drdadbooks · 2 months
Where Kings are King  6U8A5176
Where Kings are King 6U8A5176 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: The glow of a rising sun bathes a King Penguin in an auburn aura. Having just waddled out of the ocean, the bird stretches and shakes the glistening drops of brine from its feathers. It’s the start of a new day on Volunteer Beach in the Falklands where King Penguins reign.
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drdadbooks · 2 months
Passing the Time C7A8298 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: A few female elephant seals pass the time relaxing on the beach at Whale Point in the Falkland Islands. Of course, time passed isn’t complete without some form of entertainment. Since elephant seals don’t have cellphones, books, or TV, they most commonly entertain themselves with some form of friendly sparring. I imagine that these relatively nonviolent encounters prepare them for the rare moments when true defense measures are needed. Long periods of sleep were punctuated with occasional eye opening, warning gapes, and the rare inchworm-like movements along the beach. It was a truly intriguing and relaxing day.
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drdadbooks · 16 days
Out to Sea  6U8A8381
Out to Sea 6U8A8381 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: Watching King Penguins head out to sea is a treat to behold. The birds seem to exhibit a variety of emotions and behaviors. Some seem truly excited. Others, reluctant and cautious. Still, others seem totally disinterested and genuinely confused. It isn’t until one or two penguins at the front of the line is forced to take the plunge that the rest follow.
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drdadbooks · 2 months
On Hallowed Ground  6U8A8200
On Hallowed Ground 6U8A8200 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: The sun goes down over the colony at Volunteer Point and king penguins gather along with their young to spend another peaceful, though blustery, evening along the eastern shore of the Falkland Islands. Some stand alone. Others, with their mates and chicks, and a few still sit on eggs, not yet hatched. On open ground, a quarter of a mile from open ocean, and up a steep incline, these birds are safe from predators. The predators all swim in the open ocean and occasionally visit the sandy beaches. None are capable of traveling inland far enough to bring the penguins harm. The birds seem to know that humans no longer pose a threat. It’s such an honor to share the warm glow of the sun and a few moments on their hallowed ground.
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drdadbooks · 22 days
A Flair for Flamboyance  C7A5543
A Flair for Flamboyance C7A5543 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: Rockhopper penguins may not be the most colorful of the species in the Falklands. That’s a position is indisputably held by King penguins. They do, however, have a flair for flamboyance. Their red eyes and spiky black and yellow head feathers are quite the adornments. Together with cliff dwelling habits and an exuberant capability to hop from rock to rock, they literally set themselves apart from other penguins. Their capabilities allow them to scale treacherous cliffs and rocky coastlines not accessible to other species.
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drdadbooks · 2 months
Standing Tall  6U8A8680
Standing Tall 6U8A8680 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: Standing almost 3 feet in height, King Penguins are an imposing sight. Their tolerance for human proximity is equally amazing. Having the opportunity to observe their daily routines was pure pleasure. The Falkland Islands provided us with a smattering of weather conditions inherent to their location. This small group of King Penguins stands tall, having just returned from an ocean swim off Volunteer Point.
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drdadbooks · 19 days
A Reason to Return  C7A0726
A Reason to Return C7A0726 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: Groups of king penguins seem to wade endlessly at the water’s edge. It leaves me pondering their intentions. They are well aware of the threats that potentially lurk beyond the waves and at times they seem to wait to see if an initial swimmer returns safely before taking the plunge in mass. At other times, they simply seem to enjoy wetting their feet, the occasional splashing wave, and the comfort of socialization with members of the colony. Whatever their intentions, mine were simply to observe and enjoy. It’s reason enough to return every day.
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drdadbooks · 2 months
Evening’s Rest  6U8A1278
Evening’s Rest 6U8A1278 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: As the sun sets, a rockhopper penguin’s head wearily dips as he falls into slumber. The light dances merrily in the feathers on his sleepy head. Another blustery day ends, with penguins perched on jagged cliffs hundreds of feet above the thrashing sea. It’s quite the climb, yet these amazing birds make the trek seem simple. It’s sublimely peaceful here amongst these flightless birds. They are not the least bit intimidated by my presence. They almost make me feel as if I am part of the colony. If I were not obligated to leave, I could easily find myself huddled amongst them for a tranquil, evening’s rest.
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drdadbooks · 2 months
Into the Storm 6U8A8367 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: King penguins gather along the shore of Volunteer Point before sunrise on a stormy summer morning. The gale ahead doesn’t concern them in the least, for they are more than adept at navigating tempestuous seas. A large sealion, however, has been hunting the shore at daybreak. He represents a mortal threat from which many a penguin has perished. Unlike the storm, the sealion is ominously silent and strikes without warning. They may not see him coming. They have little choice, for hungry young mouths await their return at the colony on the hill.
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drdadbooks · 10 days
The Crest of a Dune  6U8A3715
The Crest of a Dune 6U8A3715 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: Magellanic penguins in various stages of molting stand on the crest of a dune. Of the penguins I photographed, these are the most skittish, preferring to keep their distance from anything that isn't penguin-like.
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drdadbooks · 24 days
Toe to Toe  C7A7933
Toe to Toe C7A7933 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: Above all, I enjoy watching animal behavior and trying to document it in an artistic way. Taking the time to observe is key. King Penguins make that task easier as they are fairly tolerant of human presence. Much of the time they seem to carry on their normal daily routines without much of any recognition that people are even present on the scene. Standing face to face can be part of a courtship display, although mate recognition is predominantly vocal.
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drdadbooks · 1 month
Curiosity  6U8A0051
Curiosity 6U8A0051 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: Gentoo penguins have an extremely inquisitive nature. Of all the penguins at York Bay, only the Gentoo seemed truly interested in what we were doing. Each time I would lay down in the sand a handful would come running. The Magellanic penguins did their best to run away, no matter where I was. The few King penguins there, acting regally, seem genuinely aloof and disinterested. I positioned myself for the sunset on the edge of a dune-side colony. The dunes are quite massive and the beach falls into shade long before true sunset. Amicable and curious the Gentoo kept me entertained for most of the rest of that afternoon.
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drdadbooks · 1 month
Reflecting on Reflections  6U8A8649
Reflecting on an Image 6U8A8649 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: Some wildlife photos, more than others, make me reflect on how I compose my images, what I feel is important in an image, and what I love about creating photographs of animals. There are so many characteristics of this image that I find intriguing. The drab and dreary weather is blessing rather than a curse. It provides an emotional background, muted tones, and allows for more effortless exposure and saturation of the subjects. Jay Maisel calls it “gesture.” Tin Man Lee calls it “dynamic tension.” For me, it’s simply the visual story that plays out in the image. The King penguins are headed in one direction. The trailing penguin on the left is actually the lead penguin in the image. Most of us tend to read left to right and its activity and liveliness make it stand out. Shooting the image from the penguin’s level is a deal breaker. Without that, the image is simply a “snapshot.” It’s the difference between the photo that says, “I was here” and one that decrees immersion in the moment and nature. It also grants the opportunity to include the bird’s reflections, without which the photo would be much more “ordinary.”
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drdadbooks · 11 days
The Gentoo Pace  C7A2879
The Gentoo Pace C7A2879 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: Keeping up with Gentoo penguins on land isn’t much of an issue but these little buggers are the fastest penguins in the water, outpacing any other penguin species on the planet. Their inquisitive nature makes them a pleasure to watch and photograph. If you lay on the sand at least one or two will come running almost as if they want to make certain that you are not injured. I am intrigued by the prospects of their motivation.
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drdadbooks · 1 month
Right is Right and Left is White.  C7A1977
Right is Right and Left is White. C7A1977 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: “Mutation” is the basis of evolution. Without random mutation living species would never change. A random mutation that is detrimental to a creature generally won’t survive. A mutation that is neutral (doesn’t hurt the animal, nor help it) will persist in a population regularity. A mutation that imparts an advantage will flourish, carrying the animal in a direction of transformation. It would seem like a slow, random process but it happens with rapid regularity. Such is the case with our friend in the photo. It has a normal orange beak spot on the right side of its face but the beak spot on the left is white! It’s rather like a dimple on the cheek. If other penguins find the mutation “sexy” then this penguin may have the opportunity to spread the mutation into multiple progeny. It would be interesting to follow this penguin over time and see what happens to its offspring. Alas, it’s not likely to happen seeing that these penguins aren’t easy to get to and following it amongst thousands without frequent visits and a way to locate it would make the study just about impossible.
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drdadbooks · 1 month
When in Rome  C7A1992
When in Rome C7A1992 by Daniel D'Auria Via Flickr: We’re far from Rome but the old adage holds true, just the same. At the lagoon king penguins wade out into the water, some swimming off, and others hanging back as if they were socializing at the hot tub. Not only don’t they seem to mind my incursion, rather they seem to accept it as the norm. Penguins below the surface swim by, taking a quick gander at my boots. So, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, and when in Volunteer Point, don’t hesitate to act like a penguin. You’ll never know if you like it until you try.
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