#Carlos Manuel de Cespedes
omgitsacuban · 10 months
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Carlos Manuel de Céspedes del Castillo, who was a plantation owner in Cuba, freed his slaves and made the declaration of Cuban independence in 1868 which started the Ten Years' War. Cuban Social vol VI No 3 (marzo 1921)
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love-cuba · 2 years
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Bayamo is the capital of the Granma Province in Cuba. Located in the south of the Island, Bayamo was founded in 1513 by Spanish settlers, in 1868 Carlos Manuel de Cespedes led a failed attempt to free the city from the Spanish Army. Bayamo is a quiet and picturesque city, it's nickname is "City of horse carts" (Ciudad de los coches). Discover Bayamo and more with Love Cuba the UK's #1 Cuba holiday specialist. 👀🔥❤
Call us today on 0207 071 3636 or visit our official website https://www.lovecuba.com/
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February 4th, Baracoa to Santiago de Cuba
Up for a 7:30 breakfast, and we are on the road. Heading SW and back through the winding S curve roads again. Stopped at a view point to try an get a glimpse, with binoculars, of Guatamao Bay, the American army base. Back on the road and stopped at a road side restaurant for lunch. I had a spoon of rice and water, stomach is queasy. 
Finally arrived in Santiago de Cuba and we headed right to the fort/castle, Castillo de San Pedro de la Roco. We toured the fort and then on the walk way back made some purchases, including post cards. Our next stop was the cemetery of Saint Ifigena. This is where Fidel Castro is buried( his ashes are inside a large rock taken from the mountains where he originally  practiced guerrilla warfare prior to 1959. This is a very famous cemetery as Maria Gradjales de Maceo (the Mother of Cuba), Carlos Manuel de Cespedes (the Father of Cuba), Jose Marti, Thomas Palma etc. There are two guards posted at Maria Maceo’s grave, 2 at Cespedes, 3 at Maceo’s and 1 at Castro’s grave. The guards are changed out every day, every half our with military music and marching. Much the same as Buckingham palace. We stayed until the cemetery closed. The coach then took us to our Casa’s on the outskirts of town. We are staying in three different ones. Got checked in and then the coach and Jackson met us and we went to a pasta/pizza restaurant. It was awesome! Larry had shrimp pasta.
After dinner we walked the city. It is very lively as it was Saturday night. Went to the main square. Got wifi for a short time.
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keywestlou · 2 years
SOCIAL SECURITY RECIPIENTS SOON TO RECEIVE A RAISE - https://keywestlou.com/social-security-recipients-soon-to-receive-a-raise/Inflation carries with it a benefit to some. Social Security will announce its annual cost of living increase (COLA) thursday. Based on inflation, it will be the highest in decades. Estimated at 8.5-9.0 percent. Technically referred to as a  Cost of Living increase for 2023, the increased payments will begin 12/30/22. Much deserved by most. I paid in the full amount every year from 1961 when I began earning a pay check. I will never come close to getting my money back if I lived another 100 years. I am not complaining. I understand and have always accepted the concept behind Social Security. Many Republicans will complain this week when the new payment is announced. They make it sound like free money. A gift. Recipients placing the program in bankruptcy. Nothing further from the truth. More monies are paid into the Social Security Trust Fund daily than are paid out. Any possible indebtedness is the result of the government "borrowing" the excess monies from Social Security and never paying it back. When Reagan was President, he needed money for something. Saw all the excess monies sitting in the Trust Fund. Said, "Let's use it!" A program was adopted whereby the excess funds are transferred to another account for use other than to those eligible for payments. The government gives to the Trust Fund an "IOU." A worthless piece of paper. No legal capacity to form the basis for a lawsuit for the Trust Fund to recover the monies. If asked who the U.S.' largest creditor is, most would respond China or Japan. Not true. The U.S.' largest creditor is the Social Security Trust Fund that never will be able to recover one penny of the monies. Maria Gutsens was matron of the Mercedes Hospital for 23 years. The hospital was last located on Virginia Street, just below White. Today an apartment house. On this day in 1934, Maria was notified by the Secretary of State of Cuba that she had been awarded the Cross of the Order of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes. The highest honor given by the Cuban government. Maria has long been dead. She is one of Key West's most respected and believed ghosts. Cathy Hoalka is my Cocktails at 7 friend. She lived in Key West in the 1980's. Resided for a time at the apartment house. She claims she woke one night to a woman holding her wrist. A nurse. Then the woman disappeared. Cathy believes it was Maria. I believe Cathy. Steve Thompson qualifies as a Chart Room historian. His years as a customer began in the 1970's and continue to today. He wrote of "Whistle Pants." The last sentence of the recollection says it all about Steve's knowledge of the Chart Room and the friends he made there over the years. Whistle Pants looked and sounded like Jonathan Winters I would say. And he was just as funny in every way. He invented the "I Dream of Jeannie" pants you see on TV. And he wore them to the Chart Room daily. He started digging the first ash hole in the bar. The Doc said stop the booze for six moths if that far. He said, now I have a reason to drink. And he lasted another two years I think. Some holes were empty for a long time. I'm proud to say they were all friends of mine. I've noticed this pass week advertisements on the internet for neck ties. Does not make sense. Are ties returning? Hard to believe. One of Ernest Hemingway's best remembered quotes is: "Never go on trips with anyone you do not love." I agree. I would further add: "Never go on a trip with someone that does not love you." A Ukrainian teenager invented a drone that can detect land mines. Igor Klymenko, age 17. He worked on his invention while hiding in a basement from Russian shelling attacks. Igor first became interested when he was 9. It was 2014 and Russia was invading Crimea. He worked on the drone and then stopped. He renewed his efforts with diligence in 2022 while living in the cellar. His drone invention is referred to as a Quadcopter Mines Detector. Two weeks ago, his work was recognized at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City. He was awarded the Clegg.org Global Student Prize: $100,000. Igor will be responsible for saving many arms, legs, and lives. At only 17. "Edison" has a bright future ahead of him. Enjoy your Sunday!  
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fidel-araujo · 2 years
El Perdon de YAHVEH!
¡Dios tiene misericordia de todo porque todo delante de su presencia somos pecadores! ¡Solo tiene que arrepentirse y pedir perdón! ¡Nadie es perfecto y tu tambien de seguro has hecho cosas malas! ¡Miramos la paja en el ojo ajeno pero no vemos la viga en el nuestro! Por tal razon Yahshua cuando trajeron a la mujer hallada en adulterio nos dijo "El que este libre de pecado que lance el la primera la piedra" Nadie lo hizo porque su conciencia estaban sucias. ¡Yo tambien fui un hombre malo y creía que para alcanzar mis metas tenia que pisotear a los demás! ¡En mi ignorancia de la existencia de un creador y Eterno Dios, seguía los pasos que un sistema perverso me habia inculcado en su adoctrinamientos, en las escuelas y en su Falaceticos discursos Marxista Lennilista! Yo tambien soy cubano hijo de un martir clandestino y fui reprimido pror las ideas de mi padre y de todo Universitario de aquello dias; una Cuba Libre Asociada. Pero La Iglesia del Vaticano tenia otros planes y era castigar al criollo cubano por El Grito de La de Majagua por Carlos Manuel de Cespede quien planteo la Amancipacion de la esclavitud de los negros, la fuente de divisa de Roma.
¡Amigos y hermanos, solo la verdad de Abba me rescato de mi prisión! ¡Muchos nos alegramos del mal de otros y otros simplemente murmuramos cuando vemos a un instrumento del diablo caído, sin saber que tu tambien eres su instrumento, para maldecir, para tenerte de su lad y hacerte creer que puedes hacer lo que tu quieras! ¡Talvez sea un hombre dedicado a tu familia y eso es bueno, pero las necesidades de tu prójimo lo pasa por alto sin preocuparte mas que solo de los tuyos! ¿Acaso eso te hace bueno en verdad? Kayn tuvo envidia de su hermano Abel y lo mato. ¿Y que dijo cuando fue interrogado por Dios? (Génesis 4:9) Y YAHVEH dijo a Kayin: '¿Dónde está Hevel tu hermano?' Y él respondió: 'Yo no sé; ¿Acaso soy el guarda de mi hermano?' ¿Y cual fue la repuesta de el Padre? ¡Amaras a tu prójimo como a ti mismo, si somos responsables por nuestros projimos porque todos somo una familia! ¡Tuve que morir para darme cuenta de que tenia un enemigo que me engañaba dia a dia con los placeres de este mundo! ¡Si, me revolqué en la perversión que me ofrecía mi camuflado amigo Satanas! ¡El espíritu del pecado es real y muchos no quieren seguir la verdad porque el pan de mentira es dulce al paladar pero amargo al corazon; por eso somos presas fáciles, pues nos consideramos personas autónomas que no necesitamos a Dios! Y precisamente eso es lo que se propuso tu enemigo, el espiritu de mentira, para poderte robar lo que te pertenece a ti y a tu pueblo. (Efesios 6:12) Pues no estamos peleando contra seres humanos, sino en contra de los gobernadores, autoridades y poderes cósmicos que gobiernan las tinieblas, contra las fuerzas espirituales de maldad en dominios celestiales. El Orgullo es un espíritu del mal, las Mentiras son espíritus del mal, la Fornicación es un espíritu del mal, las Palabras Ociosas (malas palabras son espíritus del mal y la Idolatría sea a los padres, hijos, riquezas, carros, músicas son espíritus del mal. ¡Yo estuve allí!
“Letargo de muerte”
Fidel Alberto Araujo Rojas Elias .
En el oscuro y tenebroso túnel de la muerte,
en silencio se revuelcan toditas mis ansias,
no se encuentran la repuestas a las palabras,
ante el gran vicio de la infidelidad yacente.
Todo es tiniebla y nada yo percibo,
solo el gemir de tumultuosas almas,
que errantes vagan cargando sus martirios,
de inquietudes y grandes desventajas.
En el intento de escalar hacia la cima,
me arrope de vestidura cruel ė infame,
y cerré mis ojos ante aquel que no podía,
escalar la peña con su efímero bagaje.
¡Endurecida el alma y necio el corazón,
lleno de orgullo, abnegado en mi altivez,
corro absorto huyendo en mi pasión,
sin importar siquiera su dolor ni su vejez!
¿Como es posible que de repente ,
abra mis ojos y nada observe?
¿Que haya dejado mi vestimenta,
colgado al otro lado de la puerta?
¡En el oscuro y tenebroso túnel de la muerte,
he de encontrarme con el causante de mi desdicha,
yo que creí que todo era una fantasía,
me he embarcado a la eternidad sin despedida!
¡Quiero volver pero no puedo,
me siento atado de pies y manos,
ni las riquezas acumuladas,
me dieron la felicidad que anhelaba!
¡Estoy muy solo, y es tan ilógico,
donde me encuentro no tengo amigos,
estoy temblando y no es de frió,
porque deje el buen camino, estoy perdido!
¡Deseo volver a mi pasado,
y comenzar todo de nuevo,
pero las huellas se han borrado
y he de enfrentar al Dios Eterno!
¿Como llegar hasta esa puerta,
que es bien angosta y pocos entran?
En este mundo de indiferencia,
donde todos sueñan con la riqueza?
¡Azufre llega a mis narices,
y podredumbre hiere mi olfato,
esta es la muerte de mi, ser barro,
que vuelve al lodo de mis raíces!
¿Porque me gritan y martirizan?
yo solo quiero vivir mi vida,
¿Donde me llevan asi tan deprisa?
¡Yeshua, Yeshua no lo permita!!!
¡En el oscuro y tenebroso túnel de la muerte,
las esperanzas se marchaban con el tiempo,
el corazón se iba apagando y de repente,
resplandeció una luz y desperté de mi silencio!
¡Yahveh tenga misericordia de todos nosotros y perdones nuestras maldades ocultas en nuestros corazones, que la unción de su beneplácito deseo nos levante a la vida eterna, que nos permita encontrar su Paz! ¡Shabbat Shalom!
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1Fidel Araujo
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blogeduardonino · 4 years
ORGANIZADOS PELO Portal https://marxismo21.org/
I. Filmes, documentários e entrevistas de dirigentes, lideranças e intelectuais de esquerda (marxistas ou progressistas)
A idade do século – voz e rosto de Gregório Bezerra, dirigido por Geneton de Moraes Neto (1986), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjWtQTEgdfk&t=9s
A resistência final de Salvador Allende, dirigido por Patricio Henriquez (1998) – legendado em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHaXSUVPRw0
Alexandra Kollontai, produzido por BBC – áudio em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5UvZ0eHVx4
Álvaro Cunhal – A Vida de Um Resistente. 1ª Parte – Que Fazer, dirigido por Joaquim Vieira (2006), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B0Rd2EWi84
Álvaro Cunhal – A Vida de Um Resistente. 2ª Parte – O Estado e a revolução, dirigido por Joaquim Vieira (2006), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_aaVtk9hFk
Álvaro Cunhal – percursos, produzido por TVI (1995), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fMd53DXFkk
Amílcar Cabral: vida e morte, dirigido por Antonio de Deus Gonçalves (2009), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SriEOeFn_E&feature=youtu.be
Antonio Gramsci, os dias do cárcere, dirigido por Lino del Fra (1977) – legendado em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkIqn4VqkdQ
Africa’s Black Star: the rise and fall of Kwame Nkrumah, dirigido por Nuakai Tehuti Aru – aúdio em inglês, https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&v=2qazB9d-csg&feature=emb_logo
Biografía Josip Broz Tito, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKzFbeiE5pA&t=2221s
Black Power – The Kwame Nkrumah Documentary, dirigido por Adam Curis (1992) – áudio em inglês, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK9xi1L0USk&feature=youtu.be
Cabra marcado pra morrer, dirigido por Eduardo Coutinho (1984), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7pnKjA56-g
Cadê Zé Profiro?, dirigido por Hélio Brito (2004), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A8WN4LI8jw&feature=youtu.be
Carlos el amanecer dejó de ser una tentación, dirigido por Marjorie Arostegui(2012) – áudio em castelhano,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLdq5H-K-ic
Camilo Torres, el cura guerrillero, dirigido por Francisco Norden (1974) – legendado em castelhano,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcndMqiKURQ&feature=youtu.be
Carlos Eugênio Paz, Comandante Clemente – entrevista a Geneton Moraes Neto, GloboNews, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ9aKnRz0Qc
Celia Sánchez, produzido por Mundo Latino (2016) – áudio em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifHfkBnoLSM
Che Guevara donde nunca jamás se lo imaginan, dirigido por Manuel Pérez Paredes (2004) – áudio em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QfuOOJzByg&feature=emb_logo
Chico Mendes, a Voz da Amazônia, dirigido por Miranda Smith (1989), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXaxJYf9IPI&feature=youtu.be
Diários de motocicleta, dirigido por Walter Salles (2004), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvuDnj_K_Q8
Elisa Branco, a corajosa comunista da luta mundial pela paz, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18nmruwnQeo
El Diálogo de América – una conversación entre Fidel Castro y Salvador Allende (1971) – áudio em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLoIwfSV0PY
Entrevista com Domenico Losurdo com Giulio Gerosa – 12 partes (2011) – legendado em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWKDx8siO0Q&list=PL60F1441D2932F663
Farabundo Martí, Alma y corazón, produzido por Secretaría de Comunicaciones del Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) (2017) – legendado em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qXKE17NKZM
Florestan Fernandes – o mestre, dirigido por Roberto Stefanelli (2004), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncGSS2yyhNw
Florestan Fernandes – Programa da Vox Populi (1984), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPAYUfcwR0E
Francisco Julião, na lei ou na marra, dirigido por Clarisse Viana e Fernando Barcellos (2016), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43n2sfBy0Ho&feature=youtu.be
Giap – Memórias Centenárias da Resistência, dirigido por Sílvio Tendler (2003) – legendado em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq8c72PKSCA
Gregório Bezerra – uma entrevista histórica, dirigido por Luiz Alberto Sanz, Lars Safstrom, Leonardo Cespedes e Staffan Lindqvist (1976), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pWsSnmFYaY&t=85s
Herbert Marcuse interview with Bryan Magee (1977) – áudio em inglês, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KqC1lTAJx4
Ho Chi Minh y la independencia de Vietnam,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz7A_icksHA
Interview with Georg Lukacs – legendado em inglês,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OUTlByL-44
José Carlos Mariátegui: Serie Maestros de América Latina, – áudio em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OylJbxm0x_o
Karl Marx por Louis Althusser e Émile Bottigelli, produzido por France Culture (1963) – áudio em francês, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_0JcAmZ5U0&t=309s
La Guerra Necesaria: Fidel Castro, dirigido por Santiago Alvarez (1980)– áudio em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3tOpj6ntCI
Lenin em Outubro, dirigido por Mikhail Romm (1937) – legendado em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl6ydldxNKg
Lumumba, dirigido por Raoul Peck (2000) – áudio em francês, https://youtu.be/SZEGI5kEsBo
Marighella, dirigido por Isa Grinspum Ferraz (2012), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mw386dVhcY&t=4s
Marighella, O retrato falado do guerrilheiro, dirigido por Silvio Tendler (2001), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8otiuMrzsQ
Nicos Poulantzas, diez años de ausencia, dirigido por Nikos Jurakis y Kostas Jristópoulos (1989) – legendado em castelhano,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mchAHtQgUL8&t=151s
Nova África: Agostinho Neto, dirigido por Mônica Monteiro, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paPozP7IVjs
O assassinato de Trotsky, dirigido por Joseph Losey (1972) – legendado em português,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLK6C6ekS-8&feature=youtu.be
O jovem Karl Marx, dirigido por Raoul Peck (2017) – legendado em português,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M5vo2n6G7Y&t=1446s
O mestre Graça, dirigido por Jorge Oliveira (1986), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlqbVfhydz0&feature=youtu.be
O sonho de Rose: 10 anos depois, dirigido por Tetê Moraes (2000), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP2Jm23RJ9Y&t=4s
O velho: a história de Luiz Carlos Prestes, dirigido por Toni Venturi (1997), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u02uqMK6Ek
Rio Chiquito (Homenagem a Hernando González Acosta), dirigido por Bruno Munuel e Jean Pierre Sergent (1965) – áudio em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DMePi_I_1M&feature=youtu.be
Rosa Luxemburgo, dirigido por Margarethe von Trotta (1986) – legendado em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu96jHjkEsY
Samora Vive, dirigido por Filomena Salvador (2011), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j6vo1NLgCQ
Sandino, dirigido por Miguel Littin (1990) – áudio e legenda em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mblNOkimp6I
Simplemente Camilo, produzido por Mundo Latino (2009) – áudio em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6cUm786-Aw
Terra para Rose, dirigido por Tetê Moraes (1987), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZlqjK4K1-0
Thomas Sankara. “…e naquele dia mataram a felicidade”, dirigido por Silvestro Montanaro (2013) – em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20u-WWjM_50
Tosco, dirigido por Adrián Jaime (2011) – áudio e legenda em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcN05ceUk5A&feature=youtu.be
Três Canções Para Lênin, dirigido por Dziga Vertov (1934) – em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFuvUO1riIM&feature=emb_logo
Vale a pena sonhar: a vida de Apolônio de Carvalho, dirigido por Stela Grisotti e Rudi Böhm (2003), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23ptxXE-oSY&feature=youtu.be
II. Documentários e filmes sobre o nazismo e o fascismo
Arquitetura da destruição, Diretor Peter Cohen (1989), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZq4VC6uIPk&t=2227s
Fascism Inc, Diretor Aris Chatzistefanou (2014), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K80XYjF3lHE
O fascismo de todos os dias, Diretor Mikhail Romm (1965) – legendas em português, https://archive.org/details/FascismodeTodosOsDias1965
El fascismo cotidiano (= O fascismo de todos os dias), Diretor Mikhail Romm (1965) – legendas em castelhano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WgB2sulSuo
II, Filmes sobre nazismo e fascismo:
A língua das mariposas
A onda, Diretor Dennis Gansel (2008) – dublado, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG3TfjAhs30
A queda – as últimas horas de Hitler, Diretor Oliver Hirschbiegel (2005) – dublado, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ-oF2OLYGw
Chá com Mussolini, Diretor Franco Zeffirelli (2000) – legendas em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI15yEq7i-o&t=2773s
Isto é Inglaterra, Diretor Shane Meadows (2009) – legendado em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzh9CzwJuc0&feature=youtu.be
O anjo de Auschwitz , Diretor Terry Lee Cooker (2019) – dublado, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENvwRXE106s
Os deuses malditos, Diretor Luchino Visconti (1969) – versão original em italiano, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J8PAQ5Wwak&t=11s
O jardim dos Finzi-Contini, Diretor Vittorio de Sica (1970) – legenda em inglês, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxSPu25xbQw
O ovo da serpente, Diretor Ingmar Bergman (1977) – legendas em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0WqyFnNsiE
O refúgio secreto, Diretor James F. Collier (1975) – legendas em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRaGkWbMR9E
O triunfo da vontade, Diretor Leni Riefenstahl (1935) – legenda em inglês, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8bJ1W2aKy0&t=813s
Riphagen, Diretor Pieter Kuijpers (2016) – dublado, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ5XRxK0stM
Roma, cidade aberta, Diretor Roberto Rosselini (1945) – legendas em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcRbKX2MeFo
Trens estreitamente vigiados, Diretor Jiří Menzel (1966) – legendas em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUMaCeyupoA
Um skinhead no divã, Diretor Niklas Rådström e Suzanne Osten (1993) – legendas em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oELvg0awEEE&feature=youtu.be
Uma cidade sem passado, Diretor Mark Verhoeven (1990) – legendas em português, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKiykbMCtRM
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casadranguet · 4 years
Instalan nuevo sistema de luces en Parque Céspedes y edificaciones aledañas
Instalan nuevo sistema de luces en Parque Céspedes y edificaciones aledañas
El parque Carlos Manuel de Céspedes y las emblemáticas edificaciones de sus alrededores reciben un sistema de luces monumentales, que darán un sello distintivo al sitio fundacional de la villa de Santiago de Cuba, cuyo aniversario 505 se celebrará en julio próximo.
Personal especializado en esas labores, con destreza y habilidad, desafían las alturas para asombro de quienes transitan por el…
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lebenundreisen · 7 years
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Havana http://dlvr.it/PvK5Hr
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1baddmouthcrown · 5 years
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1804 October 6 Governor General Jean-Jacques Dessalines is crowned Emperor of Haiti at ceremony held in the city of Le Cap.
1806 October 16 General Nicolas Geffrard commander in the south, minister of war and Navy Etienne Elie Gerin, Alexander Petion, commander in chief of the second division in the west and others sign Resistance to Oppression proclamation.
October 17 Dessalines is assassinated at Pontianarge Pont Rouge north of the capital Port au Prince.
1845 October 9 Douglass speaks at Waterford City Hall in Ireland.
1846 Kassa Hailu attacks the city of Demba south of Gondar in Ethiopia.
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1859 October 16 John Brown leads raid on Harpers Ferry federal armoury in Western Virginia.
1864 crops floods in Jamaica cholera and smallpox and a two year drought.
October Sojourner Truth meets President Abraham Lincoln.
1865 Dr. Edward Underhill secretary of the Baptist Missionary society in Great Britain writes letter to the colonial office in London Governor of Jamaica John Eyre Underhill parish of Saint Ann petition Queen Victoria for land.
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October Paul Bogle Morant Bay rebellion in the parish of St. Thomas, Jamaica.
August Paul Bogle leads a 45 mile walk from Stony Gut in the parish of St. Thomas to Spanish town in the parish of St. Catherine to petition the Governor.
October 7 A man by the name of James Geoghegon creates a disturbance in Morant Bay court house during the trail of a man sentenced and convicted for trespassing on an inactive sugar plantation, the police try to arrest Geoghegon, the begin to fight with the police and the court house issues a warrant for those including Bogle.
October 11 Bogle leads hundreds to the court house, the confrontation between the group and the militia begins with the group attacking the militia with sticks and stones, the militia shoot and kill 25 people dead, the parish goes into unrest, Eyre declares martial law and sends government troops led by Brigadier General Alexander Nelson to bring Bogle and to the court to be tried and convicted, the militia kill innocent men, women and children 439 dead and arrest 354 tried and executed, several hundred also flogged and sentenced, the soldiers burn thousands of homes, Eyre has Gordon who he believes to have made the matter worse arrested in Kingston and brought to Morant Bay where he is tried under martial law, convicted and executed.
October 23 Gordon and Paul’s brother William are hanged.
1866 Eyre is criticized for his handling of the situation.
1868 October 10 Carlos Manuel de Cespedes rings the bell of the sugar mill to summon his slaves, makes his grito de Yara (Cry of Yara) declaration of revolt against the Spanish beginning the Ten Years War with the aims of abolishing slavery and gaining independence.
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October 26 Maximo Gomez at Pinos de Baire leads a machete charge in an ambush of a Spanish column.
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1896 October Antonio Maceo arrives at Mantua in the western extreme of the Island after months of fighting the Spanish in Havana and Pinar del Rio. Maceo and Gomez in command of a column had led the invasion of western Cuba from
1902 Earnest Alfred Wallace Budge makes his first excavations at the city of Meroe the capital of the Kingdom of Kush.
1905 Budge makes more excavations at Meroe.
1907 Budge publishes the record of his excavations at Meroe in his book The Egyptian Sudan, Its History and Monuments.
1913 January 1 Du Bois and New York State Commission attend the 50th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, Du Bois The Peoples of the People and Their Gift to Man (later renamed The Star of Ethiopia) Pageant is performed Emancipation Proclamation.
Garvey begins working for Dusé Mohamed Ali as messenger and handyman at his African Times and Orient Review office on 158 Fleet Street in Central London.
October Garveys "British West Indies in the Mirror of Civilization” essay published in the African Times and Orient Review.
1914 October 31 Amy Ashwood (later Amy Garvey) recites African American poet Paul Lawrence Dunbar's “The Lover and the Moon” at Collegiate Hall Universal Negro Improvement Association meeting.
1915 October 11 Monday, 13 Wednesday and 15 Friday Du Bois’s "The Star of Ethiopia” pageant of the history of the Negro Race from 50,000 B.C to 20th century written, produced, and directed by Du Bois himself, presented by the Horizon Guild and the National Pageant and Dramatic Association is performed at the American League Ball Park in Washington D. C. to commemorate the 13th amendment.
Meroe geographically was known to the Greeks as Ethiopia, according to the Greek historian Herodotus who lived during the 5th century BC Meroe had the reputation of being the mother city of the Ethiopians.
Candice the Queen of Ethiopia has also been identified with the Kandake’s of the Kingdom of Kush whilst it was centered at the city of Meroe because of the King Taharqa the Kingdom of Kush whilst it was previously centered at Napata in Nubia prior to Meroe who in the bible,  is mentioned as being the King of Ethiopia having assisted in conflict with the Assyrians.
And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship,Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet.Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot.And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.The place of the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth:In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth.And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man?Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus. And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea. Acts 8:27-40
And when he heard say of Tirhakah king of Ethiopia, Behold, he is come out to fight against thee: he sent messengers again unto Hezekiah, saying, Thus shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of Judah, saying, Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shall not be delivered into the hand of the king of Assyria. 2 Kings 19:9-10/Isaiah 37:9-10
674 BC Taharqa defeats the Assyrian Emperor Sennacherib at Eltekeh. Sennacherib then defeats Taharqa.
671 BC The Assyrian Emperor Esarhaddon captures Memphis with Taharqa fleeing to in the south, takes members of the royal family as prisoners at his capital Nineveh in Assyria and places Libyan Necho I as the first of the Twenty Sixth Dynasty at Sais. Esarhaddon on his Assyria erects Stele Stele of Nahor el Kalb and his Victory Stele at ZincirleHayok which shows Taharqa's son Ushankhuru was taken as a prisoner.
Esaehaddon dies in Palestine on the way to Egypt, his son Emperor Ashurbanipal defeats Taharqa who flees to Thebes where he dies.
The Kingdom of Kush was centered at Napata in Nubia since the time of Alara who attacked Egypt, then Kashta who extended Kushite rule to Elephantine and Thebes in upper Egypt. His successor Taharqa's Dad, Piye, invaded and conquered Egypt taking the cities of Sais and as well as in lower Egypt.
Taharqa was succeeded by a son of his predecessor, Shabaka, Tantamani who defeated and killed Necho, and also took Thebes, which the Assyrians retook from him.
Meroe was ruled by Kandakes from Shanakdakhete in 177 BCE to Lahideamani in 314 CE. The Mereotic city MusawwaratesSufra on the island of Meroe in the modern day Butana region was named by the Achaenid Persian King Cambyses after his sister.
Alexander the great romance by Pseudo Callisthenes.
A stele Geez of an unidentified ruler found in Meroe also provides evidence of the presence of Aksum in Meroe from the 4th century Christian kingdoms of Nobatia, Makuria and Alodia.
October 15 Leonard Percival Howell witnesses the murder of his neighbor by her Husband, his parents refuse to let him testify as a witness, Howell travels to Panama.
1916 May 16, 18 and 20 8 P. M. Du Bois’s “The Star of Ethiopia” portrayed by 1010 Actors in Costume 53 Musical Numbers Full Brass Band is performed at the 100th General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church held in the CONVENTION HALL BROAD AND ALLEGHANY AVENUE, Philadelphia.
1918 October 6 Ashwoodtravels from Panama to the U.S.
October 28 Howell travels to New York aboard the S. S. Metapan.
1919 October 11 memorandum from J Edgar Hoover to special agent Ridgely, Washington, D.C. MEMORANDUM FOR MR. RIDGELY.  I am transmitting herewith a communication which has come to my attention from the Panama Canal, Washington office, relative to the activities of Marcus Garvey. Garvey is a West-Indian negro and in addition to his activities in endeavoring to establish the Black Star Line Steamship Corporation he has also been particularly active among the radical elements in New York City in agitating the negro movement. Unfortunately, however, he has not as yet violated any federal law whereby he could be proceeded against on the grounds of being an undesirable alien, from the point of view of deportation. It occurs to me, however, from the attached clipping that there might be some proceeding against him for fraud in connection with his Black Star Line propaganda and for this reason I am transmitting the communication to you for your appropriate attention.  The following is a brief statement of Marcus Gravey and his activities: Subject a native of the West Indies and one of the most prominent negro agitators in New York;  He is a founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League;  He is the promulgator of the Black Star Line and is the managing editor of the Negro World;  He is an exceptionally fine orator, creating much excitement among the negroes through his steamship proposition;  In his paper the “Negro World” the Soviet Russian Rule is upheld and there is open advocation of Bolshevism.  Respectfully, J. E. Hoover.
October 14 Garvey shot by George Tyler at brownstone offices 135th Street. Tyler commits suicide the next day, he was also the only witness for the criminal libel charge against Garvey. October Garvey speaks at Philadelphia Peoples Church for the third time in the year. October The Saint Vincent Gazette anyone bringing the Negro World into the colony will serve six months prison sentence, possibly with hard labor.
October 30 The UNIA rents Madison Square Gardens, Manhattan at which the Lusk Committee Intelligence reports 6, 000 in attendance.
October 31 Thousands turn up at 135th Street pier to see the Black Star Lines first ship the 30 year old tramp ship SS Yarmouth rechristened the SS Frederick Douglass which was previously used to transport cotton and coal during World War I. 1928 October 7 The RasTafari Makonnen Crown Prince, hier to the throne and Regent Plenipotentiary is crowned King/Negus by Empress Zawditu.
1935 October An Italian column occupies Gore in southern Ethiopia.
October 3 Emelio De Bono crosses the Mareb River advancing into Ethiopia from Eritrea without a declaration of war.
October 5 The Italian I Corps take Adigrat.
October 6 The Italian II Corps take Adwa.
October 15 Emilio De Bono’s forces advance from Adwa and occupy Axum with Bono looting an Obelisk.
October 19 The Bishop of Udine [Italy] writes, 'It is neither timely nor fitting for us to pronounce on the rights and wrongs of the case. Our duty as Italians, and still more as Christians is to contribute to the success of our arms.' 
October 21 The Bishop of Padua writes 'In the difficult hours through which we are passing, we ask you to have faith in our statesmen and armed forces.'
October 24 The Bishop of Cremona consecrated a number of regimental flags and said 'The blessing of God be upon these soldiers who, on African soil, will conquer new and fertile lands for the Italian genius, thereby bringing to them Roman and Christian culture. May Italy stand once again as the Christian mentor to the whole world.'
October 27 To His Excellency Graziani. The use of gas as an ultima ratio to overwhelm enemy resistance and in case of counter-attack is authorized. Mussolini.
1945 The Fifth Pan African Congress is held in All Saints, Manchester.
1956 October 21 Dedan Kimathi is shot and captured by fellow Kikuyu termed as askari meaning traitor. Kimathi is then sentenced to death by hanging whilst in the General Hospital Nyeri and executed on 1957 February 18 at Kamiti Maximum Security Prison.
1950 Kimathi takes the Mau Mau oath and joins the Ol Kalou branch of the Kenya African Union, supporters of the Kenya Land and Freedom Army Mau Mau to take land back from the British, Kimathi also becomes secretary of the branch.
1951 Kimathi then joins the Forty Group of the Kikuyu Central Association where he becomes the secretary of its branch too.
1953 Kimathi forms the Kenya Defence Council.
2007 February 18 on the 50th anniversary of the execution of Kimathi, the Kibaki unveil bronze statue central Nairobi.
On 1954 January 15 The Mau Mau General China, Waruhiu Itote is captured by British troops, tried, found guilty and sentenced to hang but speared Ian Henderson agree to with General Erskine bringing operation Anvil to an end after unsuccessful Itote detention camp in for nine years Jomo Kenyatta teaches him to read and write English.
1942 Itote enlists in the British Army serving in the Kings African Rifles in Asia, Ceylon and in the Burma campaign is promoted to the rank of Corporal.
1946 Itote joins the Kenya African Union and Forty Group.
1950 Itote forests.
1961 October Du Bois joins the Communist Party and travels to Ghana with his wife to take up residence there and to begin work on his African encyclopedia.
1963 The Mau Mau including lay down their arms at Ruringu stadium in Nyeri.
1964 October 14 Martin Luther King wins Nobel peace prize.
1966 October 15 Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton found the Black Panther Party for self defense beginning police patrols in Oakland, Califonia.
1967 October 28 Police officer John Frey shot by Huey P Newton during traffic stop.
1968 October 16 African American medalists Tommy Smith and John Carlos give Black Power salute at medal ceremony during the playing of the American National anthem at the Olympic Stadium in Mexico city.
1970 October 13 FBI agents find Davis at a Howard Johnson Motor Lodge in New York City.
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omgitsacuban · 10 months
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Cuban Social vol IV No 5 (mayo 1919)
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personal-reporter · 3 years
Alba de Cespedes. Nessuno torna indietro
Alba de Cespedes. Nessuno torna indietro
Alba Carla Lauritai de Céspedes y Bertini fu una scrittrice, poetessa, autrice di testi per il cinema e il teatro, radiocronista, giornalista e intellettuale sempre dalla parte della donna… Figlia dell’ambasciatore cubano in Italia Carlos Manuel de Cespedes y Quesada e della romana Laura Bertini Alessandrini, Alba nacque l’11 marzo 1911 a Roma, ma considerò la sua vera patria Cuba, di cui il…
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May Day 2018: Our commitment to Cuba
The Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) and national trade unions convoke our people to a massive mobilization to celebrate May Day, under the maxim of "Unity, Commitment, and Victory," at a very special time, as we undertake a fundamental process at the grassroots level leading to the 21st CTC Congress.
There are many reasons that motivate us to make the world proletariat's day a great demonstration of support for the Revolution, for Raúl, and the Party - in a new context of tribute to our historic leader Fidel Castro Ruz, in which we reaffirm our determination to fulfill the concept of Revolution he bequeathed to us.
Along with this, we have transcendental commemorations, expressions of the heroic traditions of struggle that make us proud to be Cuban and enrich the history of our homeland, such as the 165th anniversary of our national hero José Martí; the 150th of the initiation of our independence wars; the 65th of the assaults on Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Garrisons; and the 60th of the triumph of the Revolution.
This May Day, from all of trade union structures, we will call on workers to turn the complexities of the economic panorama facing the country into "productive victories," concretizing productivity, conservation, and quality with efficient practices in every factory of our industrial base, in teaching, research and service activities, very conscious of responsibility of the working class to generate the wealth our people demand to meet their needs, and the only feasible way to raise the real income of workers.
In compact, lively parades, demonstrations, and events in plazas across the country, the demand will be repeated for an end to the criminal, genocidal, economic, commercial, and financial blockade imposed on Cuba for 56 years, and now being reinforced. We will demand the return of territory illegally occupied by the Guantánamo Naval Base, and denounce the arrogant, interventionist attitude of the current United States government.
The day's celebration will be characterized by patriotism, joy, and the individual and collective recognition of vanguard experiences, as well as the contribution of workers to the process of updating the Cuban, economic, social model, which on the basis of a sovereign decision we continue building.
We will emphasize the examples and teachings of working class leaders like Lázaro Peña González, Jesús Menéndez Larrondo, José María Pérez, and Alfredo López, among others who identify different trade unions and represent the highest values of our workers.
We reaffirm the support of Cuba's working class to the sister peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, impacted by the right wing offensive sustained by huge media campaigns meant to destabilize progressive governments, in particular that of the threatened Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, intent upon defending its sovereignty and self- determination.
Through different social organizations, we will continue to participate in the battle for political, economic, social, and cultural integration of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).
Once again we express our solidarity with trade union organizations which around the world struggle for the recognition of the legitimate rights of workers, facing the hegemonic power of their employers and the ever-present exploitation of capitalist regimes and their neoliberal policies.
Working men and women of Cuba:
This May Day, we will give another resounding demonstration of the indestructible unity of our heroic people; with our Party and Revolution we reiterate the commitment assumed by workers to the revolution's works, and will once again show the world our capacity for struggle and our firm conviction that we will always reach victory.
Long live International Workers' Day!
Long live Fidel and Raúl!
Onward to victory, always!
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apardavila · 6 years
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A statue of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, initiator of the Cuban wars of independence, in the Plaza de Armas, Havana's oldest plaza.
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keywestlou · 3 years
Key West continues to be home to writers. It has always been. Still is. Will be in the future. Something unending about the attraction writers have for the Keys.
Even the young are involved.
Books & Books at the Studios of Key West is sponsoring an event saturday October 14 titled the Great Works Speaking Competition. The theme is to “bring the written words of life through the power of reading and performance.”
Performance is the key word.
Participating Key West and Lower Keys high school students will each select a written work by a Key West author to read. The reading will be nuance based. The students will add facial expression and body language to the readings. Thereby adding additional life to the written words.
Prize money substantial. The highest scoring student will receive $750. Second place, $500. Third place, $250.
Each participant will receive a Letter of Recognition and a line on their college resume.
The door to enter has not yet closed. Telephone 305-320-0208 for particulars. Visitors welcome.
The event is made possible through the generous donation of Key West snowbirds Fred and Joanne Klein.
Trump started the bleach ingestion remedy to combat coronavirus. It did not go far in the U.S., though some did try and became sick.
Bleach as a remedy has been silent for quite a while. Till now. It has reappeared in Bolivia.
Yes, doctors are injecting bleach to treat COVID in Bolivia.
Somehow bleach got successfully peddled as a “preventive” and “cure.” The belief in bleach is also spreading through Latin America.
Bleach has found legitimacy. Many doctors/clinics sponsor and provide the bleach remedy. Including hospitals.
The bleach composition is a mixture of chlorine dioxide (a bleach used to disinfect swimming pools and floors) and saline. A 12 hour drip is required.
In addition to being used intravenously, it also comes in spray form.
The Bolivian government supports its use as an alternative treatment for COVID.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Pan Am Health Organization are both opposed to its use.  The organizations have listed all kinds of problems, including death.
Epidemiologists in Bolivia are against the use of bleach. They attribute the bleach’s popularity to Bolivian people looking for easy solutions.
Epidemiologist Rene Soria Saucedo said, “We have enough on our plate with COVID alone, but now we are seeing even more complicated cases because people have consumed chlorine dioxide. It’s a burden on the health system that’s not manageable in this country.”
There are those who require organ transplants. Not all have been vaccinated. Those not vaccinated have placed themselves in the same position as those who were working and refused. Get vaccinated or you’re out of a job! Re those awaiting transplants, get vaccinated or you are off the waiting list.
The problem is occurring across the U.S.
The reason therefore simple. Even more compelling than the worker who refused to be vaccinated. All transplanted organ recipients are required to take immunosuppression drugs to prevent their bodies from rejecting the new organ as foreign. The problem is immune suppression drugs also make recipients highly susceptible to becoming infected  with coronavirus. The increased risk of dying is 20-30 percent.
William Healy turned 50 this week in 1856.
Maria Gutsens was Matron of Mercedes Hospital in Key West for 23 years. On this day in 1934, she received the Cross of the Order of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, the highest honor given by the Cuban government.
Maria remains well known even today.
The former hospital is on Virginia Street. It is an apartment complex today. Many who have stayed at the apartment complex over the years claim they were awakened in the middle of the night by a strange happening. A nurse was standing by their bed holding a hand or touching their foreheads. Most so touched were sick.
Upon awakening, the “ghost” disappeared. It is believed the nurse is Maria’s ghost.
I came across an interesting line concerning Facebook’s 7 hour outage earlier in the week: “The day Facebook went dark.”
A good title for a book.
I am beginning to think Texas may be the future of America.
Texas is the second most populace state in the U.S. Frank Bruni in a recent New York Times opinion piece wrote, Texas “has become a provocative theater of performative defiance and a laboratory for imposing the will of the minority on the majority.”
Steven Pedigo in another New York Times opinion piece viewed Republican Party representatives a small minority in Texas. Lacking in numbers to even qualify as a majority of Texas Republicans.
Re the elected representatives, Pedigo wrote they are “backward looking, exclude huge swaths of Texas’ citizenry and run against the grain of many of its new stakeholders’ values.”
Texas is representative of the “new” Republican Party. Those who have been elected as Republicans. Laws recently passed and lawsuits arising suggest to me Texas may be where a for real revolution could begin. One similar to but harsher and longer enduring than the insurrection of January 6.
Street demonstrations will swiftly turn into shooting and knifing confrontations.
One motivation to revolt is the lack of stability. The new Texas abortion law a perfect example.
A law passed that does not make sense and should not have been. A federal lawsuit was immediately brought opposing the new law. A detailed court decision recognizing all the wrongs inherent in the law came down within a few days.
A very few days later, a 3 judge appellate court reversed the injunction by the lower court and reimposed the full force and effect of the original law.
The 3 judge appellate panel is of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The next step will be for the entire Fifth Circuit Court to hear the case. I assume it will be swift and a decision forthcoming in 2 weeks.
Then regardless who wins at that level, the next step will be the U.S. Supreme Court. The place where several Justices has been champing at the bit to reverse Roe v. Wade.
My concern is the instability of the law. The abortion case has been through 3 steps of litigation in less than 10 days. Each time the court reversing the lower decision.
People cannot live with such instability.
They also cannot live where it is obvious what the final decision will be and the adverse effect it will have on most of them.
It is almost guaranteed the full Fifth Circuit will uphold the Texas law. It is the most conservative circuit court in the U.S. A total of 16 judges. Five Trump appointees.
My sense is many elected Republicans think the people they represent are stupid. Many ordinary citizens believe the federal court system has been contaminated by far right conservative judges and Trump appointees. Many of today’s judges don’t care what the people think. They are only concerned with how to word and approach their decisions to reach the result desired.
The United States cannot sustain itself with such leadership.
We are heading for an abyss.
Enjoy your day!
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antoniodatsch · 4 years
A Ordem Carlos Manuel de Céspedes foi entregue nesta sexta-feira ao líder brasileiro Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, durante a sessão de abertura do Congresso do Partido dos Trabalhadores do Brasil. Segundo o decreto, lido pelo embaixador Rolando Gómez, responsável pelos negócios cubanos no Brasil, entre os motivos para sua concessão estão a trajetória pessoal, sindical e política de Lula, as lutas que ele enfrentou em favor dos trabalhadores, pela paz e pela justiça; sua amizade significativa, carinhosa e comprovada com Cuba, sua Revolução e seu líder histórico; por combater o bloqueio, o isolamento regional de nosso país, promover a cooperação e o investimento brasileiro na ilha e defender nossa luta contra o terrorismo e o direito de nosso povo à sua autodeterminação. A Ordem Carlos Manuel de Céspedes é concedida a cidadãos cubanos e estrangeiros, chefes de estado ou de governo que se destacam na luta pela libertação nacional dos povos, pela amizade demonstrada à Revolução Cubana ou pelo prestígio internacional conquistado nas lutas políticas, sociais ou econômicas em favor do povo ou por valiosas contribuições para a consolidação da paz e da convivência pacífica. Minutos antes de entregar a ordem, Ángel Arzuaga, vice-chefe do Departamento de Relações Internacionais do Comitê Central do PC cubano, deu ao líder brasileiro uma imagem que representa os mais de dois milhões de assinaturas, colhidas em duas semanas entre o povo cubano, em documento que exigia sua libertação imediata. “O povo de Cuba está com o presidente Lula, porque ele é um homem digno e inocente”, disse Arzuaga, enquanto todos na sala entoavam: Cuba sim! Ianques, não! Viva Cuba e a Revolução!”   https://nocaute.blog.br/2019/11/23/cuba-concede-a-lula-a-ordem-carlos-manuel-de-cespedes/
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