#Cullen having Issues (TM) was a large part of what made him interesting
championsandheroes · 1 year
So I'm not the only one disappointed in how un-qunari Iron Bull was (esp as a romance option)?? Thank Creators XD And written by guy who made my fave Bioware romance (Garrus) somehow?? Like, the excitement I had and how fast it went down the drain when I realized IB is basically some very horny (pun intended) guy who likes to party after philosophical debates we had with Arishok and Sten was quite a let down ngl, at least for me personally. Sorry for a long rant lol
Yeah... I think Iron Bull is an interesting character, but he isn't what I wanted from a qunari romance. Kinda like how I really liked what a mess Cullen was in DAO and DA2, but I found the romance in DAI underwhelmingly normal and not what I expected it to be.
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