#Cologne Women Assault- Refugees Attacked by German mobs
beardedmrbean · 2 years
Claim: "In the city of Euskirchen near Cologne, at the train station, a boy was beaten up."
DW Fact check: False.
In the video, a woman recounts in Russian the alleged events in the video, describing how a 16-year-old was severely beaten into a coma. The women admits that she does not know the boy personally, but that a friend told her about it.
In the video, translated by DW's Russian Service, she claims that "in the city of Euskirchen near Cologne, at the train station, a boy was beaten up. A group of Ukrainians beat him up half to death — so that he was taken to intensive care. He was in a coma. These bastards were simply taken by the police to the home where they lived. So far nothing has been done to them."
She goes on to say: "But today my friend wrote me that this boy, Daniel, died. Guys! He has died. I can't imagine it. I can't imagine it right now. It had been a long-awaited child in this family." The last claim throws up the question of how she knew that the boy was a long-awaited child if she herself does not know the family.
In a tweet, the police in Bonn said there was no such incident in Euskirchen or the vicinity that could be connected to the events described in the video.
"The Bonn police, who are responsible for capital crimes in the Euskirchen area, have no information about such a violent assault or even about a fatality. The Bonn police's State Protection Service has taken up the investigation. The experts currently assume that it is a deliberate ‘fake video' intended to incite hatred," a police statement read.
Simon Rott, a press spokesman for the Bonn police, told DW that there was "no such incident" or any other similar attack in Euskirchen.
"We are currently investigating the identity and background of the woman in question," he said, also confirming that the police together with the public prosecutor's office are examining whether the case has "any relevance under criminal law."
The video gained further traction on the account of Alina Lipp, a German-Russian influencer who has published pro-Kremlin content on her Telegram account.
The news portal T-online has described her as "Putin's infowarrior." She currently works for Russian state media, reporting from the self-declared "People's Republic" of Donetsk, and describes herself as a "peace journalist."
Second video surfaces
On Monday, a second video surfaced in which the woman in the first video who described the alleged incident appears to be apologizing for her claims, saying: "Today I found out that it is a fake."
"I want to apologize to everyone who has seen my video for not turning out to be the truth. I wanted to ask today when the funeral will take place and found out that it had all been lies," she says in the video. She goes on to recount that the person she mentioned in the first video who told her about the alleged attack "hates Ukrainians and decided to harm them through this story."
She says that she believed the story because Russians in Germany are being harassed because of the war in Ukraine. "I believed with all my heart that I didn't need facts, pictures or confirmation. I want you not to repeat my mistake. Don't trust anyone without having seen confirmation. I don't know myself right now whether to believe videos in TikTok or not — what is fake and what is not — when I myself fell into this trap."
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christusleeft · 7 years
New Post has been published on In de hemel is wél bier !
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2l0gj01
Germany's Migrant Rape Crisis: January 2017
Tolerating a “rape culture” to sustain a politically correct stance on mass migration
“Whoever behaves in his host country as the reports suggest has not only lost any claim to our hospitality but also their right to asylum!” — Mayoral candidate Volker Stein, Frankfurt.
The actual number of migrant-related sex crimes in Germany is at least two or three times higher than the official number. Only 10% of the sex crimes committed in Germany appear in the official statistics. — André Schulz, head of the Criminal Police Association.
An even more toxic practice is for police deliberately to omit any references to migrants in crime reports. This lapse makes it impossible for German citizens to understand the true scale of the migrant crime problem.
City police asked German media to delete any images of the suspect. A note for editors stated: “The legal basis for publishing the surveillance photos has been dispensed with. We strongly urge you to take this into account in future reporting and to remove and/or make changes to existing publications.”
“As a refugee, it is difficult to find a girlfriend.” — Asif M., a 26-year-old asylum seeker from Pakistan, in court on charges he raped one woman and attempted to rape five others.
German authorities are investigating reports that dozens of Arab men sexually assaulted female patrons at bars and restaurants in downtown Frankfurt on New Year’s Eve 2016.
The attacks, in which mobs of migrants harassed women in a “rape game” known as “taharrush gamea” (Arabic for “collective sexual harassment”), are said to have mirrored the mass sexual assaults of women in Cologne and other German cities on New Year’s Eve 2015.
Germans protesting the New Year’s Eve 2015 mass sexual assaults wave flags, alongside a banner saying “Rapefugees Not Welcome,” on January 9, 2016 in Cologne. (Image source: Getty Images)
A report published by Bild on February 5 alleged that some 900 migrants, many of whom were intoxicated, gathered at the central train station in Frankfurt on December 31, 2016. Police blocked their access to the Mainufer, a downtown pedestrian area along the Main River and the site of a large New Year’s celebration, so the migrants walked to the Fressgasse, another downtown pedestrian zone known for its restaurants and bars.
Witnesses said that groups of up to 50 migrants of “Arab or North African” appearance entered several establishments and began sexually assaulting female patrons. They also stole handbags and jackets, threw bottles and firecrackers, and, for good measure, finished their victims’ drinks.
Frankfurt Police insist they did not know about the incidents until Bild, the newspaper with the largest circulation in Germany, reported on them. It remains unclear why the victims waited more than a month before coming forward with their complaints. A police spokesperson said the claims are “worrying” and “cannot be excluded.” Read more
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murdikar-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtJKQ_zUZ8E)
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