#But I've been thinking about the Green lantern animated serie (how good it was) and the manhunters and the guardiens
sunnyscript · 1 year
Parallax feels for y'all
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monkey-network · 2 years
Good Stuff: Batwheels
or How to Stop Worrying and Ride with the Punchline
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I remember watching the surprisingly kino Teen Titans GO! movie and getting to the scene where they have the trailers for Alfred Pennyworth and then the Batmobile. I of course snickered poshly and then continued watching the film. It was the year after when they premiered an Alfred series set in the Gotham TV universe and I went "Cool." I didn't care for either so I chuckled robotically and moved on. Then in 2020, they announced a Batmobile kids cartoon and the joke stopped being funny. First, the world descends into madness faster, and now we were getting BATWHEELS?! COMING VROOM?!?!?! Felt like I became the joke because I had to know what it would be like. So it's the current year and this was finally released on Cartoonito. What do I think of it? It's actually pretty fire.
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Didn't think we'd get two nickels worth of good cars content this year
To preface, yeah this is more for preschoolers but thankfully it's more family-friendly since it's just entertaining you with crime-fighting adventures. I say it's like a Hot Wheels show that has the vibes of Batman: Brave and the Bold. It works like it feels stupid at first but they run with it; it's like 60s Batman or the Lego Batman Movie where things can get serious but it doesn't have to be serious. It's best to watch the first episode to get the origin story which explains how the cars become sentient. Otherwise, the titular Batwheels work like the Batfamily and it's an enjoyable romp about teamwork, leadership, and getting tricky. Speaking of which...
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This series looks amazing like hell yes Neon Gotham
The coloring, character designs, and animation of this are phenomenal. I love the use of 2D particle effects and how the vehicles are able to be expressive. We don't reach Pixar levels of uncanny but aren't just static either. Some goofy ass nerd'll go "Oh, this is just to sell toys" and I'd honestly say "Fuck yeah" because the human and vehicle characters look on point. If you're gonna sell a product, make it worth the purchase. I don't know if this'll go beyond a couple seasons unless they expand the roster but I can see kids loving the look of all this. My only issue... is Joker. He looks zoomerfied, dressed like a bedazzled goober, and is the worse looking out of everyone.
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This ain't Joker bro, this is The Jickler #NoJoke
I like how this is both about the vehicles finding their place as heroes and the human heroes you know doing their job. We get a surprisingly diverse cast like it's the first time seeing Duke Thomas Robin on screen. Ethan Hawke works well as Bats, though he's not Will Arnett I'm sorry. The show's probably limiting since it's about cars, but they knew better than to just make this Batman™ except everyone's a car for some reason. The cars don't upstage the heroes and villains, it manages to be a great introduction to the Batman universe. I dunno, something goofy like this surprises me in being a competent, fun-loving action cartoon that makes me forget the turmoil I've been having lately about superhero content. Just saying, the last time I said the word "capeshit", ten angels cried and this series is like the fresh air I needed since Peacemaker.
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Takes me back to the Bat Credit Card days anew
This and Hamster & Gretel do good in being superhero shows that work more than expected. I admittedly am tired of Batman being everywhere like when will Green Lantern have his turn again? At the same time, this is cooler than I figured. If you told me in 3rd grade we were gonna have a Batmobile cartoon, I would laugh in your face. If you told me this before 2020 happened, I would still laugh. Now that we're here... I have to kneel. I was gonna point this a 7 or 8 out of 10 cuz you know it's a simple, fun time; good for Saturday mornings. You know what though? For actually sticking the landing and proving me as a naysayer wrong...
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9 out of 10; A Motorized Marvel
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evilpixiea · 7 years
Hi! I just finished reading the fourth part of your omegaverse series on ao3. It was soooooo good. Your characterizations are really realistic and I love the way you write. I've never been into the DCU fandom before, but after reading your fic, I've been sucked in! I'm not really sure where to start because there's so much. Could you possibly point me in a direction?
You have a few options.
First… comics.
If you’re looking for Batman a good beginner-friendly place to start would be Scott Snyder’s work on the New 52. It starts with Batman: The Court of Owls and continues with some other really good stories after that. You can buy it in trade paperback from any good comic book store or online. Also in the New 52 and by Scott Snyder is Superman: Unchained which is, likewise, a good comic for people just getting to know the universe and the characters.
In fact, while there is a lot of criticism of the New 52 one thing it did do well was make the universe accessible to new readers. I would also recommend Geoff John’s Aquaman and Brian Azzarello’s Wonder Woman (if you’re a fan of Greek Myth) from the New 52. Green Lantern was also amazing but might not be a great place for beginners.
A lot of Superbat fans started shipping with the Superman/Batman series by Jeph Loeb which I personally am not hugely into but because so many people in this fandom are I would still recommend it.
Stepping back a bit I also enjoyed the 90s Nightwing Series by Chuck Dixon and back even further the New Teen Titans by Marv Wolfman is absolute gold once you get over the way comics were written in the 80s.
There are a lot better comics than that but I am trying to think of stuff which inspired my writing which would be good for someone starting out.
If, though, you would rather not do comics there are other options.
Like the animated series and movies.
This is probably a good way to jump into the bat family as they have some simplified versions of famous bat stories. The best in my opinion is Batman: Under the Red Hood.
There is also a whole chain of movies with Bruce and Damian. I personally am on the fence about them as they are VERY simplified but they’re actually a pretty good place to start if you’re a bit confused as to how Damian fits into everything.
If you’re getting bored of movies and want something longer then the Justice League Animated Series is the place to be. That for me was really where I fell in love with the universe ad with Clark and Bruce. Yes, it’s a kid’s show, but I would highly recommend. It is also a really good place just to get to know other members of the DCU. The series eventually evolves into Justice League Unlimited which has a really diverse cast of characters… but it starts slow with just seven iconic heroes.
Finally you can always just read more fanfic.
Here are some of my favourite DC fanfic writers:
Plus there are heaps of others out there that I either can’t remember, can’t find, or haven’t discovered. If you hunt around I am sure you’ll be able to find some cool rec lists to hit up.
Otherwise, I am really glad you liked my work and thanks so much for leaving such a lovely message. It’s always a treat to come back from work to see another pair of thumb up aimed in my direction.
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