#Cause we know they can be a Hoe 🔪
khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani, ¿cómo estás? 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
I'm very talkative today so this one will probably be extra long, sorry 😬
This is a Clusterfuck
So is my life...!!!  😭
I know this chapter is going to hurt I just know!!!
Fuck Camille 🤬
Listen I'm an Alec stan first and a reasonable person never, so I will be on his side no matter what!!
Kill that bitch... 🔪
But he couldn’t kill the curiosity inside him.
Curiosity is going to take your cat loving baby away 😭
But then he had never turned up.
Oh no 😔 I don't like it!!
Alec had lied and come up with an excuse about meeting his mom.
You shouldn't have lied...!!! About anything!!!
“Magnus doesn’t like sunlight,” Alec rolls his eyes. “He is not a morning person.”
Boom!! In your face!!
🤬🤬🤬🤬 I want to puch her in her stupid face!!!
Stop playing mind games with my twin!!!!
“Write to Edom. Write to Asmodeus. Convince them to let him stay.”
Hoe! Don't do it!! I KNOW YOU!! DON'T!!
He turns on the computer.
Trun it back off!!!
Noooooooooooooo!!! Alec no! Dani make him stop 🙏🏼
His finger hovers over ‘Enter’.
Please don't 😭
He spent all but 20 minutes with her and she got into his head.
Is what she does, she is an evil one!
He stills.
Oh shit!! This is it, the end of the beginning 😭 he's leaving 😭😭
Why am I crying? I knew this was gonna happen
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Now this is a crying part 😭
Oh shit!! 🥲 you know Dani I actually miss the time when I didn't know what was going on, when the timeline was a mystery to me 😭
The last four years have been the hardest in Alec’s life.
Mine too... I feel like I've been suffering for 30 years from TLND related pains
Max sometimes uses it to practice his TikTok dances.
Naturally, is there a better use for such a room? Sexy Mavid times maybe 😌
I miss Mavid but I also fear that the next time we see them would be about David leaving and I'm not ready for that 🥲
So much so that some people started spreading rumors that Alec married an Asian Man and adopted a Black baby and a Latino boy to win the minority votes.
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“You are losing votes, Alec,” Kadir speaks quietly. “It’s two weeks before the reelection and you are losing votes.”
I hate politics!!!
Rafael holds up his laptop. “I, uh, I need to send my college application tonight. I was wondering if you can read my essay.”
I swear Rafael mi bebé precioso not being able to enjoy the college experience is going to be my villain origin story
“Sir, it’s the swimming tournament,” Leslie points out. “The national championship.”
What???? My chaotic child 🥲 I'm very close to flipping tables 🙃
“David went too,” Tian provides.
Of course, mon prince charmant, je l'aime trop 🥰
Alec blinks away the sleep and reads through them both, using track changes to mark his edits.
Ok... so my plan is to go all inception on your brain and take my family to a nice vacation and because I'm in charge no one will bother them it'll be happiness all the way, then I'll return them to you 🤷🏻‍♀️ cause I do love how you torture them, but they need a break 😌🙌🏼
He needs to be strong to survive this.
Me too...!!!
He shuffles close to Magnus and turns around. He lifts the man’s arm and puts it over his waist, clutching it tightly.
Ok, is crying time, is fine, I sleep better when I cry 🥲
“Yes,” Max says with a mouthful of toast. “That’s bad bitch behavior.”
It is bad bitch behavior!!! Is so sad how my baby had plans and then 😭😭😭😭
Magnus smiling. Alec kissing his cheek. Rafael and Max being playful little shits as usual.
Is a beautiful picture, the context however is killing me 😭
Then Alec’s phone starts to ring.
Noooooooooooooo NO NO 😔  please no more, I'm already dead
“It’s under his pillow,” Max says. “He keeps it there so he can look at the pic of dad and talk-”
No Dani!!! It was sad/cute before and now is sad/SAD
“Luca,” Alec says in recognition.
“I would like to talk to Magnus if that’s alright,” the man says, his voice gentle.
Talk to all of them, every single human in that house needs help, I know that's not how therapists work but I'll take it!!
I don't wanna read the letter 😭😭
Alec's hands shake as he shoves the letter back inside the envelope.
Keep it there!!
Ok this part was horrible
I get a feeling this is going to be even worse, I bet that thing (you know the one 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨) that shall not be named is going to kill my twin
Aww... now THIS is a nice letter, I am love this letter 🥰
“Chocolate and coffee donuts,” Max grins.
I only see Mavid 😍
“Well,” Alec says. “Kinda?”
“Kind of. I left my inhaler at Edom when I was there to cover for your ass. So, I went to pick it up.”
WAIT!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO... IS THE SAME DAY... nooo Dani, don't you dare!!!!
Alec is going to stop by and see them kissing, isn’t he??
Noooooo... No... nah... NOPE!!! You wouldn't, I mean... no, nope... nah
“What was he doing there?” Alec asks his son.
“Oh?” Alec says. “Why is he always coming over when I am not home?”
My sweet beloved twin... love is beautiful thing, my theory is that he'll figure it out when he sees Max crying because David is going to England 🙌🏼🙌🏼
He takes out his own phone and then frowns at it. “Ah. I have a free slot before doing jackshit and after finishing fuck-all. We’re good.”
You lying little shit, your calendar is David filled and now Edom sneaking I suppose 🤷🏻‍♀️
Wait... why is the staff on leave at the same time??? Dani... I don't like where this is going 😭
Izzy!!! My queen 🥰🙌🏼
How many donuts are in that box?? I want one 🤣
“Erm,” Alec clears his throat. “I’m off whiskey. For the moment.”
Good! And you better stay that way!!!
“None for me,” she shakes her head. “Thank you.”
OMG 😯 is she pregnant???? 😍
She doesn't want sea food, she is pregnant!!!
“No. No. Like emotionally. It was very emotionally sexy.”
What the fuck is emotionally sexy?? 🤣🤣
“Which is why your vibe detector is unreliable,” Izzy rolls her eyes. “You wouldn’t know shit unless it hits you in the fucking face.”
True...!! I mean Mavid is pretty obvious and you haven't noticed Alec, I am loving this conversation 🙌🏼🙌🏼
“I think you are right,” Alec says in a small voice.
Of course she is!!! Is Izzy!!!
I'm so happy Alec finally had this conversation!!!
“Okay,” she says. “Then go.”
“What? Now?”
Nooooooo... not now!! Tomorrow do it tomorrow!!!
Ay noooo Danielaaaa!!!!
“Yeah, I am not the pregnant one though.”
He knows... good for you Alec!!! ⭐️
Izzy changed the group chat name to People Who are Not Pregnant + Izzy
Can't this people communicate normally??? 🤣
Not since Jace's retirement party.
This I need to see... I know it will hurt but I'm curious 😌
Alec scoffs at that and walks towards the building.
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Alec’s heart screams at that.
He is wearing that same t-shirt.
My twin I feel your pain!!!
He can feel himself burning. He wants it to stop.
Please tell me he isn't having a heart attack 🙏🏼
When he gets home, he jumps out of the car and runs upstairs.
He is going to see Max with David, isn’t he??
He throws the door open.
He stops.
He sees.
Soooo... it's let's kill Alec day I see!!!
“You’re not going to take him from me,” Max growls.
Oh Max... I don't like this, if Max leaves then Alec would definitely die 😭😭
Ok... this conversation isn't going as bad as I thought it would, I'll keep the hope!!
Ok I spoke too soon, is going terrible!!!
You will see how fucked up this life can get, and you will run away.
Oh Alec!!! 😭😭😭
Max runs after him and blocks his way. “Don’t.”
Please DON'T fight on the stairs, I've seen enough telenovelas to know it won't end well
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“No wonder bapak left you,” Max spits. “You make me want to kill myself too.”
“Dad?” he hears a voice. “Dad? Are you okay?”
No Max we're all dying right now or we're already dead I don't even know anymore 😭😭😭
“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I will never talk to David again. I promise. Please. I’m so sorry. Dad. Please. Don’t cry.
Max you really should stop talking cause if David hears you and I loose my Mavid happiness I won't resuscitate this time 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
He hears Max gasp.
Noooooooooooooo....!!!! There are not enough tables in this world for me to flip!!!!
Stumbling. Falling. Scrambling. 
Fuck my life!!! Is like every single thing I didn’t want happened at once!!!
It's the voice of a boy in unimaginable agony. 
It's his Max. 
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Wow Dani, you really outdid yourself with this one!!
Sorry for all the yelling 😬 I am LOVE you 💚💚
Thank youuuu Dani!!! You're the best!!!
I literally lost my shit at the Jorah screaming 'Khaleesi' one jhsdbfcjkbnskdncfsk.
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duplicatingtheeast · 2 years
So, are we fighting or what?
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Just something simple, like a "How does Hashirama take their relationship" kind of simple, because I just love Izuna-Tobirama Bro-tionships in fanfiction.
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I enjoy all your writing so any Erik works for me but I’m craving the new demon Erik ����. But I have to keep it real about this Michael/Lori situationship cause that’s what it is. When they got together it was right on time because Lori just got on probation maybe a week prior in November, then we see her with him at the airport. Plus a gay guy came out in late summer saying him & Michael“shared a moment”. Plus look at HIS body language when the REAL paparazzi or when someone in the crew takes the pics. He’s always walking ahead of her like he’s trying to get away (google St. Barts pics where he posted in his story of him staying in an Air Bnb). Or look up the airport pics in December at the airport where he walked way behind her & waited for her to get in the car as he waved to the paparazzi (don’t most couples walk TOGETHER) . He also looked annoyed standing there when they were waiting for a boat & she was wearing a white dress. There’s pics of them on a boat but they’re far away from each other along with sitting across from each other. They always got professional cameras around to capture moments but when the real paps show up there’s no love. He never takes out his phone to secretly record her it’s the other way around & he be looking pissed about that before he finally smiles. Plus I think she was doing all these couple pics to make Future jealous & was low key bothered when he dissed her cause if she wasn’t she wouldn’t have posted Michael every 5min & went on all these dates to make herself feel better. Let’s be real Future got with Dess before Lori got with Michael & if Steve wouldn’t have been throwing shade at Future he wouldn’t have said anything cause he was quiet & minding his business (not a future fan). There’s no love in this “relationship” & them kissing proves it cause who always records & looks dead in the camera when they kiss someone? And he kind of hesitated for a moment. Also He didn’t even hug her back after his speech when she kissed him & he stood away as well. And look at Steve’s body language, he didn’t look at Michael when Michael was talking, Steve looked annoyed but claims he “can’t find anything wrong with him”. Michael showed more love to his ex Bei Smith (steelo’s cousin)on her birthday & to his female costars than Lori & she shows more love to women than him because I think she’s low key bisexual (nothing wrong with that). Plus as pretty as Lori is she doesn’t look happy & watching her interviews you can tell she’s faking a lot of this (I believe her mom controls her). As sad as it is she likes men who excite her & spend on her which explains Future, Diddy & Trey Songs. Michael’s cheap as hell & boring! I also don’t believe his family supports this cause he took pics with her family but she didn’t take none with his at her party. No mother wants their son with a girl like Lori & when Michael does decide to settle down it won’t be with a girl like Lori. Men like Michael deep down don’t like women with reputations. I think if he needed so badly to get the gay rumors off his back he should’ve got with someone on his level or a beautiful unknown stranger. This situationship has hurt his reputation in Hollywood cause no respectable actor publicly claimed someone like Lori & now his image is forever tied to her & deep down he knows it. He’ll still get work of course but he’ll always be looked at as the guy who claimed a hoe. I know this is long but people need to pay close attention to body language (and if able to peoples energy) & not what these celebrities post cause a lot of it is lies & these 2 ain’t no different. Hopefully after this is over he takes time to reflect, build his relationships back with friends, family & whoever else & focuses on being a better actor instead of being popular cause his competitors are destroying him. Happy Halloween.
This needs to be dissected piece by piece because this is some juicy shit! 😂 y’all know I love me some tea!!! Happy Halloween babe 🔪🩸🎃 .
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