#Crowley has mismatched eyes and it's my favourite thing ever
nadsdraws · 3 years
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Luke is making tea with his back turned, and Crowley’s eyes widen when he sees the familiar lines of Luke’s tattoos on his shoulder blades. They’d gotten them together, in a fit of boyish indulgence, his snake paired with the angel wings permanently etched into Luke’s scapulae. The angel to his demon. Hereditary enemies.
Something I forgot to post - art for fifth chapter of The Rite of Falling by @contraststudies
The angst intensifies...
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chamyl · 5 years
my GO fic recs
I’m going to put my faves here so I stop losing them (and also for Xy who asked ❤️).
Sorted by rating and then by length, NSFW ones under the cut.
Long-Term by idiopathicsmile Gen, 1712 words Take, for instance, the couple she’s consulting with this afternoon, for their upcoming October ceremony. Seemingly mismatched in every respect. The plump, fair-haired one looks like a parody of an absent-minded professor, as sketched by someone who didn’t bother to do much actual research; his clothes are so outdated it teeters on costume. He’s wearing a bow tie, and not in that reinvented hipster way. This is a bow tie unacquainted with the cycles of fashion, a bow tie that has never heard the word irony. His partner is a rangy, black-clad ginger in snakeskin boots. He has the look of a hungover rocker about him, and would somehow, even without the sunglasses he has fully committed to wearing indoors on a cloudy afternoon. He’s sprawled almost defiantly in his chair and keeps throwing dubious glances around Dr. Blackwell’s office, as though expecting a lightning bolt to strike him down for merely daring to be within spitting distance of a church.
all i need, darling, is a life in your shape by deadgreeks  Gen, 14243 words After everything, Aziraphale and Crowley, by unspoken agreement, begin sharing their lives. - Why? Aziraphale wanted to ask him, why millennia of the way things were, and now this? But while Crowley seemed to have little issue upending every unspoken rule they’d ever written for themselves, Aziraphale was not so flexible, and they had spent thousands of years never quite addressing whatever it was this had stemmed from. Words, Aziraphale had always felt, were for bickering about where to eat for lunch, or hashing out ontological debates, or other trivial nonsense; there was no need to trifle with the imprecision of language, with phrasing and the possibility of being misconstrued, when it came to important matters if the other person simply understood, without needing it said. Six thousand years ago, when Aziraphale had met Crowley on the wall of Eden, watching the first two humans set out to begin the rest of history, something deep within him, more central even than his Grace, had thought, oh, it’s you, and that had been enough for him--for both of them, he assumed--for three millennia. However much he wanted to ask, he didn’t know how. The words simply weren’t there. [My notes: I never gave a shit about the meaning of flowers BEFORE.]
The Nesting Habits of Angelus Principalum by obaewankenope No rating, 5453 words “Angel,” Crowley draws out, dragging the word along behind him as he somehow manages to emulate a snakes slithering while in human form along the north corridor—between the shelves with books on space and science-fiction—looking at their contents suspiciously. “Is that—it—is that a 3D model of the moon? How—where did you even get that?” Aziraphale bounces a little on the balls of his feet. “I do know how to use the internet dear,” he says, somewhat proudly. “I even have accounts on a handful of websites not dedicated to books.”
The Orchard by liesmyth Mature, 2581 words Crowley always had an affinity for apples. Or: Crowley eats some fruit, tempts an angel, and gets more than he bargained for.
First Feast by reserve Mature, 3636 words “Do you feel different?” Aziraphale asked. His gaze was intent, flicking between Crawly’s mouth and eyes. He was twisting his plump, fruit-reddened fingers in the folds of his robe like he couldn’t manage to keep still. He was squirming. “Give us another taste,” he whispered. Crawly dropped the forbidden fruit. Crawly lunged for him.
Penance by Blissymbolics Mature, 5910 words And for a while, it’s enough. It’ll happen, Crowley tells himself. This time, it’ll finally happen.
Through Every Door by darlingred1 Mature, 15328 words What would it hurt, really? It wasn’t like Crowley had anything better on. No more orders, no more quotas, no more Arrangement. Aziraphale would never have to know. “Wonderful. I’m the demon on my own shoulder.” And he’d lost his angel, hadn’t he? All he had left were thoughts, memories…fantasies. And he had a very good imagination. (After thwarting the end of the world, Aziraphale begins to avoid Crowley, and Crowley accidentally awakens his own repressed lust.) My notes: that's a lot of words but I only noticed once I was DONE reading.
Part and Parcel by sabinelagrande Explicit, 2576 words Aziraphale catches Crowley off guard.
Taking the liberty by CartWrite Explicit, 3463 words After swapping bodies (but before their respective sides come for them), Aziraphale spends the night in Crowley's flat trying to figure out how to talk, walk, and be convincing as Crowley. Trouble is, he's such a convincing Crowley, he starts to convince himself to... well. Things get out of hand.
The Weight of Well Tailored Clothes by reserve Explicit, 5097 words After the crêpes, Crowley helps Aziraphale get his clothing back. Then he helps a bit more.
bent to the very earth by Ark Explicit, 5634 Use me, please, Crowley had said, so Aziraphale takes him at his word.
A Home at the Beginning of the World by stereobone Explicit, 5867 words "Oh," Aziraphale says. "I think Crowley might have moved in with me." [My notes: everyone and their mom has read this fic. I'm recommending it anyway.]
Moving Furniture by LittleLynn Explicit, 6393 It was strange, Aziraphale’s bookshop had not burned down - though that was not what was strange, given all that had happened in the past week his bookshop miraculously un-incinerating itself barely even registered. No, what was strange, was that Aziraphale’s bookshop was still standing and yet somehow he found himself staying at Crowley’s place anyway.
Born Of Frustration by juliet Explicit, 7599 words “I want you!” Crowley shouts back. “I’ve wanted you for a long fucking time, angel, and don’t try to pretend you don’t know that. I want you, and I want you to make up your fucking mind. I am done with hanging around waiting for you to decide.” Crowley has had enough.
Spin Cycle by surveycorpsjean  Explicit, 7793 words All their roads have led them here. [My notes: 🔥🔥🔥 also poetic.]
You, Soft and Only by thehoyden Explicit, 9400 words He hadn’t expected a sudden lapful of angel. “Very sorry about this,” Aziraphale said, and kissed him. [My notes: I CRY. Possibly my most favourite.]
All Things Considered by emmagrant01 Explicit, 10135 words The world hadn’t ended and neither had they, but something had definitely changed. [My notes: Crowley gets a KITTEN.]
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