fexarii · 4 months
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Kanako deserved sm better dawg, fym ur mom just injects u with some Mystery Possibly Corrupt Liquid cuz u were having confidence issues and u instantly die uughh, , beats Ceroba up ,,,/lh
anyways now she's slop in Alphys' basement forever, how we feeling gang (i cried)
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radioroxx · 3 months
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my friend thinks that if flowey ever met the other uty cast that he and ceroba would hate each other a lil bit (a lot bit)
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Deltarune Yellow Anon here, mentioned cus ur the Guardener person, but for the plot uhh...
Not sure exactly on Clover, have a few name swaps but none of them are the greatest
But, here, Clover is adopted by the Ketsukane family, Chujin making two toys for the kids, Guardener and Axis, Axis can still be found in the house, but Guardener ended up lost, after being brought a lot of places. Which is why Guardener is part of the party and so strong, since, children playing with, children get attached, and the overwhelming grief because... Chujin still dies here. Kanako doesn't. Not sure exactly of Chujin's job but, prob figure it out l8er. Not 100% sure on the exact circumstances, but Starlo, the Feisty Five, and likely Dina, work in some kind of wild west themed restaurant. Ceroba ends up taking a job there, to make money. This is mostly just the light world differences, the darkworld? Will have to figure that out! Hope u enjoyed reading
Damn, Chujin is just doomed by the narrative in every story ('cept for swap aus, I guess), isn't he? But this is really cool! Chujin making custom toys for his kid is really cute, and yeah, losing one of them (possibly Clover's favourite, 'cause they took Guardener everywhere, or a bunch of places, anyways) would probably be really crushing, especially considering what ends up happening to Chujin. (A toymaker could be a possible job for Chujin, but if you waned to keep him working with metal or in a Steamworks-like workplace a welder or something else.)
And the restaurant! that's such a neat idea, a great way to utilize the western theme without just plopping the wild east in a part of town I wonder if there'll be a dark fountain there, would thar just make the dark world be all western?
i did enjoy reading, quite a bit
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