paraparaparadigm · 1 year
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agbpaints · 6 months
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With a couple very Liao mechs added to my collection recently, I've decided to go and start building myself a force of Capellans. With some vindicators, combat vehicles, and battle armor sorted I started digging around for some more CCAF designs to round out an augmented company. Then I remembered the Men Shen.
Don't let TRO:3060's janky visuals fool you, this walking gym shoe is one of the most technically advanced 'mechs the inner sphere built up to its intro date, Hellespont Industrials and the Confederation's Ministry of Appropriations spared no expense when they outfitted their first domestically designed omnimech. The 'mech is built around the heart and bones of a Magna 330 XL fusion engine seemingly designed expressly for the Men Shen and a 55 ton endo steel frame, with a normal top speed of nearly 100 kph, augmented up to 130 kph in short bursts by the 'mech's integral myomer accelerator signal circuits. This speed is paired with a thick skin, with the mech mounting 11 tons of standard armor, more than 95% the chassis possible total protection and enough for every component except the arms and head to take an AC/20 shot without internal damage. The mech carries 10 double heat sinks and an active probe fixed to the chassis, with the remaining 17 tons available as pod space.
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The Men Shen MS1-O mounts a single LRM-15 with an attached Artemis IV fire control unit in its torso and a pair of medium pulse lasers in each arm. Intended as an all range skirmisher, the Prime configuration can leverage its speed to keep the range open while harassing with its missiles before driving in to deliver a finish off foes or pick appart scouts and picket mechs with its quartet of lasers. While the endurance of the LRM is somewhat questionable given it only comes with a single ton of ammunition, the speed at which the MS1-O depletes its missiles is probably a good thing given the XL engine and lack of CASE.
The Men Shen's alternate configurations fall into roughly three groups- either serving as remixes of the Prime's role, specializing in hunting non-mechs in a combined arms environment, or working as medium range strikers and forward operating units.
The Delta and Golf are Prime lookalikes, pairing a long range weapon (an ERPPC and a TSEMP cannon, respectively) with a payload of pulse lasers and SRMs to harass and disable mechs at long range before closing for a finishing blow. Unlike the Prime, these designs lack minimum ranges on their weapons, but the heat build of a full alpha strike is risky enough to a mech without jump jets that both designs effectively work as bracket fire machines.
The Beta and Echo configurations are combined arms killers, packing specialized ballistic weapons in their arms supported by a more generalized torso loadout. In the Beta's case this is a pair of LB2-X autocannons supported by a quartet of ER medium lasers, effectively making it a fast, high tech version if the BJ-1 Blackjack and ideal for hunting VTOL and aerospace assets with its flack guns. This configuration is also possibly the very first inner sphere mech to mount the LB2-X autocannon despite it supposedly being invented in Davion space. Chalk one up for the Maskirovka. Where the Beta makes helicopter pilots sweat, the Echo is an infantryman's nightmare demon. It mounts 8 light machine guns arranged into two arm mounted machine gun arrays, supported by a plasma rifle and 2 medium lasers in the torso. On average this thing will brrrrt an entire platoon of inner sphere ground pounders to mulch with every trigger pull, and the crit seeking/random heat mean it's not too much of a slouch in mech combat either. The 4 tons of ammunition does mean it is worryingly explosive, though.
Finally the Alfa, Charlie, and Foxtrot are the mid range strikers. The Alfa pairs a trio of ER Medium Lasers with an LB 10-X autocannon to deliver a decent ammount of firepower at close and medium ranges, backed up by a TAG laser designator to call in artillery and LRM strikes from the rest of your force. The Charlie and Foxtrot are very much like each other, using pairs of accurate, high damage energy weapons to make for any light mech's worst day. The Charlie chooses a pair of large pulse lasers supported by a Guardian ECM suite and an ER small laser to hunt things like Locusts and Striders while shutting down enemy electronics such as C3 spotters. The Foxtrot swaps the pulse lasers for a pair of snub nosed PPCs linked to a targetting computer to wreak havoc with its disgustingly long short range (270 meters!) and brings a TAG to make sure Marty the Arty will lay low anything its particle cannons can't. The Charlie and Foxtrot's placement of their main guns in the arms also makes them the best versions of the chassis to carry battle armor into fights with.
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The Men Shen is best deployed as a 'cruiser' of battlemechs- calable of outfighting anything it can't outrun and outrunning anything that outguns it fairly easily. It will likely operate best at the front of formations to scout and probe the line of battle until the main battleline of mechs arrives, at which point it shifts to outflanking and finishing off wounded units.
Despite its durability, speed, and weapons options, the Men Shen isn't without flaws- the lack of jump jets mean that it can easily get bogged down in cities or other rough terrain and while it's speed and thick armor mean it can tough through some pretty heavy shots, the XL engine means that it won't survive drag out fights for particularly long. The cost is also fairly prohibitive- while most variants run between 1400 and 1700 BV, the MS1-O is a whopping 16.6 million c-bills. For the same price, you could by an entire company of urbanmechs, or a full lance of Vindicator 3L's. This price and the operational fragility of an XL engine paired with unCASEed ammo will likely make campaign commanders balk and relegate the design (like many omnis) to hangar queen status. As a player of mostly pickup games, though, it's a design I'm excited to run
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criptofanatico · 3 years
Estados Unidos reclama la corona del minado de Bitcoin
Los Estados Unidos de América (USA) se han convertido en el líder mundial del minado  de Bitcoin, la mayor de las criptomonedas, luego de la lucha en contra de las mismas llevada a cabo en la industria por parte de China, según afirmaciones del Centro Cambridge para las Finanzas Alternativas (CCAF, por sus siglas en inglés).
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Los últimos datos revelan que USA contabilizó el 35.4% del poder de minado global a finales de agosto de este año, doblando de esta manera el 16.8% que poseía a finales de abril. Kazajstán  y Rusia le siguen con un 18.1% y 11% respectivamente, por encima del 8.2% y 6.8% que ostentaban en abril. La parte de China ha efectivamente caído a cero según los datos de la CCAF, luego del mandato gubernamental que prohíbe el minado en ese país.
Mientras que el efecto inmediato de la prohibición de las autoridades chinas fue un descenso global del 38% del poder de minado en junio, hubo un rebote del 20% en julio y agosto, lo que sugiere que las personas y entidades que ejecutaban sus operaciones de minado en el gigante asiático, han logrado exitosamente reinstalar los equipos fuera de las fronteras del mismo.
Donde el control de China en la industria del minado vio hacer un pico por encima del 75% en septiembre de 2019, la tendencia inmediata sugiere que no existe un ganador claro. La prohibición contra las criptodivisas llevada a cabo por las entidades regulatorias en dicho país ha hecho que las firmas tomen conciencia de la necesidad de dividir sus operaciones en vez de centralizarlas en un solo lugar.
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yum-zlurplie · 3 months
i let my mum breed a dog lmao, absolute BEAST
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nietp · 7 months
4 octobre 2023 | Par Mathieu Dejean
Alors que la gauche a noué des liens historiques avec la cause arménienne, son soutien au Haut-Karabagh s’est fait plus discret et tardif que celui de la droite, qui instrumentalise la situation au profit de la théorie du choc des civilisations. 
Le désarroi, la peine et une colère sourde. Ces sentiments mêlés animent les personnes issues de la diaspora arménienne et leurs soutiens depuis l’offensive éclair de l’armée azerbaïdjanaise dans le Haut-Karabagh le 19 septembre. Face à cette épuration ethnique comparable à un « génocide sans fin », selon les mots de l’historien Vincent Duclert, le constat d’une désaffection politique de la gauche se surajoute : « La situation, c’est que la gauche est timide dans sa réaction, malgré le fait que c’est une épuration ethnique », résume le sociologue Razmig Keucheyan, proche de La France insoumise (LFI).
Le philosophe Pierre Tevanian abonde dans ce sens au moyen d’une question lancinante : « Pourquoi la gauche n’a-t-elle pas répondu, ni formellement ni par un changement de ligne, alors qu’on alerte dans le désert depuis au moins trois ans ? » En 2020, après la guerre lancée par l’Azerbaïdjan contre les Arméniens du Haut-Karabagh, il cosignait une tribune dénonçant le « silence de la gauche occidentale ». Il se désole aujourd’hui du peu d’impact qu’elle a eu : « S’il y a ce faible écho, c’est que les relais dans les partis, les syndicats et dans le mouvement social anti-impérialiste manquent cruellement. Ce sont eux qui font que, par moments, un soutien populaire arrive à se faire entendre. »
La solidarité avec le peuple arménien fait pourtant partie de l’histoire longue de la gauche. Aujourd’hui encore, des socialistes citent le discours de Jean Jaurès à l’Assemblée nationale en 1886, dans lequel il dénonçait déjà une « guerre d’extermination » contre les Arméniens. Ils omettent toutefois de rappeler que sa position était, déjà, loin de faire consensus : « S’il était aussi éloquent, c’est qu’il se heurtait à une realpolitik majoritaire dans les rangs de la droite et de la gauche de l’époque. Le point de vue adverse était dominant dans la grande presse », pointe Pierre Tevanian.
Une femme tient un drapeau arménien lors d'un rassemblement appelant à la paix, organisé par le CCAF (Conseil de coordination des organisations arméniennes de France) à Paris, le 15 septembre 2022. © Photo AFP
L’histoire du Parti communiste français (PCF) a aussi été marquée par le sacrifice du résistant Missak Manouchian, dont le groupe des Francs-tireurs et partisans – celui dépeint par la fameuse « Affiche rouge » – a été exécuté en 1944. Le cinéaste Robert Guédiguian, soutien indéfectible de la cause arménienne, en a tiré le film L’Armée du crime en 2009 : « On vénérait L’Affiche rouge quand j’étais petit. Avant le poème d’Aragon, avant la chanson de Ferré, avant mon film, les gens les plus au courant étaient les militants du PCF », note-t-il. Le PCF a d’ailleurs reconnu la République de l’Artsakh (Haut-Karabagh) en 2019, et préconise la protection de la population arménienne dans la région.
L’affinité entre l’idée de gauche et la cause arménienne s’est encore renforcée dans la foulée du cinquantenaire du génocide arménien, en 1965, qui a coïncidé avec l’ébullition pré-Mai-68. « Ce contexte socio-historique explique que les partis de gauche ont, beaucoup plus que la droite, accompagné les revendications arméniennes, explique Pierre Tevanian. Il y avait un mouvement social fort, une gauche dans l’opposition mais en expansion, et qui essayait par tous les moyens de se connecter aux mouvements sociaux. En 1981, Mitterrand est porteur des revendications des groupes dominés. »
L'« affiche rouge »
Dans les principaux foyers d’implantation de la diaspora arménienne – l’axe Paris-Rhône-Alpes-Bouches-du-Rhône, avec un crochet par Alfortville (Val-de-Marne) –, les collectivités territoriales socialistes ou communistes ont ainsi tissé des liens durables. En 2012, François Hollande avait tenu un meeting commun à Alfortville avec la Fédération révolutionnaire arménienne (membre de l’Internationale socialiste), qui appelait la communauté arménienne à se mobiliser pour lui.
Une défaite métapolitique
Pourtant le réveil de la gauche sur la situation dans le Haut-Karabagh, indépendamment de quelques individualités, a été timoré et tardif, au point de désespérer des membres de la diaspora. « On le ressent comme une vraie injustice, réagit ainsi Loris Toufanian, militant du mouvement Charjoum, en faveur des luttes d’émancipation arméniennes. Quand on prend une seconde de recul, il s’agit d’un peuple qui décrète son indépendance, qui s’affranchit de la domination coloniale du panturquisme, c’est le programme de la gauche depuis 150 ans, et pourtant, a-t-on vu en nombre des organisations de gauche dire : “Vive la résistance arménienne”, ou “panturquisme = fascisme” ? Non. » 
Pour expliquer ce délitement, beaucoup constatent d’abord une défaite métapolitique : la droite et l’extrême droite se sont emparées du sujet et bénéficient d’une plus grande couverture médiatique. « À longueur de journée, la défense des chrétiens d’Orient est instrumentalisée sur CNews à des fins de politiques internes à la France – l’opposition entre les bons immigrés intégrés chrétiens et les autres », analyse Razmig Keucheyan.
« L’extrême droite transpose dans le Caucase des questions qu’elle veut mettre à l’agenda en France », abonde la sociologue Marie Sonnette-Manouguian, ce qui explique que le sujet soit potentiellement devenu « radioactif » pour une partie de la gauche. « Le moteur du conflit est pourtant impérialiste : c’est l’expansion turque au détriment des peuples les plus faibles. En ce sens, ça devrait être porté par la gauche », ajoute-t-elle. 
Les mots de la droite et de l’extrême droite déterminent en effet fortement le débat public, participant ainsi à la marginalisation de la gauche. « Depuis 2019, au Sénat, on s’est entendu, on a fait deux résolutions, posé deux questions au gouvernement, mais comment faire partager un point de vue aux médias sur ce que nous disaient les Arméniens ? », s’interroge, impuissant, le sénateur socialiste Gilbert-Luc Devinaz, président du groupe d’amitié France-Arménie, ​​qui admet marcher sur des œufs lorsqu’il doit signer des textes en commun avec le sénateur Les Républicains Bruno Retailleau sur cette question. 
L’internationalisme n’est pas toujours une évidence comme il l’était pour des générations plus anciennes.
Clémentine Autain, députée LFI
La députée de La France insoumise (LFI) Clémentine Autain, qui fait partie des personnalités engagées sur le sujet, le constate aussi : « Il y a deux visions qui s’affrontent dans la défense du peuple arménien. Une vision de choc des civilisations promue par l’extrême droite et une vision humaniste reposant sur les principes du droit international. Il faudrait que notre voix recouvre la leur. » 
Encore faut-il pour cela que les directions d’organisations s’en emparent et fassent du bruit médiatique en dépit des vents hostiles. Jusqu’à présent, des personnalités ont pris position. L’eurodéputée écologiste Marie Toussaint plaide ainsi pour « des sanctions économiques et commerciales à l’égard d’Aliyev » : « On l’a fait pour la Russie, on peut le faire pour l’Azerbaïdjan. Si on veut être cohérent, il faut dénoncer l’accord gazier et envoyer des observateurs européens sur le sol arménien », détaille-t-elle, regrettant « une forme de reddition de l’Union européenne ».
La sénatrice socialiste du Val-de-Marne Laurence Rossignol défend, elle, la création d’un « comité de soutien exigeant la libération des prisonniers politiques » et l’envoi de fonds à l’Arménie pour l’aider à accueillir les 100 000 réfugié·es.
Des réfugiées à Kornidzor, première ville arménienne après la frontière, le 24 septembre 2023. © Photo Alex Lourie / REDUX via REA
Mais les partis de gauche eux-mêmes se sont souvent contentés de communiqués et de rassemblements tardifs qui n’ont rencontré qu’un faible écho. L’action de la maire socialiste de Paris, Anne Hidalgo, qui a projeté un documentaire le 3 octobre au Conseil de Paris, décryptant l’influence de l’Azerbaïdjan en Europe – La Caviar connection –, pointant au passage l’implication de son adversaire Rachida Dati comme relais d’influence de Bakou, a détonné dans ce paysage. De même que le déplacement en Arménie du député insoumis Sébastien Delogu (dont le père est d’origine arménienne), d’où il a dénoncé un soutien « trop timide et trop tardif » de la France.
Et si Jean-Luc Mélenchon a condamné sur X le 7 septembre le « blocus criminel infligé aux Arméniens du Haut-Karabakh », puis a réagi à l’agression azérie « en vue d’un nettoyage ethnique » le 19 septembre – tout comme le groupe parlementaire LFI –, l’action de solidarité envers les Arméniens reste limitée. L’affaiblissement numérique des vieux partis de gauche, PS et PCF, où le soutien aux Arméniens est le plus ancré historiquement, n’aide pas à l’extension de la mobilisation.
« D’une manière globale, je trouve que l’international est de moins en moins présent dans les discours de gauche. Chez les jeunes générations, l’internationalisme n’est pas toujours une évidence comme il l’était pour des générations plus anciennes », analyse Clémentine Autain.
À lire aussiAu Haut-Karabagh, « une entreprise de destruction humaine »
« Dans les années 1970-1980, les Arméniens pouvaient être perçus à gauche comme un cas particulier de lutte anticoloniale, au même titre que les Kurdes. Cet imaginaire anti-impérialiste, tiers-mondiste, de lutte de libération, s’est affaibli à gauche. Les Arméniens ont fait les frais de cet affaiblissement », analyse Razmig Keucheyan. « La gauche française est très franco-française, il n’y a pas d’exception arménienne. On bute sur le fait que la France en général et la gauche en particulier n’est pas universaliste dans les faits, dans la manière de distribuer ses engagements », juge aussi Pierre Tevanian. 
Tout cela participe à instaurer un sentiment de manque de la part de la gauche. Ce sentiment taraude Robert Guédiguian, qui voit l’extrême droite monter au créneau : « J’ai du mal à côtoyer dans ce combat-là Zemmour, Pécresse et Wauquiez, trois personnes qui se sont rendues là-bas », relate le cinéaste. « Ce n’est pas une fatalité. Il faut créer de la confiance, des idées partagées. Ce n’est pas une guerre des civilisations. Les Arméniens veulent vivre en paix, et pas être la pointe avancée des croisades de Philippe de Villiers, Jean-Christophe Buisson et Sylvain Tesson », conclut Razmig Keucheyan. 
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Depuis le 7 janvier 2023 notre confrère et ami Mortaza Behboudi est emprisonné en Afghanistan, dans les prisons talibanes.
Nous ne l’oublions pas et réclamons sa libération.
En savoir plus
Au Haut-Karabagh, « une entreprise de destruction humaine »Par Joseph Confavreux
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lonestarflight · 1 year
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Saturn I (SA-4) lifted off from Kennedy Space Center launch Complex 34.
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"The fourth launch of Saturn launch vehicles developed at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), under the direction of Dr. Wernher von Braun, incorporated a Saturn I, Block I engine. The typical height of a Block I vehicle was approximately 163 feet and had only one live stage. It consisted of eight tanks, each 70 inches in diameter, clustered around a central tank, 105 inches in diameter. Four of the external tanks were fuel tanks for the RP-1 (kerosene) fuel. The other four, spaced alternately with the fuel tanks, were liquid oxygen tanks as was the large center tank. All fuel tanks and liquid oxygen tanks drained at the same rates respectively. The thrust for the stage came from eight H-1 engines, each producing a thrust of 165,000 pounds, for a total thrust of over 1,300,000 pounds. The engines were arranged in a double pattern. Four engines, located inboard, were fixed in a square pattern around the stage axis and canted outward slightly, while the remaining four engines were located outboard in a larger square pattern offset 40 degrees from the inner pattern. Unlike the inner engines, each outer engine was gimbaled. That is, each could be swung through an arc. They were gimbaled as a means of steering the rocket, by letting the instrumentation of the rocket correct any deviations of its powered trajectory. The block I required engine gimabling as the only method of guiding and stabilizing the rocket through the lower atmosphere. The upper stages of the Block I rocket reflected the three-stage configuration of the Saturn I vehicle. Like SA-3, the SA-4 flight’s upper stage ejected 113,560 liters (30,000 gallons) of ballast water in the upper atmosphere for "Project Highwater" physics experiment. Release of this vast quantity of water in a near-space environment marked the second purely scientific large-scale experiment. The SA-4 was the last Block I rocket launch."
Date: March 28, 1963
NASA ID: CCAFS-LC34, MSFC-6413722, SAT-4-52, 6413719
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dr-alex-zarifis · 7 months
Report on the cryptoasset ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean, by the University of Cambridge
This report offers a balanced analysis of the opportunities, and challenges, caused by the many moving parts of the cryptoasset ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean. I am happy to have contributed to this as one of the co-authors. I found it particularly interesting how some countries want to lead in the adoption of cryptoassets while others want to be more cautious. The countries that lead believe in their ability to regulate cryptoassets and manage any risks that emerge. They want to have first mover advantage. Other countries do not believe being an early, enthusiastic, adopter is worth the risks, and prefer to wait until the industry and the regulation mature. Both approaches are valid, but in both strategies it is important to follow developments closely. This is where this report can be helpful in gaining insights into this sector’s development, market trends, challenges and opportunities, as well as regulation.
The cryptoasset sector has grown across Latin America and the Caribbean in recent years and this expansion has led to increased employment opportunities. Some cryptoasset firms are now full-service fintech providers. The regulatory views on digital assets have shifted, with around a third of public sector respondents being more positive towards cryptoassets. The private sector participants are also more positive now, and they collaborate more with regulators through innovation hubs and sandboxes. The private sector respondents also see growth opportunities in DeFi services and onboarding corporate clients.
However, there are also challenges to address with the most important one being the lack of regulatory clarity. Public sector respondents believe they need more expertise in cryptoassets.
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Proskalovich R., Jack C., Zarifis A., Serralde D.M., Vershinina P., Naidoo S., Njoki D., Pernice I., Herrera D. & Sarmiento J. (2023) ‘Cryptoasset ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean’, University of Cambridge – Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF). Available from: https://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/faculty-research/centres/alternative-finance/publications/crypotasset-ecosystem-in-latin-america-and-the-caribbean/
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metaverseblock · 2 years
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Here’s how blockchains are helping to advance the global energy grid
The negative environmental impacts of Bitcoin (BTC) mining, the drive to maximize earnings from mining and integrate blockchain technology with the energy grid has also introduced new developments that have the potential to be beneficial in the long term. Historical Bitcoin network power demand from “CCAF”.
无论是利用水力发电厂产生的过剩电力,还是增加风能和太阳能的使用,加密采矿都提供了经济激励,以帮助进一步优化能源效率和发电。区块链行业对能源行业的影响一直是争议的主要来源,但对保持比特币网络安全所需的能源量表示关切。最大化加密采矿利润的第二个附带好处是改善能源基础设施,并更加关注开发可持续的能源生产形式。 #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
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drrafaelcm · 26 days
STF prorroga prazo para conciliação em processo que discute poder de voto da União na Eletrobras
Ministro Nunes Marques, relator da ação, atendeu a pedido da AGU e prorrogou o prazo por mais 90 dias. A pedido da Advocacia-Geral da União (AGU), o ministro Nunes Marques prorrogou por mais 90 dias o prazo dado à Câmara de Conciliação e Arbitragem da Administração Federal (CCAF) para buscar uma solução consensual na demanda proposta ao STF pelo presidente da República, Luiz Inácio Lula da…
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haugaardbendix42 · 4 months
The Rise Of Specialised Mining Tools On Bitcoin
The producer – Innosilicon, retails the gadget with a 121 day payback interval. Being an Ethash algorithm mining tools, it's used to mine Ether. It was released in 2020 and measures 136 x 282 x 360mm by dimensions. Paraguay is a proverbial bit within the general mining bucket, nevertheless. As of September 2021, the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF), placed Paraguay’s hash rate production at 0.15% of the complete Bitcoin mining community. BTCminer is a software program that allows you to min bitcoin effortlessly. It is certainly one of the finest crypto miner software that routinely chooses the frequency having the highest hash rate. Binance is probably certainly one of the greatest bitcoin mining suppliers out within the industry. It is the first bitcoin mining provider that's operating with authorized standing. Some of those blocks are already out there available within the market and can be utilized in your ASIC instantly and some may require development (they are called IP cores). Many are mistakenly pondering that ASICs are a perfect answer for tech companies. In fact, today, any non-tech product could be “smart” if it has a small mind and wi-fi connectivity.
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The concept is that competitors for these fees will cause them to remain low after halving occasions are finished. This reward process continues until there are 21 million bitcoin circulating. Once that quantity is reached, the bitcoin reward is predicted to stop, and Bitcoin miners will be rewarded through charges paid for the work accomplished. Then, the USB hub meeting connects with the mining software program succesful installed on the PC that manages the mining operations of the USB ASIC miner. The software permits you to monitor in real-time the mining performance of the ASIC miner. The producer's website not only supplies detailed info on the miner, but a wonderful tutorial video on getting arrange. https://horizonminers.com/ consists of connecting the device by way of Ethernet and configuring your mining pool settings by way of the M32's web interface. The Whatsminer M32-70 is a well-liked mining gadget, and unlike most of its competition- it’s truly out there and in stock on the time of this writing. However, at a worth of $6200 it's hardly low cost, and the lower product choices are out of inventory at present. These could fall under improvements in power sourcing, monetary planning, or even product diversification. Besides, profitability can range over time as market prices and mining issue fluctuate. To discover out extra clearly how much an ASIC miner makes, you can use an internet calculator, relying on the ASIC board you are interested in. The Jasminer X16-Q is highly effective and has additionally proved profitable in the quick time it has been available on the market. By reading this text you'll discover the benefits and drawbacks of the five most popular ASIC mining machines on the market. ASIC miners have a big benefit over other forms of hardware in terms of cryptocurrency mining. Their effectivity and efficiency are far superior to conventional CPUs and GPUs. ASIC miners are optimized to compute hash features efficiently and rapidly. The Bolonminer B11 is powered by the Samsung 8nm chip, and hashes 77 Th/s at an effectivity of forty two.9 W/Th. It's a strong entry to the bitcoin mining space by newcomer Bolonminer. ASIC miners work by performing the specialized and intensive computational duties required for cryptocurrency mining. ASIC miners are highly specialised and dedicated to solving cryptographic puzzles and sustaining the integrity of blockchain networks. ASIC miners are specialised hardware units that are designed to mine cryptocurrency. Some miners report that producer A1246 PSUs can fail, hash boards can fail, and a few batches hash as a lot as 5 TH/s lower than expected. For hash board failures Canaan will ship a replacement so that miners can set up it themselves to minimize downtime. Also, Canaan supplies miners with up to date firmware to autotune chips with high temperature readings. According to HoneyMiner’s website you could make anyplace between $15-$75 a month assuming you might have at least one graphics card. Keep in mind this does not include the electrical energy value for running HoneyMiner. We warrant the product, its elements and labor to be free from defects in material and workmanship under regular uses outlined in consumer manuals and this Warranty in the course of the guarantee period. Although Scrypt was designed to be ASIC-resistant, ASIC Scrypt miners have been subsequently developed and have since positioned CPU rigs at a aggressive disadvantage. ASIC crypto mining entails using specialised hardware to unravel complex cryptographic algorithms and earn rewards in the form of cryptocurrency. The mining course of works by verifying transactions on the blockchain community and adding them to the ledger. To do this, miners use their ASIC machines to resolve mathematical problems and create a brand new block on the blockchain. Yes, crypto mining can still be worthwhile relying on how it’s accomplished and what crypto you’re mining. The miner is available in the Antminer Distribution Shop for $3,099. However, the client will wait no less than a month to get the gear. As a rule, the payback of an ASIC takes no much less than six months (in case of the cheap electrical energy and a rise in the mined coin rate). If you are a small time miner, you might have to promote your coins on a retail trade like Kraken or Binance. Sometimes your fees are low but typically your fees are excessive - it actually just is dependent upon the fee construction of the exchange and the state of the orderbook at the moment. The more computing energy a machine has, the more options (and therefore, block rewards) a miner is more probably to discover. This publish will discover the most effective mining hardware in the marketplace and the way to purchase them. These are places the place huge warehouses are constructed, and enormous numbers of ASIC miners are hauled inside to mine Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies 24/7. Finding one of the best Bitcoin ASIC miner is tough when you are getting began. In an trade where change is the one fixed, it's hard to keep up with the entire new updates, and make sense the knowledge that exists.
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norupbock59 · 4 months
17 Best Free Bitcoin Mining Apps Crypto Miner Sites 2023
Removing amassed mud not only prolongs lifespan, but in addition keeps performance excessive. Exposing your mining hardware to environments and situations that match these standards will lead to them underperforming, struggling progressive damage, and even breaking down or burning out. The three biggest prices for Bitcoin mining are electricity, community infrastructure, and mining infrastructure. https://horizonminers.com consists of mining systems competing with one another to solve a cryptographic drawback and awards bitcoin.
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It is essential to highlight that some details concerning the miner’s characteristics were not supplied. In contrast to different entries in this class, the Antminer S19 Pro unequivocally emerges as the most economically viable and efficient mining solution obtainable right now. Even compared to its counterpart within the S19 Series, the S19 maintains superior efficiency despite its slightly heavier construct. ASIC miners are designed for one hashing algorithm, which impacts which cryptocurrencies you presumably can mine. For example, Bitcoin is mined via the SHA-256 algorithm and Ethereum is mined through ETHASH. So you'd want an ASIC miner for SHA-256 and a separate rig to mine ETHASH when you wanted to mine each. Miners that handle the Scrypt-based cryptocurrencies embody the most well-liked Antminer L3++ with a hash rate of 596 MG/s (mega hashes per second) or the Innosilicon A4+ with 620 MG/s. In addition, the Innosilicon A6 LTCMaster, with a pace of as much as 1.2 Giga hashes per second (GH/s) is a worthwhile funding, although it could come at the next price. F2Pool is probably considered one of the largest Bitcoin mining pools and it supports round 15% of the complete Bitcoin community. Of course, while profiting on Bitcoin mining isn’t sure, paying taxes on your mining rewards is. BetterHash is a cryptocurrency mining software that allows you to trade for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Grin Coin, ZCash, and so on. The producer – Innosilicon, retails the device with a 121 day payback period. Being an Ethash algorithm mining equipment, it's used to mine Ether. It was launched in 2020 and measures 136 x 282 x 360mm by dimensions. Paraguay is a proverbial bit in the general mining bucket, however. As of September 2021, the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF), placed Paraguay’s hash fee manufacturing at zero.15% of the complete Bitcoin mining community.
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paraparaparadigm · 1 year
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agbpaints · 8 months
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I've had some ideas kicking around for a homebrew variant of the shadowhawk for a while now that I finally decided to put to paper (or I guess in this case Solaris Skunk Werks). My goal was to maintain the SHawk's character within the 55 ton trio (low heat, mid range harrasser with a flexible and balanced mixture of ballistic, energy, and missile weapons) while making it less aggressively mediocre than its succession war era designs thru the use of some lostech.
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As the ashes began to settle following the Blakist Jihad, the Magistracy of Canopus determined they needed a cheaper and more flexible alternative to their fleet of advanced SHD-7Ms. Utilizing light fusion engine and multi-missile launch system technology from the allied Dutchy of Andurian, surplus production spares from the Canopan defense industry's work on the Taurian Brahma heavy mech, and the output of their own 7M line, Majesty Metals & Manufacturing produced three functioning prototypes for a design they called the Shadowhawk XA1. Despite costing 20% less than the model it was intended to compete with, internal politicking between MMM and the Magistracy government eventually sank the project. One of the prototypes was donated to the Magistracy Armed Forces Museum on Canopus IV while another was converted back into a standard 7M. The final prototype was sent to Capellan space for further testing but it vanishes from MMM's and the CCAF's records shortly before it was slated to arrive at the testing range.
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Designed to fill the role of a medium-range skirmishing unit with a degree of inter-mission flexibility, the SHD-XA1 is built on the same endo steel chassis as the 7M. The bulky and fragile Core Tek 275 XL power plant has been downgraded to a more resilient experimental 275 light fusion engine while the 5 jump jets have been retained. 9 tons of armor leaves the pilot moderately well protected, relying on the XA1's speed and cover to protect the mech.
As opposed to the 7M, which saw fit to upgrade the size of the venerable 2H's weapons, the XA1 attempts to beat it in quantity amd accuracy. In the place of the guass rifle, a pair of light class 5 autocannons have been mounted in the left shoulder weapons pod, while an extended range medium laser has been installed in both the center torso and head. A five-tube multi-missile launcher is located in the right torso. All of the mech's direct fire weapons are networked to a targetting computer in the left torso, while all of its ballistic and missile systems draw from a shared 4-ton cellular ammunition stowage bay in the right torso. 10 double heat sinks allow a mechwarrior total freedom to use her weapons as she chooses, and while the torso-mounted weapons load leaves the mech vulnerable to flanking attacks and narrows its effective firing arcs, it does leave the arms free to engage in melee attacks once the mech closes.
The SHD-XA1's lends itself towards acting as a skirmisher or fast response unit that can tailor its exact role thru the use of specialty ammunition. Smoke and inferno missiles allow the mech to provide cover to advance under and anti-infantry/anti-vee capabilities with its MML, while the TC-linked autocannons can be configured to combat heavily armed units, aircraft, or fast moving targets through the use of armor piercing, flak, or precision ammo. The design's thin armor, fair mobility, and moderate range mean that the mechwarrior is advised to maintain distance and speed slightly behind the lime of battle until the enemy is weakened enough for her to close on and dispatch isolated unit.
This was fun to put together! Let me know what you think- should I do more homebrew mech variants?
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mendezpacheco07 · 4 months
Most Trusted Cryptocurrency Mining Ironmongery Shop
Unfortunately, discovering these ASIC mining elements by way of producers may be troublesome. It could be essential to buy specific components from a secondary market or used, disassembleable ASIC machines. Make sure to only buy from reputable distributors and that every one elements have been examined earlier than the ASIC miner is constructed. Here are the strategies for mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with a quick discussion of the ASIC mining process. Connect a SynLink PDU to your mining pool account and your mining rewards will update on the front panel LCD display screen in real time. The manufacturer – Innosilicon, retails the gadget with a 121 day payback interval. Being an Ethash algorithm mining tools, it is used to mine Ether. It was released in 2020 and measures 136 x 282 x 360mm by dimensions. Paraguay is a proverbial bit in the overall mining bucket, nonetheless. As of September 2021, the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF), placed Paraguay’s hash price manufacturing at 0.15% of the complete Bitcoin mining network. For the person miner, the only hope of competing with operations that have access to such low cost electrical energy is to ship your machines to these farms themselves. The producer with the lowest failure price right now could be MicroBT, who make the Whatsminer M20S and other Whatsminer fashions. Most just lately, in May 2020, the third Bitcoin halving reduced the block reward to six.25 BTC. Originally, in 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto set the mining reward at 50 BTC, as properly as encoding the longer term reductions to the reward. Network difficulty is calculated by the quantity of hashrate contributing to the Bitcoin network. Aeternity is an open-source intelligent platform launched in January 2017. It aims to solve the scalability and safety problems that many cryptocurrencies face. As its blockchain has switched to the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, Ethereum can now not be mined. A GPU, or a Graphics Processing Unit, is basically a graphics video card we use for things like watching films or taking half in video games on our computer systems. While technically mining can be carried out on a cell phone, in practice it is not going to yield any results and probably just heat up the phone’s CPU. Powered by the Ethash algorithm, the Jasminer X16-Q delivers spectacular mining performance. High effectivity and a stable hashrate of 1.845Gh/s guarantee optimal productivity. Adhering to beneficial operating situations and sustaining a noise stage of 40 decibels, this miner provides a quiet and efficient mining experience. Based on our experience, one of the best ASIC miner is the Antminer S19 XP. https://horizonminers.com is a strong and environment friendly mining machine designed to optimize your crypto-mining expertise. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency mining, finding the most profitable ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) is essential for miners in search of optimum returns. It can mechanically deposit your earned mined cash to the steadiness. ECOS is likely one of the finest bitcoin mining providers out within the business. It was established in 2017 in the Free Economic Zone.It is the first bitcoin mining supplier that's operating with authorized standing. It can only be obtained from exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase or FTX. This stays a standard concern for every ETH miners as they only have limited time to earn the return on their investment. Get began with 2miners, Ethashpool, IceMining, Mining Dutch, Nanopool, Zergpool, Zpool, or any of the opposite swimming pools. View long-term mining historical past, generate charts and export CSV-data to Excel for even more highly effective data processing and visualization. Use the powerful built-in C# script engine to create custom-made triggers and actions. Even although incentive is the principle intention; Ethereum miners mine ETH to maintain the network secure and extra decentralized. Choose the best performing, most effective and the quickest miner for maximum profits. Use the optimized Antminer firmware to get important hashrate improvements and extra options. The firmware helps display of power utilization, LED flash, sleep mode, and a quantity of predefined hashrate modes. Supports Antminer S9, S9i, S9j, T9+, L3+, L3++, S17, S17 Pro, S17+, T17, T17+, S19 (incl. all variations), T19, L7.
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riversramirez92 · 4 months
Finest Bitcoin Miner In 2021? An Sincere Asic Evaluate
In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of ASIC miners, delving into what they're, how they work, and their advantages over other forms of miners. We’ve also mentioned the key elements to think about when choosing an ASIC miner, including hash fee, energy efficiency, value, longevity, and the manufacturer’s popularity and buyer support. The most typical elements which will require repairs are management boards, power supplies, and mining machines. If you’re contemplating repairing your personal ASIC miner, it’s necessary to understand the precise issue before making an attempt any sort of repair work. Originally supposed as a meme project to assist grow public curiosity in crypto, Dogecoin has taken on a lifetime of its personal and is now a large multi-billion greenback cryptocurrency. Dogecoin has a block time of roughly one minute, ten times sooner than Bitcoin’s, with each block reward equal to 10,000 DOGE. Users can choose to ask for or list any Bitcoin mining hardware they want, be it old or new, but the bulk of Luxor’s RFQ listings are next and new gen rigs from Bitmain and MicroBT. Because Luxor RFQ's listings are person curated, minimal order portions for listings can range from 1 to 1,000. Canaan Creative, recognized merely as Canaan, is a China-based pc hardware producer established in 2013. Canaan is renowned for inventing the world’s first ASIC-powered Bitcoin mining machine, which significantly catalyzed the growth of a complicated Bitcoin mining sector. The device’s compact dimensions of sixteen nm are accompanied by an effectivity score of zero.042 j/Gh, signifying its continued viability as profitable Bitcoin ASIC mining hardware. Enhanced by the presence of four cooling fans, the gadget remains efficiently cooled throughout operation. Depending on native electrical energy charges, one can anticipate day by day earnings of round $2.77, monthly returns of $83.10, and annual positive aspects of $1,011.05 from this device. In essence, ASIC mining entails designing, manufacturing, and utilizing specialized hardware to carry out the particular and computationally intensive task of mining cryptocurrencies. Buy Bitcoin Worldwide receives compensation with respect to its referrals for out-bound crypto exchanges and crypto pockets web sites. Any such recommendation ought to be sought independently of visiting Buy Bitcoin Worldwide. Only a authorized professional can offer legal advice and Buy Bitcoin Worldwide presents no such recommendation with respect to the contents of its website. BuyBitcoinWorldWide writers are subject matter experts and base their articles on firsthand info, like interviews with consultants, whitepapers or authentic studies and experience. We also use trusted research and studies from other well-known sources. In all honesty seasoned miners have little trust for the brand after some severe snafus with their U6 Dash miners in 2019. The U6 was advertised to be probably the most efficient Dash ASIC on the market. Miners obtained excited and positioned pre-orders, however to their dismay deliveries were delayed by several months. Gain additional details , retails the system with a 121 day payback interval. Being an Ethash algorithm mining tools, it's used to mine Ether. It was launched in 2020 and measures 136 x 282 x 360mm by dimensions. Paraguay is a proverbial bit within the total mining bucket, nevertheless. As of September 2021, the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF), positioned Paraguay’s hash price production at 0.15% of the whole Bitcoin mining community. We finish off with some primary troubleshooting tips, and how one can get in contact with a producer or different miners for repairs or for assist. Vincent Zhang, head of gross sales in MicroBT, talked about in the course of the presentation that the prices for the model new products, M30S+ and M30S++, could be $2740 and $3899 per unit, respectively. The M30S++ was out there on the official website for $3,900; nevertheless, all the gadgets have been offered out. This excludes the potential of putting in customized firmware and any manipulation of hardware parameters. For all questions concerning the customization of Bitmain products, together with Antminer S19 pro, you'll have the ability to contact the assist. Cudo Miner cryptocurrency miner lets you earn as much money as possible out of your PC or laptop computer. Now you probably can choose your pool server tackle however be positive to use one that is closest to your mining operations location. The very first thing you will need to do is make sure the facility provide and all connections coming to and from the power provide and miner are tight and safe. Once the connections are safe, then proceed to plug the miner into the 220v outlet. However, with this recent new batch of miners released they currently don’t make the quickest Bitcoin miner. To list the mining pools on this page, we examined each pool’s historical past, security, charges, buyer assist, coins supported and its belief. Our aim is to make it easy to make informed selections about mining pools. Some websites provide mining pools for both Bitcoin and Ethereum miners. You’ll have to examine along with your particular pool if they provide each or solely Bitcoin mining. The dashboard has a slick interface, allowing you to configure mining pools, amend network settings and assume about your pockets. You can also use the settings function to enable ASIC hardware corresponding to an Antminer. Some folks flip to the smaller, less energy-hungry Raspberry Pi to mine for cryptocurrencies in response to this. To get hold of a single Bitcoin, you want to mine for them using specialised hardware, known as an ASIC miner. Cryptocurrency may be a digital entity made out of zeros and ones, however a lot of behind-the-scenes hardware work truly takes place in relation to producing them. Within China, Ebang enjoys a status as a stable ASIC manufacturer.
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blumnorup24 · 4 months
Asic Miners For Ethereum On The Market
For most of Bitcoin's quick historical past, its mining process has remained an energy-intensive one. In the final decade after it was launched, Bitcoin mining was concentrated in China, a country that depends on fossil fuels like coal to produce a majority of its electrical energy. Not surprisingly, Bitcoin mining's astronomical power prices have drawn the eye of climate change activists. Overcurrent circumstances could be detected at the PDU-level, circuit-level, and individual outlet-levels. In general, 20A circuits are beneficial when panel area is not a problem for the quantity of power needed. If we needed to make use of this water wheel to energy an ASIC miner, the wheels must spin at a relentless rotational speed to keep the miner turned on. TechRadar doesn't endorse any specific cryptocurrencies or blockchain-based services and readers mustn't interpret TechRadar content material as funding advice. Then consider (1) all the hardware merchandise around you utilize chips and (2) sure, software may be conquering the world but all the software on the planet is running on chips. Companies are producing extra silicon and extra ASICs might be rolling out to the market every year. On the opposite, many miners report no points with the newer Avalon models and are happy with their funding so far. One evaluation discovered that the A1246 ran within the hash vary said over a 24h interval. The miner was impressed by the A1246’s Kanzhi K210 dual-core 64-bit AI chip in the controller. On prime of that, make certain that your air flow doesn't allow rain or snow to come back inside, like occurred to the unlucky miner within the tweet under. Last but not least, Antminer R4 is nearly as environment friendly as Antminer S9, just a bit more modest. Compared to its elder brother, Antminer R4 is bigger, but a fantastic deal much less noisy with fifty two dB noise level. The growth of the speed, curiosity in mining returns, and the unsuccessful period in the market left many used gadgets in the secondary market. This may be carried out by turning off your machines during storms, just in case, or by putting in surge protectors. You must also energy down your gadgets in steps, against abrupt stops. Lastly, see to that your energy shops aren't loose, scorching, or broken. Further, you should frequently examine for electrical leaks from a miner. If you're receiving shocks from touching your miner or its power supply unit (PSU), it's likely that it isn't correctly grounded which may cause damage to the gadget. ASIC rigs generate lots of heat, so you need to install particular cooling solutions to keep the rigs cool. Keeping your rigs operating at an optimal temperature will lengthen their lifespan. You may even want to offer uninterrupted energy to keep your rigs running 24/7. The producer – Innosilicon, retails the device with a 121 day payback period. Being Look for more insights mining equipment, it's used to mine Ether. It was launched in 2020 and measures 136 x 282 x 360mm by dimensions. Paraguay is a proverbial bit in the general mining bucket, nevertheless. As of September 2021, the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF), placed Paraguay’s hash price manufacturing at zero.15% of the entire Bitcoin mining network. Note that the pool’s region is not relevant to the method, so that you can be a part of a Chinese pool from the US. Also, understand that mining swimming pools are different from cloud mining; as for the former, you have to have a mining rig. In fact, Bitcoin was originally coded to be mined by CPU energy, not GPU. Only later did Bitcoin core builders determine to harness the larger hashing power of GPUs.
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A hashrate enhance of 10% may be expected for Antminer S9, 40% for Antminer S17 and 15% for Antminer S19. The power efficiency is improved by tuning of every particular person ASIC chip. Unlike CPUs, GPU units are optimized to carry out a narrow range of computational tasks. These units can additionally be re-programmed to compute different mathematical operations such as those required to mine new bitcoin. On Jan. three, 2009, pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto mined the primary bitcoin block. As the one miner on the bitcoin network on the time, Nakamoto didn’t want specialised equipment to launch the bitcoin blockchain. In addition to its proficiency in Bitcoin mining, the M32-62T extends its help to 10 other coins. Overall, ASIC mining has performed a vital function in developing the cryptocurrency mining ecosystem, particularly within the early days of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It has pushed the business in the direction of increased efficiency and better performance however has additionally raised concerns about centralization and accessibility. Many also use a VPN and/or TOR for obfuscation, but this will create latency. Slow networks or high latency to the pool connection can cause fluctuations in your hash rate shares, and reduce your every day earnings. You can verify your line speed by pinging the mining pool from the miner’s network diagnostics interface; it ought to be less than 100 milliseconds. Mining difficulty is how a lot work it takes to generate a quantity lower than the target hash. Mining issue modifications each 2,016 blocks or roughly every two weeks. The next difficulty level depends on how efficient miners were in the previous cycle. But the block reward is halved each 210,000 blocks (or roughly each 4 years), so in 2013, the reward amount declined to 25, then 12.5, then 6.25. So, miners wanted to generate a quantity equal to or lower than the above number. It would possibly look easy to randomly guess a number lower than this, but due to the encryption, it is not.
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