#Can you tell my doctor is ignoring me and not refiling my fibromyalgia medicine? im cranky and i feel ill and i feel like i am bruised all
the-trans-dragon · 4 months
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I fucking hate how the pandemic has turned Germs into a fucking political debate. Masking isn't a trend! It's not a social statement! It isn't about fitting into society and being normal and doing what everyone else does!
Pathogens aren't going to go "oh, I was going to infect people but silly me! It's weird to wear masks now, because society decided masks are stupid, so I'll just wait until masks are socially acceptable again before being contagious."
It's a fucking pathogen! It's powered by statistics and the better it is as infecting people, the more people will infect, and it's seriously just a boring viscious circle. It isn't complicated or tricky! It isn't hard to understand!
If you wanna go out and rawdog the air during a viral global pandemic then you're an asshole for not caring about other people; and if you think it's rude for me to ask you to wear a mask then please consider this: it is FAR more rude to fucking risk my health!
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