#Can we talk about this. Because ohmygosh. I'm insane about them.
foxofgondolin · 3 months
rewatching FOTR today and i've somehow never noticed that right at the beginning in the cornfield, sam says his line of "don't you leave him, samwise gamgee. and i don't mean to." but he doesn't say leave, he says lose. don't you lose him, samwise gamgee. i'm probably not the first to notice this but i am going insane. the wording is KILLING me /pos. don't you lose him...
and sam never lost frodo. not physically, not mentally. even when frodo had (or nearly had) lost himself to the ring, sam didn't lose his frodo. sam stayed loyal, sam stayed by his side. sam never left his frodo, nor did he lose his frodo
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
Fan Question: So I asked this question six years ago at Nerd HQ, [Jensen explains what Nerd HQ is and agrees with the fan those were good fun panels] - I asked you from the start of Supernatural to now if you had anything that you could add to your resume. COVID, it's been years, is there any special talents or anything that you think is funny that you could add to your resume?
Jensen: Like 'special skills'? [someone in audience says tap dancing] Yeah, I guess I could add tap dancing. [fans laugh] Didn't ever expect to ... be able to add that but I guess I can now. Um, I don't - yeah, I'll say one that I'm kind of proud of. And I'm only saying this because I've been told I can say this, not because I'm like, 'Yeah! [fakes puffing out chest]'. Fight coordinator - fight choreographer. That literally came from John Koyama who's stunt coordinator of The Boys. We had those - for those who have seen The Boys [audience wooing] - there's some substantial fight sequences and action sequences and that. Because it's such a big show and has the budget, we got to rehearse those for like weeks in advance - which you never get on Supernatural or even Big Sky. Network television's a little different than a streamer. So we got to get in there and like [mimes along as he says] work out the movements and like figure out how we, y'know okay we're gonna do a punch here and then he's gonna grab y'know you and throw you into the wall and stuff. And I just, I just made suggestions because I've done punchy punchy scenes a few times. And I enjoy them. And so after we did - there was a big one in episode six, and the we had another big one in episode eight, and Koyama is a [gestures upwards] highly decorated stunt coordinator and one of the best I've ever worked with. He was like, 'Dude, I feel like I need to give you fight choreographer credit on this show.' And that was one of the biggest compliments I've ever gotten. And it was just like, 'Okay, lemme see that again? Alright.' And my stunt doubles would show us what they had worked out and it was like, 'Okay, what if I like did this [mimes fight movements as he talks] and then rolled into and was like and boom and then the elbow' and he's like, 'Ohmygosh, yeah, I love that, do that!' So it was very - I loved that, one of the great things about doing what I get to do is collaborating and creating with just insanely talented people? I love that. Not just fighting, but like even doing a scene, you know? Jared and I would sit down and we'd always find these little moments that weren't in the script and that just - it's awesome. I love that. So. Yeah, I'll take fight choreographer. Throw that on the 'special skills' list.
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I'm so so sorry I have taken this long to respond. I've been a little out of it and social media has been a little too much the last few days. Thank you for being so patient with me though<3 I really appreciate it!!
I totally agree with you. I think simplicity is beautiful and too overlooked. Something doesn't have to be super complicated and difficult to be enjoyed. Connection with somebody over a shared interest or knowledge is such a fun thing! I absolutely love when it happens from time to time!
OHMYGOSH!! Yes that's so amazing!! You've done so well, I'm so very proud of you!! I'm so excited for Friday! I really hope you like it there!
No but I totally get that. The lights are so much and for why? Like we can all see just fine if you turn a few(or most) of them off. Honestly before working at a coffee place, I didn't really like coffee or how it smelled for anything. But now! I love the smell so much and it's so nice walking into somewhere when they have brewed a fresh pot of coffee. We have the best taste, you're absolutely right lol I think most people are really turned off by matcha, just because of all the negative stuff they have heard about it. But it's so damn good. You just have to find the right combination with it, is all.
It's definitely helped that I've had a while to think it through. I used to have a lot of anger towards that place but being angry at them isn't going to change what happened there. So might as well turn it into something else. But thank you!! You really are so sweet:))))
I'm so glad my job had helped with my social abilities. Although I love being alone most of the time, it's taken a toll on me. So it's nice, sometimes, to be able to talk to so many people. Though, as honestly this might just be me and my own problems, some days I have to remind myself that most of the people I work with care about what I have to say. And that they want to talk with me and listen to me. I don't know, I just have to remind myself some days.
No I haven't looked at those but I absolutely will now!!! Seeing professional photographs of space is such a wonderful thing. I feel so honored to be able to see them. I absolutely think there is other people out there. I think that it's incredibly narcissistic of humanity to think that we are the only ones out here. Though on the long list of specie's in our galaxy and others, we are not even close to being at the top. I'd actually argue that we are at the bottom. My favourite planet has got to be Saturn! And I have always have a love for Pluto. Though I think it deserves it's planet status back>:( I also think that we should have more respect for space. Like we have left so much junk out there, in our orbit and outside of it. So much shit out there littering the beautiful thing that we call space. But what do you think? Do you have a favourite planet or star? Do you have any other options on space? I'd love to hear them!!
Oh awesome! I love getting into a great book without even meaning too! I love getting to know the characters and starting to see them more like friends and less like made us people on the pages. I don't know that might just be me though lol I'm happy to hear you like it so much!
I'm so happy that you love our conversations as much as I do!!! You're so sweet and such a great person to talk to. I think you're so cool and I'm honored to get to know you<33:)
Honestly I have so many songs that I like right now, but I've been getting back into some of Rihanna's stuff and some of Selena Gomez's songs as well. I've also been listening to alot of Sleep Token too. I love music so much and I think I would probably do insane or die without it lol
I'm doing a lot better today. Thank you!! Again I'm so sorry for taking so long to respond. Everything as been a bit too much recently so I just of ghosted all my social media for a bit there.
How are you doing though? How has your day been? I hope the ending to your book isn't that bad but sometimes sad endings can be really nice. I hope you have day a good and successful day!! Thank you for being so patient with me<33:'))
Please don’t apologise, I completely understand. You can take all the time you need to respond, as long as you’re taking care of yourself! :) <33 I do hope you feel better soon, and if you need someone to listen or someone to talk to, I'm here if you need.
One of my favourite simply things is light beams. Especially when there's smoke in the air. They're beautiful. I love when you can put your hand in front of them and watch as the light slips through your fingers and dances across your skin. You're right, the simpleness of things is far too overlooked and criminally underrated. I feel we overlook true human connection too. Just being in a moment with someone, knowing and embracing that. I find you don't get that much any more, or I don't, I don't know. This paragraph got sad - Moving on!
Stopp- I'll cry, you're so lovely. You're too sweet to me! Thank youuuu!!! :) I'm also excited, and I really hope I like it too. <3
Right! It's blinding! I tell you who'd like it. Moths. (That's my lame attempt at humour.) - The smell of coffee is like a warm hug, or what I'd imagine a comfortable hug would feel like. It's so pleasant. But I can definitely see why at first you wouldn't like it. As I Brit I was more accustomed to the smell of tea lmao. Now I prefer the smell of coffee. :) - I agree! I drink it in tea form also, and my aunt always gives me looks because of it. It's an acquired taste, sure, but there are so many ways to have it!
That's such a healthy mindset!! You're so admirable. I agree thinking through, around, over and under things really helps you grab all outlooks and process things in a healthier way. :) You're killing me with these compliments, by the way!
I'm happy working there has helped you socially! I think reminding yourself is great. It kinda slows the part of your brain telling you otherwise. It disrupts the thought and replaces it. :) Though, anyone who's ever told you such things clearly can't see how intelligent and cool you are to converse with. Therefore, they don't deserve to engage with you because you deserve so much better. I love reading what you have to say! You're fucking awesome, and you make really good points in conversations. What you have to say matters. You matter! <3 :)
Your brain and your opinions! Ah! I love them!! I love that Jupiter is your favourite planet. :) In our solar system; I love Neptune. I think it's stunning. Not that the others aren't- I just really like Neptune. It would be Pluto, though. I love that little dude. It's most definitely should get its states back. How rude of us to just do that to him. :( - Honestly, when I first saw how much we just let float away in space, I was shocked. These are massive piece of artificial machinery just floating about. Space certainly deserves more respect! You'd think we'd learn from our actions here on the thing that holds us. Furthermore, if any of the bigger chunks collied with operating equipment, it'll create even bigger issues! - I really like Nebulas. Of all kinds, especially the ones where they're so big they create stars as the other die off. The Cosmic Cliffs actually are one of the biggest we know of that is basically a birthing place for new stars. The dust clouds are so dense they just keep forming. I'd love to see that in inferred. It'd be cool to see what galaxy's lay within in it or beyond it. Damn- I'm writing a lot lmao, sorry. I also agree that it's arrogant to think we are the only ones. I'd love to be alive when we find even a plant on another planet. Space is endless possibilities, and that's both scary and comforting. I like actually talking about it, too! This is extremely cool. Thank you! :)
No, I totally get what you mean! I took me less than a few pages to feel like I was somehow there and understanding the characters with great depth. It's truly a magnificent thing to get lost within a book. Sometimes it doesn't even seem like a book any more, just a wonderland in your mind. What kind of books do you like? Are you currently reading anything?
Ok, now I am blushing, god damn! You're too nice to me- I'm honoured to get to know you! You're so fucking lovely and kind! You're extremely cool and you have a wonderful mind. You're absolutely lovely to talk too. :) <33
Rihanna is like a god to me and has been since the Please don't stop the music video dropped on MTV. Little me was hypnotised! I also like Selena Gomez. Oddly, though, I never acknowledge that I'm a fan of hers. Sleep Token is a dope ass name- What kind of music do they make? Do you have any favourites of theirs? I love finding new music, so any suggestions of yours I'll listen too. Clearly you have great taste! - I feel the same lmao.
I'm so happy to hear you've been doing better today! And again, please don't apologise. As much as I love our conversations, which is an awful lot, I can wait for a response, I promise. You have to look after yourself first! <33
I don't actually know, I've been swinging between emotions. Today was a bit slow- I chilled with my dogs all morning watching crime documentaries. My family came around for the first time in two weeks, and it was just sad. Or I was? I don't know, but it snowed! I feel like I'm in a Tim Burton movie and I find that super cool! Thank you for asking, by the way. I really appreciate it. :)
How were you today??? And how was your day?? I hope it went well and that you're feeling better! You can take all the time in the world to respond, please never feel pressured to respond. I'd rather you be ok. <33
(It also dawned on me earlier that I don't actual know your name… which is like a tad awkward to bring up right now, but I digress. I've literally just been referring to you as Ray or Raz in my brain. I just wanted to ask instead of assuming. If it helps, I go by Rj, which I think I told you already. I don't know, I feel awkward now. Please don't hate me, Ok byeeeeee ) <3
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thatmotleygirl · 3 years
Being a serial binger, I'm never really astounded by my ability to consume content or the fact that I sometimes watch an entire season or more in a day.
That being said, I FINISHED 9 EPISODES Y'ALL !!!!!
Suffice to say, Home WRECKED ME and I might need a tiny lil break. Just till I pick up the pieces of my shattered soul and piece it back together.
So I actually took a small break after Phantom traveller, solely because of the below scene
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It's just so.....Dean. My baby deserved more cool badass scenes like this one.
So. Here lie my thoughts (without the writing of which, I will go insane. So sorry y'all. Feel free to scroll on by😅).
1x05- Bloody Mary
Dean smashing the mirror. *Chef kiss*
Dean Winchester is the goodest brother
Dean says Sammy and my heart goes bloop
600 YEAS OF BAD LUCK? Boy you have no idea
Ohmygosh. Soft. Pillowy lips
1x03- Skin
Shape shifter bby Dean. so hot
Tucumcari (he just looked so adorable saying that)
Sammy said "Big brother" 🥺
Dean can't say no to Sammy
That eye CGI tho
I've missed them doing research and detective work. Lil fetuses racking their Brains.
Grumpy sleep deprived Dean. But also, so smart 💙
Sammy is so smol
Dean saying "Son of a Bitch"🥺
I see a throwing star. I cry. Those be the rules from now on😭😭😭😭
"I know I'm a freak. And sooner or later everybody is gonna leave me" 💀
Okay Shapeshifter!Dean saying all that Dean want's is for someone to love him, is just 💔
See Dean! Shapeshifter framing you, Warrant out for your arrest, stepping on a puddle! I told you not to break the mirror!
You've been tangled up with the law since 2005. How'd you do anything boi?
1x07- Hook Man
Baby looks so beautiful
Awwww Rock salt bullets. Bby boi so smart
Yes sweetie. You 👏🏼 are 👏🏼 a 👏🏼 genius 👏🏼
I miss foetus Dean
Dean so proud of himself for talking the Sheriff down
Dean honey, parking tickets are meant to be paid
Okay, please tell me that people acknowledge and appreciate Jensen's acting. Especially his facial expressions. Cause this man doesn't need to speak to show what he's thinking!!!
Our first on-screen salt and burn. *Cue nostalgia*
Dean lookin out for Sammy and saying "We could stay"
Just stay. Be happy. Avoid old barns and rebars.
1x08- Bugs
Just need to get through this episode
Dean watches Oprah
Okay it's over
He also loves the shower. Such a smol bean
Dean's face when Sam tells the kid to be happy about leaving his family
1x09- Home
Oh no. This episode is gonna kill me (again)
Dean can never go back home...
Oh no. He made the call to John. Deeeeaannn nuuuuu. *Ugly sobbing*
Oh god that face was heartbreaking
"I carried you through the front door"
You can do this Dean. You're the strongest boi
Baby Sammy has the cutest smile
Hey Missouri! I always liked her!
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Oh. My. Jack. Dean's face when he saw Mary. He was a 4 year old again 💔
That "Mom?", when Mary disappear. Stab me in the gut a couple a times. It'll HURT LESS!!!
So, clearly ^^^THIS^^^ is how I'm coping. I fear for my future self, when she reaches season 3.
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