#Direct Filling Gold Restorations in Dentistry Question and Answers
vijayadworld · 2 months
Direct Filling Gold Restorations in Dentistry Question and Answers
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divyaspuramworld · 8 months
Direct Filling Gold Restorations in Dentistry Question and Answers
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vasanthasworld · 8 months
Direct Filling Gold Restorations in Dentistry Question and Answers
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP DENTAL Lab Viva Questions and Answers
DENTAL Lab Viva Questions :-
1. Explain operative dentistry? Operative dentistry is the art and science of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of teeth that do not require full coverage restoration for correction. such treatment should result in the restoration of proper tooth form, function and esthetics while maintaining the physiologic integrity of teeth in harmonious relationship with the adjacent hard and soft tissues, all of which should enhance the general health and welfare of the patient. 2. What is endodontics? Endodontics is the branch of clinical dentistry associated with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the pathosis of dental pulp and their sequelae. 3. What is tooth preparation or cavity preparation? Tooth preparation or cavity preparation is defined as mechanical alteration of a defective, injured or diseased tooth to best receive a restorative material that will reestablish a healthy state for the tooth, including aesthetic correction where indicated, along with normal form and function. 4. What are the types of tooth preparation? Conventional: A preparation where apart from removal of diseased portion, extension is also made so as to include all pits and fissures, unsupported areas to prevent further caries formation, for a specific restoration, e.g. amalgam, direct filling gold, cast restoration. Conservative: It is preparation where tooth structure is removed as much as needed for a given restoration, without extending for prevention of further decay, e.g. slot, box only, tunnel, occlusal pits, composite restoration, glass ionomer restoration where only diseased portion is removed. Modified: Modified tooth preparation is one where tooth devoid of caries is prepared in the form of acid conditioning or acid etching to receive the restoration. 5 . Who is the father of modern operative dentistry? G.V Black 6. Classification of cavity preparation ? Classification of cavity preparation by G.V Black Class I: Cavities occurring in the pits and fissures of the premolars and molars and on the occlusal two third of facial and lingual surfaces of premolars and molars. It also includes cavities occurring on the lingual surfaces of the maxillary incisors. Class II: Cavities occurring on the proximal surface (mesial and distal) of the posteriors. Class III: Cavities occurring on the proximal surfaces of the anteriors that do not involve the incisal edge. Class IV: Cavities occurring on proximal surfaces of the anteriors that involve the incisal edge. Class V: Cavities occurring on the gingival third of the facial, lingual or palatal surfaces of all teeth. Class VI: Cavities occurring on the incisal edge and the cuspal heights of the posteriors 7. What are the types of cavity? There are three types of cavity based on the number of surfaces involved. They are: simple cavity, compound cavity and complex cavity. Simple cavity: cavity involving on surface of the tooth, e.g. class I occlusal cavity Compound cavity: cavity involving two surfaces, e.g. class II mesio-occlusal Complex cavity: cavity preparation involving three or more surfaces of tooth, e.g. class II mesio-occluso-distal cavity 8. What is enameloplasty? Enameloplasty is reshaping of enamel by selective grinding so as to include deep pits for easy cleansability. The area around the pit is made into a saucer shape and hence it is also called saucerization. 9. What is the cavosurface angle for an amalgam cavity? Cavosurface angle for an amalgam cavity is 90o .It is also referred as butt joint. 10. What is a cavosurface angle? it is the angle of the tooth structure formed by the junction of a prepared cavity wall and the external tooth surface.
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DENTAL Viva Questions 11. What is the minimum bulk of restoration for an amalgam cavity? 1.5mm 12. What should be the depth for amalgam cavity? 0.2mm-0.5mm 13. What is the ideal width for an amalgam cavity? 1/4th to 1/3rd the intercuspal distance 14. What is the minimum amount of marginal tooth structures to be preserved during cavity preparation? Molar – 2mm, Premolar – 1.6mm 15. What are the principles of cavity preparation? Initial steps of cavity preparation: Establishing outline form Establishing primary resistance form Establishing primary retention form Establishing convenience form Final steps of cavity preparation Removal of remaining carious dentin Pulp protection Secondary resistance and retention forms Finishing of enamel walls 16. Why you have chosen the field of a Dentist? Well Sir, I chose the area of Dentist because of my interest in this field. I always want some new discovery in this field to make the world free from the mouth disease. I believe smile is the key for success and for this you should have good and proper teeth. 17. What do you mean by Dental Bridges? Dental bridges are the techniques which are used to replace missing teeth in a patient’s mouth. A dental bridge usually consists of two crowns with a false tooth “bridged” between. The dentist places the crowns on the teeth adjacent to the gap for strength and stability. Other options for replacing missing teeth include partial dentures and dental implants. 18. What do you mean by Dental Erosion? Dental Erosion is the wearing down of the teeth in the form of fissures or queries and other mouth problems. 19. What is the treatment for tongue cancer? Treatment of the tongue cancer will depend on the size of the cancer and its occupying area of spread i.e. from the lymph nodes in the neck. The best treatment of tongue cancers is surgery. Small cancers of the oral tongue can be quickly and successfully treated by surgical removal leaving behind little cosmetic or functional change. For the larger cancers that have spread to the lymph nodes in the neck combination of surgery and radiotherapy is needed. 20. What do you mean by Dental Caps or Crowns? It is a process applied when a tooth is extremely damaged. In this a dental cap or crown may be used to restore its appearance and strength. Crowns use to cover the entire tooth and seal chipped or broken areas. 21. What do you mean by Dental Implants? Dental implant is a technique which is used to replace missing teeth. A dental implant is a false tooth that is permanently fitted and secured to the jaw. In this process, a small titanium rod will be fixed into the jawbone and once the jawbone has adhered to the structure, a false tooth will be attached to it as its replica. 22. What would you do, in case you could do anything different in your schooling? Best answer: I wish I would have started school before. I feel as though I’m a small bit behind in my own life plans as a result of returning to school after. But this also provides me with an advantage in understanding what I really desire to do and having work experience which provides me with more drive to reach my aims. Second best: If not a dental hygienist than something for sure relating to a medical subject. 23. Describe the people you work with best. Best answer: Someone that’s high work ethics like I do, someone that’s prepared to collaborate and lend a helping hand if needed. Second best: I am friendly and outgoing and operate well and get together with pretty much everyone. I could be a leader or a follower if necessary. I like working with folks that are easy going. 24. What do you really think about truly being a hygienist, you’ll dislike the most? Best answer: May have a nerve problem in hands, arms, and back in the future because of repetitive hand work. Second best: Honestly, unable to command the cost of cleanings or the ability to financially work with low-income patients. 25. A patient has AIDS, can you still treat them? Best answer: yes..not everyone’s truthful about their medical health so you treat everyone the same ie that includes those with AIDS Second best: If a patient has AIDS I will still treat them as a hygienist because that’s part of my job description. I’m in no position to discriminate against anyone due to their condition or history. I might make it my responsibility to execute the job cautiously and attentive. DENTAL Viva Questions with Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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