aarafox · 7 years
if u still wanna do the oc questions thing, méllany and brenden? :3
Yayyyy thank you so much!! ^^
~ Full Name: Méllany Zerymélla (she’s part of one of the few families who have a family name on Elunia)

~ Gender and Sexuality: female and gay but at first more bisexual

~ Pronouns: she/her

~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis, 6 Walophia 999

~ Guilty Pleasures: jewels, attention, things that make her pretty

~ Phobias: getting rejected too many times

~ What They Would Be Famous For: being the heir to the richest family of the planet and for creating intense, VERY realistic illusions

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: being too mean and bewitching people without their consent (her illusions can let people do things)

~ OC You Ship Them With: Stelia!

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Emilaya tbh. And Bellány

~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: romance, drama

~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: sappy endings

~ Talents and/or Powers: she has the magical power of Beauty and Illusions, which, the protagonists discover, often go hand in hand. Especially her Illusions power is dangerous and EXTREMELY strong. When she bewitches someone with them, they completely lose themselves and it’s scary af. Robin and Brenden can confirm

~ Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s beautiful, head-strong and powerful. Knows what she wants and speaks out for herself and will die to protect the person she loves

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s mean!!! She’s not friendly at all!!! She can hate people without reason and express it quite bluntly too! Emily can confirm. She’s also very arrogant and thinks she’s better than everyone

~ How They Change: that’s pretty cool: from a spoilt, rich, arrogant girl she realises what’s more important in life: things that can be so precious you’re willing to do anything to protect them; love; a community. Though she was very content with the arrogant girl she was before, it’s not like she learns from it and that aspect about her won’t change. She will just understand more of life and learns what love is

~ Why You Love Them: I guess because I managed to write her realistically. In the original story she just featured as the jealous antagonist, but now that she has a round personality and an actual plot (I love that moment when she threatens to kill Emilaya if she doesn’t save Stelia) I like her much more. She plays an annoying, but slightly important part in Eimlaya’s storyline and development, even though they hate each other haha. I like her because I’ve learned how to write her character and I’m really happy with that! Also I love her love story (her best friend Stelia falls in love with her and kisses her after a scary event and then they are together and Méllany would literally murder for her and ugh it’s a hardly discussed but good development and I’m just !!! yaaass!!)
Alright! My bubby Brenden!
~ Full Name: Brenden

~ Gender and Sexuality: male, probably heterosexual but it's questionable

~ Pronouns: he/him

~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis, 32 Une 1000

~ Guilty Pleasures: tomato face masks I’m yelling

~ Phobias: being alone forever, losing his family

~ What They Would Be Famous For: his ability to create wonderful music with his magical flute, and for fighting bravely in the Great Battle

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: I can’t think of anything?? He just wants to be loved okay

~ OC You Ship Them With: Liané

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: …….the Yukaï *bursts out sobbing*

~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: adventure, I also think he would like poetry

~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: love triangles

~ Talents and/or Powers: he has the magical power of Sounds. He can create intense sound waves, decide who get to hear the things he says/sounds he creates, and he has an amazing musical hearing and can create the music of a thousand instruments with his flute

~ Why Someone Might Love Them: he is S O F T!!! He’s practically a teddy bear and never did anything wrong. He just… wants to be loved my boy. He is also a good and fun friend!!

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: No reason!!!

~ How They Change: hmm, good question :O he just becomes much stronger and much braver throughout the story. Also becomes more straightforward with his advances towards others

~ Why You Love Them: my Brenden Bear… I love him because of his presence in the story. He just can’t do anything wrong and his fate is too cruel for the sweetness that is Brenden. I’m still thinking of bringing him back to life but I’m….. ahh my boy nooooo *sobs* he deserves more love
Thanks so much for asking these twoooo!!
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aarafox · 7 years
ahh yay i was just abt to ask who ur unexpected fave is so here goes: 😷😍🖓? :)
Awww! Thank you!
😷: Have you ever scrapped one of your ocs and used their backstory / interests / ect. for a newer one?
Well, I think none of my OCs themselves were scrapped, but that their original versions were scrapped to create better versions! (But perhaps that is the same xD) For example, when I started the story I was (unfortunately D:) still in the atmosphere of the heteronormativity (it was a long time ago), and Stanlo was named Stanley back then and Luciora was Lucy, and at some point I low key made them fall in love. Thank god when I rewrote it and got rid of all the heteronormativity of my universe, Stanlo became an amazing gay guy and Lucy became a raging biromantic asexual so bless the heavens. When I rewrote everything I also got rid of all earthly names and gave them unique ones (because I found it unrealistic that on another planet everyone had earthly names… ^^) So all characters have gone through a large development and some original points were scrapped, but all for the better!
😍: Which OC is your favorite? Unexpected favorite?
Emilaya is my favourite, just because she’s been with me for such an incredibly long time and I treasure her so much. But my unexpected faves are definitely Lucy and Miu. I never disliked them but I didn’t expect to love them so much! Tbh, I intendedly tried to create a storyline and personality which made Lucy likeable because she is basically the only main Nenoflora of the story and she deserves so much, and through writing her I started to love her??? I’m happy about her development (both in the story and her creation itself) and she is still being developed. I think for me personally Lucy is the character who has always been most difficult to create but I’m not sure why! Perhaps I’m still not sure who she really is (which corresponds with my own life lmao). The only thing I do know is that I like her and that Emily likes her too and we both want her to be happy in life because we think she’s great hahaha. And Miu just came out of nowhere and suddenly had so much potential, and he’s my son you know T0T and his life and development is one of the most interesting and complicated ones of the story!
🖓: Is there a OC you have that just doesn’t click with you yet?
Oh yes, there are a few I just can’t get a good grip on haha, there are a few that I just… don’t really like, for example Aliciora, and there are a few I’m extremely indifferent to, like Catalía and Stelia. I still tried to make them a bit rounder but especially Catalía has never received much attention :’) the same problem is with Liané and Stelia, although they have developed a tiiiny bit more. It’s just, I don’t feel much when I’m writing those you get what I mean xD It’s so funny how there are those who are just so easy to write and then those who just, you know, bump into you every time you try to write them xD 
Thanks so much for asking Itsy!
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aarafox · 7 years
And liané!
My daughter!!
~ Full Name: Liané

~ Gender and Sexuality: female, bisexual

~ Pronouns: she/her

~ Ethnicity/Species: Neflora - Feflora

~ Birthplace and Birthdate: Sinalópolis, 8 Liano 1000 (she is named after the Liano mist!)

~ Guilty Pleasures: soft, small animals, sitting alone surrounded by birds and butterflies

~ Phobias: life tbh haha

~ What They Would Be Famous For: for being one of the few Neflora alive who can communicate with animals

~ What They Would Get Arrested For: hoarding animals in her room ahaha

~ OC You Ship Them With: Catalía and Brenden! And looow-key Aliciora

~ OC Most Likely To Murder Them: uhmmm… no one

~ Favourite Movie/Book Genre: fairy tales

~ Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: not necessarily cliches she just has a dislike for specific genres, like horror and thriller

~ Talents and/or Powers: she has the magical power of Animals! She can actually create animals (although they are not alive but like… low-key alive? They don’t have feelings unless Liané decides so). She reaches level 5C (the highest training level where Emilaya and co are as well) because she can create animals who will fight for her, and magical animals with strong, magical powers are useful too. She has amazing bird wings and animal characteristics when she’s in Feflora form, like a tail or antennas. She often uses her power to create soft friends who don’t talk much (because she’s very introverted and stuff can affect her deeply). Her power makes her really happy!

~ Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s cute and soft and doesn’t hurt a fly. It makes you wanna take care of her (which people do too) but she is still independent. When she’s comfortable, she talks more and smiles a lot (her smile is cute too)

~ Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s just a bit timid maybe? And people might not like her introvertedness, but I don’t think anyone of the story dislikes her truly

~ How They Change: before the war, she was very shy and didn’t interact with many others besides her two best friends, Aliciora and Catalía, but when she is acknowledged for her powers and disovers in how many ways she can use them, she slowly becomes more confident. Her confidence enables her to fall in love and befriend others, although her best friends will always be Catalía and Aliciora. I really hope she becomes happy in the future! She deserves that

~ Why You Love Them: she is a small person capable of big things, even though she doesn’t know it. I like how she’s the “typical, soft, nature fairy” of the gang. Tbh, she doesn’t seem strong in most of the story (she cries regularly, is often anxious and a bit timid) but at the end becomes clear how undefeatable she actually is. She is one of those minor characters who is not spoken of often but who is always there, and like I said before, she deserves to become happy! I actually hurt her more than was necessary *kicks self* *still regrets decisions about certain deaths of certain characters*
Thanks for asking as always!!!
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