#Ciri deserves a harem
laurikarauchscat · 4 months
Happy Valentines Day!! 💝
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Ciri and her stepmother. One of my new fave ships !! It's delightfully taboo - I love them ❤️
Reference - https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/9570217951429757/
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murfeelee · 6 years
Video Game Tag
Thank you, @curmudgeonness, for exploiting my weaknesses! XD 
favorite game from the last 5 years? Well this one’s obvious. :P
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Lookit Geralt & Ciri, deliberating over who gets to kill which boss. Parenting done right. ^_^
most nostalgic game?  ‒ Legend of Dragoon -- that was the first RPG I ever played. <3
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game that deserves a remaster/sequel?  ‒ LEGEND OF DRAGOON. If FF7 can get one, the LoD sure as heck needs one! It’s been 84 almost 20 years. REALLY cool game; the story & lore was one of the best I’ve ever played through, and the combat was addictive; it was advanced for turn-based systems.
favorite game series?  ‒ Final Fantasy. Yes, even with them hobbling around on one foot after shooting the other one off with that FF15 tripe, they’re still my favorite franchise. U_U But Square Enix really needs to get its act together.
favorite genre? ‒ Medieval swords and sorcery RPG. If there’s no dragons, no thank you. With very few exceptions. At least have some mythical creatures.
least favorite genre?  ‒ Realistic/modern day games, military games, sci-fi shooters (like Halo, and even Mass Effect to a certain degree), and all first person games (which is why it took me a long time to get into Skyrim -- thank goodness for 3rd person mods).
favorite song from a game? ‒ The Witcher soundtrack... Maaaan...! And not just TW3, oh no! I’m talking the entire thing: TW1, TW2, AND TW3.
Listen to ALL THREE OF THEM, I command you!
favorite character from a game? My video game Harem of Hawtness.
favorite ship from a game? ‒ Why, Fahrenheit and Celsius, of course!
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Final Fantasy has all the best airships, don’tchaknow!
favorite voice actor from a game? ‒ Don’t really have one; there are a bunch of JRPGs I play where there’s minimal to zero voice acting, or it’s all in Japanese and I mostly can’t understand what they’re saying anyways. :P
favorite cutscene? ‒ Hands down Final Fantasy X had me all effed up -- people keep wailing about Sephiroth & Aerith in FF7, but nope, that was fine. FFX was relentless on the feels though. That ending!? Wasn’t a dry eye anywhere in the community, BET.
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favorite boss?  ‒ The easy ones to kill. People talk about Dark Souls bosses being impossible to beat, but I’m STILL having conniptions over how the EFF to take down the hidden bosses in numerous Final Fantasy games. Rigga morris, I tell you! #RageQuit
first console?  ‒ Playstation
current console or consoles?  ‒ PS3 and PS4. I still play on my PS2. My PS1 broke though. :(
console you want?  ‒ PS5. :P
place from a game that you’d like to visit?  ‒ I was not prepared for how GORGEOUS the realms in God of War 2018 are! Like...ermagawd. 
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I can’t wait to see what Asgard & Vanaheim will look like in the sequel.
place from a game that you’d like to live in?  ‒ FF12′s Ivalice. I love how FF12 was a mix of Medieval, Middle Eastern, Scifi, and Steampunk, all at once.
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I would say FFX’s Spira, but with Sin running around and mess....pass. XD
ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun?  ‒ The Witcher and Skyrim. >:D CDPR & Bethesda -- DO IT.
book that would make a good game?  ‒ The Dragonlance Series. I’ve BEEN wanting that franchise made into a video game, not just D&D or Magic, etc.
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show/movie that would make a good game? ‒  That’s never a good idea -- so many movies have those video game releases that always just fail. U_U Even Harry Potter started to suck. Like...how do you eff up Harry Potter!?
games you want to play?  ‒ CDPR’s upcoming Cyberpunk 2077.
have you gotten 100% completion in a game?  ‒ Only when I cheat. Thanks, Gamefaqs & Youtube~! ^___^ I remember when games came with manuals -- some were thick, just loaded with helpful info. And there was a number you could call with a hotline to get cheats and tips. I’d call, too! XD
have you cried over a game?  ‒ Every time I finish a game, I tear up a little. It’s the best and worst feeling in the world, being immersed in a game WORLD, and then having it all come to an end. Especially when the ending is done oh so right, and all those emotions just hit you, like dang. That was an experience.
what power-up or ability would you want in real life?  ‒ I made a whole Magical Girl post about this. Went on a whole Final Fantasy job class ramble. Good times.
I tag everyone!
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melonoverlord · 6 years
And all 50 for Luna
Their age?
Just recently turned 25.
Their sexuality/sexual preference?
*Yakko voice* Girls
Any siblings/Only child?
Growing up, she was the youngest of many sisters in her family.
Their favourite season?
Summer. Everyone seems just a little bit happier in the summer than winter.
Who were/are their parents/guardians?
She doesn’t know her birth parents but was raised by her adopted mom up until she ran away from home the first time. For the most part though, her older sisters taught her everything she needed to know.
Their gender?
Their date of birth?
Month 5, Day 27 (December 27)
What clothing style?
Black jeans with a red long sleeve shirt and silver vest is her usual dress, but when she doesn’t have to keep appearances, she walks around the Freedom Vessel in her duck onesie or harem-style pants and one of Nivviah’s many sweaters.
What is their favourite food after a break-up?
She’s never had a breakup and if she did break up with Nivviah she’d never get over it, but honestly she probably wouldn’t eat until Tam forced her at spoonpoint.
Their favourite thing to do after a break-up?
Go to Tam’s room and just hold him while he pats her hair and asks if she wants to make cookies
What happens in the ‘honeymoon phase’ for this character?
Want to have a meeting with the captain of the Freedom Vessel? Too bad, she’s in her room with Nivviah cuddling or reading together. The only time you’ll catch her alone is when she’s taking a shit so plan your calendar around her poo schedule.
How many serious relationships have they been in?
This is the first big relationship she’s been in and she’s very happy for it.
What is their nationality?
She doesn’t consider any planet her home as she’s been living on the Freedom Vessel most of her life. But if she had to pick a planet, it’d be Spanathosian
What languages do they speak?
Common, Theuthidan, Alternian, Mambian, and Helian.
What is their profession/Education?
Her adopted mother and older sisters taught her most of what she knows, and then Oberon filled it in with everything else she needed to learn, especially applicable skills like how to fight and fly.
Their favourite comfort food?
Is whiskey a comfort food? Otherwise Hawaiian Pizza.
What’s a food they hate?
Grapefruit. She can’t handle the smell or taste of it.
Their music taste?
She loves Tam’s music but also loves R&B and music that she can groove to in her office while she works.
Is there a story behind their name/meaning?
She’s not too sure, but she was told it was because the moon was the brightest it had ever been during her birth.
Something they do that seems childish to others?
When she’s not working, she’ll wear her duck onesie around the Freedom Vessel.
What is their all-time favourite TV show?
When Ciri and Val went to Scylla, she borrowed Ciri’s Stranger Things Box set and watched it with Nivviah and they both really enjoyed it.
What is their all-time favourite movie?
Ironically, Star Wars and Legally Blonde, though she’ll never let anyone know about the second one.
How big is their family?
At home, it was around two dozen of family members she grew up with, but now its about 16 people on the Freedom Vessel.
Are they close to anyone specific in the family?
She hates the family she came from, but loves the family she made on the Freedom Vessel, particularly her pseudo adopted dad Oberon and pseduo adopted brother and best friend Tam
Have they got any allergies?
She has a minor allergy to peppers, but it doesn’t stop her from eating jalapeno poppers
Are they an emotional person?
Yes, but she doesn’t show it unless she trusts you.
Do they get angry/lose their temper quickly?
She gets frustrated easily but usually keeps it under control until she’s alone. Unless you are mean to Nivviah, Tam, or any of her kids (ngl especially Castor), you will never see the light of day.
What are some of their guilty pleasures?
Drinking wine in her duck onesie, Falling alseep in a pile of Nivviah’s clothes, and bath bombs. So many bath bombs.
Do they have pets? Do they want pets?
No, she never really wanted to take care of a pet. Now she wouldn’t mind but thinks she should focus on the people in her life first.
Do they like kids? Do they want kids/have kids?
She likes kids, but since the tragedy with Val’s family, Polly and Castor, and Ravi and Crumb, she feels like she messes up any kid she comes across. She loves them all though.
Who’s cuddle buddy are they?
Tam and Nivviah’s.
Do they have any tattoos?
She used to have tattoos but they mostly faded out
Do they have any piercings?
She has earlobe piercings, but doesn’t really wear earrings anymore.
What is their hair colour? Is it their natural colour?
Right now her hair color is black which is her natural color, but she used to have it a different color.
Do they like musicals?
Hamilton is her jam and uses it to pump her up when she’s feeling like she can’t do anything.
Do they like marmite?
Its one of the only things she and Tam argue about. She actually finds it tasty.
Do they like glitter?
No, she’s seen too much glitter to last her a lifetime.
Do they believe in the supernatural?
She’s not a full on skeptic, but she’s more inclined to listen to logic than ghosts or demons. But she’s seen enough weird shit to not fully discredit it.
Have they ever seen a dead body?
Way too many. Some she’s killed, some she’s failed to save.
Have they ever had a near-death experience?
Too many to count. Most recently, she almost drowned.
Have they ever broken a bone?
When she was younger and sparring with Oberon, he didn’t realize how little she knew how to fight and accidentally knocked her back too hard and she broke her wrist.
What are they like when they’re drunk/what kind of drunk are they?
Sad drunk. You will see her get extra weepy
Have they ever drunk underage?
She’s been drinking pretty much since she started helping the Earth Rebellion at 19.
What is the first thing they do when they wake up?
Start working on documents and trying to find who needs saving next.
Do they consider themselves popular?
She thinks so? I mean she literally is the captain, but wishes that people didn’t think of her so highly as they do.
How do they like their tea/coffee?
She likes her tea with a ton of honey and likes her coffee with some whiskey thrown in.
What do they smell like?
Whiskey, Nivviah’s sweaters, and cinnamon sticks.
Are they a virgin?
Not for long ;)
Do they wear glasses/contacts?
No, but when she was younger loved stealing Tam’s reading glasses and saying “Wow, you can’t see shit when you read.”
Are they good at remembering significant dates? Anniversaries, birthdays etc?
She tries to remember important dates for everyone in the ship because she wants to be the best captain she can be and earn the respect she doesn’t think she deserves.
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laurikarauchscat · 4 months
Ciri defiles her father's virgin wife under the watchful eye of her Grandmother's effigy.
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Empress Cirilla - she who fucks on the barrows of her kin...
Inspired by Verity - by Eldritcher
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laurikarauchscat · 4 months
Inspired by @valandhirwriter 's Cirivran story "Heirs of Nilfgaard"
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This is not exactly like the descriptions in the story - more based on the vibes I had in my head when I read it (I may have been 🍹indulged 🍾🥂 at the time)
I have a few Ciri relationships in my headcanon (girl deserves a harem) but I have her marry Morvran every time - for security back home, and also because she likes him personally.
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