#Chesarka watches Wave!!
Wave!! 6 | Fruits Basket 2 8 - 11 (33 - 36) | Fruits Basket the Final 1 (51) | Sk8 9 - 12 (FINAL, not counting recap) | Horimiya 2 | Dynazenon 1
I was watching Furuba the Final with someone else this one time, so we started on s3. I still owe all the eps. of s2, though.
Fruits Basket 33 (s2 ep 8)
It’s been about 5 months since I last watched Furuba…that’s how far behind I am. I’m back because the sequel is about to air on April 13th, though.
I don’t think I’ll ever get used to these natural-looking clouds…
Oh no! Mr Hermit Crab!
The subs didn’t quite sync with the dialogue for one line.
Fruits Basket 34 (s2 ep 9)
(no notes, sorry!)
Fruits Basket 35 (s2 ep 10)
(no notes, sorry!)
Fruits Basket 36 (s2 ep 11)
(no notes, sorry!)
Fruits Basket the Final 1 (s3 ep. 1/ep. 51)
(no notes – sorry! I tried the dub with this episode and so I may have missed some stuff, though.)
Wave!! 6
Masaki has a “record book” (kind of like the notebooks in BnHA). That’s his 3rd.
Who calls their dog “SG Hammer”…? Update: As we find out later, SG Hammer = Shichirigahama.
Who runs along the seafloor with a weight, anyway…?
Shirasu = whitebait, as known from Tsuritama. Loco moco is a Hawaiian meat and egg rice dish.
Between Wave!! and Sk8, winter 2021 was a very good season for board sports anime.
LOL, Nalu is still on his ukulele after all this time. Also, Masaki hasn’t dressed up his computer and Zoom looks very simple…(LOL?)
Apparently Japan and Hawaii are 19 hours apart, so while it may seem to be night for both, Masaki is almost a day ahead of Nalu.
Ohmigosh, Kosuke is so strait-laced, he’s a real anime villain! (Haha…)
“Surfing yappe!” really is a context-dependent sentence, huh? (noting what Masaki was saying from the mouth flaps)
If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from creative writing classes, it’s that exaggerating a character does not necessarily make it good. (I once had a character with an exaggerated accent who stood out in every scene he was in…Needless to say, I’ve scaled back on that stuff significantly since then.)
…goddang it, whenever anyone says “beef or chicken?” now, I think of that one swindler dad *points accusative finger at HypMic’s Rei*
…I’m still wondering: is Sho actually dead? You couldn’t tell from the previous episodes.
Sk8 9
According to the rules of Pokemon and the like, power moves like Power Break are best used by muscular guys like Joe.
To be honest, the reason I fell away from anime for a bit is because I was feeling like Langa in this episode. I guess I should applaud people who can keep up with long runners like Pokemon consistently on a weekly basis.
Sk8 10
What is DAP anyway…? Update: Apparently it’s that hand slapping thing some people do…if you believe Urban Dictionary…
Come to thik of it, we’ve never seen Oka skate.
I think I mentioned this with one of the other eps as well, but Koko ni netete means “Lie here”, not just “come here”.
Sk8 11
Ainosuke is just a naughty child, lashing out…in a man’s body, of course. Update: Something similar to that is said in episode 12, as well.
Sk8 12 (FINAL)
Note I skipped the recap episode because I have enough stuff on my list as it stands.
How can this anime use horror tropes so well…?
This rainbow world…it is known as The Zone *scare chords*…(Nah, scrap the chords.)
…c’mon! I was joking about that name (“The Zone”)! I didn’t actually mean it…!
…and that’s done! That was great, although (for reasons unrelated to this anime – in fact, I drifted away from anime for a bit...for more details on that, see episode 9's notes) I know I really lost myself at one point. That’s why I’m really thankful to Sk8 for getting me out of that funk.
Horimiya 2
I watched KareKano today (March 25th 2021) and I think Horimiya is very much following in that anime’s legacy. The double-sidedness of Yukino reminds me of Miyamura, to be precise. That’s why I’m back, after abandoning this anime for so long.
Man, since I was away since week 1, this is like watching the anime fresh for the first time again…
Marketing Script! Whoo!
(spoilers) I know this from rolling him in Mudae, but Miyamura’s first name is Izumi.
I almost thought with this development, it was all, “Call me Kyoko!” as well, but…nope.
Aren’t you just being used, Hori…?
Sengoku’s scary…but not as much as Honobono. (My automatic response to the name “Honobono”, after listening to the 2nd DRB drama tracks from (HypMic) is to mutter “F*** Honobono” and give her the finger, LOL.)
Why does this ping pong scene remind me of the volleyball scene in Boueibu…? (lol)
Dynazenon 1
“Scarred Souls Shine like Stars”…ooh…
This is even more brightly coloured than Gridman…I love it already.
All these wide-open spaces…
That lollipop is a Chupa Chup. I’m sure of it.
LOL, Special Dog strikes again.
…it was bugging me, so I checked it up. Yomogi = Japanese mugwort.
(Tw: death) Did Kano…die?
Anyways, this is interesting, but like Gridman, it has a lot of questions that need answering.
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Fruits Basket 52 (s3 ep 2) | Wave!! 12 (FINAL) | Muhyo and Roji's 15 - 19 (s2 ep 3 - 7)
Fruits Basket 52 (s3 ep 2)
“Hey. Do you remember that day?”
“I realise that you probably hate me…”
Wave!! 12 (FINAL)
Sho’s not dead! Yeah! Anyways, that was fun. I’ll see you…maybe for the next movie cut, maybe somewhere else? Who knows?
Muhyo and Roji’s 15 (s2 ep 3)
(sorry, no notes this time!)
Muhyo and Roji’s 16 (s2 ep 4)
(sorry, no notes this time!)
Muhyo and Roji’s 17 (s2 ep 5)
Ooh! That’s Panza! I’ve never seen her in colour until now, but I’d recognise her anywhere!
It seems Imai doesn’t know how to write the zou in reizoukou (fridge)…or maybe it’s because this is shonen that Nishi (was it Nishi, the original mangaka, or the anime staff?) skipped it…
Muhyo and Roji’s 18 (s2 ep 6)
This is an…anteater(?)
Muhyo and Roji’s 19 (s2 ep 7)
(sorry, no notes this time!)
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Wave!! 8 - 11
Wave!! 8
Miruru is a pastiche of Re:Zero, Hatsune Miku and magical girls.
What happened to the dad? He’s the guy running the surfing shop in Masaki’s hometown, right? (<- can’t remember any more…sorry, it’s been half a year since I last watched this series)
I don’t think we’ve seen much development from Kosuke, tbh.
One thing I never really expected to develop – until I introduced this anime to someone, who then told me about it – was the dogs’ love story.
Wave!! 9
I feel like only Fuke’s hair is red…the rest of those parts are actually purple(???)
Oh…there seem to be assigned colours to each surfer…that explains a thing…
They don’t explain much about how surfing scoring works, but…that’s fine with me. Wow me without dumping all the technicalities on me first.
I like how they’re also showing the cleanup from this event – it would suck for the wildlife if that didn’t happen…
I almost thought Akitsuki himself was about to appear… *sweatdrop*
Wave!! 10
LOL, “Billibang” (sic). I think that’s an Australian brand originally.
Mahalo = Hawaiian for “thank you”.
Ohana means family, as you people who’ve watched Lilo and Stitch know…honu = sea turtle. *taking notes*
LOL, Abbey Road parody, I think that is.
A hui hou = until we meet again.
Oh, I only saw it on 2nd watch, but Mori is off to the side.
Holo I mua = moving forward. (LOL, mentally I keep putting Japanese phrases to these Hawaiian ones… *sweatdrops*)
Double rainbow!
*reads Google results* Moi…Pacific threadfin…the only fish found in Hawaiian waters.
*staring laser eyes into Bill’s body* Hmm… (Also, if we want to come clean about my gaze here, Fuke’s butt ain’t bad…If I could wolf whistle at that, I would, but I can’t. *bonks self for horny thoughts, LOL*)
I don’t think “paradigm shift” is a very common term in English, let alone Japanese. Iuse it because I was taught to in school as part of studying global politics, but it’s not very common in layman’s vernacular.
*googles driving age in Hawaii* Full licence at 17, I see. So Nalu’s on his Ls…no wonder he’s so unsure…heh.
The English in this anime is so good! This is probably due to the fact they decided to base an entire chunk of it in Hawaii, though…heh.
I want a guy like Fuke. He’s cool. His hair is nice (particularly the colour), his body is nice (especially his butt, as noted earlier, LOL)… *fantasises*
Wave!! 11
…where’s Sho???
8 feet = approx. 2 and a half metres.
I assume the blue drink Hayamichi has is Blue Hawaii (because of the place they’re in, LOL).
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Sk8 2 - 8 | Kemono Jihen 2 - 3 | Wave!! 2 - 5 | Back Arrow 3 - 6
Sk8 2
What’s with the filter over the recap?
These dance moves are cool (a derpy kind of cool)…but I’m seeing them all with the volume off (due to background noise), so I’ll have to find out what the audio is like later. Update: Rude-Alpha! Someone I actually do know!
I was worried about Truck-kun causing another Isekai Incident ™ there…phew…*wipes sweat off brow*
Is Langa…left-handed, perhaps? Or are left-handers not necessarily better with their left foot?
Langa’s mother’s so funny! It’s rare to see a mother who isn’t dead or just not talked about in anime.
Why is it that parody Sailor Moon transformations always happen with the buffest dudes possible…? That’s why it’s rare to get something like Boueibu, where it takes itself (semi-)seriously.
Lately, the urban aesthetic is cool. HypMic, Akudama, IWGP and now this…
Langa is 17. *takes notes on eligible bachelors, LOL*
“A huge family only embarrasses you.” – *nods*
I see! Although I don’t know anything about skateboarding, I can relate to him when he’s fixing a board up for Langa because I can see it’s Reki using his passion for a friend.
Oh, that’s why they call it Sk8 the Infinity…!
I keep calling it “wiping out” in my head when I watch…I’m no surfer, but I guess I’m more used to surfing lingo.
Hitori piledriver = piledriver by oneself ( I guess…?).
Sk8 3
I’ve never heard of this Takuma Nagatsuka (voice of Miya Chinen). He sounds like Kohei Amasaki…
Hmm…normally skateboarders wear protective gear, right? Couldn’t Langa have gotten some of that (now that I think of it)?
I guess this is also Reki’s pride as a board mechanic on the line here…never saw it that way until I thought about it like that.
I think I remember reading a comment once about Bakugo and Midoriya from BnHA – about how Bakugo seemed sluggish in his progress because he’d been training his Quirk from day 1, while Midoriya was trying to catch up. I think Chinen is in a similar situation.
I think what Chinen has is stability, above all others.
There’s a piece of paper in the back that has “supoort” (sic) written on it.
Chinen’s not…“smiling with his eyes”, you call it. In retail, you learn how to smile with the eyes even when it’s fake.
Kemono Jihen 2
Inari? Like the fox shrine?
So Shiki is a spider-guy and…what is Akira? I’ve heard whispers he’s a yukiotoko, but I don’t know at this point in time.
Kabane’s kinda short, LOL, even in comparison to Akira.
Shiki is definitely Bakugo, Spider Version…LOL.
Oh, BnHA came out in 2014 and Kemono Jihen in 2016 (manga).
Oh, that drip apparatus. I’ve only ever seen it in real life, I think – my dad uses one for his coffee.
Kemono Jihen 3
…hmm, I don’t think I’ve seen much set in Shinjuku. I think there’s Mayonaka Occult Koumuin, part of HypMic…and that might be it.
I laughed at “small meeting room”.
Apparently “biddy bait”, according to Urban Dictionary, is meant to mean “a lure for hot women”. I don’t particularly like Urban Dictionary, because the editors who make these definitions are clearly biased in some way or another while writing their definitions, unlike an actual dictionary.
Aw, come on! Why is it fire from the tail?! Fire from the mouth like a dragon is cooler!
Kabane’s getting ahead of himself! (LOL)
Just noticed Kon’s hoodie has a design that says FOX, but the X is inside the O.
…thank goodness for Shiki’s hand…
Akira’s been a bit of dead weight recently, so I hope he gets developed soon.
Back Arrow 3
I wonder if Shu Bi is asexual and/or aromantic…?
“…inherited the spirit of the former sheriff…” – That’s Atlee’s job…oh wait. It’s about the undies again…
This is fishy…this whole “paradise is beyond the canyon” thing.
Ooh, I get the feeling Shu Bi and Arrow will either come to blows with each other or fight on the same side…
Sk8 4
I wonder if episode 8 will look weird in the titles…? I mean, it will be “Sk8 8”…
I would think Reki’s straightforward emotions would be spiky shapes.
I knew women were something objectified by S, but…Langa, the deuteragonist? That’s new.
It just hit me: This would be so good with a dub…!
*Langa casually eats 10 burgers* - LOL.
“This has gotta be way too late!”
So now an anime character has stolen a motorcycle…LOL.
Back Arrow 4
The title of this episode seems to be “Is Today Yesterday’s Tomorrow?”, the service’s title that I’ve got in front of me is “Does Genius Come When Least Expected?”
This map reminds me of +Anima’s continent.
I seem to remember Boueibu was constructed as half an episode of idle talking, half fighting. Why do I bring this up? Because Back Arrow seems to be constructed similarly, episode-wise.
The reason I like the hot-blooded mech series and not the serious ones…is stupid things (<- I mean that affectionately) like Shu Bi pulling out a phone in a world like this.
What’s with the shot of Elsha’s butt…? I know it seems somewhat justified, considering the position her Briheight’s in…but the leery angle is a bit annoying.
…I keep thinking Bit will get a Briheight one day and he’ll be like Zenitsu – powerful only when he doesn’t know it.
Shin Fusui, right? “Ren Sin” kinda makes sense, given we didn’t know any better, but so does “Ren Shin”…Sin as a first name though…? Anyways, it’s Shin Fusui, Kei Suiitsu, Nen Kasei and Ko Chisen. Their names match their elements.
I never realised how skimpy Kei’s outfit was until she was without her Briheight on the ground…eesh, women and their skimpy outfits in this universe…
Wave!! 2
I’m going to differentiate this anime from the other Wave (Wave, Listen to Me) with 2 exclamation marks…also, I’m not able to mark this episode down until 4 episodes have gone, or until AniList makes a TV entry for this. Update: AniList did eventually make an entry for the TV version (i.e. the version I'm working off) of this anime.
Nalu was playing an invisible ukulele even in the bath, LOL.
I noticed Masaki keeps his corgi between his legs so that the dog doesn’t run away. That’s probably only a thing dog owners do, because I don’t think anyone inexperienced with pets would know if they could do such a thing.
Why do I get the feeling the symbol on one of Masaki’s shoulders is (meant to be) Rip Curl…?
I read some of the 4koma for this series (found on the website) and…Sho’s so cute, envying this ‘warm family”. Nalu still has his ukulele, even at the dining table, LOL.
LOL, random rainbow. Every time I read subs about Masaki extolling surfing, I’m reminded of what I call “translator’s high”. It’s the feeling of working under deadlines and being inspired to churn out a high-quality release.
…well, this is a surfing anime. I should have known this would talk about places that get lots of hot weather and big waves (like Australia) because Joel Parkinson is from Tweed Heads, Sydney.
Who’s Jojo Pardinen?
Why does Masaki call Tanaka “Murphy”?
Wave!! 3
Oh, so that man is Masaki’s dad…Right.
The real spirit of characters is shown after they’re defeated…that’s my thoughts, anyway.
I know what a repechage is…in fact, I learnt about that through the FP and M manga.
Oh! It’s “Nalu”, but written “Naru”.
Wave!! 4
Is there a 3rd place in these competitions?
Wait, so the guy in the pink shirt is Masaki’s dad, but then the Hawaiian shirt dude owns the shop. Am I right on this now…?
There is a magical girl called Sally, IIRC, and the description does match.
LOL, I like how the teacher is so indecisive.
Back Arrow 5
Shu Bi’s so pretty…I had my eyes on him from the beginning and now that’s paying me back tenfold.
I wonder if Shu will ever get a Briheight…? (I wanna see it!)
Back Arrow 6
Pretty boy farms!!! It sounds like abuse in a sense, but it also sounds like a dream (?!)
Bit reminds me of Sousuke (Classicaloid).
Oh, so the funky gold hat-thing with the purple ribbon is what the head diviner wears.
LOL wut…his name is “Bruh”? *tries to hide stupid smirk on face*
Wait, if it’s a pretty boy farm, how do you produce new pretty boys without women…? *scratches head*
Question: What is Gote’s conviction?
Wave!! 5
Kadomatsu (the bamboo), huh? Must be New Year’s. Likewise, the bush warbler (uguisu) means it’s spring.
Sk8 5
Milk, straight from the carton…*sigh* Boys… Update: (This is referring to how guys are typically shown chugging straight from the carton. As you can tell from the comment, I don't particularly like it.)
I like how suddenly, all the barriers come down for these guys, even though Kaoru said at one point they shouldn’t be coming down.
Battle of Ganryujima.
Sk8 6
…this woman Reki has the hots for is going to be a dude…that’s normally how this joke works.
Oh well, that was also a funny moment.
“Dangerous stuff is forbidden.”
Hiromi in a swimsuit is…vaguely disturbing.
Kamata? Y’mean, she has the word for “scythe” in her name and she’s a “mantis woman”? Makes sense.
Even on their day off, the Sk8 crew are fun to be with.
Sk8 7
Whoa! Straight to the OP!
…I’m suddenly scared. What if Langa’s mother gets put in danger…? (Like in Kanon.)
Sk8 8
I want Langa to punch Adam. In the face. Now!
…is Snake…Ainosuke’s butler? I can sort of guess from the hair…and the matching theme [of Adam, Eve and the snake in paradise]…
It is the butler!
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Fruits Basket 50 (s2 ep 25) | Wave!! 7 | Deca-Dence 8 - 12 (FINAL) | HGPC 31 - 45 (FINAL)
Finally back at it, after some months away.
Fruits Basket 50 (s2 ep 25)
I got halfway through ep. 24 before realising I’ve watched it before, so…on to the last ep, then s3 ep. 2.
The birds seem to be sped up…
I-Is that…Cortana?! In Fruits Basket?!!! (muffled laughter)
Is Shigure older than Kureno? Also, I like how the translator used “featherbrained” instead of “scatterbrained”.
Wave!! 7
Back again after some months away – let’s get into it!
I still have some Tsuritama rewatch notes and they say shirasu = whitebait.
Ah, I know Yuta’s feels. That’s what magicalgirlsandcerulean is about, after all – information from the various corners of the internet, such as the relevant Twitters, about magical boys (and some girls).
LOL, Tadao is meant to be Mr Exposition, it seems. I don’t really like having my exposition shoved at me like this.
When your heart isn’t in your activities, you just…suck. That’s the way of the world.
Aji = Japanese jack mackerel.
Mugen = infinity/infinite, so it makes sense Mugen would say “infinite gratitude”.
Deca-Dence 8
I feel like even though Deca-Dence is unique on the surface, it’s telling us a tune we’ve heard many times before.
Deca-Dence 9
The fact the pan starts at Kurenai’s legs is…vaguely disturbing…
*facepalms* So Kurenai’s just a love-obsessed freak…Great.
It seems one type of Gadoll is called a “Yumushi”.
Deca-Dence 10
Pipe…I’m gonna miss you, buddy.
Kaburagi = Kumichou (Boss).
Deca-Dence 11
Why do the Gadoll eggs look like…pomegranate seeds(?)
Deca-Dence 12 (FINAL)
For the last time, it’s cannon!
…d’aww. That ending was cute. See you again sometime!
“…so much…”
I feel like Pegitan could have told Chiyu about the stray dog.
Sukoyaka sweet buns, LOL.
Ah, I know the feeling Toji. You do better after some practice.
“Someone who’s been watching you”? Doesn’t…that sound creepy(?)
I was wondering of Toji was gonna be the new Giga Byogen, but Mr Chikara (chikara = power) also makes sense.
Ah, apparently kaiseki is served at ryokans. I should’ve known it would come up at the Sawaizumi place. (<- researching kaiseki for fan division)
Once again, I’m reminded of the fact this aired during COVID times. Kinda like Look Back by Fujimoto, but…less on-the-nose.
Earth doesn’t seem to be able to use the Paw Shield, huh?
Tsubasa = wing, Taka = high, mi = eye (if I’ve guessed the kanji right). Makes sense for a gal who does the high jump.
*realisation hits* …oh no! This was probably meant to be an Olympics episode! *droops*
“Sawaizumi” is made of two kanji related to water, so swimming in the sky makes sense.
“Sunscreen cream”? “Sunscreen” is sunscreen…unless, of course, you have a cream which functions as a sunscreen as well as having other benefits. That could be possible.
*realisation hits* …oh no! This was probably meant to be an Olympics episode! *droops*
Getting to the end…sooner or later… *sweatdrops*
Is this friend’s name Elizabeth or Natasha…? Update: Now she’s Eriko??? Update 2: Oh, so “Natasha” is Hinata. “Elizabeth” = Eriko.
S-So Nodoka didn’t make any friends at her old school? *feels sad for her*
(no notes, sorry!)
“…has been her goal since she was young…”
“…watched you work hard.”
(no notes, sorry!)
“Stop joking – your body already looks like a joke.” (<- had to rewrite the sentence partially to make it make sense)
“I knew you had a wonderful plan.”
…okay *raises eyebrow*, “vanish away” is not proper English…(It appeared twice in this episode, I think.)
(no notes, sorry!)
…doesn’t Nodoka care about her dad(?)
I think Latte mouthed “Asumi”.
“Do you think you can purify me, who has further evolved, in that state?” (<- note the commas)
A-As sad as it is, I understand Shindoine…a bit. (<- Remember, I am a simp for long-haired guys…*sweatdrops*)
“Choice” was spelt wrong, LOL.
It looks like Latte is mouthing “okaasan” (mum) to support her mother…
Update: I previously had no notes for this episode, but all that Daruizen business in the last few episodes was…kinda creepy, considering he was essentially birthed from her. The fact Nodoka also learn to be selfish to protect herself, when previously she would have felt obligated to save him (even if he was evil!) is also a good spin on the formula. (Also, what happened to Hinata’s mother? I forget if that was mentioned…) Anyways, I finally finished this anime after almost 2 years of working at it! See you again some other time, or maybe in some of my other notes.
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Grimoire of Zero 10 - 11 | Royal Tutor 11 - 12 (FINAL) | Kado 10 | Boku no Hero Academia 25 | Tsukigakirei 10 - 11...plus summer 2017 anticipated anime.
Just gonna put this here so it gets more attention while it’s open.-> http://www.strawpoll.me/13311671
Grimoire of Zero 10
Geez, the staff pulled a Kado 0 - 1 on us here…i.e. the ending of one ep is the same as the opening of the next ep. It’s just to a lesser extent than Kado did.
Seriously, who is Him??? They still haven’t told us!
Welp, there’s my answer. It was too obvious to centre a 12 episode series around, I would’ve given a plot point like that about…3 or 4 eps, tops.
Grimoire of Zero 11
The thing about this show is that you can just turn your brain off and watch along. It’s a tad slow, but enjoyable and that’s why I’ve stuck with it.
LOL, I understand what it’s like to have “messy, wormlike handwriting”…
I don’t believe a wisp of that karate chop, Holdem. The hand was at the wrong angle.
Finally, the show gets funny again. There’s the Zero we know.
I love the sense of scale the animators have demonstrated with the spells. Just saying that before I have no more chances to.
Ooh! Oh, that man. I actually side with Holdem on this one, he deserved that punch.
“I-“ – Ooh, at that moment I got completely engrossed in the cliffhanger. Normally shows don’t cut off in the middle of a sentence, do they?
Royal Tutor 11
I can’t believe they forcibly took Gregor. Isn’t there some kind of legal offence for-oh wait. That’s called kidnapping. (partially sarcastic)
I’ve always found it interesting that the princes have to refer to the king as such, rather than “dad”. That seems to be a problem in every single piece of media you get about royalty, although these guys have a conscious sort of “I am no longer the king, but your father” (and vice versa) switch which is controlled by Viktor.
Oh, so it’s basically all the Dickensian stuff you get in Oliver Twist…(I haven’t read it, but you know how it is with classics *rolls eyes*).
Heine’s movements are believable, but there’s some suspension of belief needed for Viktor’s (because he faints a little too fast, I think).
Welp, this ain’t quite crying material, but I can tell there was a “climax” where the audience was expected to cry. Knowing this is anime-only material keeps my eyes dry, I guess. However, knowing that Heine’s resigned as Royal Tutor really made my heart drop…after all, this is the second last episode, and I’ve really had fun watching these princes and their diminuitive tutor.
Royal Tutor 12
Bruno really likes Gendo poses, doesn’t he?
Heine’s voice is great for a noob VA. It really sells the character.
I always thought “hai-neh” was a weird pronunciation, but that’s what it says in the katakana.
Seeing Heine tell others their strengths really makes me feel like I’m missing them already, in a good way. I’m not tearing up yet, but it’s real heartwarming and I know if I were in the same situation, I’d cry too.
“Goodbye” isn’t quite “excuse me”, but I guess it works context-wise.
This is one of those shows where “show, don’t tell” works well and I think the show’s nailed it for the most part.
University degrees don’t necessrily make good tutors. Any student knows that, especially in uni.
I can see why even the author cried at this now, even though I’m still not crying.
W-Who’s that? With the dark hair? Eins???
Ah, there’s my answer. It was indeed Eins. Why does he have dark hair???
Welp, there’s one finale for the spring season over. The anime staff really couldn’t have done too much about Eins, though, which sucks. Come back another time for a different show, ‘kay?
Kado 10
I’m in that weird stage where I want to like Kado, but because everyone’s jumped ship, I won’t want to like it either…what a weird thing peer pressure is. *feels like crying*
I feel like I’m in Superhero Project (one of my stories) where protag Keisuke wakes up in a white expansive room to be trained in his powers. Only this time, they gave the room fractals.
Interesting. It’s like an alien LINE convo.
Sarasouju tree…apparently, it’s this thing. Commonly known as “sal”. I’ve never heard of it, though.
“Humans are ephermeal creatures.” – You remind me of Haibara (Detective Conan).
“There’re guns everywhere in America!” – LOL, that sure ain’t the truth, as much as America has gun problems.
Let’s play another common anime game. It’s called “Spot the Main Character from their Hair Colour”.
(SPOILERS for White Parasite from now on!) zaShunina’s still teetering on “cuckoo” from his facial expressions here. It’s sad, because I wanted him to be mysterious and beautiful like La Luna forever...that’s why I killed La Luna off!
*sigh* Okay, evil mastermind pretender, put your hands back on and please just negotiate like you wanted to in the beginning. (*on the brink of tears* Hey, I realised something. I keep making comparisons to White Parasite, but people find it confusing. By making those comparisons, I seem to have almost jinxed Kado to be this way.)
*crying because Shindo* La Luna’s force of living was the goodwill that it used to create its powers. Does that mean the anisotropic run off trust in the same way? (By the way, please don’t resurrect Shindo. That would break the laws of reality as we know it – even anisotropic laws.) (end spoilers)
Welp, I guess not. B-But, my dreams just got ruined by Saraka kissing Shindo (although the Kado tag spoilered it for me anyway)…
Pffffft. Okkkkkkay, Captain Shang, hold up!
Shindo’s angry face at Saraka wearing his shirt had me dying. He really is Captain Shang.
Kado. You were so beautiful at first. I placed my faith in you. B-But you changed, and now all I can do is see you through as you become a cliché fest I could have easily created with my own hands. In fact, I did create a Kado with my own hands - White Parasite. So I am the one to blame…I will have to see this through as I have seen through White Parasite.
Boku no Hero Academia 25
Well, that certainly threw me for a loop. Between two forces of roughly even power, it’s unpredictable who’ll win, but the ability to humanise a character comes with weaknesses. I know that already, as a writer and reader of hero stories.
All Might is such a fatherly type. I don’t think I could write a character like him – both OP yet grounded at the same time.
Plus Ultra!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait, the woman with red streaks is his…aunty? Sister? I’m not sure at all.
Aw, this Shouto segment was just too good. I’m worried about Iida though, because from the Stain stuff I’ve seen floating around, he will not take the defeat of his bro lightly. Also, amazarashi is coming in the next part of BnHA! I loved Speed to Masatsu, so it’s good to meet him again here.
Tsukigakirei 10
“An Encouragement of Learning” is a Fukuzawa work.
From Kawagoe to Chiba it really is about 2 hrs. Look.
Oh great. Bad CGI people strike again…
Did Hira have kawaii eyes just as the other people thrust trash at him?
Imokoi is a Kawagoe specialty involving…wait for it…sweet potatoes. That’s why the sweet potato mascot makes sense.
My eyes!!!!!!!! Bad CGI people stand out more in night scenes (compared to day scenes, of course).
Toki no Kane, apparently also known as the Bell of Time.
The “game” in question, that rock paper scissors, was probably a batsu (penalty) game.
I guess I should’ve guessed Kotarou would’ve gotten angry at Hira eventually. I just didn’t think it would be now.
That shot of Kotarou walking down the street looked a little awkward because it looked like he was walking on a flat surface when it’s actually slanted.
It’s not just my video, is it? Akane’s crying got sped up and that pulled me out of what was meant to be an immersive scene.
Chotto matte means “wait a bit”, but I feel like “I’ll be right there” is warping the meaning a lil’ too much.
Well, I never expected this show to portray anger. It pulled Kotarou’s anger off really well.
I never thought I’d see the day where Kotarou would rely on the potato mascot, either. I like a show that goes out of its way to be unpredictable like this. Too bad it came a little too late in the game.
Tsukigakirei is all about following the heart and not necessarily the mind, so this is a pefect way to show it.
Oh! That was another good unexpected thing, but then they’ve been teasing that since the fireworks. Too bad they kept part of Kotarou’s face hidden right after it.
This end of ep LINE convo is about a couple that can’t sleep, so one of them starts talking about their part time job…then it gets cut off.
Oh, so that’s how Sakura is related to the main events…okay.
Tsukigakirei 11
“To decide that I’m hopeless before I even begin is nothing but laziness.” - Wise words, Dazai.
Were there always two potato mascots at the top of 13.70? I think one appeared there when Kotarou first received his, actually, although I’m not bothered to look…
The people aren’t CGI now…or I’ve somehow gotten used to them…? Either way, they’ve stepped up their animation game (in exchange for ep 12 being late, according to a note on the CR page).
That’s a cute jumper, Akane.
The fact Kotarou changes his message is something I can relate with. Even one forum post can take hours to type, even though time is always never on my side.
What’s that purple thing on the onigiri plate? A pickled plum? No, those are red…
A “root for the underdog” story is a classic, so I can see why Roman’s rooting for Kotarou.
Hahaha…yeah, let’s just sat I can’t understand the science for the life of me and leave it at that. That stuff’s chemistry, I haven’t touched it since I was 14 or 15.
The stuff about circles appears to be on segments, equal angles and so on (you know how you find the angle of a triangle based on where it is in a circle? Yeah, stuff like that).
Oh yeah, I never thought this but…Kawagoe Seminar. It’s named like Sailor Moon’s Crystal Seminar, and for good reason – both are cram schools.
There’s a grade score near Kotarou’s wrist, so understandably he got an A in Japanese.
Parents aren’t like that, Kotarou. They don’t always hope for your failure, they just hope you’ll do well in life…says someone whose parents have aways supported them.
Instead of having CGI people moving, they’ve finally done 2D people. However, the tradeoff is that now the people are not moving, which is just as weird if not even weirder.
“PoPo” is such a weird name for a shop, LOL.
No wait, I take part of my comment about 2D people back. There is still CGI, it’s just less prononced now they’ve bothered to put in 2D background people as well.
That scarf goes well with his outfit…says someone who sucks at coordinating outfits.
Why not just talk with her when you’re ready, Kotarou? If The Royal Tutor taught me anything, it’s that it’s always good to talk things over if you can’t understand each other.
Aitai can mean “want to meet”(like you’re meant to do to make the fish a heart), but the ai is in hiragana (so it doesn’t mean anything) and the kanji for tai used means “red snapper”. As in, the fish.
There’s a lot of ganbaru (try your hardest) used in this ep, and Kotarou says benkyouganbaresou in this “Sorry it didn’t turn out so great” convo. The nuance is therefore lost in the translated version, “I feel like I’m ready to study again starting tomorrow”, although I can’t suggest a better alternative.
Yeah, Kotarou’s mother is right. If you have a normal sleep schedule, you’re able to work better, despite how great it may be to sleep in.
I get easily lost on public transport, so I understand the vibe Kotarou’s parents are giving off.
This ep’s ED LINE convo is two people (one’s a guy, the other I don’t know the gender of) talking about studying and, at the start of the convo, the guy’s mother being angry. At the end of the convo it turns out the guy’s notebook was blank (and that’s the punchline to the convo).
Well, I’ll confirm my lineup for summer here and now. Licensing’s already being doled out as we speak so some of the lineup’s set in stone already. In order of hype:
Definite hype:
Boku no Hero Academia 2* (carryover)
Katsugeki Touken Ranbu*
Nana Maru San Batsu
Kaito x Ansa (already binged Nazotokine to prepare)
Nobunaga no Shinobi ~ Ise to Kanegasaki-hen ~* (see below, carryover)
Medium - low hype:
Vatican Kiseki Chousakan
Princess Principal 
Jikan no Shihaisha (seen the first chapter or so of the manga)
Isekai Shokudou* 
Youkai Apato
Clione no Akari
Konbini Kareshi
Zannen Onna
Asterisks mean licensing’s been confirmed already for me as of this post - I’ve asterisked anything confirmed to be by CR this season, because that’s likely to be worldwide bar Asia. Katsugeki is the only known show out of the asterisks that isn’t a CR stream. 
Funi’s opened up its services to my region (due to the CR x Funi merger), I could probably watch 18if there, but 1) I feel like Funi doesn’t have a good enough player, and 2) I feel like it’ll show up on a service that has a better player.
You’ll notice Nobunaga no Shinobi, a carryover from the last season I previously didn’t care for, is on the list. I was looking at YouTube videos of people’s favourite OPs and I fell in love with Shirayuki (by Renka, it’s the OP for the current season) recently, so I binged the existing content in one day. However, it being a short series means it’s not eligible for simulcast commentary and I’ll have to make a separate ranking for short series once I make my year-end rankings (to include ~ Ise to Kanegasaki-hen ~, and because watching Kenka Bancho Otome has screwed my rankings over enough as it is). After all, my 2016 ranking policy was “a show I saw at least once over in 2016 and had at least one seasonal entry in 2016″, which if applied to this year would make Nobunaga no Shinobi eligible, but it would be unfair to pit it against any shows with standard 24 min eps.
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