#Christmas snzarios
selene-and-the-cold · 6 months
Person A caught a really bad cold right before Christmas. All their plans have been canceled, because the cold renders them absolutely useless and miserable. Their head and body ache. Their throat feels like it's lined with broken glass, and their poor nose is bright red and swollen from the constant, never-ending cycle of fierce, tickles in their nose, messy, desperate sneezing fits, wiping and rubbing at their nose with tissues, sweaters or hands, and a constant, liquid sniffle.
They've spent the whole day leading up to Christmas in their pjs bundled up on the couch in a thick, woolen blanket. Their partner B bringing them hot tea, and cookies, as well as hot water bottles for their cold feet and cool compresses for their feverish brow.
When it's time to unwrap the presents, A drags themselves up, wrapping the blanket around them to go and sit on the floor by the tree together with B. B tried to protest, but A did not want to miss this Christmas tradition of opening presents under the Christmas tree.
They exchange gifts, and just as A unwraps a beautiful scarf that will come in very handy in the days to come, they feel a sneeze coming on. Their nose twitches a few times, A's face scrunching up as they try to wriggle the urge to sneeze back down, but to no avail. Soon, their eyes flutter close and their lips draw back, mouth going slack as their body gears up for the sneeze. They can feel that it is going to be a big one, congestion quivering in their nose as they take in a long breath, sitting ready to be sneezed out. So A desperately searches for a tissue, but they left the box on the couch.
For a moment, they consider sneezing into their new scarf, but they don't want to ruin their beautiful present. They are too shy to sneeze into their blanket in front of B, so when the big, messy sneezes are about to spill out of their poor red nose, A desperately grabs a piece of discarded wrapping paper, raising it to their face just in time for the sneezes to splatter messily against it.
Turns out that wrapping paper does a poor job containing messy sneezes...
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sniffle-elf · 4 years
(A) has a cold, and the only medication they have on hand is Benedryl. The box says it relieves nasal congestion, so they take it. It makes their nose run more, but the resulting sniffles make their nose tickle even more, making them sneeze more than they had when they were totally congested. Where they were sneezing about once an hour before, now it’s small fits of tickly, wet sneezes every twenty minutes or so.
So it does work, but not exactly as advertised.
Bonus deleted scene! An hour later (B) comes to check on them;
(B): Did the Benedryl help at all?
(A): Not really. It’s just making mehh... Hh’KTSshh’ue! Making me sneeze even more. But I still feel like garbage.
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