#Camp St. Mathurin
wernerkraeutler · 11 months
17. Etappe: Laroquebrou - Camps-Saint Mathurin
Beschreibung der 17. Etappe auf der Via Arverna zwischen Clermont-Ferrand und Cahors. Von Laroquebrou nach Camps-Staint Mathurin.
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Les Mis Letters - 1.3.1 - The Year 1817
It’s the chapter that feels like the literary equivalent of “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” so I thought the best summary would be through song…
Restoration, monarchy, and the French Academy  The third book of Les Miserables starts with context  From gibbet to the guillotine, headlines lay the scene  Of 1817 and all that will come next.
Mathurin Bruneau (Not a Louis? Gotta go!)  Berri for Sicily fell, Brugiere is a hot sell  Napoleon is turning green; Louis, Number Eighteen  Picard at the Odeon until the curtain fell.
It’s book three of the novel  We just met Valjean, and now we’re moving on  It’s book three of the novel  Until we meet Fantine, it’s 1817.
Abbé Louis: Finance; Talleyran: Chambellan  Pellegrini, Bigottini, Potier, applause  Lord Byron, Saint-Simon, David d'Angers rock on!  Selves to Egypt goes, Colonel to Pasha.
Madame Saqui goes on tour; Prussians from the last war  Cardinal Fesch won’t give up yet, (a Bonaparte, I’ll bet)  Felicite de La Minais, another Bossuet  Fabvier in Lyon, Civil Code is going strong.
It’s book three of the novel  We just met Valjean, and now we’re moving on  It’s book three of the novel  Until we meet Fantine, it’s 1817.
Divorce gets the sack, Catholic church is coming back  Hotel de Cluny, La Harpe and Thermes  Riverside Conspiracy, Black Pin goes free  Cafe Lembin has their champ, Valois in the Bourbon camp.
Elba to St. Helena, everyone is telling ya  The Meduse quite a mess, Gericault a success  Steamboat (useless thing), fossils and piety  French Academy theme: Happy when you study.
It’s book three of the novel  We just met Valjean, and now we’re moving on  It’s book three of the novel  Until we meet Fantine, it’s 1817.
Paer plays L’Agnese for the Duke of Orleans  Loyson getting old, envy grows bold  Charles Dauton lost his head, Ourika is being read  Blue ribbons, big hems, powdered wigs are out again  Austerlitz is being changed, government is rearranged  Getting over awful weather in our new morocco leather!
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No divorce, you’re stuck with me; traitors land on their feet  General Bourmont, Bonapartist? (or not?)  Pierre-Paul Royer-Collard wants baser to stay small  Gregoire wants in parliament, can’t the man just take a hint?
Two years from the Hundred Days, a few years from the new craze. Flotsam floats confusedly, pell-mell through history Parisians now take the stage, arranging a fine game. Where’s Valjean? Who’s Fantine? Someone say before I scream!
It’s book three of the novel We just met Valjean, and now we’re moving on It’s book three of the novel Back to Jean Valjean As Victor Hugo tangents on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on…
A big thanks to The Siècle Podcast’s research that made this random idea possible:
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canalsart · 3 years
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El 29 d'agost de 2021, farà deu anys de la mor de Josep Grau Garriga. A Canals Galeria d'art recordem el fet amb una exposició. El 29 d’agost de 2011 moria a St. Mathurin Sur Loire l’artista més internacional nascut a Sant Cugat del Vallès, reconegut per la seva aportació en la renovació de del tapís a nivell de tot l’estat, a través de l’Escola Catalana de Tapís de Sant Cugat. Canals-Galeria d’Art vol recordar aquesta efemèride amb una mostra íntima de pintures i dibuixos poc coneguts d’aquest autor, i la relació que va tindre durant la seva vida amb aquesta galeria. Un dels singulars dibuixos que es veuen a l’exposició és un gouache, en blanc i negre, on ell plasma l’actitud de la seva volguda mascota, la gossa Platina. Una altra de les obres dins el seu estil, retrata la seva àvia amb tons foscos i pinzellada vermella, color habitual en els seus treballs, i un marc dins un altre marc, amb la incorporació d’un tornavís, eina contundent que fa referència al caràcter d’aquella àvia formada en terra santcugatenca. Aquesta exposició coincideix amb altres dues que l’artista té a Sant Cugat, una al Claustre i l’altra al Centre Grau Garriga, on el color vermell és protagonista. Aquest espai, molt vinculat amb aquest creador, ha demanat a l’ajuntament de la ciutat que es dediqui una plaça ò una avinguda a Grau Garriga, i també demana que es faci una ruta senyalitzada a la ciutat, dels llocs que ell va pintar i per això n’ha quedat testimoni, posant plaques indicadores, tal i com han fet en d’altres ciutats amb d’altres artistes. Ell va pintar molts indrets de la vila: els seus camps, ponts, masies, etc... Grau-Garriga es va formar a l’Escola Superior de Belles Arts de Barcelona. Ha estat un artista polifacètic elaborant obres de pintura mural, com les realitzades a l’Ermita del Sant Crist del seu poble natal. Ha pintat, ha fet gravat, vitrall, escultura, environaments... Va ser ell qui va introduir la renovació de l’art del tapís, a nivell de tot l’estat espanyol i ho va fer des de l’Antiga Casa Aymat i des de la secció artística que ell va dirigir de 1957 a 1970. Allà, s’hi creà l’Escola Catalana de Tapís de Sant Cugat i allà es duria a terme la renovació de l’art del tapís. A més del seu treball amb matèria tèxtil, les seves creacions també es decanten per l’obra pictòrica, treballant molt collage i l’assemblage, on el tèxtil hi té un paper destacat. Els darrers anys de la seva vida va viure a Saint Mathurin Sur Loire –Angers-,(França). Entre d’altres distincions, el govern francès li atorgà la distinció de Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres i l’any 1985 rebé la distinció Creu de Sant Jordi de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Les seves obres s’han exposat a tot el món i són presents a destacats museus i col·leccions públiques i privades d’arreu del món, principalment d’Europa i dels Estats Units.
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musicksu · 7 years
Student, Faculty, and Staff Accomplishments - August 2017
Judith Beale
Judith Beale presented two two-hour sessions at a Preschool Training Conference on August 4th in Marietta.
Edward Eanes
Edward Eanes was selected as the COTA representative to the KSU Faculty workshop on sustainability in Otzenhausen, Germany.
Kayleen Justus
Played tenor pan on Pan Rocks! album and documentary film project recorded at Ocean Studios, in Burbank, California in May 2017. This most recent Pan Rocks! project was produced by Tracy Thornton and Matt Starr (Mr. Big) and featured drummer Stephen Perkins (Jane’s Addiction, Porno for Pyros, The Panic Chanel), guitarist Tracii Guns (Guns N’ Roses, L.A. Guns, Quiet Riot, Brides of Destruction), and bassist Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big, UFO, The Winery Dogs), as well as two dozen pan players and steel band directors from around the US and Canada. The album and documentary, both of which feature several covers/arrangements of heavy metal classics as well as original tunes by Thornton, are set to release in early 2018.
Traveled to Laborie, St. Lucia from July 8 – 16th to rehearse and compete with the Laborie Steel Band for the 2017 St. Lucia Panorama Competition. Kayleen joined more than 20 other foreign players from throughout the Caribbean and North America who were personally invited to compete with the band. The Laborie Steel Band is directed by Quill Barthelmy, band captain Joshua Mathurin, and arranger Andrius Edwide and is comprised of several dozen Lucian players. The band earned second place in the 2017 Panorama competition on July 14th after performing an arrangement of the 2003 Invader soca tune, “Beh Le Lesh.”
Brian Hecht
Featured Artist at the 2017 Jinbao International Music Festival in Tianjin, China.
Douglas Lindsey
Led the KSU Summer Music Intensive
Attended the International Festival of Collaborators, Composers, and Conductors (IFC3) at Indiana University, PA
Participated in the first annual World Adult Wind Orchestra Project at the Mid-Europe Festival in Schladming, Austria.
Worked as a trumpet tech at the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp - Session 3
Ran two well attended KSU Trumpet camps. 
Laurence Sherr
Sherr was the featured composer on the July 7 Performance Today national radio program. Host Fred Child profiled Sherr’s work, the performance of Sherr’s cello sonata from the Red Lodge Music Festival was broadcast, and Sherr is the pictured musician at the PT website for that show.
Forfest Festival, Kromeriz, Czech Republic
June 18: European premiere of Nocturne for piano
June 19: World premiere of new work for bassoon and cello
June 20 lecture: "International Engagement Through Holocaust Remembrance Events"
Hudební rozhledy, the Czech national music magazine, highlighted Sherr’s participation, and features a photo of him with Czech pianist Sare Medková
July: a dozen broadcasts and YouTube posting of the hour-long AIB TV program produced from Sherr's 2017 KSU concert "Songs Not Silenced: Music Forbidden in the Holocaust.” Featured KSU performers are soprano Jana Young, bass-baritone Oral Moses, and pianist Judy Cole, with commentary by Sherr and David Green, grandson of forbidden composer Ignatz Waghalter.
Late June-July: music research at Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and at Auschwitz camp locations, Poland
Paula Thomas-Lee
Paula Thomas-Lee completed the ORFF Post Level III Masterclass for Orff-Schulwerk Training this summer. 
Debra Traficante
Taught at 4 international Yamaha conferences (1 month) and conducted 2 concerts in Germany, France, and Italy with Yamaha Bläsorchester
Taught 320 high school and college students at Smith Walbridge Drum Major Clinic for 8 days in Charleston, Illinois
Nominated for and won National Outstanding Collegiate Band Director Award, in the name of Paula Crider, for Tau Beta Sigma at the Biennium National Conference
Ben Wadsworth
Presented at the Pedagogy into Practice conference at Lee University in Cleveland, TN on June 2.
Article “Schenkerian Analysis for the Beginner” was accepted for the Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy, and should be in print by September. The article covers the steps toward making an analytical graph, as well as special consideration for teaching Schenker to undergraduates. It originated in my teaching at KSU. I'm appreciative of Stephen's support in helping defray the costs of getting permissions from publishers.
Music Theory Online gave the go-ahead to review an upcoming textbook on Schenker by David Damschroder. This review will still need to pass peer review.
The conference paper, “Perceiving the Mosaic: Form in the Mashups of DJ Earworm,” has been accepted at the Popular Music Interest Group meeting at the Society for Music Theory (Jeff Yunek is the principal author; Simon Needle, a BA Theory major, is the third author). 
The South-Central Society for Music Theory now has a new and improved website (http://www.scsmt.org/conferences/scsmt_2018/2018_cfp/) thanks to the efforts of Trevor Declercq, who teaches at Middle Tennessee State.  
Had a fun time teaching at the SAI. I taught high schoolers how to create their own variations on a tune and harmonic skeleton. Some of them then performed the variations. 
Form and Analysis was offered this summer for the first time. Everyone in the course made it through with at least a B and admitted that they enjoy summer classes.
Spent a lot of time in May (and now in August) substituting for different organists and choir directors. An especially enjoyable church to play at was St. Luke’s Presbyterian church in Dunwoody.
Jeff Yunek
This summer, Jeff spent three weeks in Moscow studying Scriabin’s manuscripts and compositional notebooks at the Glinka Museum of Music’s archives and teaching a summer abroad course on Russian music.
In conjunction with Ben Wadsworth and Simon Needle (KSU student), my research on form in the mashups of DJ Earworm was accepted to both a national and international conference (Society for Music Theory and Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie respectively).
A separate, musicology-focused paper on mashups was accepted for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for American Music. 
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canalsart · 3 years
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Demanem una plaça per Grau Garriga al complir deu anys de la seva mor. El 29 d’agost de 2011 moria a St. Mathurin Sur Loire l’artista més internacional nascut a Sant Cugat del Vallès, reconegut per la seva aportació en la renovació de del tapís a nivell de tot l’estat, a través de l’Escola Catalana de Tapís. Sant Cugat, 1929 – Saint Mathurin Sur Loire agost 2011. Aquest espai, molt vinculat amb aquest creador, ha demanat a l’ajuntament de la ciutat que es dediqui una plaça ò una avinguda a Grau Garriga, i també demana que es faci una ruta senyalitzada a la ciutat, dels llocs que ell va pintar i per això n’ha quedat testimoni, posant plaques indicadores, tal i com han fet en d’altres ciutats amb d’altres artistes. Ell va pintar molts indrets de la vila: els seus camps, ponts, masies, etc...
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