Preservation), Industry Analysis Report, Countries Outlook (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Russia), Growth Potential, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2018 – 2024
 About Graphical Research:
 Graphical Research is a business research firm that provides industry insights, market forecast and strategic inputs through granular research reports and advisory services. We publish targeted research reports with an aim to address varied customer needs, from market penetration and entry strategies to portfolio management and strategic outlook. We understand that business requirements are unique: our syndicate reports are designed to ensure relevance for industry participants across the value chain. We also provide custom reports that are tailored to the exact needs of the customer, with dedicated analyst support across the purchase lifecycle.
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sophiyademon-blog · 6 years
Thanksgiving, a day when brick-and-mortar stores tend to be closed, has become a big one for online spending, and this year did not disappoint, with a surge of consumers rushing to digital platforms to grab sale items while physical stores were closed. This year, US consumers spent a record $3.7 billion on Thanksgiving, according to analysts, with smartphones driving 54.4 percent of traffic to retail sites and 36.7 percent of all e-commerce sales.
Thanksgiving also became the first day of the year to see $1 billion in sales completed on smartphones, Adobe said. It wasn’t the first time this has ever happened, but usually it’s only on Cyber Monday that we’ve seen that shift take place.
Adobe, which puts out real-time analytics tracking e-commerce sales, said that as of 2pm Pacific Time, $1.75 billion was spent online, up from $406 million at 7am — representing respective growth of 28.6 percent growth and 23.2 percent over the same periods in 2017.
This year’s $3.7 billion was nearly 28 percent up on the $2.9 billion that was spent online a year ago. Notably, stronger-than-expected activity led to Adobe revising this figure up after initially projecting $3.1 billion for Thanksgiving sales earlier this month.
(Adobe tracks e-commerce transactions across 80 of the top 100 US online retailers and says its analytics are based on over 1 trillion visits to retail sites and 55 million SKUs.)
“Black Friday” — the day after Thanksgiving — was once considered the official start of the holiday shopping season, but that start has come earlier and earlier each year, with brick-and-mortar stores kicking off their sales earlier to compete more with internet-based shopping sites.
Between November 1 and Thanksgiving, a total of $38 billion will already have been spent online, up 18.6 percent, with Thanksgiving giving a one percent bump to the whole period overal. Notably, all 22 days in November have hit more than $1 billion in sales, with three days each seeing over $2 billion in spend.
That high spend reaches a kind of zenith in the next four days, when one out of every five dollars will be spent, working out to $23.4 billion in sales (or 19 percent of all holiday season shopping).
Thanksgiving is the first day of the “big five” for holiday shopping. Figures from Internet Retailer research predict that the total amount that will be spent over the period between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday will be $21.6 billion.
But while rising tides might lift all boats, the biggest will reap the most rewards: it also estimates that Amazon will account for nearly one-third of all sales.
Indeed, Adobe’s figures are extrapolated from what it describes as the 80 biggest online retailers in the US.
So for a closer look at how smaller online retailers are doing, Shopify — which has some 600,000 merchants on its platform has also provided some data. It says that more than $250 million was spent in total with smaller merchants, with peak shopping seeing $465,000 per minute sold during the day. Top purchasing states were those that are the biggest: California, followed by Texas, New York and Florida.
The overall picture, interestingly, is that e-commerce continues to account for between 10 and 20 percent of all retail sales, largely the same proportion that we’ve seen for years. In other words, while the overall pie is growing in size, the proportion of the piece for online commerce does not appear to be changing for the moment.
Figures from eMarketer put overall US holiday sales at retailers at over $1 trillion for this season, while e-commerce will be around $123 billion, or around 12 percent of all sales.
Thanksgiving — when physical stores are mostly closed — continues to be a big holiday for e-commerce, and within that we’re continuing to swing to more mobile commerce with record numbers this year.
“Mobile stole the show Thanksgiving Day with smartphones representing more than 50% of traffic to retail sites, as well as record amount of revenue,” said Taylor Schreiner, director, Adobe Digital Insights.
Adobe said that more than half — 54.4 percent — of all traffic to retail sites on Thanksgiving Day came from smartphones, up from 46.1 percent on the same day in 2017, and even growing throughout Thanksgiving day (earlier Adobe had said they were accounting for 48.4 percent).
Inevitably, that boost means less traffic on other platforms. Desktop was down to 36.5 percent (44.3 percent in 2017), while tablets were at 9.1 percent (9.6 percent in 2017).
Smartphones also surged on the sales side, taking 36.7 percent of all e-commerce sales by 2pm yesterday (earlier in the day: it was 28.2 percent). Desktop remained in the lead at 52.8 percent, but the gap is narrowing. Tablets accounted for 10.5 percent of sales.
The large lag in traffic and sales for tablets really underscores how these devices have failed to become a category to regard in and of themselves. At one point, it looked like they would give smartphones a run for their money in e-commerce because they had bigger screens, making shopping easier. But as smartphones have gotten bigger and stronger, and commerce technology has moved along, the market hasn’t moved the way people thought it would.
Still, Adobe points out that some $4.3 billion of goods will get left on the table, so to speak, on smartphones: people are still abandoning their carts before checking out, a sign that the experience still has a lot of room for improvement.
These numbers are largely in line with how spending has played out the rest of the month, although smartphones have seen a bump:
The 2018 holiday season has been predicted to be a bumper year for e-commerce, helped by economic forces like lower unemployment and underlying trends like more shoppers opting to spend their money online.
“Pre-Thanksgiving deals appear to have enticed consumers to spend a little earlier as we saw our second $2 billion day of the holiday shopping season,” said Schreiner.
Adobe said that this year will see an even higher total than previous years because of how the calendar works out: there will be an extra day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, working out to $284 million spent.
In terms of products that are doing well so far, Adobe singled out the Nintendo Switch, Fingerlings Hugs, Little Live Pets and L.O.L Surprise, HP Laptops, Chromecast and Drones. The top game is Call of Duty Black Ops 4.
Discounts will be coming in strong through Cyber Monday, but they are already starting. Average savings, Adobe noted, include 16.3 percent for computers, 4.7 percent for TVs and 12.2 percent for toys.
I am not sure how and why retailers would coalesce around these trends, but apparently today is best for sporting goods (discounted on average by 13 percent). Black Friday is best for computers (16 percent) and tablets (33 percent). The Sunday before Cyber Monday will see the best deals for apparel (22 percent), appliances (18 percent) and jewelry (5 percent) (seems to be a “female” theme there), and the biggest discounts for toys will happen Cyber Monday (19 percent), when kids are back at school and can’t peek over their parents’ shoulders as they are snapping up stuff to put under the tree. 
Updated with latest sales figures
Thanksgiving online spend hits a record $3.7B, mobile accounted for one-third of sales – TechCrunch
Thanksgiving, a day when brick-and-mortar stores tend to be closed, has become a big one for online spending, and this year did not disappoint, with a surge of consumers rushing to digital platforms to grab sale items while physical stores were closed.
Thanksgiving online spend hits a record $3.7B, mobile accounted for one-third of sales – TechCrunch
Thanksgiving, a day when brick-and-mortar stores tend to be closed, has become a big one for online spending, and this year did not disappoint, with a surge of consumers rushing to digital platforms to grab sale items while physical stores were closed.
Thanksgiving online spend hits a record $3.7B, mobile accounted for one-third of sales – TechCrunch Thanksgiving, a day when brick-and-mortar stores tend to be closed, has become a big one for online spending, and this year did not disappoint, with a surge of consumers rushing to digital platforms to grab sale items while physical stores were closed.
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robertkstone · 7 years
2017 BMW M3 With M Performance Parts First Test Review: Dial M for Modification
There are two kinds of car buyers: those who drive a car off a dealer lot and are content to leave it that way for the rest of its life and those that have the itch to tinker, personalize, and accessorize. Perhaps better than any other automaker, BMW knows how to appeal to this second type of buyer and tap into their wallet with its line of M Performance Parts. And although some of the parts in the catalog are purely cosmetic, many do actually deliver on the “performance” part of the brand name.
To find out just how much of an improvement you’ll see with BMW’s latest M Performance Parts, we took delivery of an Austin Yellow Metallic 2017 BMW M3 equipped with the Competition Package and a long list of dealer-installed upgrades. Like all M3s and M4s with the competition pack, this car makes an additional 19 hp from its twin-turbo 3.0-liter inline-six, bringing output to 444 hp and 406 lb-ft of torque. The competition package also includes a retuned stability control system, Active M differential, and new springs, dampers, and anti-roll bars for the Adaptive M suspension.
But our car came with an even more extreme M Performance suspension ($1,480), which gets you height-adjustable coilover springs that use the existing shocks and can lower the car up to 20 mm (0.8 inch). Other big-ticket items include an M Performance titanium exhaust system ($4,400) and lightweight wheel and summer tire package ($5,495).
The wheel and tire package includes a staggered set of 19-inch front and 20-inch rear split-spoke alloy wheels wrapped in super-sticky Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires. The titanium exhaust might add some power, but BMW doesn’t specify how much. The automaker says you will save 17 pounds compared to the standard exhaust, however. Whether it makes any more power, the system sounds great at wide-open throttle, though it tends to drone on the highway.
The tires and suspension shined in testing, especially on the figure eight where the modified M3 shaved 0.8 second off the time of a standard M3 Competition Pack. Road test editor Chris Walton noted how flat the car remained on the course and liked the grip of the upgraded rubber. “I was impressed with how well this M3 put the power down, and much of it must be owed to the Cup tires,” he said. The modified M3 also held 1.06 g on the skidpad, greater than an M3 with just the Competition Package (0.98 g) and our old long-term 2015 M3 (0.99 g). Both cars rode on Michelin Pilot Super Sport max performance summer tires versus the modified M3’s DOT-approved competition tires, which are streetable but not recommended in wet conditions. The M Performance Parts-enhanced M3 was also quicker on the dragstrip than the last Competition Pack M3 we tested, hitting 60 mph in 3.8 seconds (versus 4.3 seconds) and completing the quarter mile in 12.1 seconds at 118.7 mph (versus 12.5 seconds at 118 mph). Braking from 60-0 mph was nearly identical at 101 feet.
Given how good this M3 was on the track, it should come as no surprise it was also good on one of my favorite canyon roads. There, the M3 turned in crisply and just stuck in corners with no hint of understeer or oversteer. In testing, the car felt neutral to a point, with a tendency toward oversteer when pushed. But on real roads at a somewhat spirited pace, the chassis and tires complement each other to produce a car that feels well balanced and supremely nimble. The steering feels artificially weighted but accurate, and the wheel is on the meaty side but fits great in the hands, thanks to grippy yet teddy-bear soft Alcantara. The carbon-ceramic brakes offered excellent bite and didn’t fade even through a long string of downhill curves. The seven-speed dual-clutch transmission shifts precisely when you ask it to, and the paddles are long and easy to reach when you’re shuffling your hands on the steering wheel.
But unless this is your weekend canyon carver or track car, odds are you’ll have to live with it in the city, too—and in that environment it’s not nearly as fun to drive. Judging by the fender gaps, our car looked to be dropped to the coilovers’ lowest setting. On top of that, our tester came equipped with the $2,640 carbon-fiber front lip. The lip makes the front end look sporty and expensive, showing off lots of exposed carbon fiber, but front clearance is minimal. Nearly every driveway has to be taken at an angle, and even then you still might scrape if you’re not careful. Height is manually adjustable at the spring perch, so you might want to raise the car if you know you’re going into town or only lower the car when you’re going to the track. You also don’t have to spring for the carbon-fiber lip if you’re worried about scraping. But if you want the look and claimed aero benefits of the lip without the risk of damaging precious carbon fiber, BMW will sell you a matte black plastic unit for $470.
Our tester came loaded with virtually every accessory in the M Performance Parts catalog, which ballooned the MSRP to a staggering $113,715. Yes, that’s a lot more than the 2017 M3’s $64,995 starting price, but that’s only if you order everything on the menu. We specced a 2018 M3 with the dual-clutch transmission, Competition Package, M Performance Suspension, and the lightweight wheels and Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires for $81,120—and you can always add parts as you go. But if money is no object, then don’t let $337-a-piece exhaust tip finishers stop you from living your carbon-fiber dreams.
Of course, BMW isn’t the only game in town when it comes to performance parts. Aftermarket suspension companies such as Bilstein, KW, Öhlins, and many others offer coilover kits for the M3 and M4, and there are countless companies that make wheels and exhaust systems out there. But one benefit of the M Performance coilovers is that, because factory shocks are used, damping can still be adjusted from inside the car if you have the adaptive suspension. And if you have M Performance Parts installed at the dealer, your car’s warranty won’t be affected.
The BMW M Performance Parts catalog has something for everyone. If you simply want a high-performance look, BMW has plenty of decals and carbon fiber and aluminum accessories emblazoned with the M logo. If you want actual performance with measurable gains, your local BMW dealer has that, too.
2017 BMW M3 (Competition Package w/M Performance Parts) BASE PRICE $64,995 PRICE AS TESTED $113,715 VEHICLE LAYOUT Front-engine, RWD, 5-pass, 4-door sedan ENGINE 3.0L/444-hp/406-lb-ft twin-turbo DOHC 24-valve I-6 TRANSMISSION 7-speed twin-clutch auto CURB WEIGHT (F/R DIST) 3,633 lb (53/47%) WHEELBASE 110.7 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 184.5 x 73.9 x 56.3 in 0-60 MPH 3.8 sec QUARTER MILE 12.1 sec @ 118.7 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 101 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 1.06 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 23.4 sec @ 0.86 g (avg) EPA CITY/HWY/COMB FUEL ECON 17/24/19 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 198/140 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 0.99 lb/mile
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Ah yes, the true supervillain agenda. I've been there. Sometimes you basically have to seize power and become a warlord just to get people to have schedules that work together.
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What a great idea this was, putting Weaver in a school and telling her to talk to the kids!
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