#But othertimes he just???? Isn't really a character?????
some-pers0n · 22 days
Never forgiving Valve for giving Engineer the most in-depth and story-relevant backstory, having him be the grandfather of the creator of the life-extender machines, the son of the TFC Engineer, and establishing a key connection between the Conaghers and Elizabeth/Helen/Mann family, only to then relegate him to a supporting character, have him appear for only 10 pages in the main comics, and then never say or do anything
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eulchu · 4 months
rogie 💖💕
it was a little death heavy for a finale like they really wanted to cause some damage before they peaced the fuck out
sometimes charlie is so sweet and normal and then othertimes his reactions and thought processes really reveal the fucked up childhood trauma LIKE OF COURSE BABE WAS FUCKING DEVASTATED YOU PSYCHOPATH but I'm so so happy that they are back together and I need them to be happy forever now
sonic and north, I need the most heart wrenching devastating love confession and then they kiss whilst crying tears of relief because how the fuck has it taken so long and then they refuse to let go of each other even though sonic still tries to fein indifference but no one can take him seriously anymore because he melts everytime he makes eye contact with north
fuck tony, glad he died in a puddle of his own blood and it would have been wrong for anyone else to have killed him other than kenta, my poor sweet boy, he deserves so much love
way did not have to die and I honestly don't want to think about it too much because I'm in denial, also he's an enigma so surely SURELY there's a chance he's not DEAD dead ya know? but two fake deaths might be pushing it also my poor fucking boy babe, that was an extra layer of trauma he just did not need
jeff is pregnant and no one can prove he isn't, jeff and alan deserve each other so bad and bring me peace
winner gets an award for being the most pathetic and least serious villain ever
kenta???????? kenta needs to be adopted into the hunter fam immediately and looked after and loved and cherished and cuddled at this point I don't even care who by, he just needs someone
definitely need a special ep, heavily focused on northsonic and kenta and kim with the happy couples as background characters (and like towards the end it cuts to pete and way living happily in secret without anyone ever finding out way didn't die because apparently that was such an essential plot line)
anyway thank you so fucking much for your review I appreciated it so bad you don't even know and I'm sorry to your followers who do not give a shit about bl dramas but like maybe they should and I am here to support all the demons you have <3
oh my anogie ur my favorite person ever i agree with everything you said And you know what you're right in my mind way is somewhere safe living his best cottagecore life with pete and sometimes babe and charlie go to visit😭😭😭
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loveregrown · 6 months
can you talk about tsumugi's dad and stepdad and their relationships with him and his mom
I wish there was more known about Tsumugi's father and his step-father, but the fact that he doesn't speak of them a lot if at all is awfully telling... their relationship is nonexistent! There are no explicit mentions of Tsumugi's biological father in any story, which leads me to believe he's as absent as his brother is. I never blame Tsumugi's brother for wanting to escape such an environment, considering the fact he had wanted to escape the house since he was a child... it really was bad. Unlike him, Tsumugi was apathetic, but what could he do anyway, being so young?
I doubt his stepfather and stepbrother had an interest in connecting with Tsumugi. Which is a shame, someone could have cared about him aside from his unstable mother who does care for him, in her... unusual, othertimes neglectful and even abuse-prone way. Unlike Tsumugi who takes whatever bad things happen to him, likely conditioned to since childhood she reacts badly, crying or losing her temper. (I even believe Tsumugi was physically abused there is no proof for this other than just picking up on the way he normalized being injured by others and "can't feel pain" etc.) But this isn't about his mother, so I'll leave it at that and continue!
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He is very casual in mentioning the fact he's a child of divorce, just as he is about every bad thing in his life, but the effects the divorce had on him are very obvious. He seems to really value and almost fixate on the idea of having a nuclear family, shown through constant mentions of marriage and projecting that ideal onto switch's dynamic (one-sidedly, I don't believe in nuclear family switch but that's how Tsumugi sees it, where aside from calling himself Sora's papa along with all of the natsume wife stuff.) which is ironic considering the fact that in next door he fears being like his mother towards Sora, where we get a look into his childhood and he elaborates on his neglect (lack of food, love, etc) and how he fears doing that to him which culminates in magic lantern, essentially the Stop Neglecting and Infantilizing and Viewing Sora as Lesser Than event. Even though it was mainly about the fact that Sora shuts himself and his bad feelings away, to not be a burden to switch...
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He refers to himself as other characters' father, namely Sora and Hiyori. It seems like something he really wants. To have a happy, normal family. Tsumugi wants to care for others in contrast to the way he lacked care himself, whether as an older brother despite being the youngest, or as a father-figure. It's notable that both by himself and others, he is referred to as a mother & a father depending on the situation...
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He doesn't even seem opposed to the idea, although it surprises him to have someone think that of him in spite of the nurturing role he actively takes. "Eh, I'll make a good father!? No, it's not that I hate the idea. Fufu, I'm a father, am I~ It seems I've come to think of the children here as my own children."
In Japan, it's really rare for parents to divorce. Divorce rates currently are the highest they've ever been among older couples, but when Tsumugi's parents got divorced it is unlikely that was the case, likely due to societal pressure... I think it says a lot about Tsumugi's parents. (While there no longer seems to be a stigma suppressing their divorce rate, lawyers say that Japanese divorce law is relatively strict compared to that of other countries, too...)
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When he says that his family is laissez faire, he means all of his family. He's overlooked by all of them, including his father(s). After the divorce, there isn't much mentions of his birth father at all, which makes me wonder if they even have contact. Tsumugi says that his parents divorced on good terms!—which is a little hard to believe because his standards for good terms is low, so who even knows.
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Tsumugi says he gets along with his parents, but considering the fact he tries hard to not be a problem and is neglected by both of them. Of course he'd "get along" with them. He thinks that even relationships that involve physical pain like his friendship with Shu are "getting along well". His standards are really low, and they definitely stem from his relationship with his parents growing up, with Natsume saying that he is the way he is due to not getting enough love as a child in the last mam event.
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At the end of element, it's about his mother—she was the one in debt after all. But when he meets Natsume, it's in plural. (My parents also like "that kind" of stuff... long ago, they were deceived by some suspicious new religious cult.) He implied the dance school was a business venture for both of them, although his mother was the one in charge and the one who was friends with Natsume's mother. I'm lead to believe both of Tsumugi's parents were mentally ill or at least enabled each other. The first time both of them had fallen victim to a cult (which honestly was probably the shinkai cult but lets not talk about that right now), but the second time it was only his mother and that personal bankruptcy she caused is what lead to their divorce. Maybe he wanted out and that's what lead to him being a deadbeat like this.
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(tl: insectwmn) judging by what's said here, it sounds the experience Natsume is implying is less the fact he looked after children as a child to help with his mother's school, but rather that his parents must've argued in front of him a lot. In spite of their "laissez faire" behaviour towards him, it seems they were argumentative and even Tsumugi knows that this isn't good for a child's mind, definitely wasn't for his. Natsume was really on his ass during this event regarding the lack of love during his childhood (ノ_<。)
I wonder if their divorce was a case of not thinking they were good for each other, Tsumugi's father not being able to stand it anymore, or him not wanting to deal with the debt she'd put her family in..?
Thank you for the ask! In !! Era, Tsumugi seems to be learning to acknowledge the fact that his parents' treatment of him was not okay, and that it actually did damage him, after all... little by little. Something is better than nothing. Sorry if none of this answer was an interesting or very introspective read, it is 4 in the morning 🥹🫠 I might have more speculation on what his parents were like together and how it affected his mother in the morrow. I will say I don't think it was any good for them at all... and Tsumugi got the worst of it with no consideration for how much it'd affect his child psyche.
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angelwritess · 1 year
Writing Revenge...
Revenge is Complicated
Revenge as a motivation appears so often in fiction and is represented in a number of different ways. Sometimes it's the catalyst that starts the hero's journey but is swapped out for a 'greater good' sort of motive (think Spider-man or Batman), othertimes it's their whole motivation and the story ends with revenge being enacted. Sometimes justice and revenge are one in the same, other times they're contradictory ideals. Sometimes it involves murder (like in a sci-fi or fantasy setting) or it's bringing down an organisation who wronged the MC.
Revenge is Oddly Subjective
Ultimately, the way a writer portrays revenge tends to be grounded in the story's 'sense of morality'. Within the story itself, it's important to illustrate whether or not revenge is what our MC/MCs need. For example, let's take Punisher and Daredevil from Marvel's Netflix TV shows. In both shows, Punisher kills his enemies. But whether or not this is presented as wrong differs in each show because in one show, the MC is presented as someone who shouldn't kill whilst in the other, the MC can kill if need be. Each story carries it's own established moral rules and codes - if the MC in Daredevil killed someone, it would break those rules and the audience expects some sort of major development because of it. Your revenge plot and the way it ends and is presented should stay consistent with the moral rules established. Of course, the rules can change as the story progresses - a character's revenge may start as righteous, but develop into an unhealthy, destructive obsession they need to pull themselves out of.
Revenge as a Bad Thing
This seems to be the common route I see a lot. "This isn't you," "Would your [insert dead loved one] really want this?" "You're destroying yourself!" Some say its patronising, but I'll argue it can be great if done well. I'd recommend focusing on the following:
Revenge as an unhealthy obsession
Destruction of existing personal relationships that were previously healthy
Self-Destructive, Reckless behaviour
Negligence of one's own health
Doing things that would have been previously OOC / previous personality traits taken to the negative extreme
I.e. skeptical and cautious -> not trusting anyone and doubting everyone's intentions
There will be no satisfaction in taking revenge (more bad done than good)
Emphasise the fact that revenge has caused a negative change in the character's mental, physical or emotional state.
Revenge as a Good Thing
This one is less common but honestly I find it far more fun. Why forgive the person who killed your family or your pet or your town? Why just put them in prison? It can be absolutely satisfying if done right. I'd recommend focusing on:
Satisfactory elements of taking revenge
The bad deeds of the one who deserves it and a suitable punishment (maybe don't kill the guy who tripped you up one time)
Showcase how the character is not suffering as a consequence of seeking revenge or how they manage themselves through potential struggles
Revenge may be the only way for the MC to move on or is the only option left at this point in the story
Allow other characters to sympathise with the character and motive for revenge
Avoid presenting revenge as morally dubious or wrong, focus not on the specific morality of the revenge but the path to accomplishing it
REMEMBER that revenge is not causing an overall negative change in the character
Revenge is Bad: Roy Mustang from FMA:B
Interestingly, saying the show presents Mustang's desire for revenge as bad is misleading. Mustang's motivation for four seasons has been avenging his best friend by killing their killer (Envy, a homunculus). When he finally finds Envy, there's a huge amount of emphasis put on how Mustang KNOWS killing Envy won't bring his friend back but he doesn't care. The show has a theme of hatred and its corrupting effects, and although the characters acknowledge that Envy has to die, Mustang can't be the one to kill them, unless he wants to become the very thing he hates - an embodiment of hate. It takes the MC, a former villain and his right-hand to convince him to stop. Mustang calms down and doesn't deliver the final blow, and Envy subsequently kills themselves.
Revenge is Good: Vincenzo Cassano from Vincenzo
At the start of the show, the company known as Babel is responsible for the death of a close friend of Vincenzo's and he (and the daughter of that friend) plan to bring the company down, but he promises the daughter to not kill anyone. However, things change once Babel kills Vincenzo's sick mother, at which point the former Mafia Consigliere goes out of his way to plan and execute the most painful and humiliating death for those in charge of Babel. Vincenzo isn't condemned for his actions and both the characters and audience find Vincenzo's actions justified as the show highlights the bad deeds of Babel and how the law will never be enough to stop them. Killing them feels like both the only real and satisfactory way to stop them.
Revenge can change: Yoon Jiwoo from My Name
Jiwoo's father, a gangster, is killed at her doorstep and she seeks out her father's killer by joining his old gang and infiltrating the police. She is determined to kill her father's killer, and whilst the show does present her initial conflicts after killing someone who got in her way, she eventually steels herself. It's revealed that it was actually the gang's leader, her mentor, that killed her father and then she's out for blood. But her love interest, Pildo, convinces her to instead confess everything to the police and allow them to take him in. But then the leader kills Pildo, and Jiwoo decides enough is enough and finally kills him, triumphantly honoring her father and Pildo at a cemetery as the show ends. The show goes from showing revenge as grey, to condemning revenge via murder, to seemingly portraying revenge as the only thing that can bring satisfaction and happiness to Jiwoo.
Ending Thoughts
Your audience will still normally want to see justice be served - just because your MC may give up on killing the target of their revenge or exposing their deep dark secret to the world doesn't mean justice still can't be achieved. Maybe the target ends up in prison, maybe the MC focuses on building themselves up rather than tearing someone down. Regardless of whether or not the conclusion in your story is "revenge good/bad", it's still worth giving your characters and the audience some form of satisfying conclusion.
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